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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua ground to a halt, cursing under his breath as he saw the enemy team set up traps around their Fortress of Solitude. He quickly glanced around, analyzing the situation. Hands on the tower walls were a problem. While he had no doubt he could use his blade to make them into footholds, it would be a waste of time and energy. On the other hand, the symbols that had appeared in the air vanished. He was more the willing to bet it was some sort of triggered aerial attack. On top of that, he had some sort of projectile being fired at him.
"Seriously, worse neighbors ever. No consideration for their surroundings." He muttered to himself, trying to just joke with himself to keep his spirits up despite his frustration. He sidestepped one of the projectiles while pulling out his communication lacrima before setting off again. "Hey Damien, situation is getting trickier. I'm sure you saw them booby trap their tower. Approaching might be difficult. I can see a hole punched into the side though. You have any idea what that's about? Cause that looks like my best bet in, so Imma head for it unless you got a better idea."

Jackie, the Maiden of the Mist


Jackie watched Zephyr as he dodged the blades but her sharps eyes caught the graze he got. Feeling the heat of the blades just from her proximity to them. The moment the blades were gone and Zephyr was back on the streets again, she walked over to him.
"Left leg. Let me see it." She said in a commanding tone. She noted the small differences, from how he suddenly favored one leg over the other, to the slight bit of pain in his tone when he talked. She knew it was just the two of them and she wanted to make sure he wasn't too injured to the point that it might be a detriment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii

Zephyr Hardt

Instead of an answer to what he said, she instead came over and commanded him to show her his injured leg. A bit taken back by this caused him to rub the back of his head as his armor vanished. "I'm fine, it's just a little cut." Is what he said but he didn't even need to roll his pant leg up to show the wound. The attack burned away part of his jeans around the cut, showing the steaming red flesh that was burned black. It even had the smell of burnt flesh as well, causing him to sigh. "Okay maybe it ain't little, but i'll be fine Jackie. You know me, I don't give up until I'm physically unconscious haha." He said smiling, although he was slightly curious as to why she even wanted to see it. From what he knew, she didn't have any healing magic. He looked at the ongoing assault at the tower and mentally frowned. Seemed a bit unfair that two guilds were ganging up on Frenzy Plant, yet in the end there would be that one guild that had no opposed unless they sought out a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grane Falo | Crocus

Grane spent most of the day inside around the Council Headquarters as he tried to gather reports on Frye’s past actions while still trying to recover from his confrontation with the magic mercenary. The man is known to complete any given job that he deems worthy enough to spend his time on. That and the amount of jewels he would receive. Although there haven’t been any reports of him being part of any particular group, the idea of him being a mercenary for hire is more dangerous as anyone or group could try to hire him for any kind of questionable job. One being as to what brought him to Crocus and why no one seen or recognized a most wanted criminal until the day he left the city.

As Grane was shuffling through more reports on his table, his head jerked up as he heard his door slightly open.
"Oi matey," Dreadlin responds calmly, but also with slight nervousness, as he puts his head in through the crack, "It's yer mate Dreadlin. Sorry for de intrusion, but I heard you be takin' residence here from a couple o' birdies. Mind if oi hang out with ya' for a bit? Won' take too long."

Although Frye’s actions yesterday were on Grane’s mind, he decided to continue it later by talking to Sayatachi and the other Council Members. Turning away from the table, he rested a hand on his chest as he could still feel the pain that Frye inflicted on him. Sayatachi’s healing magic help speed the healing process, but the attack was simply a strong one that could not be easily ignored or forgotten. After a small gasp from the pain, Grane spoke as calmly as he could ”You may enter Dreadlin. We’re both of the same kind. A kind that I have not seen in a long time, so of course you may stay for time being. Please forgive me if I already asked you of this when we last met, but why are you away from the village?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trinity Stratos

"Nolan, incoming!" The minstrel lifted her head at the peculiar whistling on the wind, behind the flame attacks from the turrets. She knew her magic could deal with fire well, but it lost its advantage against kinetic attacks. She gathered her shield walls over her head and crouched down, layering the three over each other and angling them to deflect, rather than just block, the incoming blades. Despite her efforts, she heard her shields shattering as she defended herself, and when the rain stopped, she saw that two of her shields had shattered and failed, and were dissolving from the shattered edges. She gathered the remaining energy into a single sphere, forming it into chest plate instead.

The fire turrets would be a little more challenging, now. She had to use the orbiting shield she had remaining in tandem with her wristblade buckler. She only hoped she could get out of this turret fire before someone would decide to fight her. Aah, but those big arms looked like trouble. And those hands holding the tower up, too. They seemed different, though. She didn't care to walk into enemy traps, and she wasn't sure how she'd fight a giant hand anyway. So maybe...

"Nolan, cover me, would you? I want to try something." Trinity aimed her buster arm cannon squarely at one of the arms supporting the huge tower. She held her other hand out, a golden orb forming there while her last orbiting shield defends her from the turret fire. "Energy Make: Rail Rocket." The shape of a rocket was given and a panel on the side of the cannon opened. It had a bit of a drill shape on the front. She popped it in. "Hokay. Here we..." She placed her left hand on the side of the cannon and focuses on it. The material of her cannon glow brighter as she charged it, aiming carefully, "go!"

She fired! The charge depleted from the arm cannon, the rocket was sent sailing toward the giant earthen arm supporting the fortified structure. It would embed itself into the earth before the turbulence inside broke the outer shell, detonating. Or, that was the idea. But, nothing seemed to happen.

@hatakekuro@Lugubrious@Caits@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jake Ronan, Ammy Silver, Hunter Jorgenson|Inside Frenzy Plant's Tower

Jake was no fool when it came to sensing an impending attack and using his darkened ice, froze the feet of himself and his teammates to the floor as the wind slammed against them. Ammy, in reaction to the lightning, combined her two scythes and rammed the end of one into the floor while the other end was in the air, acting as a lightning rod and drawing the lightning towards it to harmlessly disperse into the tower floor. When it was all done, the trio was wet and windblown, but still very much staring down the three woman who were aligned with Frenzy Plant. And Hunter wasn't giving them another chance to launch an attack, his hand slapping against the ground. "Jade Dragon's Rising Spears!" Beneath the Frenzy Plant mages, sharp ended jade staves began shooting up. Melting the ice on himself and his teammates, Jake swapped for Gorma's Halberd and was already moving to close with Hyun, deciding to keep her away from Ammy and Hunter.

As the pair crossed weapons, the tower shook, though not from a direct impact. Trinity's round had hit home, but hadn't caused enough damage to destroy the support of the stone hand that gripped the tower, indicating it would take several hits to crumble. Meanwhile, Ammy and Hunter closed, respectively, with an Indigo, Ammy's scythe sending out a flurry of purple waves as Hunter used Crush Claw.

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Stands

Jack turned from watching the event when Zev called for his attention, trusting in Jake to have not lead his guildmates into a one sided battle. However, what he found confronting him caused him to freeze up, as a veritable army of four legged and furry demons had appeared around the prospective member. He sat, ramrod straight and unmoving, until one of them attempted to approach the guild master of Dragon Fang, in which case the man was gone, having taken off like a bullet while barely managing to contain a girlish sounding squeal of fear. "Tell the lad he can join, just not to bring any demons this time!" This was called to Zev over the guild master's shoulder as he disappeared into the stadium's halls.

Damian Gerard|Crocus City

[center][h2]@Joshua Tamashii@Caits@hatakekuro@CirusArvennicus@Lugubrious[/center]

Damian had been forced to change course quickly at the sight of the magic circles appearing all over the tower, fully expecting a rather vicious counter attack that he had, in all honesty, earned. However, when the only real attacks that continued coming his way was the attack from the sentry tower, Damian realized that they had not been a counter attack, but a trap. Josh had at some point jumped off the Striker Blade and now hailed him from another position. "Hey Damien, situation is getting trickier. I'm sure you saw them booby trap their tower. Approaching might be difficult. I can see a hole punched into the side though. You have any idea what that's about? Cause that looks like my best bet in, so Imma head for it unless you got a better idea."

