Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 11 days ago

Think of it as your OOC character sheet. But you can link to this in your signature, too, so it's useful for those of us that want to check up on other players that are joining RP's or while looking into an interest check... ;)

By the way, it doesn't matter how much of this you want to fill out. This is meant to be useful for you all.

User Name:
Join Date:

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
For example, Sci Fi, Military, Arena

Active Roleplays:
- Linkylinky?

Current Interest Checks:
- Linkylinky?

Past RP's
- Linkylinky?

Other Information:
(Biography, Occupation, whatever else you want to put.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 11 days ago

User Name: HeySeuss
Join Date: May Something 2009 (Pre-Guildfall)/January 13th, 2014 (Post-Guildfall)

RP Interests/Genres/Categories:
Advanced and 1x1 primarily, and I prefer Sci-Fi, Modern, Fantasy, Historical and a degree of action or political intrigue in my RP's. Sometimes I'll venture into something off the beaten path (including high school) though I like RP's that try out different perspectives and unusual twists. I'm into self-improvement as a writer, so I like to constantly shift my gears. I go for insight and commentary on human nature and mass psychology. (GM)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 3 mos ago

User Name: Rilla
Join Date: Sometime this year for New Guild, Sometime in '09 for OldGuild

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Fantasy and Canon(Bleach), some Modern Real Roleplays. I don't do Sci-Fi roleplays often, so don't expect me to join those at all. I am also a above average, or outright fantastic Arena Fighter when I'm in the zone.

Active Roleplays:
- None
- None
- None
- None

Current Interest Checks:
- None
- None
- None
- None

Past RP's
- Allaria - A very popular classical fantasy Roleplay on the OldGuild, before the 2013 Fall of Guild. It centered around various groups of heroes combating a evil force that had taken over the world.
- Butterflies Wing - A psychological Horror Roleplay that saw several people, with very crippling fears, from a psych ward visit a town during a halloween festival. A serial killer gets a hold of their files and uses their fears to kill them.
- Deadman's Hand - a futuristic take on Zombies. Instead of a virus, microchips implanted in people malfunction, sending them back to their primal ways - effectively making them zombies. It plays up the humanity and morality factor, as they aren't really dead. New zombies could be made when bitten, the bite injects some components of the microchip that rebuild itself, and then more to be passed on. Think the nanobots in Prey, if you've read it.
- Bleach: Rising Stars - a roleplay about Shinigami Graduates combating evil forces, including a wicked Captain, and his army of Pakumoto.

Other Information:
I am 21, and a fantastic GM. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elsa


Member Offline since relaunch

User Name: Elsa
Join Date: Originally June 2008, then January 2014.

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror.
Advanced only.

Active Roleplays:
Twisted [Redux] as Sasha Ivanova

Current Interest Checks:
none at present

Past RPs
lost to the void

Other Information:
I probably hate you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

User Name: Kangaroo
Join Date: June 2009 (Oldguild) | 20 minutes after the site went up (new guild)

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Historical, Fantasy, Medieval, Nation and a slight touch of modern/sci-fi military.

Active Roleplays:

Current Interest Checks:

Past RP's
- Lots on Oldguild but they're lost to the sands of time.

Other Information:
(Biography, Occupation, whatever else you want to put.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Username: Ruby
Join Date: Eternal n00b

RP interests/Genres/Categories:

I'm pretty sure I've tried everything at one time or another. I am a comic nerd at heart, so I guess that deserves special attention here.

Active Roleplays:

Game of Thrones [Advanced]

Current Interest Checks:

Marvel Comics: Sentinel Initiative [High Casual/Advanced]

Past Roleplays:

Just about every Game of Thrones game in Advanced history.

Other Information:

Your friendly neighborhood RP elitest. <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 9 mos ago

User Name: Noxious; some call me Nox or Noxxi
Join Date: Original 2011

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Dark, Gritty, Lovecraftian (Tentacles & Lore bitches), Demons/Angels/Grigori, gray area of morality, Psychology, Mythology, Original Stories…I’m not big into Fandoms, though if anyone is into Amory Wars setting let me know. :D I also enjoy text based tabletop from time to time (VtM, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk2020 ect.).

