Avatar of Kimi
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 732 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. Kimi 10 yrs ago


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1 yr ago
Current Back after years... Let's see if I can get a 1x1 partner... Plz ? ;-;


About Me

You can call me Khat.
My Carrd
1x1 General Interests | Plots

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Bumpy ❤️
~About Me~
29, female from England. -keep that in mind for time differences!-

I am looking for just one long term -maybe two partners max- I prefer using discord. I am disabled so having easy access on my mobile without too many buttons to press is much easier on me.
I'm ideally looking for someone who can do multiple posts a day or at least be active to talk OOC about the RP, making plot points, talking about OCs or the RP etc. daily. I love OOC chat with my partners! I wana be friends!.
I used to be here a lot, then my mental health went in the toilet then I moved house so things just... weren't good. But I have been working on myself and I'm happy in my home with my husband! So time for a new friend and writing partner! <3

~My Rules~

  • My OCs & I are not the same people. My OCs love or hate for your OC does not reflect my own feelings for you. I am not looking for a relationship. You are probably very lovely but I am happily married. Thank you.
  • Age of AT LEAST 21+ for my own comfort as I do like mature RP's sex, drugs, violence etc. All my characters that have anything to do with smut or sex will be at least 18. I would prefer if you did the same.
  • Be open to/suggest mature subjects because YES I like to have sex/gore/violence/drugs etc. in my RPs. I dont like to fade to black.
  • Contribute to plots and play multiple characters (if needed)
  • Tell me if you're gonna be absent for a bit so I'm not left wondering if you died on me.
  • I DO NOT RP blood incest, paedophilia, stuff like bestiality or the weird kink stuff like toilet play.
  • I DO NOT do battle scenes... I hate them, so, just no... Sorry :/ (Scuffles and altercations are different)
  • I am a Casual to Advanced RPer, meaning I typically write between 1 and 3 paragraphs. I don't just do one liners or a few sentences. So it would be nice if my partner did about the same amount. -I understand if there's a lot of back and forth dialogue things may be smaller, what I'm referring to is the other parts.
  • If RPing in the forums I DO expect you so subscribe to the RP thread we do. I will be, so you must also, that way neither of us 'loses' the thread and we know when each other has posted. (Or 'Star' if via PM)
  • Don't harass me for posts! It has happened before and it REALLY puts me off the whole roleplay. I will keep you up to date on if I'm not good to post that day.
  • ❤ = In the mood currently for this!

(please note that I do like to have ROMANCE)
I DO NOT like pure smut, I do like there to be an actual story to it otherwise I WILL get bored, I do like a bit of smut though. -If you have specific kinks just ask and I'll see what I can do-

The roles I want to play are in Medium Purple <- PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS!!!
I play M or F in Original plots only!

If it's in 'Royal Blue' it's a specific male role!
If it's in 'Deep Pink' it's a specific female role!
If its in 'White' you can choose gender! (Unless its a fandom role then you must play the gender of that character) I only play female roles in Fandom pairings!

~The ones crossed out are ones I already have going~
{Plots} <- They are clickable! These are just ideas I had but not mandatory!

-> I have no idea on what gender my character will be unless its a specific gender role pairing until we talk. I am fine with all pairings & genders, I do have a preference for MxF and making female OC's but I'm always happy for other ideas.<-

I'm really craving cyberpunk themes right now so if you got an idea hit me with it. There are some cyberpunk ideas below.

If interested in any of these PM me.
Thank you for looking ^~^
Just wondering if theres any of you on here that collect BJD or vinyl dolls such as SmartDoll/Dollfie/AP? I collect resin and vinyl myself :3
Heres a tentative bumb.
So... I am finally back from an extremely difficult and awful year in general (don't particularly want to get into it honestly). I am wanting to get back into RPing. I don't want to take on too many RP's but I am happy to start a few! :)
Aw man that sucks big time! I have been REALLY frigging busy outside of RPG D: Its coming up to Christmas so I'm trying to grab all the hours I can at the moment to pay off the bills and manage to get people SOMETHING for Christmas and then I have been ill to boot ;-;
Still here, been super busy lately :/ But still interested!
x'D This OOC is hilarious :')
In A Past Life
Pairing: Demon x Female Human

Misaka is an orphan. Her parents died in a car accident many years ago. Her mother was pregnant at the time with her baby brother. She lost all her immediate family. She comes from a family of very well known and respected Demon Hunters. Now living with her grandparents, they have trained her in the ways of keeping herself protected from the likes of demons as she is the last of the family lineage.