Damian took a moment to circle to where Josh was talking about and could see the tell tale signs of combat inside. "Wait for Trinity and Nolan, I'll send them your way. From what I could see before I had to start dodging again, there's already fighting inside. Tough Love's hunkered down, Pirate Lord's staying at a distance and Ryder's Blade hasn't made any moves, so I'd guess some of Dragon Fang. Just, uh, expect a party." He then contacted Nolan and Trinity and told them to meet with Josh before starting to gain some height to get over the tower. Once he stopped having to dodge turret fire, he knew he was in position and smiled as he spoke into the lacrima again. "Penny, don't get too close." Dismissing the Striker Blade as he jumped straight up, Damian somersaulted midair and fell face first, his Hercules Blades appearing and being pointed tip first towards the ground.

The idea was that when he landed, and he would in about fifteen seconds judging from his fall speed, he would cause the very top of the tower to erupt into a field of blades around his point of impact, and even causing the bottom of the tower top to be covered in them, allowing himself and Penny some time to plan. As the small dots began to take shape as people, spells flew his way in an effort to knock him off course, though he couldn't tell what they were at his speed and the best he could do is spiral to make himself harder to hit.

Eventually, someone realized what was going on and less than two seconds before Damian impacted, the array of blades exploding across the tower's top and the underside of the tower's top, everyone had jumped into it's bowels.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny swayed, humming to herself, watching the Frenzy plant members she was facing, glancing over towards Damian as she spoke in the lacrima, she smiled. Her flames danced around her a moment, erratically, before she looked back towards the Frenzy plant members, she raised her hands, and whereever Damian's blades landed, fire errupted over them, more a protective mechanism to stop their removal, then anything else. USed harmlessly, Phoenix Magic wasn't meant to do damage.

She darted into the air with grace, smoothly, her wings stretching to their full extent, fire engulfing her form, avoiding any stray exploding blades, she flew down towards Damain.

"Hey" The phoenix magic was filling Penny, making her feel...happy. Warm. Safe. Everything Damain made her feel. She kissed him, and then she was off again, unable to stay stationary. Yet it wasn't even that. She swooped through the air, skillfully avoiding any traps, Penny dove down towards Jackie and Zephyr. She smiled, raising her hands non-threateningly. "I come in piece" Without waiting for them to reply, Penny leaned over, and lay a hand, covered in flames, over Zephyr's cut. Giving a small laugh, Penny took to the air once again, while the cut would not be healed, Penny was sure it looked better.

She zoomed off, circling the air once more, she tilted her head at the sight of the earthen dome. Tough Love. She plopped down ontop of it, knocking on it. "Hi, hi. Anyone home? Do you want to come out?" unity.... The games were not what the world needed at the moment. This battle...it wasn't what they needed. The games, idealy, should have brought them together. But they were tearing them apart. Even if their Guild Masters somehow ended up to get along, there were...bias's between members. The previous battles had done more damage then good. The mere fact that she was in the games showed that.

With Phoenix Slayer magic having her fully under its sway, Penny seemed slightly free. Her cloak billowed around her shoulders, raised slightly by the wings ofher new phoenix form. She knocked again, this time, the earth user-and what was his name again?? Barry? Henry? Ah!!! Harold-opened a space and she dropped through. "I'm Penelope, but please don't call me that, I much prefer Penny." She tilted her head, approaching a young woman, the one, if she remembered correctly, that had been thrown, and knocked unconscious. She looked pale, and shaky, and Penny hummed, "Phoenix Song: Life" The song was beautiful, it was a kind, soft melody that would inspire warmth and brightness. Hope. She watched the young girls-Pakuna?-colour return. She smiled, and she leaned. "You've done well by your brother, but its time you let him...fly"

And Penny was gone once more, circling above high in the sky, she dove back towards the Frenzy Plant tower-whether it was standing or not, and back towards her team.

Harry looked to his sister, having been worried about her the last couple of days, but whatever Penny had done, had made her at least appear better. Harry pondered the whole thing. Why would someone in a different guild help them? He thought back, closing his dome once more.

Within thirty seconds, he had dispelled the dome, and almost at once, he had formed what could be considered a large golem. The creature moved at his will, and Harry smiled, the young mage waved his hand, and armor seemed to form over him, over his guild mates.

He was entering the fray.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt Marris
Mayt had hoped to get back before the games started on the last day, but that didn't seem to be happening. The train had been running late- as all his trains seemed to lately- and his broken arm didn't speed up getting off at all. But before too too long Mayt was walking through the city, grumbling to himself and dragging his wheeled luggage behind him. He had left his weapon inside his luggage this time, figuring that he probably wouldn't be doing too much fighting for the short time he expected to be remaining in the city.

Eventually- finally- Mayt arrived at the stadium. It only took him a few moments to get inside and start on his way up to his guild's seating, taking his luggage with him, figuring that they might not be staying at the hotel after this last event. Once he got outside, he took a quick note that things were already well on their way, and started to head back to one of the upper seats when he noted Ariel pushing herself against the back wall, and the wings on either side. Puzzled, he approached her, leaving his suitcase next to the exit back to the hallways of the stadium

"Hey, you alright? You look a bit... Freaked out," Mayt admitted, and his gaze shifted over to Dalton, who he gave an odd and confused look before returning his gaze back to Ariel, waiting for her response. He would stop approaching her at a reasonable, respectable distance. He wasn't going to admit that he didn't recognize her however.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frenzy Plant's Elite

Again, the Howling Djinn's Keep shook. This time, it came not as the reverberation of a powerful blow beating against its wall, but as an alarming jerk that affected everyone on or within the structure. Mercifully, the detonation of Trinity's explosive payload inside one of Jake's inert earthen arms had not been catastrophic. A couple magnitudes stronger, and such a blast would have removed one of what had become the tower's essential supports, sending the entire construct and everyone inside plummeting to the ground in a stone deathtrap. Neither Indigo, with the atmospheric power bestowed upon her by The Yawg, nor Sepia, with her control over earth, could have acted on time to prevent such a fate. It did, however, remind Indigo of the precariousness of her situation. Though it enabled her to act freely, allowing the tower to sit in one spot went contrary to the plan, and she needed to resume her position.

Three noteworthy obstacles stood in the way of sending the Keep skyward once more, however. Impossibly, Dragon Fang's Axeling managed to right himself and instantly lock the feet of himself and his allies to the floor during the minuscule amount of time it took Indigo to cannon her Stormfront into them. With the same blatantly unrealistic speed, Amy brought her two weapons together to suck up and channel out all of the electricity that came along with the buffeting wind, despite it being dispersed across nearly the entire room. Hyun could not help but to crease her brows. They're that fast? What kind of training does this guild undergo? For a split second, doubt crossed her mind.

Fortunately, reality ensued. Having feet stuck fast to the floor did not somehow immunize the three enemies' bodies from the effect of gale-force winds. When the wave of wind slammed into them, enough force coursed through their ankles and shins to break the bones of an ordinary person. When a tornado coursed through a forest, the trees that wouldn't bend would break; that was a raw fact. In addition, the handles of Ammy's scythes were not made of rubber, and since solid rock conducted electricity far worse than human flesh, the lightning injected by Indigo into her stormfront coursed through Ammy instead. Seeing, this, Indigo wished she'd used more charge. Even if Ammy had absorbed all the electricity into herself, there hadn't been enough in the first place to inflict serious damage to a powerful mage. Still, the sight gave her some solace. In their rush to try and counter my attack, they did not think their strategies through, and ended up harming themselves as much, if not more, than helping themselves. Good to know.

