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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World, The Allies and The Enemies of Josie "The Cabbie" Kaya

Feliciano Hernandez Jr; The best friend Kaya is completely convinced is to good to be true. Feliciano found Kaya when she was out cold after taking on her first Triad member. She returned the favor by saving his life from some Triad Thugs later on. Since then the two are bestest of buds. Feliciano is a cabdriver as well, but was actually a medic in the army before he took a bullet hip. The two of them are thick as thieves becouse they are both military.

Lou Holmes: Childhood friend and the one thing that Kaya still have despite everything. Lou is level headed and emphatic. Having lived in little Thailand with his father his whole life, he watched the Triads move in and saw what happened to the neighborhood as a result. He and Kaya briefly tried a relationship. It didn't work at all. Lou runs a mechanical shop on the less rowdy outskirts of LT, and is the one fixing Kayas taxi.

Bak May; Former female world champion in Thai Boxing, Bak May is considered almost a saint in the eyes of Little Thailands. Born in Thailand, she came to the States with her husband to start a gym. She has personally trained and mentored several high profile fighters since. As she became older however, other things became more important. She began soul searching as well as travelling back to her home country to learn about Yiguandao, a originally chinese Religion that had been spreading throughout Thailand. It was becouse of this she could identify Kayas newfound talent

China Town Factions;
Jade Spiders The Jade Spider Triad is a offshot of the Sun Yee On, also known as the worlds largest Triad. The Jade Spider Triad, being a chinese criminal organization, have their roots in Hong Kong originally, and stareted out as a racketeering buisness. They, like most triads, posses a loose structure. Smaller gangs part of the triad are independent, and keep what they earn. However, when the upper echelon moves, the entire organization follows their lead. The Jade Spiders Leadership moved across the ocean to Lost Haven 20 years ago, settling in China Town. There, the Jade SPiders began uprooting and destroying any other triad Presence, before setting their eyes on the rest of the city. As of 15 years ago, their leader have been a man called Haou Lang Koo. Hau Lang Koo is Korean-Chinese, and his mix heritage has seen that he had to fight extra hard to achieve his position as the leader of the entire Triad. The Triad have grown extremely violent and more coherent under his rule. While the basics still apply and the lower echelon get to basicly do their thing without interference, Hau actively delegate work to the lower ranks and have them target specific areas of interest, such as Little Thailand.

Notable Members;

Hau Lang Koo

Not only is Hau the first mixblood leader of the Jade Spiders, he is also by far the youngest of any past leader. He is however, a man wish not underestimate. Under his rule, the Triads have become undisputed leaders of China town and started to branch out to other cities and their chinese communities. Where ever his men go, bloodshed follows. They do not respect any authority but their own. One famous example of this the man who, after being taken to the station for questioning, killed seven cops with his barehands before being shot dead.

Eng Chao

Haus right hand man and personal attack dog, Eng Chao is a meta-human with the power to walk trough solid objects. He is fiercly loyal to the Triad, and holds deeply xenophobic views towards westerners. Rumor has it his entire family, extended and close, died during a clash between western superheroes and villains during a crisis in Hong Kong

Madam Zhau

Haus left hand, and personal mystic. Zhau is a woman of mystery, who arrived from the mainland branch back in china, ten years ago. Her teachings have imbued the Triads with a mystic energies. The more talented of her students become higher ups for the smaller gangs, ruling trough force and fear. Her abilities appear to be based around the Spider Totem of the Triads and fire.

Jade Spider Hierarchy;

The Legs and Eyes of the Spider; The Subordinates.
As mentioned before, the Jade Spiders are loosely organized with the lower your rang is, the more free you are. The many gangs of Jade Spider thugs are often reffered to within the organization as "Spiderlings". A spiderling has no influence over any other but his closest peers, but will not have to pay any part of his hare to higher ups. As long as he is a foot soldier whenever the Triads move on a bigger target. A senior member who proven himself gets the moniker "Leg of the Spider". This implies he is so important that he helps the Triad, that is the Jade Spider, move. Even more important members, are called "The eyes of the Spider". These are the ones who infiltrate and move in high society on the Triad behalf.

The Web of the Jade Spider; Influence and Money.
The Jade Spider Triad has infiltrated every facet of Lost Haven. They own politicians, commissioners and even got federal ages working for them. The "Eyes" are everywhere, and in chinatown, nothing moves without their express permission. On the streets, it is not that simple. Many big gangs make LH their home, and turf wars are more then a little common. Sicilian and Japanese mafia to have stakes, mainly in the docks. And The Jade Spiders deal with human cargo, making the LH docks a very, very important piece of their revenue stream.

This have led to a three way war, know in police reports as the "Dock Turf War" or the "Sino-Italian Mafia war" This conflict isn't very well known among the large masses, because it is mainly fought trough money, low key killings and influence over the local unions and politicians. It is such a tangled mess, the FBI have more high priority leads then they have agents in the city. Everyone seems to be involved, and nobody knows hot to approach it. Every so often, a reporter pokes his head in and is found in a barrel of acid not long after.

