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Current See, my problem is I can read I just can't type for the life of me. My ability to accidentally typo anything is a forever running joke among my friends. It's chronic :(
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Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
1 yr ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
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I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
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No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep


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A Miles and Mary Price post

Mary had the day off the day after yet another dumpster fire of a family dinner. She’d spent the morning distracting herself. She cleaned the house, made some more healing potions to take to the coven house tomorrow, drove the 2 hour round trip to Seattle and back to take her parents to the airport and did some cooking. All the while the box of letters sat in the middle of the table. She’d moved them right after the Montgomerys had left with the full intention of reading them that night but she was too drained. Then the next day went on as the woman avoided them. They were uncomfortable to look at, in all honesty she was terrified of what she’d find within those words. It was just past 3 when she finally worked up the courage to open the box to find pages and pages of notes written on all kinds of paper. She made herself a coffee, slipped on her reading glasses and worked at starting on the project.

"Evening mum." Miles called down the little entranceway corridor as he returned home from work.

His mother called back a soft, "Evenin' Hurricane." Her words sounded distracted. While Mary often was keeping herself busy on Miles' return home she almost always called out her greeting. She only really had that gentle contemplative tone when she was really deep into something.

With a cocked eyebrow the young man walks into the dining room to see his mother at the table surrounded by stacks of trifold-creased pages. In front of her was a large box that still held a large collection of 100 or so envelopes despite the overwhelming amount on the table before her. "What's all this?" Miles asks, taking the seat opposing hers. He was sure he knew exactly what it was but he hoped it was wrong. "Looks unending."

Mary gave a sigh, putting the letter in her hand at the bottom of the stack closest to her and slipping her reading glasses off of her face. ”Letters from your father.” she explains gently, looking over her son. She hoped telling him wouldn’t blow up in her face, the last thing she wanted was another yelling match across her dining room. ”Asked about you a lot and wrote ‘bout his hopes and dreams for you. Sounds like he really wanted to be here with us, Hurricane. He was so convinced he couldn’t for our safety, he seems to never stop writing. Turns out Amanda was hoarding ‘em.” She decided to leave out the fact there was money mentioned in most of the letters that was missing par the occasional bill that was obviously mistakenly left behind.

Miles gives a low, drawn out sigh. So the box was exactly what he thought it was. He looked between his mother and the letters that surrounded her. Before he could say anything she spoke up once more.

”I did try to divine ‘em. You know my divination works better on the spoken word than writing but it seems he’s being sincere.”

Miles gave another sigh, finding a sudden interest in the tablecloth before him. "So what am I meant to do, ma?” he asks gently, picking at a loose thread. He kept his voice low, he didn’t want another argument with his mother either. "Just run into his arms and call him pa?”

”I’m not askin’ that of you, Milo.” Mary replies gently. She was glad this conversation was more civil than the day before. She felt bad for her son, the poor kid had been through so much the past weekend and she could see it in his eyes. ”Look, this is a very different situation for the both of us. For as much as I’ve suppressed it there was a time when I loved your father, when he made me happy and was good to me. It doesn’t discount the hurt or mean I want to be with him again but I had that. For you though? No matter how much he wanted to be here he never was a father to you. It wouldn’t be fair for either of us to expect you to want a relationship with ‘im.”

Miles looked up at his mother. He was honestly expecting her to beg him to give his father some grace, Mary was always quick to give that and Miles knew she wanted to instill some of that into him. "Thanks ma,” he replies quietly, a small smile playing on his lips. In all honesty Miles was unsure about how he wanted to play this. He knew he wasn’t going to hold Aloysius up as his father but he wasn’t sure how much more rage he could have for the man. For so long his father was someone to blame for a lot of near unexplainable things, mostly in the realm of how he watched his mother struggle, and part of him didn’t want to lose that.

”Carlisle told me you told him to pass the letters onto me. That was a good thing for you to do, Milo. Thank you. It really gave me some clarity I needed.”

Miles’ smile seemed to grow just a little wider. "Well, y’know,” he says meekly, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess I owed it to ya for everything.”

Mary’s face softened at Miles’ words. ”Miles, baby, you don’t owe me a single thing.” she clucks with a gentle smile.

"Don’t lie to me, ma. I know I put you through hell. I know I’m-”

”Miles,” Mary interjects, raising a hand. ”I’m your mumma, it’s my job to put up with all that. Sure, we’ve had our rough patches and you were a bit- out of hand shall we say- but I like to think you turned out ok.”

Miles couldn’t help the redness that spread across his cheeks as his eyes forced themself away from his mother’s gaze. "I hope I can be half the parent you are,”

”Oh, my baby boy,” Mary chuckles. ”You’re gonna be so much better.” The room fell quiet for a moment as Mary started putting her well-organized stacks of paper into a large stack and Miles scrolled through his phone. After a minute she clears her throat before speaking up again. ”So, when are you movin’ out?”

Miles was caught off-guard by her question. He should have seen it coming but it was in that moment he was reminded that asking John to move in at the family dinner was the first Mary had heard of that plan. Although it had been on the man’s mind before he found out Lilith was pregnant he didn’t intend on it being brought up so soon until he did. A perfect storm of thought out planning and spontaneity that was almost a trademark of his at this point. "I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner,” he replies, forgetting about her actual question.

”Honestly, Milo? Even without the divination I woulda assumed that was your next move. It’s fine. Really.”

Miles nods his head as his mother speaks. It didn’t sound contemptuous so he just had to assume it wasn’t. "Well Lil and Claire want me to move in as soon as I can. I was thinking Saturday, don’t have to worry about work then.”

”Saturday,” Mary muses in response. In all honesty she expected him to fumble around for a while. In a way he’d still live at home but slowly just start spending more and more time with Lil until suddenly his clothes were in her drawers and he only really went home occasionally to see his mother. In a way Mary was proud he was making a swift concrete decision for once but she couldn’t help but feel the sting of losing him in her house. She swore she could feel herself become misty eyed as memories of Miles over the years played in her mind. While he had moved to Olympia for a good few years she knew he’d come back eventually to take his place in the coven, she cried then a few more times than she would ever tell him. This, however, felt a bit more permanent, a bit more real. She was ready for him to move it, it was very much his time, but it didn’t mean it was painless.

Miles knew the face the woman was pulling, the face she made when she didn’t want him to know she was on the verge of tears. Miles did feel a twinge of guilt at bringing out that sadness in her but he knew it was time and he knew she probably did too. "Ma?” he questions.

”I’m fine, Miles.” she replies somewhat forcefully, in a way she was trying to convince herself of that.

"Are you going to be alright by yourself? Y’know the ranch has a lot of spare rooms and I’m sure if you asked John would happily-”

”Miles,” Mary interrupts once more. ”You and I both know the answer to that second question. I’ll be fine, I’ve done this before. I’m not just gonna mope around on my ass, I’ve got my work and I expect I’ll be at the Ranch quite a bit. Besides, triplets are a lot. I imagine Claire, John or the two of you might need an escape every now and again. Y’know you and Lilith are always welcome here.”

Miles nods simply, not getting a word in edgeway before Mary spoke again.

”Anyway, I can’t be assed cookin’ tonight. Was thinking of orderin’ some pizza? We could put on a movie and have a drink. I feel like we both need to decompress after the weekend we just had, hey Hurricane?”

"That sounds perfect. Let me pay for dinner tonight.”

”Nuh-uh, you pay for too much in this house. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you’ve picked up some of the Montgomerys’ tricks. This one’s my treat. You need to save them pennies while you can with 3 little ones on the way.”

"At least let me pick them up.”

”I need some air,” Mary replies simply. A code phrase the duo have had forever indicating they need to be alone and out of the house for a bit. In truth those letters had started becoming suffocating. Apologies after apologies strewn amongst ‘I love yous’ and memoirs of the life of a man it turns out she never knew. It all made her head spin a bit. She needed to get physically away from them for a while.

Miles put his hands up in surrender. "Alrighty, you go for it then,” he responds, getting up from his seat. At least it gave him some time to clean up and get into something more comfortable than his business suit.

Mary finished stacking all the pages and placed them on one side of the box, the other still piled with masses of envelopes. ”Look, it’s up to you Miles but if you do want to read ‘em I’ll pop ‘em underneath the coffee table. I recommend it honestly, not to make you see his side or anythin’. Clarity can just be a beautiful thing sometimes.” So goes and slips the box into its new home, deciding the rest of the letters had to wait for the next day, she was done for the night.

"We’ll see,” Miles mumbles, honestly unsure on if he would read them or not.

Mary collects her handbag and starts making way for the front entrance. ”You’re on movie duty tonight. Please nothin’ too crude tonight and Miles, honey?” she settles her gaze on her son, waiting for his eyes to meet hers. ”I’m proud of you.”

A @Hedgehawk @HaleyTheRandom & @SouffleGirl123 post
Featuring Miles Price, Carlisle Aston, Lilith Montgomery, Salem De Silva, Aloysius Leighton, Mary Price, Claire Montgomery and John Montgomery

Later on in the day, Carlisle had gathered all of the letters that Miles’s father had sent that Amanda had nabbed. He knew this was going to be painful. He was about to reveal what was going on in the background all these years ago. Once again the mirage of his mother was going to be lifted. Driving over to Mary’s place, Carlisle got out of his car and slid the box under his arm, walking to the door he used the doorbell, anxiously waiting.

Mary stood at the kitchen bench chopping potatoes for dinner as she hummed along to Clint Black’s Killin’ Time as it played from the small speaker on her dining room table. She’d gotten home to find Miles was still yet to come home. She figured he was likely still with Carlisle. She knew they probably needed a debrief from earlier that day but she was thankful to have the house to herself a while. For a little while she’d allowed the worries of the day to escape her as she got lost in her own little world of cooking and country music from her younger years.

Soon she was interrupted by the ringing of her doorbell. The woman’s brow furrowed, she wasn’t expecting anyone except maybe Miles for at least another hour and Miles wouldn’t ring the doorbell. The woman carefully laid the knife in her hand next to the half cut potato and made her way to the door, stopping on the way over to turn down the speaker. She swung open the door to find Carlisle with a box in his arms. She decided to pay the box no mind as she greeted him. "Carlisle, I thought you were with Miles. What are you doing here?”

Seeing Mary answer the door, Carlisle gave off a small smile. He was happy to see her again, but it was clear from his expression that he was feeling a little uneasy. ”Nah, we finished up a while ago, a good while ago. He is currently with Lil somewhere I think. They have alot to discuss. I actually came to see you. I found something in the office I think you probably need to see.”

"Is it whatever you’ve got in that there box?” she asks, pulling her hair away from her face and tying it back. She wished she could say she was clueless on what was in the box but she had some deep suspicions, ones that were nagging her enough she was sure it wouldn’t be long before it awakened her divination to tell her.

”Yeah it is. I think I need to do some explaining… and possibly some apologizing” Carlisle said as he swallowed hard. He had completely forgotten about Mary and her divination powers. But he was still going to stick to his guns and try his best. Why was he always having to cover for his mothers messes?

"Well at least come in, Carlisle, I’m not making you stand out there in the wind.” she insists, ushering the man inside. She closes the door behind him before leading him to their dining room and turning off the speaker completely. "What did you do so wrong that you need to be apologizin’ to me?”

Carlisle put the box down on the dining room table and sighed. This was it. ”It wasn’t me actually. It was my mother. She strikes again” Carlisle reached into his jacket and pulled out the first letter that he had showed Miles. ”So you remember how we said that Aloysius never actually tried to get in touch. Well it turns out he did. Alot. A real lot. And well, my mother had been intercepting them and making sure that you couldn’t see them” With a sigh he handed over to Mary the first letter that Al had written.

At his words, Mary’s jaw clenched shut. There was no denying it, her suspicions were correct, those were the letters Al was talking about. Part of Mary had thought her ex was lying, maybe part of her wanted him to be so she could keep herself justifying the hurt. "Your ma. Nasty piece of work she is,” she muses. Mary and Amanda hadn’t ever gotten along but this? This was too much. It was one thing to insult and mock, and a complete other to upend someone’s life then take away anything that could soften the blow. As she took the letter she let it rest between her fingers a while. "How many’s a lot?”

”She is. She has ruined so many people's lives. I am sorry Mary.” Carlisle rubbed his forehead and looked over to the box. ”I only read a few, but try at least one letter a month for 20-odd years. He never stopped. The last one came last week saying he was on his way to Tanner”

"Ain't your fault." the woman sighs, facing the letter face down on the table. She wanted to read it alone. "Not your job to make up for her lousy ways." the woman shot back.

”Yeah but my mother is going to go down in the history book as a tyrant. The least I can do is work hard to put the family name back together. I really want to fix things for everyone. If you ever need anything Mary, you just ask.I will make it happen” Carlisle tried to force a smile as he watched Mary place the letter on the table. ”I offered the letters to Miles first, so he could get some answers, but he thought you would want to read them first.”

"Smart kid," the woman replies with a small smile. "I wouldn't want to see what my parents wrote each other either."

”I get it. I just know Al was playing on his mind. He was beating himself up. I was hoping it would help him simmer down. Anyway… I should leave you to let you carry on cooking and do what you need to do.”

"Thanks, Carlisle," Mary replies, pulling the box closer to her and laying the first letter on top of the pile. It seemed she had some interesting reading to do later that night. "I'm fixin' the dinner for tonight if you wanna stay. Miles and the Montgomerys will be around in an hour or so anyway and I could always use a spare pair of hands now Miles is off gallivantin' with his girlfriend. You're meant to be back in an hour, no use for comin' and goin' like that."

Carlisle thought on it for a moment, it was true that he had pretty much become a regular at the Sunday dinners. And he had kind of invited a guest. "So don't be mad, but I invited a guest" Carlisle said with a chuckle. "I kinda invited Salem to join us for dinner"

After retying her loose ponytail Mary resituated herself to the kitchen bench to finish preparing dinner. At Carlisle's mention of inviting another guest Mary sighs but keeps her eyes leveled on the vegetables in front of her. "Carlisle. You can't go around invitin' people to other people's house without at least a warnin'," she gently chastised before switching to chopping carrots before her. In truth Mary was always prepared for an extra guest, it wasn't uncommon for kids from her kid's generation to end up under her roof but she always appreciated the warning. "Is it that lil girlfriend of yours?" she then asks curiously, giving the young man a knowing smile.

That was when Carlisle dropped the bombshell. Salem. The sharp knife fell to the cutting board with a clang. Of all people why her? And of all places why her own home? From what Mary had heard of Salem and the conversations of the prior night Salem seemed all but pleased with Miles' and Lil's situation and more than capable of killing them in one blow. As far as Mary was concerned, Salem was a threat. "Carlisle!" the woman snaps. She was rarely one to lose her temper at the kids but this was the second time that day. "Now that is something you run through me first. Does John know about this? How about Miles and Lilith? I can't believe you."

"I didn't think it would be much of an issue. She isn't as dangerous as people have made out." Carlisle said, holding onto the edge of the table. Clearly he had screwed up. "She isn't a threat to anyone. She isn't going to do anything. We had a very long conversation about moving on from Mother and all this drama. She knows she is here as my guest"

"You're a guest Carlisle. I know your ma didn't do much for you but I woulda thought she raised you with enough etiquette to know this is not on!" Mary sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. These family dinners seemed to be getting more unhinged by the week. It may have been selfish but just for once Mary just wanted a nice family dinner; No drawn guns, no threats of death or mind imprisonment, no yelling or screaming. Just her favourite people around a table civilly discussing their lives. That seemed to get less likely by the day. "Well what's done is done I guess," she huffs, getting back to her vegetables.

Carlisle took a step back, feeling uncomfortable as Mary mentioned his mother. "I am sorry. I thought it would be okay. Plus I want to prove to Salem that things are good here. If she sees you all together she will feel more bonded. Salem wants to have a relationship with the Coven. Mother had trashed it. This is part of getting it back. And I trust you all more than anyone else. "

Mary couldn’t help the snicker that escaped her at Carlisle’s comment. "John’s too quick to level a gun at someone’s head, Claire will gladly uppercut anyone who looks at her or our kids the wrong way, I carried and single handedly raised the son of her greatest enemy and Lilith’s carrying Miles children who happen to be the taboo magi/witch hybrids that shouldn’t have happened. Carlisle, I love my family, you know I do but we’re dysfunctional at best, far from an example of ‘things being good’.”

"But the dysfunction Is why it is good. Because despite it, you still care and protect each other" Carlisle responded, making sure he was as far away from the kitchen and knives as he possibly could.

Mary huffs once more, transporting the vegetables on her cutting board onto a roasting tray. "Grab a knife, you can at least trim the damn green beans after this lil stunt."

Today seemed to be one of the very few where Lilith was grateful that Miles wasn’t the sort of person to be glued to his cellphone. The sporadic ‘good morning’ texts had taken some getting used to, and Lilith was glad to find that one didn’t await her this morning.

The Montgomery Ranch had been quiet that day. John was preoccupied with business as usual, and Claire was off being herself. Lilith wasn’t sure if they were outright ignoring the situation at hand, or simply just giving her the time that she needed to adjust. She had gone through her normal Sunday routine herself - minus a few habit breaking details. With the bits of extra free time that she had found herself with, Lilith had managed to get some much needed cleaning around the house done and knock out a shift at Huskers. The young woman wasn’t ready for everyone at work to give her all of the speeches about how she shouldn’t be there, so she had shown up and worked just as hard as she always did.

Lilith had decided to drive herself over to the Price residence, knowing that her mother and grandfather would meet her there when they were good and ready. She had spent an extra few minutes in her car after she parked, focusing on the steady rise and fall of her chest as she took a few deep breaths in the driver's seat. Climbing out of the car, Lilith closed the door behind her only to look up and see a black SUV pulling up to the curb.

Sighing as she walked across the yard, Lilith crossed her arms when she got to the steps. She already knew who was getting out of the vehicle before the Guild Leader ever walked up behind her.

”Salem,” the young Montgomery greeted her icily. ”Didn’t show up to kill anyone, did you?”

”Glad to see that you’ve inherited your mothers wit,” the older woman responded with a dry laugh. ”You can relax - I left my body bags back home in New York.”

With a deep sigh, Lilith gave a few quick taps on the door before opening it.