Past & Present RPs

Other Information:
I’ve been roleplaying on and off for about 18 years. I started sandbox in Rhy’Din. I work in LEED bldg/zero waste events. I drink wine out of solo cups. I’m from Humboldt County, you know…or you don’t. ;)

Gmail: oxo.noxious@gmail.com
Discord: Nox #6963

If anyone is looking for some feedback, input or just help navigating the site I would be more than happy to help you out. I don’t bite.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

User Name: Nightrunner
Join Date: October 2012? (OldGuild); January 2014 (NuGuild)

RP interests/Genres/Categories: I enjoy the superhero genre, some Sci-Fi, a bit of Fantasy, and some solid character development in any genre. I mostly play in group RPs.

Active Roleplays:

Other Information: I am a Fifteen Year old, Freshman, Comic reader. I enjoy manual labor, making money, punk rock, dubstep, playing games, and eating. I stay fairly active physically and mentally. And I have an IQ of 146.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

User Name: Kirra Join Date: - OldGuild: July 2011 - New Guild: January 2014 RP interests/Genres/Categories: I spend most of my time roleplaying in Casual or Advanced but with the right partner I might dabble in a 1x1 roleplay. Genre wise, I am quite flexible but will normally gravitate to Sci-Fi, Modern, Superpowered roleplays that are Non-Superhero focused or a Dystopian roleplay. However, the group/character dynamics, the GM and a solid plot is usually more important to me than what exactly the roleplay is about. Active Roleplays: Unlikely Heroes (currently elsewhere) A three part, superpower based roleplay focused on a group of average people that are suddenly given abilities. If that wasn't enough, there are two opposing groups with a deep history between each other that are wanting the new Supers to join them but the lines between good and bad between the two groups are far from clear. As the group learns to control their powers and uncover the history of the Sierra Project, they'll have to learn what it truly means to be a hero. Interest Checks: Currently in the process of writing one up On hold until my time frees up. Other Information: I'm a female in her early 20s. I am very much a scatterbrain with a horrible sense of time so forgive me if a post is delayed from when I said I would post it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

User Name: Ichthys
Join Date: September 2010 (Pre-Guildfall) /// January 2014 (Post-Guildfall)

RP interests/Genres/Categories:

  • Genres/Types of RPs:
    - Fantasy RPs: Generally, I prefer Fantasy RPs in any of its diverse flavors.
    - Supernatural/Mythological RPs: Read above.
    - Science Fiction RPs: I don't do these all that much, but I don't have any glaring qualms about them; they just don't interest me as much as some other genres.
    - Drama/Suspense/Thriller RPs: If it's not typical drama, like High School Life or something, but something hard-hitting, something that is either very original, creative or causes me to think or feel, then I like it. I don't do many of these, but the ones I do are usually pretty great.
    - Survival RPs: I usually enjoy these. I like the challenge of being both a good writer and an ingenuitive survivor. Plus, the mix of characterization and relationships that are usually in the mix are good.
    - Adventure RPs: Isn't any RP an adventure, in its own way? I like adventure in all of its forms.
    - Comedy RPs: Of the very few "comedy" RPs that I've seen, I've been utterly confused and repulsed from the funky gangbang of randomness.
    - Mystery RPs: These are usually a basket toss and rely most on the GM and the RP's mechanics, so I can't really make a clear opinion on them.
    - Horror RPs: Personally, I consider Horror RPs as a darker form of Drama, just like with Suspense RPs, so I have the same thoughts on them; I don't want something super cliche.
    - SoL RPs: I don't normally do these all that much, but the few I've actually done have been surprisingly pleasant. Something about deeper development and finding beauty and something worth writing in everyday lives is nice. Its also nice to see how heavily character development and relationships can play in an RP. I tend to be very picky with these though, as I have an unspoken list of requirements to separate SoL smut from what I consider quality.
    - Combat-Oriented RPs: The thrill of a fight is always enjoyable. Always. Plus, I enjoy all the thinking and creativity that has to be done while writing in combat.
    - Romance RPs: Never done one, but I feel like these things can be slippery slopes, so I tend to stay away.
    - Canon/Historical/"Allusion" RPs: RPs based on shows, books, history, video games, etc. aren't really their own genre, since being based on another work isn't actually a type of RP, but I felt I should mention these. Basically, if the actual RP is good, then I wouldn't mind it, even if the hated the original work/event/universe it is based off of. The converse is also true. In my past, I've preferred and done a number of Naruto and Fairy Tail RPs.
    - Hybrid RPs: Since I know no RP is distinctly one genre, I felt like I had to mention what I call "Hybrid RPs", which are really just any RPs. In other words, I like Hybrid RPs profusely.

