Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Raiden was searching, he would come across an extremely old wall which was starting to crumble, it would seem as there was something behind it as part of a metal wire was reveled although it was extremely rusted, it was clear, whatever was behind there had been here for centeries. If he decided to bring the old wall down to see what was there, he would find a old wooden drop down box which led underground, although, how far, it was impossible to tell. It was extremely rusted.


Rogue watched as everyone ran off to search underground, she then thought more on the prophecy. She then looked up to the skies, she had a bad feeling about all of this. Something was coming, she could feel it. She knew that there was something underground, she just hoped that the six could find it before it decided to sink Berk. She needed to do something to keep her mind off things, but how? She knew that sometime tomorrow, the land would be swept in a deep sleep with some kind of tune, but what could she do about that? She thought about it, and then had an idea that could perhaps work. She ran quickly, going to the house.


Kuro continued to search through the tunnels on the south side with Night Shade, they couldn't find anything. He just hoped that the others were having more luck than he was. He stopped when Night Shade picked up a new scent, it seems he had found something. Kuro smiled and stroked him, they had to stay quiet. He followed Night Shade quickly, whatever he had found was big, they needed to be careful.


Bandit knew that the Screaming Death would soon make it's attack, the best thing was, he was able to hear and see everything it saw and heard, although, he was not controlling it, he was letting it be wild. After all, he didn't know much about it, all this was to destroy Berk and to find out more about the dragon. He laughed and sat down on his large chair, he laid himself back and continued to watch.


Morrigan swiped her hand along an ancient door deep within a cave, and as she did, a dragon came out of the darkness and smashed into the door, destroying it in the process. She walked through the door and stood before a large alter, on it was a round crystal ball. She grabbed it and looked into it for a moment although nothing happened. She then crushed it in her hands and as she stormed off, the entire cave became ingulfed in fire.

"That was just a fake! Once I find the priceless orb, Berk will know to fear my name, for when I have my revenge, there will be nothing left. Not even a speck of dust. Do you understand, I hope I don't have to repeat myself, you know how much I hate repeats."

Her voice was full of rage, but as she finished, a dragon came out from her shoulder and stretched out, then turned it's face to her. His red eyes glowed in the dark. It was obviously powerful summoning magic, but she was casting it without even breaking a sweat, or chanting or doing anything. Just from that, anyone would know she was an amazingly powerful witch.

"I understandz Morrigan. Berkz willz be destzroyed. Theyz know you name sooonz enough Morrigan."

It laughed and then went back into her shoulder as she walked out of the flames.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Astrid, Raiden and the Twins.

Raiden came across an extremely old wall which was starting to crumble, it seemed as there was something behind it as part of a metal wire was reveled although it was extremely rusted, it was clear, whatever was behind there had been here for centeries. He decided to bring the old wall down to see what was there by using his telekinesis to carefully move the rocks to the side. He found a old wooden drop down box which led underground, although, how far, it was impossible to tell. It was extremely rusted, with that he created a telepathic link between him and the other search teams as he let everyone know what he had found. In less than a minute Astrid reported back that she had finished her search and found nothing and she was on her way to Raiden's location. Once there they both decided to investigate what was down the drop down box but after Astrid took one look at how deep it was she realized it would take forever to get down there in the drop down box, and with it being so old and rusted there was no guarantee it would even make it down to the bottom without breaking. So instead she smashed the down down box making room to jump down the hole. The two then jumped into the hole knowing no matter how deep it was, they would be fine. The twins were exploring the north side of the cave with Blade, Tuffnut used his earth manipulation to move the rock in the ground to bring up pieces of iron and other metallic materials while Ruffnut used her weather manipulation to shoot a large electric current through the metal causing it to glow. She kept the current moving through the metal as it lit their path as they began to make their way with Blade,


Once Dagur and his army reached the location where Berserker island used to be, it became clear fairly quickly that the island disappeared but it was pretty obvious that it hadn't sunk due to the lack of rubble in the water. Dagur then turned back to his army and said with a smile on his face,

"Looks like we are moving to Berk boys. I would say pack up your bags and get your family ready but your homes are gone."

As he said this he laughed evilly and then set sail back to Berk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Twin Blade

Twin Blade continued to search through the tunnels with the twins. It wasn't long before they got a message from Raiden saying he found something, he didn't want to miss out, so he decided to go straight to him. Besides, it wasn't like they would find anything anyway, he looked to the twins and smiled at them.

"Let's stop our search and go to Raiden. It saves us from working hard and besides, we weren't going to find anything anyway. So, let's go."