The resilience of the Dragon Fang mages, however, could not be underestimated. No doubt putting aside whatever pain afflicted them, they moved to attack, and first on the offense was Hunter. His viridian magic flowed through the stone floor, and beneath Hyun, Indigo, and Plum, planting spears of jade to sprout from the ground much like the Tectonic Blades and pierce his opponents from below. Yet, the soldiers of Frenzy Plant held to the time-honored principle of not splitting up. When the jade began to rise, Hyun was ready to defend her comrades. She waved her parrying dagger at the floor, sending a wave of distortion into the area immediately around her, and Hunter's attack was nullified. Not a single jade outcrop appeared. Frenzy Plant's champion swordswoman then found herself immediately beset by Jake, equipped with a halberd. ”A poleax,” Hyun remarked, deadpan, as he rushed forward. ”A defensive weapon, best used from a distance by infantry or guardsmen. The worse choice imaginable for a close-quarters duel.” She was only too happy to close the distance. When her flamberge locked with Gorma's Halberd just beneath the axehead, all that separated axeman from swordswoman was its shaft—barely any obstacle at all, and with no distance to work with, the hefty, unwieldy halberd simply couldn't be swung. Hyun's knife shot forward like a viper toward Jake's unarmored armpit. With magic nullified in the area surrounding Hyun preventing the requip of weapons, and Jake's terrible weapon choice, there could be no conceivable defense. This duel would be decided in one master stroke by a seasoned veteran of melee combat. ”Amateur,” Hyun murmured matter-of-factly as she drove the point home.

At the same time, Plum and Indigo faced Ammy and Hunter. Wordlessly, the double and the original changed positions, each choosing the foe most suited to herself. The batlike talons of Plum met Hunter's own jade-empowered claw, but she did not seek so much to block them as to grab them. In fact, Plum practically dove forward to clasp her talons around Hunter's Crush Claw before his swing could pick up enough speed to truly threaten her. The instant she made contact, magic power began to seep from the Jade Dragonslayer into herself. Plum held nothing back, greedily devouring his essence as fast as she could with no regard for the future, and in doing so she left herself vulnerable to some other avenue of attack.

Indigo gave Ammy a haughty smile as she attacked with waves of purple energy. ”I'll give you a shot.” she purred, her words oozing condescension. With very little ceremony she turned around, allowing the waves of dark magic to hit her back. Her atmospheric aura dampened the spell a little, but it still caused her to see stars. Reaper Magic, she had to admit, was virulent. She could even feel a numbing effect spreading through her upper body, some of her energy slipping away. "Ahh...ahh..." Still, Frenzy Plant's most excellent magician would not be deterred. She hadn't taken the attack for sport, but instead to concentrate on her own spell. ”Dead Air.” The air inside the tower was already flowing, but now it really began to move. A wall of fog appeared in the doorway, as well as a horizontal barrier overhead, and the remainder of the air condensed into spheres around the heads of Indigo, Plum, and Hyun. The entire bottom half of the tower had been turned into a vacuum in which only Frenzy Plant's soldiers were permitted to breath. Indigo's warning to her enemies that the atmosphere itself within a certain radius 'belonged to her' was not, after all, an empty threat.

She knew that the current situation could not last for anyone. Her foes could not breath, but she and her allies had their own clocks ticking. The concentrated bubbles of air around their heads put a good deal of pressure on them, causing headache and murkiness of thought. She was confident, however, that Dragon Fang's representatives would fall or flee first. Plus, the bubbles themselves would repel physical attack, like bouncy cushions. Even though she knew that the Dragon Fang wizards couldn't hear with no air to carry sound, the Librarian smirked and said, ”You were fools to challenge us in our realm. It is time to pay the penalty.”

Meanwhile, the situation on the tower's top was less under control. All eyes were on Damian as he soared up, up, up, past the range of the sentry towers. Not a single soldier doubted what was to come, but while the Blade of Phoenix Wing gave them substantial time to prepare, there wasn't a whole lot they could do. The cacophony of weather below in the Keep drowned out any potential audio cues as to what Damian had in store. Based on previous observation, though Zander imagined he might know what his foe would be up to. To the best of his knowledge, Damian did chiefly three things: attack with real swords, use swords to move around, and create magical swords to attack. His act of abandoning the sky-surfing Striker Blade and then putting himself in a nonsensical position for a melee attack made for little ambiguity in Zander's mind. ”Here he comes. ETA: ten seconds” The Ruby Knight pointed at Dmitri as he strode to the edge of the tower. ”It's time to go to Phase Two. Do it now.” As he spoke, Vert -still wielding Wolfenstein- howled again, returning a little magic power to everyone present.

"Yes sir." Dmitri, still breathing heavily, crouched as fast as he could. His face was grim as he placed both hands on the black stone of the Howling Djinn's Keep. Instantly, all of his trap arms receded—that spell had been wasted. Their magic circles did not, however, fade away. Instead, they grew brighter before adhering to the stones to which they were bound, searing their designs on the surfaces of the stones. ”Hekatonkheires' Cairn.”

The spell was done, and he stood to sprint for the side of the tower. He threw himself over the edge, followed quickly by Owen, Zander, Scarlet, Vert, and Aqua. An instant later, Damian made contact, and the surface of the tower exploded into a geyser of swordblades. A matching font of steel even emerged from the tower's bottom.

Then the tower itself exploded. Every stone fused by Dmitri's power in the upper half of the Howling Djinn's Keep joined together in a chain detonation. A concussive shockwave spread from the explosion that rattled the city itself, though the shockwave itself did no more than that. No 'protective mechanism' nor magic sword could shrug off the maelstrom of pure destructive force at the epicenter of the detonation—and hopefully, no Blade of Phoenix Wing could, either. As he fell, Zander fretted that the explosion might hurt Damian more than intended. No...an S-class warrior of Phoenix Wing could not be killed, or even brought near death, by something like that given his armor and resistance. He imagined, hair whipping in the wind, that others might accuse Frenzy Plant of going overboard. Nonense! Nobody could possibly find fault in this course of action, unless they're biased against us. If we hadn't gotten out of there, that blade geyser could have spitted all of us like pigs. The hands that grabbed the tower could have crushed it and pulverized everyone inside if it had been weaker, or the hands stronger. Every guild is throwing around a lot of power...that's the nature of the Games.

He turned his attention to Owen, who'd sent sparks out from his rapier to the ground below. From the street, giant rapier blades shot up, rising around the falling soldiers like a bamboo forest. Each soldier grabbed onto one of the blades to slid down, just as a fireman might slide down a pole in the station. When they got to the ground safely, the giant poles disappeared, and Zander became aware of something else. Dmitri did no rise from where he tumbled. He looked sick, exhausted, even like he was suffering. There could be no question: the brawler was all out of magic power, and physically unable to continue. ”Easy, soldier. Take your rest. We will fight on in your stead.” Furthermore, Scarlet was bleeding badly from a huge wound on her back. Having lagged at the back of the group, she'd been only a few inches away from being bisected by one of Damian's blades. She, too had collapsed, and was weeping. ”Aqua, please help her.” The knowledge that she was one of Indigo's doubles did not dull his worry at all. His heart hurt terribly to see the grievous injury. He looked around, hoping that nobody would come for the Frenzy Plant soldiers just now, and that Indigo's team would quickly abandon the Howling Djinn's Keep as well to reunite with the ground team. ”We should have communicated better...it was our M.O. to stay together, but we have separated ourselves.” So saying, Zander grasped his ruby arming sword in a reverse grip by the blade just below the hilt, and he drew his great claymore from his back onto his shoulder for use.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jake Ronan, Ammy Silver, Hunter Jorgenson

Jake knew his move had been a gambit, the kind of gambit that he normally made in a fight like this. Swords and axes, after all, didn't precisely cross blades like two swords. Hell, even two axes was a more than unorthodox fight, filled with parrying of sorts, sure, but also grapples and rather cheap punches. His intention when he'd chosen to change to the halberd instead of sticking to the battle ax was to give Hyun a sense of security and bait her into make a strike with one of her blades. THAT had worked, what didn't was the intercept and he grimaced in pain as the dagger pierced his side. It was a blessing, however, that it was a parrying dagger instead of the run of the mill kind. Lacking a proper piercing tip, the weapon got caught in his muscle and allowed him to grab her wrist and pull the dagger away. "There's a difference between gambits and amateurs. One pays off." With that, he let go and kicked her away from him at the same time, putting some distance between her and himself to swap back to his battle ax, grimacing slightly as he moved his arm.

