Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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A new generation of 10 year olds have been given their first Pokemon. Now on their hunts for new Pokemon to train and to meet new friends. What adventures will come to these kids?

Hello everyone and welcome to Pokemon: A New Generation! I am booksmusicanime or books! I know there are a lot of Pokemon roleplays that I've seen but I wanted to create my own! I grew up with Pokemon and when I was younger I was given a shiny Pokemon card (I've since then lost it but NOT THE POINT!) I've never played the Pokemon games so don't judge and there are things I'm clueless on but I can figure it out easily! Well now its time for the rules.

1. NO GODMODDING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders on my RPS.
2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal
3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice.
4. You can battle a character ONLY with that character's permission and the character's creator's permission
5. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that.
6. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome.
7. You can only have ONE character. I don't want one person with twenty characters then decide to pull one out and then make the whole roleplay fall apart.
8. This roleplay has no exact plot line so YOU have some control over what happens next.
9. You can start off with only ONE Pokemon and you may add more Pokemon to your form as you catch more Pokemon.
10. You have to be a ten year old unless you have my permission to be a Gym Leader.
11. Your Pokemon will start off at level 5 and as they level you may change their attacks and their level.
12. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time.

Now for the form!!


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LesleyDrakken


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You totally should play the Pokemon games sometime if you can, it's worth it, they're amazing and only get better and better. =)

Name: Lesley Drakken*
Appearance: An owl faced girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes, a little on the chubby, stocky side due to being a big eater. Is very, VERY nearsighted and wears square framed glasses.
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 120 lbs

Personality: Shy and bookish, but starting to come out of her shell with age. Tries to be kind and helpful but can also be lazy, laid back to a fault. She likes her creature comforts not having them may very well be the worst part of going on a Pokemon journey. Aside from being a great trainer, she's also interested in breeding Pokemon and learning the best way of raising them to be the best they can be, meaning her focus will be less on catching all the Pokemon she can and more on training the ones she does have to be strong.

Bio (Optional): Has a normal home life with a loving mom and dad, but also doesn't have many friends and feels shunned by other people her age due to being 'nerdy'. Her parents sent her on a Pokemon journey with the hopes that she would achieve personal growth.

Other: *Self insertion usually isn't my thing, but the only established Pokemon OC I have doesn't fit in this RP, so here you go. =)

Current Level: 5

Attacks: Scratch, Leer

Pokemon Nickname: CJ
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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LesleyDrakken said
You totally should play the Pokemon games sometime if you can, it's worth it, they're amazing and only get better and better. =)Name: Lesley Drakken*Appearance: An owl faced girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes, a little on the chubby, stocky side due to being a big eater. Is very, VERY nearsighted and wears square framed glasses. Height: 4'8"Weight: 120 lbs Personality: Shy and bookish, but starting to come out of her shell with age. Tries to be kind and helpful but can also be lazy, laid back to a fault. She likes her creature comforts not having them may very well be the worst part of going on a Pokemon journey. Aside from being a great trainer, she's also interested in breeding Pokemon and learning the best way of raising them to be the best they can be, meaning her focus will be less on catching all the Pokemon she can and more on training the ones she does have to be strong. Bio (Optional): Has a normal home life with a loving mom and dad, but also doesn't have many friends and feels shunned by other people her age due to being 'nerdy'. Her parents sent her on a Pokemon journey with the hopes that she would achieve personal growth.Other: *Self insertion usually isn't my thing, but the only established Pokemon OC I have doesn't fit in this RP, so here you go. =)Current Level: 5Attacks: Scratch, LeerPokemon Nickname: CJ

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Ariella
Height: 5'3
Weight: 120
Personality: Sweet, Bubbly, Kind, Respectful, Cluts, Girly, Funny, Shy, Gets Excited quick.
Bio: Ever since she was little she dreamt of being a pokemon trainer just like her mother! Her mother was the best trainer but she had to retire. So as soon as Ariella became the proper age to become a trainer, she immidietly went to the professor and got her first pokemon! And her professor was her grandfather. (If thats okay.)
Other: Ariella likes to sing and dance!

Current Level: 6

Current Level: 6
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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1Charak2 said


paigesweetheart said
Name: Ariella Height: 5'3Weight: 120Personality: Sweet, Bubbly, Kind, Respectful, Cluts, Girly, Funny, Shy, Gets Excited quick.Bio: Ever since she was little she dreamt of being a pokemon trainer just like her mother! Her mother was the best trainer but she had to retire. So as soon as Ariella became the proper age to become a trainer, she immidietly went to the professor and got her first pokemon! And her professor was her grandfather. (If thats okay.)Other: Ariella likes to sing and dance!Current Level: 5Attacks:PoundConfusion

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 28 days ago

now wut XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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1Charak2 said
now wut XD

I'll start it up after we get another person
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Name: Gray. He has no surname.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Color: Gray

Personality: Gray is a calm, emotionally distant young man that dislikes showing anything that could be perceived as a weakness. He is generally distant to anyone that he feels a connection with, and extra cold to strangers. He has a very intelligent and sharp mind, and so he's also cunning and calculating, not afraid to manipulate, lie, and cheat if it means victory in the end. Some may call him a 'cold, heartless jerk'...and they may be right on some points. He's usually silent to the point of seeming mute, but he will speak up if it's necessary, or if he's curious. In battle, his intelligent mind frame comes into play, allowing him to come up with brutal, powerful, and efficient plans in seconds.

