Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Keystone, Militia, Temple Attendant

Seph listened To Keystone confuse and bewilder the militia guardsmen before the temple entrance with a raised eyebrow, unable to help a bit of amusement. Despite his disruption of the tavern environment earlier, she thought he seemed like a likable enough sort. Bluntness was pretty refreshing, when so many people sought to hide their true selves behind gilded masks, so to speak. When the doors to the temple opened, she followed him in.

"I'm Persephone, by the way," she mentioned to the militia guards. "I won't be long, and I promise I'll behave." Her tone was a bit apologetic, but the expression on her face was still halfway to a grin.

Maybe it was the fact that she'd known people with Keystone's sort of crude charm before, but Seph couldn't help a small smile while he spoke. She was glad Cremwise had recommended she speak with him. She could already tell that spending a trip with him would make things much more interesting than going without.

"Actually, I came to talk to you," she said, meeting Keystone's shifted gaze. "Merchant I met in the tavern had a business proposal he hoped you'd be interested in." She smiled for the temple attendant that came forward to greet them, bowing shortly. "But I figured I'd stay a little while, too. Collect my thoughts. It's a bit less hectic here." The echoing of the roared words from someone named Lob seemed to just confirm her words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sundos Solito

Location: Stockades
Interacting With:Kyra, Saul, Lob, Marcus, Guards

Sundos was confused and wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. ”Sir, why is this.. Lob.. locked up in the stockade? What action did he do to deserve this? Is it only because of his race? Has he not been tortured enough by Nature? Must we now torture him as well? He has no control over who his father is.” In Sundos’ mind, the orc blood could only come from the father.

Looking at Lob, Sundos tells him, ”Lob good. Yes. Yes. Lob, sit…Lob, quiet… Great, now I sound like him.” Turning towards the other, Sundos continued, ”So, Sir, what did he do? I cannot stand by if injustice is being done of one of Lathander’s Children. By his mother’s blood, he is Lathander’s child.”
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Johnathon Keystone

Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Persephone, Temple Attendant

Keystone's arched his eyebrow, face brightening just a touch as Persephone stated that she was there to talk to him. Just as a warm smile began to pierce his stony visage, she continued her thought, deflating his ego somewhat (though not his interest in the offer). His face cycled quickly through minor disappointment and back to his default, resting stoicism.

"Well 'ello then, Miss... ...oh. <ahem> Cremwise. That innkeeper, Femnal, shouted me over at his direction a few minutes ago. Cremmy give you the details? Where, when, how much he's offerin'?

The Attendant quietly backed away, scurrying back to do whatever it is that attendants in this particular temple do when tasked with a request from strangers at odd hours of the evening. Between his sense of hospitalic duty and fleeting embarrassment for the massive pugilist, he felt it was best to see to the request with haste.

"I'm keen on stayin' for a bit, m'self. Clear my head, n'such. Don't suppose you're the introspective fisticuffy type, are you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Keystone

"Robes kinda give it away, don't they?" Seph said, smiling up at him and tossing her arms briefly out to the sides. He was a very large man, standing almost a foot higher than her, and probably weighing nearly double her amount. He certainly looked like the fisticuffs type himself, and like he was both experienced and good at it. "I trained at a temple near Ravens Bluff. I'd be there still but, well... just wasn't in the cards, I guess."

She took a look around at the temple. It was calm, quiet, peaceful, pretty enough she supposed, though there was little in the way of majesty in a small town like this. It didn't feel much like home, though. She looked back up at Keystone. "I'm a healer, mostly. A bit gifted at it, or so I'm told. Cremwise thought I'd be useful, and I was just passing through regardless, so I figured I'd tag along. He's leaving tomorrow morning, headed through Orcish territory, hence the need for the muscle. I would've pried an exact amount from him, but there was a bit of an incident involving the innkeep's stomach contents... and Cremwise's face." She cringed at the thought, though in her eyes there was the smallest glimmer of humor. In all, it had been a terrible and unfortunate sequence of events, but one of those things where it had been difficult to look away.

