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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Name: Jotaro Kujo

Universe: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


Personality: Jotaro has a tough exterior, introduced as even rather rough and delinquent; but he is dedicated, fair, and loyal. He is highly perceptive, intelligent and quick-witted; while keeping a perpetually cool, slightly neutral or disinterested attitude.

Two of Jotaro's schoolmates and the school nurse affirm that it seems impossible to best him in a fight. After gaining Star Platinum, this trait easily carries over to his encounters with new Stand users.

Jotaro loves his mother and respects his grandfather, although he may not be overt about it. It is not that he is unaware of his own love and/or respect - rather, he thinks anyone can tell his emotions just by looking at him, and probably thinks further effort in portraying how he feels to be a waste of time.

Jotaro is both fierce and gentle, and he shows these traits in various scenes, from the fight with N'Dour to the encounter with the D'Arbys. One shining example is how he spared Noriaki Kakyoin, instead of destroying him outright, even putting his own life in the line just to save Kakyoin from Dio's deadly slavery.

Jotaro is occasionally chased by adoring girls, including his classmates; whom he ignores or drives away; particularly when they begin to fuss or bicker.

He is Dio's main target, who acknowledges that Jotaro is his greatest threat. Apparently key to Jotaro's percieved chance of success in his final battle with Dio is the extent to which Dio is able to anger him.

Powers/Skills: One of the strongest stands in the series; Star Platinum possesses super human senses, strength, stamina, accuracy and speed. Like other physically powerful (or Close-Range) Stands, Star Platinum suffers from a narrow range of activity; active only within a 2-3 meter radius from Jotaro.

It is similar to Dio Brando's The World, and, as it turns out, can likewise be used to stop time; an ability revealed at the very end of his fight with Dio.

The Tarot card The Star, after which it is named, symbolizes hope, above all.

This is the highest form to which Jotaro is shown to develop his Stand. SP:TW can stop time for as long as 5 seconds. It is stated that it can freeze time for longer, but 5 seconds is the limit for human endurance under stopped time.

Brief Bio: In 1987, at the age of seventeen, Jotaro severely injured four gang members in a fight. Knowing his strength could not grow to such a length, he began thinking he was possessed by an "evil spirit" and so turned himself into the police. Despite the police and Holy telling him he was free to go, Jotaro insisted on staying, demonstrating the danger by taking one of the policeman's guns and shooting himself in the head. He was not killed, however, as a third arm appeared to him and was able to catch the bullet in mid-air.

Holy soon called her father, Joseph Joestar, to work out the situation. After a brief chat between Jotaro and Joseph failed to sway Jotaro, Joseph sent out his Egyptian friend, Mohammed Avdol. Avdol then sent out his own "evil spirit", known as Magician's Red, and trapped Jotaro's limbs with rings of fire.[8] In defense, Jotaro's "evil spirit" fully appeared before Jotaro and successfully released him from the fire. Joseph then revealed that the "evil spirit" was known as a Stand, a manifestation of an individual's life force. While breaking the iron bars of his cell, Jotaro accidentally let himself out of his cell. With Jotaro freed, Joseph told him the real reason he and Avdol came to Japan. A century-old man known as Dio, an enemy of Jotaro's great-great grandfather Jonathan Joestar, had risen once more.[9]

Later, Joseph showed his stand, Hermit Purple, to Jotaro. Using it's ability to put visions of distant places onto film, Joseph revealed a picture of DIO to Jotaro. The picture revealed that DIO's body was actually Jonathan's due to the star-shaped birthmark, that all blood members of the Joestar family possess, being on the nape of his neck.
The next day, Jotaro walked to school, constantly being hit on by his many female class mates. While walking down some steps, Jotaro's leg was cut, sending him flying into the air.[5] After catching himself with some branches, Jotaro encountered a transfer student, Noriaki Kakyoin, who gave him a handkerchief to clean his wound. At the school nurses' office, Jotaro opened up Kakyoin's handkerchief which revealed that Kakyoin would kill him. The nurse then began going insane, trying to stab Jotaro with a pen. Kakyoin then appeared, telling Jotaro that the nurse was possessed by his stand, Hierophant Green.

Jotaro removes the bud on Kakyoin.
After freeing the nurse by pulling Hierophant Green from her mouth, Jotaro was forced to take Kakyoin's signature attack, Emerald Splash. Jotaro survived the attack and, after proclaiming Kakyoin was evil for manipulating the weak, was able to deflect the next Emerald Splash, take a hold of Kakyoin, and mercilessly beat him up.

Jotaro brought the unconscious Kakyoin to the Kujo house in order to get information about DIO. There, Joseph told Jotaro that Kakyoin was being controlled by a flesh bud of DIO's. The bud caused Kakyoin to become loyal to DIO and would also kill him in a few days, an operation to remove it would only damage his brain. Using the precise hand movements of his stand, Jotaro began removing Kakyoin's flesh bud. Despite the flesh attacking him, the removal was successful, allowing Kakyoin to return to his senses.

The next day, Jotaro found that his mother had gained a stand ability due to DIO's influence. But due to Holy having a much gentler persona, she could not control her stand. Avdol then estimated that she would die in 50 days and the only way to cure her would be to kill DIO. Thanks to his stand being able to draw an Aswan We-We fly from their photo of DIO, Jotaro was able to confirm that DIO was in Nile River in Cairo, Egypt, as the fly was known to only live in that area. Knowing DIO's location, Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin, who owed a debt to Jotaro for saving his life, began their quest to Egypt. Avdol then gave Jotaro's Stand a name, Star Platinum.

After giving a final goodbye to Holy, who was in the care of the Speedwagon Foundation, the four left from Narita airport on a flight to Cairo. While above the East China Sea, they noticed an insect on the plane. The insect then began attacking Jotaro, who quickly deduced that it was a Stand.[14] Avdol was then able to figure out that the stand was known as Tower of Gray and its user had caused many crashes, making them look like accidents. While Jotaro was able to fend it off, Tower of Gray was able to kill a few innocent people, taking their tongues. However, Kakyoin was able to trap Tower of Gray with Hierophant Green and rip the Stand to shreds. With the Stand defeated, the identity of the user was quickly shown to be Gray Fly, an old man who was on their flight.