Tattoos and Body Markings; Loyalty and Status.
The Tattoos play a vital part in Jade Spider rank and status. Likely derived from the Yakuza rather then the Chinese roots of the organization, it is another pointer to the unconventional nature of this Triad. Every member starts with a small patch of web. Them more intricate, the bigger it is, the longer you been with them. For each high profile job you take, you tattoo a small spider into the web. Big shot guys have massive spiders and webbing all over their back. These are called "Bolos" after the Bolo Spider. If you encounter one, you better start praying. They are the Triads foremost killers and assassins.

---Non Triad Enemies---

--Yakuza Enforcers--

Eiko Maeda

A coldblooded killer, Eiko is the daughter and apprentic of notorius Yakuza hitman Hisao Maeda. A master of the sword, she is also known for being completely without emotion when fighting. She shows nothing but killer instinct and has killed many who hesitated even for a split second in fights with her.

Hisao Meada

A a metahuman killer for hire, Hisao started his career as a Yakuza grunt. He soon began making a name for himself as one of the best guns for hire. He favored a tengu mask and a old fashioned Katana, being supposedly of samurai heritage. Over the years he researched different disciplines and ways to kill a man. He became fond of Tai-jutsu in particular but also learned a great many other styles. Somwhere along his journey to become a world renowned killer, his powers manifested. He was faster then any man he ever met and this saw him forego guns entirely. He didn't need them when he could be upon a gun man in a instant with his sword.

Charlie "The Knife" Makinizu

Born to an American father and a japanese mother, Charlie is a Lost Haven original. He was flown in and has never stepped foot in Japan. He started as lowely muscle and worked himself up the ladder by sheer violence. Among his brethren, he is known as "The Knife". He is a meta with the ability of a hundred procent spatial awareness.
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Parasite; A world of Science gone wrong!

E.I.P: Extraterrestial Intelligence Project
A organization that is funded by the US goverment. Their entire purpose is to analyze, assess and study extraterrestial intelligent lifeforms.
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The World and Tribulation of Johan; Allies and Lovers, enemies and antagonists.


Scandinavias greatest Necromancer. And there is quite a few of them, seeing how the regions history is one of blood and constant war up untill the 1800's. Hildebrand is a contract mage, a mercenary of magic. Born to a a family of cultists, she mastered magic at a early age. Her fascination with death and the Norse afterlife was what lead her down the path towards necromancy. Her familys cult didn't like this, being worshippers of Frey, the opposite of Hel, the caretaker of death. Chased out, she became a recluse who did nothing but dedicate herself to her craft.

The first time she met Johan, it was just before he found the temple of Frost Giants. She warned him not to make the journey, offering instead to make him her apprentice. He declined and took the journey, now knowing magic was actually real. When he came back, he was a fullfledged rune-mage and the champion of a non-human king. This enraged Hildebrand, who saw Johan as a cheat who took shortcuts.

Witch hunter that have a very black and white view on things like fearies and fey in general. Have killed many of Johans charges when she found them overstepping boundries. No matter how small or petty their crimes.

She belongs to the "Holy Order of The Silver Sword", a french ofshot of the Hospitalers. They are witch hunters and mage killers who deem any and all magic a blasphemy. They are not a very nice bunch. They have been almost completely wiped out as their zealotry put them up against some very angry magic users of considerable power a hundred years ago.

A mysterious and powerful trio of ancient practitioners, The Three are never separated and never alone. People argue they are the Crones of Nordic lore, or the three witches of McBeth. Nobody really knows. They were there when magic began, and they will be there when the magic finally fades. They have a somewhat antagonistic relationship towards Johan, as they do not respect his authority and do not consider the Elven King a real ruler. They often aid Johans enemies with information, but always at a high price.

A creature of immense power, presumably kept out by the gods. Johan has nightmares about it. It's is reanimated and vengeful corpse of the greatest of all giants: Ymir.

Mr Cho is a violent thug who also happens to be very good at the art of Invocation. He has worked for muscle in a number of occult tied mob hits around New York. Rune has put him in the grave twice. The only issue with that is that Mr Choi is immortal zombie more or less.

A contingent of completely insane elves who pester Johan. They have no leader and their agenda is foggy at best. What is clear is that thy really do not like Johan. The Court are all magicians of some power and completly off their rockers. They come disguised, often sporting a Jester motif and they kill EVERYTHING in their way. They have long been a thorn in the side of the King.


A entity that is something of a wandering librarian. He often helps Johan for a price. The Keeper is last of a sect of sages who wear iron masks from the moment they join. They never show their face and cover every part of themselves in metal armor. The smell of rot about them indicates they might all be undead.

A old friend of Runes, Otto is not in fact, a normal werewolf. He is a shaman who happens to turn into a wolf trough magic. A Hexen-Wolf if you will. Part of a German-Dutch cabal of old pagan practioners, he has outmost respect towards Johan and Johan to him.

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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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