Name: Majin Eve (or just Eve for short).
Gender: Female.
Age: 20.
Species: Majin.
Power Level: 3,500.
Aura/Ki color: Pink.
Appearance: She stands at five and a half feet tall, aside from what clothing that she's already shown wearing, she has black and gold trimmed wristbands, and black slightly pointed boots which her baggy gi pants are tucked into, her boots are also gold trimmed.

Personality: Majin Eve is cheerful and or happy almost 65-70% of the time when she's not fighting, but when she is fighting, depending on the situation, she can get serious, she'd also be caring about those she would consider her friends and doesn't like it when she see's innocent people get hurt, she has a liking towards fighting and sparring, and she happens to have a serous sweet tooth. She doesn't like giving up, especially if she's fighting to help save innocent people.
Despite the fact that she's as caring and as good willed as she is, she has a darker side to herself that she herself doesn't know about, being a creation of ancient demonic magic she had developed a split personality that is more of less the opposite of herself that can brought out, or take over in rare moments of extreme anger or stress, one could call this her demon within. This "inner Demon" can choose to appear to Majin Eve as her dark thoughts like a conscious, attempting to tempt her into doing things that Eve would most diffidently find questionable at the least when Eve is angered or is stressed.
Candy Beam - Majin Eve fires a beam of energy from her center hair tentacle that can change seemingly anything near the size of a large truck into various possible food items, most of which will possibly be desserts or candy, this can be used in battle but it's not nearly as effective at hitting it's target as a Ki Blast/Wave as it is relatively slow.
Basic Ki-Blasts/Beams - Majin Eve doesn't know many techniques besides firing single or multiple Ki Blasts/beam/waves, but she can learn them, either from being trained or seeing a certain technique done multiple times.
Regeneration - Majin Eve has the uncanny ability to heal herself and regrow entire limbs or even her whole body in a matter of seconds if it somehow got blown to smithereens, but depending on how serous the injury the more energy it takes her to heal herself, and the lower her energy the slower she heals, having this ability has trained her to believe that she's unbeatable, making her somewhat arrogant and careless in a fight or battle, but it has taught her how to deal with pain a lot better than a "normal" person would through various accidents.
Self Biological Manipulation - Majin Eve can stretch her limbs and body to seemingly any length and even control parts of her body if they were ever separated from her (from losing an arm to having her body cut in half horizontally from her waist), doing so takes a small amount of her energy, but the longer she stretches out a limb, the harder it gets for her to have full control of it for it takes concentration to control an arm that's been stretched out past five to ten meters (wouldn't you think so?).
Healing Power - Majin Eve can heal others but at the cost of her Ki energy.
Energy Charge - By concentrating and drawing from inside herself Majin Eve can recharge her Ki energy, doing so takes time and leaves her vulnerable for attack until she stops charging her energy.
Flight - with a little bit of focus she can use her Ki to propel herself through that air.
Equipment: Aside from her durable clothing that would appear to be enchanted as it stretches and heals along with her, nothing much.
Weaponry: None.
History: Due to amnesia She doesn't remember her past or where she came from, yet she still knows who and what she is.
Other: Due to Eve's magical biological makeup she's strongly resistant to hazards that would normally kill a human in seconds, like toxins or radiation.
Theme 1:
Theme 2:
Gender: Female.
Age: 20.
Species: Majin.
Power Level: 3,500.
Aura/Ki color: Pink.
Appearance: She stands at five and a half feet tall, aside from what clothing that she's already shown wearing, she has black and gold trimmed wristbands, and black slightly pointed boots which her baggy gi pants are tucked into, her boots are also gold trimmed.

