Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've got a territory list almost compiled. My app should go up after that's done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wait, what is going on here? Can I get a map of what places in the World are taken before I decide on what I want to do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This is an updated map (I believe) though there are one or two who still need to be added.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balena_Rex
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Balena_Rex *I wish I was I can I who*

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Duck I sent you my updated app.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

WIll this be starting soon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

I iz busy
But will start soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captios
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Map with fixed claims:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Map Notes:

Croatia was agreed to be split in half in the same way it was in the last picture.

I believe that Gowia and Lax partitioned the remainder of South America among themselves, but you'll have to ask them how.

I think someone expressed interest in what remained of the south pacific, but hasn't responded in a long time, so I assume that's irrelevant at this point.

Ducky edited their app to add in Sri Lanka being under their control.

I believe Zimbabwe had a settlement between Darkwolf and Captain where they both have influence over it, but I'm not sure on the specifics.

I think someone should ask Zell if they want Greenland in their sphere of influence as well.

There's also a random green block in the north Atlantic. (How none of us noticed that up until now is beyond me)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Me and Lax will be dealing with South America however we want to do that in RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have been asked to start off the IC, have done so and hope other will now post. As a note the hider is for darkwolf only...I can't stop you reading it BUT it does kind of stink of metagaming if you do. Thank you all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balena_Rex
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Balena_Rex *I wish I was I can I who*

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I intend on my nation Being the butt kisser of the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

BB and LordZell are finally up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balena_Rex
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Balena_Rex *I wish I was I can I who*

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hai duck!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rex when you say to the UK do you mean DarkWolf's UK or me who actually own's the UK?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balena_Rex
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Balena_Rex *I wish I was I can I who*

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Darwolf, as he is actually labeled the UK
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Will write up a post for IC in a bit!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

since the guy claiming Australia hasn't written a CS can i just take it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 21 days ago

Enalais said
since the guy claiming Australia hasn't written a CS can i just take it?

I own Australia, and have been accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

darkwolf687 said
I own Australia, and have been accepted.

Well shit there was another guy who wanted it and he just seemed to drop off the map. My bad
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It probably shows that I did this in a single evening, but hey, it's here!

Name of Nation: United States of North America

Territories: All unclaimed parts of the United States

Government Type: Democracy, with an elected President and Council (One councilor for each state). The President can give any order they wish, but if the Council decides to hold a vote on it, then it will be postponed until the vote is over. If the Council votes against it, then there is no way to attempt getting it through them again unless the Council itself votes to vote on it. During a time of Total War, the President can choose take full control of the nation. If the Council decides that the PResident should be removed from office, they can hold a public vote across the nation. However, it is fully electronic due to the immense amount of time it would take to hold a conventional vote, and anyone without access to the internet cannot vote on the issue. If the President is removed from office, then the Council takes control until a vote can be organized. There is no term limit.

Military: The Military is split up into six branches: The Army, the Marine Corps, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, and the Space Force. The military as a whole is one of the most advanced in the world, with laser weapons deployed on all Navy vessels as well as multiple tanks and aircraft. Powered exoskeletons are also used by all soldiers, with highly specialized roles for each one.

Multiple tanks are also operated, most are equipped with a laser turret, though a few are begin equipped with a railgun. it is believed that these railguns are being fielded in anticipation of full-on battle mechs (the idea being that they could be either extremely mobile or heavily armored, both of which a railgun can combat).

The Navy operates 20 Aircraft Carriers, most of which are older vessels that have undergone refit. All are equipped with laser weaponry, mostly to defend against aircraft. Multiple close-combat vessels are operated as well, mostly agile, low radar profile trimarans with a few turreted railguns. However, many ships that resemble the Dreanoughts of WW2 are also fielded, with extensive missile defense systems to protect them as the close in. Most of the Navy's power comes from missile cruisers, which are kept in the back with the aircraft carriers. They provide missile support for the melee vessels, and have only a few anti-aircraft lasers for self defense.