"He's got the funds, though, I'm sure of it. I've got some muscle, broken some bones with my staff here when called for but, uh... well, you've got quite a bit more. Muscle, that is. So what do you say?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 21 days ago


Season: Late Fall/Early Winter
Time Of Day: Early Evening
Weather: Cool air, some clouds, air is clean - Thank what ever god you worship
General Ambiance: Tense, it is just tense everywhere.
Location: Hamlet of Salarn in the region of Gorlf just south of the Orc Settlement of Yzewz
Setting: Salarn

GM Controlled NPC


It was several minutes before anyone returned. Slowly from back of the room stepped an old man, he may have been well over six foot tall if he stood up straight but he was crouched over greatly and using a cane to traverse the marble flooring, it clicking with each step he took. The man looked like he could have been anywhere from eighty to two hundred years old, perhaps he should have been on a charm bracelet. He grinned at the two who had entered, missing several teeth behind his weathered lips and stringy white hair. His robes were old and tattered and worn; looking more like a homeless traveler than someone who would run such a place. The only thing of status about him was the yellow silken turbin on his head that was woven to look like a rose.

"You come to me you have, incense not you seek. Cleared out air is. Tell me more, tell me more. let me see you," he mumbled happily towards each of them.

"Yes, pretty little thing you are," he said towards Persephone.

"And you, big fellow, rear end needs tightening," he laughed as he slapped his knee and nearly sent himself stumbling to the floor before catching his posture and steadying himself.

"What can Yomdi do you for today? Tell me, tell me!" he exclaimed like an excited child.

Kyra Altham

Location: The Stockades
Interacting With: Everyone that is at the stockades

Kyra smirked slightly as she looked over towards Lob after his outburst, without a second thought she walked over to his cage and opened the door. This was not up for debate in her mind, if the creature had wanted to cause trouble he would have by now. This half-orc was about as dangerous as Ash was in her mind, which wasn't much unless someone messed with their Alpha.

"Lob, come," Kyra said as she held her hand out to him.

"Just a second! You can't release him! He was arrested for a reason! We found him under suspicious circumstances!" Marcus yelled at her, causing Ash to growl and take a step forward. "Call your beast off!"

"One, yes I can, see what I doing, I'm releasing him and taking him under my protection. Have a problem with that, take it up with my King," Kyra spat as she looked over towards Marcus. "Two, Ash is not under my control, he does what he wishes. Keep yelling at me, he will wish to rip your throat out," she sniggered as she knelt down and kept holding her hand out to Lob.

"I'm Sana's Spirit Sister, you'll be safe with me," she said as she reached into her pouch and pulled out a a small iron ring with a piece of silk tied to it. It looked like one of the rings on the outfit Sana wore when she performed as a gypsy. It smelt of Sana strongly. "My father mentored Sana before he died."

"You let him out of there and I will have you all arrested!" Marcus barked as he took a step back. Kyra's eyes narrowed as she glanced over her shoulder.

"If you think your militia can take us, I dare you to try," she said coldly as stayed there crouched.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Johnathon Keystone

Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Persephone, Yomdi

Keystone took in Persephone's words, nodding as she went along. Heh, yeah, I was there for Cremmy's facefull of belly-porridge. Bloody funny stuff, that. But anyways, I'm in. I'm not findin' myself with anything important to do just now, and I can use coin and contacts. One thing, though - I'd 'preciate if we'd stick together. I'd like to learn how you lot fight in Raven's Bluff, and I've got plenty of technique to trade. Deal?"

With the appearance of the old man in the frightfully stylish yellow turban, Keystone assumed a very puzzled look. As he inched closer, cane clickety clacketing on the polished stone floor, the stony pugilist's head cocked slightly to the side, not unlike a confused mastiff.

The old man didn't look like the Master of a temple, but in Keystone's experience on these matters, few of them fit the typical profile common to the musings of Bards. Still, most men like this Yomdi would have long since retired, or at least keep to their own devices while talented underlings saw to temple affairs at odd hours of the evening. Unless there was something more about him than his appearance let on, in any case.

Considering that his own western features and attire, not to mention his ungainly, uncultured manner of speech set him apart from any traveling martialist about which he had ever heard, a great benefit of doubt would be applied here. Keystone recovered from his momentary lapse of disbelief, tapped his knuckles together and bowed his head slightly. A gesture of respect, certainly, but very different from the bow most associated with the Xiang Monks, the group with which he claimed to be a disciple.