Personality: Majin Eve is cheerful and or happy almost 65-70% of the time when she's not fighting, but when she is fighting, depending on the situation, she can get serious, she'd also be caring about those she would consider her friends and doesn't like it when she see's innocent people get hurt, she has a liking towards fighting and sparring, and she happens to have a serous sweet tooth. She doesn't like giving up, especially if she's fighting to help save innocent people.
Despite the fact that she's as caring and as good willed as she is, she has a darker side to herself that she herself doesn't know about, being a creation of ancient demonic magic she had developed a split personality that is more of less the opposite of herself that can brought out, or take over in rare moments of extreme anger or stress, one could call this her demon within. This "inner Demon" can choose to appear to Majin Eve as her dark thoughts like a conscious, attempting to tempt her into doing things that Eve would most diffidently find questionable at the least when Eve is angered or is stressed.
Candy Beam - Majin Eve fires a beam of energy from her center hair tentacle that can change seemingly anything near the size of a large truck into various possible food items, most of which will possibly be desserts or candy, this can be used in battle but it's not nearly as effective at hitting it's target as a Ki Blast/Wave as it is relatively slow.
Basic Ki-Blasts/Beams - Majin Eve doesn't know many techniques besides firing single or multiple Ki Blasts/beam/waves, but she can learn them, either from being trained or seeing a certain technique done multiple times.
Regeneration - Majin Eve has the uncanny ability to heal herself and regrow entire limbs or even her whole body in a matter of seconds if it somehow got blown to smithereens, but depending on how serous the injury the more energy it takes her to heal herself, and the lower her energy the slower she heals, having this ability has trained her to believe that she's unbeatable, making her somewhat arrogant and careless in a fight or battle, but it has taught her how to deal with pain a lot better than a "normal" person would through various accidents.
Self Biological Manipulation - Majin Eve can stretch her limbs and body to seemingly any length and even control parts of her body if they were ever separated from her (from losing an arm to having her body cut in half horizontally from her waist), doing so takes a small amount of her energy, but the longer she stretches out a limb, the harder it gets for her to have full control of it for it takes concentration to control an arm that's been stretched out past five to ten meters (wouldn't you think so?).
Healing Power - Majin Eve can heal others but at the cost of her Ki energy.
Energy Charge - By concentrating and drawing from inside herself Majin Eve can recharge her Ki energy, doing so takes time and leaves her vulnerable for attack until she stops charging her energy.
Flight - with a little bit of focus she can use her Ki to propel herself through that air.
Equipment: Aside from her durable clothing that would appear to be enchanted as it stretches and heals along with her, nothing much.
Weaponry: None.
History: Due to amnesia She doesn't remember her past or where she came from, yet she still knows who and what she is.
Other: Due to Eve's magical biological makeup she's strongly resistant to hazards that would normally kill a human in seconds, like toxins or radiation.
Theme 1:
Theme 2:
Name: Amber Breaker.
Gender: Female.
Age: 20.
Species: Human.
Power Level: 2,900.
Aura/Ki color: A fluctuating mix between red and orange.
Appearance: She stands a little under 6ft tall, and normally wears a crimson T-shirt with a black vest, alongside dark blue jeans with black boots, and doesn't normally wear jewelry as seen in her image.

Personality: Amber is stubborn, and at times can be overconfident, she loves to kick the *sses of those who deserve it and would rather risk her life instead of run away from an enemy. But once you get past her molten exterior she can be quite warm hearted and caring towards those she trusts.
Basic Ki Blasts/Beams - Amber hasn't train long enough with her teacher to know many techniques besides firing single or multiple Ki Blasts/beam/waves, but she can learn from being trained.
Ki Sense: She's able to sense out the life force of other living beings if she concentrates.
Flight - With some focus she can use her Ki to fly.
Equipment: Aside from her normal clothing, nothing much.
Weaponry: None.
History: Amber was a princess to a very well known family from where she was from, but she didn't act much like one would expect a princess would. Always acting out, never listening to what she was told by her advisers, practicing fighting instead of learning how to rule her people and sneaking out of the palace. One night Amber snuck away from home and left city to go visit a nearby lake, on that night she had happened across an elderly man who was meditating, letting her curiosity get the better of her it eventually led to her training with the martial artist, ever since then Amber would sneak out of the palace every night to be trained. Like any other Night the old man waited for his student to show up, only, she didn't. And never did so again as news about Princess Amber going missing spread through the kingdom like wildfire.
Gender: Female.
Age: 20.
Species: Human.
Power Level: 2,900.
Aura/Ki color: A fluctuating mix between red and orange.
Appearance: She stands a little under 6ft tall, and normally wears a crimson T-shirt with a black vest, alongside dark blue jeans with black boots, and doesn't normally wear jewelry as seen in her image.

Personality: Amber is stubborn, and at times can be overconfident, she loves to kick the *sses of those who deserve it and would rather risk her life instead of run away from an enemy. But once you get past her molten exterior she can be quite warm hearted and caring towards those she trusts.
Basic Ki Blasts/Beams - Amber hasn't train long enough with her teacher to know many techniques besides firing single or multiple Ki Blasts/beam/waves, but she can learn from being trained.
Ki Sense: She's able to sense out the life force of other living beings if she concentrates.
Flight - With some focus she can use her Ki to fly.
Equipment: Aside from her normal clothing, nothing much.
Weaponry: None.
History: Amber was a princess to a very well known family from where she was from, but she didn't act much like one would expect a princess would. Always acting out, never listening to what she was told by her advisers, practicing fighting instead of learning how to rule her people and sneaking out of the palace. One night Amber snuck away from home and left city to go visit a nearby lake, on that night she had happened across an elderly man who was meditating, letting her curiosity get the better of her it eventually led to her training with the martial artist, ever since then Amber would sneak out of the palace every night to be trained. Like any other Night the old man waited for his student to show up, only, she didn't. And never did so again as news about Princess Amber going missing spread through the kingdom like wildfire.