Tip This cheatsheet also appears under every "New Post", "New PM", and "New Topic" editor.
tag for creating horizontal lines. Useful as a generic separator for organizing your posts.[b]Bold[/b] [i]Italicize[/i] [u]Underline[/u] [s]Strike-through[/s] [noparse][color=red][/noparse] [hr] (Horizontal rule/line) log[sub]b[/sub](xy) = log[sub]b[/sub](x) + log[sub]b[/sub](y) E=mc[sup]2[/sup]
List of all supported color names here
[color=lightcoral]Color by name[/color] [color=f08080]Color by hex code[/color]
Note: At the moment, [img] urls need to start with http or https.
[url]example.com[/url] [url=example.com]Click me[/url] [img]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/img/spinner.gif[/img]
You can @Mention someone in a post to ping them or let them know that you've replied to them. They will receive a notification that you mentioned them.
Hello, [@Internet Tough Guy]!
You can @QuoteMention someone in a post to ping them or let them know that you've replied to them. They will receive a notification that you quoted them.
[quote]A quote with no name[/quote] [quote=Socrates]A quote with a name[/quote] [quote=@Mahz]A quote with a @QuoteMention[/quote] (Mahz receives a notification) [quote=@Internet Tough Guy] [quote=@Mahz]Here's my opinion.[/quote] Well, that's a wrong opinion. [/quote]
Hides its contents until the button is clicked. Useful for organizing posts.
[hider]Suprise![/hider] [hider=Click Me!]Surprise![/hider]
To the left [center]Dead center[/center] [right]To the right[/right]
Only unordered lists are supported at the moment
[list] [*] Item A [*] Item B [*] Item C [/list] [list] [*] Item A [*] Item B [*] Nested [list] [*] Item A [*] Item B [*] Item C [/list] [/list]
You may have to play with it to get the line-breaks right.
He's got a massive whinge he hasn't got a too right! Built like a uluru heaps he's got a massive icy pole. Grab us a gobful piece of piss you little ripper swag. As cunning as a stonkered mate he hasn't got a mullet. [indent]He's got a massive whinge he hasn't got a too right! Built like a uluru heaps he's got a massive icy pole. Grab us a gobful piece of piss you little ripper swag. As cunning as a stonkered mate he hasn't got a mullet.[/indent] [indent][indent]He's got a massive whinge he hasn't got a too right! Built like a uluru heaps he's got a massive icy pole. Grab us a gobful piece of piss you little ripper swag. As cunning as a stonkered mate he hasn't got a mullet.[/indent][/indent]
Useful for breaking lengthy text into subtitled hierarchies.
[h1]Header 1[/h1] [h2]Header 2[/h2] [h3]Header 3[/h3]