"Come in!” Mary calls toward the door, not that she needed to, most of the Montgomerys would walk themselves in anyway. She noticed Lilith first of all, she couldn’t help but feel bad for the girl. The party had brought realisations for everyone that made a lot of their lives more complicated but Mary reckoned Lilith took the worst blow. "How are you holding up, dear?” she asks the younger woman, wrapping her arms around her. It wasn’t until Lilith was snuggly in her arm that she noticed Salem on the doorstep over Lilith’s shoulder.

Mary gave a sigh. Part of her was hoping Salem wouldn’t actually show; that she’d thought she was far above these sort of things but she was proved wrong. "Salem,” Mary greeted her with a nod. "Come on in, I’ll give you the house tour when I’m finished talking to Lil here.”

Carlisle watched as both Lil and Salem arrived at the same time. He avoided making eye contact with Mary. It was fairly obvious from his poor disguised body language that he had been embarrassed infront of Mary. "Salem, So glad you could easily find the place. It's great to have you with us"

The young Montgomery was already half-way through the door before Marys voice rang out. She was hoping to have a somewhat private conversation with her godmother, and the familiarity of the older womans arms wrapping around her only reinforced the idea. Lilith was sure that she could have avoided Salem long enough, but looking up and seeing that Carlisle was there was enough to make her lock away whatever thoughts she was previously having.

Taking a deep breath, she returned Marys hug. ”Just peachy,” Lilith joked. ”Any idea on when Miles will be gracing us with his presence,” she asked, taking off her jacket and hanging it by the door. While she wanted her boyfriend as far away from Salem as possible, Lilith’s goal for the day had been normality. Miles being here was part of that.

Behind her, Salem had nodded and smiled in greeting to both Carlisle and Mary while she took in her surroundings. It was rare for Salem to be in places such as this. She was used to a higher class city life and knew hardly nothing about growing up in an actual home. Eye’s glued onto the fading crayon marks on the wall, the Guild Leader was brought out of her trance by her hosts’ voices.

”It’s a small town, Carlisle,” she began. ”I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure I’ve already burdened you more than enough Ms. Price.”

Mary could feel the girl tense in her arms as she saw Carlisle. Mary sighed, allowing her to pull away and ruffling her hair. ”We can talk later if you want, ‘kay?” she whispers to the girl. As she asks about Miles the woman shrugs. ”Honestly I thought he was with you, I’m sure he’ll be here soon enough.”
She then turned her attention to Salem. ”It’s not really a long tour anyway, I ‘spose. It’s not a big place so it’s not too hard to find your way around. Hope you’re not allergic to anything though, you were a bit of a surprise honestly.” Mary put everything she could into letting her words be light. Honestly her patience for undue surprises was wearing thin and she still didn’t fully trust the woman before her. All she could do is hope the night would go smoothly regardless. It felt like false hope but it was better than nothing.

Salem would have normally made a comment about being allergic to bullshit, but she didn’t think she was close enough with anyone here to make those sorts of remarks. ”I apologize for the sudden arrival, but I figured someone else would have told you,” she replied, her eyes flicking to Carlisle for a brief moment.

Lilith had appeared disappointed at Marys response, her shoulders falling ever so slightly. Was he avoiding her? Had he already skipped town? She didn’t have time to articulate her words before the door opened once again. John walked in first, stopping dead in his tracks at the sight of Salem.

Claire, on the other hand, made her feelings on the situation very well known. ”You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” she groaned.

Hearing John and Claire enter, Carlisle tensed further. This was getting worse. Carlisle forced a smile "Hello Both. I thought it would be good for everyone if Salem would join us for dinner. Try to show you that there are no hard feelings"

”Of course you’re the one responsible,” Claire scoffed.

"Got a problem with that Claire? I am trying to do a good thing here." Carlisle said with a small growl

”I got a really big problem with it, yeah.” retorted the blonde as she crossed her arms and took a few steps forward. ”Constantly sticking your nose in place it doesn’t belong and inviting people into their enemies homes without warning. I know your mommy never loved you, but she could have at least given you a little house training. Respectfully - Settle the fuck down before I remind you I am the one who is supposed to be actively running the Coven. I’ll show you the respect that you need in your position, but you aren’t going to start slinging around what little power you have - especially on me.”

"Your coven? Your coven? Lest we forget you wrapped your truck around a signpost. I don't think it really is your coven anymore." Carlisle growled back. Crossing his arms. "My mother is a bitch. I think we can all agree it. But I am trying to fix all of that. This is part of it. I am fed up of everyone in this family getting up my arse when I am trying to do my job. Everyone here treats me as if I am a fucking second class citizen at times" Carlsie said with a sigh followed by a huff "Sorry Salem you had to see this. There is a bit of tension at the moment"

”Don’t apologize for my mother,” Lilith interjected angrily. ”She might not be able to take your place anymore, but there’s plenty of others who can, Carlisle. I’ve told you multiple times that I or my family do not need your help unless we ask for it. You keep saying that you want to fix things - one of them being our friendship - but you continue not to listen and try to do whatever it is you do to ‘help’ me, all while completely disregarding the fact that I could be helping you with Coven matters. You didn’t even come to me for help with the barrier. I’m not trying to be rude, but for the love of the old gods can you just stop?

"I didn't come for your help Lilith because I didn't need it. Plus we weren't really on speaking terms. You keep saying about how you don't want me to help because you haven't asked for it. Yeah. Well. Sometimes I have had to take action to prevent bad things from happening to you." Carlisle unfolded his arms. He didn't want to fight with Lil again. In reality he had missed their goofy texts. This last month and a half they had hardly communicated at all. And when they did, he was ways on the losing side of an argument.

"I had to speak to Salem that night of the ceremony. After learning want had happened. I couldn't let Salem kill either of you. You two mean far too much to me for that to happen. Plus, it was my duty as leader to protect you all. So yeah. I spoke to Salem. It was a constructive conversation. We came to an understanding. I invited her here so that we could look at moving forward. I am sorry I didn't forewarn you all. But it has been less than 24 hours. Understandably with you know, with my mother now running loose with a mentally unstable sister I didn't know I had, my mind has been a little preoccupied"

Listening to Carlisle speak, Lilith was unable to hide the bubbling anger that was building up inside. Now gripping the back of one of the dining room chairs, her nostrils flared as she sighed. ”My great-grandmother made that barrier, and I am the strongest divination witch of our generation. I mean this in the most polite way possible, but it was foolish to not ask for my help, despite our personal differences. You’re going to have to learn to work with people that you don’t agree with, Car. For the very last time, I’m going to ask you to step down from your high horse. I understand your concern regarding my children. I really do. But they are my children,” she nearly spat through gritted teeth. ”Mine and Miles. It is our duty to protect, nurture, and guide them through life. Not yours. You want to be the cool uncle? Fine. But don’t go around pretending to be a diplomat because your hero complex is working overdrive. Again - I mean this in the most respectful way possible. I don’t wish to argue with you. My blood pressure is already high enough.”

"I know it is yours and Miles children. I had this exact same conversation with Miles earlier today. I am not trying to get involved. But inadvertently you and Miles have created children that could spark a war. So of course I had to get involved. It would have been wrong for me if I didn't sort it out. You and Miles are safe now and that is all that matters" Carlisle let out a long drawn out frustrated huff. Everyone always seemed to get on his back about helping. He only got involved because of the political implications. He couldn't care less about the children individually, that was Miles and Lils problem.

"I am so sorry you are being witness to this Salem." Carlisle said as he looked across at her. "Sadly politics and disagreements between people is common at the moment. But I am sure you understand, I bet you get this back home too"

”I am not your responsibility, Carlisle Aston!” Lilith shouted. ”Your conversation could have gone a completely different way. You could have gotten us all killed. Did you even stop to think of that?”

Salem had stood by quietly watching the scene unfold, mildly entertained as she watched the younger generation bicker back and forth. ”I, uh… I don’t, actually. No offense, Aston, but I listen to my co-council,” she murmured after Liliths shouting.

Carlisle sighed "I was prepared for that Lilith. I was prepared for it to go south. If I had to fight that night I would have. And not to sound rude. You became my responsibility when you ended up creating children than could destroy the delicate balance that we have been trying to maintain." Carlisle then slapped the edge of his seat.

" I am starting to see why mother ruled things like a tyrant and did everything behind people's backs. There is no pleasing some people. I am trying Lilith. Trying to do good things and keep everyone safe. And I did it. I fucking did it. Rather than spending your time chastising me for what could have been, focus on the positives. I have had your back for years. Quietly listening, helping out and doing what I can to make sure your life was as peaceful as it could be given your circumstances. And the fact you still don't trust me to act in your best interests. It hurts."

”You were meddling in my life way before my pregnancy, and don’t you dare sit here and put me down for having kids, Carlisle! Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? I didn’t know that Miles was a magi, and neither did he. I didn’t even know I was pregnant until the Ceremony for cryin' out loud, and you want to act like I’m just out here creating super freaks for the goddamned hell of it?! Here you are telling me to look at the positives while actively becoming and thinking like your mother, even going so far as to validate her actions. I am so sorry that I couldn’t give you what you wanted, and that I’m not carryin’ your kids. Because that’s what this is all about right? You’ve been blamin’ being in love with me on your mothers magic, and while that might have played into it, you literally just admitted to low-key stalking me in a roundabout way for years Carlisle.”

Angry tears now began to pool in her eyes. This was far from how Lilith wanted the night to go. ”I really want my friend back Car, I do. I really, really do. But I don’t know how we can go back to the way things were when all you want to do is treat me like I’m a problem when it seems like you’re the one creatin’ problems for me. And I swear on all that I hold dear, if you insinuate that me, my family, or my children are a problem in any way again, I’ll break your fuckin’ jaw,” she glared at him. ”What do you want me to do, Carlisle? Have an abortion?”

"I am not saying you are the problem. I know that you didn't know about Miles being a Magi. And I am not trying to say this is your fault. Life happens. But I had to get involved at that point. Could I have handled it better by speaking to you and Miles first? Yeah. I could have. But in all honesty… I panicked. I got told that my friends were in danger and went into reaction mode." Hearing Lilith compare him and his mother in the same sentence stung Carlisle a little. His body language shifted, his shoulders slumped as he looked depressed.

" I only helped you while we were friends. Nothing stalking or like that. It was little things. Like finding books in the library about the voices. Slipping money into your bag when you wanted to get a takeout but never had it on you. Cause god you wouldn't accept it from me any other way." Carlisle lowered his hands so they were dropped to his sides. "Maybe I am not cut out for any of this. Maybe the easier thing to do is just stand aside and move away. I seem to cause more issues and like you said. The coven leadership is more of a Montgomery thing"

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Lilith closed her eyes for a moment and let out a deep sigh before looking back at Carlisle. ”And there’s that weird guilt tripping thing you do,” she mumbled. ”You know what, Car? Thank you,” the brunette spat. ”If what you want is the praise that your mother could never give you, than I’ll shut the fuck up and praise you. Just stop messin’ up my family functions.”

”Can we eat now,” John intervened.

”I think that’d be a good idea, seein’ as that’s what we came here to do,” Claire replied, still glaring at the back of Carlisle’s head. Seeing how upset and tense Lilith was caused Claire to have some anger and aggression herself. With a simple spell, she quietly willed Carlisle to remain silent. He could still speak - he just wouldn’t be audible.

"Well, I suppose we can" Carlisle spoke. Only to realise that sounds weren't coming out of his mouth. He tried to sigh. Nothing. Looking around he tried to focus on what was causing the spell. But it was weird. He couldn't focus. No matter how hard he tried to lock in on the source of the magic, Carlisle failed every time. He couldn't counterspell it as he could not find the source. Defeated, Carlisle slumped into the chair, looking puzzled and confused.

At that rate Mary was back in the kitchen holding her head in her hands. She knew things would fall apart but she’d been hoping for a bit of a break before it all did. So much for that nice family dinner she craved. And Miles still wasn’t here. Nor were her parents. As John brought up eating Mary nodded furiously. "Please,” she calls out in response.

As if on cue Miles entered the house, his grandparents in tow. After his chat with Carlisle the man needed some time to just be alone to think and he found himself at the ranch’s river hangout spot. The last couple of days had been overwhelming, and honestly he hadn’t processed any of it until then. By the time he returned to the Montgomerys, Lilith had already left so instead he picked up his own memaw and pawpaw to make the trip for more than nothing.

"Good evening! Sorry we’re-” he was stopped in his tracks at the scene before him. Carlisle was defeatedly slumped in a chair, Lilith looked furious as she glared down at him, his mother looked frustrated and off to the side was a very amused Salem. For a while Miles appeared stunned at the scene before him, a wide eyed look on his face, fear overtook him a moment. Had Carlisle turned them in? Was Salem here to take them away? Or take the life of his children? That fear and stunned silence quickly turned to rage. He could soon feel his face becoming hot. "The hell’s she doing here?!” the man snaps, looking the older woman up and down. Miles thought he was done with picking fights for today but Salem being right there seemed to complicate that. He found his place at his girlfriend’s side, standing between her and Salem and glaring at the magi.

Watching Carlisle's confused reaction to the silent words falling from his mouth, Lilith snapped out of her rage for a moment to see Miles walking through the door with his grandparents. She could feel the rage and panic rolling off of the young man as soon as his eyes had fallen upon Salem, so much so that it made her own shoulders tense. As Miles approached, Lilith reached out to grab his hand, interlocking her fingers through his.

Claire was the one to answer his question. ”Your friend there thinks it’s okay to go around intervening and bargaining with people's lives. So naturally he invited the enemy.”

”What on earth did I ever do to you, Claire?”

”Plenty, and you know it.”

As Lilith wove her fingers in between Miles he gives her hand a comforting squeeze. Well, comforting may be a loose term considering the man himself was wracked with worry and he knew Lilith would smell that on him no matter how stoic he tried to appear. With Claire’s answer he turns his eyes to Carlisle and gave a disapproving tilt of the head. "C’mon, man. Didn’t we talk about this like 2 hours ago?” he asks, frustration lining each of his words. He then leveled his eyes at Lil’s. They seemed to silently ask her a simple question; Are we in danger? She always had a knack for these things more than him.

Carlisle went to respond to Miles, but once again as he spoke no words were actually audible. He waved his hands in both frustration and annoyance as he sat back down on the chair and folded his arms.

Lilith was the one to break her and Miles shared gaze, gently squeezing his hand three times in quick succession. It was a code they had had since their childhood days; Once for yes, twice for no, and three times for maybe or I don’t know. The young woman seemed to sigh once more as her gaze fell back upon a frustrated Carlisle. ”We also just had a long conversation about everything again,” she mused. ”Upon learning about our situation, Carlisle found it in his right last night to go and find Salem to make sure she wasn’t going to harm us or whatever. He wants praise for it. I feel as if he’s overstepped again. You know. The usual.”

Stepping closer to the group, Salem cleared her throat. ”I understand why everyone is on edge that I’m here, but I don’t mean anyone any harm. Unless it’s Aloysius. I can’t make any promises to anyone on that front - and even then I’m not really threatening to kill him.”

"So why are you here, Salem?” Miles asks curiously, remaining weary of the woman. "Despite Carlisle inviting you. I’m no empath but I’m sure you’re getting some benefit out of being here.”

”Not really,” the older woman responded with a shrug of her shoulders. ”My flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow, and it was either this, or have dinner at the diner, so I figured why not? But I can always leave, Miles. This is your house and if I’m not welcome all you have to do is say the official word. I stopped intentionally offending people ages ago.”

Miles first turns to his mother, looking to her for answers. The woman gives a shrug in return. At this stage she had already accepted this whole scenario, she was beyond caring where Salem went for dinner. The last thing that did for Miles was help him make a choice. With a sigh Miles turns back to Salem. "Lilith? What do you think?” he asks her, his eyes remaining trained on the only other magi in the room.

Lilith was fully expecting Miles to fly off the handle and tell Salem to get out. Instead, she was now shoulder with the decision. She wasn’t angry at Miles for looking to her for help, but she was still most definitely upset with Carlisle for creating the situation in the first place. ”I think that it was rude to invite her without telling anyone,” she began, looking at Carlisle before turning her attention to Salem. ”But I think it would be even more so for us to kick you out after airing our dirty laundry in front of you. I’m sure you’ll understand if my nerves are a little wound tight right now, so I’d like to extend the courtesy of letting you know that if you make one wrong move, I’ll banish you straight to hell. Literally.”

”Noted,” Salem replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Carlisle tried to wave his hands around to get people's attention, trying to mime that he was sorry. Seeing that it didn't seem to be working he slumped back into his chair. He had been embarrassed infront of Salem and it was going to take him ages to try and get that respect back.

Miles nodded his head at Lilith’s decision, squeezing her hand once more. "Now that’s settled, can we eat? I’m starving.” he groans making his way to the table. He pours himself a glass of whiskey before looking back at Lilith. He then tenses slightly before sheepishly pushing the glass toward Claire’s usual seat. The pair hadn’t quite talked about where they stood on Miles drinking around Lilith, the last thing he needed was a lecture from her. Miles was kinda over fighting for the day.

On the other side of the room Mary walks herself next to Claire before gently saying "You should probably give the kid his words back, I reckon the longer you hold onto them the more he’ll have to yell about.”

”Food sounds great John quipped.

Claire happily picked up the glass that was being slid her way, wrapping her free arm around Mary as her friend approached. The blonde rolled her eyes, knowing that Mary was right. ”Mouthy little thing, ain’t he,” Claire remarked as she undid the spell with a wave of her hand.

Seeing how Miles reluctantly slid the glass across the table, Lilith picked up the bottle and began to pour two glasses herself before sliding them over silently to both Miles and her grandfather before sitting down.

Mary gave a little chuckle at her friend's comment before taking the bottle from Lil and pouring a glass each for herself and her parents. "Salem?" she offers, holding the almost empty bottle toward the woman, good thing there were always a couple spare handy.

Miles couldn't help the small smile that tugged on the corner of his mouth. He holds the glass up toward her with a nod of gratitude before taking a sip.

Carlisle finally was able to actually speak. Except he didn't. He just quietly sat at the seat and looked around at everyone. He knew that opening his mouth would just cause more trouble. Instead he spent the time trying to work out everyone's body language and how they were getting along.

”Don’t mind if I do,” the Guild Leader responded, reaching for the bottle. ”No reason to let the rest of it go to waste.” Walking around the table, Salem quickly found herself a safe enough spot wedge between John and Lilith. ”So what do you all usually do at these things? Besides eat, of course. I can’t say I’ve ever been part of something like this.”

