Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Justice League has gathered together a team of young heroes to go on covert missions to assist them in dealing with threats that they do not have time to handle. Our characters must learn to work together to combat these threats and grow as heroes. This is an rp based on DC comics show Young Justice where the Justice League creates a team of young heroes to go on most covert missions. This roleplay will always be open to new players and accepts both canon characters and OCs.

My word is law
No god-moding
Be respectful
No excessive arguing in the OOC
No one line posts
Have fun


brief history: [you don't have to put too much here but please explain how your character joined the team.]

Character Rooster

Korrin, played by me
Reaper played by SirIdiot.
Nova played by Saarebas.
Corrupted, Blink and Toonster played by Teoinsanity.
Riptide played by Markov.
Scandal played by RumikoOhara.
Weapon Master played by arowne97.
Hex played by Heathen.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirIdiot


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Josh Smith
alias: Reaper
gender: M
Age: 17
powers: Super Reflexes
equipment: His bow and various types of arrows. A dark black cloak with red lines.

personality: He cares a lot about people, sometimes too much. He always tries to put other people before him and will always try to make sure they're happy and safe. However, that's only if he likes you.
brief history: He was introduced to the team after he had gotten into a fight. A group of thugs were aattempting to steal from an old man. Josh shouted at them to grab their attention to allow the man to flee. Josh wasn't exactly a human weapon, but he knew how to fight. Five men surrounded him and he suddenly realised, he can't fight that well. He managed to take down one man before he was overwhelmed by the thugs. He was quickly beat down to the floor with a hard punch to his temple. Bear in mind, he didn't have his power at this moment, not yet anyway. It was that punch that floored him. That punch which made him smash his head off the ground. Instead of rushing blood he felt a surge of energy. For some reason he got back up and as one of them through a punch, time seemed to slow down and he countered the attack with ease. He then continued to beat down the rest of the men. He continuously kicked a thug in the chest. He would of killed him of it weren't for some figure. Some figure who stopped him and gave him a choice. Go home and live there boring life you normally do, or do something better and join them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago





Like all Tamaraneans, who are known for their war-like nature, Nova is well trained in the arts of combat. He is an expert in Tamaranean martial arts and is well versed in weaponry, namely up close ones such as swords and spears.

Nova's powers, like all Tamaraneans, are directly tied to his emotional states, and can only be triggered when a specific emotion is focused on.

Energy Projection- Nova can project dark purple energy from his body, which is triggered by righteous fury. The energy mainly comes out as compact orbs which produce both thermal and explosive results on contact, and are usually launched as thrown projectiles. However, he has also been known to shoot this energy in the form of large beams from his hands. He can also augment the effectiveness of his punches by surrounding his hands in energy, and can also use this method to weld or carefully burn through obstacles with contact from his hands.

Flight- Nova can achieve flight, which is triggered by feeling unbridled joy. His strength is not diminished when airborne.

Omnilinguistic assimilation- Tamaraneans are capable of learning foreign languages through lip contact, during which they learn said languages almost instantly, though the subtleties of the language may still elude them.

Superhuman Strength- Like all Tamaraneans Nova has incredible strength, which is triggered by boundless confidence, being able to lift around 50 tons.

Tamaranean Physiology- Tamaraneans are mostly identical to humans in appearance, but they are still far from being the same, having a unique biology that allows them to perform amazing feats as well as a very uniquely named anatomy. Their skin normally has a orange tint to it and they have green eyes, though a few are seen with purple ones. Tamaraneans also have nine stomachs for storing food for scarce times, as a side a effect Tamaraneans are quite ferocious eaters. They also have long purple tongues that can reach to between their brows. Besides physical appearances Tamaraneans are much more durable than humans. They have been seen to take great damage and walk away from it as if nothing happened. They have been able to withstand great heat, cold, and even radiation. They can survive in the vacuum of space with out any assistance. They also appear to have a healing factor, being able to heal injuries in hours what would normally take days.

Besides the clothes on his back, nothing.

Like all Tamaraneans Nova isn't only dependent on his emotions for his powers he is also very in touch and public about them. He is a very proud person, be it about himself or his friends. He is public with how he feels at almost all times, being known to be laughing hysterically or full on crying in front of anyone. Despite being a brave warrior Nova is very kind and sweet, being down right friendly even while in battle. He his still very in the dark about earth customs.

