♚ N E B E T A H ♚

"Anyone who must call themselves a noble is no true noble at all." [ ♚ ] N A M E
Princess Nebetah Meson Hahra of Kingdom Faeron
[ ♚ ] A G E
[ ♚ ] G E N D E R
[ ♚ ] I D E N T I T Y
[ ♚ ] A P P E A R A N C E
Unlike a majority of her female siblings, Nebetah literally stands out as one of the much taller and muscular girls out of the rest of her sisters. While not the oldest, she certainly looks like it, measuring at a continuously growing 5'10 and weighing in at around 152 lbs; a weight presumed to be mostly muscle. Her Phoeni origin is clear, since Nebetah's skin and hair are quite dark. Her sharp almond eyes however are an odd amber colour, inherited by none other than her own mother. While her skin appears to be as soft as a majority of other pampered princesses, her hands and feet are coarse, evidence of her lifelong combat training. She doesn't conceal her hands, however. Her long, muscular limbs seem to have one or two scars on each of them, though her chiseled stomach seems to have the most. Despite her mostly concealed figure, Nebetah walks with an alluring grace befitting for her royal lineage. She's been misinterpreted to be much older than her actual age mainly because of her mature appearance and large figure.
In terms of attire, Nebetah is often seen wearing sleeveless, dark coloured dresses that reach to her ankles. Her collar bone is concealed by a decorated collar necklace, which reaches down to above chest level. Also attached to the gold collar necklace is a mostly transparent white material which stops at her elbows. Like her younger sister, Nebetah seems to have a love for golden accessories, often being seen wearing them on her wrists, ankles and ear lobes. She adorns a long, simplistic black cloak with small golden patterns on occasion.
[ ♚ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
As a princess who desires to become the heiress to the Hahra house, Nebetah presents herself as a calm but confident woman that won't fall easily to someone's sword. She attempts to keep up a imposing front with an equally imposing presence, but despite her colossal frame (for her age anyways) and 'protective sister' tendencies she really tries not to intimidate any small fries she comes across. Well, anyone in general to be honest. She's even been said to have a naturally powerful, loud and charismatic voice, as a pose to the much more gentle tone she takes to when she's casually socialising. Still, Nebetah's supposed unwavering courage and competitiveness (which can sometimes be mistaken for pure recklessness) is quite admirable, as she's ready to tackle any obstacles that come flying her way; there's no way she'll back down from a challenge. As expected of a Phoeni, Nebetah is resilient (especially physically) and righteous, and by absolutely no means will she ever stoop down to 'acting dirty' or 'unfair' in whatever situation she's in.
Despite her knightly and hard-to-break exterior, Nebetah is actually a kindhearted, sociable and passionate girl. She cares deeply for her close friends, and even more for her younger sister whom she worries about and is seen worrying about a lot. Those who know her well may describe her as the older sister type, as she's very prone to lecture others for their troublesome and cheeky actions (mostly in a comedic fashion). She's not a complete killjoy though, as she does let her sister roam around alone if she knows she's in a safe environment. A flaw of Nebetah's however is her tendency to be too protective of Falisia. She's prone to restricting her from doing certain things that usually won't cause the girl any harm, leading to small disputes concerning 'freedom' between the two and the starting sentences often being 'I'm old enough to take care of myself'. As much as Nebetah cares for the girl, letting her walk amongst people that could possibly manipulate Falisia is something she finds difficult (especially considering past events). One day, it's obvious that her sister is going to have to walk her own path, though Nebetah has yet to fully acknowledge this. But even so, lay as much as a finger on Falisia, and Nebetah will completely lose it; she will destroy you completely, whether that be mentally or physically. She is your stereotypical older sister, after all.
Although Nebetah desires to be seen as a strong person, she can be very hesitant and even fearful when she's thrown into certain situations. She's afraid of messing up in some way, looking like a fool in front of others, and mostly, failing to protect her sister. Even if she tackles things head on, there's always that whisper of doubtfulness at the back of her head. When failure comes and whacks her on the head, the girl will feel guilt ridden for days. On the inside, Nebetah is frightened of failure and how it could possibly affect others. She has a lot of responsibility that needs to be carried however heavy it is, even if she is just fifteen.
