Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reveal yer'self, hero! :

What be yer name, Stranger? Jinayah

Be you a lad or a lass? Female
What be yer lineage? Human (by blood), Goblin (by upbringing)

What be yer area of expertise? Thief Magician (Air)

Axe or Sword? A pair of sturdy daggers that can also be thrown.

Adventurer's Kit Contents -Torches
-Gourd full of mushroom soup from home
-a leather strand with an amethyst tied to it

What be yer talents? Goblin: Con, Espionage, Explosives, Lying, Pickpocket
 Rogue: Sneak, Lockpicking, Lip Reading

Chosen 6

-Move silently
-Thrown Weapon

Know ye any spells? (Magic): Gust, Mini tornado

Tell me yer tale, an' I'll listen Jinayah was born to a pair of nomadic adventurers, a warrior and a small-time air mage. Her parents were decent adventurers with terrible luck- their lives were taken by a thug gang near the mountains. Luckily said gang had some form of heart- they left the now-orphaned baby Jin alone, wailing in the forest. Baby Jin cried her little eyes out, but when her parents did not wake, she started to wander. She made it into a series of caves and busied herself trying to catch fireflies.

It was here that her fate was changed forever. The evening time is when the local goblin village went to gather and forage. They found the innocent baby playing there at the mouth of one of their caves. She showed no fear of them, and in fact, seemed more curious about their ears than anything else. After a lot of discussion and a trip to the village elder, it was decided. As there was no human settlement within a short traveling distance, the goblins decided to raise the child as one of their own.

Like any orphan, little Jin became the village's child, raised by all, taught by all, and loved by all. The goblin children learned to accept the tiny-eared, brown skinned, skinny human as just another one of them. Life was happy for Jin, for the most part. Sometimes she slept and dreamt of screaming, but for the most part, she learned to work, fight, and live. The goblins discovered she was a natural thief, already drawn to shiny things like a magpie. They taught her to hone that talent, to move silently and swiftly. When she was about ten, her magic started to show, the gift of the winds. The few magicians in the village trained her to harness those skills, but she showed much more promise in the physical arts than the magical.

When her coming of age was at hand, she chose to go out in the world and seek a fortune for the village, to make her name great and make everyone proud. She was seen off with much love, luck and tears, to make her way in the world.

Is there more to yer tale? (Other): Jin's grasp of human language is limited. She has little body shame, not knowing that it's somewhat unacceptable for a human woman to show her torso. For any goblin, the skin is to be shown, not hidden. Jin has a pair of tattoos on her stomach, one marking the village she came from, and one from the family who raised her.


(Universe and Strength)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Accepted! Just be sure to add some images if you're still tweaking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I like to draw my images... the problem is I'm currently lacking a scanner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Jagred Embereyes

Gender: Male

Race: Draconian

Class: Rouge/ Assassin

Preferred Weapon: His short swords. However, when needed, he could also fight with his bare fists or claws.

Starting Inventory:

  • A metal nail file to keep his claws from growing too long.

  • Several smoke bombs, some mixed with poison.

  • A wooden box contains dozen of small vials, none of which was labeled.

  • A weathered leather bound journal.


  • Draconian abilities: Hiding, Mysticism, Escape, Counter-Espionage, Melee Weapons

  • Rouge abilities: Sneak, Lockpicking, Lip Reading.

  • Custom skills: Acrobatics, Alchemy, Blindfighting, Brawling, Toxicology, Detect lies.

Magic: Magic breath: Since Jagred's scales are a deep crimson, he can breath fire, but in no way capable of controling it or is immune to its effects.

Background: Born son of a blackmarket alchemist, Jagred grew up in an abandoned brewery with his parents. Throughout his childhood, he either stayed at home helping his parents brew up various types of drugs and poisons or finding a way into the market district to deliver the ‘goods’. It wasn’t actually honest work, but the young Jagred was contented with his life. Both his parents cared for him, in their own way. They never forced him to do anything he didn’t want to or was deemed too risky for gangly kid. There was even a time when his father tried to persuade Jagred to take up studying, but of course, failed hopelessly. As he got older, the stake was also much higher. The goods this time weren’t tiny vials anymore, but giant packets as tall as he was. Getting them into the city was much harder.