"I did, point of fact, come for incense, Master Yomdi." he began, trying to look respectful and unassuming. "Fair enough though, I would've paid a visit regardless. Best as I figure, it's standard polite for a visiting monk to introduce himself to a temple's Master, once he blows in town. Lets a man know he ain't 'bout to get into nothing shifty, if you take my meaning, sir."

Extending a hand in the manner of his initial upbringing, he continued. "I go by Keystone, Master Yomdi. Pugilist by trade, sir, though recent years have got me learning all manner of disciplines I ain't native to. I'm aimin' on taking these teachings back home and making it better for low-born folk like m'self."

Keystone looked to Persephone, slowly nodding to her. "The young Miss has given me word of a contract from a merchant name o' Cremwise, so it turns out that I'm leavin' come morning. That being what, I was hoping to spend an hour or two on your grounds, maybe talk supplies for the trip. This's a right lovely temple, by the by."

"Wouldn't you say, Miss?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sundos Solito

Location: Stockades

Interacting With:Kyra, Lob, Marcus, Guards

Sundos stepped between Marcus and Kyra. ”Brother, there is no reason for violence between the Forces of Light. I am a DawnBringer. I shall watch the three of them and make sure that none of them cause undo trouble. Do not waste your men lives fighting an unnecessary battle. We will need all of them to fight the forces of darkness soon enough. This border war is just starting. You have been chosen as a leader due to your wisdom. Use it now.”

“If this Lob really is a danger, we shall see soon enough and bring him back. But who his father is is not enough to keep him locked up.”

Sundos raised his arms to all of the guards and everybody else in the building. ”Brothers, Sisters. Let there not be bloodshed in these walls. We are all Servants of Light. We all want to defend the hamlet from the evil orcs. You will have the chance to spill orcan blood soon enough. You will have your fill of blood soon enough. Do not waste your blood or the blood of your fellow defenders. We must stand united. If we fight among ourselves, surely the demons and devils will laugh as they unleash their orcan armies upon us. Let us stand united. A united army will fight better than a splintered army. May Lathander watch over us. He shall protect and strengthen us. Do not allow fear to overcome you. Be smart and valiant. As I live, so does Lathander Lives. Allow us to leave in peace. You shall see, we shall aid in the defense of your hamlet, your homes, your wives and your children.”

Looking at Kyra and Lob, he said, ”Sister, Brother, er.. Ash.., let us go back to the tavern.” With that he moved towards the door.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: Stockades
Interacting With: Ash, Kyra, Sundos, Lucan, Marcus, Two Militia Guards


Lob looked over his shoulder as The gate opened and She stepped within, his tension relaxed as he rolled over slowly from his pouty position and took what would be his usual feral crouch. The beast's muscles were like twisting roots in the low light, his long auburn mane matted and he reeked more than usual with no rain or river to wash off in. Rolling in a skunk three days before didn't help.
"Lob, come,"
Now 'free', there was a clear predatory movement to his actions. Even with the kindness, he crept forward to sniff her hand, taking her flowers and wood to memory as he opened his mouth to reveal a massive under-bite of broken or sharpened teeth then licked the palm with a wide flat tongue like a horses. The lick turned into a nuzzle with his cheek and left a swipe of his drool on her wrist.

"I'm Sana's Spirit Sister, you'll be safe with me. My father mentored Sana before he died."
Next came the iron ring with a slip of silk, he reached out for it while keeping eyes on Kyra and ash for signs of disapproval. If allowed he would cup the curiosity and bring it to his nose to take deep of her scent again.Sana, Alpha, cedar wood and jasmine flower. he missed her. Instinctively he tried to slip it on his pinky, but when it would not fit past the first knuckle, he looked up at her mournfully and handed the ring back.

"Lob, good. Sana, good, alpha. Kyra, good. Kyra, Alpha. Lob, kyra's... Lob, naked."

This was not to imply he was currently skyclad, although those breeches looked ready to fall apart, but more to the point his arms, armor, and dog were INSIDE the jail while he was out here in the weather. He touched his body then tugged on her cloak, make a swinging motion and pointed to the sword on her hip.

Next came up the shaman, he reminded lob of Hugh, Sana's mate. There was that vibration in the air from them that was more than any sense he knew. It was a comfort he felt safe with for the moment as he tried to lope out of the cage with the other two who stood to his defense.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Keystone, Yomdi

"Absolutely," Seph agreed. "It's very beautiful. My name is Persephone. A pleasure to meet you, Yomdi." He did seem... a bit like a withered old man who probably should have been resting somewhere and letting the younger souls tend to the temple business. But at least he was a nice old man, which was far from a guarantee, especially at this hour.