[ ♚ ] C H I L D H O O D
Being the second youngest of her siblings, Nebetah and Falisia shared a similar early childhood. With many brothers and sisters much older than she was, she knew becoming the next in line to the throne was unlikely. It made her a little sad that she was seemingly one of the 'lowest of the low' in her family, and thus Nebetah was a quick to give up, 'just let the others handle it' type of child. She could at least relate to the year younger Falisia, who was indeed the youngest out of everyone; both were sort of seen as irrelevant and out shined by their older siblings. Their relatable situations where what drew them close though, and for once in her life Nebetah felt a sense of responsibility and purpose, even if it was just the simple priority of looking after her little sister.
But one day, it was about time that Nebetah told herself that enough was enough. She wanted to be heard, to be praised, to be acknowledged for once. The girl decided that the only way to do this was to somehow outshine her older siblings, attempting to act better and much more impressive than them. Nebetah had no idea to do this, though. It would soon dawn upon the child, however.
If she wanted to become a queen, might as well act like one.
She watched how her older siblings acted, how her father acted, even how the servants acted. She took note of how they presented themselves and tried to observe everything around her, how the real world was like. She wished to be strictly educated, and thus had a very mature mindset for her age. This was sort of where Falisia and Nebetah's paths diverged, as while Falisia was more curious about how the lively citizens outside the walls were like, Nebetah was solely focused on becoming an honourable princess and impressing her elders. The two girls where still very close, and alongside one servant by the name of Shevar, she would lecture the naive little girl till the moon began to rise (when Shevar wasn't present, though).
At around eight years old, Nebetah discovered the ways of combat and war. Intrigued by this topic and realising how she could use this knowledge and physical prowess to impress her father, Nebetah begged to be tutored on how to literally fight. A ruler that knew how to fight and rule over its citizens was a valuable ruler in her eyes. And so, she began her training, honing her body to becoming the strongest it possibly could. This was where Nebetah's true talent arose.
Considered highly capable in this area, she continued to take her fighting abilities to the next level. At around the age of ten when she could throw decent punches and kicks, and built up some muscle and stamina to boot, Nebetah began to put weapons into the mix. While she could wield a sword pretty well, she felt as though the whole swordsman archetype didn't really fit her. She even tried archery, but she failed terribly at it. It was when she got her hands on a glaive that Nebetah's talent shone above the rest. She wielded it with relentless strength and grace, and with her discovering her aptitude for it, Nebetah gained a great amount of confidence in her abilities. She could actually do something now. She could be of use. She managed to become one of the best fighters of her family, despite her older siblings also having some slight combat training. Earning the first bit of praise from her father because of this was gave her an even bigger boost of confidence.
With this developed arrogant and ignorant traits within Nebetah at the time, causing arguments with her siblings whom she barely even spoke to. They called her a simple minded brute that could throw more punches than words, which Nebetah angrily retorted with the fact that she could actually defend herself from harm unlike some of her siblings who barely couldn't. It still angered her though, the reality that she was being mocked instead of praised.
And so, Nebetah decided to cut off all her connections with her siblings and consumed herself with studying and physical training. Even her sister, who was confused about this sudden change, Nebetah chose to avoid her at all costs, thinking she was nothing but an obstacle in the way of her studies. She grew sour towards the poor girl, even going as far as to say she was idiotic and naive for sneaking out an having a valuable bracelet stolen. After Falisia's attempts to talk it out with Nebetah, the older girl simply stomped off in a fit of rage. At the young age of eleven, Nebetah completely cut off her previously loving relationship with her sister, also letting what could have been a hard but memorable childhood with Falisia slip through her rough fingers.
It was at around age fourteen when Shevar had made another significant appearance. Watching from the shadows, the servant knew that things weren't going particularly well with Nebetah and the rest of the royal family. So, she pulled Nebetah out of her ocean of training and study sessions and gave the girl the longest lecture she had ever experienced. Shevar reminded the girl why she had wanted to do the things she wanted. Why she had drowned herself in studies in the first place. She even harshly stated that Nebetah had really become nothing more than a brute as her siblings had said. Hearing that was like a slap in the face for Nebetah, but it was undoubtedly true. Even her father was beginning to question the girl's violent actions towards her relatives. Shevar had then reminded Nebetah of the most important thing to the girl - her relationship with her younger sister. Even though Shevar had done an excellent job at being a motherly figure, Nebetah was still Falisia's older sister; Shevar wasn't always going to be there if Falisia got herself into a twist. The woman wanted Nebetah to realise her importance to her sister, and how sour she had been towards her these past years. Finally, the obvious had become clear to young Nebetah, and she realised how lonely Falisia could have been during those four years apart from each other. Coming to her senses, the girl sobbed in guilt, swearing she would never leave her younger sister's side ever again for anyone.
