Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Every day for you was normal up until today. You had been going about your business when suddenly something strange caught your eye. For whatever reason, you were drawn to this anomaly. The close you get, the better you see this mysterious red door hugging the side of a wall that may or may not normally have a door. Somehow, it's in perfect condition and refuses damage. As the golden knob is turned and the door sways open, you see the bright light of a illuminated hallway. The walls and floors are pure white, with more red doors scattered about the walls. The faint sound of music and marry catch your attention once more, echoing down from the very end of the hallway. Approaching the sounds, you hear voices, laughter, and clinging glasses. Before you know it, your standing in front of another door at the end of this pale corridor. This one however is a brilliant gold.

A resounding creak escaped the hinges of the door as it slowly opened to reveal the amber lit confines of a oak and stone pub. Before you can take a step in, you hear a voice address you with a faint british accent. "Welcome! We've been expecting you. I'm glad to see you made it safely." As you look to see the source of the voice, your confronted with a cloud of strange smelling smoke. Through the clearing haze, your gaze meets with that of a eccentric looking man in a top hat and tuxedo. Black hair fell over his half grinning visage and a thin cigar sat, burning, at the corner of his mouth. Tipping his hat, he gave a short bow and waved his hand toward the bar. "Please, come in. Have a seat and help yourself to our amazing selection of meals and beverages!"

As you look past the strange man, you can't help but notice a bartender appear from behind the counter with two platters covered in a variety of foods. Some completely unfamiliar to you. As you catch a glimpse of his face, you see it was the same man who greeted you, who somehow managed to disappear while you weren't looking. Stepping in, the door closes behind you and you become surrounded by the atmosphere of the tavern. A fireplace burns at the far end of the room. Next to it, a window. Strangely, the window looks out into nothingness. A closer look reveals the cosmos. A brilliant blend of galaxies and stars all scattered across the distant view. Looking down however, there is no ground out there. Somehow, this place is floating in the middle of space. Before you can take it all in, you attention is grabbed by the strange man once more. "I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Don't be shy! Make merry and mind the neighbors! Oh, and if you need anything at all, feel free to call for me. I'm Mad Man Sin, at your service." Just like that, he was gone, off to greet another confused customer with the exact same greeting, word for word, and leaving you to your own devices.
What will you do now?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mista Slaya

Mista Slaya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dranik strode across the floor to the bar. As he sat down at a stool that was just small enough for him to get on and just tall enough for him to see over the counter, he noticed that the strange man was greeting someone else. Just as he looked back to his empty mug, the man in the suit showed up behind the counter again. "What can I get you?" he asked. The dwarf, as per his usual manner in taverns, began his normal rant with the 'bartender'. "Well, I was thinking of try one of each of your finest ales and meads, and-" He was cut off by the sound of clanking, and there sat some twenty odd mugs, each full of a different ale or mead. Dranik sat, stunned. Normally, bartenders waved him off and he ordered a normal mead; he'd never actually gotten it all. "There was something else you wanted?" Dranik shook his head and counted out the money to pay for the drinks, all the while staring open-mouthed at the mugs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Oh no no no no no!" Declared Sin, refusing the dwarfs currency. "Everything here is free of charge my...little...friend." Setting down the last of the various drinks, Sin quickly disappeared, somehow being everywhere at once, only to reappear with a menu. "I hope you've developed an apatite to go along with the ravenous thirst of yours!" The bar counter shook as Sin set the massive, dictionary sized menu next to the assortment of drinks. "Or would you just like me to bring you our finest meals as well? We might have to fetch another table! Hahahaha!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mista Slaya

Mista Slaya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Is this heaven..?" Dranik muttered under his breath. "If you have a roast pig, that would do nicely. Oh! And a few of your best cakes my good man!" Dranik grabbed the closest mug and chugged it down. It was a good stout ale, and he set the mug down, feeling warm. He didn't care about the strange red door that had appeared on his ship anymore, all he cared about was drinking and eating, and conversing with the strange people that would inevitably come inside as well. He hadn't seen them yet, but Dranik knew they were coming. The tavern had a certain feel to it like it was the center of something. Dranik shrug this off and downed another mug, this time of a crisp, sweet mead. The dwarf let out a hearty laugh. "My friend, I think I'm beginning to like this place!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

L'Arc approached the bar, slowly, taking in the sights and sounds of the strange place. He heard what seemed like a cheerful voice coming from the short man at the bar. By the council, is that a dwarf? he thought to himself. L'Arc took a seat by the dwarf. The strangeness of this place was just the beginning, he felt, and he turned to the Dwarf. He started speaking in Dragon and then he stopped. Maybe the dwarf couldn't understand Dragon, so he began in a more common tongue, "What is this place? And did he say free?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Factorio strode into the tavern. They has been in a special OPs mission in Aortetszka when a red, wooden door had appeared out of nowhere. Inside, it was a tavern like the tales of old. He was greeted by a strange man and looked around to see even stranger people.