Despite Gray Fly's defeat, the group quickly found out that the pilots had already been killed by Tower of Gray earlier. Gray Fly, with his dying breath, then told the Jotaro and the others that he was only the first of many assassins and that they would never reach Egypt. With no other choice, Jotaro and Joseph were forced to land the plane 35 kilometers off the coast of Hong Kong and now knew that they now had to head to Egypt by either land or sea.

Arriving in Hong Kong, the group discussed their status over a meal. They soon met a Frenchmen named Jean Pierre Polnareff, who quickly revealed himself to be one of DIO's men. At the Tiger Balm Garden, Avdol faced off against Polnareff's Stand, Silver Chariot. After defeating him, Avdol recognized Polnareff's chivalrous ways and chose not kill him. Jotaro then quickly removed Polnareff's flesh bud, just as he did to Kakyoin.

While waiting for their next mode of transportation at a ship dock, Polnareff agreed to join Jotaro's group and told them his original reason for joining DIO. Polnareff's sister had been killed by a man with two right hands and had now come to the conclusion that the killer was one of DIO's men.

While on the ship, Jotaro saved the life of a child that had fallen overboard from a shark. The child, who Jotaro quickly saw to be a girl, had hidden onboard earlier. As they were swimming back to the ship, Jotaro and the girl were nearly attacked by a creature in the water, which turned out be an underwater Stand. Back onboard, Avdol suspected the girl of being the Stand user. However, Jotaro correctly suspected the Stand user to be the ship's captain, Tennille, after fooling him into admitting himself to be a Stand user. Tennille, who admitted himself to being only an imposter of the real Captain Tennille, then used his Stand, Dark Blue Moon, to kidnap the Runaway Girl. Jotaro was able to quickly punch out Tennille and rescue the Runaway Girl while Tennille fled into the water. As Jotaro was pulling the Runaway Girl back up, he was pulled down to the ocean by Tennille. Underwater, Tennille covered Star Platinum in barnacles, sucking away Jotaro's strength. Dark Blue Moon then caused a whirlpool to appear which sucked Jotaro in. Jotaro was able to concentrate all his strength into Star Platinum's fingers which then sliced part of Dark Blue Moon's head off, killing Tennille.

Soon afterwards, the ship began exploding, Tennille having planted bombs on the ship earlier. After some time on the life boat, Jotaro and the others came across another ship. As everyone looked throughout the ship, they found the ship to be empty, with the exception of an orangutan. The situation proved to be dangerous when one of Tennille's crewmembers was killed by one of the ship's hooks. Jotaro and the others searched the ship for a Stand or its user, but could find nothing. While searching, Jotaro found the orangutan, Forever, almost assaulting the Runaway Girl. Jotaro fought Forever and realized that it was the Stand user. As Jotaro continued his fight, Forever began using objects from the entire ship to attack him, as well being able to absorb into the walls. When Forever was at a safe distance, objects from the ship began strangling Jotaro and capturing Joseph and the others. It quickly became apparent that the entire ship was Forever's stand, Strength. Jotaro was able to escape the objects by annoying Forever. Using one of his school pins and Star Platinum's precise finger movements, Jotaro was able to subdue Forever. Forever then surrendered, showing Jotaro his belly, but Jotaro did not forgive him and pursued to beat him senselessly.[18] With Forever defeated (or possibly dead), Strength began to slowly disintegrate. Jotaro and the others returned to their life boat and were successfully able to make it to Singapore.

With their bodies tired from the recent experience, the group decided to stay a day in Singapore.[19] While traveling around Singapore with Kakyoin and the Runaway Girl, Jotaro saw Kakyoin nearly kill a petty thief. With Kakyoin's personality quite different, Jotaro immediately became suspicious. After almost being pushed down a large building by Kakyoin, Jotaro punched him, revealing Kakyoin to be an imposter. The fake Kakyoin then revealed himself to be Rubber Soul, a Stand user who could use his goo-like stand, Yellow Temperance, to form into any shape or being. Jotaro began to fight him, only for Yellow Temperance to throw him out of the cable car they were in. While Jotaro was able to save himself, he noticed a piece of Yellow Temperance had attached itself to him, slowly trying to eat his flesh. After seeing that fire and ice wouldn't work to stop it, Jotaro fought Rubber Soul again. Rubber Soul tried to completely cover Jotaro in Yellow Temperance, but with both now entangled, Jotaro was able to throw himself and Rubber Soul into the water. Since Rubber Soul had to uncover Yellow Temperance from his face in order to breathe, Jotaro used this opportunity to hit Rubber Soul. Rubber Soul then begged for his life and told Jotaro about the killer of Polnareff's sister, J. Geil, whose ability involved mirrors. Rubber Soul then tried one final assault on Jotaro by using Yellow Temperance to pull Jotaro into a water pipe. Using Star Platinum's fist to plug up the water pipe, the water pressure caused Rubber Soul to fly into the water. Rubber Soul tried to give Jotaro another plea of forgiveness, but Jotaro gave him another barrage of attacks. Jotaro later joined back with the group, including the real Kakyoin, in order to get on a train to their next destination, India. Unbeknownst to Jotaro, the Runaway Girl, who had developed a crush on Jotaro, was following them closely.

Arriving in Calcutta, Jotaro and the others quickly met the local people until eventually going to a café. There, Polnareff encountered a Stand that used mirrors, meaning that the user who killed his sister was in Calcutta. Deciding to take the battle into his own hands, Polnareff left to fight J. Geil by himself. Avdol and Kakyoin later joined Polnareff in his fight.[21] Later, Jotaro and Joseph found Avdol wounded, having been nearly shot in the head by J.Geil's partner, Hol Horse. They managed to treat his wounds and, so that Avdol could make a full recovery, decided to fake his death.[22] After taking Avdol to safety, Jotaro and Joseph managed to find Kakyoin and Polnareff, who had been able to successfully kill J. Geil. However, they were unable to stop Hol Horse from getting away.

