Non organization Essentials:

Zento Jakkameru:

Equipment and Features: Zento is a male anthro jackal who serves as a guardian for an earth deity in an unknown area he wears a traditional Egyptian outfit his eye color is several shades of gold he has black hair with gold colored tips he wears a gauntlet on his left hand allowing him to move at unimaginable speeds it was given to him by the deity he serves under he has two golden earrings on both his ears his fur color is a mix between brown and black

Weapons: Zento wields an Egyptian curved sword as well as a short sword

Class: Guardian

Psych Profile: Zento is a guardian for an earth deity that is well hidden but rumors say that he could be found in a dessert like area waiting as a living being he enjoys the thrill of combat and sometimes if his opponent satisfied him he'd grant them one wish him self using his limited power given to him by the earth deity but he shows no mercy to those who wish to do harm


Features and Equipment: Anubis is a wolf/jackal mix he is normally seen wearing a dark cloth over his whole body and covering head and wears a mask of sorts to cover his face but to those who are close to him know his features fur color is grayish black and his eye color is a shining silver grey he wears golden earrings two on his left ear.

Clothing design Concept: ((Based almost on Asriel from Undertale? ))

Head: A mask to hide the face.

Top: Loose fitting robe like clothing, similar design to wizard clothing.

Arms: a poncho like cloak,in a turtle neck sweater style.(( consider adding a hood? ))

Bottom: Samurai like pants,that wrap around the ankles to expose the feet.

Feet: matching feet covers similar in design to hand covers.

Extra: Shinto priest like hand covers. 2 black earrings on each ear.

Weapons: he uses the standard reaper's Scythe with combined use of magic to deal damage to his enemy's

Class:Grim Reaper

Psych Profile: Despite being a reaper Anubis seems very friendly towards others he's one of Fenrir's closest Friend Anubis walked with Fenrir when Project Nightmare had forced Fenrir into the afterlife at a young age at the same they both looked about the same age in the after life both of the two learned useful unknown fighting techniques before Fenrir was forced back to life Death the head and original grim reaper gave Anubis the Ninka Yami and in turn Anubis gave this unique dark matter to Fenrir which then became a set of combat gloves


Features and Equipment: he appeared to be like one of the wolf anthro's that appear towards the forest filled area's of the world except he had long black dragon looking horns and his tail was a lot longer then that of a normal wolf his fur a pure white with cold blue eyes as if he was witnessed many horrible things his hair like fur on his head is wild and long he has a pair of golden earrings on his left ear his claws on his paw like hands and feet are covered in white bandages he wore formal clothing had on a pair of black formal pants along with a black button shirt a black vest ,a tie, and long tail coat along with a scarf around his neck it was wrapped around loosely that depending on the angle of his head it'll cover his head but tight enough that it won't come off so easily

Weapons: he carried a carried a unique sword at his side it's based on the broad sword design,long sword design, as well as the katana design as such it appears to be then like a katana along with the hilt and guard but when unsheathed it's a double etched long broad blade

Class: Mercenary

Psych Profile: Yin is more viewed as a noblemen despite his demon like appearance thanks to a child from a long time ago he avoided becoming corrupted most demons were angels of justice at one point of time but due to the awful story's of them being told by the living beings over time they eventually became corrupted and became exactly as cruel as the story's described them thanks to a child Yin was reminded that he wasn't a demon out of corruption but one out of justice during the time he worked in hell when the spirits under his jurisdiction were tortured enough for there sins they were allowed to reincarnate as such he's grateful to most living beings and treats them fairly


Features and Equipment: female she wore some sort of close quarters combat specialist uniform it was comprised of a pair of combat pants,boots, combat gloves and something that looked like sneaking suit
she had a sort of armor on her legs and arms used to block blades this armor was made of leather and would occasional need to be repaired after blocking so many attacks Alpha has long white hair with dark grey colored eyes she was half arctic fox with the ears and tail

Weapons: she has several blades around her person ,some throwing knives on a holster around her chest,> she had a combat blade the length of a sword it didn't have a hilt guard it was designed to resemble a katana except it didn't have a blade tip it was designed for slashing.

