Avatar of MK Blitzen
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 74 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MK Blitzen 3 yrs ago


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Hey, hi, I'm MK, and I'm a roleplayer so, this looks like the right place! I love to GM, kick plots around and talk character concepts. I'm a collaborative writer at heart, and I like a lot of different genres. I'm into Sci-Fi to Supernatural, Avengers to Apocalypse, Wizards to Westerns, Zombies to Zootopia. Not really Zootopia. I panicked and needed something that started with a Z for alliteration. Nothing against Zootopia - I'm more an Emperor's New Groove sort. Cyberpunk is up there too. I'm a gamer - a PC Gamer, we're like the vegans of the gaming world. I quote movies. I binge Netflix. I hang out with my dog. I have a lot of different interests, but I'm not afraid to do research - I'll gladly write anywhere with engaging characters and plotlines.

Most Recent Posts

Ready Or Not Part 4

Lunar Veil | Cargo Bay


Vas and Serena are training in the Cargo Bay. Vas is worked up and on edge and Serena works to sus out why.

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen

Serena scrunched up her face. “Can we still go to the solstice fair?”

"If you survive? Sure. If not, I'll buy a candied apple in your honor." Vas said dryly.

Serena frowned. “Can’t you just say I’m not ready yet? Then we go to the fair and both get candy apples?”

"That would be a lie now wouldn't it." He said with a wry smile.

“A little one that would mean me and you get to ride the Ferris wheel.” She tried.

"It's not a little lie. You have worked hard Serena. You trained hard. You'll make it through and after we'll have candied apples and Ferris wheel rides and even dance at the maypole. Well … you can dance at the maypole. I'll just watch." Vas chuckled. "I'll fret the whole time cuz that's what Onii's do and you'll keep reminding me that you're ready for this."

Serena looped both hands around his waist and pulled him into a hug. “Don’t fret onii. I’m going to be focused like a tick on a hound dog, I won’t let you down, honest.”

"I know," Vas said with a heavy sigh. Serena might be ready for this but he wasn't so sure if he was. "Let's get some practice in …" Vas said tugging on a pigtail again.

“With this knife?” Serena giggled, holding the wooden knife she boosted when she hugged him.

"Ha-ha ya little thief." He said failing miserably at not looking absolutely amused. "I was thinking of something a bit more shiny." Vas said, eyeing the genuine knives.

“Really?” Serena asked, bouncing on her toes. “Okay! I get first pick!”

"Go go … take your pick, it's time you get used to the weight." Vas chuckled.

“Can’t go solo with just a piece of wood!” She giggled in response.

"Hey, don't shortchange the piece of wood." Vas laughed, feeling a bit better.

“Use what you find in your surroundings,” Serena parroted. “Anything can be a weapon if you wield it right.”

"Exactly," Vas said, pausing for a moment. "Hey, I just wanna tell you something now no one told me on my first go. You're better than you think you are. I know it feels like I'm always tossing you around but that's just cuz I had more time than you. You're not the same as when you started, okay? You have your mask on your the scary one and if they ain't scared you make them scared, got it?" He said firmly.

Ready Or Not Part 2

Lunar Veil | Cargo Bay


Vas and Serena are training in the Cargo Bay. Vas is work up and edge and Serena works to sus out why.

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen

Serena grabbed Vas's wrist. He was looking past her and made a disgusted noise. "Ugh what is he doing here I thought you showed him to his room."

Serena turned quickly to check behind her. Maybe he needed something! Maybe he wanted to see her! “Did you… “ She started.

Serena saw the world spin and landed on the flat of her back Vas's wooden knife skimmed across her throat. "Distracted." He said clearly in a mood for some reason.

Serena yelped from the shock, cut off midway by the wind being knocked from her lungs. “That wasn’t fair,“ she choked, trying to regain her breath, but her cheeks still flushed red from the embarrassment that he was right.

Vas narrowed his eyes as he lifted Serena up by her shirt. "Fair? You want fair?" Vas hissed.

Serena squeaked, shocked and surprised at the turn in her brother. Vas usually had seemingly infinite patience with training, this wasn’t like him at all! “Onii, Stop!” she cried, her eyes wide. She tapped his hand, the universal 'I give' sign. “Okay, okay, you were right, I wasn't focusing!”

