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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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mattmanganon said
Yo dude, wanna react to Inuels verbal bitchslap?

I'm hoping to get a post up tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arachnid Zero

Arachnid Zero

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Alright. For the win:

Draknyia Ythixi


(Equivalent to apprx 32 humanoid years of maturity. Well, wait. With the force involved, make that about 24 in humanoid physical maturity & about 36 humanoid mental maturity. )



Note: That is NOT his actual lightsaber.

Jedi Knight


Force Speed, Telekinesis, Force Sense, Basic Mind Trick, Force Healing, Force Deflection

First-Aid, Unarmed Combat, Athletics, Demolitions 

Form II, Form III, Form IV, Form V, Tràkata

A defender style hilt, crafted to look bio-mechanical and insectiod. The blade, which glows with a pale blue hue, is slightly longer than a standard lightsaber blade.

Grenades, Mines, Datapad, Medkit, 

Draknyia's family was one of a few who left Secundus Ando behind to seek a better life in the fledgling Andoan Free Colonies. Even in their infancy, the Colonies were quite supportive of the Galactic Republic, making it unsurprising that a Harch child born with Force Sensitivity was given over to the Jedi Order.

As a youngling, Draknyia excelled in areas of physical activity, using his extra arms to great advantage. As he grew older, he became rather overzealous about such matters. To a fault, some might say. Though, due to his species, it took him longer than many shortlived humanoids to leave his youngling days behind.

When he did, though, he was given to the tutelage of a Kel Dor Master named Korin Usia. Together, they took part in a series of relief and assistance efforts in some of the more remote and neglected regions of republic space.

Over the next two decades, Draknyia truly began to discover himself. In the dimmest corners of republic space, he found hope, honor, and virtue. And where he found only sorrow and despair, he brought seeds of the light which he had found. Those missions, throughout the Outer Rim and on various backwater worlds, awakened him to the meaning and true relevance of the Jedi code and what theyp Order stood for.

After his completion of the Jedi Trials, he had a vision of the Force as strands of spidersilk webbing which connected everything to everything else. He studied it and followed many of it's strands finding that the pattern was always impossibly symmetrical. He woke up to find that he had been in a trance for over a day.

But after awakening, he found that he could occasionally glimpse strands of the web. They seemed to be leading him to something. With Permission from the Council, He and Korin set out to follow his visionary trail. It lead them to fight against the darkside on the most neglected battlefields. Early on, they took on smugglers and slavers in republic space and on Hutt worlds.

Over time, the webbing lead them to three criminal syndicates, and to a crazed rogue Jedi using those groups to attack the republic by assaulting it's infrastructure. He believed the Galactic Republic to be a tool of the darkside and The Jedi Order with it. This madman was subdued and apprehended.

Afterward, the two would part ways, as Korin was needed on Coruscant and Draknyia was called to fight in the Stark Hyperspace War and then again at the Battle of Giladraan. This was followed by a period of teaching and reflection before the attacks and missions preceeding the Invasion of Naboo, the Invasion itself, and the coming conficts which would eventually give rise to the clone wars would once again sweep him into the thick of battle.

It was during a meeting with Korin Usias that Order 66 was given. If not for the sudden vision of Darkside Webbing around the clone troopers, he would't have drawn his saber. But if he had acted more swiftly, he may have been able to keep Korin alive.

Heavily orientated on use of the Force to augment his natural abilities.

Outspoken in his distaste of Admiral Trench, although slightly obsessed with Trench's military strategies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Looks good.

Caboose should have Beskad up soon(He had finished the sheet, but internet derp ruined it).

If you want you can do a post off until the point where you get your asses saved by some strange Clones.

Uh, don't have them say anything as I don't know what Caboose wants them to say. The Enclave is his thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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What I have so far. History is a bit..harder to type up because I haven't made a true Star Wars CS in a LONG time.

Crim Drayson






Force Abilities:
Force Speed
Force Sense
Mind Trick
Force Healing
Force Jump
Force Barrier
Force Sight
Force Stasis
Battle Meditation

Non-Force Related Skills:
Since his inception into the Jedi Order, Crim has studied the history of the Jedi, Sith, and the Force. He holds an intrinsic knowledge over all that pertains to history and is known as a scholar of such. Dabbling in diplomacy and the political aspects of the galaxy sparked an interest in the Jedi standing within the Galaxy. Though Crim is not unlike his brethren, taking up an adequate knowledge in hand to hand.

Lightsaber Forms:
Form III: Soresu
Form VIII: Jun-Sai - Where Vapaad is direct and staccato, Jun-Sai is circular and flowing. The lightsaber, as well as the Jedi wielding it, is treated as a total weapon. An opponent of a Jun-Sai user can face not only the blade of a lightsaber, but strikes from its hilt, punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and head butts.

With the Force guiding the user's movements, the graceful precision of Makashi and the acrobatic movements of Ataru combine to create a dance-like whirlwind of death. The duelist moves his body just out of reach of his opponent's attacks while positioning his counter-attacks at the most unprotected targets of his enemy. By sinking deeply into the Force, the Jun-Sai duelist can anticipate his opponents movements, allowing him to block attacks before they happen.

One similarity to Vapaad is the use of emotions to power the style. Unlike Vapaad, instead of tapping into the feelings of enjoyment combat brings, the Jun-Sai duelist focuses feelings of determination. Fear, anger, and doubt are compressed into a tight ball in the pit of the duelist's stomach, and forged into an absolute Will to defeat the enemy. When facing a Jun-Sai master, it is said that one's life is measured in only seconds after his Lightsaber is activated.