Meanwhile, Hunter took advantage of Plum's proximity and rammed a Jade covered forehead into her's, dislodging her grip enough for him to turn it against her and fling her into the real Indigo. Ammy followed it up, unleashing the spell she had stored up earlier to wrap the pair in a thin purple colored rope of magic energy. This induced a constant drain on both Indigo and Plum, their energy and will to fight disappearing with each second. Hunter, meanwhile, had rammed his fist into an opposite wall, blowing another hole in the keep that allowed a temporary flow of air in before Indigo could seal it off again. Ammy wasn't as merciful and was already once more unleashing a series of slashes, though this time much closer and much more personal, holding back despite her instincts telling her to open up. To unleash her full power would have been to devastate many of the buildings around them, nevermind the threat to others she could become. After her fifth slash, a serpent would appear and strike at the twin Indigos, intent on swallowing them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Queen Liana tapped her fingers on the table in front of her, arguing most forceably with her husband, the noble Howard. Unlike most in the royal family, Liana had married Howard out of love, rather then duty. This meant that, on occassion, their interactions were rather passionate.

"I don't care!" She finally roared, cutting off her husband in his speal about it being too dangerous, about letting the delegation, or rather spy, see what they had to offer. She loved her husband dearly, but sometimes he could be rather dim. "There is a reason why I insisted other countries not be aware of the Grand Magic Games, apart from being an attempt to inspire our people that there are mages out there powerful enough to protect them, I do not want potential enemies knowing what power we have, and how to fight them. This Spy, yes Howard, SPY, will take back what they learn of the guilds and mages, and make it that much harder if-no when-it comes to war.

I'm putting a stop to the games now, before they ascend to the stadium"

Liana rose, and brushed passed her Husband, who stood with the look of one that knew they weren't going to get their way. "At least take the knights, Liana!"

Liana looked back over her shoulder and grinned, "Why would I need to do that, when I have you?"


"And there's a fantastic display of magic going on here in the games, just look at that tower! and it looks like a couple of Frenzy plants mages are out of the running, but they certainly don't seem tobe g-What the hell is that?"

Something fell with a crash towards the ground of the arena, smashing the golem Tough Loves Harry had created, and even seeming to smash the floor of the Arena. King Howard, the first of his name, rose from the rubble, barely a hair out of place, smoothing his shirt and brushing off imaginary dirt, looking up above him, at Queen Liana, calmly landing. The display of Crash magic seemed not to have unnerved either of them. Queen Liana landed smoothly, White 15 foot long wings had appeared to sprout from her back, utilising a combonation of wind and flight magic, much similar to the way Exceeds fly, using pure magic to do so.

"Oh, wow! Ferris! Its the Queen and King, do you see this? What are they doing here?"

Jessie seemed oblivious to the fact that her charmed microphone was still on, and Queen Liana gave a smile. Games Master Sheldon came running around, and all constestants would find that other then the magic keeping them afloat if they were in the sky, all other magic failed, as Sheldon used his Negate magic to cease any dangerous attacks around their King and Queen. There was a reason why Sheldon, Crazy as he was, had been chosen for this role. Negate magic was simply too necessary when the games were concerned.

"Queen Liana, King Howard! It is too dangerous out here, please, allow me to escort you to the stands!" Sheldon appeared flustered, and Liana gave him a kind smile.

"No, Sheldon, we won't be needing assistance. I require this event to be finished. I know this leaves the games unfinished with no clear winner, but it is quite clear these are some fantastic mages. They have demonstrated a wonderful ability of Spirit, will and Unity within their guilds. However, it becomes too dangerous to allow the games to continue, a spy from a neighbouring land seeks to undermine our power" Since the event nearly 100 years ago, Fiore was the only country that had banished the use of magic, and had been considered weak power wise ever since. With the slow acceptance of magic use again,Fiore was rapidly becoming something to be feared once more.

"Oh, my, oh my oh my!" Sheldon exclaimed, his voice magically amplified by the microphone he seemed to have forgotten about clipped onto his shirt. "Ladies and gentlemen, due to difficulties and recent events, the games will have to be postponed indefinetely, we apologise for any inconvinence. contestants, if you could please return to the ground if you are not already there, we will have healers attend to any injuries you may have received."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Mors Vincent Omni

Finale, Part 1

Ferrin still had no answers. He was out of time, out of leads, and out of allies. He was walking down the street, deep in thought, trying to piece together the infuriatingly little information he had, but his thoughts were all over the place. I need to find so somewhere quiet where I can think... A savory smell drifted across his nose. ...or drink. With a flourish, he turned on his heel and followed his nose. It lead him to a storefront with wide-open double doors, and a prominent sign that bore large friendly letters that proudly proclaimed that the restaurant was open. Ferrin difted in, floating on the intoxicating smell. Inside, there were booths lining the walls on three sides of the room, the fourth side had a countertop bar lined with bar stools. The center of the floor was filled with tables. Tucked into a corner was a piano and stuffed behind it was the piano player, playing a jaunty tune. At regular intervals lining the place were magic screens showcasing the Grand Magic Games so far. Laugher and drinks were spilled with equal frequency while chatter flooded the room.

It was a happy place.

Ferrin paused in the doorway, suddenly overcome with memories of a place quite like this. Of course, here you didn't have to worry too much about knowing when to duck. Ferrin stopped that train of thought immediately. "Getting dammned maudlin." He muttered. Then the delicious smell overwhelmed him again, and he found himself making his way over the the bar. He sat down and stared at the source of the smell, a clean kettle hanging over a heating lacrima.

The bartender was a tall, muscular, dark haired woman who looked like she could drink a man under a table or put him there. She had long since noticed the extra tall stranger in a white coat, and one hand tucked into a pocket. It could have been her acute business instincts honed by years of experience that told her that the man was after something...or it could be the way the man was staring lustfully at the fresh pot of coffee that had just been made. Either way, the bartender moved over to greet Ferrin. "Ho' there, hon. I'd ask what you want, but I've got a pretty good idea." She quipped as she busied himself with poring a mug of coffee. "You are in luck, as I just made a fresh pot." She set the mug in front of Ferrin. "Anything to go in it? Sugar? Creamer?"

"No thank you, ma'am." Ferrin replied, his manners ingrained in him during his childhood coming out. The bartender nodded approvingly. Coffee was best drunk black as a devil's heart.

"How much?"

"2000 jewel." ($20)

"Two hundred jewel! Thats-" The bartender cut him off with a wave of her hand.

"Robbery, right? Well try it before you say that. This here is the best coffee in all of Crocus. Besides, it come with free refills."

Ferrin gave her a suspicious look, before shrugging. "I'll take your word for it." He lifted the mug, and took a cautious sniff, the stream ticking his nose. It smelled amazing, at least. He lifted it to his lips, blew to cool it, and then took a sip. Surely the bartender was exaggerating, it couldn't be that goo---

The liquid hit his taste buds, and he was in love.