Korand'r was born on the planet Tamaran. He, like the rest of his race, suffered greatly from the nearly constant onslaught of other races attacking them, the breaking point when their princess was traded into slavery just to assure their safety. He grew up like any other of the Tamaranean children, relatively happy and full of pride of his race and their ways. He trained as hard as his body would allow him so he could one day become a strong warrior that could defend his home world. This dream only became more passionate when he heard about the stories of his peoples' once lost princess becoming a hero of earth known as Starfire. He pushed himself to his limits in training until he was noticed by the Earth hero known as Superman when he came to Nova's homeworld. Nova impressed him to the point that he offered Nova the chance to come with him back to earth and serve a team of young warriors, or rather heroes, that was being formed. It is easy to assume that he accepted eagerly.

Nova is tall with a muscular build, standing at 6'4 in height and weighting about 175LBS. He has messy black hair that has a single purple strand in it. His skin a orange tint to it and he has royal purple eyes, including the whites of his eyes. He has a small amount of facial hair on his chin.

He is known to eat almost anything you offer him but his favorite earth drink has to be mustard, something Starfire showed him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have decided I am going to make it Korand'r's goal to become best friends with Korrin XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Corrupted (his super hero form):

Name:King Turner

Alias:The Corrupted



* shadow Blobs:throws Blobs of his corrupted body at enemies

*shade manifestation :turns himself into a living shadow to be able to travel along surfaces quickly

*shade replication:replicates a simple object ,such as wings or a sword by looking at its shadow and copying it's shape.

*corrupted goo body :due to his body being Goo ,it allows him to do slight shape shifting (change shape,elonginate arms etc) .

*Shade shifting :makes shadows into different shapes (does noting but change appearance )
Ex:he makes clothes out of someone's shadows

*remote control goo :he can control the goo he throws

Personality :A down to earth and overall deadpan snaker ,but has a good heart ,tho if you say that chaos and darkness are always evil ,he will get ticked off.

Bio:he was used by An insane cult to attempt to revive their "God of Righteousness"of course this backfired ,giving him his powers ,he then became a vigilante and was brought into the team

Other:he is weak to artifacts of the Cult's "God"


I'd like to make 2 more Charecters

Appearance he is a brown haired brown eyed medium build 15 year old ,with freckles .when he is wearing his costume,he wears a mask like robin's and a blue jumpsuit .

Name:Jack Smith



Personality:A very snarky individual ,always is happy-go lucky and loves to make puns.

Powers:teleportation :is able to teleport nearly anywhere if he can visulize it nearly perfectly,of he can't he won't be able to teleport .
Hammer space:is able to teleport small objects with him(ex:sledgehammer)

Ability to teleport into his own little dimension

Gadgetry :often makes gadgets .,his powers only enhanced this .

*smoke grenades
*stink grenades
*and a raging bull revolver

Bio:the son of billionairs ,his parents never really cared ,allowing him to have a slight bad streak in school(not in grades,but in behavior ),he also always went to the junk yard for tools for his latest gadgets ,one day he found himself a glowing blue cube he touched it and fainted,he woke up ,the cube was gone ,and accedenlty warped himself into a banks vault,bringing him to the attention of the legue.

Other:if he teleports more than five times in 10 seconds,he will faint,also weak to anti teleportation devices.
Appearance. :a 14 year old tall and thin black haired kid.

In his super form he is a stick figure

Name:James able

Personality :A wacky insane and creative jokester and prankster

*cartoon biology and physics:has the ability to act as he is in an old Warner bros cartoon,include super strength ,durability ,etc..

*drawing:is able to use his giant pencil to draw nearly anything and have it become real

Music inducement :is able to induce music .

Is able to stick himself on surfaces to appear as a drawing

Equipment:his magic pencil

Bio:an orphan who was brought from foster family to foster family ,all who never cared for him,although he never stopped being optimistic ,one day after a trip to an ancient castle in Europe ,he found an oversized pencil that made him into toonster.