As they got close to the border, the group once again encountered the Runaway Girl. After some arguing, Jotaro decided to take her to the border, where they'd buy tickets for her back to Hong Kong. While driving to the border, a car they encountered earlier forced them to nearly collide with an oncoming truck, Star Platinum being their only way of escaping safely. While at a rest stop, Joseph spotted the same car there. Suspecting the driver to be one of the customers inside, Jotaro, Joseph, and Polnareff began to beat up all the men with muscular arms, due to the driver also having them. However, the brawl proved useless as the car began moving away, the driver's face still unknown. Due to the driver mixing up the road signs, the group entered a narrow mountain way and were pushed off a cliff by the driver's car. Thanks to the combined efforts of Hierophant Green and Star Platinum, the group was able to hook their car onto the enemy car and make it back up the cliff. With them back up, Jotaro used Star Platinum to punch the enemy car. The car soon appeared again, having actually been a Stand called Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune then transformed and proceeded to attack Jotaro, as well as Kakyoin and Polnareff. The group began running but Wheel of Fortune kept following them through both narrow edges and on top of cliffs. Using the gas that had been left behind from the wounds he caused, Wheel of Fortune was then able to light Jotaro on fire. Thanks to quick thinking, Jotaro was able to avoid the burns and used the opportunity to get close to Wheel of Fortune. With the user now in his range, Jotaro used Star Platinum to beat him.

With Wheel of Fortune defeated, the group soon saw that the user, ZZ, was just a skinny man, his arms being the only muscular part of his body. In order to make sure he wouldn't attack again, they chained him to a rock and took his passport. The obstacle now cleared, Jotaro and the others put the Runaway Girl on the next plane back to Hong Kong, despite her protests.

covered in fog. Moments later, they found the corpse of a man who seemingly died of shock. The man's body was completely covered with holes, yet there was no blood. They were then approached by an old woman, Enya, who offered a night's stay at her hotel. Later that night, Jotaro went looking for Polnareff, who had been gone for quite a while. Jotaro, who had been suspicious of Enya, proved his thoughts correct when she called him by his name. Jotaro then revealed to Enya that he had signed his name as "Qtaro Kujo" in the guestbook, thus solidifying his suspicions of her being a Stand user. Enya began attacking Jotaro with her Stand, Justice, which had actually been the fog that surrounded the town.

Polnareff and Hol Horse, who each had been attacked earlier, appeared and told him that Justice could take possession of someone with any wound on their body. This also included corpses, explaining the mystery of the corpse from earlier that day. Jotaro was able to stop Justice by having Star Platinum completely inhale it, thus defeating Enya.[25] With Justice now rendered useless, the entire town reverted to nothing more than a cemetery. The group decided to take Enya along with them because of her knowledge of Dio's stand ability and his location in Egypt.

In the city of Karachi, another Stand user, Steely Dan, appeared and told Enya that she had failed. Enya's flesh bud then killed her. Jotaro quickly attacked Steely Dan, only for the pain felt by Dan to also be felt by Joseph. Dan revealed that his stand, The Lovers had burrowed deep inside Joseph's body and any pain that was inflicted upon Dan would also affect Joseph. With his grandfather's life at stake, Jotaro was forced into doing whatever Dan wanting him to, threatening to hurt himself (and therefore Joseph) if Jotaro didn't comply. Elsewhere, Kakyoin and Polnareff had shrunk their Stands inside Joseph's brain and tried to find The Lovers. After some fighting, Hierophant Green was able to defeat The Lovers, forcing it to leave Joseph's brain. In a last effort, Dan tried to control Jotaro and then a small girl until he saw that Kakyoin had tied Hierophant Green to The Lovers. Jotaro then beat Dan harder than any of his previous opponents and threw a piece of paper at him containing all the cruel things he had done to him, calling it his "receipt".

Due to unrest in the area, the group chose to not go to Iran and Iraq, instead passing along the strait from Karachi to Abu Dhabi. Riding on camel-back, they traveled across the Arabian Desert from Abu Dhabi to Saudi Arabia. As the heat raged on, Joseph surprised the group by revealing that it actually should be nighttime. They soon realized that The Sun itself was a Stand when it was rising from the west. The heat grew worse, with even the scorpions not being able to handle the heat. Kakyoin even tried to attack The Sun directly, only for it to bounce the attack back. However, after finding shade under a rock, they were able to find the user, Arabia Fats, who had been using a mirror to hide himself. With a simple stone throw, Fats was knocked out and the group were able to continue in the cold desert night.[27]

Taking a private plane, the group were forced take a sick baby with them to the next town. While in flight, a sleeping Kakyoin began freaking out and messed up the controls. While Joseph was able to keep everything steady, they then ran into a coconut tree and crashed. Even though everyone ended up safe, Kakyoin's strange attitude continued as he tried to harm the baby, Mannish Boy. That night, after they all fell asleep, Jotaro and the others woke up in a dream world and were confronted by an enemy stand, Death 13, which was being controlled by Mannish Boy. They found themselves unable to use their Stands and were getting attack. However Kakyoin, who had summoned his Stand before going to sleep, was able use Hierophant Green in the dream world. Kakyoin was able to subdue Death 13 and free the rest. With their Stands inactive in the dream world, everyone, sans Kakyoin, forgot these events and eventually took Mannish Boy to his family.

After picking Avdol back up[29] (and finally telling Polnareff the truth about Avdol's supposed "death"), he revealed that he had bought a submarine that would take them across the Red Sea. The sailing went well for a while, until they were attacked by The High Priestess, an enemy Stand controlled by a user named Midler. Using its ability to transform into anything glass, metallic, or rubber, High Priestess tried to drown them and attack them using metallic objects. As the submarine sank, Jotaro and the others were forced to take scuba gear and swim. High Priestess then formed into the body of the ocean and proceeded to eat them. It tried to crush Jotaro with its teeth, but Jotaro was able to use Star Platinum to completely smash High Priestess's teeth, thus breaking Midler's own teeth and knocking her out. They then swam out of the Red Sea. After 30 days of dangers, they had finally made it to Egypt.