Her main goal is to find another demon hunter or someone with demon hunter blood and populate the world with more hunters. Their blood isn't like normal humans. The difference being that they can sense demons and have more of a mental resistance to their trickery and powers as well as preform magic. They got these 'powers' from a human and 'good' demon making a pact centuries ago to produce powerful human offspring that could kill off the 'bad' demons. Not all demons are bad, and not all are good.

However regardless of this pact the humans made with the demon, back in the present day they no longer trust any demon due to something happening a few decades ago. Misaka's ancestor, Ayumi, was working with a powerful 'good' demon. They became close. Very close. She was betrothed to another hunter from another family, to help strengthen hunter bonds and keep their blood as 'pure' as possible without inbreeding. As the hunter and demon became closer her husband to be saw it and began to get jealous.

On the eve of his and Ayumi's wedding she spent the night with the demon instead of her new husband. Ayumi continued this affair for a while as she had fallen in in love with him long before their first night together on her wedding night. She did not and never did love her husband. He eventually found out and began telling lies saying he was tricking them and trying to get them all killed, saying he had put Ayumi under a demonic lust spell and the families banded together and had the demon sealed away in an amulet. He was a high levelled demon, killing him would take far too much power and sealing him was much easier. The demon and Ayumi were very very much in love when he was sealed and no amount of protesting and screaming to try tell them her husband was simply a jealous liar they did not believe her. After he was sealed away the amulet was locked away never to be seen or looked at again. Ayumi eventually died of a broken heart. She locked herself away in her bedroom and just refused to eat or drink or speak to anyone. Her family had betrayed her. The demon could have easily killed them all to escape imprisonment but that would go against his very soul. He also loved Ayumi far too much to kill her family.

A few decades later and you have the orphaned girl, Misaka who lives with her grandparents. She finds a safe in the basement of her families large house after helping her grandparents with some spring cleaning. For some reason she cant help but be drawn to it. Its as though its begging her to open it. She of course doesn't know the code as it is locked with magic. She queries her grandmother on the safe later and she tells her the tale of their ancestor Ayumi and that inside is the demon within the amulet. She reveilles the magic used to seal the safe and how to open it as every ten years the magic must be taken away and renewed, to keep it strong. They say they wont be around for the next sealing so it is up to her to keep it sealed away.

Over the course of the next few days of cleaning and almost hearing the pleading coming from the safe she couldn't help it any longer. Her curiosity got the better of her. In the middle of the night Misaka snuck down into the basement and preformed the release spell. Opened the door and revealed a beautiful silver amulet with what appeared to be sapphires. Her hand reached in and she took it out. She looked at it for the longest time before not knowing why but her heart told her to put it around her neck.

As soon as the clasp fastened and it was on her neck she felt a surge of energy run through her as a bright light flashed around her. When the lighting dimmed he walked out of the shadows of the basement with a smile on his face happy to finally be released. The demon knew that Ayumi had died long ago as he felt her heart stop as they were connected after their first night together. But upon his release, looking at Misaka he could swear that it was Ayumi. She looked exactly like her.

So in this if you haven't guessed already, Misaka is the reincarnation of Ayumi. She died of a broken heart but has been reincarnated to rescue her beloved from the amulet. Only if Ayumi wears the amulet can the demon be released but at this moment in time, no one is aware of this. Misaka has no idea she is Ayumi reincarnate and the demon has no idea yet either. It is only through doing things together with the demon that she will begin to remember her past life and that the demon will realise why she and Ayumi are so similar! This one does require you to be okay with sex scenes as the demon has to be very... sexual. It is one of the ways Misaka will remember her past life and the demon. So no fading to black! This RP will require a few flashback scenes. The demon is madly in love still with Ayumi and is heart broken she is gone but upon seeing Misaka his heart flutters as she looks EXACTLY like Ayumi.
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