He smiled and then walked towards Raiden. It didn't take long before they got to his location, although he wasn't there, what was there was a huge hole leading underground. They must of gone down. Without thinking, he grabbed the twins and jumped down the hole. There was something big down there, and he had to see it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Astrid, Raiden, Blade and the Twins continued to fall, it took half an hour to reach the bottom. It was a 100ft pit, whatever was kept down here must of been big. Once they finally reached the bottom, they would come to a huge room, about the size of 3 football pitches. The room was covered in strange runes and torches but the runes were unreadable due to being so old. At the very end of the room was a alter of some king which was covered in blood, in front of it was a table with a few notes on it and a letter. There was even a old book on the desk, it seemed to be a diary. Along the floor were strange runes covered in circles. Skeletons of human bodies, rats and other creatures were scattered about. It seemed somebody had been living here, and were trying to feed themselves with whatever they could. The scary thing was, that they was a huge circle in the centre of the room, only a single rune in the middle, and the floor there was severely burnt. If anyone could read runes, they would know it was a powerful teleportion spell. Plus, whoever was here was long gone. Whoever was here must of escaped using powerful magic. It was probably a good idea to read the diary and the notes.

Kuro continued to follow Night Shade until eventually they came across a pure white boulder class, titan winged dragon with bright red eyes that burnt holes through your very soul. At the moment, it was sleeping, any sudden movements would awake it. He slowly stepped back and away from it and took a sigh. He then began to send a message back to everyone else.

"I have found the enemy. It is a pure white boulder class, titan winged dragon with bright red eyes that burnt holes through your very soul. It is incredibly large and looks very dangerous. When it awakes, we will all be in danger. When you are finished, I need you all to come over to me."

He turned back and sighed again, this was bad, this was very bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Astrid took one look around the room then suddenly she heard Kuro call for backup. She then looked over to Raiden and said,

"We'll leave this to you, seeing as you can read ruins. Me, Blade and the twins will go back up Kuro."

With that Astrid grabbed Blade and grew ice wings as she flew back up the hole. She raced to Kuro's location flying as fast as her wings would carry her. She arrived within few minutes with Blade. She then let go of Blade and dropping him on his head as she got ready to help fight that monstrous dragon should he wake up.


As Raiden walked up to the alter, he was looking at all the runes along the walls and floor, most were unreadable due to their age, he could only make out bits and pieces. As he got to the center of the room he saw another rune, at this point it was obvious these runes were for a transportation spell. The scary thing was that means somebody has the ability to teleport in and out of Berk at any time. Raiden then decided to grab the note book. He then used his DNA manipulation to give himself the roar of a thunderdrum and the wings of a nightfurry. He then walked over to the exit as he used the roar of the thunderdrum. All the runes began to crack and crumble and the cave began to collapse. Raiden then flew out of the hole as he had a look at the notebook and quickly read through it as he flew over to Kuro.

The Twins

As soon as the twins had got to the secret room they heard a message from Kuro telling them about a huge dragon, they looked to each other and at the same time they shouted, 'Awesome' then both grew bone wings and flew out the hole towards Kuro before Astrid even gave them the order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Twin Blade

Twin Blade quickly reached the bottom with the twins, and as he was looking around, he heard Kuro's request for help, then he was grabbed by Astrid and taken back up. He wanted to see what Raiden had found, but, what Kuro was found as also cool, so he wasn't too bothered. They quickly reached the dragon that Kuro found and stepped closer to it. The dragon was impressively large in size. He would love to get a chance to tame it, but, he had Hookfang now and he wouldn't give up Hookfang, he was his first dragon.

"Damn, that dragon is big. Just imagine what I we could do with such power."

He smiled and then pulled out his sword. He was ready to fight it. After all, it was asleep, it couldn't do much when it was asleep. He slowly walked up to it and sharpened his blade using his density control allowing him to kill it with a single strike, then he raised his sword and got ready to strike down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Raiden opened the note book, he would see that most of it was junk, just a bunch of dates and diary enters of when she was captured and how she escaped, although, the final entry, was quite something, and had a lot of important information on it.

'I have finally created the teleportion spell, and ready to leave in search of the crystal ball. The one thing that will times my power by a hundred thousand. Research tells me it is hidden deep underground somewhere on a island, but the research is all in riddles. It is hard to understand. Deep underground, the crystal lies, where least expected, where last looked. It will all end where it all began. I think this is referring to the place where I was born. I hope so, as when I get the magical crystal, the power to destroy berk will finally come!'

Screaming Death, Rogue, Kuro.