Upon request by Joseph, the Speedwagon Foundation sent extra help in the form of another Stand user, the user of The Fool. The user turned out to be a dog named Iggy who could manipulate the sand around him. Before leaving, the Speedwagon employees also told Jotaro and Joseph that Holy's condition was getting worse with every passing day and that she only had about two weeks left. They also told them they saw nine other people going to the same area that DIO was thought to be hiding before taking off.

After some time driving through the sands, Jotaro and the others found one of the employees having died from drowning. The other employee was quickly decapitated when the water from Joseph's canteen came out and ripped his head inside. Realizing they were now under attack from a water Stand, Geb, the group tried to separate. Geb went for Kakyoin, slashed his eyes, and then went after Polnareff. Before Polnareff could be hurt, the dead employee's digital watch began to beep. Geb instead attacked the watch, indicating that it attacked through sound. After multiple attempts to either run away or attack it directly, their car was destroyed and Avdol was badly wounded. With no other choice, Jotaro forced Iggy to use The Fool in order to fly them to the location of the Stand user. Jotaro saw that the user, N'Dour, was blind and solely relied on sound to attack. Jotaro was able to distract N'Dour by throwing Iggy towards him and took this moment in order to get behind N'Dour and land a strong punch. Defeated, N'Dour chose to kill himself with Geb. While he did not fear death, he did not want to be killed by DIO, his savior, for his failure. Before dieing, N'Dour told Jotaro that Geb was one of the Nine Gods of Egypt, implying the other gods were Stand users as well. Jotaro buried N'Dour in the sand and seemingly began a friendship with Iggy (though it was a rough start).

The Joestar group, exhausted from the Nubian desert's heat, suddenly encounters Absalom, who presents himself as the driver of the "Satanic Coupler" locomotive and offers refuge for them inside it. After learning that Satanic Coupler is actually a stand, Jotaro, along with Polnareff and , escape the train. After seeing Absalom hurt a boy in his attack, a furious Jotaro makes him the victim of his wrath, thanks to a plan made by Joseph to damage Satanic Couple's weak spot. In a last attempt, Absalom tries to kill Avdol, but is defeated by a combination of Hierophant Green and Star Platinum and becomes incapacited.

Jotaro and the others quickly took Kakyoin and Avdol to a hospital.[31] While Avdol was able to recover quickly, Kakyoin had to stay in the hospital. The good news was that his pupils weren't damaged and he'd be able to join them in a few days. Later, Polnareff came across an enemy, Chaka, but quickly defeated him and took his sword. While at a barber shop, the sword, Anubis the living Stand, took possession of the barber, Khan, but Jotaro and Polnareff were able to stop him and break the sword. But Anubis soon took possession of Polnareff instead and used Silver Chariot for a twin swords attack. Despite getting stabbed, Jotaro was able to shatter the hilt of the blade and free Polnareff of Anubis's control. Unbeknownst to Jotaro, the remainder of the sword eventually fell into the river, where it rusted several days later.

While Joseph and Avdol were dealing with another enemy user[33], Jotaro and Polnareff were soon involved in their own battle. Polnareff was turned into a child by the ability of enemy Alessi's stand, Sethan. Alessi took advantage of Polnareff size and tried to kill him. Jotaro eventually came to the scene but Alessi quickly changed him to a child as well, roughly seven years of age. Since he had only recently gained Star Platinum, he now found himself unable to use it. Despite this disadvantage, Jotaro, who had always been strong even as a kid, was still able to knock Alessi out and revert them back to their original ages. When Alessi awoke, Jotaro and Polnareff continued to beat him into oblivion. They soon met back up with Joseph and Avdol.

After receiving a call from the Speedwagon Foundation, Joseph informed everyone that Holy had only four or five days left to live. In order to speed things up, they then took a train from Luxor to Cairo.
Reaching Cairo, Joseph used Hermit Purple in order to gain a photograph of DIO's new mansion. They kept asking around but could not find anyone that knew its location. They then met a man, Daniel J. D'Arby, who claimed to knew the whereabouts of the mansion. However, being a gambler himself, D'Arby told them they had to gamble with him in order to learn such information. Polnareff played a game in which he guessed which piece of beef jerky a cat would get. But Polnareff lost the bet when the cat took the other piece and D'Arby took his soul in the process. D'Arby revealed himself to be an enemy Stand user and anytime someone lost at his games his Stand, Osiris, would take their soul. Joseph played a game involving dropping coins in an already-full glass of liquor, the loser being the one that made the liquor spill over. Joseph was seemingly winning the game (using tactics of his own), until D'Arby was able to get one more coin in, Joseph's next coin being the one to lose. Checking the glass, Jotaro found that D'Arby had actually cheated again using a plan involving melting chocolate that had already been placed in the glass earlier. Seeing that D'Arby had once again cheated, Jotaro challenged D'Arby at his own game of poker.[36]
Jotaro Kujo

Jotaro demonstrated to D'Arby Star Platinum's precise vision and accuracy, telling him that he would not be so easy to cheat against. Even after this, D'Arby tried another tactic at cheating, resulting in Star Platinum breaking his index finger. Using a nearby boy as the dealer, Jotaro bet his soul in order to start the game. D'Arby made Joseph's and Polnareff's souls into six chips each, meaning Jotaro would have to win a minimum of two hands in order to win them back. Jotaro lost the first hand, losing three of his six soul chips. During the second hand, Jotaro chose to not look at his cards and also raised the hand with Avdol's soul. D'Arby called the hand with the rest of Jotaro's soul and all of Polnareff's, but then raised him all of Joseph's soul as well. Jotaro, keeping a cool face, called the bet with Kakyoin's soul. In order to intimidate D'Arby, Jotaro used Star Platinum's speed to light himself a cigarette and get some juice.

