Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

We give you a warm welcome to our school, the Nippon no Hanabatake or The Flower Garden of Japan, if you don't like japanese so much. This high school is a place specially devised for those with special talents in any of our areas, be it Science, Sports or Arts. We have the largest facility when it comes to schools, as well as cutting edge technology for practical classes, everything we do, we do it thinking about our students. Our scouting system and the fact that we are a nonprofit institute also lets those without the luck of having been born within a wealthy family to have a quality education, of course, that is if they fulfill our requisites. We are renown all over the world, and for those who wish to apply for our school even though they live overseas, are free to submit an application through the Internet, and one of our scouters will go over to their houses and verify that they are indeed able to keep up with our program. Those who attend at our school are sure to be accepted in any university they choose, as well as it is a great reference in job interviews.

The Campus

Our campus is located in the outskirts of Tokyo, and it is the only modern building you'll find around, well more like the only building, since the school was built somewhere in the middle of nowhere, where nature was most abundant. Thanks to that, every now and then, the whole Campus gets surrounded by flowers of various colors, hence its name. Well, just part of it. Our founder believed that everyone is like the bud of a flower, which will bloom after it is properly taken care of and after it does so, it will become something beautiful that can stand on its own without any kind of help.

It also has various facilities to help develop the students abilities. Ranging from large stadiums to classrooms that are meant to be used as a canvas. It has various laboratories as well. Almost every classroom and sport courts in the school are designed to be something special, with the exception of some plain classrooms that are meant to be used for those subjects that are obligatory for every student, independant of what their area of speciality is. The school also counts with dormitories, due to its distance from the city of Tokyo (Approximately 10 km). Every room has two beds, one bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen (Gas systems are turned off at night, to avoid accidents.) and this rooms are to be shared with the appointed roommate.


Both of these uniforms has no actual summer version. If the student so wishes, he/she can only take off the blazer.

The Areas of Speciality

We have 3 areas in which the students will develop their abilities. The students will need to curse this same electives for what remains of their high school. This areas and their special electives are as follows:

Computer Science

Sports Science

Artistic Creation
Musical Instruments
Graphic Design

Every student has to take up on at least 4 of this subjects. As for those subjects every student has to take they are:

Home Economics
World History
Foreign Language (English)

In this school, as every other school in Japan, students are able to create whatever club they feel like (As long as they have the minimum of 4 members) or join an existing one. With such a large introduction, without further ado, we hope that you enjoy your time at our school.

Yeah, yeah I know. But you gotta have them.
  • No Godmodding- I'd give you extra points if you actually pulled that off in a Slice of Life RP, but not this time.

  • No Metagaming

  • At least one paragraph per post.- No one liners

  • Be sure to post at least once a day, if you're not able to, just give me a heads up.

  • The obliged– but still good – Have fun!

  • Things to know before we start.

    The RP will start in the very first day of school, you can be in whichever year you want and you are free to choose to be the student council president, vice-president or treasurer. Be aware that if you choose to be the StuCo Prez, then you'll have to give a speech.

    I'll control every teacher, including the director.

    SEARCHING FOR A CO-GM! Cause I not always can get online. :P
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
    Avatar of Mr_pink

    Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Do you actually have to wear that uniform, it looks ridiculous
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

    Makatsume Haru

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Well, not really good at finding images. :P

    If you find a better pic of japanese-like uniforms, you are free to put it with your CS.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
    Avatar of Mr_pink

    Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Whats the point in a uniform in the first place? If the school houses people from different nationalities and if some of the countries don't even have uniforms then the concept and rule of wearing it may seem a bit foreign and ridiculous to them.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

    Makatsume Haru

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Still, those are the rules of the society they are actually living in.

    Though, to be completely honest, I was just going with what I've seen in anime.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarquin
    Avatar of Tarquin


    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    I for one went to a school with uniforms, and I can safely assure you they would never let any permanent student, whether they were local or international, get away with not wearing the uniform. I can't speak for any other country (New Zealander here), but my experience is that schools are usually loathe to let anyone break their rules, no matter how silly they seem to anyone else. And based on 7 years of learning the Japanese language and culture, I would say they're one of the last cultures that would act liberal about this sort of thing.

    But at the end of the day, it's the GMs decision as to whether the school is the kind to make a big deal about it. If it's a private institution, then it likely has free reign to determine it's own rules. If it's public, then I'm not entirely sure, though I would guess the government would be entitled to tell them whether or not to make a uniform compulsory. Whichever it is, it's the GM who controls them, and thus makes the choice.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

    Makatsume Haru

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Welp, we'll be staying with those uniforms. :P But as in any school, you are free to make any kind of modifications you want, as of that, the staff will not be picky about it.

    This is also a bump post!
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