The Screaming Death's eyes quickly shot open, he roared as Blade, making all dragons disorientate any dragons, as well as send Blade flying back. The entire ground shook heavily then it quickly dug up to the service. As he reached the service, it screamed once more and fired five rapid fire blasts at Rogue who quickly disposed of them. She ran up and jumped up, she span around and punched it in the face with a huge flaming stone fist which was incredibly sharp, although it didn't even faze it. When Night Shade was able to fly again, Kuro quickly jumped on and flew up. Night Shade span around and did his multi blasts, sending three blasts at the Screaming Death, It seemed it was attracted to the sunlight, it charged at Kuro, and Night Shade dodged him. The Screaming Death roared again, disorientating Night Shade, but as Night Shade was disorientated, Rogue jumped up and sent a barrage flaming rocks at it, when she was done, Night Shade was able to fly again, and he assisted her by doing his multi blast again. Soon enough, the Screaming Death roared, and fled. Kuro sighed as he got off Night Shade, he looked to Raiden with worried look in his face.

"That dragon was only a baby. It is going to come back much stronger than it already is. Raiden, is that in the book of dragons?"

He looked up and fell down on his ass.


Bandit nodded, very impressive, he was only a baby, and already the Screaming Death was powerful. He smiled as Spike, the Screaming Death came back. It roared loudly, and Bandit raised his hand. He walked over and waved his hand over the eyes, as he did two magical lens came from Spike's eyes, then shattered into a million pieces. He had seen enough. He would have to make this dragon his, in doing so, training it, making it stronger, faster, and ready to kill.


Morrigan looked at her map and sighed. There was only one place it could be. She clenched her fist and sighed once more. Just thinking about going back made her sick. She waved her hand over her head but nothing happened, that could only mean one thing. She clenched her fist and screamed. They finally found it, She waved her hand over her head and teleported to Dragon Island deep underground. She looked around and nodded, it was good that they hadn't found this place. She then burnt a hole all the way to the service, once she did, she flew up to the top and smiled. She knew Berk wasn't far from here. She would have to wait for now, she didn't want to be caught before she reached her full power, once she had the crystal ball, nobody would be able to stop her! She waved her hand over herself and transformed herself into the most common dragon there was, a Terrible Terror. She then flew over to Berk and landed softly in the arena. She should be safe here until the time was right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


As Raiden was making his way over to Kuro, he was skimming through the pages of the book, looking at each page for a second or two, trying to identity any useful information. Most of it was junk, just a bunch of dates and diary enters of when she was captured and how she escaped He didn't pay any attention to this information as it was all useless until he got to the last page. He read the page in his head.

'I have finally created the teleportion spell, and ready to leave in search of the crystal ball. The one thing that will times my power by a hundred thousand. Research tells me it is hidden deep underground somewhere on a island, but the research is all in riddles. It is hard to understand. Deep underground, the crystal lies, where least expected, where last looked. It will all end where it all began. I think this is referring to the place where I was born. I hope so, as when I get the magical crystal, the power to destroy Berk will finally come!'

He thought about it for a minute and realized the place where it all started could not of meant where she was born, it could only of meant Berk because where she was born was where her life started and this grudge did not start with her life, it started with her banishment which happened on Berk, and with the clue, saying it was deep underground where you least suspect and where you would of last looked, it became obvious it was hidden somewhere in that hidden room. He sighed in annoyance and realizing he had to go back, he sent a mental message to Kuro and the others letting them know he couldn't help with the dragon and explained why as he headed back to the underground cavern. Once he got there, he used Dna manipulation to transform himself into a Whispering Death. He then dug down to the underground room eating all the rubble.

Astrid and The Twins

The twins were about to attack, when Blade ran in and woke up the dragon. The two looked to each other with a smile and shouted, 'Awesome' when the Screaming Death attacked Blade and were amazed at it's destructive power. Astrid was a little shocked as Kuro's and Rogue's attacks seemed to be nothing. She sighed in relief when it began to fly away, the twins however were disappointed hoping to see more of it's destructive power. Astrid knew that it would come back, only question was when and how strong would it become. She flew out the hole and walked over to Kuro and the chief and said,

"We need to prepare for it's return but before that I am going to give Raiden a hand. As if that orb falls into the wrong hands that dragon will be the least of our worries."

She then headed back to Raidens location telling the twins and Blade to follow. Once Astrid and the twins arrived, Raiden had already started clearing the rubble, but it only cleared a bit of the rubble out of the hole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Twin Blade and Beast

Twin Blade and Beast decided to go help Raiden. Twin Blade because he would love to be beaten than Kuro, and he couldn't imagine the power he would get from it and Beast because he knew what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands. It was already getting dark, so they had to move fast. Once they were down there, Beast used his earth control to crush the rubble into dust, getting rid of it quickly while Twin Blade used his density Manipulation to simple cut through them. It wouldn't take long for them to get down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kuro and Rogue

The two immediately went down to help Raiden once they were informed. Rogue used her Earth Manipulation like Beast as well as Fire Manipulation to burn through the rubble while Kuro shapeshifted into Rogue and did the same. Within a few hours, they managed to get down into the main room, although it was still covered in rubble. It was still going to take a while until the cleared everything out. Rogue stopped and turned to everyone with a yawn.