It didn't seem to soothe him much but he seemed more aware of his temper flaring as he dropped her. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking to be right or wrong. That wasn't the point. I know how you are and I need you ready. Now. I need you ready now."

“What?” she asked warily, straightening her shirt. There was never any big rush before. “This - this isn’t like you, something's up, what’s wrong? Talk to me.”

Vas tried to unclench his jaw giving a heavy sigh. "I said you were ready." He said.

“Ready?” She asked, this time looking confused. She took a moment to wrack her brain, but nothing sprang to mind. Her top lip curled slightly. “Ready for what?”

"I said you were at a point where you needed field training. Real field training. It was the only way you would get better. So … they gave me the heads up that they are putting you on a mission with me on New Kashmir." Vas explained. "While it might be a milk run any other day for me, even a milk run can turn sour. So yea … I'm on edge to make sure your head is more than in the game." He explained. "It's a shake-out mission."

“We’ve been out on missions in the field before, Silly Goose!” she reminded him, a relaxed smile returning to her face. “I’m plenty ready.”

"I misspoke, it's more like … your … mission," Vas said slowly. "And it's more like they're putting me on a mission with you."

Six of one, half dozen of the other. “So? Same thing, I mean, you’ll be there,” Serena said, not grasping the full scope of what he was saying. “Right?”

"As backup … and in your case possibly clean up." The punk said pacing.

A Favor Part 2

Lunar Veil | Cockpit


Fox calls in a favor from Jago.

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen

"And here I thought you liked me." Jago snorted. "Now you are cashing in to have me babysit your pet afghan, I feel like this is some sorta payback."

“Trust me, you’ll be thanking me, eventually. Look, it’s just temporary until I can get his name cleared on Silverhold. And it ain’t like you’re overstaffed as it is."

Jago gave a dismissive wave. "Chip cashed in … he can linger about till he leaves, screws up bad or one of the crew gets the mind to kill him in his sleep."

“I’m gonna trust you and your crew not to let that happen. Besides, he’s a friend of my other kids, and that should keep the boy and pigtails happy enough.” Fox tried as a last-ditch effort.

"They'll play nice. Pigtails is doing that thing girls do when there is a new guy on the ship and you know how her worse half is. He'll gripe and glare but he'll get over it … eventually." Jago shrugged.

The Fox couldn’t help but chuckle. “Like a tiger, waiting to pounce. Means a lot to me, Deckard. I’ll keep you posted on where we are on Silverhold.”

"Good luck with that. I'll keep your boy in one piece." Jago assured Ted.

“Appreciate it. I’m sure he’ll make himself useful.” Fox looked at all the little icons on the screen, waving his hand dismissively. “

Jago laughed. "Yea yea, talk to you later." He said, hanging up the wave with a heavy sigh.

Looped In Part 3

Lunar Veil | Kinneas’s Bunk


Cyd Skye and Fox give there friend a call letting him know this wasn’t a random encounter.

OOC: JP between @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

Cyd flipped the switch back over when she saw Fox’s light change over. She took a moment to make sure her hair was in place, and that her eyeliner wasn’t smudged. Granted, Kinneas had a good ten years on her, a fact that he reminded her practically every time they worked together, but, she rationalized,

The momentary crease to Kinneas’ brow faded once more when Cyd reappeared on the screen. He lifted an accusatory brow, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he studied the screen. “So I owe this surprise stretch in the black to you and the boys.”

“Interpol’s been eyeing you for a bit,” Cyd admitted. “This, Kinney they’d have buried you under a cell. I tried to reach you…. But… are we still cool?” She asked tentatively. It was a huge invasion, she wouldn’t have blamed him if he was angry, but truth be told, the aqua-haired hacker would a thousand times rather him be angry than locked up.

“This is better than a cell.” Kinneas looked around the basically empty bunk. “Want to tell me how you managed to get Fox to call in this… colorful crew of misfits to capture me?”

