Every day for you was normal up until today. You had been going about your business when suddenly something strange caught your eye. For whatever reason, you were drawn to this anomaly. The close you get, the better you see this mysterious red door hugging the side of a wall that may or may not normally have a door. Somehow, it's in perfect condition and refuses damage. As the golden knob is turned and the door sways open, you see the bright light of a illuminated hallway. The walls and floors are pure white, with more red doors scattered about the walls. The faint sound of music and marry catch your attention once more, echoing down from the very end of the hallway. Approaching the sounds, you hear voices, laughter, and clinging glasses. Before you know it, your standing in front of another door at the end of this pale corridor. This one however is a brilliant gold.
A resounding creak escaped the hinges of the door as it slowly opened to reveal the amber lit confines of a oak and stone pub. Before you can take a step in, you hear a voice address you with a faint british accent. "Welcome! We've been expecting you. I'm glad to see you made it safely." As you look to see the source of the voice, your confronted with a cloud of strange smelling smoke. Through the clearing haze, your gaze meets with that of a eccentric looking man in a top hat and tuxedo. Black hair fell over his half grinning visage and a thin cigar sat, burning, at the corner of his mouth. Tipping his hat, he gave a short bow and waved his hand toward the bar. "Please, come in. Have a seat and help yourself to our amazing selection of meals and beverages!"

As you look past the strange man, you can't help but notice a bartender appear from behind the counter with two platters covered in a variety of foods. Some completely unfamiliar to you. As you catch a glimpse of his face, you see it was the same man who greeted you, who somehow managed to disappear while you weren't looking. Stepping in, the door closes behind you and you become surrounded by the atmosphere of the tavern. A fireplace burns at the far end of the room. Next to it, a window. Strangely, the window looks out into nothingness. A closer look reveals the cosmos. A brilliant blend of galaxies and stars all scattered across the distant view. Looking down however, there is no ground out there. Somehow, this place is floating in the middle of space. Before you can take it all in, you attention is grabbed by the strange man once more. "I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Don't be shy! Make merry and mind the neighbors! Oh, and if you need anything at all, feel free to call for me. I'm Mad Man Sin, at your service." Just like that, he was gone, off to greet another confused customer with the exact same greeting, word for word, and leaving you to your own devices.
What will you do now?