"I think it would be best to stop for the night. We need our rest, if we use all our energy digging through this, and are invaded tomorrow, we won't be able to fight, and this room is large, there is a lot of rubble, a lot of work to be done."

She turned to the room and sighed, it wasn't even half done yet.


Terraci suddenly appeared in front of everyone. He looked up and shook his head. It seemed he was back, and his face was grim. It was a face which bared a hefty secret, one filled with bad news. He looked to the room, full of rubble, then turned back to the chief.

"Wise and old, the prophet is back. The man is blind, the man is strong. Through songs and cheers, a leader was born. Younger and not as wise, the man acted. Frightened and unwise. Sent far below, the wicked witch, where crystal lied. Held secret from generations, untold legends. Nobody knew, nobody believed. Years passed, and the leader died, they believed. The leader cheated, surpassing strongest of forces, but came a price. Leader had to believe, accepted, he finally did in that which he never thought possible. He had to hide, he had to lie. Protecting himself later generations, the next kings and queens. Deep below, a secret room, prisons and jails, now arena which held above. Deep below, a secret room, empty, the witch great and powerful, escaped. Book of secrets, book of history, read many times, secrets of crystal inside. Now he knew, now he feared. Searched many years, missing, gone, the crystal was, no, hidden all along, least expected, deep within. Under Berk once before, now above forever more. Odin's statue, royal guard, protector of cells. Held a gem, not any more. Kept secret, crystal great and powerful. Had no choice, hidden all along, future kings and queens, Berk, least expected. Home of Kings, home of Queens, home of young prince, wars end, thanks to him, prince of queen today. Unknown secret lies within, hidden room. The past I speak, the present I talk. Future, I am blind."

He then disappeared, vanished into thin air.


Morrigan looked to the moon and smiled, it was time. She transformed back and laughed evilly. She was surprised that nobody was out protecting the place. She burnt a hole through the ground and jumped down, quickly landing above the hidden room, now she was annoyed! They collapsed everything. She growled angrily, it would take too much time, she needed to get to the crystal!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Astrid, Raiden and The Twins

Astrid and the twins where helping Raiden and the others clear the rubble when Rogue suggested they took a break, they had already cleared the rubble in the hole and were standing at the entrance to the secret room with the room filled with rubble, the entrance was blocked. They would have to dig their way in. Just as they were about to walk away, Astrid heard a heartbeat coming from just above the room. She whispered to Raiden to not to alert whoever was there. Raiden, then used his telepathically, to let everyone know somebody was just above the room probably looking for the crystal. Raiden thinking about Rogue said about if they cleared all the rubble themselves they would be too tired to fight any enemies, had an idea on how to clear the rubble faster and easier so they could fight if needed. He used telepathy to call his, Astrid's, Blade's and the twins dragons as well as any wild dragon on Berk. The five dragons belonging to the main group arrived first, he then used his DNA manipulation to turn them all temporally into Whispering Deaths and had them start digging. As more wild dragons showed up, he did the same with them so the entrance never got too crowded. Now there were fifteen dragons digging out the tunnel that all would be ready to fight if needed and the others could sit, relax and rest while the dragons cleared out the room for them so once it was done, they'd all be ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Beast and Twin Blade

The two couldn't figure out the riddle and decided to leave it up to Raiden, they watched the room quickly being cleared with all the dragons, they were both glad that they could at least get some rest now, although it was hard to tell the dragons apart since they were all the same kind of dragon now but they were sure Raiden had a plan. They just watched as the room was being cleared. Twin Blade couldn't wait to get his hands on the crystal orb, he wouldn't let the enemy get it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rogue and Kuro

Rogue wasn't sure on the riddle herself and neither was Kuro. They each had their own ideas, they wanted to hear Raiden's opinion on the matter, and since the rubble was staring to be cleared out, it was a good chance to ask him. Rogue looked at the room, it was being done pretty fast, but it would still take a little while with so much rubble. She looked at Raiden and spoke to him through the telepathic link, telling him the riddle, and asking him if he knew anything about it. Kuro on the other hand continued to think about it, as he did, he kept watch on the room, as well as listening to everything around him.


Morrigan could tell that somebody was digging below her, it wouldn't take long for the room to be cleared, she smiled happily and laughed a little, she quickly flew back up from the hole she created back to the arena and waited, she knew that the room would soon be finished, and when it was, she would swipe the crystal for herself and destroy Berk. She would not let somebody else take the glory!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Raiden, Astrid and the twins.