Bio: Gray originally grew up in the mountainous regions of Kanto. His life was rather lonely, and so he only had Pokémon to give him company. His father was an unknown Team Rocket, and his mother died during birth, leaving him alone in his small cottage. The boy became somewhat of a mystery; no one knew how he managed to survive the powerful Pokémon that inhabited his mountain. During his life, at the age of three, he met Gible, and the two quickly formed an inseparable bond. For the next seven years, they kept to their mountain...

Other: N/A

Current Level: Twenty. (20)
Attacks: Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Sand Tomb, Take-Down

Current Level: Eighteen. (18)
Attacks: Take Down, Thunder Bolt, Poison Sting, Double Kick
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Toxx said
Name: Gray. He has no surname.Height: 5'6Weight: 130lbsPersonality: Gray is a calm, emotionally distant young man that dislikes showing anything that could be perceived as a weakness. He is generally distant to anyone that he feels a connection with, and extra cold to strangers. He has a very intelligent and sharp mind, and so he's also cunning and calculating, not afraid to manipulate, lie, and cheat if it means victory in the end. Some may call him a 'cold, heartless jerk'...and they may be right on some points. He's usually silent to the point of seeming mute, but he will speak up if it's necessary. In battle, he intelligent mind frame comes into play, allowing him to come up with brutal, powerful, and efficient plans in seconds.Bio: Gray originally grew up in the mountainous regions of Kanto. His life was rather lonely, and so he only had Pokémon to give him company. His father was an unknown Team Rocket, and his mother died during birth, leaving him alone in his small cottage. The boy became somewhat of a mystery; no one knew how he managed to survive the powerful Pokémon that inhabited his mountain. During his life, at the age of three, he met Gible, and the two quickly formed an inseparable bond. For the next seven years, they kept to their mountain...Other: N/ACurrent Level: Five. (5)Attacks: Dragon Rage, Tackle, Sand-Attack

Accepted! I'll go start up the roleplay!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Thanks. It took me a second, but I found a decent picture, lol. It's edited in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Toxx said
Thanks. It took me a second, but I found a decent picture, lol. It's edited in.

Yea it's hard to find decent pictures. Especially if you're looking for anime girls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Yup~ Question: What region do we start in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Toxx said
Yup~ Question: What region do we start in?

Give me a second. I haven't played Pokemon and it's been a bit since I watched Pokemon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Ah, gotcha. If it's any help, Kanto seems to be the most well-known. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Toxx said
Ah, gotcha. If it's any help, Kanto seems to be the most well-known. ^^

Yea Kanto will be the region because it seems like the best
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Appearance: totally not horo horo
Name: hemilton (prefers hemmy) matangia
Height: 4' 4
Weight: 103
Personality: happy, cocky , hotheaded, and rowdy. Still somewhat loyal and nice to his head,
Other: twitches and tends not to talk about his mother

Pokemon Appearance: scraggy
Current Level (Must start at 5): 5
Attacks (Start with beginner attacks): sand-attack, leer, low kick, tackle
Pokemon Nickname (Optional): kimbo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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manapool1 said
Appearance:Name: hemilton (prefers hemmy) matangia Height: 4' 4Weight: 103Personality: happy, cocky , hotheaded, and rowdy. Still somewhat loyal and nice to his head,Other: twitches and tends not to talk about his motherPokemon Appearance:Current Level (Must start at 5): 5Attacks (Start with beginner attacks): sand-attack, leer, low kick, tacklePokemon Nickname (Optional): kimbo

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Name: Carson rowel
Height: 5'7
Personality: Carson is a cailm and chilled person. He's outgoing and friendly to the other people
Bio (Optional):

Pokemon Appearance:
Current Level (Must start at 5):
Attacks (Start with beginner attacks): growl, tackle
Pokemon Nickname (Optional): cole
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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AcetheKidd said
Appearance:Name: Carson rowelHeight: 5'7Weight:120Personality: Carson is a cailm and chilled person. He's outgoing and friendly to the other peopleBio (Optional):Other:Pokemon Appearance:Current Level (Must start at 5):Attacks (Start with beginner attacks): growl, tacklePokemon Nickname (Optional): cole

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