He sat at a table with a Dwarf and a half dragon. Odd.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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A blue-haired, child-looking...un-child walked into this...tavern. With a book. Was it history? Was it a spellbook? Nobody knew for some reason. He did. It was a book. But, nonetheless, the short un-child walked in, scanning the fairly large room with his eyes. Strange people.

Most likely unintelligent by his standards.

He was greeted by this man. This strange, strange man. Who also was a barkeeper. Euclio, was his name, raised a brow at this peculiar sight. What was this illusion, this trickery that was being played on him at this moment in time?

Fuck it.

And he was right in the middle of solving a thousand year mystery when this door-THIS FUCKING DOOR- showed up. Ahem.

He saw this robot. And a half dragon. AND a dwarf. Oh my.

Jokes aside, Euclio raised a brow at this too, contemplating whether he should sit with them, or just try and leave. You know what? You only encounter things like this once every hundred years, probably, there's nothing wrong with staying here a couple hundred thousand milliseconds.

So, he went and sat with these mysterious creatures, the short....boy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You heard rite! Free indeed!" Declared Sin, producing another hefty menu from out of nowhere and placing in the dragon man's lap. "Help yourself to anything but the book! It's high in calories and bad for your figure." A light chuckle escaped the mad man as he was suddenly standing behind the bar. How he moved so quickly and without being seen was an anomaly in and of it self. But it didn't help that dishes mysteriously began floating around in the kitchen, and food had begun being prepared, with no clear sign of a cook. "Let me know of whatever you like and it shall be yours."

Like clockwork, several plates and platters floated out with three boars and one hog, all roasted in different ways, all delectable and delicious in aroma. Following behind them came a train of saucers with thin slices of different flavored cake from across time and space. They looped out of one window, rotating across the counter of the bar just a foot or two in the air, and back into another window. Being far too many flavors to present at once, the display worked like a conveyor belt, showing off the variety of cakes...and what could loosely be considered cakes. Some were made of the strangest ingredients. Others squirmed slightly. The bulk of them were relatively normal however, being a smorgasbord of chocolates, vanillas, and fruits.

"Here you go sir! Just as you requested! Though I must admit, pork and sweets are quite the combination. I would hate to see you get a stomach ache." An exaggerated frown made up Sin's face before he was suddenly standing at the side of the room in a atypical nurses outfit holding a small pink bottle. "But for those bloated, uncomfortable stomach problems, we have strawberry pepto!" spoke the strange man in a top hat, trying his hardest to sound female, and failing horribly at it. The image wasn't there for too long however as Sin was back at the bar, his hands clasped as empty mugs levitated toward the back. Looking down, Sin gave the child a wide smile. "Aaaand what can I do for you little...uh...friend?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Factorio looked at the child, who seemed to be an un-child. It made Factorio feel uneasy. He shook his head, clearing away the thought. The various assortment of human, non human and completely insane foods all looked good. Factorio looked to the strange man who was currently asking the Un-child for his order. "Sir, do you have any oil here?" He asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moving his gaze to the mild mannered machine, Sin gave a smile and bowed his head, tipping his top hat slightly. "But of course we do! Why we have the finest petroleums, fuels, and oils you could possibly imagine. Would you like crude, synthetic, organic, or a blend?" From behind the counter and out of nowhere, Sin revealed a large platter filled with iron mugs of the various types of oils, though this was only a bit of the selection. It was unknown how this tall but relatively slender man was able to prop up an balance so many cups with his one arm. But he managed to do so with ease, presenting the selection to Factorio.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

L'Arc rawred, "Bartender, I would like some of your finest meats." He laughed, "Yes, that would do nicely." He looked around at the newcomers. What a strange crowd. "We need some entertainment. And drinks for everyone."

What could be gained by bringing everyone to this location. What was the game? Anyway, might as well enjoy myself until I can figure this out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Factorio nodded its thanks to the strange man as goggle-like eyes turned and spun. He grabbed hold of a metal cup of synthetic fuel and drank it almost as vigorously as the Dwarf with his mead. "What are your names?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sin looked at his wrist. "Well it seems pretty late...so drinks and entertainment are appropriate!" With the wave of his hand and a snap of his finger, a pair of strangely dressed figures stepped out from a door just under the staircase leading to the upstairs inn. In the blink of an eye, the pub slowly began to change piece by piece. The first things to change were the seats, going from oak chairs to cushioned love seats and sofas. The glass and candle chandelier became a strange dotted sphere with amber light shining out of lenses across it's surface. Subtle change by subtle change, the classy bar had become a night club. At the center of the room, which seemed to have grown inconspicuously, was a circular stage.