As Raiden was sitting down and relaxing, he heard a mental from Rogue asking him on his on the latest riddle. With the mental link still open any thoughts he had on the riddle would be instantly transmitted to Rogue and the others. He then began to think on the riddle.

"Wise and old, the prophet is back. The man is blind, the man is strong. This part is obvious. He is clearly referring to himself.

Through songs and cheers, a leader was born. Younger and not as wise, the man acted. Frightened and unwise. The meaning of this all depends on which leader the riddle refers to and seeing as we do not know that yet it is impossible to dither the meaning.

Sent far below, the wicked witch, where crystal lied. Held secret from generations, untold legends. This bit is clearly referring to the witch from the last riddle implying this is just the second part of the previous prophecy. Meaning the witch is after the crystal that is burred down here, which means the heart beat Astrid heard belonged to her.

Nobody knew, nobody believed. Years passed, and the leader died, they believed. The leader cheated, surpassing strongest of forces, but came a price. Leader had to believe, accepted, he finally did in that which he never thought possible. He had to hide, he had to lie. Protecting himself later generations, the next kings and queens. Again the meaning of this depends on the leader of which the riddle speaks, until we find that out it seems it will be impossible to figure the whole riddle out.

Deep below, a secret room, prisons and jails, now arena which held above. Deep below, a secret room, empty, the witch great and powerful, escaped. This is clearly referring to the magic prison the witch was trapped in during the duration of her banishment.

Book of secrets, book of history, read many times, secrets of crystal inside. This is clearly referring to the note book I found earlier. As Raiden thought about the notebook, the context which he read in the notebook would also be transmitted to the others through the telepathic link, and since Raiden skimmed every page and reading what looked to be important in every page, this would mean Rogue and the others would be able to get a lot of information from it, some of which may be helpful dithering the riddle.

Now he knew, now he feared. Searched many years, missing, gone, the crystal was, no, hidden all along, least expected, deep within. Under Berk once before, now above forever more. Odin's statue, royal guard, protector of cells. Held a gem, not any more. Kept secret, crystal great and powerful. This clearly is refers to the crystal meaning once we find it, it will remain above ground forever, This clearly refers to the statue of Odin on Berk meaning at one point or another that statue held the crystal.

Had no choice, hidden all along, future kings and queens, Berk, least expected. Home of Kings, home of Queens, home of young prince, wars
end, thanks to him, prince of queen today. This is clearly referring to past chiefs of Berk. The kings being male chiefs and the queens being female chiefs. The young prince obviously refers to a son of a female chief, and the fact that it mentions today implies it is referring to Kuro.

Unknown secret lies within, hidden room. The past I speak, the present I talk. Future, I am blind. The hidden room obviously refers to the room we are now clearing out. So any secrets it contains will we will have to uncover after we have cleared it and dealt with the witch whose looking to steal the crystal from us.

Just as Raiden finished thinking about the riddle, they noticed the dragons had finally finished clearing out the room. Raiden then turned all the dragons back to their original form as Raiden, Astrid and the twins searched for the crystal with the help of the dragons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Beast and Twin Blade.

The two helped the others search for the gem. It was a huge room, and it was going to take a while to search everything. Neither of them knew about the riddle, but what Raiden said seemed to be correct so far. They just needed to figure out the rest of the riddle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kuro and Rogue

Kuro nodded, Raiden's conclusion was good, but he wasn't convinced. He had given it a lot of thought himself, and even skimmed through all the information Raiden collected, and had his own idea, and since the link was open, any thought would be instantly transmitted to the others.

"Wise and old, the prophet is back. The man is blind, the man is strong. Through songs and cheers, a leader was born. Raiden was right, that they didn't know who the leader was, and without that information, they couldn't solve the riddle, but the man spoke of this leader a lot, and he could tell he was speaking through experience. Plus, through the information from Raiden, it suggested that the man himself was the leader in the riddle, after all it was about the past and he knew a lot about it.

Younger and not as wise, the man acted. Frightened and unwise. Sent far below, the wicked witch, where crystal lied. If what he had concluded was right, then that man was the one who banished the witch out of fear. He wasn't as wise as he is now, maybe.

Held secret from generations, untold legends. Nobody knew, nobody believed. Years passed, and the leader died, they believed. Again, this refers to the leader. The one who had banished the witch died soon afterwards, everyone believed that he had died, maybe he hadn't, he wasn't sure on that but he had the feeling that the held secret from generations, untold legends was referring to the crystal again, a power that was held secret for generations, that nobody believed the legend. Again, the information from the book suggest this.