Cyd pursed her lips and passed the lollipop from one side of her cheek to the other. He was going to find out, and it might as well come from her. “Fox sent them in after Barnet. Mulligan was offering a substantial finder's fee for the man, and Fox knew the Veil was close enough to take the job. And it was Silverhold, bruv, you and Silverhold are like Isaac and his head getting stuck in something. They go hand in hand. So I dug a little, and I saw they were building a case,” she shrugged. “I called the only person I could think of.”

"Uh huh…" Kinneas didn't disbelieve her, but it seemed to him a few details were being left out. Still, he didn't press. "I'm flattered your investigative spirit took interest. Lucky, too, since prison wouldn't exactly agree with me."

He was grinning, ever one to be flippant about serious matters. Though, he wasn't about to shirk an opportunity to learn about his new potential crew. "What do you know about these folk, anyway? Might as well get comfortable with the idea of sticking around them."

“They’re good people, “ she admitted. “Known them for some time, Vas the longest. It’ll take him a bit to warm up, but you won’t find anyone more loyal, once you get past the whole… sullen… glare kind of thing. Jago - he’s a straight shooter. If you’re looking for someone to tiptoe around your feelings, Jago isn’t it. The doc’s stitched up me and the boys more than once. Tim is Tim, good people good heart. And Serena - she’s a kitten off the track. She and Isaac are like two of a kind. I mean, as far as crews go? I can tell you first hand, there are worse out there, haven’t seen any better.”

“Well, it sounds like a ringing endorsement.” The grin that had slipped away only as he listened grew back. He stretched and leaned back against the wall the bed he sat on was bolted to, relaxing and obviously considering what she’d said. He flashed a grin again though, easily. “Cyd certified works for me. Hope you’ve spun me up just as nicely for them. Might need the good word.”

Looped In Part 1

Lunar Veil | Kinneas’s Bunk


Cyd Skye and Fox give there friend a call letting him know this wasn’t a random encounter.

OOC: JP between @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

“Patching through now,” Cyd promised the fox, sending a wave Kinneas’ PREN device.

Kinneas lifted his arm from his eyes and looked over at the device as it alerted him. There wasn't anyone left he'd planned on speaking to, but he picked it up, all the same, to see who was waving him.

Cyd’s smile brightened seeing her old friend, and subconsciously she checked her image at the bottom of the screen, just to make sure nothing was out of place. “Aweh, Kinney!” She said.

The bland expression he'd been wearing lit at seeing Cyd. "Hey, girlie. Wasn't expecting you. Nice timing, as always."

“That’s usually my line to you if memory of St. Albans serves me right. Perfectly timed shot saved me and my bruvs from possibly a long stretch in a lock-up.” She reminded him. “Fox wanted a word, but stay on after, oweh? We’ll catch up.”

"That, and a near desperate need to get out of the cold - but, we'll talk about that after." He winked, giving the go-ahead to connect the fixer.

Cyd tapped a few keys and waved before the grizzled face of Theodore Fox appeared on the screen.

“Now?” He asked, no one in particular. “He tapped the screen with a well-calloused finger. “Is this ruttin’ muted?”

"No, getting you loud and clear," Kinneas said as he turned down the volume. "How's things? Been a while. You're looking spry."

“Spry?” He chuffed. “That’s what you say to an old man, not one who signs a lot of your checks, sonny.” There was a smile that you could hear in his voice and crinkled the sides of his eyes when he spoke.

Kinneas made a mental note not to use that word around the captain given how the comment on age got death silence from the others, innocent as it was. Still, he continued on with the natural finesse of flowery sarcasm. "I meant, vibrant and green. Full of youth. Should I just get the shovel and dig my own hole?"

“You seem to be doing that well enough in that department,” Fox said with the raise of a gray eyebrow.

"Isn't that the truth?" Kinneas sighed as he finally moved to sit up, becoming more poised and sincere. "What do I owe the pleasure of seeing your visage, Fox? Got a job for me?"

“Plenty of ‘em if you’re open to it,” Fox offered.

"You know me … pays well and fits my loose moral code, I usually am." Kinneas exhaled. "But, can't say it isn't a little strange to get a wave with such opportunity after I made Interpol's radar."

