Honutu Tasras

Age: 37
Race: Zabrak
Rank: Jedi Knight
Specialization: Blademaster
One Set of Jedi Armor
Two Lightsabers that can be joined to become double bladed. both with Purple blades
Honutu like many Sith never knew his family. At a young age he was found to be force sensitive, stripped from his family and taken to Korriban to train as a Sith. Life on Korriban was difficult for all, but for Honutu it was hell. Being an Alien Honutu received the full wrath of his “classmates” and teachers. Every day was a struggle to survive as the Sith constantly pit the young force users against each other in a fight to prove strength and power. Honutu hated this lifestyle as he saw many young youths perish on the planet and watched as those who survived changed into something he never wanted to be, Monsters. But Honutu persevered through strength alone and somehow remained a decent human, or so he thought at least. And at the age of 14 Honutu had completed his time at the Sith Academy, when he was taken as an apprentice to a dark lord and that is when his true hell began.
Lord Sarren was everything Honutu hated about the Sith. A sick sadistic man whom tortured and killed his slaves on a whim. And being a Pure Blood Sith hated all aliens making Honutu one of his favorite subjects to torture. Again Honutu endured the pain and punishment and after two years Lord Sarren finally decided to start treating Honutu as a true apprentice, teaching him the ways of the Sith.
It wasn’t long before Honutu found himself on the front lines of the war at his master’s side. It was on the battlefield he saw his master’s true cruelty as he cut down Republic troops without mercy, and those were the lucky ones. The survivors were taken prisoner and tortured, usually to death even if they gave up any information they may have held. It was during this time on the front Honutu was able to get a real feel for the republic. He started to learn about their culture and their ways of life. And secretly Honutu wished for that life himself.
At the age of 20 finally something happened that changed his life forever, in a good way this time. Lord Sarren slain at the hands of Jedi and Honutu left to fight the Jedi alone. Strangely enough the Jedi did not raise his saber instead he simply smiled "Young one, you have a spark of light in you. You should forsake the darkness come and join me in the light." the Jedi offered. It was almost the quickest decision of Honutu's life and he took the offer.
Life as a Jedi was not what Honutu expected he was an outsider within the Order. Most did not trust him and for the longest time and the only one who would really talk to him was his Master. Master Dracon was not like most Jedi he didn't see a Light side or a Dark side to the force but saw a balance, Ideals the Jedi did not agree with, but allowed in this time of war. For the next four years Honutu learned from Master Dracon Who taught him the ways of the Jedi mixed with his own ideals of balance. Slowly Honutu began to prove himself as a Jedi and at the age of 24 he was able to take the Jedi Trials, and become a full Jedi knight in his own right.
Two years into his life as a Jedi Knight the unthinkable happened. The Sith attacked Coruscant destroying the temple and killing most of the Jedi inside. Luckily for Honutu he was away from the Temple at the time of the attack and was able to quickly get to the Temple and assist with rescuing the survivors. It was one of the hardest parts of Honutu’s life, at the point when Honutu would have loved to do nothing more than take revenge on the Sith a truce was signed and for the first time in his life Honutu could not go into battle.
Peace was a new concept for Honutu and for the next four years Honutu worked to improve himself he knew that one day war would break out again and he had to be ready. Seeing this devotion to war as a slope back to the Dark Side the Jedi Council decided to give Honutu a new goal to train and educate the next generation of Jedi. Under the condition that Honutu train his Padawan in the way of the Jedi and not in the radical ideals that he and his master followed. Tentatively he agreed to this condition and the Council granted Honutu a Padawan. Thessa Hawkens was a bright girl strong in the force. The Council had chosen her to be Honutu’s Padawan because they believed her to be pure and it would be difficult for her to be corrupted by the dark side.
Honutu spent the next Seven years training Thessa and honing her unique gifts in the force. To strengthen her ties and empower her Aura Honutu took Thessa across republic, and sometimes Sith, space to planets and places strong in the force for her to meditate and take in the energies. This time was good for Honutu he was able to suppress his need for war and subjected himself to the same meditation his Padawan was undergoing deepening his own connection to the force.
But Peace could not last and 11 years after the Sacking of Coruscant war broke out once again. Luckily for the Republic forces on Onderon Honutu and Thessa had been studying a Sith Temple on the planet’s moon Duxn when the Sith forces invaded. In the Six months since the Sith forces landed planet side Honutu has fought with the republic troops to defend the planet but things have not been going in their favor and the Sith have slowly been pushing Republic forces back. Now low on supplies and Troops the republic forces fight to defend the Capital City of Iziz making a last stand in the Royal Palace.
Light Saber Forms:
Form I Shii-Cho - Mastered
Form II Makashi - Known, but not Practiced
Form III Soresu - Mastered
Form IV Ataru - Learned
Form V Shien - Learned
Form VI Niman - Learned
Form VII Juyo - Mastered