Avatar of Rin


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12 mos ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
12 mos ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
1 yr ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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I kind of already had a mega in mind before I even started on my character and just kind of worked back from it really.

Let's just go with Angewomon for now I guess. It'll probably be a while before we get ultimates anyways so they'll be plenty of time if I change my mind later.

Besides, there's a mega I have my eyes on that Angewomon can digivolve into anyways so this just makes things easier in a lot of ways really.
Technically a WIP I guess, since I'm still trying to figure out what Ultimate to use. I seem to be bouncing between Angewomon, ArkhaiAngemon and some OC Ultimate Sistermon variant (something like SuperiorSistermon or Sistermon Superior or Sistermon Merci or something that sounds less lame I guess), but aside from that everything else is done. Also admittedly I suck at writing out personalities so that's why that's so stilted I guess.

@CleveraptorQuick question, although not sure if it'll really affect what I go with or not but may as well ask anyways: canon Digimon only, or are OC Digimon allowed?
I can't promise anything since I've been in kind of a slump for ages now but I can't say no to a Digimon RP I guess. So... We'll see how things go I guess?
I'll try and figure something out.

Probably something involving Golurk and Tinkaton.
Working on shady dude for now, hopefully it works out.
Probably doing either shady dude or the new meat but we'll see how things turn out I guess.
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