Class: Mercenary

Psych Profile: Alpha is just a code name that she uses for work she hates her real name even more so,when it comes to mercenary work she's the right one to call as she refuses to let the objective go unfinished ,this usually results in a large pay raise for her services,she's the type f mercenary who'l go on the most dangerous missions if you offer compensation


Features and Equipment: Delta wore a sort of mercenary uniform it was composed of a black coat a v-neck shirt underneath and combat pants and boots his coat had armor parts on it specifically designed to block bullets the sleeves were rolled up just above the elbow his right arm had a sort of gauntlet like combat finger less glove this was designed to use for close quarter's combat while his left just had a simple combat glove that he uses for using fire arms he had medium length brown hair with sage green high lights designed to work like a sort of camouflage his eye color is a light blue

Weapons: Delta uses a special revolver class called the hand cannons these are strong enough to damage heavily armored vehicles as such they have a pretty strong recoil he normally uses it to trick his opponent during close quarters combat by making it known he was aiming to fire when the target assumes a defensive position he uses his right arm with the gauntlet to deal melee damage

Class: Mercenary

Psych Profile: Delta is a cautious individual,ironically this serves him a great deal in his line of work as his caution has save him numerous of times,he and Alpha decided to work together as they seam to work well with each other on objectives but he's also straight forward he's the one who usually picks the missions the two are sent on so he some times speaks in a sort of business man tone of voice


Features and Equipment: he wore a white formal coat over a black vest and tie which was over a white button shirt he wore white formal pants and black formal boots he wore black formal gloves the cuffs on his coat sleeves were rolled up in an elegant fashion when rolled they were black the man had long black hair with silver high lights he had amber brown eyes they almost looked like red he wore a white top-hat with
a black ribbon tied to it and had a silver earring on his left ear

Weapons and Ability: he carried a formal cane that he carried around every where the design of said cane was odd very odd it's currently unknown whether he uses this cane as a weapon or not

Class: unknown

Psych Profile: Mr.Fabulous is a very eccentric individual,he appears to be a noblemen of sorts at first glance but in reality there are no connections with his name a lot of people simply know him as "the noble in white" they call him plain terms such as "Mr.","Lord","Sir",etc those who actually know him personally know he doesn't have a name the first person he ever met called him "Mr.Fabulous" he thought it was strange but didn't mind he also heard the reason he received this name it was given to him based on that he seams to defy reality in a way yet no one knows how he just appears mythical like some thing that would only be seen in story books


Equipment and Features: Meta wears a long fancy white trench coat that reaches his knees it's designed to absorb bullet damage,and wears a pair of white combat pants he wears black combat boots and gloves he has a black military sweater under his coat he has an elegant black scarf wrapped around his neck he has medium length black hair with some maroon layering his eye color is a sky blue due to his appearance he's often mistaken to be Fenrir

Weapons and Ability: Meta uses several weaponry such as fire arms,explosives,blades,chainsaws,and several other weapons he has several unique abilities that he keeps hidden one of which is this odd ability that amplifies a certain object's weapon potential the less it's considered a weapon an example of this is a paper fan who at one point in time hit some one hard enough with it that person was sent into another dimension and back.

Class: Anomaly

Psych profile: Meta is an odd being at times he's calm and respected like a butler is to his master at other times he's cruel and merciless like an assassin hunting his prey and at times he's viewed as insane as his actions can be questionable

Bianca Storm

Features and Equipment: Bianca is a mouse type Beast-kin ,she has medium length white hair/fur,and brownish red eyes; Due to being what she is she looks young despite her age.
She wears a white sleeveless combat sweater with a white skirt that has black accents,she wears black kimono like sleeves, and black leg warmers with white snow boots

Weapons and Ability: Bianca wields a large long sword that she carries in her hands.She also uses Snow based Dust during combat using it to form a smoke screen or if weaponless creates ice weaponry to use.
She's able to create a guardian that will will assist her in combat this guardian manifests it self to appear like a male version of her self. It's capable of thinking and acting on it's own however this guardian takes a lot of energy to use and specializes in combat scenarios. the longer it's used the more energy it takes putting Bianca at risk.

Class: Student

Psych Profile: Bianca looks innocent and she enjoys reading books and such she was trained in the manner that knights were trained in thus she has a strong sense of justice.Being extremely Intelligent and battle trained makes her feel proud but she usually gets annoyed when people underestimate her due to her appearance.


Features and Equipment: Nox is a Fox type beast-kin, he's got long black hair/fur with ash gray accents.He wears a white mask, with red markings on it.(( Okami based )) wears black clothing that it found in an ancient city long forgotten. it has black pants,and black combat boots designed for beast-kin to allow there claws to extend,he had black gauntlet like combat gloves on these gloves were fingerless to allow extension of claws,he wore a black coat with silver fur over a military combat sweater.

Weapons and Ability: Nox primarily uses his claws and fangs for weapons, but he had found a standard military grade tanto blade that he keeps holstered on his back; Not that he knows how to use it,or what it is...

