1 - Gemini @Xiro Zean
2 – Rue @Nanjue
3 – Rabbit @Holy Soldier
4 – Aegis @Rune_Alchemist
5 – Karu @DeathXtheXTree
6 – Six @HaltingBlooper
7 – Raiden @Shadow Daedalus
8 – Virgil @EnterTheHero
9 - Icks @Doltboy
10 – Lucia @Mangrale
11 - Ashe @Ashevelendar
12 - Gray @Sarcelle Renard
13 - Krit @Reijin Buru
20 – Atlas @Slendy
23 - Drake @dragonmancer
43 – Jakob @Thecrash20
114 – Astrape @Shadow Daedalus
143 – Blair @UberBlutwurst
2 – Rue @Nanjue
3 – Rabbit @Holy Soldier
4 – Aegis @Rune_Alchemist
5 – Karu @DeathXtheXTree
6 – Six @HaltingBlooper
7 – Raiden @Shadow Daedalus
8 – Virgil @EnterTheHero
9 - Icks @Doltboy
10 – Lucia @Mangrale
11 - Ashe @Ashevelendar
12 - Gray @Sarcelle Renard
13 - Krit @Reijin Buru
20 – Atlas @Slendy
23 - Drake @dragonmancer
43 – Jakob @Thecrash20
114 – Astrape @Shadow Daedalus
143 – Blair @UberBlutwurst

”If I don’t have to do it, I won’t. If I have to do it, I’ll make it quick.”
Name: Gray
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Despite being a Godslayer, Gray is a remarkably unimpressive looking individual. The drab, black mop he calls hair grows well into his perpetually bored looking gray eyes, as he doesn’t see much of a point in cutting it or even combing it out of the way. His unimpressive looks are further compounded by the fact that he is merely 5’8” tall and doesn’t look particularly muscular on the surface. In fact, the only real indication one will find that suggests the man is truly a Godslayer is the black “XII” tattooed on the left side of his neck.
Number: 12
Rank: D
Personality: Depending on how you look at it, Gray is either the laziest guy in the world or the most diligent. Because when it comes down to it, he hasn’t met a force yet that has been able to prevent him from taking his three square naps a day. And as a true believer in putting the minimum effort necessary for any given task, the Godslayer is a true genius when it comes to finding the most efficient way of getting out of any kind of work, no matter if it is simply mundane or even downright world threatening. If nothing else, you can rely on him to think up the most direct and simple solution to a problem and to veto anything that requires what he perceives as too much work.
On top of that, Gray's brutal honesty and sarcastic nature makes him the kind of guy that most people don't care to spend all that much time with. That very fact is completely lost on him though, as he also isn’t the kind of guy to dwell on such things and is perfectly content when left to his own devices. Perhaps it is because of that kind of mind set that he is able to keep a level head no matter what kind of absurd, logic defying situation Godslayers like himself often finds themselves in. This levelheadedness carries over to his dealings with others, as one would be awfully hard pressed to get much of a rise out of him.
Although, while it’s not as readily apparent, he is also deeply skeptical of the world around him and almost never takes anything at face value. This borders on downright cynicism, as earning his confidence is a feat that few have ever been able to accomplish due to how distrusting he is of the motives behind any action. It doesn’t help that he is also self-deprecating and doesn’t place all that much value on himself, but that is a side he doesn’t show others all that often.
When it comes to his role as a Godslayer, Gray understands full well that his purpose is not something he can blow off. Because whether he likes it or not, he was brought into this world solely to fight these so called “Gods.” And if he didn't have that, he wouldn't have a clue what to make of himself. But that’s not the only reason he fights, because although you will probably never hear him say it out loud, Gray is actually quite protective of his siblings. Every time he is the one risking his life fighting these monstrosities, one of his siblings gets to stay home and not worry about whether they are going to make it another day. A pitiful consolation in his mind, but in the end, one that he also believes is worth it.
+ Naps
+ Peace and quiet (so he can nap)
+ People that snark back at him
+ Straightforward and honest individuals
+ Messing with his siblings
- Work (in all of its unpleasant forms)
- Most authority figures in his life
- Arrogant pricks
- Rain
- Anything that puts his siblings in danger
As soon as the scientists learned of Gray’s ability, they built him with his future role as a scout in mind. All of his enhancements complement his ability well and serve to make him effective at reconnaissance missions. While he may not be as fast or strong as many of his siblings, the Godslayer more than makes up for his reduced combat power with his ability to provide valuable information to his team.
- Eagle Eyes: If he focuses on his sight, Gray is able to see tiny specks on the horizon as if they were right in front of him, even in the dark. Essentially, as long as his line of sight isn’t broken, there is little that can escape his eyes. And given that one of the prerequisites to using his ability is to have a clear picture in mind, this enhancement doubles as a tool that all increases the effective range at which he can teleport.
- Lightning Reflexes: While his physical reflexes aren’t the fastest among the Godslayers, Gray has one of the fastest mental reflexes and is able to use this in conjunction with his ability to make rapid defensive and offensive maneuvers.
- Total Recall: A relatively rare enhancement among Godslayers, Gray’s eidetic memory allows him to clearly remember just about every single detail that has caught the attention of his eyes. In practical terms, this makes him one hell of a reliable scout that always delivers accurate information. Similar to his enhanced eyes, this enhancement allows him to use his ability at much greater distances than he normally would have been comfortable with, as it lets him picture his intended destination clearly.
Weapon(s): Since he was not born with innate super strength or an ability that can tear the world apart, Gray has been trained (despite his many complaints) to use a wide variety of weapons. Generally, his weapon of choice is a bullpup shotgun that has been modified to fire armor piercing slugs with enough force to punch through most Fiends. But that doesn’t mean it is all that unusual to see him using an equally modified DMR or sniper rifle should the situation call for it. Just don't expect him to be all that impressive in melee combat.
Ability: Rift: Gray’s ability is to open a portal between two points in the world. This portal looks like a black tear that is completely opaque, thus impossible for others to know where exactly it will lead until they step through. As he is now, Gray is only able to transport one person through at a time and cannot make them in rapid succession. An intense level of focus is needed to open each rift, which can easily be broken by physical or mental distress. Also, teleporting anything great distances or something outrageously large will leave him drained and disoriented, effectively leaving him unable to form another rift for a time and making him a burden in combat.