Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Izin'asilos

Race: Twi'lek

Gender: Female

Age: 27


Skills: -Is proficient with her dual Guard Shoto lightsabers.
-excellent dancer.
-knows how to blend in easily.
-Adept at interrogation.
-Highly skilled force user.

Equipment: -Two Guard Shoto lightsabers.
-mixed bag of sith and jedi holocrons.
-spare outfits.

Bio: Izin was born on the twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth, where she was well aware of the slave trades and disposition towards her race. At a young age, she came across an old and -at the time- strange relic. She collected it, but did not show it to her family, feeling that they would not take kindly to it. Not long after, she was found by an Inquisitor and taken from her home to be trained. With her master, she learned that the relic was an ancient lightsaber, and was inactive. As the years passed, she had become more and more skilled as a Sith Inquisitor. She spent a number of years under his wing, learning and growing to be just as good as he was before he died.

Following her master's death, Izin'asilos was unable to perform her Inquisitor duties. She could still capture, but she couldn't kill. For all of the unwilling jedi and force sensitives, Izin had managed to sneak them out to safety. With a year passing, she had drawn too much attention to herself, and fled the Inquisitorious. In her self-exile, she was found several times by other Inquisitors, who had been able to find her. She had escaped, but hit rock bottom.

There, she was guided by the force, and came across a set of Jedi holocrons. She began to follow some rules of the Jedi code, and took a better path as a grey Jedi. She couldn't fully abandon her past to start anew, and even if she did, the Jedi code was too demanding mentally. They had to be stone walls, which was impossible for her to do.

Putting herself on a new path, Izin moved closer to the core world, avoiding the outer rim in hopes of staying away from other Inquisitors. That wasn't to say that she took the risk of going back to her family briefly and telling them that she was okay. Despite her desire to stay with them, for their safety as well as her own, she continued her journey to the core worlds.

The Twi'lek was in the Mid Rim when she intercepted a rebel signal, in which she decided to follow and assist the rebels. They had been surpsied to see such a menacing woman on their side, but did not decline the offer to help. Since then, she had done whatever she could to aid the rebels and their cause. A common phrase she had began to say when talking to the rebels was 'may the force be with you'

Other: She does not fully understand the title of Darth and how it is given, earned, and the true implications of it. It seems to be self-appointed, but Sidious proclaimed Vader a Darth, and the whole thing was confusing for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Vale Aath

Race: Miraluka

Gender: Male

Age: 28


Force Wall of Light
Force healing
Force persuasion

One yellow Lightsaber
One purple Lightsaber
Jedi robes
Mandalorian armor
Blaster pistol

Bio: Vale was a child whose parent fled there colony when the Emperor declared Jedi traitors, soon after the force sensitive race came under attack for supposedly harboring Jedi. Vale's parent went on the run until he was five, then he met his master. He was trained by Olee Starstone, a former Padawan of Master Bol Shatak. Olee rescued the boy after witnessing his parents killed for simply being Miraluka. Starstone and her allies being chased by the Empire put in random hyperspace co-ordinates and jumped to light speed. The ship later crashed on the planet known as Ossus, which Olee found to have a Jedi temple and the great Jedi Library.

The local inhabitants were tribal's descend from the Jedi survivors of the war with Exar Kun. Yet when she showed them her force powers and lightsaber they left. They feared and respected her bringing them food and water regularly, Olee knew if they returned they would face the Empire so she trained the boy there on Ossus.

She began to teach the boy as she herself learned from the dozens of Jedi holocrons and thousands of old text which had survived there. She taught the boy much about being a Jedi, he was adept learning skills she had not yet mastered as he began to decipher the holocrons. At twenty-five Starstone proclaimed him a Jedi Knight and they decided to leave the planet. They returned and joined the rebels on Dantoonine working in together with Lando's Commando's. They struck at multiple targets.

