Basic Information
Name : Jazdia Crystalspark
Species : Elf
Gender : Female
Age : 59
Place of Birth : Alkautsar, Varenheim
Date of Birth : September 13
Affilation : Central Security Agency (Formerly)
The Council of Nations International Court of Justice
The Peacekeepers
Physical Attributes
Height : 175cm
Weight : 60kg
Build : Lean
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Blonde
Skin Tone : Fair
Physical Exam
Physical Strength : Normal
Mobility : Excellent
Physiological Endurance : Excellent
Tactical Acument : Excellent
Combat Skill : Standard (melee), Excellent (ranged)
Arcane Capability : Excellent
Mana Pool Type : Wellspring
Jazdia is a straightforward woman, but that barely scratches the surface of who she really is.
Every royal and dignitary in every court from the three major human kingdoms seemed to know herโ she attends their banquets, talks to their prime ministers, if not their kings, and sips their finest tea always as a VIP. But ask people about her, and the more you ask, the more polarizing the answer will be.
People who got to know her to some extent might say she is too blunt, unapproachable, and sometimes callous. On the other hand, the others say she is a reliable and trustworthy friend. These last two are perhaps arguable, but there is no doubt about the first three.
"If she's angry at you, that's a good thing! If she's polite and talks formally, though, that means she doesn't really give a damn about you. She is that kind of prideful person who would never admit that out loud."
โA certain emissary; name omitted likely out of fear.
Every royal and dignitary in every court from the three major human kingdoms seemed to know herโ she attends their banquets, talks to their prime ministers, if not their kings, and sips their finest tea always as a VIP. But ask people about her, and the more you ask, the more polarizing the answer will be.
People who got to know her to some extent might say she is too blunt, unapproachable, and sometimes callous. On the other hand, the others say she is a reliable and trustworthy friend. These last two are perhaps arguable, but there is no doubt about the first three.
"If she's angry at you, that's a good thing! If she's polite and talks formally, though, that means she doesn't really give a damn about you. She is that kind of prideful person who would never admit that out loud."
โA certain emissary; name omitted likely out of fear.
Jazdia Crystalspark never asked for much, after the disbandment of CSA and decades of tenure bringing war criminals and ruthless warlords to justice, all the elf wanted was to fulfill her late fiancรฉ's dream of opening a restaurant and spend the rest of her days sipping tea and sees the world evolve as she slowly builds her business empire.
But the problem with being a long-lived elf and having an early retirement is that as time passes, she could feel a growing emptiness in her heart that needs to be filled. No matter how much she dislikes getting involved in any nation's wars and politics, or how convinced she is of the idea that it's time for humanity to make their own decisions, she always feels compelled to return and make things right.
The Council undoubtedly welcomed her return, and considering her long accomplishments and capability, granted her the position in their peacekeeping task force. For Jazdia the deal was more than enough. Being there means she is relatively away from The Council's ruling body, sparing her from the headache of high politics and decision-making. The position also grants her rights to act independently and diplomatic privilege in all nations that are part of the Council.
A battle-seeker, or a noble who actually does something. The arguments about her motive are endless, but all parties seem to agree that Jazdia is someone who could not let go.
But the problem with being a long-lived elf and having an early retirement is that as time passes, she could feel a growing emptiness in her heart that needs to be filled. No matter how much she dislikes getting involved in any nation's wars and politics, or how convinced she is of the idea that it's time for humanity to make their own decisions, she always feels compelled to return and make things right.
The Council undoubtedly welcomed her return, and considering her long accomplishments and capability, granted her the position in their peacekeeping task force. For Jazdia the deal was more than enough. Being there means she is relatively away from The Council's ruling body, sparing her from the headache of high politics and decision-making. The position also grants her rights to act independently and diplomatic privilege in all nations that are part of the Council.
A battle-seeker, or a noble who actually does something. The arguments about her motive are endless, but all parties seem to agree that Jazdia is someone who could not let go.
Jazdia rarely talks about her past. When asked about it, she will give an elusive smile and smoothly transition to a different topic before anyone can realize it. "What happened in the past, belongs in the past." that was what she said on one occasion, and nobody was brave, or foolish enough to try to press her any further. It was something she only shared with nobody but a few friends she trusted.