"Hope Lilith doesn’t stain the floors red with someone else’s blood again,” Mary mutters under her breath, swirling the liquor in the glass before taking a sip. Placing the glass back on the table she travels back to the kitchen and pulls the brisket out of the oven, placing the tray on the table alongside the rest of the food before sitting down again.

As Salem finds her seat next to Lilith, Miles seems to tense slightly, struggling to draw his eyes away from the two women. He remains silent for a while, watching Salem’s every move like a hawk, lest she had a sneaky way to attack. He’d be lying if he’d said the woman did unnerve him. She may have stated she wasn’t going to try anything but how trustworthy was she really? Not to mention Miles felt this weird pull from his stomach around her. Honestly he’d felt that pull many times before with Ty but Salem’s seemed harsher, like birds beating against his insides over butterflies.

Carlisle looked around at Miles seeing how tense he looked and how he was always looking at Salem "Look, Everything is going to be fine Miles. If Salem tries anything I will counterspell her, and Lilith and yourself can attack me as much as you like" Carlisle said with a nervous chuckle, looking at everyone.

Carlisle’s words didn’t really put the man at any ease. Miles gave a gruff grunt in response before muttering, "My family, my issue Carlisle,” to his friend under his breath. He remains silent for a moment as people around the table start serving themselves before finally peeling his eyes off of the magi woman. He still shot her a glance every few moments, he wasn’t letting her get away with any tricks. Between glances he turned his attention to John, perhaps he had one more fight to start depending on how the man would react.

Miles clears his throat. "So- uh John- and Lilith. I was thinking I should move into the ranch at some point. Y’know- to help Lilith out with everything.” He attempted to keep his gaze on the man, even though he couldn’t shake the nervous feeling rising within him. Montgomerys were an intimidating bunch but by far John Montgomery was the most intimidating of them all.

Lilith couldn’t help as a small smirk formed upon her face as she heard Mary’s comment. Her mood was quickly soured by Carlisle's now un-muted words, and quickly changed to shock when she heard what Miles had to say. The young woman found herself wishing for a drink of whiskey, but forced down her tea instead.

John had been eating and drinking silently as he listened to the small conversations around him. His small talk with Marys father was cut short when Miles addressed him. Silence fell over the table while the old man collected his thoughts. ”Carlton moved out this morning,” he stated. ”You can move your things in there whenever you like.”

”Seriously,” Lil piped up, clearly surprised.

”Ain’t no sense in arguing about it,” John replied, shrugging his shoulders and taking a sip of his drink. ”Figured this would come up at some point, and if I try an’ fight it - well. I got you, Mary, Miles and your mother to argue with now, kid. An old mans heart can only take so much.”

Miles was clearly taken aback at the older man's response. He was honestly expecting to have a couple of months of back and forth with the old man before he'd finally surrender to it not being a bad idea. In fact he'd expected to already receive a lecture about responsibility or something from John by now. Perhaps he had worse waiting for him at the Ranch or perhaps John and him would be okay after all. "Well- I guess I'll look at moving my stuff soon," he muses before turning to his mother. He hadn't talked to her about this but the little comforting smile on his face told him she knew this was coming. As their eyes met she gave him a small nod.

Carlisle watched as John agreed right away to Miles' idea. His mouth almost opened in shock. He then furrowed his brow in somewhat annoyance. He was getting his ass lectured to by every single person in existence, but Miles was suddenly getting his own way? It was petty of Carlisle and he knew it was. He wasn't going to say anything, but it still grated him.

Truth to be told, John Montgomery knew his time on Earth was coming to a close. It wasn’t something that he dwelled on to heavily, or reminded everyone of - but it had been in the back of his mind more and more as of late. Miles wasn’t his first choice to move it, but Claire and Lilith were going to need all the help they could get once John was dead. There was no need to turn it down when it was being offered so easily. ”Don’t think you got off scott free though, kid,” he joked before taking another bite of brisket. ”You’re one of the most able bodies I got now.”

A few seats over, Lilith was trying to keep her composure. Her own emotions had been going up, down, left and right for the last twenty minutes - and so had those of everyone around her. Small ripples of shock and awe ran through the room, but the only remaining point of tension seemed to be coming from –

”Carlisle,” she questioned. ”Has my family upset you again?”

Carlisle swallowed hard. He forgot that Lilith could sense emotions. He did his best to try and suppress his emotions so that Lilith couldn't sense them. "No no. Everything is peachy and fine ha ha. Let's just eat ya?"

Laying down her fork and knife on either side of the plate, Lilith's brow furrowed. ”Please don’t lie to me right now.”

Carlisle sighed. He had been trying really hard to not air his pettiness given the hostilities of everything going on around him. With a deeper sigh he looked down "I don't want to start more trouble, so I am just staying quiet. It's not worth another argument over something petty. Please just leave me be" His attitude had switched to a submissive one. Just someone who wanted to back off and be left alone.

"Fine," the young woman responded with a frustrated huff. "Don't be so loud with your emotions then."

Miles gave a meek chuckle at John's reply as he turns back to his whiskey. Miles tried to pretend he wasn't listening to the conversation between Lil and Carlisle. Why did he have this gut feeling whatever Carlisle was feeling had to do with him? If Miles was being honest, he knew his and Carlisle's friendship had an odd dynamic and Carlisle’s feelings about him changed in the blink of an eye. That man harboured so much jealousy sometimes. Miles would be lying if he said he was never jealous of Carlisle either. He kept his eyes on his food, taking a bite of brisket.

Mary's eyes had been bouncing around the table at each of the conversations around her while she wordlessly ate her dinner. Lilith was starting to ramp up, Mary was glad Carlisle had found the right words to avoid Mary having to clean blood from her dining room floor. Before things could pick up again she decided to push the conversation. "Salem," she calls to the other side of the table, "How's New York this time of year?"

”Hm?” the woman replied, caught up in the conversations happening around her. ”Oh!” Processing Marys question as she sat down her glass, Salem took a moment to think. How did someone describe New York? ”Well, these next few weeks are sort of the calm before the storm. It’s always busy up that way with tourists and everything, but the holidays are the worst. There’ll be the Thanksgiving parade, then the Christmas light ceremony. Shortly after that is the New Years celebrations. It’s very pretty, but as a local - it drives me nearly insane. What about Tanner? I’m sure a little town like this has to have some sort of annual festivities.”

"Seems like it ain’t too much different to what festivities we got here, just a hell of a lot bigger, hm?" Mary replies, sipping at her whiskey once again. "The county fair starts next week, so there's something." A small teasing smile forms on her lips as she tacks on, "Milo and Lil used to go on dates to the fair when they were teens, it was all very cute." She nudged Claire in the side as she talked.

"Mum," Miles complains at her added comment, his eyes fixating on her. He seemed to have an idea of what was coming next and he wasn't looking forward to it.

"Y'know," Mary continues jovially, prodding Claire once more. "The first time he and Lil went by themselves he was adamant to wear a tie, was scared she was gonna look a whole lot more formal than he did or somethin'. Probably woulda worn a whole suit if I let him. We spent the whole afternoon tryna figure out how to tie that thing. Do you remember that, Miles?"

At this point Miles had found a special interest in his dinner plate and had one of his hands massaging the side of his temple. All he managed out was a simple affirmative "Mm."

Lilith found herself pushing the food from one side of her plate to the other, careful not to look at anyone. The heat rising to her face, she couldn’t help but smirk as she added her own thoughts to the conversation. ”And to think he made me feel underdressed,” she laughed. ”Here I was in jeans and a t-shirt as always, and Miles was sweating in a suit jacket.”

Laughing along, Claire returned Marys nudge with one of her own. ”Remember that time - I think they were like twelve - where we honestly had to pretend like they weren’t sneakin’ in and out each other's windows?”

Chuckles continued to erupt from Mary as Lilith and Claire chimed in. As for Miles, his face has turned a brighter shade of pink with every line. Part of him was glad to see his ma laugh, like truly laugh, for the first time in a long time but he wasn't so chuffed that it was at his expense.

"You could hear Lil comin' from a mile away. I reckon Miles' was no better!" Mary adds on.

"Ma, please stop, I'm begging you," Miles complains, sure that he was as red as a tomato by now.

"Oh, they're sweet memories, Hurricane," Mary says sweetly. "I remember when you were really little, you used to put your little teddy bear, your favourite book and a handful of toy cars into your little suitcase and tell me you were going to LiLi's house. You were so sure you could make it to North Carolina all on your own."

As Mary continued to share her stories, Claire's eyes lit up further. ”How about that time they actually ran away together and tried to survive in the woods that one week? I’ll never forget how filthy they were walking back through the door, little heads hanging low in defeat.” Still laughing, the woman reached across the table to pour herself and Mary another drink.

”Running away honestly doesn’t sound like such a bad idea right now,” Lil did her best to joke and keep the mood light.

”You’re starting to make me terrified for Celeste’s teenage years,” Salem added, trying to get in on the fun. Her eyes flicked from Mary to Miles. ”Hurricane? That’s a family nickname, I suppose?”

”Absolutely nothing sounds better right now,” Miles mutters to Lilith at her comment on running away.

At Salem’s first comment Mary gives a light chuckle. "Oh, look forward to that. Your tyke already seems like a lil firecracker, those teen years are gonna be wild.” That was when Salem asked about Miles’ nickname. Why couldn’t Mary help but feel like that question was more loaded than it should have been? She shook it off, assuming her concern may just be in overdrive. "Miles was lil whirlwind when he was little. The best way to find him was following the destruction in the house. Toys would be flyin’, things pulled off shelves, the family dog wound up. It was like havin’ a lil hurricane in the house.” Mary explains, taking a sip of her freshly filled glass.

Carlisle said quietly and eat his own brisket not really saying or getting involved. Mostly just listening to the stories of Lil and Miles Childhood. It was a painful thing to listen to. Mostly because his own childhood was a completely different experience. Meeting Miles was the high point, but he forgot that Miles also knew Lil, and that they were close, even at that point. He played around with his fork on his plate. He wanted to tell his own story from his childhood, but he couldn't think of one that wasn't depressing or showed how much of a bitch Amanda was.

Outside the house sitting in his SUV, Aloysius Leighton was reading one more letter that Mary had written. He had spent the entire afternoon reading every single Letter from Mary, and it had been something of an experience. A rollercoaster of emotions. Aloysius had cried at least several times during the readings. He had come here to try and make some of it right.

Leaving his vehicle he pulled out a bouquet of blue lilies he had managed to get a hold of at short notice. He wasn't quite sure if it was the right color for Mary. He began walking upto the door.

Carlisle in his seat, had a view of the walkway to the door from his window. Looking up and seeing a figure walking up, he only just clocked on who it was. He didn't want to alarm anyone, but he sat up straight, sending emotional distress signals out to try and get Lils attention.

Then the knock came.

As a knock came at the door Mary’s brow furrowed, she wasn’t expecting another visitor at this time. She looked over and exchanged glances with Miles, a silent conversation taking place as to who was to answer the door. After a few looks she shook her head before getting up from her seat and trekking to the door. She pulls it open to see a familiar figure in front of her. "Jo-Al, what are you doing here?” she asks, trying to ignore the bouquet in his hand.

Al didn't exactly know how to hand over a bouquet of flowers. He never really mastered that art. He pushed them forwards towards her for her to accept. "I got you these. I remember you like Lilies, but I can't remember which color you preferred. So I went with Blue. For calming and soothing y'know" Aloysius smiled, feeling like he was making a little progress "I spent the afternoon reading your letters. It was an experience. I guess I have some things I need to say"

"Uh- thanks?” Mary replies awkwardly, taking the flowers that were pushed toward her. She wasn’t all too certain what to say, or how to respond. As Aloysius finished what he had to say Mary gave a deep sigh. "Look, Al this isn’t the best-” she stops herself as curiosity won over. "You’re not just gonna stand here and justify why my feelin’s were wrong, are you?” she asks ominously.

" What!? No! Actually the opposite really." Aloysius gave off a soft smile as he looked at her, it was clear from his right eye that he had been shedding some tears. "Look, your feelings are valid. Extremely valid given the circumstances. Yes, life dealt me a scrappy hand, and others were responsible for what happened. But in all of this I never really sat down to take stock of my own involvement in this. I have always blamed others. Look. I am sorry Mary. I am sorry for all the pain I caused, all the shit I dropped on you. I didn't want to do it. But rather than stay and fight, I curled up like a coward, and I got what I deserved. I can't fix the past. I can't change what happened, but I can at least try and make the future better."

Claire was thankful for the playful and overall casual vibe that the conversation had taken. She had tensed slightly hearing the knock upon the door. Everyone who was invited or normally welcome at these things were already here - that was unless Carlisle had decided to invite another unwanted visitor. The woman continued to eat and drink in silence as her best friend moved to open the door, the conversation never dwindling. As everyone around her continued to act as normal, Claire couldn’t help but notice the voices coming from the entryway, nor how long Mary had been away from the table. Getting up and walking over to the doorway herself, Claires face fell as she spotted Aloysius.

Placing herself beside Mary, Claire quickly took in the scene before her. Grabbing the flowers, the woman shoved them back at Aloysius’s chest. ”Food’s gone. Whiskeys gone. You oughta be gone too.”

Seeing Claire, Aloysius own face dropped. This just got alot more complicated. With a soft sigh he simply pushed the flowers forward, aiming back towards Mary and away from Claire. "Look, just let me speak to Mary in peace please. I am trying to get something important out of the way. I am not here to cause trouble or to make Mary's life any harder"

Back at the dining table, Carlisle was watching as Claire got up off her seat. This was going to blow up again. With a soft sigh, He looked over at both Lil and Miles "Turns out Aloysius has decided to show up. It has nothing to do with me"

”Your presence makes things hard enough,” Claire snapped back. ”I’m not sure how good your people skills are, but if someone kept freezing up and breaking down around me - I’d probably stop approachin’ ‘em. Now I suggest you turn around and head back from which way you came, because what’s waitin’ for you on the other side of this door is a lot worse than me, bud.”

Mary was somewhat frozen, looking between Al and the flowers back in his hands. She wasn’t sure what to do but eventually succumbed to taking them, accepting flowers didn’t mean sudden forgiveness after all. She was taken aback about the fact Aloysius had apologised rather than just continued to justify himself. At Claire's final statement the woman gave a sigh. Honestly she was curious about what he had to say but in the middle of a family dinner? Probably not the most ideal time. "She does have a point, I’m not sure you’d survive my dinin’ room. But look, if you’re willing to try-” she turns to Claire, "It sure would entertain you.”

" I just want to talk to you Mary and get things off my chest. Reading those letters made me realise a few home truths. If that means enduring Claire here trying to rip me apart then so be it. Put me infront of the jury and let me state me case" Aloysius almost pleaded with Mary.

Mary glances at Claire for a moment to gauge her reaction before replying to Al. "You gotta understand, Al. This'll be the toughest jury you've ever faced. Every single person who closely watched me suffer at your loss is in that room."

"Which is why I have to do it. I deserve to be put under pressure a bit. Plus, they are going to want to flog me anyway, might as well get it over with"

Defeated, Claire shrugged her shoulders. ”Entertainin’ is a nice way of putin’ it. I make no apologies for Lilith in advance.”

Mary gave a deep sigh before stepping out of the doorway so Al could move past her. "As long as someone else is cleaning the blood off the damn floor," she mutters as he enters.

"It will be fine, I am not going to start anything. I just want to prove some stuff to you" Aloysius said with a soft smile. He walks through the hallway into the dining room. It was then his eyes met Salem. His body froze in place as his fight or flight instinct kicked in. He took a deep breath. "Salem! What are you doing here!?"

Salem was far from a divination witch, but she couldn’t help but feel the dark metaphorical cloud that had entered the room as soon as Mary opened the door. She had joined in on some of the smaller conversations around her, and had even managed to make Marys mother laugh in the process. As a familiar dark haired figure graced their presence, silence fell over the room. John looked confused - but ready to shoot - as always, Miles and Lil looked as if they were ready to fight, and the rest of the crowd just seemed completely bewildered. Knocking back what little bit of whiskey was left in her glass, Salem looked up to lock eyes with Al.

”Well, I was invited of course. Not sure you can say the same.”

"Why would they invite you?" Aloysius's body was tense and frozen in place. No matter how much he wanted to step back. Salem always had this ability to ground Aloysius where he was. He was confused by how she could be here and Miles not be in danger.

Shrugging her shoulders, Salem responded with the only thing she could think of. ”Because they find my company appealing, I suppose.”

Aloysius wanted to say something else, but he knew it would just end up with starting shit with Salem. Aloysius was here to apologise properly to Mary and try to move on. He needed to just power on through. Salem was going to make this near neigh impossible, but he would try his best. "I just came here to speak to Mary. I suspected that Miles would be here, I didn't expect it to be a full blown dinner. Now I see what Mary meant the room would be the toughest jury. Practically filled with people who hate my guts"

As Aloysius walked in the room, time seemed to almost freeze. Suddenly it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop despite Aloysius and Salem’s exchanged words. Miles was almost ready for the conversation to turn back to embarrassing stories from his youth. All the while a hot anger took over him. He took a quick glance at Lil, knowing the rage that swirled inside of him would consume her also, he hoped she wouldn't try anything despite it. He then turns his attention to his father, not that he'd use that title to the man's face. ”What the hell do you want from us?! You talked to her this morning, you don't need to again. Now leave me and my mother and our family alone so we can be at peace!"

Aloysius raised his left left hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Surprisingly Miles, there is alot to say after the past 25 years, plus, I had some stuff to read courtesy of your mother that has given me a new perspective on things" Removing his hand he looked over at Miles "Miles, I am sorry for abandoning you and leaving you to grow up with just your mother. It was a terrible thing for me to do. The worst thing a person can do. And I know you are going to be a far better father than I ever could have been to you"

Lilith was torn away from joking with her grandfather when a man she didn’t know entered the room. Silence and tension filled the air, quickly followed by the rage of Salem and Miles. Gripping onto her steak knife, Lilith watched as the stranger exchanged words with the people around her. It didn’t take very much for her to put two and two together.

”Aloysius Leighton,” she began, playing with the feeling of the mans name on her tongue. ”The displeasure is all ours.” If looks could kill, Al’s heart would have stopped the second Lilith locked eyes with his. Seeing Miles so upset only fueled Lilith’s natural rage even more. She had seen Miles in fights, or even in drunken rages - but very rarely did he ever actually raise his voice around her. Aloysius being here was clearly already crossing some sort of line. ”Don’t go around tryin’ to slap bandaids on bullet wounds. If you have things to say to Mary, then I suggest you go ahead and get it out of the way behind closed doors. But don’t expect anyone to forgive you, or for you to be able to walk in here and play father to Miles.”

