Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Name - Light
Appearance - Light is a 1.6m tall pure white female humanoid with blue appendages coming out of the top of her noseless aquatic looking circular skull head like hair. She has a very thin, almost pencil like neck that contrasts to her large head and slightly bulky torso. Her arms are relatively skinny but end with large pointed fingers all flowing without showing signs of a wrist or joints (Although she still has them). She wears a blue top with a white dress with blue trim, the dress having an M cut at the frunt to reveal slightly muscular legs that end in sharp points instead of her having feet. Her hole is where you'd expect it, on her chest.
Age - Unknown
Gender - Female
Class - Hollow

Powers -
Adaptive Total Regeneration: While most hollows have some limited powers of regeneration, Lights time spent in hell drastically increased her regeneration to unprecedented levels, being able to regenerate any lost body part, including vital organs or her brain. She can regenerate from pretty much anything that isn't straight up atomization, although regenerating from diminished states take time. When starting to regenerate, Light's body adapts to whatever hurt her and caused the regeneration to occur, eventually making herself immune to whatever was hurting her for a few hours before her body goes back to its normal state. Light's regeneration is not instantaneous and does take time to work unless the injury is something very mild or easy to repair like reattaching a limb or a papercut.
Chains of War: Having feasted on most of the denizens of Hell, Light gained the ability to shoot out searing chains from her hands, which slow down and burn those that are hit by them, as well as make them unable to use Sonido or Moon Step. She can use these chains to pull the target close to her for punishment, but doing so releases the target from the binding chains. Light can only have 2 chains out at a time, one for each hand.
Void Cero: Light's Cero is far weaker than normal, but in return, it absorbs energy it touches, even while charging. It also gives off an eery shadowy light.
Hell's Gate: Light can open a gate to hell, at a cost of losing her ability to make a gate to hueco mundo.

History - Light was either a fortunate or unfortunate hollow, as she didn't spend much time in Hueco Mundo or the living world, but instead followed an escaping Togabito through a gateway into Hell, where this unmonitored realm was a dangerous safe haven for her. Her prey would often just come back to life at designated points in the realm, and through some clever work, Light was able to move up the chain of devouring stronger souls by constantly 'camping' the weaker ones while avoiding the guardians of the realm who for some reason had very little interest in finding her. She spent a great amount of time in this realm, and only learned how to escape it when she was strong enough to stand up to one of the guardians of hell and ate a part of its body.
When leaving Hell, she found that most hollows were stupid brutes or driven by instinct for souls she found detestable and weak, although she didn't find the hollows all that bad herself when she tried one. Nothing like the Togabito, but not as terrible as the living souls.

Details - Due to spending most of her time in Hell, Light didn't develop most of the tendencies of other hollows, and finds the taste of soul reapers/human souls disgusting. Light's energy due to spending so much time in hell feels different from other hollows, almost feeling 'empty' to those who sense it, making her both easy and difficult to find. Light has a large amount of strength and uses that to her advantage.
Evolution - NA

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Visor leader
Name - Angelo Ortega
The mask (I couldn't find the one I was looking for so I had to use this, the one im using is the one in the middle at the bottom row, the one with fingers. the main color is also green)
Age - 1900
Gender - male
Class - visor
Powers - while Angelo was once a lieutenant his speed and flexibility that is greater then any captains speed. Angelo uses his speed to out maneuver any captain and his disability to dodge and avoid attacks making it difficult for any opponent to get a direct hit on him. His reflexes are also honed to a sharp point using his battle instincts to better dodge attacks and his advanced cunning uses that time to figure out a plan of attack against his opponents

while Angelo is very fast and flexible his strength is greatly reduced to that of only a seated officer that hasn't learned bankai yet making a strength based confrontation difficult on him although if he uses his hollow mask he will be on par with any captain for a few precious moments.