Class: N/A

Psych Profile: N/A


Features and Equipment: Akida wore a black modern military like sweater,over it she had a maroon hooded jacket with black fur lining.The Jacket was designed to reveal her color bones easily if she were wearing a regular t-shirt,the sleeves of the jacket were designed like the kimono sleeves that samurai wore.She wore a pair of elbow length black fingerless gloves, a pair of silver earrings were on every one of her fingers along with a pair of bracelets on each arm. She wore a pair of black hakama pants and black winter boots.There was a cloth hanging from her waist that made it appear like she were wearing a trench coat from the waist down,it was a matching color of her jacket with black accents. Her hair was long and silver it was styled and layered to appear wild yet formal like,It had fading black hair tips and highlights.A pair of fox ears stuck out of her head,and a tail swishing behind her.The fur on them were the same as her hair color. Her eye color was a teal green the same color of life energy.

Weapons and Ability: A pair of chained tomahawk equipped with a special system to add elemental effects to them, she also uses a special version of a Vostek USSR pistol.

Class: N/A

Psych Profile: Not much is known of her except that she's some sort of guardian for a certain area,to every one who's encountered her she's the confident yet wise type .


Features and Equipment: Lotan has medium to long length, styled and layered black hair,that appears to be messy.He's a water dragon type 1st quarter-breed beast-kin.He wears a mask that covers his face, it's similar to traditional Shinto fox masks, except it's that of a dragon.The slots for the eyes are pure black,besides the markings for the dragons nose the only other markings are red,that follow the lines of the mask's eyes.He wore a black shirt,over it he had a Black blazer, three buttons on the bottom,buttoned up but only the top two buttons undone;The sleeves were rolled up and had Unique emblems on the shoulder sides.He had black hakama styled Black combat pants,and wore black combat boots.He had on black gauntlet like combat gloves on both hands,as well as a pendent around his neck.His suspenders that hung down from his pants were designed to carry unique shell casings for his weapon.He has portions of armor around his arm and leg areas.

Weapons and Ability: His Primary tool is "Redemption", a custom hand cannon class revolver,designed to easily designed to blow through most armor, This cannon is equipped with a grappling hook attachment and laser sight.It's compatible with different shell types but is limited to how much ammo is carried.His unique ability allows him to make an enemies alley appear to be well an enemy.


Psych Profile:

Backstory: He never knew his parents, practically raised himself, until a certain high ranking official in a criminal organization offers him a job as a thief ,he completes it using the firearm that they assigned him and kept it since.Ever since then he's had a taste for crime more specifically the money that comes out of it, and now works as a mercenary for all factions if offered the right price.

Keza Lockheart (Captain Fluffy) :

Features and Equipment: He has long lion styled hair,( similar to Zack fair's hair ) a small portion that's behind his right ear is braided, which covers his face slightly in style design,it's color is a maroon that as it gets closer to the hair tips fades to black.He has sky blue cat like eyes.He's also a Second Quarter-breed class lion beast-kin, meaning he has lion ears, a tail,eyes,and his hair are traits of the lion blood in him.He has a black tricorn like pirate captain hat made of leather.He wore a black pirate captain themed long coat (made of leather), underneath he had on a white vest with black accents.with a black open collar button shirt underneath the vest.He wore black pirate captain pants,that matched his jacket,they end as they're tucked in his black combat boots. He had black full finger leather gloves,laced with electric resistant material, these gloves extend up to half way up his lower arm.Hanging from his back he wore a blood red colored cape with some wear and tear on the edges, no on more inspection it's the original flag of his ship,with the ships emblem on his back, that of a demonic looking lion done in a black colored tribal style, with several other black accents.Underneath his clothes he had armor that blocked standard bullet types.

Weapons and Ability: Black Stun gun gauntlets that release electric energy upon punch impact they are affectionately named "A Love Tap" they can be spotted over his gloves,and coat,He had a set of unique hook blade class swords named " Boreas " ,these blades have unique wind properties, He has four Voster U.S.S.R. model handguns simply named the "Deal Breakers" ,He has these handguns hidden underneath his coat ,he typically relies on these weapons if his weapons are taken away from him.

