Avatar of Krasnaya


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current Kinkshaming is my kink.
26 days ago
Saying straight up that apology means nothing until something changes feels kinda fierce, but I will quickly turn around and feel like I'm being mean or awful for setting up boundaries lol.
1 like
26 days ago
As a people pleaser and person with anxious attachment issues, it feels both relieving and awful to not accept someone's apology when they messed up the second time around with the same issue.
1 mo ago
Keep biting my tongue a lot lately because anger has been really hounding me. Don't want to start a fight, I want to be left alone, I have nothing good to say, but I want to vent so bad. Bad bad time.
2 mos ago
You know that feeling when you've been denying your mental health decline all along and trying to moveitmoveit and then you just one day crumble unexpectedly and you can't moveitmoveit anymore?


I would die for this man.

Advanced multi-para to adjustable writing. A fan of drama, action and detailed scenes in general. Very flexible when it comes to settings, slice of life is probably my weakest point due to the lack of interesting elements, but the only interesting slice of life roleplay I have had involved crime and a complicated relationship between a war veteran and his much younger romantic interest. I love psychologically challenging characters and situations.

The quality of my writing will reflect against my own partner - you will be my inspiration, as well as a demotivator. And please, communicate with me if we're writing. Please. I need to establish a writing chemistry with you in order for us to make some quality content.

But personally, I write a lot. Everything is labeled "mature" because I'm an adult who enjoys writing and reading nasty and messy stuff. What comes to your mind when you read those two words is entirely up to you, but you might not be wrong, but there could be a whole lot more than you can imagine!

Aside from that, I'm a sucker for world-building and character development. Slow burn is the shit I'm here for. Just add some dark subjects to the plot, and I'm all about it.

Roleplay rating (Sex, violence, profanity): 5/5/5

Most Recent Posts

changed some stuff, I'm getting new ideas.
Short, sweet and to the point

The whole point of this thread is to make all of my requests non-lengthy and straight to the point. Which means everything is very barebones, barely any foundation set. This is meant for me and my potential partner to exchange ideas from scratch. I may have one or two specific demands, but nothing more.

Me and my standards

Basically everything I offer is what I expect in turn.
  • Writing style: Multi-para to novella length, descriptive, 3rd person, open to playing multiple characters
  • Characters: My mains are females, but I play side characters of many other genders. I am looking for main male characters to play against, your gender as a writer matters not to me
  • Preferences in writing: Immersion, focus on emotional aspects, I want to cry as I write because of how attached I get, great characters
  • Adult content: Yes this is a 3/3/3 rating, this also includes difficult themes
  • Specific limits: Nothing having to do with descriptive SA/rape, having characters go through it is fine, but going into details is a big no-no for me. I will not have main characters be below the age of 18. I am also not interested in writing with people who are below the age of 21, just my personal preference considering that adult content may be at play.

Dragon Age

I will not go into any detail or demands regarding the Dragon Age wants that I have, but there are few specifics!

One is that I want to base our roleplays on the three games and the events from the games. I am nostalgic about the games and want to relive them somehow.

Two, we can easily have an entire trilogy that we can write with a little number of main characters that can die (like the Warden) to impact the story as we go, or we can just pick one of three game storylines and stick to them.

Three, I don't mind keeping the canon characters or just making an entirely new set of characters for us, I am fine with either.

Four, I would love to have a romancable big Qunari man.

As for everything else, it's up for discussion and I'm open to it! If you want to know what ideas I have about merging stories from the games together in a big, cohesive story, poke me and I'll bombard you with ideas!

Vampire the Masquerade (bloodlines)

Like I have mentioned in the Dragon Age segment, I won't go into any detail, I will just share what I'm looking for.

I am always and forever nostalgic for the Bloodlines game and will forever search for the perfect partner to have a roleplay that is dripping with the vibes and atmosphere of the game, whether or not we play into the plot of the game or not. I love the darkness and brutality of the kindred existence, I love the goth/punk aesthetic and I love everything that the game represented. If you check all the categories of what the Bloodlines game was and you want to have a roleplay in that scene, message me, I will be delighted to discuss it with you!

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Follows the arc of the CC story, just with my character replacing Zack. We can have original characters replace the canon ones, as it doesn't matter much to me. Highly would prefer that your main character that is romancable is akin to Angeal as much as possible, you have no clue how much I love that man and I will forever seek him out in this setting because that thirst was never quenched!

SMT Nocturne spinoff (rated R)

It follows the theme of Nocturne, just not with high-schoolers, it can be either college students or something similar. My character follows the story of the protagonist and she ends up being turned into a demon. However, she had been turned into a succubus, which is why I stated in the title that this is rated R. She is going to mainly deal with other demons of all shapes and sizes, personalities and interests, but her main power is, well you guessed it, sex. As a succubus she persuades demons through seduction and more explicit means, but one of her major powers is that she can steal some powers from demons she has intercourse with. Basically this is for the people who really like to play weird non-human characters with smut in it. I don't care with what kind of abomination you come up with, I'll be down, the more inhuman, the better.

If anything suits your interest, just send me a DM, if you comment here, it's very likely that I will not see. Just message me and we can start the brainstorming!
making a little comeback and trying it out
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