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9 mos ago
Current I'll tell you what's wrong with society. No one drinks blood from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
4 yrs ago
“Fortune helps the intrepid and abandons the cowards. I am the daughter of a man who did not know of fear. Whatever may come, I am resolved to follow that course until death.” ― Caterina Sforza
1 like
4 yrs ago
History Fact: Caterina Sforza was a complete badass, who whilst under siege made a point of bombarding the houses of her enemies from the walls of her castle.
4 yrs ago
If it makes you feel better, I'm still on stick figures.
4 yrs ago
If you mean the Uplift War by David Brin, it's available on Amazon for 7.99 in mass paperback.


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Well I suppose I have to at least *try* to join now.

Probably going with an Earth colony that has outgrown it's humble beginnings. May or may not be caught up in a cold war with the home planet or other, fash-y colonials.

Basic and rough timeline I'm considering. During the early days of expansion, Earth scattered colony across the galactic arm using wormhole technology. Tended to be a one way trip, understandably. Earth was in a state of near-collapse. Think of it as a last hurrah for humanity, as they try to escape a cyberpunk hell of their own making.

The best of humanity was sent out, into the void, to preserve the species against what, at the time, seemed an inevitable end.

Some colonies failed, some didn't, and some went off the rails to an extreme. The third was the case with the colony that would become the Pan-Colonial Soviet. The colonists found themselves unprepared for the realities of an alien world. And there numbers were few. Eventually, certain....measures were taken. An underclass was created-humans modified with feline DNA. Better able to survive and thrive on that alien world. And made to do all the dangerous work as the human colonists lived in ever-increasing ease and luxury.

They really shouldn't have brought a database full of Earth's literary works with them. Discontent was inevitable among this new species of slaves-and for certain members of the depraved wealthy-pets-and the texts found within this database would find their way into the hands of these discontented slaves. Old texts with old names. Marx. Lenin. Mao. Castro. Guevara. You got the idea. It started as an insurgency. Then spiraled from there. By the time the revolution came in earnest, it happened quickly.

Within a few years, the colonial administration was overthrown, and as the USSR did before it, a communist power turned it's eyes to the stars once more.

It seemed only right, for the heirs to Earth's first spacefaring power-to it's first communist power-to follow in the footsteps of history. In terms of tech and specializations...I'm thinking they're big on cloning, genetic modification (within reasonable limits) and industry. Mmmm.

Dem five year plans.

Above. Two essential building blocks of communism. The stellar fleet and a catboy.

My theory is sound.
I'm not sure I have the time.

I mean, I did have to leave a nation RP recently, because of my killer work hours.

But at the same time, this verse is in dire need of communist catboys.

Choices choices...
I have just been informed that my long shifts will last into the foreseeable future. I was not warned about this.

My deepest apologies but my participation in this rp is no longer tenable. For hopefully obvious reasons.
Im not going to doe it right now but later today ill put a more detailed version of my app in the characters section.

You’ll need approval from one of the staff to do that, I’m afraid.
@Golem@Blackfridayrule both accepted. I'm just waiting for somepeople to finish their submissions before we start properly. @Ophidian @Erik Tiber waiting on you, but I respect that you are busy.

It will be up tomorrow. I'm basically halfway done-with most of that work being done tonight. I wasn't expecting a twelve hour shift at work.

Late stage capitalism, just kill me now.

I'll send along what I have to you, right now.

Then I need to crash into bed.
We're getting a damn good variety of nations. Excellent. I was sort of worried we wouldn't have any humans about-beyond the ones in my up and coming vampire county. And even then, they're sharing space with undead and catfolk.

I'll start to work right now.

If you still need a Co-GM, I'll apply. I normally resist all types of power unless it's actively thrown on me, but I want this RP to succeed, and staff is key to that, right?

All that said, the Red Death doesn't do wonders for the complexion.


Pallor is the more accurate term.
Nice story oph.

Thanks. I try.

I might love vampire stereotypes, but I do like to put a unique spin on it.
Since I might as well give people some idea of what I intend-my vampires will be linked to a plague. The Red Death-if you're familiar with Edgar Allen Poe, I think you'll know how this goes. How the vampires rose to power. If there is one consistent theme in medieval power structures, it's that the vast majority of humanity experienced great limitations on their freedoms and rights while the nobles enjoyed a far larger amount of freedom in the form of wealth and influence-often stolen, one way or another, from aforementioned vast majority.

And it was so rarely the nobles who suffered from the ills of plague and war, of starvation and cold weather. They were safe in their castles...

Such was the case in this land. Working name is Carpathia, as a reference. Might keep it. Carpathia has always suffered from outbreaks of the Red Death, from monsters plaguing dark forests, and from restless dead. Vampires too, stalked in the darkness. But their ascension to true power is recent-and built on the crimes of the nobility. There came a time when the Red Death did not just scar the land, but burned through it. Many died, mostly of the lower classes. Dying alone in their hovels, or in great, choking cities. More died every day. Drowning in their own blood.

All while the nobles waited for the plague to end. All while they barricaded themselves away. Safe behind their walls and guards.

Safe from the plague, but not from those they left to die. The Red Death kills nearly all it touches-but those who survive, who somehow fight through the disease...are changed. They rise. Stronger then ever. Their eyes burn with necromantic power, and their canines lengthen. Power of a darker sort flows through their veins.

And they remembered, they remembered who had left them and theirs to die.

What followed were days of fear, for those nobles, and nights of blood and terror. Swiftly, the castles and homes of these nobles were ravaged by those they had thought doomed to die. Noble necks were ripped open. Guards slaughtered.

And it fell to these new vampires to rule this suffering nation.

Irony of ironies, their rule, despite their terrifying abilities, despite the dead they raise as soldiers, despite all the black magic they can bring to bear, has turned out to be far more just then the rule of the church and the nobility.

This is all condensed, but you get the idea I hope.
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