Age of Rebirth
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" was a quote said by the Late Albert Einstein. While he was right about many things, he would be wrong about this. We as a human race survived World War Three without a Wide Scale Nuclear Devastation. World War Three had nukes dropped on only three different cities. This though, does not mean Humans as a whole where not beaten down after the war, during and slightly after the war, nations fell and new rivalries where made. The East vs West rivalry that defined the 1900s and early 2000s are no longer how the alliance lines are drawn. Smaller alliances are made amongst nations, with group against group, nation against nation, this Newer World Order might be worse then the world we just escaped.
Hello people, and welcome to Age of Rebirth, a Reboot to a successful NRP I ran about a year ago on this same forum. Since this is a reboot it is only connected to the original by name and premise, it is up to you to create new nations and new stories, not using ones from the old RP.
1. While this RP is labeled as Advanced, that means I expect long and meaningful posts. I will accept small grammatical mistakes.
2. Be Realistic (No Super Sci-Fi Tech)
3. I am the Law
4. Basic Roleplayer Guild rules apply.
5. History must start after 2016, nothing before.
6. IC will be character based
7. No Godmoding/Metagaming
8. Have Fun
9. Only post your app in the Character section after it is accepted.
Will add a NS once this garners interest.