The leader cheated, surpassing strongest of forces, but came a price. Leader had to believe, accepted, he finally did in that which he never thought possible.If he was right, and the one who banished the witch was still alive, then he surpassed death somehow. The witch was banished because of magic, it wasn't accepted. Maybe he finally had to accept magic in order to surpass death?

He had to hide, he had to lie. Protecting himself later generations, the next kings and queens. He wasn't sure on this part but as Raiden had already figured out, the kings and queens referred to past chiefs. Using this information, maybe, what he meant by protecting himself later generations referred to future chiefs while he hid, lying to everyone, letting them think he was dead.

Deep below, a secret room, prisons and jails, now arena which held above. Deep below, a secret room, empty, the witch great and powerful, escaped. Using the information from the book, he knew that this secret room used to be a prison, and if the arena was above them, then that too could mean it all used to be a prison. It could also mean the prison to the dragons, as they imprisoned the dragons there during the war.

Book of secrets, book of history, read many times, secrets of crystal inside. Raiden had already solved this, and he couldn't think of anything else.

Now he knew, now he feared. Searched many years, missing, gone, the crystal was, no, hidden all along, least expected, deep within. From the last verse, he gathered that maybe, the leader found this diary when the witch escaped, and discovered the secret of the crystal which he feared, and searched for it for years. It seems the crystal was hidden where everyone least expected, deep with the ground.

Under Berk once before, now above forever more. Thor's statue, royal guard, protector of cells. Held a gem, not any more. Now this made him stop and think. They had a statue of Thor, and the information on the book said that it guarded the jails underground at some point. It held the gem, but now the statue is above ground, has been ever since and the gem is........gone. That was when he realized, they were wasting their time searching for the crystal, as it had already been found!

Kept secret, crystal great and powerful. Had no choice, hidden all along, future kings and queens, Berk, least expected. If he was right, and the crystal had been found, it would need to be kept secret because of it's power. The leader had no choice to hide it for future chiefs where they would least expect it to be.

Home of Kings, home of Queens, home of young prince, wars end, thanks to him, prince of queen today. As Raiden discovered, this was referring to him, the home of the chiefs was Berk, but, that wasn't their home, a home is a place where you sleep, eat and sheltered. Sure, that was still Berk, but on Berk, the same building had be the home to chiefs for generations. If he was right, this referred to their actual home!

Unknown secret lies within, hidden room. The past I speak, the present I talk. Future, I am blind. All of this riddle is talking about the past and the present, but not the future. If this was right and the crystal was not underground any more, and perhaps their own home, then there must be a hidden room in there somewhere that keeps the crystal secret. He immediately stopped looking for the crystal and began to make his way up.

"Everyone, did you get all of that? I hope so, as I am going to need help! If the witch discovers this, then we are all in danger, right now, she will think the crystal is underground, we have an advantage."

He quickly ran over to the house and went inside, where should he begin looking. He had been living in the house with his mother for years, and not once did they find anything strange. Wherever the hidden room was, it was hidden well.


Morrgan jumped down once the room had been cleared. When she got there, it seemed everyone had left. Had they taken the crystal? Or had they given up? She had to know. She waved her hand, and quickly began to watch the past events of this place, although, since it had a lot of history, it would take some time before she found what she wanted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

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Raiden, Astrid, Twin Blade, Beast and the twins.


As soon as Kuro suggested they all go look, everyone began heading towards Kuro's house when Raiden sent them all a message.

"Everyone hold on. We can't all go, like Kuro said, at the moment we have an advantage, but if we all go the witch will come down here as we already know she has been waiting around here, and she will either think that we already found the crystal or that it was never here in the first place and she may follow us to the house just in case. I'd recommend that Kuro and Asrid search the house because Kuro has lived there for years and knows the house better than anyone else and Astrid's sonar will be able to find any secret room, no matter how well it was hidden. The rest of us should stay behind and either keep searching so the witch stay hiding and waiting to ambush us when we find it meaning she won't follow Kuro and Astrid to the house or we hide and wait for her to come down and ambush her."

Twin Blade and Beast

Twin Blade listened to the message and found it boring to search when they were going to find nothing, it would be much more fun if they fought the witch off. So he looked over to Raiden and gave a smile, already getting excited. He knew because of the mind link, Everyone would know what he was thinking, Beast smiled and agreed with Twin Blade.

The Twins

The Twins looked at each other and smiled, they both loved the idea of fighting someone that was supposed to have immense destructive power. They voted to stay and fight.

Raiden and The Twins.