Dark, rich, full of flavor, just the right temperature. Liquid nirvana.

The bartender smiled.

After a sip, Ferrin's eyes went wide. He took a look at it, and then took a much larger sip.

"Whoa." Was all he could manage. He dug a one hundred jewel note out of his pocket and passed it to her. "My compliments. It is excellent."

The bartender nodded as she accepted the payment. "You enjoy. I'd love to talk, but I have other customers to attend to, but I'll be back with a refill." She said the last part with a wiry smile.

Ferrin rose his mug to her in a mock toast. "You read my mind." He said.

She left him alone with his thoughts.

Ferric nursed his coffee while he mulled over the recent developments. He knew that the Twin had been kidnapped (no pun intended) and that fact alone made him want to leap out of his seat and run around blowing up stuff until he found them.

But that probably wouldn't help.

He took a deep breath to calm himself. [color=silver][i]I need to think clearly.[/color][/i] He told himself. Lay out the facts:

First, There is some plot to wreck havoc in Crocus using the Grand Magic Games as a cover up. Or possibly a battery.
Second, The person behind this is a necromancer of some kind. He or she is careful and clever, although prone to opportunistic and rash decisions.
Third, The Twin had something to do with them, a prisoner that escaped. They also said they were under a curse, a magic called "Law of Retrogression" from what I know about this magic, the caster has to be in control of their emotions or else it will wear off

That made him pause. He drank some coffee.

Strange. The person that attacked us earlier seemed to be prone to emotions...that could mean that they have an underling with that ability, or they are a pawn of something else. Disturbing thought.

Ferrin raised his mug to take another sip of coffee. Nothing. He blinked, confused and then he peered into the empty depths of his mug, not quite sure where the rest of it had gone. He looked up and there was another mug, full to the brim with the dark liquid ambrosia. He took an appreciative swig.

Based on points one and two, and with the knowledge I gained from the library, I can conclude they are trying to resurrect the ancient dragons that a long time ago were slaughtered here. As far as I know, something like that would take massive...no an astrological concentration of ethernano. To gather that, they must be using a magic circle and a ritual of some kind. Crocus is a natural magical wellspring, and all of the wizards here generate huge amounts of power. A magic circle over the city would be able to gather and channel that magic...

"Of course!" Ferrin shouted, popping up off his seat like a madman, knocking it over in the process. His mind was racing with excitement and caffeine. He knew how to find this necromancer, and if he could find them, he could stop them. He drained the last of his coffee in one huge gulp, then he grabbed a fistful of money, and slammed it down. "I have got to go, thanks for the coffee." He said, hurriedly. Then he dashed out the door, took a right turn and ran at a dead sprint. Behind him, at the bar, the bartender picked up the jewel and counted them. "Hey! Wait, this is way too much!" She called after Ferrin, but he was long gone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The announcement took Penny off guard. She hovered where she was,perplexed. She listened to what was going on, and slowly fy towards the ground, humming. She didn't seem to be able to remove the Phoenix Slayer magic, and she was fully under its sway. Phoenix Magic wsasn't merely magic. It was a way of life. It was...impulsive. Reckless. But more importantly, it was compassion. She didn't discriminate based on guilds right then. They were all people. And that was life. Pure and simple, Phoenix Magic was...life. It cherished it. And it directed Penny's decisions right then.

She landed on the Phoenix Wing mark, cracked open by the force of Crash Magic from the king. She swayed, stepped off it, and glancing about her. She almost seemed to dance as she walked, into the middle of the marks, waiting for her team, and the others. If they were going to end the games on a no win, it seemed...almost...logical to walk off together. Not that Penny expected that to happen, but she was oddly...hopeful.

Suddenly she took to the air again, aiming to Frenzy Plants contestants, landing first by Dimitri, "May I help?" She asked, barely restraining herself from just doing it. @Zarkun@Lugubrious@CirusArvennicus@Oblivion666@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

The Mechanical Composer
Phoenix Wing Hotel Lobby | Interacting with: Jane Addeson @Zarkun

Isabella opened her eyes whilst she took a big drink from her mug, staring at Jane with a curious expression at her mention of a 'lightning boy'. Was he someone from the guild? Had he been bothering Jane? Isabella's grip tightened slightly at the thought. Despite wanting to know more, she held her tongue. It would be poor taste to bring up something that Jane seemed to dislike. With one final swig, Isabella finished her second cup of coffee with a satisfied sigh.
"You sound more eager about the dance than Bullet does, that's for sure." Isabella giggled with delight, pressing a napkin up to her mouth to remove any coffee stains. Folding it neatly, she placed it down onto the table whilst her bright smile softened into a sadder expression at Jane's mention of never having attended a party.

"Personally, I've attended a lot of parties in my life." Isabella rested her hands in her lap and breathed in with a forced smile, trying to pretend that the memories she was bringing up to Jane were pleasant ones. "My family and I were performers. We would dance and sing at very prestigious functions. I loved being up on stage." That wasn't a lie. Isabella did love to perform. Yet despite that, her voice croaked and trailed off with a melancholic tone. She awkwardly brushed hair from her fringe away from her face, avoiding Jane's eyes out of embarrassment.

The Beast
Crocus, Street Markets | Interacting with: Marlene Evangeline @Lmpkio

Bullet took a tentative step away from Marlene as she slowly stood up. He held his hands out in front of him just in case she fell, but otherwise decided that she was okay to move on her own. Marlene assured him that she was fine. Bullet responded with a thumbs up and a smirk.
"Us Phoenix's are made of tough stuff, am I right?" Despite his confidence, Bullet still kept an eye on Marlene just in case she lost her balance. What kind of training did she put herself through?

Bullet gave a soft shrug when Marlene asked where Isabella was.
"At the hotel, probably. Most likely stuffing her face or cleaning out their supply of coffee." Or with Jane, he neglected to say. He was trying his hardest to not let his jealousy show, but damn it was hard. He quickly changed the subject.
"Let's head back to the hotel. You need to rest before going to watch the games."

The Demon Hunter
Crocus, Outside the Loom Cafe | Interacting with: Ethel Storm @Lunarlors34

Ethel was clearly confused by Rosalina referring to this Sora fellow as her guardian. That would have been understandable, if not for the list of titles that this young girl apparently referred to this man as. She made no effort to hide her disgust and concern. Was this young girl the escapee of some underground slave network? Rosalina thought that such a thing would never happen in Crocus; it was far too well guarded. With her back straightened, Rosalina peered into Ethel's eyes with an intense curiosity at her comment about protecting yourself.
"If that's the case then perhaps it's best you not find Sora. He sounds like an unsavory character." She had started to become more careless with her words. She saw no reason to sugar coat anything with this girl. "If you can protect yourself, then you must be a mage. Your magic power is too high for you to not be. I have to question why this Sora man is even associated with you to begin with."

The young girl continued to babble on, referring a Phoenix and Shadow. Phoenix would obviously be referring to the guild Phoenix Wing, but Rosalina could only guess as to what she meant by Shadow. She also referred to a few other girls; possibly other victims of this Sora character's no doubt predatory activities. Rosalina turned around to face the direction where she believed the Phoenix Wing hotel to be.
"I will take you to the hotel. I would like to have a word with this Sora fellow." Rosalina began walking away from Ethel, though a quick look over her shoulder implied that she expected the young lady to follow.

The Hawk
Crocus Stadium Council Quarters | Interacting with: Sayatachi Nijiko @Lmpkio

Constantine couldn't help but chuckle as she watched Sayatachi pour her drink.
"You're not a scotch drinker I see?" She watched as the ice cubes fell into the small amount of liquor, splashing a small amount up the sides of the glass. "Ice first, Lady Nijiko. Cleaner serving." Despite her criticism of Sayatachi's bar tending skills, the Knight clinked her glass against the Council Woman's own before downing her drink within a brief moment. The pleasant warmth of the hard liquor slid down her throat whilst she offered a nod of approval towards Sayatachi.

