Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyro
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Kyro Eternal Slayer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cyro, the ultimate Cyromancer

Name: Tor "Cyro" Han

Age: 25

Race and gender: Human, Male


Class: Warlock

Personality: Silent yet brave. Loyal as a dog, and strong as an Ox. He can be compassionate towards his clan members, but can be extremely vicious when need be. The kind of guy you would want to be friends with. Never EVER tick him off.

Family: Bi "Sub-Zero" Han (Father) Chun (Wife) Bi (Son)

Universe: Mortal Kombat/ Non Canon, Fan Made by me

Clan/Faction: Lin Kuei

Abilities and Skills

-Extreme endurance
-Mastery over all forms of martial arts
-Enhanced Speed
-Stealth Mastery and tactics
-Master Strategist
-Capable of using Cyromancy, one of the most powerful magics when used correctly.


-Cannot Swim
-Unable to breathe when he is using mass amounts of mana.
-Heat makes him weaker by nullifying his powers. At 90 Degrees, Cyro can actually die instantly.
-His legs are made of ice. Can be melted or broken off with enough damage.
-Cannot use any other weapons than the one he makes himself
-Being near fire weakens his powers depending on the fire's heat and size.


Cyro is capable of using Cyromancy, a Lin Kuei technique and magic that harnesses the power of user generated ice to create magnificent weapons. These weapons are made completely of ice, and have high durability, and cannot be melted unless under extreme heat. The following are weapons commonly used by Cyro.

Piercing Ice Katana

A powerful Katana created of piercing ice, an ice only capable of making when the user is enraged. The neutral form of this weapon, the Ice Katana, does less damage, but is much lighter and sharper on it's first edge. This variation is sharp on all edges, and can make targets bleed easily with contact, unlike the Ice Katana, which the target must be struck 2 times to cause bleed.

Ice Shield

This weapon is mainly used for defense, and depending on how damaged the user is, the shield's size is when created. This weapon has no Piercing Variation and can only be summoned once, as for it takes lots of mana. Great for blocking attacks of any kind, and has more durability than all of his weapons combined, but can be melted easily.

Ice Axe

This weapon is used for extreme damage inflict. Piercing Mode costs lots of mana and makes the user weak after just one swing, but a well placed hit can easily end someone's life, or at least make them bleed to death.

Piercing Ice Daggers

Fast, deadly, and easy to summon, the Ice Daggers are a perfect starting weapon that is as quick as it's user, and as deadly as the Ice Axe. It's piercing form does insane amounts of bleeding upon 3 successful hits, and can be thrown at medium range, sacrificing damage and bleeding for a small stun effect.

Environment Modification

Cyro can modify his surroundings to inflict damage. He can form Ice Stalagmites with the stomp of his foot, piercing into the poor bastard under it. He can create Ice Traps, Blizzards, Avalanches, and even Ice Rain, all for extremely high costs of mana. Using only one of these moves will guarantee his safety. Using two in conjunction has the chance of choking him.

At the young age of 2, Tor Han's Father Bi Han, had abandoned him, off to slay the enemy clan, the Shirai Ryu. Never returning from the attack, Tor had given up hope of his father's return, and had no father figure to look to. He was taught all martial arts by his clan, but strived to be like his father, capable of using Ice Magic. Tor's Uncle, Kuai, was proficient in Cyromancy, a rarely practiced magic within the Lin Kuei. Asking his uncle to teach him, Kuai unwillingly complied, and Tor became Kuai's apprentice. After Kuai had left the clan, Cyro was the top warrior, the fiercest assassin of the clan, and the supreme warrior that his clan wanted him to be.

On a mission to hunt down an enemy clan, Tor led his ninja to the Taiga stronghold, where the clan leader was staying for the night after traveling to a local village. The attack was successful, and the Taiga warriors did not show much strength, it was after the fight that brought trouble to Cyro. A squad of dark warriors had ambushed Cyro's team, killing all of them in cold blood. Unable to save them, Cyro was pushed to the ground, then, fastened to the floor, forced to watch as one of the dark warriors raised his Katana and cut both of his legs off. Left to bleed to death next to the bloodied corpses of his team, Cyro refused to die, and began to use his Cyromancy to create frozen prosthetic legs to replace his natural legs. Fully flexible and strong, the Ice proved a excellent alternative to his real legs. He walked back to his clan's village in sorrow. After telling his clan of the events, He promised for this never to happen again, as he swore to venture off across the world, train as much as he could, and return the ultimate warrior, and the clan leader the Lin Kuei desperately needed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kyro
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Kyro Eternal Slayer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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Here is my character. Typically we use a hider for them.

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