Keystone's interest in her was... understandably related to fighting and combat, but maybe a little disappointing all the same. If they were exchanging techniques, it would probably be her benefiting much more from the trade. She doubted she could teach him much that he didn't already know. Perhaps he wasn't experienced with staff work. She could probably teach him a thing or two about that, if they could find a suitably sized weapon for him, but as far as hand-to-hand went, Seph typically had to find ways around her disadvantage in strength. Dirty tricks, less than "honorable" tactics were often what got her by. She wasn't too proud of it, but fighting wasn't something to be proud of in the first place, in her opinion.

"I don't know how much I could teach you," she admitted to Keystone. "My training was never really finished, and I was always a better student than teacher besides. But I can try, sure." She probably would've preferred to share something about her healing, or other practices she'd started picking up, but sadly, her gift wasn't really something that could be shared.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 21 days ago


Season: Late Fall/Early Winter
Time Of Day: Early Evening
Weather: Cool air, some clouds, air is clean - Thank what ever god you worship
General Ambiance: Tense, it is just tense everywhere.
Location: Hamlet of Salarn in the region of Gorlf just south of the Orc Settlement of Yzewz
Setting: Salarn

GM Controlled NPC


Yomdi eyes brightened and large cheeky grin came to his features. His hands clapped together slightly, with his cane between them, nearly sending himself off balance. As he stumbled slightly a gust of wind blew around him and held him steady. Shaking himself like a wet dog might he regained himself and looked at the two in turn.

"Yes, yes. Yomdi can help, help I must," he said as he took a step closer to them, a bit of weary skip in his step as he did.

"Learn you must, harness yourselves," he added as he took their hands, dropping his cane and pulling them closer until each of their faces was next to his. He had a remarkable strength for one that seemed to fragile on the surface. Winds kicked up a bit more.

"I can teach you how to breath."

Kyra Altham

Location: The Stockades
Interacting With: Everyone that is at the stockades

Marcus narrowed his eyes,his fist balling up at he looked at these people who dared to try to release his prisoner. He began to raise his hand but by the time he had Kyra's bow was drawn and strung; aimed at his skull. Ash growled low and lowered him, looking as if he was about to leap.

"Fine, get out of here but if he does anything I will see that each of you is strung up from the nearest post to pay for this crime," Marcus bellowed. Kyra pursed her lips, keeping her arrow trained on the man as she nudged Ash. Ash loosened up a bit, stepping behind Kyra and pulling her cloak from her shoulders. Padding over towards Lob, Ash dropped the cloak into his hand.

"Okay, everyone with myself and Lob, come to the Tavern. He needs a good meal and to get cleaned up," she said as she motioned. "Sundros, help Lob and ensure he has enough to fill his belly. I have words for the constable. Ash, stay with Lob."


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Johnathon Keystone

Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Persephone, Yomdi

To be fair, this wasn't the first time a seemingly crazy old man pulled him in close and whispered something cryptic that, only in hindsight, made sense.

He really hoped that was the case this time, as well. Keystone already had a pretty good handle on the whole breathing thing, having done so unaided between two and three decades thusfar. Now, if learning how to "breathe" in the manner prescribed by the elder temple master aided his endurance or deepened his state of awareness during meditation, that would be useful. If instead the itinerant brawler was to be made privy to the ancient and mystical art of nose whistling, that would be a different matter indeed.

From the look of their would-be teacher, it was even money either way.

Keystone looked sideways to Persephone, still in the grip of their frail looking but deceptively strong host, checking to see if she was alright and/or if this was a common practice for the region. Stifling back a belch, Keystone inquired with an uncertain voice, "Breathe, Master Yomdi? Reckon as I've got a handle on pushing air past my teeth, both directions; 'less you've got something new."

The burp made itself known, given escape from its esophagean Bastille by means of his vocalization. It rattled out with a lingering grarrrrrrp, echoing lightly off of the shiny marble flooring. While not versed in the finer points of etiquette in situations such as these, Keystone did, at least, have the common decency to blow it out of the side of his mouth, away from Yomdi.