Beast, Blade, the twins and even Rogue decided to stay and fight, so Raiden used his DNA manipulation on everyone and gave them all changewing DNA which he acquired when the changewings attacked Berk. This gave everyone the ability to go invisible and shoot acid. He then had the dragons shit all around the room, this would cover up their scent. He then used DNA manipulation to slow everyone's heartbeat and breathing down making it impossible to hear their heart beating or them breathing, He knew none of this would seem suspicious to the witch as she would know that they used whispering death's to clear the rubble and knowing they dig by eating the rocks would mean clearing the whole room would likely produce a lot of shit and with not being able to see or hear anyone, anyone would come to the conclusion that the room had been abandoned. Then all then stood next to a wall using the changewings camouflage ability. Raiden stood in the middle with his arms around everyone controlling their heart beat and breathing, as soon as the witch appeared, he let go which returned everyone's heart beat and breathing back to normal. He then used DNA manipulation on himself, giving himself Gronkle skin and lava blast, Deadly Natter tail and fire breath and Night Fury wings and plasma blasts. He then used the Night Furry speed to fly around her as he spewed lava all around her, creating a large circle river of lava, limiting her movements. The twins created a storm directly above her with strong winds and even a bit of lightning, once they did this, Raiden landed on the ground just outside the lava as the storm made it impossible for anyone to fly, Raiden then used his plasma blasts on the tunnel the witch made when she dug down to the room as well as using Deadly Natter spikes collapsing the tunnel completly with the Deadly Natter Spikes holding the rocks in place. He then used another lava blast to seal the hole, then turned around to the exit they made and did the same, making it extremely difficult for her to escape.

Ruffnut then used her weather manipulation to make multiple tornado's around her, there were eight in total all surrounding her. As the tornado's spun, they began sucking up the lava, creating lava tornado's. Little bits of lava began flinging out of the tornado's, luckily anyone outside of the circle of tornado's would find it relative easy to dodge. However with the witch being in the center, she would have bits of lava flying at her from all directions, and if she tired to run through any tornado's, she'd be burnt to a crisp. Tuffnut created earth spikes underneath and around the witch that would shoot up and inpale her if she didn't move, meaning the witch could not stay where she was, could not fly through the storm above her, and couldn't run through or past the tornado's around her. She was for all intensive purposes trapped.

Beast used his Magnesium power to extract iron out of his body to create iron needles and sent them at the witch from all directions while Twin Blade used his density control to phase through the ground and pass underneath the witch, he then sent a powerful of dark energy at the witch. If the earth spikes hit her, they would lock her in place and the dark blast would guarantee to hit. If she jumped up she would still get hit by the blast, however if she tried dodging the blast and the spikes she would move closer to the tornado's which were already closing in on her.


Astrid went with Kuro back to the house and once there she used her sound manipulation once to create a sonar. With this she realized there was a room underneath the floor, and she knew time was of the essence. So instead of looking for a secret entrance, she covered her fist in solid ice and a aura of sound and then punched the ground, the sound aura exploded on contact. Increasing the power of the punch, however Astrid used her sound manipulation to reduce the sound of the floor smashing so that nobody outside the house would hear it. She then looked over to Kuro and said,

"Don't worry Beast can fix it later."

Then she jumped down the hole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rogue and Morrigan

Rogue decided it would be best to stay, after all, the witch was powerful and they would need everything to stop her, as soon as the witch came down, and it was her turn to make the final attack, she combined every element she controlled to make a elemental bomb. Fire created a orb of fire, earth surrounded the fire, and with that the earth became a flaming rock, wind was used enhance the fire and make it stronger, lightning was used to make the bomb full of static, electrifying anyone wh touched it. Darkness was used to make the bomb invisible, light was used to make it much more faster, finally, water was used to turn into ice, and when the bomb exploded, ice would shoot out and stab the witch in multiple places. She threw the bomb quickly.

Morrigan simply watch everyone attack, she was a little surprised that they ambushed her, but she was disappointed in their attack. She waited until the last second, then she waved her hand over herself and teleported away from all the attacks, causing a massive explosion. She laughed, she was not defeated so easily. It seemed her conclusion was right, and that the crystal was on Berk, and they had found it.

"Fools! Do you think your mortal attacks will work on me? You shall regret this."

She closed her eyes and a circle appeared around her. She then opened her arms wide and raised her head, looking at the ceiling. Rogue knew this was back and then did the same thing, sending a bomb at her, although, anything which touched the circle vaporized in seconds. She quickly began chanting words in Hindi.

"Mauta Thā Hatyā.Bulānē.Andhērā Burā'ī"

She repeated these words several times, if anyone understood Hindi she would be saying,

'Death, War, Kill. Summon the Dark and Evil.'

Soon enough the circle glowed black, and her mouth opened wide, her eyes were pure white. It seemed a evil deep inside of her poured out of her and formed a monstrous. tiger.[/url">monstrous. tiger.[/url The tiger opened his wings wide and cracked his knuckles.