    Ultimately, it's on a case-by-case basis, I may like on RP of one genre but hate another in the same genre. The above opinions should only be a guideline.

  • Favored Level of Roleplay: Advanced, although I used to be a Casual RPer, but as I've matured, I've started enjoying Advanced over Casual. Thus, I'd still be okay with a Casual RP under the right circumstances. In all honesty though, considering my preferences, I'd fit somewhere between Casual and Advanced, where quality has priority over quantity, but where activity is hustling-and-bustling (what can I say, I can be impatient sometimes).

    I enjoy Nation RPs on occasion.

    When it comes to Tabletop RPs, I've never done them. Some seem very interesting, but the part that terms me off is all the different things that have to be kept track of. That said, I wouldn't mind trying one out.

    I have never done a Free or 1x1 RP. For whatever reason (some reasons obvious, some not), I don't prefer them. Maybe if I had a good RP partner and friend with a nice RP, then I would try 1x1, but with anyone, I just can't.

Active Roleplays:
- Untitled by Ichthys

Current Interest Checks:
- None

Past RP's:
- Blight by glibglobb - Ended prematurely; GM missing.

Other Information:
I'm a full-time student, trained Graphic Designer, and lover of/participant in the Arts and Fine Arts (Performance and Exhibitionary) - I consider fictitious writing an art. Other than that, I'm a human so yeah.

And feel free to invite me to an RP that you think I would enjoy or fit well into. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 4 days ago

User Name: Alphakoka
Join Date: January '11 (oldguild)/January '14 (NuGuild)

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Fantasy, Scifi, Arena fight.
I'm cool with modern era though it'll probably more if it has supernatural part of it.
Mostly Casual, willing to play in Advanced at times.

Active Roleplays:
- The Library
- Legends of Renalta 2
- Ancients of Elan
- Arena Multiverse (Dead?)

Past RP's
-Don't remember

Other Information:
Eh, whatever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Swarley
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

User Name: Swarley
Join Date: January 2014

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Slice of Life, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Cyberpunk, Anything that catches my interest really. The only things I'm not really all that interested in are combat based roleplays, as I am absolutely dreadful at trying to RP combat. I like slower paced, more character driven roleplays, rather than plot driven.
Usually in Free or Casual because I'm not confident enough to do advanced

Active Roleplays:
- Paint

Current Interest Checks:
- Burst Eardrums: A Freeform Punk and Hard Rock Bar

Past RP's
- Falcon Espionage Agency
- Space Pirate Rp

Other Information:
I'm a 17 year old gay male from Canada, I'm passionate about music and film. I've got a tumblr, Last.FM, and a Letterboxd. I'm always open for RPs so if you have one you'd think I'd enjoy just drop me a line.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ClosetMonster
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ClosetMonster Practicing Optimist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Great idea, HeySeuss! :)

User Name: ClosetMonster
Join Date: March of '08'ish - looong, long time ago (singing)

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Gosh - I have played just about anything and everything over the years. I miss group RPs but don't have time any more, so I'm relegated to one-to-one stories of which I particularly love stories with fantastic elements. Sure like it when the creativity has gone above and beyond - time travelers picking up arabian princes, centaur aliens, and trolls actively dying in a sunless, arctic desert happen to be some of my current faves. But the real thrill is writing with someone who I admire, who pushes me and who is in turn willing to stretch. So long as it's fun, then I'm in. This is my hobby, not my vocation, and I'm delighted to do anything for the entertainment value.