“That’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about,” the older man said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You stepped in some la shi knee-deep, looks like, and this ain’t the sort of thing that’s just gonna get swept under a rug. I’ve been trying to make heads or tails of it. Your best bet is layin’ low for a while, but I think we may have a solution, temporary, of course."

Merc’s Of The Not Round Table Part 5

Lunar Veil | Galley


Kinneas meets the crew. Wish him luck!

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

Kinneas lifted a brow, realizing he'd touched a nerve given the silence, but still smiled. Amused. "Must be the poor scrambled brain, but I think I'll pass on getting arrested if it's all the same to you."

"Hmm-hmm." Jago said, chewing his own apple. "Suddenly see the difference now huh."

"Yeah, we'll be prudent and say so," Kinneas said, entirely facetious.

"Good," Jago said agreeably. "In the meantime, you can think on where you wanna step off, so long as it ain't out of our way it matters none to me."

“New Kasmir,” Serena offered in a whisper, peeking out from behind her brother. “The Summer Solstice fair is coming up.”

“New Kasmir is as good a place as any,” Kinneas said and took another bite of his apple. He’d actually eat the thing now, as the reality of his situation settled with his words. Not being able to go back to Silverhold without the feds on him meant no job prospects, which meant no money. He’d have to find a new haunt and the Kalidasa system was as he said - as good a place as any.

"Shiney. Make yourself comfortable, pick a room and we'll be there before you know it." Jago offered.

“Pick a room? I didn’t see a passenger attachment like other Fireflys I’ve been on. You’re saying I get to choose who I share a room with?” He asked, eyebrow arching, a faint tickling at the back of his mind lost in all the earlier Serena chatter. Hadn’t she mentioned something about this? Maybe his concussion really was worse than he thought.

"No, we don't have passenger dorms, just crew quarters find an empty one and use that," Vas said slowly. "Right there…" He pointed with a thumb.

Kinneas looked around the table at the four of the crew and mentally counted the doctor on the roster, leaning back against his chair. “Can’t you just tell me which one is open? Or are you just going to enjoy me trying to find out for myself?”

Vas gave a wry smile flashing a look to the Jago who just shrugged.

"Imōto. Watashitachi no gesuto wa, teichō ni kare ni tsuā o teikyō shi, kare ga heya o mitsukeru no o tetsudau tame ni tewonigiru hitsuyō ga arimasu. (Sister. Our guest needs handholding respectfully give him a tour and help him find a room.)" Vas said to Serena. "Sonogo, renshū no tame ni kamotsu-shitsu ni kite kudasai. (Then come to the cargo bay for practice.) Mingbai?(understood)"

“Mingbai,” Serena replied. “C’mon, Kinneas, I’ll show you to an open room. I think Tim made one up.” She ticked her head for him to follow.

Merc’s Of The Not Round Table Part 2

Lunar Veil | Galley


Kinneas meets the crew. Wish him luck!

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

As he watched, he wasn’t panged by some sort of outsider feeling or touched by endearment, however. He was cataloging. Putting together the pieces he’d gathered, Tim being the newest one now attached to a visual. The crew consisted of a captain, pilot, doctor, and two kids. Maybe an engineer that hadn’t been present, so five maybe six. Serena had taught him not to discredit size, because he was pretty certain she had hit him over the head with something. Not that he was planning on confrontation… but this was just too weird not to be ready for something.

So far, that something had been jokes at his dispense about his hair and… religion? Still hadn’t figured that one out. But, he wouldn’t be found lurking if the doctor made her way up after finishing cleaning the aftermath of Hurricane Serena. They’d basically been acting like his presence there just was, so he wasn’t going to wait for an invitation. Sure, he’d had apples, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy them all the same - especially after his stint on Silverhold, dusty barren land it was.

As he walked towards the galley and the ship’s crew, he tied his hair back up to fix the mess the doctor, and Serena’s, investigation had made of it. As he took a seat - a safe distance away from Serena’s reach - he casually spoke and took an apple. “Nothing wrong with some light, pleasurable reading, kid. Good way to pass the time - and the only way if you’re “medically restricted,” apparently.”

"Well look who is back to the land of the living." Jago mused.

"And no one has to kiss 'em to wake his ass up." Vas chuckled.

Serena decided she definitely would have volunteered.

