Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Profiles set up:

Name: (Pretty much anything you want as long as it makes sence)
Age: (I would like to keep Furious five ages at around 16 to 22 please)
Gender: (Male or female)
Personality: (How they act to other, how they act to foes, how they act on there own)
Species: (Remember, Anthros only)
Appearance: (Image or description)
Kung fu styles: (Can be both learned and learning styles)
Sexuality: (Not really important but there if you want to write it down)
Position:(Civillian, Furious five member (Only 5), Dragon warrior (Only 1), Villain (Main or Henchman), Sensei or grandmaster (Only 1)
History: (Can be WIP or TBR or written up)
My two

Name: Spike Fertar/ Master Dragon
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: A calm but slightly hot headed young dragon, Spike enjoys a good spar with his friends but can be a little too Hot headed to think about a plan before he fights, he is a lovely guy to his friends and likes to help train them if they ever need help. He is a shoulder to cry on and knows quite a lot about kung Fu. He is very blunt to his foes and will not back down even if he knows he's losing.
Species: Dragon
Appearance: He has a scar on his right eye from back when he was younger and wears combat trousers.
Kung Fu style: Crane, Dragon and Tiger style
Sexuality: Straight
Position: Leader of the furious Five
A quote he has:

"Things are never what you want them to be, there are always other way to deal with things. We may suffer as we deal with these things but if you learn to master them, Then you become stronger then ever"
Name: Shadow Striker
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: A silent but very deadly type of guy, Shadow is very powerful and often speaks in a mocking tone to his enemies, he enjoys watching people quake in fear of him and he likes battles more then anything. He is a born commander and will get the respect he needs from his henchmen and solders. But deep within him, there is a softer side a part of him that wants people to like him and to understand him better.
Species: Wolf
Appearance: .
Kung Fu Style: Wolf. Tiger and Leopard style
Sexuality: Straight
Position: Main Villain
History: WIP
A quote he had:

"People call me a villain, people call me a monster but honestly I am not the only Monster is this world. No matter what you say or what you do, you are a monster just like me. You just don't know how to use that fury like I do"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name : GrandMaster Marahute

Age : 67 Years old

Role : Grandmaster of the Jade Palace

GrandMaster Styles of Fighting : All eleven as well as , Dragon style (The only one that knows this style by the very roots of his core) red panda style is something he is famous for after his grand master shifu. Eagle style is his favorite

Personality : A noble and stern eagle with a mind that at peace and shows no anger even at hardest of times. he is focused and sharp witted but he also has a deep love for all his students and knows every style by heart. he is very wise and calm and collected and even if a great warrior is to fall he would shed a tear for all those slain even the most of evil. He does not seek war or change the world merely to keep the balance of the world and of the very people in it. he is well looked up to but also a grand target for many thieves and foes of the five and dragon warrior. He is also many people see a grand defender of truth, light and love, though some have their doubts with him at times with his sometimes shady behavior yet fierceness in fighting many say he can be a deadly foe and could even become a monster.

Mostly known famous for :

Dragon style : The Dragon is the most noble, and most powerful of all legendary creatures. To master the Dragon Style one must first master all eleven of the other animal styles. Dragon Style takes the best parts from each of the other styles and combines them into one. Dragons are said to see the truth clearly, and bring peace to those before them. Marahute is said to have learned this while on his own said a strange man came to him and taught him….then he knew what he must do. He is the only dragon master known in the lands making him a deadly fighter.

Family : Alusia (Mother, dead) Venix (father, dead) Caksi (brother, dead) Nemia(Wife, dead died a few years ago) Bemia (dead, daughter) Nexi (Son, Dead) Grekias (daughter, Missing) Spike (adopted son, Alive)

What his famous quotes are : “infinite is the sky but lonely is the one star that has no neighbor”

“I will one day like many of the grand masters will fall and fade but Hopefully my students I shall be inside of your hearts and minds so may my spirit live in your hearts and minds. I am only your teacher and protector when you do not work as a team….but be as it may, only letting go of the emotions of hate and fear will you truly see the way that I do, balance like i can….Only then my students will you understand why i was born”

What he stands for : Strength, Courage, Prestige, Spirit, Wisdom, Loyalty Balance, Meditation, Healing, Faith, Connection with Higher Power, Freedom, Awareness, Perspective, Insight . Letting go of hate and anger and releasing only love, honor and law and order.

History : coming later

Picture :

Name : Luna

Age : 23

Roel : She is like Mistress Tiger

Master of a style : She made up her very own style that combines some styles together yet it also makes them all different : She style is called The Beliroar style : With the thundering roar that comes from her can startle her foes as well as her speed and agility attacking the legs and back side of her foes. She lunges, bites, kicks and scratches till her foe is down then releases and lets them leave. her attacks also show a high intelligence as she is able to use nearly anything near her as a weapon. She also can use almost what looks like clones of herself at a peaceful state in fighting, but she can tire out easily if hit with harder attacks.