He and Olee became the targets of a group Mandalorian bounty hunters, they were captured. However the when the Mandalorians attempted to turn them over and get paid the Inquisitor they were working for turned on them. The Mando's freed there prisoners in exchange the Jedi fought off and defeat the Inquisitor however he committed suicide rather than betray the Empire. With that the Mandalorians thanked the Jedi with a gift, a set of Mandalorian armor for Vale to hide his lack of eyes. For Olee a book on the history of Mandalore and the war's they fought with the Jedi. Olee was the first choice however her and Grand Master Skywalker have left to further search Ossus and begin the construction of a new Jedi Temple there for the New Jedi Order.

Vale was selected for this for his unique gifts in the force and more importantly because he has experience commanding soldiers. While he and Olee did work with Lando's commando's Vale was in charge of rebel boarding parties and assault teams. He was also key in the capture of Kimino having fought there along with Master Skywalker and four other Jedi Knights.

Other: Vale has no eyes, like all Miraluka he see's with the force meaning that each and every Miraluka could become a Jedi. In theory, thus his entire race lives on fringe world as the Imperial government kill or captured all those they find.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Alexander Atreides

Race: Corellian

Gender: Male

Age: 35


Mechanical Repair
Droid Maintenance
Electronic Slicing

A280 Blaster Rifle
DL-18 Blaster Pistol
Fusion Cutter
Custom Hammer
Various other tools and spare parts kept in a rucksack

Bio: Born on Corellia itself, Atreides was subject to the many and various suspicions and running gags that faced the group throughout the universe. Growing up on Corellia did little to shelter him from such things, but like his people, he was resilient and laughed in the face of such things. Both his parents were classic examples of the rebellious nature of the Corellian people, always fighting against anyone who tried to force their small family into a role or position that held no interest to the family. So when the Corellian Resistance formed to stand against the Empire, the entire family, 10 year old Alexander included, were amongst the first waves to join and begin plotting against the Empire. His parents would soon die in an early raid against the Resistance movement, but the young boy survived and kept running messages when they could not be trusted to even encrypted signals, as it was obvious the Empire was cracking their codes as early Resistance holdings were raided routinely.

But the Resistance kept growing stronger on Corellia, and Alexander grew up alongside of the rebels as he honed the trade his parents taught him. All things mechanical and electronic were his playthings, whether building new weapons and tools for agents to use or sabotaging Imperial holdings and resources. Along the way he was trained in using blasters, and inherited his father's A280 and stole a DL-18 as a backup. Armed as such, and with his technical prowess, he often performed as the specialist of hit and run attacks on Imperial holdings on Corellia, even as young as he was during some of the time. He took to the thrill of the fighting and resistance efforts against the Empire, making a name for himself as a daring and skilled technician, handy enough with blasters to keep his own hide alive so he wouldn't need escorted. So by the time the Corellian Resistance was merged with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, it was only natural for the Corellian to join up and keep fighting on other planets and systems.

Atreides typically rated for better than grunt work, often times acting as part of cells on Imperial or otherwise Rebel unfriendly worlds, acting as a technical expert for whatever was deemed necessary for operations on the planet they were sent to. From causing failures in life support systems in Imperial barracks on asteroids, to setting up ambushes on jungle worlds, the technician gained a large wealth of experience throughout his fighting from the dawn of the Alliance. Even working alongside force sensitives on occasion and getting the usual 'may the force be with you' spiel, he never bought too heavily into the whole Foce thing. Nothing skill couldn't solve that the force tried to do otherwise. Close calls aplenty, both before and after the formation of the Alliance, it was only natural that Atreides would get picked up for the mission to Coruscant, having a technical expert would no doubt prove vital in their operations.

Other: Atreides is fond of throwing together parts on the fly to make new weapons and tools to solve problems he, or anyone he is working alongside, might run into at any given time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"May The Force Be With You"

Name: Alpha-95, "Tak"

Race: Human Clone, Fett template

Gender: Male

Age: physical age 38, actual age 53


-Advanced weapons training
-Vehicle training, land
-Hand to hand combat
-Rudimentary explosives

-Stormtrooper armor, aesthetically changed and rewired
-Phase 2 Clone Trooper helmet, multi use visor and rewired to be compatible to stormtrooper armor
-E-11 Blaster
-SE-14r Repeating Blaster
-Backpack, contents are situational to current mission but usually made up of several types of grenades
-Short sword made from an alloy Mandalorian Iron, or Beskar, and Durasteel

