We work for the Bureau of Paranormal Investigations, a division of the US government under the FBI, which provides police services in situations where non-humans and magic is involved. Not all of us are human, but we work to keep the people safe. For reference consider us like the Men-in-Black except: 1) Most of what we deal with is from Earth. 2) We, and the people we deal with, have powers, but not much advanced tech. 3) We don't actively suppress knowledge of non-humans, we just make sure that it doesn't get misused. Most of the people we deal with, however, want the existence of magic, the paranormal, and non-humans to stay a secret.
There is also a Purity movement which believes that humans should not breed with non-humans, and only accepts pure humans, those whose entire genetic code evolved without influence from Demons, Fae bacteria, aliens, or any other source. They have tests which will reveal any DNA which didn't come from humans or Neanderthals. Because only 10% or less of the population is pure human, they will deal will other humans, people who have the majority of their DNA from such sources and can pass as pure human at a glance.
Name: Appearance: Genetic breakdown: (Of your 46 chromosomes, how many come from each species you are descended from? Humans might have a few chromosomes which influence them towards power sets similar to the non-human race whom the DNA belongs to. Pure humans will only have DNA from Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals but they have a wider range of powers than other races.) Age: (appropriate for race) Power(s): (Usually in the form a power set. One offensive, one defensive, one tactical, and one other power of any of the three types. Follow a theme.) Skills: Personality: Biography:
Long ago some of the members of the human race at the time, what we call Neanderthals, evolved the ability to project their energy out of their bodies and manipulate it. This "magic" attracted the attention of a malevolent race of energy-based beings which we would call Demons. They found that they could inhabit the bodies of the "magical" members of this race by feeding on their energy.
The hosts, however, were unable to survive this condition for long, so the energy based lifeforms began selectively breeding their hosts to create superior hosts. They even used their host's abilities to alter the host's DNA to make it more compatible and to give it other traits they found superior. This lead to the rise of several parent demonic races.
There are four known precursor races for demons, with others theorized. One of these races was larger and more physically imposing than humans, and became the precursor to ogres, trolls, and the like. One could manipulate energies such as heat and electricity, becoming the precursor to the Ifrit. One had psychic powers, and became the precursor to the imps. Finally, one had the ability to manipulate and feed on emotion and became the precursor for Fear demons as well as the Cambians (Incubi and Succubi).
Humanity continued to evolve past the Demonic Era and soon a new race had naturally evolved, Homo Sapiens. A larger percentage of them had the ability to use "magic" than among the Neanderthals, leading to them pushing ahead in military strength. Even more importantly, they had begun to develop mutations that, while limiting the range of their magical ability, focused it enough to give them specific abilities instead of the more general abilities they gained through spellcraft.
The use of specific magical abilities attracted another form of life, a symbiotic bacteria which fed on magical energy, that had a rudimentary intelligence when it reached large enough numbers. This lifeform came to inhabit the more powerful of Homo Sapiens and influenced them to form their own communities. These communities became the early members of a few races, most notably the Elves and the Dwarves.
One of the members of the physically imposing precursor race developed a mutation which altered HGH, making it a mental stimulant which could enhance magical and paranormal abilities. This one was bred with others, and the descendants became a new precursor race with mental abilities. When enough of his descendants had inherited the ability, they began to inbreed the descendants to try and maximize this mental enhancement. This lead to a physically small race of beings with powerful telekinetic powers. The inbreeding, however, had caused an extremely high miscarriage and infant mortality rate, so during the time while they were being inbred they were altered to have high fertility rates to offset this fact. The high fertility rate was found to be useful to the other races, and these began to use Imps as breeding stock. In time the diversified gene pool stabilized the miscarriage and infant mortality rate, leaving them as a meter tall group of humanoids, usually with claw, fangs, and/or horns, possessing a high fertility rate and powerful telekinetic abilities.
Imps are business men and mechanics. They often run or work in factories, and are quite common as mechanics, fixing cars, airplanes, of other machines.
Some groups of early Imps were not bred with other races, however, in time, the inbreeding increased the birth rate further, making the miscarriage and infant mortality rates less significant. These early Imps formed small communities which battled each other. Their gene pool eventually stabilized somewhat by breeding with captured humans and demons, but the small size of that gene pool led to there being little diversity among them. When Homo Sapiens began having contact with them, generally through war as they were too hostile for standard relationships, they called these tribes Goblins, and treated them as an inferior version of Imps.
Goblins live in small tribes or family units, usually with one member being the “father” or “chief”. They fiercely defend their family or tribe. Most are warlike, killing or taking prisoner any who enter their territory. Mixed blood offspring are rare, as captured slaves are the only members of other races they ever deal with.
In another dimension God created two races to serve him, the Seraphim and the Cheribim. The first were warriors, fighting the forces of evil in other worlds. The second were doctors and servants, providing the soldiers with the services and products they needed to continue the fight.
One day one of the three high generals, Lucifer, took his units and any who would join him to a dark dimension, one ruled by evil, and set up his own kingdom. Because of this betrayal God demanded that the loyalty of all new angels be tested before they joined the service. High General Gabriel had the idea that they could be taken to a neutral world for training and that only those that proved their loyalty would be allowed to return to heaven and receive the Blessing. God agreed and over 800 thousand Seraphim and 600 thousand Cherabim were sent to earth.
There they formed camps for training and, when some of them were rejected for service, they formed villages to live their lives here. Those that pass are sent to heaven where they receive the Blessing which let's them tap into a nearly limitless power source.
Seraphim have the power of teleportation and the ability to generate Holy energy which harms evil beings. Cherabim have healing abilities and the ability to relieve stress and pain.
Angelic culture is based on three principles. First Honesty, then Honor, then Discipline. They have strict rules concerning what is dishonorable, such as a ban on extramarital sexual relations. They accept other races, however they will not wed outside their own race unless they are certain the person is of the highest moral quality. One of their most serious rules is that they must not breed with those of demonic blood. In fact, it is the only situation in which abortion is allowed, and is even mandated. Should someone become pregnant with a child of both angelic and demonic blood, the child must be killed either before birth or at birth, and anyone who is complicit in an attempt to create such an offspring is to be executed as well. This law is most likely the result of Lucifer's betrayal making such offspring common among his rebels. Much of their culture is hidden from outsiders unless the outsiders need to know.