He then bet his mother's soul as well and told D'Arby that the only way to call it would be to tell them the secret of DIO's Stand. With the possibility of losing (and therefore telling the secret and then being killed by DIO for being a traitor), D'Arby fell unconscious, automatically folding the hand. Seeing D'Arby's hand of four kings, Avdol was surprised to see Jotaro's hand was nothing important. D'Arby's forfeit freed everyone's souls but D'Arby had become so mentally fatigued that they were not able to learn the location of the mansion.

Continuing their search, Jotaro and the others eventually ran into Hol Horse once more. He tried to take Polnareff hostage but he was easily beaten. A moment later, a truck hit them but they were able to make it out with only minor injuries. Unbeknownst to them, Hol Horse ended up accidentally wounding himself in the process.[37] They continued their questioning until they found a beggar that had much information. He did not return, giving the possibility he may have been killed by another Stand user.

The next day, Iggy, who had just recovered from a serious battle against another enemy, and Kakyoin, who had finally been released from the hospital, met up with them. With all six now joined together once more, Iggy led them to the location of DIO's mansion.

The team arrived at DIO's mansion and were greeted by its butler, Terence T. D'Arby, younger brother of Daniel J. D'Arby. D'Arby quickly separated Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin from Polnareff, Avdol, and Iggy and took them to his game room. D'Arby then challenged the trio to videogames and if they lost their soul would be transferred to one of his dolls. First, D'Arby challenged Kakyoin to a racing game. While Kakyoin put up a good challenge, D'Arby was still able to win and took Kakyoin's soul. D'Arby then challenged Jotaro to a baseball videogame. In the beginning, Jotaro kept on missing and giving D'Arby the lead. However, having "memorized" the gameplay, Jotaro was able to successfully score four hits and take the advantage. But this did not distract D'Arby and he was able to take the lead once more. As the game continued, Jotaro was able to figure out that D'Arby's stand, Atum, must be able to read an individual's mind. Jotaro then began announcing what his next movements would be, but the movements he actually did were different. D'Arby stared into Jotaro's soul but found that he wasn't lying. Jotaro continued this tactic and was able to defeat D'Arby in the process. D'Arby's loss was able to return Kakyoin to his body and the trick was revealed to be Joseph using Hermit Purple to control the game. With Kakyoin now safe, Jotaro beat D'Arby hard enough to paralyze him.

With the game won, Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin proceeded further into the mansion. Not long after that, the mansion began to crumble, indicating Polnareff and Avdol were fighting another enemy somewhere else inside.[40] They then headed towards the tower of the mansion, where they suspected Polarneff and Avdol to be.[41] They were soon confronted by one of DIO's remaining lackeys, Nukesaku, whom Jotaro easily beat. In exchange for letting him live, they took Nukesaku with them in order to gain any last-minute information they needed.

The trio soon met back up with Polnareff, who was in the middle of fighting DIO. DIO then took the chance to run higher up the mansion's tower. Polnareff then told them of Avdol and Iggy, both of whom had died fighting DIO's right-hand man. Holding back their sadness, the four went to the top of the tower and found DIO's casket. They then forced Nukesaku to open the casket. However, instead of DIO, they found Nukesaku himself in the casket, dead. It was their first chance at seeing DIO's stand, The World. Sensing the danger, Jotaro and the others fled the castle. With nightfall, they knew DIO would begin to chase them.

Now in Cairo, the team decided to split up, Jotaro and Polnareff on one end and Joseph and Kakyoin on the other. Needing an immediate mode of transportation, Jotaro and Polnareff stole a motorcycle and continued to search for DIO. They found two destroyed cars, indicating Joseph and Kakyoin were already in battle with DIO. Jotaro was able to find Joseph, who revealed that The World's ability was to stop time. Joseph was then stabbed by a knife DIO threw while in the frozen time and died. Angered by his grandfather's death, as well as Kakyoin's that had occurred moments earlier, Jotaro began his fight with DIO.

As the fight started, Jotaro saw that The World had similar strength and speed to Star Platinum. They began pummeling each other, seemingly to equal ends. But The World proved slightly stronger and injured Jotaro. DIO then froze time but was shocked to see that Jotaro, even by just a little bit, was also able to move in the frozen time. However, DIO found a magnet on himself and Jotaro. Both magnets were on the same side, giving the illusion that Jotaro could actually move. DIO then moved in for the killing blow, but Jotaro was able land a powerful punch in the frozen time, indicating the magnets to be a red herring. But DIO quickly recovered after taking the blood of an innocent bystander.

DIO froze time once more and proceeded to hit Jotaro with a barrage of knives from all sides. Jotaro was able to block several knives in frozen time but found himself unable to stop them all once time return to normal. He was stabbed multiple times and fell to the ground. However, anticipating such an attack, Jotaro stuffed his jacket and hat with magazines, thus preventing his body and head from actually getting injured. But he still had been stabbed deeply in his arms and right leg. DIO then came to see if Jotaro had truly died. To make sure, he was about to cut off Jotaro's head, until Polnareff came and stabbed DIO in the head. Using another time stop, DIO beat Polnareff. DIO then checked Jotaro's heartbeat, forcing him to use Star Platinum to stop his heart. DIO continued on with his original plan to cut Jotaro's head off but Jotaro was able to use this opportunity to land a strong blow directly into DIO's head and shatter part of his skull. Heavily wounded, DIO tried to retreat. But at every angle, Jotaro easily followed DIO and continuously beat him. But luck fell on DIO, as he was able to make it back to where Joseph's body was. Draining Joseph's body, DIO's wounds were all healed and he transformed into a much stronger form.
Jotaro Kujo.