"'Pologies, sir. Big meal, um... So, 'bout that breathing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucan Cauldwell

Location: Stockades
Interacting With: Kyra, Guards by the Jail, Ash, Lob, Sundos, Marcus

Lucan kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, remaining as quiet and in-the-background as he was able as both Marcus and Kyra began to trade threats between each of them. The second there was a mention of arresting, Lucan had intended to leave, but as Kyra let out that all-too-encompassing 'us', he knew he'd been dragged into the situation too far to just shy away. Drawing his sword properly, he didn't seem to particularly care for the Cleric's peacekeeping. If it worked for the guards, it would be fine enough - but he didn't think there was much use for words alone at this point.

Lob - as Lucan was fairly certain by this point was the half-orc's name - was up and about properly now, and while usually he'd have been somewhat concerned himself simply from the fact the large uh... Man? Could probably crush his head like an egg, he figured provided he stayed on the side that was letting him free, he'd have no real cause for concern. Lucan didn't pay much attention to the discussion between Kyra and Lob, something about 'spirit-sisters' and what-not, he kept his focus on Marcus and the two guards, almost testing them to make a move.

Marcus went to do so, and Lucan shifted his blade in his hand, but before he himself could do anything - there was a bow strung and an arrow poised at the man's head. Hearing Marcus' 'agreement' to them releasing Lob was not a particular point of celebration for Lucan - despite his not really doing anything, he was now in the Constable's bad books, and it would make avoiding his tail that much harder, if Marcus was particularly interested in screwing him over for this.

Sliding his blade back into its sheathe with a rasping sound of metal, he'd keep his hand on the hilt as Kyra directed those around him, not hearing his own name among those mentioned, he figured he'd remain - both to assist Kyra if she needed any help with the constable and his guards - though he doubted it - and due to the fact his initial intention had simply been to speak to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sundos Solito

Location: Stockades

Interacting With:Kyra, Lob, Lucan, Marcus, Guards

Sundos was secretly pleased with himself and his speech. Speaking to Marcus, Sundos said,"Thank you, Brother. You are a wise leader." Then he turned and saw Kyra's arrow point at the constable's head and the other armed man with his sword drawn. He sighed to himself. "Yes, sagacious indeed, Constable."

Having served with the paladins of the Church, Sundos was used to being given and following orders. In reply to Kyra, without thinking, he said, "Yes, Ma'am." and went to carry out her order.

He took Lob by the elbow and guided him out the door, while saying, "Good Lob. Put that cloak on, Lob be not naked. Let's go and get you some food. Lob Eat? yes eat, Yumm Yumm." All the while Sundos is acting out comments hoping Lob can understand.

At the door of the jail, Sundos stopped and turned to the constable and militiamen inside, "That woman" he pointed at Kyra, "and this man," he motioned toward Lob, "are under the protection of the Church of Lathander. Any who harm or impede either of them shall face the wrath of the Church, possibility, excommunication. As the only priest in the hamlet, Sundos was sure he had all the authority he needed to offer the Church's protection. "May the Wisdom of Lathander shine upon you..." He glanced at Kyra and Lucan and he said "...all of you

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: The Stockades
Interacting With: Everyone that is at the stockades

"Sundros, help Lob and ensure he has enough to fill his belly. I have words for the constable. Ash, stay with Lob."
"Good Lob. Put that cloak on, Lob be not naked. Let's go and get you some food. Lob Eat? yes eat, Yumm Yumm."

Lob was grateful for the cloak and put it over his shoulders, sideways. He followed out with the cleric leading him and pantomiming for food. This lead Lobs considerable nose up and loping off in the direction of where the food was once coming from. He circled around to the back of the tavern and sniffed about at their refuse bins, pawing at sacks and buckets to look for mere morsels like the bone Ash had brought him. (Assumably) The shaman guided him away from the making of pigslop to the front entrance before lob dug his feet in.

Lob stink, lob in, in smell bad. Yell at lob. Lob wash. Wash now, yum next.

Casting eyes about, he spotted the rain barrel beside the front door and lifted the 250 or so of water with both hands and *BLOOSH!* Now sopping wet, as well as her cloak, he smiled to the priest and went inside with the barrel left on its side. Now inside the eatery he could see lots of little yellow candles burning but his nose, strong enough to track like a dog, could smell the many befoulments that plagued this place. He neared he fireplace and scooped up handfuls of ash and began to scrub himself in them to dry off and break his own scent.