At Al's apology, Miles scoffs. ”I don’t think I've heard a more piss poor, half-assed attempt at an apology in my life! What gives you the right to come into my home and talk to me like that?" Miles yells, standing in his place. As Lilith says her piece Miles nods along, throwing another glance at her. He couldn’t slow that rage flowing through him but he could at least stop Lilith from attacking Al if she tried something. In any other time he wouldn’t bat an eyelid at her attacking his father, in fact he'd be entertained by it, but he was extra cautious considering the state she was in.

Aloysius was able to roll with the punches, he could take whatever Lil or Claire threw at him. But you didn't need an empath's ability to tell that Miles' response hurt Aloysius. For the first time since his teen years, Aloysius had dropped the persona of superiority around him and revealed his more true self. He couldn't expect Miles to open his arms and invite him for a hug, but to at the very least he could have acknowledged what Aloysius was trying to do. Shuffling his feet, he looked down a little bit. It was a mistake to come here. "I should leave really. I didn't think there would be so many people around" Aloysius said with a defeated sigh. Everything he had hoped for the evening was now in shatters.

”Oh, boo hoo,” Miles mocks, folding his arms. ”How rude of me to not want to fall into my sperm donor’s arms because he decided to show up for once in my 25 years of life.” Miles snaps back at the man’s sad expression. ”What’d you think would happen? You’d read some letters, talk to ma once and suddenly I’d want to be your son?”

Mary sighed as she placed the flowers on the kitchen countertop, making a mental note to put them in water later. Even if she wasn’t the biggest fan of their giver she had to admit they were lovely. She’d always loved lilies. As Aloysius and her son talked Mary opted to stay quiet , not caring to intervene at this moment.

"No I didn't expect that. But… Look… I am coming here in good faith. I am not asking for full forgiveness or for us to have some kind of close relationship. I just wanted for you to understand the complications around my life. Both of you" He said as he looked at both Mary and Miles "And at the same time explain how I fucked up and ruined everything"

”I mean, that second part is pretty obvious. You left. You left ma alone, you left me alone. You left and never looked back. I don’t know what more explaining you’ve got.” Miles’ voice had quietened but that rage settled in his eyes, a fire still churning within them.

"Well Salem being here actually helps in that regard. She actively had a part to play in all this, and she hates me, so she won't cover for me. So she can verify what I say is true or not" It was risky trusting Salem to be honest. He knew she could do so much damage here by simply lying or making stuff up. But as long as Aloysius was truthful and didn't take the biscuit with it, hopefully she would cooperate. "I can tell you everything from the beginning, if you are all willing to listen" He was mostly looking for Miles and Mary's approval. But he wouldn't say no to everyone else listening.

”What is it about this town that brings out the stupid in everyone,” Salem interjected, rolling her eyes. ”Accepting responsibility does not mean coming in here and shoving the blame on me. I may have ripped you out of Tanner, but Amanda was the one to give the signal and you are the one who chose to lie about your identity. If you want to play the poor pitiful princess locked away by the evil dragon card then leave me out of it. I was personally hoping your plane would crash on the way here.”

Mary sighed, resituating herself at her seat and the table and taking a sip of her whiskey. "This woulda been a whole lot easier if you didn’t lie to me,” she muses under her breath. "But go on- say what you gotta say.”

Miles remained silent, opting to not take his seat but he did grip the back of Lilith’s chair for support. He grips so tight his knuckles turn white. He gives no indication on whether or not he was open to listening but he doesn’t seem to prepare to attack.

Hearing Salem's words caused Aloysius to have mixed feelings. She was at least backing him up on the fact Amanda sold him out. So he was hoping that would at least help convince Mary. "Please, do continue eating. I don't want your food to go cold. I can explain while you eat, or wait until you have all finished" He was trying to smile, but it was obvious that nerves got to him.

Seeing that no one had moved a bit, Aloysius decided to start "So yeah. I fought a war. I started it. Attacked the Guild and killed Salem's Father. My mother had convinced me that I was capable of doing anything. She used my feelings regarding mine and Salem's break up to convince me that the Guild needed change." Aloysius would grab onto the top of an empty seat, taking a second to think through his words. " Suffice to say, the revolution was a bust. I lost. Nearly lost my own life. I fled New York in an attempt to save my own skin and avoid the wrath of Salem once more."

"Half a year later, I ended up here in Tanner. It was such a nice little town. I met Mary and settled down. Knowing that if I used my real name, I used an Alias, Jonathan Park. My old alias back in guild operations. In retrospect, not the best disguise. Still. I was building a new life. Mary was such a great influence on me. The problem was. The more I saw how amazing she was, the more scared I was that she would reject me if she found out the truth. So I kept putting it off." Aloysius swallowed hard for a moment before carrying on " That's on me. Nobody else. I fucked up. I should have come clean sooner. I am really sorry Mary. Though I gave you a false name, everything else was still me. I know I can't ask for forgiveness. But I hope you can still see the person you fell in love with behind this new name" There was a hint of both nervousness and fear in his tone. He desperately wanted her approval.

Claire had been listening to Mary and Aloysius's conversation, her eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of them. Taking another drink of whiskey, Claire nearly choked as the last of Al's words filled the air. Lighting a cigarette, the blonde shook her head. "I call bullshit."

Mary listened to Al but her eyes were unable to meet his figure. Instead they would solace in everything else in the room. The swirling liquid in her whiskey glass, Lilith’s plate, the tablecloth. Anything that was not that man. At his last line Mary pursed her lips. After 25 years Mary had completely forgotten what made her fall in love with the man she knew as Johnathon Park. She may have forgotten him all together had he not left her with the heartache and a son. Before she could respond, Claire beat her to it.

As Claire drawled her unbelieving line Miles folded his arms, the first movement he had made since Aloysius started speaking. ”Me too,” he responds instantly.

"I am telling the truth! Why would I lie? I sent letters to Mary every single month… If I wasn't the same person, why would I bother even coming back?" With a sigh he watched Miles and Mary. Clearly Mary wasn't even able to look at him. "Look, my life was great here in Tanner. Then Amanda found out my true identity. At first she tried to blackmail me into being in a relationship with her. She wanted me to have a child with her. She knew the kind of power it would create. And she craved it herself. Something about securing her legacy. I said no. I had just discovered that Mary was Pregnant. I was over the moon. I took it as a sign that things were about to change in my life for the better. Sadly Amanda had other plans. After discovering Mary was Pregnant, Amanda told Salem where I was hiding. I was forced to surrender and go back to New York. I didn't tell Salem about Mary or the fact she was pregnant. I didn't want to risk Salem going after her. Perhaps if I actually stood my ground and was honest with both Mary and Salem, none of this would have happened. Maybe Salem wouldn't have gone after Mary, maybe I would have been able to live a quiet life in exile. I am just sorry for lying. To both of you I guess. For telling two separate lies."

Mary found herself still unable to face the man but a quick check-in with her own divination was enough to know he wasn’t lying. That was- was comforting the right word? Not really. But it at least gave her a peace of mind. She looked over at the magi leader sitting across from her. "For no reason ‘cept pure curiosity, what would you’ve done to me or my son if you knew?” she asks the other woman.

Salem had grown bored of the conversation around her, choosing to answer a few missed texts on her phone. Business back home never stopped no matter how much she wished it would. For now it was a much needed distraction from Aloysius. Truthfully, Salem should have killed him years ago - but toying with his emotions and always having someone to do your bidding proved to be just a little too much fun. Looking up from her screen, Salem shrugged her shoulders.

”The same thing I said last night - either get to you early enough to convince you to abort the child, or offer you and it both safety within our ranks back in New York. Knowing what I do now, Miles being born was inevitable. You’d have never been a family - not one with Aloysius included anyway. The problem was never with the Leighton line continuing, otherwise I would have found ways to sterilize Lola. Despite the harm that Aloysius had already done to his family name… well, Mary, you’d have been a Queen - second to myself of course. Miles would have grown up with the proper training, and perhaps with more of a feeling that he fit in. If you didn’t want to move to New York, then I could have set you up with connections in Atlanta or anywhere else you wanted to go. I may be a lot of horrible things, but a child killer isn’t one of them.”

Asking her divination for guidance, Mary was indeed alerted that Salem was telling the truth. With a sigh Mary turned back to Al, bringing herself to look at him. She could recognise that this was a complex situation, and that her emotional ties to the whole thing made it even more complicated. She was a biased judge. Everyone in that room was a biased judge. Her dad, particularly, seemed unimpressed. "This is ridiculous," he grumbles under his breath.

Miles was mad, more so than before. Hands seemed unsure what to do, swapping between their folded position and gripping on to his and Lilith's chairs. ”So you're telling me- not only did you lie to ma, which is something that caused the issue that you could control, but we could have actually been okay?" In all honesty, Miles scarcely wanted for a more privileged life, it came in fleeting moments of missed events and the few times his mother couldn't hide the exhaustion from her eyes, but it didn’t seem to help soften the blow. ”All you've done is come here and tell us this is all your fault, which is something we all know."

Hearing Salem's response, Aloysius's heart sank. He had convinced himself that he had done the right thing. He did what he did to protect Mary and his unborn child. Hearing that they would have been fine regardless only made it worse. What really hurt him was the fact that no matter what he had done, he would have never been allowed near Mary. Salem had controlled his life for so long. He had lost so much time because of her decisions. Listening to Miles, Aloysius just raised his hand to signal him to calm down and shut up.

"I didn't know what was going to happen. I came here originally to tell Mary that I understand now what she went through. And that I am truly sorry to the bottom of my heart that I cussed so much pain by being in her life. I have made so many bad decisions in my life. Choices that haunt me every single day. And thanks to Salem, even 25 years later, I can't find peace. I have repented for all the bad things I did. I served my time. Why can't anyone just let me have one small thing for once?" Aloysius's Voice raised as he got close to the end of his sentence, clearly agitated "Why does EVERYTHING I touch turn to shit? I just want one thing in my life to go right. Is that too much to ask? I sent letters for twenty five years because I knew that I wanted to make things right. Why can't I make them right?" It was clear that Aloysius was getting emotional. Tears formed at the edges of his eyes, as he felt them burn slightly.

"Cus the one small thing you're askin' for ain't that small. Not for us," Mary replies softly. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she found a sudden interest in the tablecloth once more. The corners of her eyes stung as she forced herself to hold back tears herself. Every single fiber of her being wanted to breakdown in shutters and shakes. This was too much. A reminder of some of the worst moments in her life, the worst hurt she faced and not only did he have reasons but he was breaking down over them himself. As much as she couldn't just get over the situation, it hurt how much pain was in the man's voice. It made the natural comforter in her to go and tend to him but she remained seated.

"You ain't gettin' any sympathy from me," Claire chimed in, taking another drag off her cigarette.

"Seconded," Salem quipped.

"Same here," Lilith responded, clearly having no sympathy for the man. If she had it her way, she would have banished him to another dimension the second he walked through the door.

"I concur," huffed John.

Aloysius closed his eyes, taking a moment to breathe deeply. ”I do everything I can to not be a bad person, and people still judge me as one. I see. Next you will be telling me Ty will hate to see me” Aloysius huffed in frustration, before once again calming himself. ”I know that I did bad things, and I can't say sorry enough. Mary has made me realize how much pain I caused, and the last thing I wanted to do was cause Mary pain. If those letters had arrived, maybe things would have been different.” His eyes dropped towards Carlisle, a look of fire in his eyes. ”It was your mothers fault. All of this. We could have had a peaceful life here if she hadn’t blabbed”

Carlisle stared back at Aloysius, completely at a loss of what to say at the seething man. He shrugged his shoulders slightly as he went back to eating a small piece of brisket.

Borderline exhausted and fighting back her frustrations, Lilith sighed. "Look, man. You said your piece, we said ours - what do we have to do to get you out of here?"

Carlisle watched as Aloysius' eyes were locked on his. ”Your family ruined it all, and you think you can still be in charge…” Before he could finish his sentence, Aloysius disappeared. With a small groan, Carlisle rubbed his forehead.

”He was getting on my nerves. Plus I am not my mother, and won’t stand being compared to her.”

Taking a deep breath, Lilith looked around the table, not quite sure of what to say. She had managed to keep from hitting Aloysius, which was a win - but over all this night felt like another loss. She was ready to go home. The young woman reached over her shoulder to place her hand on top of Miles's. She shrugged her shoulders, speaking the first thing that came to mind.

"Speaking of headaches, maybe I should have gave him one." Her tone was thoughtful and exhausted. As silence began to fill the room again, Lilith began to sip on her tea.

As Al disappears Mary gives an exhausted sigh, resting her head on her best friend's shoulder. The scent of tobacco surrounding her, both comfortingly familiar and unpleasantly foul all at once. Mary had given up stopping her friend smoking in her house since she returned to the land of the living, it bothered her less now the kids were adults. "I'm so over this." she mutters, keeping her voice low enough only Claire could hear. "I'm so exhausted, Claire. All the time. Always"

Now as silence fell the emotional high was starting to drain from Miles. He couldn't help but notice that it left him shaking a bit. ”You and me both," he replies to Lilith, rubbing the side of her hand with his thumb. Miles harboured more rage within him than he'd ever admit. In true Price fashion it was so naturally suppressed but he'd always been cautious with it around Lil, knowing she was so sensitive to those strong emotions. ”Sorry." he says meekly, glancing back at her.

Blowing out the last puff of smoke, Claire put out the cigarette on the sole of her boot before tossing it in the ashtray on the table. Mary had never been a smoker, but had always kept an ashtray around just for Claire. All these years later, and it was still in the same spot. As Mary put her head on Claires shoulder, the blonde began to play with her best friend's hair. Empathy was a rare trait - even for the Montgoemerys’ - but it didn’t take a genius to see how tired Mary was. She gently kissed the top of the older woman's head. ”I know baby,” the blonde whispered back. ”I know. Maybe you should think about moving into the ranch too.”

Claire could almost feel the tension in Mary's shoulders, even somewhat imagining the hardened expression on her face as she fought for her last will to fight. ”I know you’ll fight me on it, and you don’t ever even have to give me an answer - but the offer still stands.”

On the other side of the table, Lilith looked up at Miles. Eyes soft, her brows knit together in confusion. ”What for?”

At Claire's invitation Mary sighed. The Montgomerys had done too much for her, especially in the past 25 years. Even moreso than that she had built too much in this house, she was more attached to it than she'd care to admit. "I can't ask y'all to do any more for me." she says softly. In this moment of vulnerability the exhaustion seeps through her voice. She was so used to going breakneck speed bouncing between her jobs and commitments that in those brief moments of quiet she was intensely reminded of the impact her lifestyle had had on her aging body. "I worked so hard for, well, this. All of it. It'll feel… I don't know. I just can't."

At Lilith's question Miles blinked once. Then twice. He'd honestly expected Lilith to be more riled up from the aftermath. ”I dunno. All of that? I got pretty mad. I just thought- nevermind," he mumbles. He finds himself unable to meet his girlfriend's eyes for a moment. He wasn't quite sure what he was feeling. Shame? Fear? Discomfort? Whatever it was, he wasn't a fan.

”I ain’t asking you to sell your house, babe. Just think about it, yeah?” Claire knew full well that her efforts were futile, but she wanted to make sure Mary knew she was being serious. No one wanted Mary to sell her house or give up her life - but at the same time, Claire knew how hard having an empty house was going to be on her friend. She continued to play with the woman's hair, another sigh escaping.

Lilith watched Miles' confused expression. Had she said the wrong thing? Was he upset with himself? She really didn’t know. The young Montgomery shook her head. ”It’s fine Miles. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself. We’ve both got a lot going on, emotions are high. Nothing to apologize for.” Staring at her empty plate, the young woman wished that she had something other than her own foot to shove in her mouth.

Mary knew Claire only had good intentions in asking but it seemed a big ask. Mary was unsure which would be harder if she chose to go, letting go of such an important place to her or knowing that she was becoming another burden for her old friends to carry. Eventually she straightens herself up, shooting Claire a thin-lipped smile. "Y’don’t need to worry about me, Claire. I’ve done this before, Miles was in Olympia for college and work for a good 4 or 5 years. I’ve done the whole empty nester thing. I’ll be fine.” she says, taking another sip of whiskey.

”Yeah. Yeah we do,” Miles muses in response to Lilith’s mentioning about them having a lot going on. ”The whole high emotion empath thing- that’s not bad for the babies, is it?”

Carlisle laid down his fork as he finished eating. His face going a similar pale colour to the ceremony. Looking around he saw that everyone was comforting each other. It had been emotional, that was for sure. Carlisle himself felt very confused as to what to do next. "For the record, I am sorry for inviting Salem without announcing it. Things had been busy today and I thought it wasn't a big a deal. When in reality it was a major thing. I thought I was doing right by trying to show Salem's peaceful intentions. And I was wrong to assume that you would all be okay with it"

Claire shrugged her shoulders as she placed her elbows on the edge of the table to prop herself up. She might not have been able to convince Mary to move it, but she’d make sure she could be there for her friend - even if she had to do so in traditionally sneaky fashion.

Lilith shot Carlisle a stern look from across the table before answering Miles. ”I’m not sure. I know that being super stressed and things like that can cause complications. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if they come out with two heads and webbed feet.”

At Lilith’s response Miles felt an empty chuckle escape his lips before gently kissing the top of his girlfriend’s head. Honestly, the weekend had just left the man confused and drained. He was going to be a father, his mum and him fought and his dad had thought now was as good a time as any to try and wiggle back into Mary Price’s good graces. He then sighs, placing his forehead gently on Lilith’s scalp where his lips had just touched. He completely missed Carlisle’s rehearsed words.

Mary had not. "Guess y’learnt your lesson now, ‘ey kid?” she asks, rubbing her eyes in such a way to seem she was tired rather than soaking up the few tears that were starting to collect in their corners.

" If I ever turn out like Aloysius, shoot me" Carlisle replied, before quickly backtracking "Actually, don't shoot me. Cause too many of you own guns" Carlisle said with a nervous chuckle "I will let him out later when I get home"

”Plenty of other things to get shot over,” John chuckled. ”Can we go watch the Packers game now? Kinda tired of feeling like I’m a co-star in a soap opera over here.”