Joseph's soul then appeared to Jotaro and told him to stay calm despite what anger DIO may cause him. DIO then completely drained Joseph's body, causing Jotaro to charge directly at DIO. DIO froze time again and Jotaro was able to move in frozen time more. But DIO, now supercharged, could move for an even longer time as well. DIO's strength had also increased and he began constantly beating Jotaro. DIO froze time again and threw a steamroller directly at Jotaro. Jotaro tried to push it back with Star Platinum, but was unable to continuously do it and was seemingly crushed. It had seemed that DIO was finally victorious in his century-long feud with the Joestars. But DIO soon found himself unable to move because Jotaro himself was able to stop time. Jotaro used his newly-discovered advantage to heavily injure DIO's legs. DIO then sprayed the blood from his legs onto Jotaro's eyes and began a strong kick with his good leg. Despite the temporary blindness, Jotaro was able to counterattack with his arm. DIO's The World then began to crumble from the attack, causing DIO's body to break down as well. Even as he shouted how his defeat was impossible, DIO's head exploded. He was finally dead.

Jotaro and Polnareff's injuries were dealt with by the Speedwagon Foundation. Since DIO had taken much of Joseph's blood, Jotaro asked for a blood transfusion from DIO's body to Joseph's. After using Star Platinum to restart Joseph's heartbeat, the transfusion began. The shriveled-up body that Joseph had after losing so much blood began returning to his normal muscular figure and Joseph fully revived. Later, Jotaro and Joseph took the remainder DIO's body outside, where it evaporated with the rising sun. They then gave one final moment of thought for Kakyoin, Iggy, and Avdol.

At the airport, Jotaro and Joseph gave a final goodbye to Polnareff, who was finally ready to return to his home country of France. The trio gave their final goodbyes and left, promising to see one another again someday. In Japan, Holy awoke fully healed and freed from the curse. Even miles away, she knew her son and father were coming home.

Equipment: None

Other: "Yare Yare Daze"
Name: Big Head

Universe: The Mask


Personality: The mask by itself has no will, soul, spirit or even its own personality (in the original comics version, it has a will of its own, so much so that those who use it are called Big Head and it sometimes talks to the user when it is placed on the face). However, once it is placed on, being a magical object, the mask turns whoever uses it according to the ulterior motives of the mind and the deepest feelings of the heart that the user even does not know or has normally.

The mask transforms him or her into an alter ego (both the body and the soul), based on the desired personality within that person's subconscious, bringing out their desires, dreams, joys, repressed feelings, deepest needs and interiors, amplifying them and finally putting the user's alter ego in control of decision-making with absolutely no high control or possible psychological inhibitions imposed by society, seeking pleasure without personal pain in a manner very exaggerated or aggressive and reach goals most desired without fear of the consequences. These vary from person to person and how the personality he or she currently is at the moment, as well as if that person is even good or bad in both mind and heart. This is always dangerous, as the user rarely keeps their morale or even basic decency by using the mask and is affected by its influence (either for good or for evil), which can lead even to deaths as a result of the desires of the user (mainly with bad people by using the mask, as these people are evil by nature and have no social inhibitions or do not comply with the laws and authorities, having more control over their actions). It also feeds off of the darker impulses in a person’s psyche, like rage, anger, mischief, jealousy, lust and others, and the Mask makes the person act on them. They become a personification and also a slave of their inner, primitive desires.

The engine that makes the mask work is the most basic desires of a person (not confuse inner desires of the mind with desires of the heart), which are the need to eat, drink, play, defend yourself, and so on. In other words, the wishes and feelings of the user that is currently wearing the mask are more specifically the selfish desires of each one.

Powers/Skills: n the original comics, The Mask grants the user superhuman physical attributes and intelligence, a healing factor, the ability to look like other people, and the ability to create objects out of the air. A perfect example to The Mask almost omnipotent powers happened when The Mask managed to swallow whole an entire hulking alien mutant invader by shapeshifting his head and mouth to gigantic sizes. The Alien found himself bounded by the chains in the cave like stomach system of The Mask and he encountered a cannibal caricature of The Mask, ready to devour him alive in his own stomach, Superpower mimicry, Shape shifting powers.

Brief Bio: In an antiques shop, a weak, neurotic man named Stanley Ipkiss shops for a gift to give to his girlfriend, Kathy. At the store he purchases an old jade mask which begins to speak to him. When Stanley wears it, he is transformed into a wacky, superpowered being with an abnormally large, bald, green-skinned head and a mouthful of large teeth. After exploring his new abilities, Ipkiss goes on a rampage, taking revenge on personal grudges, and earns the nickname Big Head.

After taking the mask off, Stan begins to realize what has been happening. His acts as Big Head begin to take an emotional toll on him. He becomes verbally abusive toward Kathy. She kicks him out but keeps the mask since Stanley had bought it as a gift for her.

Later Stan breaks into her apartment to steal it back just as the police respond to their earlier domestic violence call. Deciding his only way out is as Big Head, Stan places the mask back on and kills 11 cops in his escape. He returns home as Big Head and takes off the mask but before he was shot in the back of the head he was teleported to the Island.

Equipment: Can materialize objects

Other: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Moriya Suwako

Universe: Touhou

Appearance: Behold the girl who decided to be a young girl again!

Personality: A long time ago, Suwako was a serious goddess busy ruling over people and corralling various curse gods in order to protect them. Nowadays, she's quite content to be a young girl that enjoys a good scrap and spends most of her time lounging around at home. It's a mistake to assume that the small blonde is only as mentally developed as she appears... but that seems to be the level she prefers to operate on, anyway

Powers/Skills: Divine Power: As a goddess, Suwako is possessed of a handful of abilities that most people would find completely beyond their reach. For instance, she's able to infinitely divide herself without any dilution of which is the 'real' Suwako. Not an ability that sees much use, since she doesn't really have any need to be in two places at once. Other abilities consist wholly of 'not being all that mortal', meaning she's pretty much immune to dying through injury or much of anything else. Lack of worship, perhaps, but mere combat?
Specifically, Suwako is one of the myriad gods--a divine entity empowered by human belief. Without worshippers and human faith, she would dwindle into total nothingness. Thus, despite being a goddess, her power is limited and presumably less than it was in the distant past.
Earth Goddess: Specifically, Suwako is a goddess of the Earth. In practical and relevant terms, this gives her the ability to create and control rock, dirt, and metal: a useful set of abilities for combat or for temporarily containing a particularly troublesome enemy.
Control of the Mishaguji: Due to actions in her past, Suwako is in control of a vast amount of curse gods; the Mishaguji are divinities that stem not from people's worship for something good but from their desire to avoid the bad. Gods of the failed harvest, plague, and forest fires: their entire reason to exist is to bring humanity misery. Fortunaely, they're well and truly under Suwako's thumb. Invoked, they take the form of enormous white serpents.
Though their abilities are extremely dangerous, the Mishaguji in general tend to not affect individuals on any immediate scale. Illness, misfortune, crop loss, poverty--the damage they could deal to a life if Suwako let them act freely is vast. Their use, however, is as a beatstick.
Flight: She's a Gensokyo resident. Flight is a requirement.