And one day, he finally made a mistake. A client pointed him out for the guards, who then followed him back home, and he had failed to notice them. Guards raided their hideout, captured him and his parents. As he was only a 13 year old brat at that moment, they only had him sent to an orphanage. However, his parents weren’t so lucky. They were branded ‘dangerous criminals’, judged in a brief trial and hung the next morning.

The event hit Jagred hard. He only stayed at the orphanage for a few nights, before escaped, returning to his home, or at least what was left of it. He was angry and vengeful. However, there was no one to put the blame on but himself. Now alone, Jagred had to find a way to survive. He returned to the market place at daytime, stealing, begging, whatever it took to get food or coins. As soon as he was old enough to hold a blade, Jagred joined a band of mercenary. There, he learnt how to fight, with or without weapons. Choosing a pair of short swords, Jagred made up for its reach and power with deadly poison, mixed according to the recipe left in his father’s journal. However, as the substances he used were usually corrosive, Jagred tried to limit their uses to the best of his ability. Otherwise, a hefty amount of coins from his wage would have been wasted on new weapons all the time.

After a few years with running with the mercenaries, Jagred began to work alone, taking on bounties and private contracts. Things worked out for him at first, but a few incidents later, he realized that he was tired of fighting someone’s war. So it was decided. One morning, he packed up and left, searching for an adventure of his own.

Other: His tongue is forked, like a snake’s. Also, when he gets irritated or angry, he tends to hiss or growl between words.

Finally, Adventure Ho >:] Anyway, can I have a bit more info about Draconians' magic breath? So I can add that bit to my CS later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yeah sure I'll work on that in a bit and get back to you. Also, accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reveal yer'self, hero!
"Ent I just a handsome devil"

What be yer name, Stranger? Orin FairGlaive

Be you a lad or a lass? Male

What be yer lineage? Dwarf / Witch-Kin {Will talk to GM about this}

What be yer area of expertise?
Primary Class: Cross Bow Ranger
Secondary Class: The Barbarian

Axe or Sword?
Large Crossbow
Witch's Dagger
Pick Hammer {In picture}

Adventurer's Kit Contents

Decorative Bottle of homemade wine
Journal {Has self drawn map inside}
Complex Lock Box

Smoking pipe {In picture}
Fine Spices

What be yer talents? (if any. Maximum of 6. Additional ones must be approved by a GM)
Mountaineering, Appraisal, Boozing, Battle-Ready, Heavy Weapons.

Archery, Hunting, Hawking

Alchemy, Husbandry, Business, Negotiating, Cooking, Writing/storytelling

Know ye any spells?
Multiple Visions: This ability was not obtained by the knowledge of magic. No, unlike most kinds of magic this comes from his left eye, which was replaced by his mother. a witch, when his old one got damaged {Will talk to GM about this}.

Tell me yer tale, an' I'll listen Offspring of both a Dwarf named Bromki and a Witch named Alicia FairGlaive, Orin grew up within a secluded nice little cabin in the center of the Wild Woods. Despite some peoples feelings towards witches, his existence was a happy one, not to mention a protected one, for the woods were protected by a mighty Fungon, who Orin had befriended over the years he spent there. Days were spent laying in the sun while his mother went to sell her potions to local stores, though this happy time did not last forever...