Eventually, after a long and drawn out apology and the repeat of the protective vow from Nebetah, the two once again became close. She reformed her daily schedule so that she could spend more time with Falisia, and once again going back to the usual Shevar and Nebetah rants and lectures. For once in a long time Nebetah felt happy. The bond between the two sisters only continued to grow stronger, and with it Nebetah's courage and determination. Her arrogant and ill mannered self had broken away, and the girl was beginning to take her first true steps at becoming an even more mature woman. Her father was taking more notice of Nebetah again, which shone even more light upon her dream of becoming Faeron's queen. Her kinder, passionate self had returned to normal, and it seemed as if nothing could break the two happy girls apart again.
A few days after she had turned fifteen, Nebetah was informed of some terrible news. A man by the name of Norman had asked for Falisia's hand in marriage after her father had asked of him to fix the kingdom's collapsing economy. She was bewildered by the 'offer' and infuriated with her father's acceptance. Though it was when she realised that whenever her father attempted to stop the arranged marriage, the same economical problem arose, that Nebetah wanted to step in and dispose of the man for his dirty actions. However, knowing that doing so would tarnish her family's honour and make her guilty of literal murder, Nebetah held herself back, saying to herself that she would stomp on him like the defenceless spider he was.
Luckily, her father had come up with a temporary solution that would postpone the marriage until much later on; sending Falisia to a prestigious school until she was deemed old enough to be wed to Noman. This would possibly give the king enough time to find a solution to the whole ordeal. Nebetah, also wanting to find a solution, begged her father to accompany Falisia to the Conclave; not just to watch over her, but for Nebetah to further broaden her knowledge and hopefully help solve this terrible problem.
[ ♚ ] M O T I V E S
While Nebetah has chosen to study at the Conclave for the sake of watching over her sister, being tutored by the most knowledgeable people in the land would certainly come in handy. She's also keen on enhancing her fighting capabilities, as she has heard that they do classes on such.
[ ♚ ] C R E D E N T I A L S
Diplomacy: Despite her aptitude in battle, she hopes to not put her beloved glaive to use in due time. She desires to rule over a peaceful kingdom when she's older and wiser, while also creating strong connections with other kingdoms to prevent any possible disputes and unnecessary fights. She's got the strong presence, the charismatic voice, and the graceful exterior to boot. While this probably isn't the the topic she's the most knowledgeable on, Nebetah is extremely keen about it.
Faith: While it isn't her point of interest, religious studies are quite interesting. She's hasn't intended to make it one of her main attributes, though.
Intrigue: Nebetah wasn't really ever a cunning person. While she's certainly not ignorant to noticing if she's in a tight spot or not, she'll usually just ask for the information if she wants to know something. If that doesn't work, she'll perhaps try to subtly make herself seem more intimidating. Which is most likely what would happen anyways, especially if the situation is noticeably serious.
Magic: Magic is something that really interests Nebetah, but Diplomacy seems to stick out more to her by a centimetre. While a magically enhanced glaive would be great, she thinks being physically talented is much better. Relying on magic too much could prove fatal in her eyes.
Martial: Definitely. Nebetah's been praised for her physical prowess before, and her skill with a glaive is like no other for her age. A graceful but incredibly strong wielder of this weapon, she knows barely anybody that can swing a glaive better than she can. While she's okay with a sword, her own specially crafted glaive she had been given on her fifteenth birthday and still carries along with her is her best friend. The girl can pack one hell of a punch to, and can go on for hours throwing them. Not someone you want to mess with in an arm wrestle either.
Stewardship: While Nebetah is not the dumbest of people, she's secretly lacking a bit in mathematics. Her other siblings have teased her about being the knucklehead of the family, seeing as most of them possess great skill in this topic. She admits that it's not exactly the most intriguing topics out there, at least in her opinion.
[ ♚ ] C O M P A N I O N S
Anora: Although the two have only known each other for about a year, Anora is a very loyal and hardworking servant. Nebetah actually enjoys her company, as the girl is very cheerful and bright. She's also very modest as well; one time Nebetah had jokingly asked if Anora was secretly an Aladori descendant because of her extreme accuracy with a bow, to which the girl immediately rejected with a red face. Whenever she is praised or thanked by Nebetah, she quickly declines, saying that it is her job after all. Anora is only a year younger than Nebetah, and stands at a measly 5'3, quite small for her Phoeni ethnicity.
[ ♚ ] R E L A T I O N S