"Aaand with that, my good customers, I leave you in the capable hands of Grogg! My replacement for the after hours patrons." Motioning to the bar, a very large, fearsome looking man in an apron much to small for him, stood with a intimidating scowl on his bearded grimace. "He uh....doesn't talk much...or at all really. But he'll be overjoyed to help any of you with any reques-" SLAM! Sin was abruptly cut off by the loud sound of Grogg's excessively large butcher knife, lopping through the roasted pigs head at the neck, as well as the plate beneath it...and about an inch of the counter top. "Just...interpret his deathly stare and aggressive tendencies as affection and kindness." Suddenly, Mad Man Sin was looking down at the patrons of his bar from a balcony above the entrance, which hadn't previously been there. In place of his tuxedo was a pair of white and purple striped pajamas patterned with skull and eyeball designs, though his top hat remained. "I bid you all good night until the morrow!" Then Sin was gone. Though in his absence, the two cloaked figures stepped up to the stage and removed their apparel.

From beneath the veils appeared two very advanced and sleek looking androids. One had the blueish hue and feminine features of a female dancer while the other was more similar to a male swordsman. Across the blue androids frame opened several ports that revealed speakers while the swordsmen drew his blades, lighting them, as well as himself, on fire. In sync with the flames, music began to play, the light began to spin and strobe, and the droids began to perform. From the blue one came elegant movements and graceful motions, while the swordsman performed several different types of acrobatics, juggling the blades and creating a brilliant display with the flames the flickered off of it's form. The performance was spectacular and despite the rather loud music, orders were still heard somehow and taken care of by a mysterious invisible force. Or perhaps it was Grogg.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Outrageous!" He shouted as Grogg and the entertainment appeared. "Grogg, more meats and drinks!" L'Arc got up and stared at the androids. "Interesting." He turned to the robot that asked for his name. "I am L'Arc Thornside, High Dragon Lord of the Dragon Council."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sparklepenguin


Member Offline since relaunch

Gumbo waddled through the door just in time to see the bar transform in a night club. He wondered how he got from his icey home to here, it seemed really weird, there were all sorts of creatures around. The two androids caught his attention the most, both were spectacular. He stared in awe for a few seconds.

"Wowie..." he said with surprise. He suddenly covered his beak with his flippers, he'd never been able to talk before now. This place was a dream come true for him, it always use to be communicating weird noises. A whole new world has been opened now for him now. He started waddling towards the bar, but tripped over his own feet flat onto his belly, his beak hitting the hard floor. Now on the floor was a penguin frantically flapping his flippers around, he couldn't lift himself up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mista Slaya

Mista Slaya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dranik, having consumed a few more mugs of his various ales and meads, was feeling a bit intoxicated and made the entire show more enjoyable. He stood on his stool, struggled to wrap an arm around the Dragon Lord's neck as well as the Robot's next to him, and gave a hearty laugh. "I am Dranik of the Copper Halls under the mountain Revinara from the planet Rhazmadar, and you are my new friends!" He removed his arms from his neighbors and began tearing into the pig with both hands, stuffing his face and giving no thought to etiquette.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Assallya didn't know what to make of this strange place. It had all the underlying context of a tavern but the trappings were only vaguely reminiscent of the concept. The door had been positioned within a wall she had been completely certain had been plain white clay the day before. Having stepped through it she was additionally certain that it was larger within than the very building the door had been placed into. This did not bode well. Turning to find the door behind her towards that long corridor having vanished there was little she could do but carry on forward into the room filled with merriment. What spirits these were she had no idea. Such realms were reserved for creatures of raw thought, pure emotion, the dead and the gods.

The elf woman stepped into the room, her bare feet making not a whisper on the wooden floor. Every moment, fearing she was going to be struck down by the gods that dwelled in such an environs her azure eyes darted from corner to corner, beneath tables, into the rafters and from face to face. Then, after several strides her demeanor changed. Her back straightened, chin lifted, gaze hardening. Within a single stride she had transformed, the frightened elf woman gone and a strong, confident goddess had taken her place. Moving like royalty she swept past the others, past the golems, past a dwarf, a dragon blooded warrior and a host of other oddities. Finally she stood before the great expansive view of the heavens and used the distraction of the slowly tumbling lights to gather her thoughts from her brief excursion through the hall.

It seemed like it was a magical painting, possibly used to foretell the fates of mortals but then there was the sill? It had all the trappings of a window and not the frame for a painting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

L'Arc picks up the small creature. "Hello, what do we have here." He glances as the elf woman entered the tavern. 'Maybe she might know."

He walked over the the elf woman and held out the penguin, "Fair Lady, can you tell me what this small thing is?" He waited a moment and then set the penguin down on his feet and grinned at the elf.

He looked around, not able to stay focused, "Dranik, I beat a thousand gold coins I can out drink you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mista Slaya

Mista Slaya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dranik too out a large coinpurse and slammed it on the table. "I bet ya two thousand yer full of shit!" Dranik gave a hearty laugh and waved L'arc over. "Come, let's see how you can hold yer ale! Grogg, we need drinks, and lots of 'em!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Factorio stared at Dranik and L'Arc, robotic goggle-like eyes spinning. "Even more drinks, Grogg. I will partake in this competition." He absently patted the small, talking penguin. "Hello, little penguin."
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