"Very smooth. Your serving needs work, but there's no question about your fine selection." Leave it to a good drink to lighten up her mood. If Rosalina saw her partaking while on duty, she'd have a fit. Constantine would cross that bridge when she got to it, she supposed. Sayatachi's request to hear her name was seemingly ignored, Constantine finding it much more relevant to tell the lady her relationship regarding Rosalina.
"I'm a Knight who works under Captain Idwal." Not the whole truth, but not a lie either. If Rosalina had not told the other Council members of Team Veritas; then it was not her place to bring it up. Constantine gazed around the room; taking in the various faces she did not recognise. Odd.

"Not that I'm in a position to make judgement, Lady Nijiko, but why are these people in the Council Quarters? They are not Council Members, nor are they Rune Knights. Trust me when I say that I know every Knight currently stationed in Crocus. So they must be friends of yours, no?" Constantine was very clearly prodding her. If there was one thing she liked to be, it was informed. Her and Rosalina shared that trait. No doubt Sayatachi knew that anything she told this strange, unpleasant woman would be relayed to Rosalina later. Constantine was curious to see what would happen if she tested this woman's patience just a little.

The Sparrow
Crocus Stadium | Interacting with: Eli Loungefellow @Cherrywitch

Bayard rubbed the back of his head and blushed, smiling down at Eli. Unfortunately doing so also bared his lower, fang like teeth. Not a very friendly image.
"Yes, I am quite big. Though I am also gentle in nature. So please if you would, we can settle this peacefu- Oh you're gone." Eli had turned and bolted from Bayard as though he was running from a grizzly bear, leaving behind a few magical coins. Bayard began to pursue when a wall of lightning sprang up between him and Eli. Bayard clenched his fists, creating two gray magic circles around his wrists. The skin on his hands hardened and began to crack and crumble. Large stones rose up from his skin, coating his fists in earth. Clapping his hands together, Bayard dipped them into the wall of lightning and reached for the two coins. Even through his Thick Skin he could feel the slight tingling of electricity. Small pieces of earth began to chip off of his fists just as he clasped his hands around the two coins. The wall of electricity dispersed, their link interrupted.

Bayard watched as Eli sprinted through the crowds, jumping over civilian heads.
"What a spirited young man." Bayard rushed forward, taking a detour to make sure he went around the fans. Beginning to run up the stairs, it became clear that he would not reach the young Eli in time. He held his fist out in front of him, letting large spiky plates of earth erupt out from his hand. Though he made sure that they were mostly blunt.
"Tectonic Discus!" Swinging his arm in an arc, the plates of earth sprang out towards the back of Eli's leg in an attempt to trip him over as he ran.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eli Longuefellow

Location: Crocus Stadium, general audience
Interactions: @Leslie Hall

Holy crap, I'm really getting away with this! Just as the famous Cheshire grin had spread over the boy's face, a loud rumbling met the boy's slightly pointed ears. The yellow eyes shot backwards over his shoulder, noticing the rising torrent of stone racing at his ankle. "Well, damn."

At this point, it was too little too late for the thief as a blunted rock plate jutted up into the middle of one of his speedy strides, the blonde pushed sideways so abruptly that he went flying against the stone pathway of the audience. He turned on his arm to lessen the bruises, but it still scraped his lean muscled bicep with each bounce off the painful ground. As he skidded to a stop, Eli sat up and rubbed his arm, noticing that all of the color on his jacket had been scratched off during the process. "Ow, ow, ow, ow... Man, I just got this thing fixed from the last chase!" He grumbled aloud as he pounced back onto his feet with little to no effort, but by this time the towering Bayard had caught up with him.

Eh... I could always bust out like that other time while they weren't looking. It's good not being a major threat... Eli peacefully raised his hands, his lazy grin still on his face as he was already planning his escape from the giant. "Alright, big guy, ya got me. Now, can't we just be civil here? I mean, I could always return that one thing I took and you could let me on my way. No fuss, no busy work for you. Whaddya say?" Eli figured it couldn't hurt to try and reason with him. Despite his frightening appearance, maybe he wasn't a total psychotic behemoth that would smash him down a few feet? Worth a shot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frenzy Plant's Elite

The sensation of penetration and a splash of red, illuminated by the sunlight filtering through Indigo's fog wall, were all Hyun needed. Her opponent, a seasoned warrior in his own right, wasted no time in letting go of his weapon with one hand to snatch the swordswoman's wrist, but even if her thrust got caught in Jake's muscle and was stymied because of its thick edge, the damage was done. The disadvantage afflicted upon him by having an arm that agonized him with its every movement was catastrophic. He spat out some retort as he yanked her arm away, pulling her knife out as he did, but Hyun felt absolutely certain that the fight was hers.

The same could not be said for Indigo and Plum. Having overextended to try and siphon away Hunter's magic power, Plum took a full-force battering to the head, leaving her dazed and staggering. One forceful twist later and the double was thrown to careen into the original, taking her aback in the process. Before either could recover, a magical binding ensnared both of them, tying them together like captured pirates to the mizzenmast. Its very touch sapped the strength from their bodies, far faster and more effective than Plum's own vampiric power imparted to her by Nosgoth. The underdevelopment of that tomb, do to its magic always feeling distasteful and unladylike to Indigo, was a crucial mistake but one that neither Librarian could help now. Only a second remained before Ammy would begin her onslaught—no matter how unconventional the weapon, sitting ducks made for splendid targets. An unspoken urge passed between Indigo and her double, who hissed, “For you...I'll take it all!”

She heaved herself forward, not much but just enough to spin herself into forward position, blocking Indigo with her own body. The scythe of Ammy Silver fell again and again, its blade quickly severing Plum's wings to prevent escape before moving on to the rest of her, and it carved her up. She slumped, bleeding from a dozen wounds. Just like Nolan did with Straw, Ammy held nothing back, perceiving Indigo's double to be nothing more than an expendable fake and not worthy of holding back. Her eyes grew dark, and closed, while a final gasp slipped from her lips. ”Bring me back fast...please,” she whispered, so only Indigo could hear, and was gone.

With her back to her double, Indigo couldn't glimpse her face, and only because of that managed to keep herself from throwing up. Still, she could feel the cold settling through Plum's skin, and it made her feel incredibly sick. After she dry heaved, however, her eyes grew hard. Before she could say or do a thing, however, some kind of wave passed through the tower. Instantly, the air inside normalized, magic weapons disappeared, and the vile rope binding her dissolved. She looked at Hyun, who had been poised to nullify Ammy's magic, but the swordswoman shook her head. Quite unable to speak, Indigo collapsed against the wall of the tower, shaking. She laid her hand on the book Nosgoth, and the body of Plum disappeared as well. With her disabled, Hyun took her place, glaring at the wizards of Dragon Fang. ”Cease fighting at once. There is some sort of disturbance. Anyone who touches Indigo dies.” Leaving it up to her enemies to determine if she was serious or not, Hyun made haste to the tower door. She hopped out onto the knuckles of one of the earthen hands, staring up at the arena, which lay not too far away. Her expression of contemptuous, contained anger did not change. ”The royal family...?” A flick of her wrist cleared most of the blood off her dagger. From this distance, she had to strain to hear, but hear she did. ”The event is over. It's a draw.” The normally blank tone of the duelist turned bitter. She spotted Zander, Owen, and the others down below. There seemed to be some sort of problem with Dmitri and Scarlet, but she would have to confront that when she got down. ”Hey! Get us down! Indigo is unwell!”