Shunpo- thanks to Angelo's increased speed and flexibility his shunpo can easily out match his opponents speed and dodge his opponents major strikes thanks to his previous training as a lieutenant to make Angelo tell tales almost unseen by his opponents making it seem like Angelo can flash step without any warning to his enemy almost making it seem like an ambush attack
hakuda master
As a previous member of squad 2 Angelo excels in hakuda, his particular fighting style uses his legs for kicking while using his spear as balance offering Angelo a wide variety of kick moves.
stealth hoho
Although Angelo is not part of his squad anymore he is still able to use the stealth technique to use incredible speed to make a decoy of himself when Angelo is attacked with a direct hit allowing him to gain the space he would need to make his incredible speed work for his favor again or to use the opportunity of confusion to backstab his enemy
sonic boom
thanks to Angelo ability to go at high speeds he is able to create a sonic boom from his movements, as an example if need be he is able to snap his fingers at a high frequency of speed and create a much smaller sonic boom for confusion of his opponents. he is able to control it at will and can create sonic booms whenever he makes a high speed move to make false trails to his enemies making them think he is their when he is not or to use his speed enough to make the enemy confused by the noise itself. if need be Angelo could use his sonic boom to make a loud thunderclap when he is in point blank range of his opponent although this is used as a last resort considering it harms Angelo as well
Angelo's hollowfication allows him to use his mask for 50 seconds (10 seconds for each clawed finger) each finger allows him to enhance his strength as strong as a captains and enhancing his sonic boom techniques during his 50 seconds the claw on his mask will start to break removing a finger for every 10 seconds warning Angelo to his remaining time of enhanced strength and enhanced sonic boom abilities although it will temporarily strengthen him Angelo will loose the natural speed he has and will be forced to use sonic booms to maintain his high speed attacks as before

sealed form:
unsealed form:
suffering strengthen my resolve,Kurushimi purotekutā (translates as suffering protector)
to turn into its shikai form the blade of the sword Angelo must first stab the sheath with the sword then the sheath will extend the blade into two and turn it into a double bladed spear giving Angelo the ability to use his wind abilities onto each blade end extending his reach and make his sonic boom attacks reach farther.

bankai!....Ō no kurushimi purotekutā

roughly translates to suffering protector of kings. in this form allows his sonic boom attacks to take the form of a pointed blade instead of a general blast in the direction of the target and thanks to its curved blades it allows Angelo to easily counter enemies attacks and make them wide open for a counter attack allowing Angelo the luxury of much easier dodging and form change of the sonic boom blasts and while in this form the curved blades allow Angelo to spin his blade at high speeds like a buzz saw to generate more power into his strikes when he attacks

History - Angelo was once a lieutenant for squad two the known assassin squad and as such he was taught how to sneak around and kill in shadows and silence as expected it took him years to learn how to use his bankai properly but before he was allowed to be judged by the other captains to take up the captains position as captain of squad two he was told he was needed for a job to kill a scientist researching the use mod souls. while Angelo thought that mod souls were all destroyed it came to a small shock to him wondering who would be dumb enough to start up a dead project once again but he went with his gut and left anyways. when he got to the scientists lab he did his best to sneak past his general security and get inside although what Angelo didn't count on was that mod souls wasn't what the scientist was researching, it was actually hollowfication. Angelo was stunned to see hollows in tubes everywhere and before he knew it their was a bomb thrown into the room and he tried to cover his mouth but the smoke came out before he could cover his mouth and he ended up getting the partials into his system and before he knew it he was barfing white stuff and something was covering his face and a great darkness fell on him and he was staring at this black and white version of himself in the dark seeing that it was screaming in pain or ecstasy Angelo couldn't tell which as it said "embrace pain! love the pain! be its king!" the copy yelled as it attacked Angelo and a large battle took place and it was only with sheer will that Angelo was able to overcome his hollow side "ill be back, you will see" the copy said as it disappeared into the darkness. Angelo was caught and put into a cell and when he woke up he wondered what happened to him but his captain explained everything and Angelo couldn't believe his life as a soul reaper was over, he used his hollow powers and got his zanpacto to get out and get to the mortal world where he became a visor. he may be part hollow but he still believes in good and does his best to be a good person...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Head captain

name: Nobuyuki Katsuo
age: 3000
appearance: hard to find pictures of old guys that people can be intimidated by
gender: male
Class: soul reaper

sealed form:
translated as leviathan killer. in order to activate his shikai katsuo needs to stab his sword onto the floor then when he calls out its name the blade will then become covered in water before manifesting itself into the blue halberd. in shikai form Katsuo is able to use his halberd to control water (think of it like byakuyas senbon sakura). however while he can manipulate water he can only do so from the surrounding area, trying to control someone's blood for example is out of the question, but what water he can control can be used as a weapon like from a water bullet (water spray that's aimed) he could turn into an ice spike in mid air if he wanted.

Bankai!...Mizu no ikari
except that its blue
translated to water fury and as the name states this is when katsuo water abilities are at their peek where he can control the very moisture in the air for his purposes. using it in any manner that he sees fit and most often when forced into this state if in an enclosed space he will take the moisture from the air and simply dehydrate his target.