"C’mon,” Mary sighs, standing up in her spot. Dinner may have been a bust but she could usually count on John being relatively easy to impress. "I’ll fix the TV up for you.”

Starring Miles Prices and Mary Price

Mary pressed the wooden front door closed with a click. She remained with her face turned to it for a moment, taking a long breath to regroup her thoughts. As much as she wanted to say Aloysius’ arrival didn’t impact her at all she couldn’t help but feel shaken in his presence. After a minute or two she turns around to instantly be caught off guard by her son standing at the end of the corridor, causing her to jump slightly. "Miles,” she sighs.

Miles had awoken to the sound of muffled voices at the doorway of the house. By the time he had rolled out of bed, thrown on a shirt and wandered over to investigate his mum had just started pressing the door closed. In the few seconds he saw enough, the black hair and big purple cheek bruise, he knew exactly who she was talking to.

”What was he doing here?” Miles asks gruffly, looking his mother up and down.

"I was just passing over a few things, not that it’s any of your business,” Mary replies before starting to walk down the hallway.

Her response made Miles grit his teeth. It may have not been his business but that answer made him uncomfortable. Miles didn’t know anything of his father outside of being a magi war criminal and abandoning his mother all those years ago, both events he wasn’t all that chuffed about. He couldn’t really place why the man was back. Did he want Miles for whatever magi atrocities he had planned next? Was he looking to woo Miles’s mother again now Miles was old enough to be fully independent and possibly out of the picture? The fact his mother dared to be near that man made him uneasy, let alone having him at the house.

”If he left whatever those things were for 25 years I doubt they matter so much he needs to be here for them," Miles snaps

"Looks like someone rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning." Mary shoots back, finishing her trip to the kitchen where she starts a pot of coffee. The heightened emotions of the past 24 hours was starting to wear her down, the last thing she needed was Miles’ interrogations. "If you really must know, Miles, what I gave him I did for me, not for him,” she states as she goes to grab the mugs.

For you. The hell do you mean ‘for you’? He abandoned us, left us to struggle and all it takes is some half-assed excuse for you to be ok with that? What’s next? You’re gonna fall into his arms and try and play happy families? Not on my watch,” Miles yells back, his pale face becoming flushed in his outburst.

"It ain’t like that and I’m sure you well know it!” Mary snaps back, banging her travel cup and a mug on the kitchen bench. "Last time I checked I was the parent in this house. Thought I’d raised you better than to talk to your mother like that.”

”And I thought you were decent enough to be honest with me but here we are.”

Mary’s face flushed redder than her son’s at that comment. Funnily enough the guilt wasn’t about to consume her, it was the frustration instead. She thought they were over the petty kitchen fights back in Miles' college days but clearly she was wrong. She could understand him being mad about all she put into hiding that he was magi from him but the rest of the attacks were unwarranted. Still, she remained on his last thought. "I did what I thought was right at the time to protect you. You’ll understand that soon enough,” she replies. Mary tried her hardest to restrain herself from yelling, she was barely successful but enough to lower her tone slightly. She could only hope Miles would follow suit.

Miles, on the other hand, was not having a bar of it. He was mad, the beating in his head from last night’s liquor consumption seemed to do all but help. ”Yeah? And how’s that working out for you?” he growls.

"Miles Price!” the woman snaps. She instantly cuts herself off, running her hands across her face and growling in frustration. Her patience was wearing thin and she wasn’t sure how many more of her son’s comments she could take. "Miles,” she starts again, her tone more gentle yet she couldn’t help the frustration that flowed through her voice. "Sweetie. I love you, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me but you drive me absolutely crazy sometimes,” she drawls, her voice full of exasperation. She knew she had done little to disarm Miles but part of her didn’t really care, it had seemed this argument had gone too far for that anyway.

Miles was taken aback by his mother’s comment. He knew he was far from the perfect son, he also knew even if he was his mother would have had it hard enough to raise him. ”Would you prefer to have Carlisle as a son then since he’s oh-so-perfect?” the man yells back. If Miles was being honest he hadn’t noticed himself being concerned with the effort Mary was putting into helping his friend, it was never an issue with Lilith who Miles figured may have been his mum’s favourite some days despite her denials. If he was being honest Miles wasn’t quite sure where that line came from. Genuine jealousy or an attempt to make his mother feel bad. Likely the latter, he figured.

That comment hurt Mary, had she spent so long invested in Miles’ friends that he felt kicked aside? Or was Miles just aiming to kill as he tended to do when he got emotional? Mary could have used her powers to calm the room but didn’t pay much mind to that knowledge, instead she checked in with her divination on Miles’ purpose for his argument. It answered clearly that it was likely an attempt to guilt her and that knowledge made her madder, and more frustrated. "Don’t play that card, Miles. Don’t do that to me. You and I both know what you’re tryna do here,” she growls back.

Miles fell silent. He wanted to ask how Carlisle knew about Lilith being pregnant before him, he was sure it was Mary that had told him. He wanted to yell it and demand to know why but for as much as Miles was mouthy he knew he was close to pushing his mother over the edge. He could tell in the way she growled and stomped across the room. Miles had only ever pushed her off that ledge a handful of times in his teen years but it was enough to know that was not a scene he wanted a part in.

"Now, if you’re finished I need to go pick up my parents who’ll probably have a go at me too because being told off by my son apparently ain’t enough,” Mary grumbles, pouring coffee from the pot into her travel mug. She then bangs the pot next to the cup on the bench she had retrieved for Miles before grumbling, "You can pour your own damn coffee.”

Miles remained silent, leaving Mary to assume he had no more to say, She aggressively snatches her handbag from its hook and makes her way to the door. As she opens the door she calls back "You better have a better attitude when I get home, young man!”

Miles’ hands balled into fists as his mother slammed the door shut. Now that the house was dead silent Miles was left on his own to reflect on the conversation. His eyes trailed to the coffee pot on the table. With the adrenaline wearing off fast the colour started to drain from the man’s face. While Miles and his mother had had their spats they hadn’t really had any full fights like this since his first (and only) year in college. He gave a sigh. At least he knew where he could get an answer on Carlisle’s knowledge of his and Lil’s situation.

Miles pulled out his phone and texted to ask to meet his friend at Huskers, they were due for a hangout anyway.

A Collab between @Soufflegirl123 & @Sadie
Featuring: Miles Price& Delaney Barlowe

With a gentle kiss on the forehead, Miles parted ways with Lil, allowing her to do whatever bureaucratic undertakings her role as a council leader called for. Instead he made his way to the drinks table once again. The further away from Lil he got, the more Miles seemed to disassociate. He couldn’t pinpoint if it was the alcohol, the end of all the new info being told or no longer feeling he had to put on a brave face for Lil's sake but something had allowed him to hold his head up high and it was dissipating fast. By the time he got back to the drinks table Miles seemed to almost look like a deer in headlights, his thoughts racing so fast that it was becoming white noise. He silently and robotically reaches for a glass and the whiskey, his arms in autopilot mode.

As Rowan and her parted ways for the party, Delaney went off in search of her friends. Not finding Erin, as she was typically late to these things, she tried to find Miles through the swarm of people. After several moments she gave up and decided on another drink instead. Seeing Miles, she grinned to herself and shook her head. Of course. She should have just stayed at the drink table. Moving up beside him, she grabbed the rum and poured herself another glass. A bright smile was on her face before she turned to her friend and noticed his expression. Her grin immediately faltered and she put her free hand on the man’s shoulder. ”Miles? You okay?” She quickly looked him over before shaking her head. ”Dude. You need to breathe. Talk to me.”

As Delaney’s hand touches the man’s shoulder Miles seems to be transported back to Earth with a snap. He blinks a few times before placing the bottle of whiskey back on the table. He then turns to his friend, attempting to shoot her one of his signature mischievous smiles but he seemed to barely have the energy to do that, resulting in a pathetic attempt at best. At her first question Miles gave a deep sigh. "It’s just… it’s been a long night,” he forces out, taking a sip of his whiskey. That was when she prompted him to open up to her. Miles’ voice seemed to drop to barely a whisper as he muttered "Not here, not near so many people.” A lot of the colour seemed to have drained from the young man’s skin but it was slowly being replaced by pink as he started drinking again.

Oh, now she was doubly interested. With a slight nod of her head, she brought her glass to her lips and quickly downed the rum she had poured herself. This was going to be a doozy. Setting the glass on the table, her hand slid down his arm and she grabbed onto his hand. Delaney looked around the room before leading him to the alchemy room. The room in which seemed to bring out both of their emotional vulnerabilities. She closed the door behind them and nodded to the man. ”Alright. Spill.”

Before he knew it Delaney was leading Miles away from the crowds, back into what was quickly becoming their spot. Miles couldn’t help but notice that his body seemed to be overtaken by the shaking once more. With a sigh, the man placed his cup on one of the many workbenches and sat next to it. Where did he even start? He wrings his hands as another nervous breath escapes him. Before he could review what he wanted to say the words seemed to just release themselves. "Li’s pregnant,” he says quietly, his voice still barely above a whisper despite being locked away from the rest of the coven. His eyes remained fixated on the floor, although he was curious how his friend would respond he barely had the energy right now.

Delaney didn’t understand why the man was so nervous, he hardly ever took anything as serious as he was taking this moment right now. Then, she heard his confession. It was so mumbled and quiet that she felt like she didn’t hear him correctly, but his body language spoke volumes. Her eyes widened a bit and her face turned ashen. She didn’t exactly know how to respond. At their age, some people were starting families. Then again, she knew her best friend. Knew he wasn’t at all ready for that stage in his life. Clearing her throat, she nodded slightly and folded her arms across her chest. She didn’t know what to do, what to say.

Letting out a huffed breath, she shook her head. No matter the fact that she didn’t know what to say, she immediately knew what her friend needed. Delaney rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. ”It’ll be okay.”

Miles seemed to not respond to her embrace, not physically at least. It was a welcome comfort but everything seemed to take up too much energy right now. Now all the adrenaline, rage and confusion of the past hour or so had faded Miles was finally realizing how run down it was all making him. He couldn’t help but wonder how this talk would have gone if anything was different. If he wasn’t a descendant of the Leighton family or even if he knew he was. If the thought of having kids was something him and Lil ever at least entertained rather than writing it off altogether. There was so much more to tell her, more that seemed to make the situation more and more complex. Instead he decided to stay on the current train of thought.

"Triplets,” he mutters simply under his breath. "She’s pregnant with triplets. How are we meant to keep 3 babies alive?”

She felt nauseous herself at his comment. Delaney blinked once before taking a step back, keeping the man at arms’ length. She tilted her head and just studied his face. He was completely serious. Letting out a breath, she shook her head. ”What the fuck, man.”

Letting out another breath, she shook her head and moved away from him. She turned and grabbed the glass he had set down earlier and realized it was still halfway full. Delaney turned back to him and handed him the glass. ”Dude. Drink. Just- we need more alcohol. Stay here.” Grabbing onto the bottom of her dress to keep it free of her heels, she hurried back out to the party, keeping her eyes open to anyone looking her way. She pushed past a couple of older partygoers and hurried to the drink table. Grabbing the rum and whiskey, she made her way back to the alchemy room.

Delaney closed the door back behind her and set the bottles on the table. She huffed out a breath. ”We are going to drink, okay? Forget everything else. Everyone else. We are going to drink, and then we’re going to deal with this.”

At her initial response Miles attempts to force another smile, the left corner of his lips upturning for only a second before dropping back down. "Guess we’re just hyperfertile or something,” he attempts at a joke, his voice coming off low and monotonous still. As Delaney placed the cup in his hand she didn’t have to tell him twice to drink. The man downs the rest of the glass, giving a small coughing spell at the end of what had to be at least 3 good shots worth of whiskey. Before he could object to Delaney’s departure she was already out the door. Not that he was against more alcohol but there was so much more, more that he was unsure if he could get out with much more liquor in his system. Yet he followed her instructions and stayed, tapping his fingers against the glass.

"That’s not really the last of it,” he says gently as he reaches straight for the whiskey bottle. With the alcohol starting to rise to his head, Miles swayed slightly but it seemed to do none for his anxiety or the fact he was pale as a ghost. Although there was more at hand, Lilith's pregnancy took up the most of his mind right now. "We only- y’know- like-” Miles counts on his hands for a moment before continuing, "Three times. That’s like a baby for everytime LiLi woke up in my bed,” he muses, more trying to come to terms with the situation himself but Delaney was a welcomed listener regardless.

As she listened to Miles, she realized she had forgotten a glass for herself back at the table. She shrugged and brought the rum bottle to her lips, taking in a large shot. Delaney coughed a bit as she listened to her best friend speak. She couldn’t help a roll of her eyes before she shook her head. ”Miles. Dude. It literally only takes one time.” As she spoke, she thought about her and Rowan and tried to think about if she remembered to take her birth control on time. She definitely was not ready for an unexpected little bundle.

Taking another swig from the bottle, she cleared her throat. She studied her friend and noticed he was holding back. Delaney tilted her head at him. ”What else is there? You’re not telling me everything, I can tell.”

"And I’ve had hundreds of ‘one times’. Hell, Li and I have had a handful of ‘one times’ and it never-” Miles takes a shaky breath, forgoing his cup for the whiskey bottle and taking a swig out of it. As Delaney prodded for more the last of the colour seemed to drain from MIles’ face. "Honestly, the kids are whatever, I guess. Terrifying, sure. Completely against the plans we’d made almost 10 years ago, true. We weren’t even gonna have any-”, He takes another sip out of the bottle in an attempt to calm himself.

"Turns out I’m magi but not just any magi. Turns out my pa’s Aloysius Leighton, the guy who ran the rebellion against Salem in the 90s. That makes me part of a great magi family and there’s nothing the magical community would hate more than “Merging the bloodlines” as they call it. He also turned up today, my pa,” At the end of dumping pretty much all the important parts of the conversation he takes another swig of whiskey.

Her brows furrowed in question when he brought up the fact that he was a magi. Delaney really didn’t know much about the different types of wizards and warlocks out there; she really should have paid more attention in her studies. Though, she did know that magi were of the highest of their kind out there. And Miles was part of that? She huffed out a breath and tilted her head as she took another swig from her bottle. Delaney remembered something about the Salem rebellion but it was all kinds of foggy.

She did however know that Miles’ father showing up was a big deal. Her face dropped a bit as she nodded her head in thought. Delaney cleared her throat and raised a brow at her best friend, her body immediately getting into offense mode. ”He still here?” She gripped tightly to the bottle in her hands, her violent streak coming to the surface.

"Dunno, don't care," Miles replies brashly, taking another swig of alcohol. Part of him called to slow down, knowing at some point he'd be facing Salem at Lil's side in the near future but bringing a Whiskey bottle to his mouth was almost an automatic action at this point. "Ma's already had a swing at him. I think I saw Claire have one too." Miles hiccups before placing the bottle back on the bench.

Delaney nodded shortly. If Mary and Claire took a swing at Miles’ dad, did that mean that she shouldn’t? No, absolutely not. Miles was her best friend and she couldn’t just let this information slide over her. Was she willing to go up against a grown ass man just because he walked out on his son? Yes. Indefinitely yes. Huffing out a breath, she took another large drink from her bottle. ”Well. Guess it’s my turn now.”

At Delaney's response Miles leveled his eyes to her. "Yeah? What's new with you?" he asks. "You better not tell me you're pregnant too,"

She eyed the man before rolling her eyes. ”No. Gods, no. One of us knows how to use protection.” Delaney shook her head before taking another large drink. The information she was going to give him wasn’t as big as his, but it felt huge to her. She bit the inside of her cheek as she looked at the ground. She didn’t know if she could say it out loud, but she needed to get it off her chest. Letting out a slow breath, she nodded slightly before looking back up at Miles. ”You know me. I don’t get incredibly close to people. You and Erin are my exceptions.” With another shrug of her shoulders, she sighed. ”I think I’m in love with Rowan.”

A small smile spread across the young man’s face as he took another sip of whiskey. This conversation felt almost reminiscent of the one they had a month ago in the same place. "I know," he replies softly. "I guess we both got what we wanted."

”Did we, though?” She shook her head and looked away from him, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Delaney took a large gulp of her drink. ”You have three babies on the way. You’re going to be a father in about eight months.” She took another drink. ”And I’m in love with the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and yet I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Shaking her head, she looked back over at her best friend. ”This shit is terrifying, man.”

You’re going to be a father those were words Miles never expected to hear about himself. Even as Lilith and him talked about their situation the titles of mother and father never really came up. It almost seemed to make the situation more real. Miles gave a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, maybe not what we expected but-" he gives a shrug, sipping his drink once more.

"I don't really hate the idea of being a father. I guess it's just all kinda left field, y'know?" he takes another swig of his drink before turning his attention back to Delaney's concerns. "And what are you waiting to go wrong exactly?"

She scoffed as she held up the rum bottle before taking a drink. ”This, for starters. Rowan is going to realize that he doesn’t want to be with an alcoholic who picks fights all the time.” Delaney shook her head and lowered the bottle. She scrunched her nose as she looked down at it, her fingers running over the label. ”He’s going to see that I don’t deserve someone as great as him. He’s going to realize that I’m too much to handle.”

"I'd think if he thought that he woulda dipped by now," Miles replies with a shrug, taking another sip of whiskey. "Maybe, and just hear me out, maybe he wants someone just like you," he reasons, pointing the neck of the bottle his friend's way before taking another sip.

Snorting, her free hand quickly went to her mouth as she laughed. The drink was definitely starting to get to her. Delaney shook her head. ”Then there’s definitely something wrong with him if he wants a short ass, loud mouth, alcoholic blonde who goes toe to toe with grown ass men.” She snorted again and laughed more. ”And you’re going to be a father to three babies. All at once! And Lil- oh, Gods…Lilith is going to be a mother.” With another snort, she shook her head and downed another gulp of rum. ”We’re all a little bit fucked.”

"Rowan likes a challenge," Miles half jokes, swirling the bottle around, his eyes becoming fixated on the whirling vortex of the remaining liquor. At Delaney's processing he couldn’t help but chuckle himself. "Speak for yourself, 3 Lilith-Me hybrids sounds like a breeze," he responds sarcastically, taking another swig. "Let's be honest, though, we'll make some good-looking kids. I wonder if Salem will take that as an excuse to not attack."

Delaney rolled her eyes at the mention of the children, but immediately hardened at the thought of Salem. She let out a snort, this one of a challenge, before taking another shot of rum. ”She better fucking not. Those are my nieces and or nephews in that belly. I won’t hesitate to hit an old lady.”