Lightsaber hilt and colour:
Orange Lightsaber

Blue Lightsaber


Other Equipment:
Crim carries quite a few items around that symbolizes his heart, family, and his love of the past. These items include vibroblades attached to his hip in the shape of wakizashi styled in the ancient samurai culture, a pouch that holds two trinkets of his mother and brother, and most sentimentally is the kabuki mask constructed specifically by a padawan that he once trained alongside. A commlink is on his person at all times to keep in contact with his allies.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Woot! A Guardian knight!

Just a word of warning Draknyia may have a Nautolan fan following.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Cause Vor'loch isn't cool enough for you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Is Vorloch Guardian? I thought he was Sentinel.

Sentinels are okay in Zak's opinion. They're not cool, but at least somewhere between "dude" and "nerf herder". And then there are Consulars, but Zak questions whether those really qualify as Jedi.

Edit: and wow, Vor'loch is Guardian. Man the fan club has been slacking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Bounce said
Is Vorloch Guardian? I thought he was Sentinel.Sentinels are okay in Zak's opinion. They're not cool, but at least somewhere between "dude" and "nerf herder". And then there are Consulars, but Zak questions whether those really qualify as Jedi.Edit: and wow, Vor'loch is Guardian. Man the fan club has been slacking.

He's a Combat instructor dudeeeeee.

Of course he's a Guardian :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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I shall endeavor to make up for this oversight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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You should.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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Sep, you naughty GM, you've been holding out on us. Chapatrap found your super secret character vault for Exile. :P

Also, I re-read the posts and I'm pretty close to composing mine. I'm a bit unsure if I can write in Matt's NPCs or if he wants to do it himself. Matt?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I think he plans for them to become PCs.

Also I wasn't holding back, I just forgot to link it in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@Matt:Going over your Innuel/Renny remove something expert from Renny. He's twelve, expert mechanic/slicer and thief.

That is a bit over the top isn't it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Sep said
@Matt:Going over your Innuel/Renny remove something expert from Renny. He's twelve, expert mechanic/slicer thief.That is a bit over the top isn't it?

He's the token "Boy Genius" character, I mean, look at it like this, he can put shit together and take your wallet from under your nose, but he can't throw you across the room with his mind like all of the others can.

Plus, when I said he was an expert thief, I meant it in the sense that, he can look at a person and immediately guage what the 3 most valuable things they have visible on their person are, and develop a plan to get at least 1 of them without being caught. And, when ransacking someones room, he knows generally all of the key hiding spots are, that's a skill you can pick up easily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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He's twelve. Anakin, boy wonder, couldn't even do all that.

Tone two of them down. You can keep one of them at the expertise level. When did he have time to pickpocket when becoming a master mechanic? When did he have time to slice when he was stealing from under peoples noses?

You did not specify that he could locate where valuables are. Most people can do that, you mentioned being able to take stuff from under their noses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Matt, do you want to control your NPCs yourself? Let me know before I write this post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Sep said
He's . Anakin, boy wonder, couldn't even do all that. Tone two of them down. You can keep one of them at the expertise level. When did he have time to pickpocket when becoming a master mechanic? When did he have time to slice when he was stealing from under peoples noses?You did not specify that he could locate where valuables are. Most people can do that, you mentioned being able to take stuff from under their noses.

Alright, the "take from under your nose" thing is a figure of speech. But, fair enough. Really, for what I had in mind, Expert was a little bit of a stretch for stealing anyway. And, you can say "When did he learn to become a Master Mechanic." But, my Grandad became somewhat an expert on Steam Locomotive engineering, because he worked as a cleaner for them between the ages of 5-9 (They only employed kids, because it was REALLY tight spaces where an Adult couldn't fit... Then again, it was the 20's and it was Scotland... And this was proper work, taking the tubes out, cleaning them, putting them back in again, kids pick up stuff really fast.) And lest we forget this kid.

But, sure, i'll fix the sheet.

Captain Jordan said
Matt, do you want to control your NPCs yourself? Let me know before I write this post.

Which NPC's? Renny and Inuel are my characters, they're not NPC's, Korrsh's dancer Jedi girls will be, but they aren't in it yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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Roger that. We should probably do a collab sometime if we're going to have a lot of discussion, it's going to get slow if we have to wait for posts from you, me, Jake and Sep all for the same scene.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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mattmanganon said
Alright, the "take from under your nose" thing is a figure of speech. But, fair enough. Really, for what I had in mind, Expert was a little bit of a stretch for stealing anyway. And, you can say "When did he learn to become a Master Mechanic." But, my Grandad became somewhat an expert on Steam Locomotive engineering, because he worked as a cleaner for them between the ages of 5-9 (They only employed kids, because it was REALLY tight spaces where an Adult couldn't fit... Then again, it was the 20's and it was Scotland... And this was proper work, taking the tubes out, cleaning them, putting them back in again, kids pick up stuff really fast.) And lest we forget .But, sure, i'll fix the sheet.

Pfft, every Scottish person does real work. Such as me, manly man work.

Also at this time what else was your granddad doing? As a slave boy you'd learn to fix podracers sure. You'd clean, you'd put basic things back on. Get a reasonable understanding. Then maybe get put onto droids. Learning how one thing works is different than learning how many things work and Star Wars is filled with lot sof different mechanics between ships, droids, racers etc.

Also re-reading Innuels history can I point out it is meant to be a history most of it is composed off things that haven't happened yet and might not even happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Well, Inuels history was written when, it was my understanding, that we were starting on Nar Shaddaa about a year after Knightfall.
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