Other:weak to reality anchorers and if he loses the pencil for more then 2 mins ,he will turn back to normal
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Saarebas said
I have decided I am going to make it Korand'r's goal to become best friends with Korrin XD

he can try but Korrin is going to be the team's leader so he won't be picking favorites

@everyone, I'll be starting the rp to sometime tomorrow, but there's no rush to get a character created and accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Kadan Lior.





Superhuman strength

Adapted to underwater environments

can swim at superhuman speed levels.


bio-electric energy blasts

Water also heals him when he's wounded.

"A pair of hydro swords that focus his hydrokinesis into different weapons and shields."

Sometimes cold and militaristic, Kadan has trouble having fun and is often called a stick in the mud for his inability to catch jokes or references, however his love for anyone he sees as a friend would come out in giving his life to protect them.

brief history:
Kadan was an Atlantean who was graced with a rather boring life his father worked under the king and his family was well taken care of, this of course made Kadan a wannabe rebel who went out and did dangerous things because in his mind he was immortal, it was that fateful night that his life changed, he had been close to shore in gotham, wanting to explore the surface world, that's when he heard screams and despite himself went to try and help, he found a woman being robbed by men in clown masks, Kadan attacked the men not realizing he was much stronger than any mortal man he accidentally crushed the bones of the first one he punched sending him flying into the docks, that'swhen he noticed the man with a shotgun, Kadan had never seen surface weapons he had no reason to be afraid and as the blast hit him he knew pain, his super durable skin had kept it from doing any damage but the blunt pain was intense. Kadan uppercut the man sending a blast of electricity into him killing him instantly without meaning to, when he stopped he heard one of the thugs scream, "screw it gas him!" And that's when they threw a gas grenadeat his feet, as the gas filled the air Kadan started laughing and grabbing at his chest, it was the first time Kadan had felt real fear, and now he watched as the men surrounded him and prepared to kill him, Kadan closed his eyes only to hear the frightened screams of a bunch of thugs, there standing between him and the men was the king, Kadan's king. Kadan passed out after that only to reawaken under the waves in a bed with Aquaman at his bedside, "what you did was very brave...i have an offer for you...there is a special team being started... Would you serve as my voice in this group?" When Kadan agreed he was giving a pair of very special swords and trained to use the powers he was born with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

makarov said
Appearance:Name: Kadan Lior.alias:Riptidegender:MaleAge:18powers:Superhuman strengthAdapted to underwater environmentscan swim at superhuman speed levels.hydrokinesisbio-electric energy blastsWater also heals him when he's wounded.equipment:"A pair of hydro swords that focus his hydrokinesis into different weapons and shields."personality:Sometimes cold and militaristic, Kadan has trouble having fun and is often called a stick in the mud for his inability to catch jokes or references, however his love for anyone he sees as a friend would come out in giving his life to protect them.brief history: Kadan was an Atlantean who was graced with a rather boring life his father worked under the king and his family was well taken care of, this of course made Kadan a wannabe rebel who went out and did dangerous things because in his mind he was immortal, it was that fateful night that his life changed, he had been close to shore in gotham, wanting to explore the surface world, that's when he heard screams and despite himself went to try and help, he found a woman being robbed by men in clown masks, Kadan attacked the men not realizing he was much stronger than any mortal man he accidentally crushed the bones of the first one he punched sending him flying into the docks, that'swhen he noticed the man with a shotgun, Kadan had never seen surface weapons he had no reason to be afraid and as the blast hit him he knew pain, his super durable skin had kept it from doing any damage but the blunt pain was intense. Kadan uppercut the man sending a blast of electricity into him killing him instantly without meaning to, when he stopped he heard one of the thugs scream, "screw it gas him!" And that's when they threw a gas grenadeat his feet, as the gas filled the air Kadan started laughing and grabbing at his chest, it was the first time Kadan had felt real fear, and now he watched as the men surrounded him and prepared to kill him, Kadan closed his eyes only to hear the frightened screams of a bunch of thugs, there standing between him and the men was the king, Kadan's king. Kadan passed out after that only to reawaken under the waves in a bed with Aquaman at his bedside, "what you did was very brave...i have an offer for you...there is a special team being started... Would you serve as my voice in this group?" When Kadan agreed he was giving a pair of very special swords and trained to use the powers he was born with.