The Air Force operates three general types of aircraft: Fighters, Bombers, and Railgun Craft. The first utilizes missiles and a turreted laser or two to take down enemy aircraft or ground forces. The second is designed for carpet bombing, and most bombers resemble the "Flying Fortresses" of WW2. The Railgun Craft are a completely new design, used to destroy heavily armored targets. They carry multiple missiles, just like fighters, but have a large railgun that runs the entire length of the craft. Due to the recoil of the railgun, these craft are equipped with rocket engines that are fired whenever the railgun is in use. They are usually utilized to hit enemy naval vessels, but have also been used to attack larger bombers.

The Space Force is entirely focused on orbital bombardment, since it would be ridiculous to field a space fleet when all the ships would be vulnerable to pistol fire due to decompression. They refuse to field any nuclear weapon in space, due to the dangers of an EMP blast. They instead use kinetic kill vehicles and conventional missiles. While they can't destroy a city, the bombardment platforms can wipe out a tank division on the move.

Economy: The economy is a heavily regulated free market, with strict health & safety guidelines, a high minimum wage, and harsh punishments for breaking any regulations. It exports mainly digital goods, aerospace goods, raw resources, and vehicles. The government controls the entire power grid, and provides free internet for everyone it possibly can.

Foreign Policy: The USNA is usually fair to other nations, but is known for sticking their nose in places it shouldn't go. Even so, it is extremely open to outside cultural influence, and an odd mixture of Asian and American culture is prevalent in western areas.

History: The USNA was formed as the result of a coup d'etat that occurred in 2026, three years after the start of WWIII. It was staged by Fergus McClain, a well-known opponent of the President (Whom he believed was abusing his power for personal gain, having somehow been elected for a second term despite the fact that most people were opposed to his conservative policies). It turned out that he was right, and most opposition to his rule vanished when documents detailing poll manipulation were released. Even so, there was a short but bloody civil war. The official military forces (not to mention the physical state of most of their forces). The deserters, however, were brutally effective in guerrilla warfare. Worst of all, they didn't limit themselves to military targets.

Believing anyone who did not fight for them to be an enemy, the resistance attacked multiple towns outright and performed hundreds of car bombings across the country. Their extremism was answered with pro-government militias popping up around the nation, many of them not to support the government, but to put a stop to the terrorism. However, nobody expected that the new government would have kept the NSA around. Using the extensive spy agency, the terrorist cells were located one by one and stomped out in short and decisive battles. Within a few months, all resistance had disappeared. Those that disagreed with the new government came to a slow and peaceful end, most emigrating to nations that shared their ideals or simply giving up. All forces on foreign ground were pulled out, and the USNA declared neutrality.

In a surprising move, the government announced that the NSA had been disbanded. Fergus McClain them proceeded to make multiple promises on the future of the nation, and immediately set up a democratic government. He slowly increased working standards, making life better for the common citizen while also keeping the corporations from leaving the country. The budget was drastically changed, with military spending being cut significantly to focus on research and infrastructure development. The national debt was paid off and the budget balanced almost miraculously. Industry was expanded even further, and the USNA became an economic powerhouse with new infrastructure being put in place. Renewable energy became a government-endorsed industry, and millions of jobs were created in the Solar and Wind power industries. By 2032, the USNA had recovered from the disaster that was the US economy before the coup.

Now, a decade after the coup, Fergus McClain is still president. His incredibly success in fixing the economy has turned him into a public hero, earning the support of the people. He seems to serve the people, doing whatever the polls say. Funding is being diverted to government research programs, which seem to be split between military research and theoretical physics. An odd combination, considering that one is the very face of direct application, and the other is notorious for being a "For science!" field. At least, in the public's eye. Even with his somewhat odd decisions, Fergus McClain always makes sure the people are happy, and they always vote for him.

Foes: The Grand Empire of Louisiana, both due to past wars and the fact that it is an absolute monarchy (Called a "Dictatorship" by most in the USNA).

New Aztlan Republic, thought of as the archenemy of the USNA. The general view of the nation is that of bloodthirsty conquerors stuck in the past, with a side of institutionalized racism against every other culture.

Population: 361,680,000

Other: The history of Fergus McClain before he began to vocally oppose the President is quite obscure. What is known seems unfitting for his current position, it seems like he would have been the last person to stage a coup and then keep himself in power as long as possible.
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