Brief Bio: A long time in the past, Suwako was a goddess reigning over a kingdom of humans--until Kanako came along and defeated her, with the war goddess promptly taking over. Since the newcomer had no control over the curse gods, she was invited back and has been living with her ever sense. Despite her abilities, Suwako's actions tend to be of pretty much no impact; the blonde seems to have come to Gensokyo just because Kanako wanted to be here.

Equipment: Do the Mishaguji count?

Others: In the past she was a mother, so Suwako could presumably look older if she actually wanted to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

If this one doesn't work out I am calling it quits I guess. ^^; Hopefully third time's the charm.

  • Name: Hong Meiling

  • Universe: Touhou

  • Appearance: The Colourful Rainbow Gatekeeper.

  • Personality: Laid back and peaceful, Meiling tends not to show aggression towards others unless provoked or if they are trying to trespass on the mansion (the latter of which won't really be relevent here). She can be a bit boastful at times, and is rather proud of her Chinese heritage and history. Meiling is a bit lazy, and whilst she does try to be diligent she often takes time out to nap if there's nothing really interesting or important happening. Despite living in a fantasy pocket dimension sealed off from the outside world, Meiling is a fan of action-filled shonen manga.

  • Powers/Skills: Meiling is highly proficient at unarmed combat, being a master of Chinese martial arts as well as possessing superhuman strength and durability. Her combat abilities are rather well-rounded, possessing no particular weak point other than the fact that martial arts are made somewhat obsolete when one hails from a world filled with powerful wizards. In addition, she possesses the ability to use qi (also known as chi or ki), allowing her to empower her attacks with the energies and auras of her body; mostly this takes the form of the kind of energy attacks you'd expect to see in a fighting manga. Finally, like all residents of Gensokyo, she can fly.

  • Brief Bio: The gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, one of the more notable landmarks in the magical land of Gensokyo. She's generally good at her job, even if she slacks off sometimes, and has a good relationship with the other inhabitants of the mansion (even if the young mistress does tend to tease her from time to time). Whilst her most notable role was trying (and failing) to prevent a shrine maiden and a witch entering the mansion during the Scarlet Mist Incident, she is thoroughly convinced that she once saved Gensokyo from the avatar of calamity god Taisui Xingjun, and will vehemently insist that it wasn't actually just a rather vivid dream she had.

  • Equipment: Nothing aside from her clothes.

  • Others: "Flower Sign - Mountain Breaker!"
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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    Grey Star

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    The Touhous are accepted.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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    Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

    Member Seen 4 days ago

    Name: Kavinsky (formerly Vincent Belorgey)

    Universe: OutRun (Concept Album)

    Appearance: "I'm giving you a nightcall to tell you how I feel."

    Personality: Kavinsky's personality has barely changed from when he was alive. Rash, impulsive and somewhat immature, he spends his days as he pleases, filling them with visceral pleasures and distractions. Drinking, fighting and driving fast are all that matter to him anymore, and while he tries to convince himself that it's all he needs, he can't help but long for something more. With a short temper, a flare for the dramatic and the insistent idea that he's some kind of hero, Kavinsky inevitably ends up in all kinds of trouble; be it with the police, street thugs or the supernatural. For as much as he is a reckless wastrel, he still knows justice in his heart, and can't sit idly by when he knows that something is wrong. Maybe he'll become the hero he thinks he is someday, but he has a lot of growing up to do before he gets to that point.

    Powers/Skills: As a zombie, Kavinsky finds that he has a number of physical advantages. He's quite strong, easily able to lift a man up off his feet with one hand, and very resistant to harm, though not impervious. He doesn't eat, sleep or breathe, but he's still susceptible to poison or other maladies. The power of the storm that killed him seems to be infused into his body, driving his heart to beat and giving him superhuman vitality. If he can gather enough strength, he can release an electric shock powerful enough to knock a person unconscious immediately, or infuse himself with inhuman speed and power. It's also worth noting that, as they are now one and the same, Kavinsky can summon the Testarossa as he pleases and gain access to its unique properties. As far as mundane abilities go, Kavinsky is a decent street-fighter, a capable driver, and is damned good at retro video games.

    Brief Bio: A normal Californian teenager like any other, Vincent Belorgey (nicknamed "Vin," "Vinko," and "Kavinsky" by his friends) was the sort of young man you could find anywhere in the year 1986. He played football (though he was really more of a waterboy), read comic books, hung out at the arcade, worked a job as a valet parker and was going steady with the most beautiful girl in the school. Things were going well for him, until one day temptation led to his doom. Parking fancy cars for rich people at the hotel he worked at one night as usual, a particular set of keys was handed to him. The car he was to park happened to be his favorite in the world, a 1984 Ferrari Testarossa. He had dreamed of driving that car, and often fantasized about it while playing racing games at the arcade. Deciding to take his dream car for a joyride, he called his girlfriend to invite her along. She knew that this was a bad idea and warned him against it, but Vincent thought nothing of it and went along with his impulsive idea.

    Racing along the Pacific Coast Highway at night, Vincent was having the time of his life. However, a freak coastal storm set in without warning, and he soon found that he could barely control the high-performance car at such reckless speeds. The car soon veered off of the road and through the guard rail, flying out into the pacific ocean. Just before the car struck the water, a lightning bolt struck it, infusing the wreck with a strange power. Vincent was killed on impact, and the car was totaled. The mass of blood, flame and twisted metal was retrieved from the coast, and the funeral was held closed-casket. That was the end of the boy named Vincent Belorgey. But it was not the end of Kavinsky.