However, it wasn't really a top secret for those who knew where to look. There are a few people in Varenmheim who know who she is. 35 years ago, Jazdia started her career as a combat healer for Varenheim Sentinel Unit, but then years later, her unit was involved in an accident that killed a Westernant's Top Officer of State during his bilateral visit to the country. Unfortunately, the aftermath of that accident was as obscure as the conclusion of both nations' supposedly biggest diplomatic disaster, and no further records could be found about what happened to Jazdia after the tragedy. Some said she was dishonorably discharged, others said she was blamed for not only the entire Unit's failure to capture the assassins but also the death of her squad members, including her own fiancรฉ. The alternative theory suggests that the charge was deliberately placed on her to cover up the accident, which was allegedly orchestrated by one of Varenheim's high-ranking officials. Jazdia never revealed her side of the story.
However, it wasn't really a top secret for those who knew where to look. There are a few people in Varenmheim who know who she is. 35 years ago, Jazdia started her career as a combat healer for Varenheim Sentinel Unit, but then years later, her unit was involved in an accident that killed a Westernant's Top Officer of State during his bilateral visit to the country. Unfortunately, the aftermath of that accident was as obscure as the conclusion of both nations' supposedly biggest diplomatic disaster, and no further records could be found about what happened to Jazdia after the tragedy. Some said she was dishonorably discharged, others said she was blamed for not only the entire Unit's failure to capture the assassins but also the death of her squad members, including her own fiancรฉ. The alternative theory suggests that the charge was deliberately placed on her to cover up the accident, which was allegedly orchestrated by one of Varenheim's high-ranking officials. Jazdia never revealed her side of the story.
Traits and Spells
-Blood Phobia (passive)
Taking damage would result in lower combat efficiency. Jazdia will start sweating, having a shaky aim and blurred vision. At a certain threshold, her Ultravision cannot be activated.
-Blessings of the Crimson Flame(passive)
Grants limited mastery of fire magic, and moderate resistance to fire. Resting near any fire or under the sun would gradually regenerate her power and heal her wounds. However, any healing magic cast on her would instead deal damage.
1. Crystal Enchantment (Active)
Channels magic into an arrowhead, and transmutes it into solid purplish crystal, radically changing its structure to contain compressed, fire-based arcane energy. Can only use one type of arrow in a single turn. Has three variants:
A.Explosive Crystal Arrow
Imbue an explosive command into the arrow that explodes upon impact. Can also be programmed for delayed, or remote detonation.
B. Crystal Arrow
Imbue an arcane command that allows the energy to be released gradually, causing the arrow to release an extremely intense exothermic reaction that enables it to pierce through armor.
The spell can be used once per turn. Once turned, the crystal arrow cannot be disenchanted or disarmed. The enchanted arrow cost 3% of Jazdia's total mana.
2. Counter (passive)
Any close-range attack will be answered with a heavy counterattack.
3. Ultravision
Channeling magic to enhance her vision, Jazdia can see through solid objects and magical manipulation such as illusion and darkness. Imposes varying degrees of strain on her body depending on the area covered and elapsed duration. Prolonged abuse of this skill might result in myopia and gradual blindness. Activation costs 6% of her total mana and maintaining the ability drains 3% per turn.
4. Vengeance
Automatically activates after losing more than 70% of her HP. Temporarily suppresses the effect of blood phobia and grants her immunity from external psychological influence. Increases Jazdia's reaction time and focus and unlocks the third variant of her Crystal Arrows:
C. Obsidian Arrow. Upon hit, deals heavy damage over time for the next 4 turns. The bodies of the enemy killed by this arrow will burst out a swarm of black lepidopteran that attack nearby hostiles until either they or the caster dies, or the effect expires (3 turns). At the end of its fleeting lifespan, the butterflies will return to the caster and mend her wounds.
The skill lasts for 3 turns, with 3 days of cooldown. The Obsidian Arrow can be shot twice per turn during this phase.
A recurve black bow adorned with gold and silver linings on its limbs. Has an absurdly light draw weight of 44 pounds. Nearly indestructible. It can never be separated from its owner no matter what.
A long knife with an ivory handle and elven runes inscribed on its blade.
- A quiver
CSA-Issued back quiver. Made of canvas, very lightweight and comfortable. It features additional pockets and compartments to store additional items... or long blades. Contains 25 arrows.
-Small satchel/messenger bag
A plain-looking bag that doesn't seem too out of fashion despite being designed with function in mind.
-Pocket watch
A memento from her father. Well maintained and functioning properly.
-Bronze compass
An antique compass pointing to the north(duh) has more buttons than the usual compass to activate its hidden features.
Generic first aid kit that is in the name only. Upon closer inspection, it looked nothing like the "first aid kit" commonly sold in the market. Consult with Jazdia before use.