"Morrigan, you kept me locked up for so long, it's good to be released. So, are these the ones who you called me for? Pitiful. You couldn't kill them yourself? I think you are getting soft."

Morrigan turned to him with a pissed off expression.

"I called you, and I can destroy you with a click of my fingers. Don't make me regret it slave!

The Tiger, called Destructous quickly nodded to her and raised his hand up in the air, summoning a spear axe with a skull attached to it but Morrigan wasn't done there. She smiled to everyone, and laughed.

"Are you ready to play?"

As she asked, a dark dragon came out of her shoulder, laughing with her.

"Theyz havz no Ideaz what theyz in forz."

Morrigan laughed and then rose off the ground. With a simple wave of her hand, she combined the power of the previous attacks, and then timed it with her power. Then the dragon's head hovered beside her's. Together, they created a Solar Plasma Blast which shot out at light speed. As she did this, Destructous used the same magic and sent the blast from his spear axe staff. Each blast combined and fused to make a Solar, Nuclear Plasma Blast which was directed at everyone. It was so fast that it would hit in a blink of an eye, but, with Rogue in touch with the light element, it all went slower for her. She sent a message to everyone as she jumped in front of the SNPB.

"Everyone, the witch is too powerful, as the riddle said, her magic is great and powerful. Far greater than we ever imagined. Only I can stop her, since only I am in touch with the light. Keep the crystal safe, protect Berk. Don't let my death be in vain. I will miss you all, and entrust you with this final task. Keep the crystal away from her at all cost. Raiden, Astrid, protect Kuro. You need to help make him the chief that will save us all. Help him make the right decisions."

Rogue would of used her density manipulation on everyone to make the blast go through them, but sadly, that wouldn't of worked thanks to her magic. Instead, she directed the blast to her, and instantly vaporizing her. Once everything was clear again, the witch laughed.

"Foolish woman. Sacrificing herself won't do any good. You will all perish soon or later."

It seemed, that she killed the chief in little effort, fighting her would be a tough battle indeed.


Kuro smiled at Astrid, he didn't care about the floor. He jumped down and looked around everywhere. It was a high security room. Four high security doors, each one with a voice print, key code, eye scanner, DNA Scanner, finger print scanner and voice print. It would take too long to crack the code, and no doubt there would be even more doors after they passed this these. They had to find the crystal fast. That is when he heard his mother's message. It saddened him to hear it, he couldn't believe what she was saying. She couldn't die now, she had to live, but, it was already too late. Kuro fell to the ground, he didn't know what to do any more. They had lost, if she killed his mother that quickly, what were they supposed to do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Astrid, Raiden and the twins.

After hearing the chiefs message and seeing Kuro fall to the ground feeling sorry for himself, she gritted her teeth, getting a little pissed off, she clenched her fist and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground as she started to shout,

"I get you are upset with what happened to Rogue but now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. You can grief later but right now, we have to get the crystal and sitting her sulking is an insult to her sacrifice, so man up and open this door. Don't worry, this is clearly made of magic designed to keep the crystal safe. So it should open for the chief and with Rogue dead that means you."

Raiden and The Twins.

Raiden and the twins saw the Rogue sacrifice herself, the twins looked to each other and shouted 'Awesome, that bitch is powerful.' Raiden realized, it didn't if they were going to fight or run, either way, he had to get rid of that tiger first or they won't have a chance. He stood up and pointed his hand at the tiger's face and shouted,

"Mind Crush."

As he did he thrusted out his arm at the tiger's head and screamed. The tiger's eye's went blank as his brain was crushed, he fell to the ground dead. He knew this would not work on the witch as her magic was too powerful and she would have magical defenses to stop it. It was obvious she was too strong to beat at the moment but with the crystal they may have a chance. He used his link to tell everyone they had to escape. He told them to use the changewing DNA that they still had to cloak themselves and use acid to burn through the walls to make an escape but not to use the same exit, they should own make their own way out. Raiden then covered himself in a psychic barrier and told everyone he would buy as much time he could. He pulled out his shield and sword and covered them in the same barrier, he then flew at the witch and fired a few plasma blast as a distraction, as he got closer he swung his sword at her trying to cut her. At the moment of impact or if she dodged, it would be the moment his sword was about to hit her a powerful psychic wave would be released from the sword increasing his attack range. The twins followed his advice and made their escape separately but before they went Ruffnut covered the whole in a thick fog to cover their escape and to help Raiden.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Twin Blade and Beast

The two watched as the witch avoided their attacks with ease and then sent a barrage of attacks herself. She was so powerful, she killed the chief. Luckily Raiden killed her summoning that helped her kill Rogue, they both knew they had no time to grieve. Following Raiden's orders, the two made their own way out separately, they just hoped Kuro was having better luck.
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