"Ha! Not til I get one in. Those are my babies in there," Miles replies without skipping a beat. With a sigh he leans back, using his hands behind him to hold himself up. "Li seemed pretty set on me not fighting Salem. She probably has a point but if she threatens those kids' lives. Hell, if she threatens Lil's life… I don't know what I would do," Miles' voice softens at the end of his sentence, another deep sigh escaping him.

If he was being honest, Miles felt relatively powerless at this moment. His family seemed to weigh in the hands of Lilith and Salem more than anyone else. He didn't want to think about that. Instead he gave his best friend a mischievous smile. "At when will you be carrying my nieces or nephews?" he jokes.

Delaney shook her head at his earlier statement. ”Of course you know what to do, Mi. You’re a magi, dude. And I’m your amplifier. We’re going to obliterate that woman if she even thinks about laying a hand on Lil or the babies.” She nodded her head in resolute. In all fairness, she didn’t know if she could help him take on the woman. But she damn sure was going to try. Nobody hurt her family. That family also now included three babies and their mama.

At his question, her nose scrunched up and she quickly shook her head. She put her free hand on her belly and scoffed. ”I just admitted I’m in love with the guy. Let’s not put that juju on me, you ass.” She let out a breath before a small grin tugged at the corners of her lips. ”Though a mini Rowan would be absolutely adorable.”

At Delaney’s first comment about Miles being Magi the boy scoffs, "I sure don’t feel like a magi,” he mutters under his breath. Honestly, it was the piece of information that seemed to be the most unbelievable when all was said and done. "I don’t really know what being magi means honestly. Despite my parents both being liars.”

When Delaney mentioned a mini Rowan Miles chuckles, rolling his eyes. "You just wait. Lil will have those babies, Rowan will go absolutely clucky and beg you to be next,” he teases. "If it doesn’t accidentally happen to you first, I bet you’re no better than me.”

She groaned inwardly and closed her eyes. Delaney could totally see Rowan going crazy over some newborn babies. Shaking her head, she huffed out a breath and opened her eyes before pointing her index finger at her friend. ”Like I said- I am seriously using protection. There’s going to be nothing accidental about me getting pregnant.” She played with a loose strand of hair before scrunching her nose. ”Let’s just work on me getting up the nerve to tell him how I feel first, okay?” Taking another gulp of her drink, she huffed. ”And I have no idea what being a magi means either. But, I wasn’t always attending lessons or actually awake during them. So.”

"Oh and so was I,” Miles retorts, a small smile playing on his lips at his friend’s responses. "You could just, I don’t know, say the words? It’s really not that hard. Or are you scared of it too or something?” he asks, taking another sip of whiskey. Another small smile played on his lips as he thought about Lilith’s way of working around her words to avoid saying what she called ‘the L word’. He couldn't help but wonder how that was going to fly with the kids.

”Oh, like you and Lil are so perfect and can easily say those words to each other,” she scoffed. Delaney grumbled before taking another large swig of her drink, but found that the bottle was now empty. She scrunched her nose and groaned as she tried to look into the bottle. ”Damnit. I’m all out.” Shaking her head, she looked up at him. ”I’m not scared of anything, you prat.”

"Ha!” the man scoffs, "Pigs will fly the day Lilith says those exact words to me.” Miles never truly understood why so many were scared of using what was essentially a string of words. He didn’t find himself taking that string of words all that seriously at all. Sure, there was more sincerity and emotion by times he said to Lilith but the words had seemed to fall out of his mouth so easily with so many women in his past. At Delaney complaining about her empty bottle he holds the last of his whiskey out to her, only a couple of mouthfuls at best but that was better than nothing.

"Prove it. Tonight. There’s dancing at some point, you can make things all romantic if you want,”

Scrunching her nose at the idea of drinking whiskey, she rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle from him. She downed a gulp and coughed before handing it back. No way in hell was she drinking more of that piss. Once she recovered, she huffed out a breath and eyed the man for a moment. She soon gave in and rolled her eyes. ”Fine. I’ll say it tonight. But I get to be at the hospital or whatever when Lil has your babies.”

"How about I pass you for a next day visit. Lil will kill me herself if I start inviting people the day of,” Miles responds, taking back his bottle back and draining the rest of its contents in one sip.

She could work with that. ”Deal. But I get to be the cool aunt. And I get to spoil the hell out of them and take them on wild adventures whenever I want.” Delaney grinned at him before reaching over and pushing him lightly on the shoulder. ”Congratulations, Mi. Truly. You’re going to be an amazing dad.”

"I don’t know about amazing but, y’know… As long as I can keep them alive right?” Miles responds, giving his friend a small smile. "Thanks though, D. Just- uh- if you're taking them on wild adventures no drinking,” Miles chuckles slightly, the hypocrisy of that statement not escaping him with the cleared Whiskey bottle in his hand. "And if we have little girls, no boys. I don’t know how Lilith and I could handle 3 kids of our blood who’ve discovered alcohol and kissing.”

Delaney eyed the man for a moment before giving in and rolling her eyes. ”Fine, fine. No alcohol, no boys. Just take all the fun out of things.” She gave him a playful grin before looking him over. A small hiccup escaped her and she laughed. ”Feeling any better?”

Miles bobbed his head a few times, the smile on his face growing. He felt lucky to have a friend to process things with. As much as processing with Lilith was necessary and comforting it was good to have someone without such an intense personal stake in his going ons. "Yeah. Thanks D.” he responds. His eyes float to the door of the alchemy room as he gives a sigh. Normally Miles was the most extroverted of extroverts but this evening, possibly for the first time in his life, there’s nothing Miles wanted more than some time distanced from the crowds, alone to process the evening he’d had. Yet there was a party before him, and a conversation with Salem to be had. "We should go before people start thinking we’re making mischief.”

”What’s wrong with a little mischief?” Delaney smirked at him before pushing herself up off the seat, her arms going out to steady herself. She gave a hiccuped laugh before shaking her head. ”Okay. I have to sober up some if I’m going to tell Rowan the ‘L’ word.” Once she was steady on her feet, she reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it. ”I’m always here for you. No matter what. Got that?”

"Haven’t you heard, I’m going to be a dad. I’m not allowed mischief anymore,” Miles jokes with a wink, pushing himself forward on the bench before sliding back to solid ground. He found himself needing to stumble a few steps before finding his footing. "And I got you,” Miles responds to Delaney’s final statement, squeezing her hand in return

”Good.” Nodding her head shortly, she looked at the door and blew out a breath. ”Alright. Back to partying. If you need me for anything, come get me. Especially if there’s going to be a fight.” She smirked and winked at him before leaning over to kiss his cheek. ”Love you, typhoon.”

A Collab between @Soufflegirl123 & @HaleyTheRandom
Featuring: Miles Price& Lilith Montgomery

Miles could only hope the things Lilith had to say to him right now was something along the lines of You’re hot, I’m stressed, let’s find an empty room and hide away from everyone else for a little while but he had a very strong suspicion that was far from the case. Tonight seemed to be bombshell after bombshell, not to mention his father reappearing from nowhere as if he had just gone out to get milk. After pushing away from that whole mess he scanned the room around him. Where was Lilith? She seemed to have disappeared, hidden herself away somewhere. Eventually he spotted the back of her head.

Miles wandered over to her and leant down toward her so his face was closer to his much shorter girlfriend’s ear. "You won’t believe what I’m learning about myself today,” he muses, his voice a hushed whisper to avoid being overheard by those around them. "Not to mention who decided to show up.”

After the Handover Ceremony, Lilith had done her best to make herself as small as she could. Plenty of people were walking up to congratulate the woman on her ascension to the Coven Council. With each passing moment she grew more and more tense, expecting Salem to grab her from somewhere out of the crowd at any moment. Feeling someone's breath brushing against her ear, the brunette woman stopped dead in her tracks. Thankfully it had only taken her a brief moment to identify Miles’s voice.

”I could say the same.” His words made the brunette chuckle, a small smile appearing on her face. Miles’s tone alone was enough to tell her that he was tense, and her divination powers only solidified that suspicion. Turning on her heel, she met the young man face to face before planting a soft kiss on his cheek. ”Let’s find somewhere a little more private and you can tell me all about it.”

"Please,” the man groans, slipping his hand into Lilith’s and giving it a small squeeze. "Imma need a drink for the road. Want anything?”

”I’m okay,” she responded almost too quickly. ”The last thing I want people talking about tomorrow morning is how wasted I was.”

At Lilith’s response Miles cocked his head slightly. Any Montgomery turning down liquor was an odd occurrence but at her explanation he chalked it down to her nerves. He gives a shrug, giving her hand another squeeze before making his way to the drinks table with his girlfriend in tow. He pours himself another whiskey. He was unsure what number this was for the night but by far it wasn’t enough for everything this evening had brought. Now with the comfort of a drink in his hand he returns to Lilith’s side, forcing a smile. "Got any ideas on where to?”

Walking alongside Miles, Lilith focused on keeping her head held high as they walked through the crowd. If Salem, Amanda, or any one else was watching, Lilith wasn’t about to show them any signs of weakness. She had no idea how she was about to break the news to Miles, and she most definitely wasn’t sure of what was about to come after. The young woman watched as Miles poured himself a drink, silently cursing at the gods for taking away her ability to drink as she did so.

Forcing a smile of her own, Lilith did a quick once over of their surroundings before shrugging her shoulders. ”Maybe down by the garden? I don’t think to many people would be down there right now.”

Miles took a sip of his drink, as he brought the cup to his mouth he realised his hands were shaking quite a bit. He wasn’t sure if it was the new wounds of the day hitting, nerves of telling Lilith all these things about his heritage that could affect her or the heavy feeling that hung in the air of the coven house. "Sounds good,” he replies softly. He once again squeezes Lilith’s hand, this time for stability more than anything else. He brings his eyes to hers and forces yet another smile before starting the journey to the garden.

The further out the pair walked the more the crowds began to thin. Miles couldn’t help but feel the weight of curious pairs of eyes on his back. Did they all know too? Or were their eyes settling on Lilith in her new position? As the collection of people grew further and further away, Miles felt a slight weight on his shoulders lift. He still felt jumpy but at least they didn’t have the crowd to watch. He nods toward a seat in the distance a good stretch away from anyone else. "Over there?”

As they walked, Lilith kept her fingers intertwined with Miles’s. The knot in her throat seemed to grow minute by minute, her anxiety right along with it. Lilith focused on putting one foot in front of the other, each step weighing her down more and more. She wanted to turn around and go back into the Coven House - back to where everything was still relatively safe and all of their secrets were stored away. The fact that her whole world was about to change was a hard one for the young woman to wrap her head around.

Rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb, Lilith took a deep breath in through her nose. ”Perfect,” she replied, unable to muster much more. Once they had finished their walk, Lilith took her seat beside Miles on the bench. ”So how’s the start of the night treating you?” she questioned, somewhat beating around the bush. Lilith didn’t want to push him into talking or dealing with anything that he didn’t want to.

Miles couldn’t help but feel the heaviness of the air around the pair of them. Was that his anxiety getting in the way? Or was it possible his emotions were impacting Lilith’s? It would be far from the first time they had. As the duo took their seats Miles couldn’t stop his leg bouncing in place, not an uncommon occurrence but he was sure it never moved so violently. Fear and anxiety was simply something Miles didn’t do, Lilith had enough of that for the both of them, but currently he was suffocated by these unfamiliar emotions.

As Lilith spoke, Miles gave the meekest of smiles. He didn’t know where to start, or how to say them. He took another sip of his whiskey with his free hand before replying. "I- uh- I don’t really know what to make of the night honestly,” he replies meekly. The urge to stand up and pace around the seat washed over him but he remained in place, leg bouncing rhythmically. "My pa decided to show up today, acted as if he always belonged.” The male grits his teeth a moment as he thought through his next words. Somehow the appearance of his estranged father was the least dangerous news. He downed the last of his whiskey, his eyes fixating on the garden in front of them. In the distance he could make out the figures of people going about their day, likely completely oblivious to the turmoil he was going through.

Miles takes a shaky breath before continuing on. "Turns out he’s Aloysius Leighton. And that ‘drunken first tattoo’ on my back? Not a tat.” He hoped Lilith would pick up what he was putting down, unaware she had been handed just as much of the story as him earlier that night. His eyes refused to meet hers, nervous of her response.

Miles’s anxiety accompanied with her own was starting to make her feel nauseous, and his words were doing nothing to help that fact. Her time with Salem and John in the Alchemy Lab had left her shaken. Hearing Miles reinforce the fact that Aloysius was his father made her want to march right down to the Underworld and square up with the Fates themselves. Lilith kept her eyes focused on the various plants before her, careful not to make eye contact with Miles. She knew that the second she looked at him her whole act would come crumbling down.

Lilith nodded her head in recognition. ”I assume you know what all of this means,” she asked gently.

Miles was slightly taken back by her words, it was almost as if she already knew all this, but how? He gives a sigh "Someone already told you, didn’t they?” he asks softly, looking at her. He let silence fall between the two of them for a moment, thinking through her question before responding.

"I mean- they just don’t want us merging the bloodlines, right? You never wanted kids and made it clear the Montgomerys’ end now anyway. I was always indifferent and the only person who really cares ‘bout the Price line is my ma so we just not have kids, right? I’ll get the snip or something. We’ve done this before without a pregnancy, I’m sure we can do it again,” he says softly, eyes turning to his shoes.

At his first question, Lilith had nodded her head once again, silently. Her gaze stayed glued on one of the rose bushes, but she couldn’t help as her face grew hot. She had always had a weird sixth sense for knowing when Miles was looking at her, and that seemed to be one more thing that time couldn’t change. The lump in her throat was now becoming unbearable as she fought back tears.

Listening to him speak, the young woman was dragged through an emotional roller coaster. The fact that his first thought wasn’t for them to split up was comforting, but his mention of children only made her tense up even more. She had made her peace years ago with being the last of the Montgomerys. Sure, the thought of a somewhat lonely future made her sad from time to time, but it was something that she just had to accept. He seemed so sure of himself - of them. How was she supposed to explain everything to him?

Taking a deep breath, Lilith crossed her legs on the bench. She did the only thing she knew that she could do, and that was to start with the beginning.

”Salem pulled gramps and I aside and had me cast a spell to see if Aloysius was your father.” She paused for a moment, expecting him to be upset. ”I didn’t want to, but it was either that, or watch her go on a warpath - which I’m not sure we’ve avoided quite yet. I saw her in one of my visions, and let’s just say she wasn’t exactly the happiest person. I wanted to avoid that at all costs, so I did as she asked.”

Hands knotted together in her lap, Lilith took a deep breath before continuing. ”Miles…” she began, now looking over at him. Not quite sure how to force the next words out, it seemed as if they fell from her mouth before she even had time to think them through. ”Salem seems to think I’m pregnant, and she seems just as sure about it as she was about Aloysius being your father.”

A sigh elicited itself from Miles as Lilith mentioned the spell she cast but before he could process any questions to ask she continued on with her reasoning. Miles knew very little of Salem, Magi 101 wasn’t really relevant to him growing up. Well, at least he thought it wasn’t. A small part of Miles was hoping that everyone was just wrong, it was all one happy coincidence. His father truly was some random magi from across the world and his heritage would have no effect on his and Lil’s future but he couldn’t deny Lilith’s divination magic. A lump formed in the man’s throat, his mind in overdrive. Suddenly, it all felt truly real.

That was when Lilith called his name, calling him back into the real world. It would have been a much welcomed interruption if it weren’t for all the nervousness in those words. He watched her, studying her face as he awaited her next line. His eyes widen in shock as the man leans back into the chair slightly. A strained "Pregnant?” was all he could draw from his mouth. It took moments for him to collect his thoughts. Sure, the man had envisioned a future with Lil, moreso since their reunion but with Lil making it clear she didn’t want kids from even their early teen years they weren’t even a consideration for the man. He’d visioned traveling the world, quiet Sunday mornings intertwined together in bed and late night banters. Far from the bedtimes and early morning school dropoffs. "But… how? We only- Are you sure-,” Miles struggles to pick a coherent sentence from the many swarming in that head of his. "Is there a chance she could be wrong? I mean, she’s not a divination magi if I remember right.”

Her heart only continued to sink as Miles tried to piece everything together. ”I’m not sure,” she replied, doing her best to keep her voice steady. ”But Salem is. I still need to take a test. The De Silvas are one of the most ancient bloodlines there is - witch or warlock. All magi’s have this thing where they can sort of… feel other magi’s. The De Silvas are known for kind of having a sixth sense for feeling them in utero.”
With another sigh, Lilith gave up her last piece of information. ”Not only does she think I’m pregnant - she thinks I’m having triplets.”

"Triplets,” was all Miles could echo back. His leg seemed to bounce more furiously as he tried to form some form of substantial thought. Did he want to be a dad? Even if Lil wanted to be a mum would she want to go through all the pregnancy and childbirth for 3 kids? He expels a breath before muttering "Okay, okay, okay, okay,” to himself, a way to refocus. "Well, I guess firstly- do you want to have these kids?”

Now staring at her feet, Lilith wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes. She took another second to collect her thoughts. ”I don’t think I have much of a choice,” she sighed. ”I’ve always had actual dreams of being a mom, even a couple of visions about it here and there - but I didn’t really think they were true for some reason. I honestly really thought that I was infertile up until this point. ‘Think it’d be a little stupid to continue trying to fight Fate and all that.”

Pursing her lips, the young woman's brow furrowed in concentration as she spoke once more. ”Just because it’s my fate doesn’t mean it has to be yours though,” she nearly whispered.

Miles looks his girlfriend up and down, a gentle expression on his face. "Lil, I watched both our mas struggle to raise us alone, I’m not leaving you to do that,” he replies, his voice shaky. He was truly unsure if kids was something he wanted out of life, he never thought it through knowing it wasn’t what Lilith wanted, but he couldn’t bring himself to watch her struggle like either of their parents did.

Lilith’s whole body was practically shaking at this point. She was glad that he wanted to be there, but she wasn’t sure he knew exactly what he was signing up for. ”I can’t ask you to do that though, all because of some images in my head and a bunch of other shit I can’t find words for. You have a whole career, and a life. Friends you care about and things you want to do. Places you want to go see. I can’t ask you to give that all up, Kane,” she tried to explain, her voice breaking. ”And we’re potentially talking about starting a magical World War on top of it all.”