Kinneas was about to bite into his apple, the hesitation only a split second of suspicion that came with an old fairytale from Earth that Was. Nah - poisoned apple wasn’t an MO he’d associate with these oddballs.

"Well just in case there's any question, Tim, Vas." Jago motioned. "Serena and Doc you already met. You and I had an introduction dirtside this is my ship, the Lunar Veil."

“Met war hawk down below,” Kinneas said, having given Tim a nod of greeting as he was announced, absently spinning the apple between his caged fingers on the table. “Said someone was betting on my condition - got the feeling he only came to confirm his win.”

“It’s true.” Vas nodded shamelessly.

Though he hadn’t committed to anything regarding these people yet, he had to like the kid for his opportunistic eye for credits. “I did have a question aside from that, though, Captain.”

Wakey Wakey Part 7

Lunar Veil | Medbay


Kinneas wakes up on the Lunar Veil. This should go over well.

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

Doc tucked the penlight into her breast pocket. "No can do, kiddo. I need it as long as we're treating our guest." She wasn't completely unsympathetic to the young girl. The pilot did tease her pretty mercilessly. "When we land, maybe then. I can…I dunno, buy a replacement. Which I will be charging the Captain for. And if he bitches, you're handling it." She jabbed a finger at the girl before noticing that her hand was still on Kinneas's head. She slapped her wrist. "Now quit molesting my patient!"

“I think you’ve gotten all you can from the sudden hands-on learning experience, kid,” Kinneas added a bit more gently, though he was grateful to the doctor for taking the girl in hand so to speak.

Serena’s ears flushed pink as she drew her hand back, considering where the doc could shove her old pen-light. “What? I.. pfff, no, I mean… I’m goin’ I’m goin’,” She grumbled, collecting the rest of her pride, along with a fresh tongue depressor on the way out. She waved it at the doc dismissively. “But see if I save you an apple.”

"They say an apple a day keeps me away," Doc mused, "buuuuut if you wanna risk it." She added with a shrug.

“Then we’re gonna need more apples,” Serena snarked, popping her head back through the doorway before skittering down to the galley.

“She’s certainly … something,” Kinneas said as he slid his legs off the side of the medical bed, that slight dizziness staying such. “I’m pretty sure she gave me that concussion, even if she didn’t hit me over the head to do it.”

"Well, the crap from those two ends up keeping me busier than I'd prefer." Doc bemoaned. "Hell, they coulda just asked you to come along. Guess the kid's been watching too many action flicks."

“She did say she ‘saved’ me from Interpol.” Kinneas grinned, thinking the doctor would know the girl best and agreed with the guess. But, he sobered a bit as his brows knit. “And she was particularly evasive about the reason why. Are you going to tell me it was because the captain said so as well if I ask?”

Doc re-sorted her equipment, cleaning up after Hurricane Serena. "Standard rescue procedure as I understood it…if you can call any of this 'standard'", she said, waving one of the many tongue depressors sprawled on the counter out of their caddy. "I swear, how does she manage to touch so much stuff in one quick smoke break?" She wondered aloud before turning back to Kinneas. "Cap would be the one with all the details you need filled in, though", she admitted. "But for the next 24 hours, you're 'medically restricted'. That means no heavy lifting, fighting, screwing or making any important decisions." She pointed a finger at her patient. "I'll be bugging you every couple of hours, make sure you're not gonna keel over on us."

Wakey Wakey Part 4

Lunar Veil | Medbay


Kinneas wakes up on the Lunar Veil. This should go over well.

OOC: JP between @Winters, @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

“I said that too,” Serena agreed. “On account of you’re too pretty to be blowin’ up a mine. But that’s what the news feed said. And the sheriff in Black Burrow didn’t seem to like you too much. I betcha he put the notion in their head. But you’re in the black and safe now, ‘cept for the ghost on account of Tim says the ship is haunted but my Onii says there’s no such thing as ghosts, and since you’re the religious sort, you should be okay.”

The sheriff. That made sense. But something else didn't, at least as far as he could tell. "Why do you keep saying I'm religious, Serena?"

Serena looked confused. “On account of… “ She stopped and tilted her head to listen.