She mastered Tiger and Red panda

Role : part of the Five

Personality : Luna is what her name describes, like the moon she is hard to anger and her emotions are like that of the tide of the moon, flowing and calm. But if angered her claws are out and her fangs are shown. She is agressive when pissed off and when fighting but on her off time she is very calm and always approachable and kind.

Her Meaning : With the lioness energy within you, you will become a great provider, able to go out into the world, successfully meet the challenges of life and bring home the bounty for yourself and your loved ones. There is no need to worry about whether you will succeed, for you are the lioness.
The lioness will bring you the gift of perfect timing. She will teach you when to lie low and blend with the surroundings and when to leap out and go after what you desire. Your intuitive side will strengthen as you develop the skill of sensing what is around you and knowing exactly when to make your move.
The lioness is also very strong physically, fast and agile. Breathe in deeply and feel her power within you, healing you and bringing you physical strength.
And once home, let her teach you to relax completely, enjoying the company of others, nuzzling and purring as you build a community of safety and abundance. How blessed you are to be the lioness!

A quote she has

“Mess with one lioness you bring forth the pride, mess with a cub you bring forth the army dare to attack a loved one you bring a mother and wife. But touch her baby and you bring in the devil”

“I’m not one for mushy words, kind hearted things . I am the one that will beat you into the ground till you can’t move no more. But after that i will tend to your wounds and smile as i do so. I’m a Lioness what do you expect?”

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name : Exmi

Age : 19

Speices : Jackal

Role : The Dragon warrior to Be

Styles (he only learns some still learning) Tiger, Viper and Eagle as well as his own style of fighting

Personality : very shy creature with a big heart and open mind. he is skittish and knows a lot about how to fight he chooses usually not to fight out of fear of harming others. If ever in a fight to save one he cares about watch out because he can pack a punch if he is threatened or someone close to him is. he is rare creature to be found in china and his main weapons are a staff like spear with golden bronze that his elder of his tribe blessed that if he belives in himself then that weapon shall never fail him.

The weapon is named Allister - A spear Blessed by the tribe he came from, if he belives in this weapon it shall enevr fail him. How it works, When touched by Exmis and only him alone the weapon blessing unleashes itself as the closest element to it it will use, If not making a wave of water froma river or uproot trees in a forest or hurtle rocks at foes. But after two minutes of attacking it needs to recharge for fifteen minutes and its up to Exmis to fight on his own.

The Spear

Picture :

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IronFrost
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IronFrost Vampire King Loki

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name : Venuis The Trapper

Age : 34

Role : Eh I'll Play a henchlady Why not

Speices : Cheetah (Yes A Cheetah)

Kung Fu Style : Viper, Crane and Tortoise Style

Personality : one of the most deadly henchman you can cross, she is faster then a viper and her reflexes are faster than a rat. She is cunning, dangerous and has a nasty temper if you dare to attack her or anyone she might likje. She does have a law, NO CUB or MOTHER is ever to be harmed. If harmed the person responseable can be placed to death. She is sharp clawed and with the style of tortuis behind her a slower kind of Kung Fu but very powerful she is said to be able to out wit and out move most of her foes. She learned how to wait till the right time and attack only when the time is right and not a momment too soon. She has learned how to be in harmony making her kung fu only that more dangerous to many.

PIcture :

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Greek Myths Rock

Greek Myths Rock

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name : master Cobra

Age : 23

Speices : Cobra

Role : Master of Snake Style

Kung Fu Style " Viper, leopard and Cobra style as well (Cobfa style is shotting venom that mommentarrly blind a foe for 23 hours, attacking with fangs bites)

Personality : A stern, careful and softhearted male though at first he doesn;t seem like much he is an amazing teacher and master with a heart of a warrior and the boldness of a Rhino.

Picture :

Name : Vexi The Spy

Age : 24

Role : Henchman

Race : Fox

Kung Fu Mastered : Red Panda Style, Cobra style, Fox style (Foucases on attacking all foes with charm, lies and wit. She can move and void attacks her bite is powerful but her style fucases not getting caught and attacking without being seen)

Picture :

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mitzi is a rather petite appearing girl, having the height of 5 feet exactly. She has long black hair that spirals in to curls and is often covered with a cloth to keep it from flying everywhere. The rather young woman has a slim figure and a set of golden eyes that often give a relaxed and cool disposition.

Name: Mitzi May
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Personality: Mitzi is a cunning young woman, however with a grim personality. Her expressions usually range from sad to stone cold, and her speech has no filter by any means, thus managing to chase off many people and deem her as a hexing voodoo artist-which Mitzi doesn't deny-. Aside from her off-putting personality, Mitzi is actually quite a wise and intelligent young woman, which makes her a person to come to with problems if needed.