It looks good just don't go overboard with the healing ability. He's accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll be starting sometime in the evening just other people time to join or post their character sheets from the Interest Check.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's my mission to get James to teach kadan the meaning of happiness
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Patriarch said
he can try but Korrin is going to be the team's leader so he won't be picking favorites@everyone, I'll be starting the rp to sometime tomorrow, but there's no rush to get a character created and accepted.

No favorites, I just think it will be funny because they are completely opposite and similar at the same time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I have looked at your other two characters Teoinsanity, Jack is fine, but James' ability to draw almost anything and make it become real seems excessive since he already has the power of cartoon physics. Unless you give better detail of how his drawing ability works I think it would be best take that out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry for the delay, I will definitely have the IC up tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Patriarch said
I have looked at your other two characters Teoinsanity, Jack is fine, but James' ability to draw almost anything and make it become real seems excessive since he already has the power of cartoon physics. Unless you give better detail of how his drawing ability works I think it would be best take that out.

What about a chalkzone type thing,he can on,y draw a limit of things ,and they cant be too complex until
He has to sharpen it,thus turning back to normal
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Appearance - Jain has no true form and may assume any form she/he desires or she/he senses desired, if he/she is rendered unconscious Jain retains the last form but can shift to a desired form if someone else touches he/she and pictures another desired form but can sometimes be found in the feminine form of her mentor

Name - Jain (January) Jones

Alias - Scandal

Gender - Unknown but spends most of their time in a female form.

Age - unknown but suspected to be 6-10 years old or even older but her/his present form, lack of memories and records impossible to know

Powers -
Shape Shifting - Jain is able to assume the form of any humanoid target she/he wants down to their DNA or assume the form of an aggregate.

Empathy - She/ he can sense the emotions of living beings and use the information to tailor her reactions to theirs.

Mind Control - Selective/Limited Range (touch) - Using this ability Jain is able to loosen her/his target's inhibitions causing them to give into their lust, greed or other negative emotions.

Mental Illusion - Limited Range (touch) - using this ability Jain can create false impressions of her/his target's location and environment

Enhanced Physiology - Jain is faster (Able to run at 45 mph), stronger (Lift 1 ton), see in low light/Ultra violet/infrared, adaptive digestion (she/he can consume any carbon based items an convert it into calories), rapid healing rate (Jain recovers from wounds and illnesses 5Xs faster than humans and cannot be affected by radiation, disease or toxins)

Weaknesses - Jain is obsessive about exposing those who abuse their power and therefore often views authorities with intense suspicion.
She/he is afraid of Labs, Hospitals and similar structures and this fear limits her/his time she can spend in them to 15 minutes, 5 if the doors are closed
Jain often assumes the desired type of the most dominate being around her/his self and has no true form.

Equipment - Varies

Personality - Flirty, Suspicious an Clever

BRIEF Bio - Jain's origins are as mysterious as she/he is suspected of being an altered Meta Human, or o clone using the Cadmus method which was used to create the DNAliens.. It is at this point unknown which of these suppositions is correct or if either is correct due to her/his ability to absorb the DNA codes of living things. This ability seems to mirror Dr. Steven Bryant's Project Gia proposal but as there is no evidence that he ever began work on the project. Gia was meant to be a Bio-Organic Colonizing unit that could contain DNA Samples of all forms of life on earth then give birth to them, but, this is purely conjecture.

What is known is that she/he was being trained by a dark organization possibly connected to the League of Assassins to be a spy/assassin of frightening potential.
Her project code was Jainus so named after the two faced god.
Those who trained her/him employed brutal methods that often seemed more like torture than anything else caring little of any psychological damage they might be doing to their subject.

Eventually Jain as he/she had begun referring to themselves as decided they would not do the bidding of so cruel of masters. Using her/his special abilities Jain escaped captivity and began running. The nefarious organization sent retrieval squads to bring Jain back but each one failed.

Jain seeing no end to his/her pursuit so long as the organization remained intact started a campaign aimed at their exposure an destruction. First she/he attacked and destroyed their political assets then exposed their illegal labs and stripped their bank accounts. So completely and efficiently did she perform her/his self assigned task that none with connection to Jainus remain out of custody.