The sound of boot steps could be heard growing louder as they approached the med bay. "... Maybe she thinks you saw God when you got clocked on the head." Vas snorted. He was tall, and lean with mocha skin and blue eyes and his hair done up in a mohawk. He could have been older but he had a baby face that made him look not much older than Serena.

“That’s my onii, Vas,” Serena reminded him. “It’s easy to spell. V-a-s.” And you are the future Mr. Serena Jat, She told herself dreamily.

"Tea's up if you want any. Tim got some nice red apples. A whole bowlful." The punk-looking crew mate said with a bright grin. "Hey and Sleeping Beauty is up. Any vomiting, nausea, blurry vision …" Vas asked.

"So, a nurse," Kinneas said, pointing at the punk with a look to Serena for the answer. "Not the doctor."

"Ta ma de no. I was betting you had a concussion." Vas rolled his eyes as if that should have been obvious.

Serena giggled. “He’s no nurse, he’s just my onii,” she reminded her future husband. “Tim got red apples, do you want me to bring you one? Can you eat yet? Are you hungry? Do you like red apples? And tea? Course you like tea, everyone likes tea, but do you like red apples?” she questioned, rapid-fire.

"... I am not sure I've ever had one." His first entirely complete lie, and he didn't feel any remorse about it. It was likely he had tried every type of red apple in the entire 'Verse. "But, if the nurse is done with his assessment, I can get one myself?"

"Not a nurse don't give a houzi pigu and you never answered my question so if you fall flat on your face I win ten credits," Vas said dryly crossing his arms.

"Someone is betting in my favor." Kinneas grinned, then he admitted: "Dizziness, some. The vision cleared up almost immediately. No nausea."

Wakey Wakey Part 1

Lunar Veil | Medbay


Kinneas wakes up on the Lunar Veil. This should go over well.

OOC: JP between @MK Blitzen, @Aalakrys

Serena idly chewed on a tongue depressor as she scooted across the deck on Dr. Pritchard's rolly stool. The teen had volunteered to keep an eye on Kinneas until he woke up, so Enid could have a much-needed cup of coffee and smoke out in the cargo bay. So far Kinneas hadn’t done much except sleep. Once he sort of snorted which she thought meant he was waking up, but he quickly settled back down and his eyes never actually opened, so that, she decided, didn’t count. Watching someone - even someone as pretty as Kinneas - sleep was a terrible way to spend an afternoon, she decided, but it was still better than reading or stowing weapons and gear for the next mission.

She picked up Dr. Pritchard's pen light, and after near blinding herself by looking directly at it, she pointed it to Kinneas, willing him to wake up with her mind.

And as if it had been a magic wand, he sat bolt upright and took a deep breath as the room came into focus around him. The light from the pen had drawn his eye, and as it became less fuzzy so did the girl holding it. He swayed slightly on the spot as his head swam, his hand falling down to his side to steady himself.

Once it passed, he cleared the grog from his throat and rubbed his temple with his thumb a moment, trying to figure out if he was dreaming. “I take it that oil worked for you on the hostage.”

“He stepped on my head and managed to squeeze ‘emself out,” Serena reported, through a mouth full of tongue depressor. “No oil needed. I’m supposed to get the doc when you’re up, so if you wanna couple of minutes to decide if you are, that’s fine by me.”

Kinneas looked around the room of the medbay at that, then back to the girl. “Depends. Are we in the black?”

“Yep,” The teen said, tossing the tongue depressor in the trash can, after near gagging on it. “On account of Interpol showed up and things were gettin’ dicey and they were arrestin’ all the miners.”

“Oh, well… that’ll do it,” Kinneas said, thoughtfully running a hand along his scalp as he considered his options. There… really weren’t any. At the moment. Except … nah. “Any particular reason you clocked me over the head and loaded me up before you cut and run?”

“Maybe somethin’ fell on your head,” the teen said with a shrug. “There was a lot going on with the tear gas and riot busters. It’s tough to remember, on account of that’s what happens when you get hit in the head.” She nodded for emphasis.

“And now she chooses to be opaque.” He muttered not quite softly enough for her not to hear, then switched gears. “Am I allowed to know the name of the ship I’m cargo on?”

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