"Hey,” Miles muses softly. He willed as much of the fear and anxiety in his body to dissipate as possible and tried to hide what remained. Sure, Lilith would still feel it but maybe less overwhelmingly. He swivels himself around to kneel in front of her, prying one of her hands out of the others’ grasp and taking it in his. He places his other hand on her thigh and brings his eyes to meet hers. "And now I have a family. Besides, my ma will kill me if I left you alone with this,” he jokes, forcing a chuckle in a lame attempt to lighten the mood.

"Seriously though, Li. My career will still be there, turns out businesses like family men. Those places and things ain’t moving, we got time and those friends will be just fine. If my kid’s starting a war they’re gonna need all the help they can get.” With another sigh the man stands up. He was always good with flowery language but he never thought he’d one day use it to talk his girlfriend into not pushing him away from fathering their kids. Honestly, Miles didn’t know what was going on in his life anymore. He wraps his arms around Lilith, pulling her into a tight embrace. "You’re the biggest thing in my life, LiLi. You know that, right? I want to be here for all of it. Sure, this may not have been the future we planned or pictured together but we’ll make it work. Besides, if them kids are anything like I was, you're gonna need all the help you can get.”

Holding on to Miles’ hand as he spoke, it didn’t take much for Lilith to realize how sincere he was being. She wasn’t trying to push him away, but she really did want to make sure that they both understood the whole picture. A small laugh escaped the young woman's lips as memories of a teenage Miles danced through her mind. The potential of having a little Miles running barefoot in the yard was a comforting thought, but a miniature version of herself? That was something that nearly made her blood run cold.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lilith buried her face in Miles' chest as she returned his embrace. It was a dumb thing to wish, but if Lilith had had the ability to freeze time, she would have done so right then and there. Unfortunately, she’d still had to face her problems one way or another. ”Well, I do now,” she sighed. ”I definitely don’t trust the combination of my brains, your magnetism for trouble, and our generational alcoholism, but hopefully we’ll survive.”

Miles chuckles, slipping himself back onto the bench. "You never know," he muses, pulling Lilith closer by the shoulders and resting his chin on the top of her head. He slides his hand across her waist, unable to stop it from lingering on her abdomen a short while as if his body was trying to make sense of what his mind was trying to understand. His mind was a mess of emotions, some of which he couldn’t identify. From fear to anxiety to maybe even a little bit of joy. Eventually he manages to grab the other side of her waist and pull her in closer. "Maybe they’ll have your loyalty and my… uh… charm?”

Miles gives a soft sigh, burying his face in her hair a moment, her familiar scent of vanilla and weed dancing in his nose. That was something Miles’ hadn’t thought about yet, Lilith having to give up alcohol and marijuana was going to prove interesting. "I guess we have some habits to kick,” he mumbles, closing his eyes. "Can’t really have you smoking dope in this state, can we?”

It seemed that the heavier parts of this conversation were over. Miles wasn’t trying to run away, or blame her for not being more careful. In fact, Lilith could only recall a few other times where Miles had ever been as level headed as he seemed now. She’d nearly forgotten how easy he was to rely on. ”Hopefully we’ll get lucky,” she replied with a laugh of her own.
Pulling her legs up on the bench, Lilith resituated herself to get as close to Miles as she could. Resting her head on his shoulder, all of her worries seemed to melt away. Lost in some sort of trance, Miles’s words pulled her back into reality. The young woman sighed. ”Your mom kinda beat you to that whole speech,” she attempted to joke.

Miles stays silent for a moment as his mother came up. He should have figured she would have known too. "Sounds like her,” he mumbles, readjusting himself in his seat. How many people knew long before him? Is this the reason Carlisle wanted him to find her? A small sigh elicits itself from his lips. "How many people know, LiLi?” he asks, his voice low.

As Miles spoke, Lilith’s heart dropped again. Was that disappointment she was picking up on? ”As far as I know… Mary, Salem, gramps and now you. I didn’t tell any of them, tonight’s just been a weird one. I promise I tried to find you as soon as I could, but then Salem pulled me aside and —” With a deep sigh, Lilith fought back tears for the second time tonight. ”It’s just one big ol’ mess. I’m sorry, Miles. You should have known first, but it was literally impossible.”

"I should’ve,” Miles huffs in response, letting his words hang in the air for a while before giving a sigh. "But I guess you couldn’t help it. There’s too many damn diviners in this place. Doesn’t help the two people who are gonna hate me the most for it know.” He toyed with telling Lilith his suspicions that Carlisle also knew but chose against it. Lilith’s friendship with him was rocky enough and there were only so many more times that poor boy’s nose could be broken. Instead he played with a lock of Lilith’s hair, twirling it around his fingers. "Did Salem say anything? About the babies I mean. She can’t be too impressed by all this I guess.”

At his response, Lilith’s brow furrowed. There was nothing that either of them could do to change the situation, but that did nothing to change the fact that this wasn’t how any of this was supposed to go. If by some miracle she had ever found herself pregnant, Lilith had always planned to tell the child's father in some sort of cheesy way - not have him find out after the rest of the town. She hated that saying sorry was all that she could do.

”She honestly seemed more preoccupied with the fact that Aloysius was in town, but she definitely wasn’t pleased. Told me that we’d talk specifics and deal with my ‘issue’ later.” Pursing her lips, she sighed again. ”An issue. What an odd thing to call a pregnancy.”

At the mention of his father's name Miles couldn't help the tensing of his shoulders, his hands stopped, his fingers remaining suspended in chocolate locks of Lilith's hair. Miles honestly couldn’t care less what Salem wanted to do with his father, Aloysius was his father in blood alone anyway, but that unfortunately didn’t seal him away from the consequences of his great magi ancestry. At her words he let out a simple "Hmm,” in agreement. Whilst he didn’t care what Salem did to Aloysius he did care about what she did to Lilith. He could only hope her rage only went so far.

"Well,” he announces, piercing the silence he created, "When you and Salem have your little talk I’m going with you. Worst comes, I show her what a real issue is.”

The anxiety and fear that had lifted from Lilith’s shoulders seemed to be resettling there as she took in the sincerity of Miles’ words. Why was everyone around her convinced that their only way out of this was by force? Her body tensed, wrestling with the thoughts of it all.

”Miles no,” she forced out as sternly as she could. ”That woman will turn you to ash right where you sit, and I’ll have no choice but to follow the same Fate, because she’ll have hell to pay before I go.” Her words sounded more like a plea than anything now. ”I wish I would have known all this before tonight - before the seal was broken. I’d just find a way to create a parallel universe and run away, I swear.”

"And what am I meant to do?” Miles snaps back, removing his fingers from her hair. "Just stand by idly as she threatens your life? Threatens the life of our-” Miles found himself unable to finish his sentence. After years of being so sure that both the Price and Montgomery bloodlines stopped with Lilith and him, the concept of having children felt so foreign on his tongue. He wasn’t quite sure if his mind had quite caught up. "I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he finished, his voice lowering as he turns his face to the bench.

Knowing full well that the moment was ruined, Lilith sat up straight so that she was no longer laying on Miles' chest. It seemed that everyone was mad at her for one reason or another. Carlisle because she apparently broke his heart, John because she was having Miles’s children, Salem because of the same. ”Miles please,” she began, her face hot. ”I can’t handle you being mad at me too.”

"I’m not mad, I’m just-” as he notices how sharp his tone has become Miles stops himself for a moment. He sighs, leaning forward on the bench. He wrings his hands together nervously, as much as having all this new information out in the open was good it didn’t seem to ease his anxiety. "I’m just concerned. Look, I don’t know much about Salem or how she works or whatever. All I know is she seems to want me and everyone around me dead. I can’t just let her have that.”

”I get that,” she replied, her voice still small. Lilith knew that Miles was concerned for her, but couldn’t he see that she shared the same feeling for him? With a deep sigh she blinked the tears from her eyes. ”I wasn’t trying to say that you couldn’t be there… just that maybe violence isn’t the best course of action. I don’t want to see anything happen to you or our families either - but I really don’t know what to do about all of this.”

Miles sighs, his eyes moving to Lilith and taking her in. In truth he had no clue what to do either but what a pathetic answer I don’t know would be. Yet he had little else to offer so he remained silent instead. He could very much understand Lil’s desire to run away into another plane of existence. A baby should be good news, even if Miles and Lilith never expected to have children there should have been some upside that made them feel better but this just seemed to mark a turning point in their lives, a full 180 from the contented life Miles wished he could live.

His eyes couldn’t help but become fixated on the woman’s stomach, his mind still unable to fathom the fact she had triplets growing inside of her. His triplets. He was over all the Salem talk, all it led to was doom and gloom. So Miles did what he did best and changed the subject. "Did you suspect anything? Before whoever told you told you?” He could only hope it was a distracting enough question to drag the conversation away from Salem, or any magi in that regard.

With her attention once again focused on the rose bushes, Lilith took another moment to collect her thoughts before speaking. ”Not really. I mean… some of my pants haven’t been fitting right, but I thought that was just bloating or something. My period’s late, but honestly it’s never been on a regular schedule anyway.” Leaning back against the bench, she sighed again while crossing her arms across her chest. ”I think I kind of knew,” she admitted. ”Like deep down, in a way. But I didn’t know for sure, and I wanted a confirmation before I said anything and —” Lilith shook her head. ”It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

"I know,” Miles sighs, patting her leg. "Then again, it’s us. Since when did anything go the way it’s supposed to? I guess it’s more… us for it to go like this,” he muses, forcing a smile. "We’ll make it through, we always do.” If Miles was being honest, he wasn’t sure how much faith he had in that line but he knew he didn’t really have any other option than to try and have hope it would all work out. "Just promise me you’ll try and talk your paw paw out of killing me for this.”

Grabbing Miles’ hand, she chuckled. ”I don’t think you have to worry about guns anymore, but I’d invest in a nice pair of boots if I was you.”

"I’ll get the kind with the spurs, and a good ole cowboy hat. If you’re not careful I might climb my way up to John’s favourite,” he jokes, squeezing Lilith’s hand.

”Very doubtful,” she laughed. ”Just because you’ll be helping bale hay and herd cattle doesn’t mean he’s gonna forget that you got me pregnant.” Looking back up towards the Coven house, the young woman was unfortunately reminded of her responsibilities once more. ”As much as I hate it, I reckon we better head back in there before people think we’ve made a run for it or something.”

"Hey now, it takes two to tango, you're just as guilty here as I am," Miles jokeningly scoffs, a jovial smirk spreading across his face.

As Lilith suggested going back to the house Miles couldn't help the sigh that escaped him. "Making a run for it," he muses. "Probably predictable of us. I guess you have council things to do." With another sigh he stands up before offering Lilith both his hands and helping her off the bench. Running away sounded all the more tempting now. Away from Salem and all the responsibilities of being a coven member. Instead he slipped an arm over Lilith’s shoulder, using it to pull her in. "Let's go,"

A post by @Soufflegirl123, @HaleyTheRandom & @Hedgehawk
Featuring Mary Price, Claire Montgomery, Aloysius Leighton and Salem De Silva

After her discussion with Al Mary stormed back toward the drinks table. She didn’t have to look to see if Claire was there, she knew she was. She didn’t understand why her ex had to come back. Why now? Why ever? She had gotten on perfectly fine raising their son. Well, maybe not perfectly but their family of 2 was more than enough, the last thing they needed was someone else encroaching on their space as if they belonged the whole time.

Mary didn’t bother fixing herself up, or more accurately she forgot that she probably should. Mascara stained tears looked more heavy on the skin than they felt. Instead she beelined for her friend and took whatever drink she was holding out of her hands. She instantly raises it to her lips, bottoming it with one mouthful before slamming the glass on the table. "I made it,” she croaks, throat still burning from whatever Claire Montgomery’s most recent drink of choice was.

The events with Mary, Carlisle, Salem and Amanda had left Claire a little shaken - even if she didn’t show it. It probably wasn’t a good idea to get totally smashed so early into the night, but it seemed as if people would have more important things to dwell on in the morning. All in all, was trying to not focus too hard on the fact that Lilith might be pregnant. She had already missed out on so much of her child's life, and potentially being thrown right back in to it at one of the most important times —

Downing another shot, Claire did her best to focus on Carlisle’s speech. She unfortunately knew all too well what he was talking about at every moment. Using Carlisle as a way back through the Astral Plane came with an unfortunate side effect of having all of his memories - right down to the things he mentioned about Amanda being a bitch and Mary being an angel. Then again, what else was new?

Ready to storm off to find her best friend, Claire was taken aback as Mary walked up and snatched her glass from her. Mary had never been the heaviest drinker, so seeing her down it all in one go had definitely earned her a wide eyed, curious expression. Claire Montgomery may have been stuck in the Astral Plane for the last ten years - but she wasn’t stupid, or out of the loop when it came to reading the body language of those closest to her. Grabbing a spare napkin off of the table, Claire began fussing over Mary while gently wiping the other woman's face clean.

”What the hell happened to you,” she asked, her voice stern.

"I’m fine,” Mary grunts, extremely unconvincingly, letting her best friend fix her up. She couldn’t help but notice the irony of her seeming like the grumpy teen in the pair of them for once. She wasn’t quite sure how to approach the issue of her baby daddy with Claire. Less of fear she might pummel the man, she’d likely do that regardless if she wanted to, but there were secrets she kept even from Claire there. Most notably both his and Miles’ magi status. She was never sure why she never said anything. She supposed it just didn’t seem relevant to be blurting out to people when she found out the man she thought was Johnathan Park was a magi. At that time Claire was back in North Carolina, leaving their communication to be in regularly scheduled phone calls and frequent visits. Even when Mary finally put together enough for a computer there was only so much that could be done over AOL messenger, even though their late night messages as they both tried to soothe their awoken babies kept her sane.

"I’m sorry Claire. I didn’t-” The woman choked on her words. Even if she knew that Miles’ father was Aloysius Leighton she wouldn’t have put 2 and 2 together on what that would mean for magickind when her son and best friend’s daughter got together. She gave a shaky sigh, hesitating slightly on whether or not she should tell her friend of the man’s arrival but she knew Claire would recognise his face, she’d met him before when she visited Tanner around Christmastime ‘98. She swiped a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, downing that one in one go as well. She let the liquid courage fill her before looking back up at her friend. "He’s back,” she says simply.

Continuing to dry Mary's face, Claire gave her friend the time that she needed to collect her thoughts. Unfortunately, Claire didn’t have too many thoughts of her own to dwell on, and instead focused on removing all of the mascara from Mary’s face. Once she had finished, Claire turned to make herself another drink. Brows furrowing as she pressed the glass to her lips, all she could manage to respond was ”Who?”

Mary hitches a breath, withholding the temptation to let out a delirious laugh. "Johnathon, Aloysius,” she lets out a frustrated sigh at correcting herself. Knowing a name she’d cursed many times was the wrong one was a hard pill to swallow, not even to mention how she knew so little of his life, from the man himself at least. She threw her hands in the air in frustration. “Miles’ father, whatever the hell his name is.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the reception room, Aloysius was busy trying to pour himself another drink from another drinks bottle. His previous engagement had not exactly gone according to plan, but at least Mary didn’t entirely kick him out. He just had to hold on and wait and see what happened next. After pouring his drink, he kept his eyes peeled looking for Salem.

Listening as Mary spoke her peace, Claire couldn’t help but sigh. She had grown up hearing stories and myths of the magi war. Aloysius Leighton was a name mentioned right along that of Salem de Silva for what seemed like the longest time. The fact that Mary was admitting that he was Miles’s father shook Claire to her core.

As soon as Mary spoke the words, Claire downed the rest of her drink before placing her glass back on the table - perhaps a bit too forcefully. ”Well,” she remarked, straightening her shoulders. ”It’s that just fuckin’ peachy. Looking around the room for either of their children, Claire’s gaze focused on the features of a man she had kept her eyes peeled for for nearly three decades. Pursing her lips, the woman marched right up to the near stranger before swinging a punch aimed at his nose.
Aloysius had just finished pouring himself a drink: A small shot of whiskey, when he suddenly turned back around and was met with a flying fist. Letting out a soft grunt, Aloysius's head turned to the side and he proceeded to drop the glass, the sound of glass shattering echoing a little in the reception hall. Bringing his hand up to nurse his now red cheek, Aloysius groaned "Does anyone in Tanner know how to say Hello? Or is punching how you greet people here now?" He raised his eyes to look at the one who assaulted him, they didn't exactly look familiar to Aloysius at all.

”Oh cut the fucking charmin’ act, city boy,” Claire spat. ”I don’t know who the hell you think you are, or even what name you go by - but I don’t give a good goddamn. You don’t deserve to be breathing, much less a ‘hello’.”

"Names Aloysius Leighton. I am guessing you must be one of Mary's friends after that kind of greeting" Aloysius adjusted himself and stood back up straight once more.

Before Mary could protest, Claire was halfway across the room, preparing her arm for a swing. Mary did try calling after her but it was little use. All she could do was watch as Claire planted a punch on her ex-lover’s face. She cringed slightly at the sound of broken glass shattering on the ground. “Alright,” she intervenes, placing a hand on Claire’s shoulder. In all honesty, part of her didn’t mind the thought of seeing Al pummeled to the ground but this was not the time or place. “The man’s face is painted red enough.” She then turns to Aloysius, her eyes narrowing at the man. Even if she was defending him at this moment it was far from no longer feeling the bitterness and anger his face brought.

Crossing her arms, Claire glared daggers at Aloysius before sighing in defeat. ”He deserves way more than what I gave, and if I wasn’t herded in here like some sort of pony at the rodeo, he’d be begging for mercy.”

Aloysius straightened his coat, a little taken aback by the fact that Mary actually stepped in. "Look, I ain't exactly proud of how everything happened, alright. Just like everything else in my life, the situation was extremely complicated and I made a bad judgment call." He knew this was going to fall on deaf ears, but he wouldn't feel right if he didn't say his piece.

“Oh, so that’s what that was? Just a bad judgement call?” Mary snaps, looking the man over. She should have known following Claire over was a bad idea. She was done with the serious talks. With the anger and the bitterness but being in his presence just resparked it all. Even she knew there was likely none the man could say that wouldn’t dig a deeper hole.

"Not in the sense you are thinking about Mary. It was bad judgment not to tell you sooner. In all honesty it was a bad judgment to ever speak to Amanda. If she hadn't started getting all jealous over me and you, things would have been different" Aloysius let out a sigh. He couldn't help but feel that he was going in circles. He was being judged for actions that weren't entirely of his making.