Active Roleplays: (put down longest standing RPs)
- Hawk's Journey: fantasy - In a world where magic is at war with itself, a woman must be found who is destined to marry the True King and avert disaster. The adventures of a knight, a fae prince, a girl from another time, a magician who has lost his magic, and a king holding to a throne which may not be his. The end is truly an unknown (because I don't get to control the one choosing the true king - fun for all!)
- Justice: fantasy - In a bid to free her village of ravaging hordes of goblins, a young woman is drawn into a world-hopping race to save the universe from an unnamed evil hell-bent on waking and destroying everything.
- Light in the Dark: fantasy - A Light Keeper who must distribute Light to the stars and who ironically lives in the dark, happens upon a troll dying in the ice. Hap is sure that if it could just get this troll off of its doorstep, its life might go back to normal. But is that really what a lonely keeper wants?
- Peregrine: Whatever the hell Glaw wants it to be - An Arabian prince is sucked into a dead woman's story as he enters a doorway and is transported to a great ship called the Peregrine.
- Only Bad Guys Fire Their Lawyers : private eye - After being shot by a suspect, James' mother hires him a bodyguard trio who will be either help or hindrance as he attempts to solve the case he's been given.
- Saving Unicorns: Sci-fi - Li is a herbologist on a new planet. While exploring, he discovers that the local fauna is more intelligent than had been previously stated in exploration logs. It will take some doing to ensure that the indigenous species of Centaur Planet is given its due and not wiped out. At the same time, the often confused and very tall Karint must help his herd decide if the interlopers are dangerous or if they can be trusted? And what the heck is wrong with their legs, anyway?

Current Interest Checks:
- Amoeba Moosen

Past RP's
- All lost and gone - on the old RP site.

Other Information:
I'm an old hack who has been RPing for longer than I should - around sixteen years, give or take a few. Having begun as an adult in an attempt to take a break from college life, I continued simply because the act of writing with another person always took me places I could never go alone. In the time I've RPd, I have moved states, raised a son, changed jobs multiple times, and done silly things like lived in a city, shared dog-sledding with elementary students, traveled overseas, fought up mountainsides to obtain the elusive huckleberry, and refused domestication (ie: dishes). I'm currently on a journey to discover myself, so I can make myself anew in my own, best image. I expect to finish sometime in the next eighty years, provided all goes as planned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jannah
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

User Name: Jannah
Join Date: November 2012(old guild), January 2014(new guild). I've been RPing for about ten years now though.
RP interests/Genres/Categories: Historical: I have a huge passion for history so pretty much anything set in the past is cool with me.
Dystopian: Pretty self-explanatory I think. I'm also generally not into fandom RPs, but the Hunger Games universe is a favourite dystopian setting of mine. I have also made up various of my own, including cross-overs with things like Pokemon.
Fantasy: Lately I haven't had much appeal for high fantasy, but I love low fantasy settings. Think a world much like our own, but with hidden elements of magic, supernatural beings, time travel, etc.
Geo-political/nation: This is a genre that seems to satisfy both my interest in politics and history. As far as setting goes, I prefer historical or modern for these.
Active Roleplays:
- The Iron Curtain
- Able Archer 83
- Fallout: The Tiger's Gaze
- First Hunger Games (Continued from old guild)
- Guardians of History
I didn't include any of my 1x1's here.
Other Information: I love character development in RPs. Give me that and chances are we'll get along great. Also, I love darker plots. Forbidden romance in RPs that involve romance tends to capture my attention too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

User Name: LoneSilverWolf
Join Date: August 2013 (Old Guild) January 2014 (New Guild)

RP interests/Genres/Categories:

**links to RPs will be added later**

Active Roleplays:
- Rose Plague
- Fallout: The Tiger's Gaze

- A Concordat Broken (1x1)
- The 31st Annual Hunger Games (1x1)
- The Wolves of Autumn Falls (1x1)
- Dragon's Breath (1x1)
- (Unnamed RP in the works) (1x1)

Current Interest Checks:

Past RP's
(only including past at the current guild)
- Wolves of the Apocalypse
- Mafia Wars
- I Survived: Til' Now

Other Information:

Name: Shawn
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

User Name: Uh... I forgot. :P
Join Date: Summer of 2013 pre-Guildfall

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Pokemon, Digimon, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Modern Fantasy. Honestly, I'm really picky about the RP's I join.

