Name:Jason Peter Todd
Alias:Red Hood
Robin II
Age & Birthday:18, 19th May 1997.
Jason's eyes are blue, his hair is black with a single white streak in the front.
He's 6 foot tall, and weights about 170 pounds. He's built lean and athletic.
Abilities:Enhanced Healing Factory:
Jason heals faster than the average person, resistant to poison and toxins and estimated a longer lifespan.
Nobody knows why. But the children 'adopted' by Bruce Wayne, The Batman, are just extraordinary.
Skills:Martial Arts: Jason knows several forms of Martial arts. These include, but aren't limited to Ninjutsu, Kung-Fu, Judo, Kaw Maga, Systema and Kickboxing. Jason is skilled with a wide-variety of weapons, ranging from melee to projectile weapons. He's a decent shot with a gun, and a really good throw, be it cards, knives or grenades.
Athelete / Free-Runner:
Jason is a excellent Gymnast, and a even better free-runner. Able to incorporate parkour into his fighting style, and use grappling hooks and other such equipment to swing around.
Detective Skills:
Jason is a masterful detective, tracker and interrogator. His methods may be a bit more unorthodox than one would expect from the former boy-wonder.
Jason speaks English, Russian, German, Spanish and a couple dialects of Arabic.
Equipment:Armor: A body suit made out of carbon fiber covered Kevlar, utilizing nano- echnology to repair itself upon damage. The armor comes with a matching mask that covers Jason's face. The mask has it's own electrical HUD, and allows him to use many forms of different vision-overlays. Ranging from infra-red to X-ray. It's also directly linked up to the Batcomputer.
The armor comes with a utility belt including, but not limited to:
Grappling Gun.
Tracking devices.
First Aid Kit.
Expandable staff, wielded by Todd as a sword.
Backstory:Born to Erin Todd and Peter Jackson. Jason's story was a sad one from the start alone. His mom was a heroine addict, and his dad was abusive and a thug, running with various gangs. As Jason was growing up, it just got worse, and worse. His father got into deeper and deeper with the mob, and his mom's addiction got worse and worse. Till he was 6 years old, and he came home from school one day. and he found his mom, laying on the floor. Needles in her arms. She had died, on an overdose. His father was furious. And his abuse only got worse.
At the age of 8, Jason's life was radically changed. He had gone from a nice kid, to a hardened criminal. His dad was running with Thugs, and Jason was running scams and pickpocket-cons. He got into trouble with other street kids, and learned a thing or two about fighting. Jason was angry, already as a pre-teen, his anger was big, as it became apparent when he beat an older boy half to death, using a wrench all because the other boy insulted his mother.
Half a year later, he stole the wheels of the batmobile, that got him onto the radar of the Batman. And another year later, he saved Batman from Two-Face and his thugs by throwing a batargang he had found months earlier and practiced with almost everyday. Batman kept tabs on the Todd, till Todd was 11 years old. Batman saved Jason from being shot by thugs who were coming for Jason's father. And in the process, Bruce took the boy under his wing, and honed his anger. It was difficult. Really difficult. More difficult than it had been with Richard just two years earlier. Richard was upset, his anger was already directed. Where as Jason's anger was everywhere. He didn't hate criminals. He hated the world.
A year later, Richard had left the family to find his own fortune. He and Jason were as close as brothers by now. Richard was calmer, more collected than Jason was. Sure. Jason was able to pretend he was Richard, or at least like Richard. But he couldn't always move past his anger, not like Richard could. Regardless, Jason became the second Robin.
Jason and Bruce Wayne would work together for four long years. Till Jason was 16. Everyday Bruce would teach Jason how to hone his anger. To channel it. Since it never did go away. They went through hours and hours on end of therapy, to try and resolve the boy's anger. But Jason wasn't liked Richard had been. Not like Bruce was, either. Jason was dangerous when angry. He was capable of going to far. In any one year, he hospitalized more people than Richard did in three.
But something happened, something no one saw coming. A job went bad. They were in south-America. Hunting down The Joker. When it all went to hell. Jason was boarding a plane a couple of the Joker's goons were piloting, in the plane there were drugs, and money. Jason was on the wing and high in the air over the sea, when the Joker blew the plane up. Bruce being too late to save the boy, and couldn't find a trace of the boy in the water.
Jason Todd died that day.
Well, he died for 6 hours that day.
He was found in a underwater cavern, by a man who called himself Joshua. Joshua healed Jason. Joshua was a very powerful mutant, with the unique ability to alter biology. Joshua could turn people into mutants, and vice-versa. But more so, he could heal people. He healed Jason. Back to consciousness at first. Since if the body would fully heal instantly, the mind would fry itself, since the nerves would be over-loaded. Joshua called it the “Fault of the human mind”, that the human body needed time to process certain things. Healing was one of them. Joshua did give himself temporary telepathic powers, by modifying his own genetics, his own mutation. With the telepathy he had given himself, he formed a “wall” in Jason's mind. The wall would stop Jason from remembering the pain of being burnt alive, the pain of being brought back to life and everything that would tear his mind to pieces, should he remember it.
Joshua told Jason about all of this, when Jason awoke. Jason understood that he shouldn't try to remember, for the wall was strong, but if he'd scratch, he might remember. Under the coming four weeks, Joshua healed Jason, but eventually came to a better conclusion, as his healing tired Jason's body and mind out. He gave a tiny tiny part of his own powers to Jason, enhancing Jason's healing. Meaning that Jason's body would heal all on it's own, quick enough for him to be able to live, but yet slow enough for his mind to be able to play catch-up.
It took Jason 7 months to come back to full health again. 7 months in the underwater cave with Joshua. Seven months of rehabilitation and meditation. For the first time in his life, he felt at peace. But Jason knew that he couldn't stay forever. He didn't want to stay forever, either. Jason returned home, with Joshua's blessings. He traveled all through South America, making quite some waves when he shut down a cartel's human trafficking business all on his own, armed with nothing more than a hunting knife and a flannel shirt.
He would return home to Gotham, surprising Alfred whom opened the door so much that the poor Butler almost had a heart-attack. Bruce was at a charity gathering, and was almost in tears when he met Jason at the manor. Jason said he wanted to get back out onto the field, after telling Bruce and Alfred about what had happened. He told Bruce about Elixir, and how he had changed Jason's body, Jason was better now than ever. And also how Joshua had helped him cool the fire of anger.
Jason was now 18 and had since long outgrown the identity of Robin. He became
The Red Hood.Affliction:Mentors:Batman:Jason and Bruce have a strained father and son relationship. Partly because Bruce mourned Jason's death. But also partly because Jason is unlike Bruce in a lot of ways. There is a fatherly love between Bruce and Jason. Bruce wishes for Jason to succeed. To become as great, and surpass himself.
Elixir:Joshua's Jason's spiritual mentor. He doesn't actively train Jason, but his teachings of self-control, of keeping his calm and keeping a cool head are still there.