If there were three things in this world that Claire Montgomery couldn’t stand, it was liars, shitty whiskey, and people who didn’t know how to accept responsibility for their own actions. Aloysius checked two of those boxes. In a perfect world, the man would have been allowed to collect his third strike - but a perfect world wasn’t one that included Claire, or her odd sense of twisted justice. Taking a quick step forward, Claire punched Aloysius in his gut before grabbing him by the hair at the nape of his neck, forcing him to look at Mary. ”You’re goin’ to make up for the lack of respect from the last twenty-five years, like it or not,” she growled. ”Now apologize to her.”

Aloysius let out a pained and exasperated groan as he was punched in the gut, folding over like a piece of paper as Claire expertly grabbed him by the hair and forced him to look at Mary. "I have already told Mary I am sorry. We had a whole conversation about this while you weren't around" Aloysius coughed, he wasn't about to start groveling because someone demanded it. He had said his piece to Mary.

Mary watched as Claire made a move against the man, she wasn’t particularly caught off-guard, part of her was surprised Claire didn’t go for something more violent the first time. As Aloysius claimed to apologise, Mary muttered “I mean you didn’t really apologise, just kinda justified yourself,” to herself more than anything else.

In all honesty, Claire hadn’t planned to come out tonight and make a scene. One of the things that she remembered most from her time before her not-actual-death was the fact that trouble seemed to follow her everywhere she went. She had hoped that that would change, but it seemed as if the universe still wasn’t quite on her side. While she had no problem taking up for her friend, Claire also didn’t want to push things any further than she already had.

She slapped him in the face anyway.

”You ain’t gotta make things harder than they have to be,” she quipped. ”Apologize to the lady, or I’m draggin’ you out back with the rest of the garbage.”

Aloysius was getting a little self conscious. He took the slap and didn't complain, just adding a little extra new shade of darker red to his already reddened face. But he was conscious about making a scene. If Salem was around then he needed to blend in, having this kind of attention drawn to yourself was not a good idea. "Look, I am sorry alright. Really sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen. I just wanted to have a happy life with you Mary. It's all I wanted. And I know I fucked up. I know that everything went wrong. And it hurts me, and it fucking kills me…" Aloysius struggled slightly in Claire's grip, trying to stand up right again as he pleaded with Mary, his voice shaking slightly as he tried to hold back his emotions "... fucking kills me knowing that I never got to watch my son grow up. That I missed so much of his life. That I put you through so much pain and suffering. I tried to correct everything, even after getting captured. But even that was in vain"

Mary gives a shaky sigh at the image of the man. This wasn’t quite how she wanted their next confrontation to go but with Claire she should have expected it. The woman gives a shaky breath before turning to her friend and nodding her head. “Let ‘im go, Claire. Boy’s done enough sufferin’ for one night,” she says monotonously, barely offering Al a glance.

Still not entirely satisfied, Claire let go of Aloysius with a slight shove to the back of his head. ”Not nearly as much as you,” she remarked, walking back over to her friend. Turning to face the man, she crossed her arms once again. ”I can let the situation with Mary rest for the moment. What you’ve done to my godson - what you’ve done to my daughter —” Cutting herself short as she realized she was nearly yelling, she took a deep breath before continuing on. ”If there’s a place worse than Hell, well buddy I sure look forward to meeting you there.”

Being released, Aloysius stood back up straight, fixing his coat and wiping his finger along his eye. Listening to Claire talk, Aloysius let out a soft sigh "I am sorry, I don't even know who your daughter is… So how can I have done something to her?" Aloysius said in a confused tone. However in the back of his mind, parts of the conversation with Mary from before were starting to replay, gears were turning.

At Aloysius’ words Mary gave a frustrated sigh. She wanted so hard to keep Miles’ business private from his father, none was her story to tell but he seemed to not have any way of understanding how much his lies had impacted the family. “Jo-Aloysius, I would’ve thought you might remember my best friend Claire Montgomery. Her daughter is currently carryin’ our grandchild,” Mary replies. She hoped Al knew enough about coven council families and was smart enough to put 2 and 2 together.

"What…" Aloysius remarked. At first it didn't click, and he stood there looking confused. Then it hit him like a truck. Montgomery. Aloysius froze. Saying nothing for a minute as he looked pensive. "Has Salem figured it out? I for one am quite happy for them. They love each other yes?"

”Happy for them?” Claire hissed. ”Yes Salem knows - she’s the one who figured it out. They’ve barely been back together for a month or so now. Lilly doesn’t even know yet. Neither does Miles. And of course they love each other,” she continued, flying off the handle and answering all of his questions. ”They’re quite literally each others fate, but none of that matters now because you had to fuck everything up.”

Aloysius let out a small growl at Claire's final words. He wasn't going to be the groups punching bag forever "If it was fated then I couldn't have fucked it up, as it was fate." Al then recomposed himself before continuing "I hope that Salem will be okay with it all. She might sympathise I guess. In our past, me and Salem went through a similar thing but it was stopped by the powers that be, mixing family bloods was too risky in creating a super strong bloodline. I can see her using this as an excuse for the Guild to start taking control of Coven matter however"

At Claire’s statements of Lilith not knowing Mary could feel her face grow hot, she didn’t think about the fact it might have been news Lil’s own mother may have wanted to share. She leaned into her friend’s ear and covered the side of their mouth with her hand. “She knows,” Mary whispers, light enough so Al wouldn’t be able to hear. She then turns to the man. She gives a deep, pitying sigh at the bruised man. Why was he just incapable of seeing all the issues this causes? “The problem ain’t the them havin’ kids,, it’s that they weren’t aware of the consequences, none of us were. Don’t act like Salem won’t level Tanner in a second over somethin’ like this. If we knew we coulda worked around things or at least been prepared. This ain’t some bloodline strengthenin’ that’s happenin’ here but magi and witch blood. You might not be attached to this place or to those kids, Aloysius, but this is our home and our kids. Salem’s bein’ here risks their very lives, a risk we coulda been at least ready for.”

"No, I know. I am trying not to trivialise it. Look, if needs be I can throw myself at Salem. She probably still hates my guts enough that between me and babies, she might pick me" Aloysius shrugged his shoulders, he couldn't really see how he could be much help here but be a diversion. He did want to help. Afterall, everyone here had gone through hell to get here, and Mary was right, everyone was blindsided by all this. But Aloysius wondered if Miles and Lilith would have been allowed to be together if everyone knew the truth beforehand.

“From what I’ve been hearin’, Salem could easily take you out then have Lilith and the bubs for dessert,” Mary responds with a sigh. She pinches the bridge of her nose before continuing. “We can’t be dwellin’ no more. What’s done is done,” she then huffs.

”Fated for them to be together, you shit for brains. Not start a war by doing so.” Claire stood there listening to the short exchange between Mary and Aloysius with her arms crossed. It was taking nearly every ounce of will in her body not to kill the man right where he stood. How could he walk right back into their lives, acting as if he belonged there? It may have been selfish, but Claire was the most focused on Lilith being in danger. Miles was a very close second. Salem's temper was on the list, but that fact was definitely being shoved to the back of her mind at the moment. It was comforting to know that Lilith already knew what was going on. The blonde gave a simple nod at her friend's words.

”I agree,” she began, her eyes flashing to Mary for a brief moment. ”The thing about problems is that you can always count on them to still be around tomorrow.” As her gaze fell once more on Aloysius frame, her eyes hardened. ”First off - let me make something clear. From where I stand, that is not your grandchild. If a single hair goes missing off either Miles or Lilith head, I’ll make the shit that Salem’s done to you look like childs play.”

"I get that. I have to earn that trust. And trust me, I don't want anything to happen to Lilith and Miles either. And if I have to put myself in the way to do so, then I will" At the end of Aloysius's sentence his voice was shaking slightly as his eyes gave away a small flicker of fear he was trying to suppress. "I know that you have no reason to want to include me. But I want to try and fix some parts of life I fucked up in"

Suddenly becoming conscious of the open space filled with people around them, Mary did a quick sweep of the room. Luckily they had somehow managed to not draw any attention, or at least not captivate any of it. “I reckon we got some ground rules to set,” Mary drawls, running a hand through her hair. “Claire’s right, as it stands that ain’t your grandbaby but that ain’t our decision to make, it’s the kids’. They gotta bring it to you though, you can’t go talkin’ ‘bout this whole… situation to ‘em until they tell you. An’ if Miles doesn’t want you in the kid’s life you’re gonna be okay with that.”

Listening to Mary's words, Aloysius nodded. Naturally it wasn't what he wanted to hear. But given everything that has gone on today, it was probably the best outcome he could ask for. "I get it. I get it. Suppose I better go into hiding and make sure Salem doesn't find me and things get worse" Aloysius ran his hand through his hair, looking a little dejected.

As if on cue, an angry looking Salem marched across the room. She did the best that she could to keep her emotions manageable, knowing full well that if she got too angry she’d accidentally fry the state's power grid. It didn’t take long for her to find her intended target. Walking right past Claire and Mary, Salem slapped Aloysius right across his face with an electrical charge. Unlike the one she had used with Amanda earlier, this one left a perfect mark in the shape of her handprint on the man's face.

”Twenty-five years,” she growled. ”You had twenty-five years and you said nothing?!”

Aloysius let out a sharp gasp, his breath cutting for a moment as the electric charge shocked him. He had gotten way too used to that over the years. He took a step back, mostly so he could see Salem's hands. "Hello to you too" He replied as he rubbed his face, still feeling the shock in his face "Of course I wasn't going to tell you. You made it perfectly clear you wanted to see the bloodline end with me. So I wasn't exactly going to admit that I had someone pregnant. I didn't want to put Mary or Tanner in danger"

”Get bent, you piece of fucking dog shit,” she replied to his greeting, her voice dripping with malice. ”It’s different once the child has already been conceived. I would have tried to talk her into an abortion, and if that didn’t work, well dammit, I’d have brought her to New York with me. Mary seems like a great catch, truly. If I wasn’t sure of your stupidity before, I am now. It takes an absolute fucking idiot to lose a woman like that.”

In her head, Salem kept counting over and over to ten, but it did nothing to help her boiling anger. Instead, she turned to pour herself a shot. ”Now - instead - we have a great magi with no training, who’s run off and procreated with a Montgomery, of all things.” Downing the shot, Salem returned to glaring at Al. ”I can’t believe that I am seriously the only person in this place that has the ability to think ahead.”

As Salem talked Mary couldn’t help the wave of anger that came across her. She was sick of this, sick of her son being talked about as if he was some commodity rather than a person. The day had been emotional, almost too emotional. She was glad Lilith wasn’t there to read her thoughts. As a burning fire seemed to form behind her eyes Mary’s mind resorted back to an almost default state where she nearly readied herself to attack the magi woman in front of her. At this point the Prices, if not all of Tanner were already in bad standing anyway so what was one more reason for Salem to hate them really going to do? Before she could make a move though her eyes met those of Claire Montgomery, it gave a very clear message. Back down.

With a frustrated sigh the woman complied, making herself smaller. That anger still burned but she knew Claire had a much better idea of what Salem De Silva was capable of than Mary would ever know… hopefully. The woman wasn’t that stupid. Instead she distracted herself by honing into the conversation. Honestly if things really went the options Salem described Mary wasn’t sure if things would outcome much better. She knew moving to New York wouldn’t have sat well with her and she wouldn’t have been so easily convinced to abort her son. She didn’t even know if her following Salem would end with her alive. Instead she grasped onto the least dangerous response for her. “So what you’re tellin’ me is he really didn’t have to go no contact?” she growls.

"Don't listen to her Mary" Aloysius said with a soft groan. "Salem will say whatever she wants to make me look like an idiot. She made it very clear all these years ago that she didn't want me to have kids" Aloysius knew that the people of Tanner didn't seem that keen on Salem, maybe he could use that to his advantage "Look Salem, do you really wanna cause a scene here? In the middle of the handover ceremony of the Coven. Cause that will do a real good for relations between Magi and Witches"

”I will do what I please, with whom I please, where I please. I don’t have to make you look like an idiot. You do that just fine on your own. This may be witch land - but this is magi business. I don’t see why me turning you to a pile of ashes would offend anyone here, honestly.” The Guild leader shrugged her shoulders. ”It’s honestly about time that I remind them what I’m capable of.”

With a sigh, Salem brushed some loose hair behind her ear. ”Killing you here would be too easy. Scene or no scene - you know me better than that.” Tilting her head slightly to the right, she seemed to study the man further. ”But make no mistake. Your time will come. Maybe on a street corner, perhaps at the hands of someone you trust. Perhaps I’ll just have you choke on a spoonful of peanut butter,” she quipped.

Aloysius let out a soft sigh, posting himself between Mary and Salem, in an oddly protective stance. "Listen. No one here knew anything. And at the risk of striking your ire, it isn't Magi business. It's Magi and Witch business. So you are going to have to work with whoever is in charge around here to come up with a solution. But I won't let you touch a hand in anyone here" Aloysius raised his arms defensively ready to cast at a moment's notice.

"What happened to you Salem? When we were in high school together you weren't like this at all. I get that we didn't work out, and I didn't handle the Guild interfering well. And yes. The war. But even then. You weren't this bad."

As her brow furrowed, Salems eyes began to spark with energy once more. ”I’m not talking about that girl's womb, you imbecile. I’m referring to killing you. That is magi business. There’s not a single cell in my body that wants to harm anyone except for you. You are to blame for all of this, Aloysius, and you damned well know it. Don’t you dare try to call my character into question because you think you’re going to make yourself look better.”

Closing the small distance between the two of them, Salem looked into Al’s eyes as she spoke again. ”I’ve always made it very clear that I intend to make your life as drawn out and as painful as possible. There’s no reason to stand here and play stupid. Why am I this bad?” she mocked him. Reaching out to grab his chin, Salem forced him to look at her. ”I should have convinced you to kill yourself years ago. You stupid, pathetic, piece of shit boy the brunette spat. ”You aren’t worth the air I breathe - but you will feel the repercussions of your actions.”

Letting her hand fall back to her side, Salem gave a quick once over to the small group in front of her. ”I have no intentions of harming you or your children,” she spoke in Claire and Marys direction. ”All that I ask is that you leave this between him and I.”

Hearing that everyone else was going to be okay, Aloysius seemed to visibly relax. Even if Salem was forcing him to look into her eyes. Hearing her words hurt him in a strange kind of way. The pair had a bizarre relationship at times and Aloysius had differing opinions of her throughout time. Yes, he had declared war on the Guild to take control for his own family. But that wasn't new. The De Silivas did that back in the early 1900s to depose the Leightons. But this just seemed different. Lowering his arms, and his guard, Aloysius looked back down, somewhat defeated.

"If you were so adamant you were going to make me suffer so much, why did you let me go? You could have just kept me under house arrest and keep sending me around to do dangerous jobs." Aloysius drew a long sigh of resignation, his voice lowered as he continued on. " I have a chance to build something here. And it's going to take alot of work. I have alot of damage to try and fix. But sure. Take it away from me, do what you want. You always do"

The Guild Leader couldn’t help but roll her eyes. ”Freedom is a very subjective thing. ‘Means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Who’s to say you’re not on an assignment right now, hm?” Letting her words settle into the air, Salem sighed. ”I’ve said what I needed to say. Try not to fuck anything else up tonight.”

"How the heck am I on assignment?" Aloysius asked out of curiosity. He was always afraid that Salem had let him go, only to pull the rug from under his feet. Not that he would get an answer as Salem had already walked off away from him. Typical. " Well that went just about as well I could have hoped for it to go" Aloysius said with a sigh. "I should probably leave you to it" Aloysius smiled and looked over to Mary.

Mary huffs, looking over the man in front of her. She didn't know what to make of the past little chunk of time but she knew that, somehow, her respect for the man dropped. “1pm, the same house, don't expect pleasantries." The woman huffs, turning away. “I can not handle any more of you tonight." With that, Mary angrily stomps off to the balcony. Leaving Al and Claire alone.

Lola looked the man up and down and gave a sigh. She almost hated the genuineness she could see in his eyes. She wished he was consistent, that those cracks that showed pieces of a Leighton would shatter the glass and she'd have a reason to hate him. Instead she was playing a game of keeping him at an arm's length to prepare for the day their mother won him over while remaining close enough to not lose the last close family member who cared for her.

At his statements, Lola shook her head. ”Sorry," she mumbled. Lola wasn't certain exactly what she was sorry for. Snapoing at Al? Accusing him onhoggung the spotlight, talking bapit her plan. Regardles sorry felt like the right word to say
There he went again, making the conversation about Salem and him. Of the great family children Lola was oft left put or cast aside. Seeming as she was younger than the other two it was to be expected. She didn’t mind not being seen but it could get lonely some days.

”Mm-hm," Lola mutters as the man finishes speaking. ”Thank you for once again making the conversation all about you. Don't know what I'd do without knowing you have it worse," Lola huffs
At Aloysius' first proclamation Lola gives an unconvinced snort. ”For someone who doesn't care for exploring your full power you seem to have a lot of 'You should work to your potential' speeches under that belt of yours," she snaps back, looking up at the man. ”I know this speech Al. I've heard it countless times. From lots of people. You need to train harder, you have so much potential, you could be so much better if you practiced I don't think there's any words in the English language that describe potential that I haven't heard." With that the young woman lets out a huff, leaning back into the couch.
Lola didn't want to admit it but it seemed with each passing week their mother's influence seemed to be pushing through. Most of it came off of things he already held dear; a want for power and greatness the most prominent but it seemed he'd now picked up the speeches. To Al's credit he sounded more concerned and caring rather than disappointed in her but that didn't stop the exasperated sigh that escaped the teen. This was becoming reminiscent of the days Esme Leighton cared about her daughter, urging her onto power she wasn't sure she wanted.

At his mention of calm and relaxed Lola couldn't help but chuckle. She'd argue that with the stressors in her life she was far from relaxed but she'd be lying if she said she'd also inherited the classic Leighton uptightness at its full-force, courtesy of the Hayashi's softer temperament. She looks her brother up at down. She was sick of lectures about her potential. That's all she got. From her mum, from the Guild leaders and now from her brother. It was never If this is what you want but always You will

”And what if I don't want to be to master it? What if I just want to be a normal teenager who goes into the world and gets a normal job where people look at me more than my birth given quote unquote "potentional"," she mutters, her eyes pointing to the ground.
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