On the ground, the rest of Frenzy Plant's Elite was just as flummoxed and irritated as Hyun. Owen distracted himself by creating a few magic circles in an octagon beneath the tower. At his command, more giant rapier blades arose, shooting skyward to stick in the bottom of the tower. Zander wielded his ruby blade to fire a narrow aurora at the earthen hands, carving through both one at a time. When he got all the way through one, it fell apart, and when both were done, the Howling Djinn's Keep sat on the rapier blades. Of course, they began to bend dangerously, so Owen quickly lowered them back down. The tower descended like an elevator, a little faster than the fencer would have liked, but not dangerously quick. It settled in the middle of the street, and Hyun hopped off. Knowing the objection about to burst from her, Zander cut her off. ”I know, it's disappointing. But it's the second-best outcome that could be had. Let us rejoice that the victory went to nobody else, for nobody else deserved it.”

Hyun put away her weapons and crossed her arms. ”As you say, Commander Louvier.” She disappeared back inside the tower, ignoring the Dragon Fang wizards as she helped Indigo to her feet and allowed the sorceress to lean on her. When she emerged again, Owen had already done the same for Dmitri, and Zander was holding Scarlet in his arms. The soldiers began to walk, and Aqua and Vert followed behind.

As they approached the stadium, a figure could be spotted sprinting out. When it grew close, it revealed itself to by Xyster, beaming from ear to ear. Owen and Dmitri suddenly remembered their pledge of dedication, and Owen at least reddened slightly. Xyster slowed up and clasped her hands behind her back, her one remaining eye full of joy. The soldiers stopped in front of her. ”You guys,” she said at last, rolling her eye. ”Always gotta put me on the edge of my seat. You were amazing! All of you! I was cheering you on the whole time, just like you said, Zander sir. And calling me the heart of the team...” Common knowledge dictated that Dullahans, being undead, couldn't blush. Xyster proved them wrong. ”Makes a monster like me really happy! Really, I'm so happy to be a part of...this.” With nothing else she could say, she moved to the side, and as the soldiers continued on, she fell into the procession. All the while, her nigh-unnervingly wide smile never diminished an inch.

Then the firebird appeared. She landed in the path of the soldiers, blocking them with an aura of blazing multicolored flame. Not a single member of Frenzy Plant looked kindly upon her as she asked if she could help. ”No.” The answer was plain and simple. To allow some upstart from another guild to tend to Frenzy Plant's wounded would be a grievous insult not just to the individual, but to the army as whole. Soldiers took care of their own; it had been that way since the first day, with the witch Tsubano alone tending to her comrade's wounds.

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Stands

Surprise flitted across the dusty woman's features. She opened her mouth to say, ”That's it?” and gagged instead. The realization that she'd been holding her breath hit her while she gasped, but Fleo couldn't be blamed. The main event of the final day of the Grand Magic Games had been the most exciting one yet. Previous battles proved themselves to be interesting, but nothing came close to capturing the imagination and setting hearts beating as this massive free-for-all. The sheer scale of the royal rumble alone was enough to make the history books, she felt. A sudden and inconclusive stop to the Games made her wistful, but if there was some sort of subterfuge afoot, it couldn't be helped. Besides, with the amount of power being tossed around in this event, someone was bound to get seriously hurt sooner or later.

She started to clap, but when nobody else joined in, she did it anyway. Once satisfied, she addressed the Phoenix Wing audience members closest to her. ”Was that amazing or what!? And an appearance by the King and Queen! Wow!” Very clearly, she could barely contain her hype.

Nero the Genie – Arena Stands

A quiet moment passed before Nero heaved a bored sigh. ”Aww! Just as things were starting to get interesting. How am I supposed to grant anyone's wishes if nobody loses? Desperation and vengeful feelings are what gets work done around here. Maybe I'll pay the guilds a visit anyway, nyeheheh!” Though she didn't quite understand what he was going on about, Eve laughed along lightly. The Dark Mage's arm, situated around her extremely portly midsection, gave her a light squeeze. ”C'mon,” he said, smiling as he stood up. ”Let's get outta here. Fun's over for the day.” Obligingly his companion heaved herself to her feet. She took a moment to turn and set down the hinged divider for the two seats her massive rump had taken up, for which Nero waited patiently. ”Always so conscientious,” he teased lightly as he held her arm out. Eve clasped his slender hand in her own, and the couple began to leave.

For a moment, the little salmon-haired girl who'd sat on the opposite side of Eve from Nero didn't realize that her friends had gone, having been lost in a daydream. Few seconds later, however Ayame snapped from her reverie. "N-nero! Evie! W-wait up!!" She hopped from her seat and sprinted after her friends, not anxious to be left behind. Having already reached the aisle, the other two members of Miracle Eye stopped walking to let her catch up, and together the three set off into Crocus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Malice Hardt

She managed to persuade the team to go different ways, which was her plan so she could relax and go check out that dress shop since everyone would be busy at the tower. Yet not long after they split up the games were ended in a draw. No one won, and no one lost. Were they fucking kidding her? Her own plan was to let them waste each other and she would finish the scraps being fully healed, yet they go and pull this off on her? What was the point in even having these games if this was the end result? Her hands clenched as she grit her teeth, the edges of her mouth seemed to keep growing as a huge frown showed on her face, her regular normal teeth and her sharp monster teeth showing as a result. An effect from her new magic gained from Nero, which she wasn't able to showcase even once. Her clench grew tighter as her eyes looked more monster like with all her anger building. Eventually she yelled and slammed her fist into the ground, causing a mini crater to form. She panted a bit, her frown shrinking and her eyes reverting back to normal. "What a huge waste of my time..." She said before walking and arriving back at the stadium grounds. Where she stayed on her guilds crest looking at it with a bit of scorn. Treated like a laughing stock this entire games, and her one shot at redemption ruined.

@Joshua Tamashii
Zephyr Hardt

Before Jackie could do anything, Penny dropped down near them. Scarring Zephyr it prompted him to change into in Ravager form only to be wary and confused when she waved her hands and said she wasn't here to fight. He was wary but let his armor disperse, only for her to put her hand on his wound startling him again. Yet she healed his wound instead and the burnt black color turned to a red color instead. It made the wound look better but it still retained the damage. Then she was off? "... Thanks?" He said but not that much later a nullification magic blasted everywhere and the announcement sounded that the games were ending in a draw. Zephyr's face frowned a bit tat this, he still wanted to settle a dispute of his with Indigo, yet now he wouldn't be able too. He sighed though and looked at Jackie. "Guess we better get to the grounds then." Zephyr said as he started walking back to the stadium, limping a bit whenever he put pressure on his left leg.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Heh," chuckles Marlene as Bullet asks if Phoenix Wing was made on hard stuff, smirking a smile, "Sure are, no?"

After she asked Bullet on where Isabelle was, he simply shrugged and replied that she was in the hotel. Though his face looked slightly troubled, almost blushing according to her vision. There seemed to be a hint of jealously in his face, why exactly she didn't know. Probably went somewhere fun? Regardless it looked harmless so it seemed like nothing to worry about. He then mentions about wanting her to rest before she can go watching the games, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah a little rest will do very nicely." Marlene responds as her first two steps were wobbly at first, but soon she was able to regain her composure and keep on walking.

When they got to Marlene's hotel room, the crystal maiden sighs deeply as she collapses on the nearest comfy chair, taking a deep breath of exhaustion as she tries to fan herself off.

"Thanks for escorting me back to my room, Bullet." she responds with a smile, "You can stay here for a little while if you want. I'll be watching the games from the lacrima."

She then grabs the lacrima that was next to her on a small table and turns it on. It was always better to watch the games in person, but one should always have a nearby lacrima in case they aren't able to make it to the arena, whether they are sick, injured, or otherwise. But as she expected to be watching a battle, what she finds out is that the games had been postponed by the King. This was a surprising turn of events with Marlene verbally muttering a "What?" from her mouth.