History: to be revealed (Ill just make this up as I go along)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sunōfurēku Tatasuko

Allias/Nicknames: Rēku

Gender: Female

Appearance Age: 13

Age: 15 Dead, 10 Alive

Race: Shinigami

Rank: Lieutenant

Division: 9th

History: Sunōfurēku Tatasuko, a girl known by her peers as Rēku, hasn't had a very long history, and in fact is one of, if not, the youngest lieutenant to date. Dieing at such an early age not maney had hope for the child, but she showed high promise to at least one shinigami who adopted her and sent her to the academy, which she graduated from quite quickly and achieving her shikai not long after. Making lieutenant only a year later Rēku was easily on the fast track to success and most expect her bankai to appear not long from now, some even suspect she's hiding one that she already has.

Personality: Rēku acts exactly how she looks, a child. She giggles, smiles, plays around, everything you'd expect of a normal little girl. Who could blame her? After all she is a being less than the age of thirty. She's very kind, though jokes around a lot, curious, eccentric, and nothing close to serious, becaues of course that would be nothing short of boring. Now a side of her that is never shown is her serious side. The one that finds everyone else beneath her ability pathetic. This mostly portrays to those older than her that refuse to acknowledge her ability in combat. She is smarter than she lets on, smarter than a great majority of people in existence, and whether or not she shows it, she knows it.

Notable Traits:
Agile: Is one of the most flexible in soul society, and when it comes to normal speed is quite fast, though her flash step is by no means the fastest, though don't count her out of the race just yet!

Playful: Whether it's the battlefield, a lieutenants meeting, or even talking with a captain, Rēku means no disrespect, she just likes to have fun and be overly casual and friendly with everyone.

Prodigy: Maybe not brilliant when it comes to book smarts like some people, and you definitely don't want her being a doctor, but yet Rēku his a genius. Her thought patterns allow her to comprehend more than she should, and also allows her more skill and finesse in combat than someone far beyond her years. It's predicted she will become one of the youngest captains in history.



Name & Release: Ryūshi Tōzoku (Particle Thief)

"Devour and create...Ryūshi Tōzoku..."

Power: The power of Ryūshi Tōzoku is definitely an intricate one, though fairly simple, and still very complex. While the blade may shorten once released into shikai, it becomes double edged and it also glows a pink-purple hue and the blade itself changes to a light purple. The glow hides it, but the blade is also segmented in one inch intervals. This means there is a total of twenty-seven blade bits. Each of these blade bits are capable of detaching and becoming their own free flying entity that is always constantly moving. They do this by devouring anything within a milometer of the blade bit. This means that these bits don't actually cut, but rip away and take in whatever it appears to strike.

After taking in new material the blade bits then exert a new particle out of the back almost like a jet. These sparkles of purple and pink light are a new energy source exclusively created by Ryūshi Tōzoku. Since these particles are constantly being created out of whatever is brought into the blade bits and being an energy particle the blade bits act like a conduit almost. Thus the blade bits are all superheated. If one were to somehow actually physically touch the blade itself they would quickly regret it as whatever they touched it with would be severely burned and possibly even melted. The one exception to this seems to be zanpakuto themselves. The blade bits are unable to devour them and thus they are capable of deflecting them away without harm.

Some things that should be noted about this shikai is that she controls the blade bits personally, that is until the blades have taken in the blood of her victims she no longer needs Rēku to guide the blade bits. Ryūshi Tōzoku once it has tasted the blood likes to hunt on her own, and as long as Rēku doesn't need her help she will enjoy the hunt. Another fun fact is that opponents' zanpakuto abilities that are absorbed depending on what they are have a possibility to create an additional particle that Ryūshi Tōzoku is unable to create on her own.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

“Swords may break, but Reality merely bends.”
“Many often dig their own graves, the fools who jump into them.”
“Blooming flowers are beautiful, but bear no fruit to eat.”
“A good mirror only shows the truth.”

Character Name: Minoru Hiroyuki
Actual Age: 2500
Physical Age: 48
Race: Shinigami
Birthday: February 29th
Gender: Male
Height: 176 cm (5’9”)
Weight: 69 Kg (152 lbs)
Blood Type: AB+
Gender - male
Class – visor

Powers - Minoru was once a lieutenant of squad two, he prefers to lead an unassuming life, thus tends rarely demonstrate his maximum capabilities. He had even stepped down to third seat to avoid having to do so. However, let not his reluctance to participate fool anyone into believing he is no major threat, as he would prefer to end it all quickly with his speed and precision. Minoru makes it look surprisingly effortless as he seemingly walks through the battlefield to give a target a quick tap on the head with a fan.