    Twenty years passed, and Kavinsky emerged from his grave, resurrected by some unknown force. He emerged into an unfamiliar world, one that he had been long forgotten by. Kavinsky found that his soul had been bound to the car that he had died in, and it was now as much a part of him as his own unliving flesh. After an unsuccessful attempt at returning to the life he lost, Kavinsky now wanders the open roads, raising hell wherever he goes. With no home to return to, he searches for a purpose, a reason for him to have come back to life.

    Equipment: Kavinsky's soul has been fused with the spirit of a 1984 Ferrari Testarossa, allowing him to summon this "ghost car" at any time. Far more than a normal car, the Testarossa is as undead and unnatural as its master. Capable of supernatural speeds and uncanny handling beyond the reach of an earthly vehicle, the Testarossa can also turn invisible and intangible, as one would expect from the ghost of a car.

    Others: "There's something inside you... It's hard to explain."
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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    Grey Star

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    He seems to be an OC put together by piecing together different albums by a band so I'll have to decline.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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    Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

    Member Seen 4 days ago

    He's not, I assure you. The character is the creation of the DJ known as Kavinsky at first as a self-insert/avatar, but later served as the protagonist of the musician's concept album and received further development.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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    Grey Star

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Ah, thank you for the explanation. Accepted again. ^^.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Can I join this?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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    Psyga315 From Shadows

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Hm... Well, since everyone else is putting in a secondary character...

    *Name: Kureshima Takatora
    *Universe: Kamen Rider Gaim (In-between the episodes 23 and 24)
    *Appearance: "Henshin." "MELON ARMS! MELON ENERGY ARMS!"
    *Personality: Takatora, at the moment of his joining the Challenges, is conflicted. On one hand, he knows the harsh reality of saving people, and that in order to save a thousand, a hundred must die. On the other, he hates this idea, but knows there's no other way to tackle the problems... None that he knows. His fatal flaw is that he's too trusting of others. Like, as in he'll be trusting in people who he really shouldn't trust, even people who are blantatly evil when they're not in the same room as Takatora. Another fatal flaw is his obliviousness. He'll be completely naive towards certain stuff and refuse to acknowledge it until someone shoves it in his face. He is pretty serious, and forcing him into hijinx will result in even more hijinx as he tries to humor what little he can.
    *Powers/Skills: Takatora is a skilled fighter in and out of his suits, as the years he had using his Sengoku Driver trained and conditioned him to fight better and stronger.
    *Brief Bio: Years ago, Takatora was informed by a friend of his, Professor Ryoma, that a realm known as Helheim Forest was appearing into their world and that within an short amount of time, it would overtake it and destroy all of civilization. Takatora and Ryoma worked together to invent a way of surviving this merger of worlds, but whereas Ryoma believed Takatora and him should rule the new world that comes from the merging, Takatora wants everyone to have the best chance of surviving and much to the former's hidden dismay, the two decide on Project Ark, a project denoted to handling out mass produced inventions to help a billion people thrive in Helheim, while culling the other six billion. Their invention, the Sengoku Driver, was soon complete and handed to unsusupecting teenagers to be beta tested. Two of these teens happened to be Takatora's own brother Mitsuzane, who he never knew was a test subject until the latter broke his friends out of the former's HQ, and Kazuraba Kouta, a kid he fought to nigh-death at the forest before leaving him to ingest his words of wisdom to him. Except that every time he and Kouta meet, Kouta always finds a way to butt heads with him, even after he tells Kouta about Helheim. That is until Kouta broke into his HQ with the intent of destroying a Scalar weapons system he had. Takatora, hearing his words lambasting Project Ark, decided he had enough and showed Kouta something he never wanted him to see: a clip of Kouta murdering the person he had been looking for ever since he put on the Driver for the first time. Dejected and stunned by this revelation, Kouta walks off and Takatora spares him, believing him to be nothing more than a husk now... That is until Kouta returns with a new power and blows up his tower. As the smoke clears, Kouta's words calling him out on getting serious about protecting the world from Helheim haunts Takatora.
    *Equipment: He carries with him two Drivers, a Sengoku Driver and a Genesis Driver. Although he retired his Sengoku Driver for the Genesis Driver, Takatora doesn't seem to want to esclate the battle by using the Genesis Driver until it is needed. With the Sengoku Driver and Melon Lockseed, Takatora can become Armored Rider Zangetsu, a sword-wielder who has with him the Melon Defender, a melon-like shield that can be tossed like a boomerrang. With the Genesis Driver and Melon Energy Lockseed, Takatora can become Energy Rider Zangetsu Shin, in which he can use the Sonic Arrow, a laser-shooting bow that doubles as a sword.
    *Others: None that I can think of. I decided to write this sheet because I figured he'd be a good foil to Nobuo, Vash, and Archer.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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    Kaga just passing through

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    I feel the need to point out that I'm a little bit confused regarding the logistics of throwing in new characters after the first trial has already been completed.

    Wouldn't the new characters have an unfair advantage, as they'd have fewer trials to complete?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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    Grey Star

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    It's more a team-based challenge, kinda like football. You get points long as someone scores, and substitutions are available since some of the group disappeared/died.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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    Grey Star

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Double-posted due to lag. ^^.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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    Kaga just passing through

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Grey Star said
    It's more a team-based challenge, kinda like football. You get points long as someone scores, and substitutions are available since some of the group disappeared/died.

    Oh, that makes sense. Thank you.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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    Grey Star

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    No prob.

    The melon man is also accepted.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    no one answered my question...
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    Yog Sothoth

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    Yog Sothoth

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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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    Psyga315 From Shadows

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Yog Sothoth said
    Can I join this?

    I'm not a GM, so I wouldn't know if we're full or not. But unless the GM says otherwise, I think you can try to join...
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