Jain after four years of war found them self without direction or purpose, he/she was now also hunted by different world governments as an embarrassment.

Jain turned her/his attention to the ones who now chased her exposing many to ruinous scandals. This was when she first began being referred to as Scandal and her targets widened to include anyone in power who she could find dirt on.

It was during this period that she/he encountered Martian Manhunter who was surprised that he couldn't see through her shapeshifting disguise.

J'onn took it on himself to steer her energies towards a more acceptable path but not completely because she'd become obsessed by a hatred of corruption and the abuse of power.

Sponsor - Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz\John Jones)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Teoinsanity said
What about a chalkzone type thing,he can on,y draw a limit of things ,and they cant be too complex until He has to sharpen it,thus turning back to normal

I guess that would be fine, just so go overboard with with his powers and take hits.

@everyone, this is also applies to all of you, I want to see your characters being take some hits and not just dodge everything otherwise that ruins the challenge of fighting a villain
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Kyle Hunter
alias: Weapon Master
gender: male
Age: 17
powers: Intuitive Aptitude, and Energy Infusion
equipment: pretty much anything he can get his hands on.
personality: Kyle is usually very quiet, preferring to be an observer than to actually join in discussions. He likes to keep to himself and just watch the things going on around him, since he learns things just from watching or listening.
brief history: Kyle was recruited to the team by Batman after he watched Kyle successfully winning a fighting tournament by simply watching his opponents and learning their patterns easily, then simply knocking them out in just a few hits.(of course these people were normal humans. :P)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

arowne97 said
Appearance: Name: Kyle Hunteralias: Weapon Mastergender: maleAge: 17powers: , and equipment: pretty much anything he can get his hands on.personality: Kyle is usually very quiet, preferring to be an observer than to actually join in discussions. He likes to keep to himself and just watch the things going on around him, since he learns things just from watching or listening.brief history: Kyle was recruited to the team by Batman after he watched Kyle successfully winning a fighting tournament by simply watching his opponents and learning their patterns easily, then simply knocking them out in just a few hits.(of course these people were normal humans. :P)


@everyone, the IC is up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Afraid of a little bad luck?"

Jaymi Deveraux




Jinx Inducement – An offshoot of probability manipulation, Hex's body produces energy which he can use to affect negative probability fields around specific objects or areas. For example, through an act of will, Hex can cause electrical systems to malfunction, people to trip and fall, etc. Intensity of the jinx varies. Hex's ability also enables him to affect the elements. Hex’s eyes glow a mystical blue when activating his ability.

Energy Projection – Hex also uses his power to produce bursts of concussive energy. He can hurl this energy either as a blast, or as a pink wave/hex, which he uses to knock his opponents off their feet or blast through solid objects.

Instant Translocation – Hex can teleport instantly to any location as long as he can find an energy source to lock onto. With his body producing energy, he can teleport anywhere he pleases with a glow of his eyes. This power Hex recently acquired and can only go short distances.

Gymnastics – Hex is extremely agile and uses various somersaults and tumbling to avoid offensive attacks. He has also incorporated his gymnastic skill into close-quarter combat.


Hex can come across as very cunning, intelligent, and manipulative. He gets what he wants most of the time. He has a tendency of being that playful mischievous type that does things to make himself feel better. Although when he’s by himself, he is a very quiet individual. Most of his personality conflicts with each other. He tries to hold his tongue, but ends up saying what he thinks and it usually isn’t in a nice way. Hex also has a tendency of making crude jokes and having a dark sense of humor.

Hex was born into a family of metahuman villains and was always taught the ways of doing evil. He learned to disobey authority and to do as one pleases, although this backfired when it came down to discipline Hex. He soon started to question his morals when he witnessed his parents kill for the first time. He didn’t feel proud of what they did and showed no apathy; instead he showed the opposite. Not wanting to be a part of his parents’ legacy, he disappeared and went to become someone new; to start his own path. Although he was against evil, he still held on to his villainous personality. Hex would lie and steal as a means of survival and to get by. He was then discovered by Young Justice after trying to rob a store. They could read in his heart he wasn’t really a bad person; just misguided. They gave him two options: go to a maximum security prison or join their team. It was a no brainer seeing as a boy with pink hair wouldn’t last long in prison.
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