Shunpo- As a former officer of squad two, of which was tied to the Onmitsukido, Minoru is well versed in shunpo. Although curiously his variation of the technique creates a multitude of after-images of himself, as they appear to onlookers in succession to make the illusion of his presence frame by frame as they disappear. Hence, why some may find it strange that an Onmitsukido member would walk so slowly towards an opponent not knowing he is actually moving at speeds faster than they could visually detect.

Hakuda - As a former member of squad two holding third seat, Minoru is head of the Detention unit in the Onmitsukido. As no weapons were allowed in the Den of Maggots, Minoru demonstrates a mastery of Hakuda. His defensive style requires patience and keen observation in striking the weak points, as well as the endurance to outlast the series of turns and counter turns the battle takes. Be warne, single flick of a wrist at a critical spot could render someone unconscious.

Zanjutsu – Due to the nature of his Zanpakuto, wielding such a blade requires a special consideration. Thus Minoru’s Zanjutsu style is unconventional, requiring the opponent to avoid the lagging blade as he prepares for another stroke.

Minoru's hollowfication allows him to use his mask for 30 seconds, increasing his speed and strength over time rather than an immediate boost. Although he doesn’t use the technique often as it requires him eventually maximize his abilities.

Zanjutsu Level: Expert
Shunpo Level: Master
Hakuda Level: Specialist
Kido Skill Level: Practitioner
Reiryoku Level: Great
Reiatsu: High
Reiatsu Colors: Snow White
Reiatsu Type: Standard Type

Zanpakuto Name: Tsukumogami “Kami of the Tool”
Zanpakuto Appearance: Meiso no Kagami is sealed as a metal tessen roughly 19 cm in length usually held by Minoru or tucked into his shihakusho.

Inner World: Minoru’s inner world is an interior of a teahouse. Located in a bamboo grove, the paper walls of the occluded hut conceals the inviting hearth and mats. A steaming tetsubin awaits, as the tea ceremony is hosted by his inner hollow…

Release Phrase:
“Open the way, Tsukumogami.”

Shikai: Upon its release Tsukumogami opens up to reveal its metal fan blades extending to a length of a standard katana before closing once more as the blades meld together into one relatively blunt blade.

Shikai Special Ability: Tsukumogami is either the fastest Zanpakuto in all the soul society, or perhaps more aptly the slowest. The blunt blade offers no real cutting edge, not even an edge actually as a physical swing of the blade triggers no such even in reality until moments later. As such attempt to defend against such an attack using visual cues offers only the experience of watching Tsukumogami phasing through the intercepting object. Instead, reality “records” the movement of the would-be blade of the Zanpakuto until Minoru opens the fan to separate all the blades out in a fantastic display of sharpness. Upon opening the fan, it is revealed that the extended blades are missing, and that Tsukumogami resembles its seal state. However, it is at that point where the recorded instances of where the blades would be register and move along the path traced out earlier finishing the instant Minoru closes the fan.

Bankai: Not yet achieved, or perhaps revealed. Due to his personality, he probably wouldn’t reveal it even if he did achieve it.

History: ((I'll come up with this as I learn more about the plot of the Rp.))

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Daggerskull
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Daggerskull Official dead man walking

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ketsueki kuchi (blood mouth)
Appearance: a black cloak is his signature look, along side a black bandage covering his lower face, preventing anyone looking upon his mouth. Anyone who could remove the bandage would reveal dried blood surrounding swollen lips and a bloodied tongue. His zanpakuto is barely visible under his black longcoat.
Age: n/a
Gender: male
Class: soul reaper
Rank: commander of the stealth squad

History: previously named Masahiro Shasake, lieutenant of the 13th squad; ketsueki found out that a hollow rampage had killed off his family. Soon he was on his way to his home town, however the hollows' combined might was too much for him. He was saved by the 13th and 11th squad captains, though not without injury. His mouth was damaged beyond repair, and the only noises that could come out of it were whispers. Since that day he trained and trained, reaching Shikai a year after, and Bankai after another ten. Five years into his Bankai training, the stealth command position opened up; and he saw his opportunity. His training paid off and he beat off a number of opposing hopefuls and was given the position.
Details:well trained in martial arts, as well as the art of the zanpakuto, he is a master of stealth. He is however, severely lacking in all of the magic aspects of the soul reaper line of work, only just scraping through his kido test in Soul reaper academy.
Evolution: yet to be filled out.
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