"The games have been postponed?" she then asks herself aloud, motioning Bullet to come and see, "What event could've possibly made them to reach that decision?"

Samir Saron

As Sheldon's announcement rippled through the entire arena, a disappointed frown ran upon the archer's face. Samir was expecting a good fight to come from the last day of the games. For it to be now postponed indefinitely, means that the games will have no winner and no entertainment. She sighs in utter distaste.

"C'mon really?!" she announces aloud amongst the masses, "This is preposterous! Cruel! What event was so dire to jeopardize our own amusement?!"

As she tries seeking an answer, she looks over to her left to see Gambit sitting next to her. As if wanting someone else to agree with her, she bumps his shoulder to grab his attention.

"Hey," she mentions to him, "Isn't this bullshit? I mean why are they robbing us of our amusement? You don't happen to know why right?""

@Leslie Hall
Sayatachi Nijiko

Sayatachi's face faltered very slightly when she was "criticized" on how she made the Scotch, but not to the degree where it would be too noticeable. After all, she never really was a heavy liquor drinker to begin with, let alone with having any skills as a bartender. She was always more of a wine person. Regardless, they clinked glasses and the face Constantine showed after her sip was very assuring in being satisfied with the drink. Even after being criticized a little bit more, Saya showed no displeasure from her response.

"Thank you." was Saya's response as she took a sip, and then asked the dark-skinned woman her standing with Rosalina.

According to Constantine, she is a knight that works under her. Saya initially thought she was a spy of some sorts or a simple bodyguard. But to be a knight, an elite knight most likely, it wasn't as surprising as one would think. In fact, it was rather interesting in Saya's mind. Her fellow colleague has already made a Guard for herself? Very... coincidental. Saya would chuckle quietly, not loud enough for Constantine to hear as she answers her response

"A knight you say?" Sayatachi responds in a rather curious way, "So you must be part of a guard. Hmm... interesting. I never thought that Rosalina would be the kind of Councilman that would assemble such a team."

She then places her cup on the table, half-empty.

"What a coincidence..." she continues with a smirk, "Yet she isn't the only one to have assembled her own private guard. I have done the same when I was on my business trip to Midi. In fact..."

She then turns her head to the front of the quarters, hearing the sound of three separate footsteps approaching the entrance. She smiles, knowing exactly who's coming.

"Here they come now."

Indeed, three figures slowly came up the stairs as they made their way into the living quarters of the council. The first figure was a tall individual, sporting black rustled hair, greyish-white skin, and an eyepatch on his right eye. The next figure was a much shorter person, having green hair, a fancy-looking mask and goggles, and wore a tan hoodie. The last person that came in was perhaps the most bizzare looking, having white rustled hair, crimson-eyes, as well as antlars sticking from his head, with his right being shorter than the other, and a halo marking over him. They stood in the living quarters, the first character being the farthest to the left, the second in the middle, and the third to the right. Sayatachi smiles as she points her hand to the individuals.

"I present to you," Lady Nijiko announces in a rather glorious tone, "My own private guard. The Kamikaze Guard"

As she presents her to the individuals, each politely expressed their welcome.

"Greetings." the tallest individual says with a rather deep voice.

"Nice to see you!" the smallest person squeaks, identifying her as a female.

"Salutations madam." the last person responds with an almost somber tone to it.

It was then when Constantine gave in her own "second" opinion.

"Not that I'm in a position to make judgement, Lady Nijiko, but why are these people in the Council Quarters? They are not Council Members, nor are they Rune Knights. Trust me when I say that I know every Knight currently stationed in Crocus. So they must be friends of yours, no?"

"Do not judge them by their appearance..." Sayatachi says again calmly, "As I've mentioned, these three individuals belong in my private guard. I've been meaning to announce the whole council about their existence, but hadn't had the chance yet. They wield incredibly powerful magic and with their capacity to use them in such a fantastic style, that when I first saw them in action... I had to recruit them. THAT... is how skilled they really are."

She then looks at them all in the eyes.

"No need to act tense gentlemen." she responds calmly to them, "Feel free to relax, grab a drink or two."

The guards nodded, replying in a unified, "Yes madam.", as they began to go their separate ways. As they all did their own thing, Saya looks back at Constantine.

"Trust me." she then says to her, "You must see them in action to really grasp their true potential."

Dreadlin Nauss

"Thanks matey." the lizardman responds as he gets himself comfortable before replying to the next question, "I jus' came ere' to have a looksie' at the good ole' Magic Games ya know? Plus, I then remembered you be takin' residence here ya know? And how we met like yesterday or double ago. So I decided to come and visit ya."

He then inspects Grane, seeing that he seemed to look really tired, more in a painful way then just due to simple fatique.

"Ya seem a little clobbered Grane-mate." Dreadlin says with some worry, "Reckon' you've been through a lil' bit chipped ere and there. Got in a fight?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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Trinity Stratos

"Tch. Nobody wants to come out and play? Fine." Trinity huffed, shaking her head. She was getting tired, but she couldn't let that stop her now. "I'll just have to knock harder." She took her last orbital shield and broke it down, reforming it into another rocket. She made this one a little more volatile than the last one. She didn't even see it go off. Or maybe she did? There had been something, but she wasn't satisfied with the results. And that meant she had to increase her yield. She held the rocket in her hand and took a breath or two before focusing her power into it.

She was a little disappointed that no one came out to meet her. Then again, she wasn't sure how much of a fight she could put up. She'd probably have to find somewhere to hide and digest all that power she absorbed. With a supped-up rocket, she'd fit it to her blaster and take aim once again. Before she could fire, though, an announcement sounded from the arena. The games were over? Tsk. Trinity huffed and lowered her cannon, before deconstructing her armaments into three separate spheres, sized to fit in her palm. They spin around each other and float over her palm.

"C'mon, Nolan. Let's find the others and get to the arena. There's Penny... Damian and Joshua? Did you see them at all?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Penny gave a shrug, but she appeared quite dejected, like a little kid who had lost something they valued. An odd emotion of stubborness crossed her face, the emotion such a contrast to the Phoenix Magic that it took her a little bit by surprise.

"You might frown on our lack of discipline, but we are all soliders in what is to come. I merely wanted to ensure that none of you die from too little magic while your wounds are being tended. Remember this, I gave an olive branch not just between our two guilds, but all of them. And you refused it. But I won't hold that against you. There's no shame in accpeting help, when your comrades lives are at risk. I'm sorry if I offended you. It was never my intention. I'll go now"

And indeed she shot off, seareching the area, she dropped like a stone towards trinity and Nolan, slowluy her decent just enough that she didn't throw up dirt when she landed. She gave trinity a warm smile, but frowned over Nolan. "You hurt me, Nolan. Perhaps that is partly my fault. No one but Ariel knew what had happened. I am glad to know she kept it private" She left it at that, turning to Trinity and giving the Energy Make mage a warm hug, flames harmlessly licking around the both of them.

"You did well out there. Maybe there will be a time where we can partner up again"

All at once, the Phoenix magic left Penny with a jolt. She stumbled, and fell. oh, damn
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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Trinity Stratos

"Oh, here she comes."

Trinity watched as Penny swooped and came to such a graceful landing. She marveled at the majestic flames, but Penny's words reminded her of what Nolan had said to her. Such callous words were bound to hurt... when Penny turned to hug her, she readily returned it. She reveled in the soft warmth, smiling. "Thanks. I'll look forward to it."

And then Penny started leaning in more. "... Penny? P-Penny." She struggled for a moment to support the woman before the remained of her strength gave out, and she toppled over with the Phoenix Slayer. "Oomph! Mnnnph... well, this will just have to be fine until someone can carry you, I guess."
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