Bio: Alpha-95, or Tak as he would later call himself, is one of the original one hundred Advanced Recon Commandos created on Kamino. The training endured was above and beyond anything the normal troopers could have imagined but at the end of it Tak had been groomed into a killing machine with the soul purpose of waging war. He has fought on almost every large front and has a personal kill count in the hundreds however this all meant little in the grand scheme of things. When Order 66 was activated he and most of the original one hundred rejected it, sealing their fates as traitors of the Empire. Afterwards Tak drifted from place to place, never staying long before leaving. Before his trip in stasis Tak and several other ARC troopers stayed to defend Kamino when the Empire marched upon the clone factories. The battle was glorious but futile, the anti-imperial clones fighting with untold tenacity. In the end however, Kamino fell and Tak was forced to flee.

During his escape, Tak's ship was damaged and he was forced into a warp jump that shot him into the outer rim. Soon after things become hazy. He was taken in by a fledgling rebel cell and put on ice as insurance for another time. Tak has only been awake for a couple months now and is far more satisfied with the organization that the Rebel Alliance has made itself into. A cause worth fighting for.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"May the force be with you."

Name: Jazar Kazar

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 33


Jazar stands at six foot five. He mostly wears his armor during missions and talks through that. However during the odd time that he doesn't wear his armor his facial features are brown eyes, a five o’clock shadow, scar on his jawline to his eye and a small scar on his right cheek. A more brownish skin tone, mostly a lighter version of chocolate brown. Having a well built figure and stature, and with muscle apparent.


Expert Pilot
Smooth Talker
Advanced Weapon Skills
Close Quarter Combat Skills.


Mandalorian Lime Green Black colored Armour.
On his Back - Pulse Rifle and Sniper Rifle. Sniper Rifle featured an infrared scope while Pulse Rifle featured an extended magazine.
Waistband - Heavy Blaster Pistol, A few.
Has an EMP Jammer in his suit, on one of the armors for short range Electronic Blockage.
Has an ship, hidden somewhere.


Not much is known about Jazar. Due to him being an bounty hunter he has often stayed under the radar. However, a lot of his clients tell you that when he kills and performs a contract, he does in it a very organized manner. Most of the accounts where credit transfers go thru are one time accounts, and once the money is picked up on that account, the account simply vanishes. What is known is however he has a moral. He never works for the Empire, prefers not to kill members of religious groups and doesn’t harm Jedi or any members affiliated with them. The Rebel Movement was an interesting piece of business for him, and so with nothing else to do and business falling short. He signed up as an Rebel Mercenary.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AlterEgo
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Azala

Race: Mirialan

Gender: Female

Age: 23


((minus the lightsaber)

-Advanced sniper rifle training
-speeder bike training
-Hand to hand combat

-DC17m sniper rifle
-Knuckle plate fibro blade
-A fine assortment of black market grenades

Bio: The early years of her life are nothing but fuzzy blurrs, Azala's first memories are of her and her father on Mandalore. She was raised on the DC17 sniper and refuses to use any other weapon. Considerd normal by Mandolorian standards, other races may find her a bit blunt, violent, and a bit of a hot head. She's not cheap, but the price is well worth her 100% satisfaction gurantee that the job will get done.

Other: Is addicted to spiced warra nuts.

" May the force be with you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by memetrash101


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

May the force be with you

Name: Unknown goes by the alias of 'Mandalore 6'

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: Short dark hair, green eyes, pale skin, small scar above lip

Skills: Self trained marksman, Scavenging Droid assembly, Force Sensitive

Equipment: Boba Fett's scavenged (Yet heavily damaged) Armor, Blaster pistol, Magnadroid staff (Reassembled and barely functioning) google.co.uk/search?q=Boba+Fett+Fan+Ar.. (Mandalore's armor)

Bio: Not much is known about Mandalore. The little that is known about him is often shrouded in lies and legends spread by word of mouth. What is known to be true is that he was a scavenger on Tatooine, and he came across the corpse of a man in Mandolarion armour. It was a short time after this that routine attacks on the Empire strongholds occured, led by the 'Terrorist' Mandolore 6.
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