One day Alicia was arguing with another witch over the way that she practiced Magic, and the now 18 year old Orin intervened after it had gotten more intense and so a danger to his mother. However this angered the other witch more, causing her to lash out with a dagger on her side, slashing the boys eye. With a mighty roe Orin grabbed the witch and tossed her to the ground like a rag doll. Bruised and beaten the old witch cast a hex on Orin, ageing his appearance drastically, but before it could finish and age the rest of him too she was crushed under the foot of the guardian Fungon. Now with a aged body and blind in one eye, his mother attempted to help her boy, giving him a magical eye and keeping his body strong with potions. It become clear that she would have to go and search for the cure to the hex, though before she could Orin stopped her and decided to go himself. He had always wanted to travel the world after all, and it would be a bother for one so young to stay in one place too long. So off he went in search of new ageless youth and hopefully adventure. This is where our story begins, where the 20 year old Orin comes to join the other heroes.

Is there more to yer tale?
He is creating a book, chronicling the world around him.
"Adventure, Ho!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Accepted! Hey Gabriel :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hey, updated my profile with an approximate pic of my little wind-thief. As soon as I have a scanner back I'll whip one up with my own hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Haha that's great! Alright, so I think we're ready to start this off! Now then, our characters would most likely meet early on in the story, be it at some sort of tavern or during a meeting with a major political leader. We can decide how we want to meet and recieve the quest that starts the journey, but also we could discuss the location of where we're starting.

I was thinking of a small village near the southern borders of the Realm of Garrn, surrounded by mountains, the ocean, and a dangerous wood that is said to be home to a monster. This could give us a good opener because it could be sort of like The Shire in the respect that it doesn't have too much going on, but once the quest is given, things are around the group that prevent them from going too far.

Thoughts or suggestions on where we should start?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I like the idea of meeting in a village. Just small enough that they could all run into each other at the one real tavern in town.

I'm taking a stab in the dark at our initial quest: monster hunting?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, if it's a tavern and our heroes are going to do some monster hunting, I'd suggest a message board of some kind with a bounty posts on it... Easiest way to get everyone's attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yeah that was my original idea. They would probably meet on something small like a monster hunt (I hear the DIRE WOOD has a legendary monster within that somebody's willing to pay a pretty price for), but the main quest that would send them across Garrn would be a simple delivery mission that develops into the epic quest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hmm...Sounds good. Maybe the village chief has some old trinket he found under his bed, and since there are these very capable heroes who have just killed a monster hanging around, he thinks it would be a good idea to have them deliver the trinket to wherever?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yeah. Not so much a trinket as it is a very valuable item, and not so much The Lord if the town as it would be a creepy old dude in a tavern who is basically like "ITS DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE! TAKE THIS WITH YOU!" And tosses the item at our characters.

But alright then, seems like we all agree to start in this village. I'll probably try to post a male and some details about where we're starting, but for now I think we can just discuss what's going on. My guy would probably already live in the village as a farmer with nothing better to do then mess around with "quests", what about you guys? How would they come to the village and/or what are their reasons,

~~ UPDATE ~~

Here's a map and basic overlay of the regions in the Realm of Garrn. A more detailed synopsis of each region will come later once I finish it or they become relevant, but its just something to help out for now.

We'll be starting in the "Vish" Region, for your information.


Regions by Compass Direction:

NORTH EAST: Twaranka

SOUTH EAST: Isles of Exian

NORTH: Plancti Roshan


NORTHWEST: Morushoa Zenoaha

SOUTHWEST: Oceaneica Island and the Scrouat Zephyr Brook-lands.

WEST: Issei Torul (the Blacklands)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, mine is a travelling mercenary. Wouldn't be very hard for him to end up there. Maybe he was a bit low on coins and figures a village's tavern would make a good stop?

Anyway, I added the magic breath to Jagred's magic section. See if you want to change anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Mine is searching for a fortune, though she'd have different ideas of what a fortune is than others... I'm guessing the village in Vale would be the closest to the mountains. 3 or 4 days travel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alright then, and yeah the village would be nearby some mountains, but not specifically the one your character is from
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ahh, I see. I will keep that in mind. I still want to make her fresh from the cave, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sora1297


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sure just thought I'd let you know ^^
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