"Smell bad, bad belly dwarf butt."

He sat by the fire and continued to clean himself as out of the way as he could, looking around for any leftover food as Ash curled up before the fire to rest.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 21 days ago


Season: Late Fall/Early Winter
Time Of Day: Early Evening
Weather: Cool air, some clouds, air is clean - Thank what ever god you worship
General Ambiance: Tense, it is just tense everywhere.
Location: Hamlet of Salarn in the region of Gorlf just south of the Orc Settlement of Yzewz
Setting: Salarn

GM Controlled NPC


"Ah, see, see," Yomdi said poking Keystone in the stomach. "Much to learn, much to learn!" he exclaimed excitedly. Tugging on each of their hands, he pulled them further into the temple, through doors and down stairs. Deeper and further they went until they were in a black marble round room lined with candles.

"All air, all gas, all wind," he said as he jumped around in a jovial fashion. Raising his hands I the air and down, spinning about like a child trying to make oneself dizzy. He did indeed do such and nearly toppled over before a gust of wind caught him and steadied him.

"Harness all wind, learn to breath through every pore, is not just in and out," he said before breathing in deeply and exhaling. "All breathe... you must BREATHE!!!"

Looking at both he smiled, resting his hands before him; his eyes darting back and forth between the two. "Come, come, throw something," he challenged with a cheeky curl to his lips.

Kyra Altham

Location: The Stockades, then tavern
Interacting With: Marcus, then rest of group


As they left Kyra lowered her bow and slung it over her shoulder as she dropped the arrow back into its quiver. Marcus stood there eying here as if he was about to command her death right then and there.

"I don't care which kingdom anyone represents, this is my town," he grumbled.

"Not for long," Kyra hissed as she walked by him and back towards the tavern. She normally wouldn't step into such matters but is Ash drug her over and he knew Sana, she knew something was off.

Making her way back to the tavern she was careful not to breath too deeply, the stench had cleared out for the most part but she wasn't risking it. Seeing Sundros, Lucan and Lob there she let out a sigh of relief. Seemed things were turning into a party, resistance is futile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sona Penetierre

Location: the gate, then the tavern

Interactions: the gate guards, Alto (to an extent)

Footsteps can be heard, although the footsteps were not like the pounding of some sort of horde, they still filled the air. And what was making them?? none other than some sort of elf, all on her lonesome. Or so it seemed. There perched on her shoulder, she looked to some sort of tiny bird companion perched on her shoulder. "Here we are, boy..." She sighed and huffed ever so slightly as she looked around “hm…” She twiddled around with a lock of her hair before walking up to the gate and smiled at the two guard members who were rolling their eyes at her sudden appearance. They seemed to be rather fed up with their duty but she payed no heed to that.

“I was wondering if you could let me past so I can rest for the night, I am rather tired. that and I would love to offer up some entertainment for the night at the tavern personally” The fair-skinned elf mentioned as she averted their gaze to the harp that she has in her possession.

The guards weren’t most exactly impressed for her reasoning, but they let her in anyway. And she entered with such grace. “Why, thank you boys!” she waved to them as she walked by them. “Now… a tavern…” she placed her hands on her hips as she gawked around slowly. “Where could it be…?” she asked herself in a curious manner. Only walking around for a fairly few minutes before spotting it “Ah!” she grinned, of course it would be in the centre of town… it’s a tavern. Making her way towards the place, she thought to herself of all the stories and memories she would collect for her stories. Finally opening the door slowly as to make sure she didn’t disturb anything too big. “Hmm…” she bit her lower lip, she seemed to be too differently clothed for this place. But she can manage it, well, she hopes she can.

She didn’t know what to do first, but in a bid of resting her feet immediately. She sat down and sighed happily “My feet are killing me…” she whispered to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sundos Solito

Location: Cross Swords Tavern

Interacting With: Lob, Tavern Folk

Sundos sighed as he watched Lob. He pulled him from the trash and could only shake his head as Lob cleaned himself. Sitting Lob by the fire, Sundos said, ”Lob sit… Lob wait..Sundos get food. Sundos be back.. I really need to stop doing that…

Sundos was nervous about leaving Lob and Ash alone, but the tavern was much more quiet now. Many people did not return after, well, after the “event”… He rushed up to the bar. ”Two bowls of stew please. And two mugs of water. He didn’t trust Lob with any ale, and he was running low on coin. He would have enough to rent beds in the common room if he was lucky. ”Oh..Can you also bring a bowl of water and a meat bone? We will be by the fire.