Species: Siamese
Kung fu styles: Of course, having been traveling for quite awhile, Mitzi had managed to pick up many cultural fighting practices such as Tiger style, leopard style, and Taekwondo(Google can be your best friend in this scenario).
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Position: Gypsy Traveler, an avid kung-fu artist, and a civilian.

History: During her travels, Mitzi managed to hire a guard for company, as well as some form of protection if she grows to lazy to fend for herself.
She hopped on a boat to china to sell her wares, and in the end had managed to coincidentally end up in the same town where the beloved warriors of china are staying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name : Celuis

Age : 9

Role : Shadows Baby, trouble Making Sistser

Speices : Puppy Wolf

Kung Fu style : Puppy Style - Pure Innocence and enegery is needed in this form and she is a wild fur ball at times in fighting and scratching and biting with her sharp little puppy teeth, *owch Sharp*

Personality : Think about it she is a pupy and Pack of Enegery and given any sugar and she is like the tazman devil in Loony toons and will get and run into everything. She is innocent of all things, not understanding death, life, fighting or anythign she acts purely on her instinct and her bond with shadow. She is a handful and belive me if not watched she will get into trouble. She is always the one for adventure and meeting new people and has a heart that makes everyone say AWWWWWWW

History : Born the youngest of the siblings Shadow had left the pack by the time she was born. But one day her father in blind rage attacked her but her high pitched howl and scream had seemed to have reached her brothers ear. Though at first he really didn't know who she was all he knew was she had a scent on her of the pack....he later found out that this was his youngest sister and took her from the pack to raise her. She only trusts him really and anyone else a henchman or henchlady she doesn't like and hides behind shadow if near them. She fallows shadow or tries o and if not allowed she will whine and whimper and wait for him to come back or rush off and fallow him. Nothing is known about her other then she is very much a mystery of a pup but cute as well....too cute.

Few Words

"HEY SHADOW WHATS THIS ?.............AND THAT...............HEY SHADOW..... shadow shadow shadow"

"Whats Death, Why does it need to exsist ?"

"who are you people ? Oh Hello I am Celuis and Its a pleasure to meet you. I love you" Hugs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IronFrost
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IronFrost Vampire King Loki

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name : Clora

Age : 17

Sepices : Wasp

Role : Mantis Master

Kung fu : Wasp Style, Mantis and Spider Style

Personality :

History :

Picture :

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name : Master Drekon

Age : 21

Speices " Lemur

Role : Master of Monkey Style

Personality : A very controled and well manners lemur but if you harm his friends he will beat you into a pulp. he is very wise and playful and likes to sing and dance and make others happy. Many call him "The Happy Master" as he is never in a bad mood even if hurt by his closest friends. He is a good friendship with most of the five....exept the Wasp who doesn't seem to like his singing at times but he will do it just to annoy her.

Kung Fu You Masterd : Monkey Style, Leopard Style and His Lemur style (In this style is more of climbing, dodging and fighting with your tail and pouncing on the others back and pulling on anything you can grab. mostly ears, tail or fur . He also likes to hit his foes with his giatur at times)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Nayra Nightwing
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Personality: Somewhat of a strict master, Nayra knows how to keep the five active so they don't get sloppy, she is very sweet and can sometimes act very motherly to the five or to the young children that live in the town below the temple. Nayra is very soft spoken and will only really raise her voice when she's being strict with them. She is very flirty as well and tend to flirt with the grandmaster.
Species: Kitsune
Kung fu styles: Fox Style, Eagle style, Leopold style, tiger style
Sexuality: Bisexual
Position: Apprentice to Grandmaster
History: WIP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Lucinda [ Luce for short ]
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: She is probably one of the happiest villains you ever meet, she always greets a good morning and loves to talk are simply goof a little around. Yet when she needs to be serious or someone she loves / cares for is attacked without a reason, she can be very deadly. She is very protective over her 'family' because she knows how it is to be alone and never wants that again.
Species: Wolf / Dog [ her father was a wolf, her mother a dog yet she totally takes after her mother ]
Kung fu styles: Monkey style and Rabbit style, she is halfway with the Rabbit style
Sexuality: straight
Position: Villain Henchman
History: Ever since she could walk, she was interested in Kung fu and her mother told her story's about the great masters. When she was 10 years old, she went to a school for beginning Kung Fu students and in her second year there she choose for the Monkey style. She liked the acting around the style and how playful it looked, her second choice became the Rabbit style because of the sneaky fighting behind the hopping and acting happy. Luce had just turned 16 when her mother died and nobody would be willing to take care of her. She was 18 when Shadow found her, she actually just had tried to rob him and she asked for mercy. She got her mercy but also joined his team [ After irritate him till he said yes ] and since then she was a loyal help for him.

Extra info: She's known as the 'cutest villain' because she mostly wears shorts with above that a skirt and a top in colors: Pink, purple, Blue, Green in combination with Black. she might or might not have a crush on Shadow [ she has a crush on him but would never tell anyone ]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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