Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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ngl that did somewhat cross my mind xD

Only somewhat? Because if cleric isn't a class you enjoy, I've got plenty of other suggestions. Such as...

Maverick Specialty clown artificer.
Path of Wild Magic clown barbarian.
Genie Order of the Profane Soul clown blood hunter.
Way of the Drunken Master clown monk.
Oath of Redemption clown paladin.
Wild Card Archetype clown rogue.
Wild Magic Origin clown sorcerer.
School of Enchantment clown wizard.

These are but a small sample of the many possible clowns (otherwise known as PCs) that you could create. Feel free to use any of these suggestions. Or forgo them entire and craft a clown of your own design. Any clown is possible in D&D!
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 23 min ago

I should note that being a clown is not a requirement for a player character in this game. Two of the PCs are clowns to spite the kingdom’s ban on entertainment (grown from the ban on enchantment magic).
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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I would be really funny if everyone did make a clown character though.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will admit, I did not come into this RP expecting to make a clown character, but I am now incredibly tempted. Rush has indeed sold me on this idea.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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@XxFellsingxX I should mention: Rush also connected his character for this game to "You-Know-Whichlight-Game"

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Trickster Cleric is always fun, Twilight could be interesting too! Play what you want though! I would be more than happy to have another addition to these goofy lads.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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@XxFellsingxX I should mention: Rush also connected his character for this game to "You-Know-Whichlight-Game"

Yeah, I had noticed. Witchlight is a very fun book to take inspiration from for a character.

Trickster Cleric is always fun, Twilight could be interesting too! Play what you want though! I would be more than happy to have another addition to these goofy lads.

I am warming up to the idea of Trickster Cleric, honestly, though that does beg the question...

@Guardian Angel Haruki In this setting, are there any gods of storytelling, drama, entertainment etc.? If so, I assume their worship is currently also banned xD
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 23 min ago

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yeah, I had noticed. Witchlight is a very fun book to take inspiration from for a character.

<Snipped quote by Birdboy>

I am warming up to the idea of Trickster Cleric, honestly, though that does beg the question...

@Guardian Angel Haruki In this setting, are there any gods of storytelling, drama, entertainment etc.? If so, I assume their worship is currently also banned xD

I haven't set up dieties for the homebrew setting yet, but there can certainly be a god of storytelling, drama, entertainment, etc.

I would say worship of any good or neutral diety isn't banned, due to the risk of incurring their wrath, but it is restricted to typical worship of praying, leaving alms, preaching, and then being done. No entertainment stuff allowed.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 23 min ago


OK. I'm going to call it and start making the game. ^_^
I'll post the link here soon.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 23 min ago


The Game is up!
Go ahead and post your characters. ^_^

@scribblehead@southern cross
If either of you are still interested and haven't been scared off, you are welcome to join in as well.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

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Hheeyyy. I see you have a bunch of players. However, I usually end up being note taker and with that inventory management. Most of the time I play high cha characters so that I can manage the funds with the best discounts or haggling possible. Just wondering how y'all are going to run the game. Furthermore, if you need it would like someone to bounce some concepts off of. I wouldn't mind helping out. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to play or cogm.
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