Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 19 days ago

A series of large metal doors opened and a creature stepped out into the sun drenched arena of a grand coliseum. Thousands of seats were filled with patrons that anticipated this next clash of carnage. Centaurian in nature, this specimen was peculiar. The torso and head of a bipedal beast is what was attached to the neck of a quadruped animal. Both of which boasted an identical amalgamation of raptorial and feline attributes common in Griffins.

A silver feathered head stood perched 8 feet above the ground. Piercing goldenrod irises rigidly stared ahead; his gold, jagged edged beak and sharp feathered horns complimenting his cranium. Both bodies were lined with bronze fur and tan accents on well muscled frames. A mane of pellage appeared to span from the top of his head down to the midsection of his lower body, though it divided where his bodies conjoined. Similarly, what seemed like a single set of wings lined along his entire backside. Frontal talons and hindpaws carried the warrior forth in a digittrade manner until coming to a stop at the center of the arena.

"Who faces the might of Tharraleos?" The beast bellowed with confidence.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

From out of absolutely nowhere the figure of a muscle-bound man inexplicably rises from the ground as though it were water, arms stretched up from his sides making him appear to be forming the letter "T" with both muscular arms outreached like a bald eagle in flight. He has a vacant doltish expression upon his face, lazy eyes and drool pouring out the side of his mouth and when he sets himself upon the ground his eyes take in his opponent and he speaks.

"Bulk want pet pretty bird." he sounds much like an idiot as he looks wearing nothing but a pair of heart decorate pink briefs and some matching pink crocs with black socks.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 19 days ago

The mutant Allasson watched with perplexity his opponent's entry, then was sufficiently dumbfounded at said opponent after glancing him over. Just what barren cave did they find this one? He was almost endearing in a way. Tharr nearly envied the oblivious nature of this most simple fellow. A raised brow and an almost open beak shifted to a grin as he made a gesture with his upper body's paw.

"Come. Pet away then my feeble minded friend." he called out. While he appeared nonchalant, he didn't think to lower his guard entirely just yet. Those well muscled arms and a presumed lack of restraint means he could likely end up a heap of severed limbs if not careful
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