Class: Pirate captain

Affiliation: N/A

Psych Profile: An eccentric individual who enjoys the thrill life of being a pirate, but despite being a pirate he can at times be kin and caring, His favorite hobby is simply having fun, those who heard of him and his crew whether friend or foe respect him, however if any one asks about him, they all reply differently most cases they call him an insane man, (Since he's a lion or part lion,those who hang out with him a lot would respond to him as one cool cat )

Extra: The ship he and his crew man sails through the air rather then the seas, the sight of which typically surprises those who view it’s oddly traditional appearance.It’s power source that allows it to fly varies but the captain has personally set it to be powered by adventure and bravery.It’s mounted with several weapons of destruction but it’s most impressive mount is a high powered energy cannon that fires extremely destructive rainbow blasts,in a similar manner how laser cannons fire laser beams, edged into the cannon's barrel is text that read "TASTE THE RAINBOW M***ERF***ER!". The flag of the ship is a blood red colored with some wear and tear on the edges, no on more inspection it's a spare flag the captain has ,he keeps the original as a cape,the ships emblem is that of a demonic looking lion done in a black colored tribal style, with several other black accents.


Sanctioned Blade:

Sanctioned Blade is a knight's guild working through out the world,it's sol duty is to protect those who are in need of protecting it works in a similar manner of police but more trained to use melee combat there are contracts from the knight's guild to other military or law like company's they have several knights in there rankings

Sora (( Ex-member ))

Equipment and Features: Sora is a female anthro fox who runs a tavern called Valhalla she used to be an ex-knight before an unfortunate incident occurred she wears the black knight's trench coat with the sleeves requested and approved of removal around the elbow section to allow more free movement this was her trade mark despite not being affiliated with them any more the zipper for the coat ends at her ribs and begins at her color bones she wears old torn military jeans with extra fur attached to the joint area's on her coat and pants near her elbows and knee's she covers the rest of her body with bandages

Weapons: she wields a triple bladed scythe and excels at speed her scythe's blades are the standard issue blades that do not attach to the hilt but float and lock in place near the pole the blades are arranged in a buzz saw like position

Class: knight

Psych Profile: Sora is a kind person she helps others when she isn't running her tavern many knights come to her for advice as she has gone through many missions during her time as one her tavern originally didn't have a name at all but over time her costumiers gave the name of Valhalla the warriors heaven she still has influence in the knights organisation is currently not trying to get into there affairs when Fenrir and a couple of the other rouge subjects escaped Project Nightmare or rather when they eventually defect and escape she allowed them to stay in the tavern in exchange they would work to help keep it in good conditions she's noble as an individual but if she were to get angry no matter who they were they would be too scared to do anything about her fearing her wrath

The White Knight

Features and Equipment: The White Knight wears highly advanced unique armor that covers it's entire body,The White Knight doesn't show any signs of it's appearance out side of it's armor but occasionally a dim blue glow can be seen from the visor of it's helmet

Weapons: it's equipped with a nine barreled modern shotgun it functions the same way a double barreled shotgun does needing to be reloaded after firing it's holstered at his back most of the time,it has a weapon class called the hand cannon a strong revolver capable of damaging heavy armor an example would be armor on a heavy tank armament,it's also equipped with all sorts of items it seams to be the cautious prepared type of knight ready for any kind of situation it has a light energy shield in it's armor system it's also said the white knight has a unique ability unknown to all but as per any evidence there has been no confirmation

Class: Knight

Psych Profile: The White Knight is silent it chooses not to speak,in fact no one knows how it even gained it's armor in the first place as far as any one has known it's always wore it that doesn't mean it doesn't interact with other beings the knight has a strong sense of justice and well protect those who need it,it would rather work but the organization insists that it take some days off during these days it will help those in the city with choirs or minor problems and if there's no assistance to do it will generally stand at attention in a nearby park some times even play with the children as such the white knight is a well respected being among all.



First Quarter : neko looking, in other words human looking with just the ears and tail of animal race.these guys/girls mainly have normal human traits except for better balance hearing,scent, and some better night-vision.

Rarity: common as your standard house pet, these kind can be spotted nearly everywhere,animal types vary

Second Quarter: portions of fur here and there along with first quarter traits,slight increase to base stats, these guys have a bit more stats then that of humans also they can with stand a bit more colder climates.

Rarity: uncommon but still not treated as much of a big deal

Third Quarter: full fur , but still has a basic humanoid shape, or the standard furry,these guys have higher base stats then those of previous quarters, also depending on there animal race they may have specialized bodies for the climate they reside.

Rarity : rare: these types are hard to spot outside of there native habitats.

Fourth Quarter : full traits, double knee legs ( like lucario,or the elites from halo )
more wild looking,bigger body,increased stats every where ,these guys are the best of the best so to speak, they have higher stats then all the rest, and even some may have unique abilities,These are mainly refereed to as "Guardians"

Rarity: myth-like , these are very hard to find , legends say they were the guardians of nature and had close ties to certain celestials, in other words gods or spirits, a few cases other super natural beings such as demons,vampires, golems , etc.