Avatar of WeirdoWyvern


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5 mos ago
Current Beginning to get sick. My posts are gonna be slow for a bit
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11 mos ago
Having a fun summer day of a pool and drinks with my bff and partner. 😄 the evening plan is more drinks and watching the original animated barbie movies to laugh at how awful they are
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11 mos ago
Finally feeling creative again!
2 yrs ago
In an emotional slump, will be back once I am doing better
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2 yrs ago
This weekend I will be preoccupied with a Renaissance faire I'm going to. may not be on to much


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Hello there and welcome to Blazey's request!​
I have been craving a particular RP for quite a while. and I am really hoping to find someone to do it with. It involves characters from part 3 of JoJo's bizarre adventures and linking to part 4 eventually. Now the moment you have been waiting for, what pairing I want to do a story with *drumroll*
Jotaro X Kakyoin​
Woah big surprise there! As you can guess It will be an MXM RP and I would prefer to play Kakyoin for it. My idea would be in an AU where Kakyoin survives the Dio attack and begins his life with Jotaro. I would like to start off with the building of their relationship during the journey and adjusting to coming back home. I have a lot more ideas and details for this plot (even an Idea to have Jolyne still be part of the AU) Other than that I don't have many rules besides the usual ones.

Also I am very open and willing to do other pairings! It's just that I'm craving this one in particular

So feel free to send me a PM if you are interested so we can work out the plot some more
Heya! I'm Blazey, welcome to my post. let's start off with a few rules. now, now they aren't so bad.
-post at least a paragraph
-chat with me OOC
-tell me if something feels off, or isn't alright

that's it, see not so bad!

I'm really craving doing some romance within The Marvel Cinematic Universe. I have quite a few pairing I want to do but I am open to most ideas and AUs.

pairings that I really want to do are
-Steve X Bucky
-Spiderman X Deadpool
-Vision X Wanda
-Loki X Bucky (curious)
-tony X Steve
-Loki X whoever

a few more that I am curious about but I am open to most! just ask what you like/craving

I have a few plot ideas in mind depending on the pairing

Feel free to PM me
Heya I'm Blazey!
I'll keep everything short and sweet so we can get down to building a story!
I only have a couple of rules
-please try to at least type a short paragraph
-tell me if something is wrong or you have a problem with the story
-let me know if you will be taking a break or leaving the rp
(I am only up to the beginning of season 4, so no spoilers)

that's it! now onto the ideas and pairings

for pairings, I really don't have a set in stone one I would like to do, I am open to most pairings of OC X OC, OC X cannon, and Cannon X Cannon

I am fine with doing MxM MxF and FxF
I have a female OC ready to put into a story of any kind
Pm Me if interested
Heya! I'm Blazey! I have a few years of experience with RPs and I am craving to do a story from Jojo's bizarre adventures. I have ideas for parts 3 and 4. although I am having a craving for part 3 more
The part 3 idea and pairing i had in mind were Kakyoin X Jotaro, with either an alternate timeline of after the fight with Dio or an AU where they live a normal-ish life, but still have their stands. I can go more in-depth if you're interested.

the Part 4 idea I had was with Josuke X Rohan, Rohan X OC, or Josuke X Jotaro, plot 1 is where Rohan is starting a new series and need some inspiration. and the other plot idea i have his either an AU
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