Plot 1 : persephone died at the hands of a demon hundred years ago and Hades devastated started causing the world a lot of problems. Zeus unable to take it made Persephone come to life but a human girl to have hades go after. But hades doesn't know she has not a bit of memory of him but he would do just about anything to make her happy. Persephone works in a school teaching kids about wild life and nature. Hades gets himself as a job in math and on lunch break tries to get closer to her, but he can't give away who he is. But even Persephone has one dark secret. She isn't all human and god she has one different blood type inside of her.
plot 2 :persephone was knocked out and put into deep sleep by her mother so she couldn't go to the underworld. Persephone woke up four years later with no memerory and her powers gone they would only work during the spring time. Persephone now works at a flower shop and one day gets a strange customer. A male who seems like she knows but but decided best to not allow it to get to her. A hellhound that loved Peresphone could help gets Hades and Persephone back together (I would be the hellhound and Persephone) but Demeter doesn't wish for her daughter to be caught by hades anymore.