Active Roleplays:
- Persona: Lost to Darkness
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Darkest Abyss
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

User Name: Ellri
Join Date: sometime in 2012pre-guildfall, the beginning following guildrise.

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
Some types of Sci-fi
- Star wars
- Stargate
- Some original stuff
Fantasy (mostly classic high-fantasy, but open for others)
Supernatural stuff involving certain bloodsucking fiends (i.e. Vampires)
Evil overlords.

Active Roleplays:
- Coruscant sacked: Aftermath - An advanced Star Wars RP set shortly after the Sacking of Coruscant, in the era of the Old Republic. Being a survivor of the guildfall, it is fairly lengthy. GM'd by Ellri and Sundered Echo

- Stargate: Alliances - Stargate RP set aboard a fictional BC-304 ship, set after all the TV series. GM'd by Sep and Sundered Echo

Current Interest Checks:
- Stargate: Alliances

- Coruscant Sacked: Aftermath --- Looking for Jedi ---

Past RP's
- H.M.S. Tempest - A stargate RP that failed due to characters not working together right, plot errors and a few things like that. Predecessor of Stargate: Alliances.
- Some sort of Classic high-fantasy RP GM'd by Hank. Forgotten its name, but it died shortly after the classic tavern introduction scene.
- Evil Rises (an RP where all the players were either ridiculously powerful evil overlords or overpowered heroes. Worked quite well because all characters were overpowered.)
- Star Wars: Revanchism (x2). Both GM'd by HeySeuss
- Several Vampire-themed RPs, whose names are lost
- Mutually Assured Destruction - A nation RP GM'd by HeySeuss
- A few others we've forgotten.

Other Information:
Student (in Norway)
Fond of 3D drawing
Somewhat insane (per own definition)
have so many parts to their personas that there are many of them
IRC user
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

User Name: Maiden
Join Date: Member of Roleplayer Guild from February 2010 until Guildfall. Joined NewGuild in January, 2014.

Roleplay Interests and Info

Writing Level: Advanced
Forums: Advanced Roleplay, 1x1 Roleplay, Roleplaying Discussion, Character Sheets, The Gallery
Genres: Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse, High Fantasy, Medieval, Space/Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Modern/Political
Fandoms: Bleach, Black Butler, Attack On Titan

Active Roleplays:

Twisted Redux, Game Master.
Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness. Asylum Team Dos Pistolas, Kai and Lina.

Current Interest Checks:

• None! :D

Past RP's:

• All my previous RP's vanished with OldGuild's server. They included Chrono Asylum, Twisted, and Faerun: Path of Gold.

Other Information:

Not really sure what to say here. I'm an American female, I've been writing as long as I can remember, and I've been roleplaying in one form or another for many a year. I like bacon, naps, zombie lore, cupcakes, my Chihuahua, reading books, sushi, pickles, music, espresso and cigarettes. Although I seem to be getting better lately at keeping my posts to a manageable length, I am a notorious long-poster. I loved to use colors and fonts, and it drives me nuts that I can't anymore!! (Please, o great and powerful Mahz, your people beseech thee for moar post formatting options!)

When I'm not writing, I'm riding my horse or working at my job... or doing laundry, or some other such menial thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 1 mo ago

User Name: Chapatrap (Just call me Chap)

Join Date: August 2012 pre-Guildfall

RP interests/Genres/Categories:
-Character-concentrated Nation RP's
-Any of the 'punks.
-Pokemon RP's (guilty pleasure)
-Anything character oriented.

Active Roleplays:
- Precipice of War

Current Interest Checks:
- N/A

Past RP's
Too many to mention. All were pre-Guildfall, anyway.

Other Information:
Anglo-Irish, living in Ireland, like dubstep/drum and bass/indie rock, aged 15. That's it, really.
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