When the bar maid brought the food for all three of them, he thanked her. ”Lob like? Yumm..yumm” Damnit

Sundos saw the half-naked elf sitting alone at a table. He stared a minute too long before pulling his eyes away and looking at the ceiling. He stared at Lob so that his eyes wouldn’t wonder. When he was younger, he heard the veteran paladins joke, ‘Do not look once, and you are not a man. Look twice and you are not a cleric.’ Until now, Sundos didn’t know what they meant. Most of the women wore long skirts or at least loose fitting pants around the Temple District. Things were sure different out on the frontier.

Do not look at her…do not look at her…
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Keystone, Yomdi

Seph was beginning to suspect this Yomdi wasn't quite right in the head. For how old he was, he was acting very much like a child, dragging his two guests down beneath the temple, after they'd both stated their intentions were merely to collect their thoughts, and then attempting to teach them or perhaps just demonstrate some power he had with breathing. Harnessing wind, breathing through every pore... Seph didn't doubt it could be done, or that this guy was quite proficient at it, but it sure seemed like something that would take a very long time to learn, let alone be able to use practically. Considering that they were both leaving in the morning... she couldn't help but be reminded of a child coming up to her, grabbing her hand, and saying, "look what I can do!"

"I... think this might not be the best time for training," she said, gently. "We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and I was hoping to get a good night's rest." She glanced over at Keystone. "But hey, if you wanna throw something at the guy, be my guest." Seph had a feeling she knew what was going to happen. Something that probably ended with the old man laughing excitedly and trying to get them to take a shot at it next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Johnathon Keystone

Location: Yellow Rose Temple
Interacting With: Persephone, Yomdi

A rather perplexed look overtook Keystone. If not perplexed, so much, he felt an odd mixture of amusement and confusion. He felt like a child given permission to use a swear word, and began slapping his pockets to find something to hurl at the old man (that wasn't a knife, anyway). Noting Persephone's quite warranted hesitation, he offered to rationalize his mirth.

"Wouldn't worry, love. Learned one of my best techniques watchin' a Master go through a form and meditatin' on it afters." His voice raised slightly, ensuring that the elder Yomdi could hear clearly though still addressing his Sister of the Fist, "Besides, the good Master ain't the type what'd keep working folk away from a contract, I don't think."

Keystone's spot inventory of his pockets netted him a handful of largish, hard-hulled nuts he probably should have stocked with his provisions. Showing off a bit of manual dexterity, he moved three of them about in a circle in his left palm as if they were Shou meditation balls, and held another out to his companion with his right hand.

Gotta enjoy the little things as you can," he began, giving a genuine but boyish grin. "We might all snuff it tomorrow. Who knows, we may even learn something." In truth, he had hoped to find information at this place, maybe even supply more appropriately for the area. This was, at the very least, entertaining. And, if pressed to find a spot for meditation, Keystone remembered seeing a nice spot on the roof of the Crossed Swords just outside his window.

His left hand paused, adjusting to position one of the nuts between his index and middle finger. With a quick backhanded motion, he propelled it at the temple's Master. While it was highly unlikely to cause harm, Keystone's raw strength was enough to ensure that this quick beeline toss would certainly sting if it made connection with bare skin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Location: The Inn
Interacting With: Sona, Sundos, Ash

Lob was still turning green to grey when the shaman walked off to get food. Looking down he got a brilliant idea and got a handful of ash and 'thumped' the wolf, leaving a huge handprint on its side. "Ash, ash!" Which started a barking howl of laughter not unlike mating hyenas as he made the best joke in the world.

Then someone new came in and sat down across the way, she was pretty by any standard or level of intelligence. Then the shaman came back with food. He took the bowl and loudly gulped down the contents, it was hot and stuck to his mouth, but it was too little to be a meal. he looked over the shaman shoulder at the aluring elf again.


He probably didn't have to yell inside the building. Then again, that is like telling a child not to yell either. He waved a monstrous arm over his head, sprinkling dust back down into his empty bowl as traces of food clung to his face.
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