Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 2 mos ago

    • Created a separate Character thread for Ull'Yang and Co. (idea stolen straight from Termite-senpai (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ )
    • Major revamp to Ull'Yang's CS. Added new information encompasing all the recent changes in his personality.
    • Added Mundo & Odnum's CS + The Magnastone's CS
    • Corrected a particular mistake with the time dilation between Cygnea and the Outside world. All affected lore has been adjusted.
    • Added the CS for Ull'Yang's symbol, the Uthkrein.
    • Clarified Yang'Ze's abilities further and added Zoolingualism in Luna's arsenal; since she was originaly an animal herself, it's logical that she is able to communicate with other animals now that she became a hero.
    • Finally got around to finishing Cygnea's CS and added it to the list of creations.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Ull'Yang (IPA: əl jæŋ)
Alias: The Primordial Sun, The Star Forger and some even address him as The Emperor in Gold
Gender: Technically genderless. Commonly adressed as male.

Level: 5
Domain (Portfolio): Cosmic (Stars)
Domain (Portfolio) Description:
The universe is composed mostly of empty space. But this space is occasionally populated by an amazing assortment of incredible objects. These objects create an orderly, harmonious system known as the cosmos. Solar systems consisting of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets that circle a central star in an orbital dance that has been going on for billions of years are but few of the many things one can find while traversing the cosmos.

As we move farther away into deep space, we encounter exotic objects with bizarre properties. Pulsars and Quasars shine with the energy of millions of stars. Neutron stars and black holes distort the very reality of space-time itself. And somewhere out there, a mysterious substance known as dark matter composes as much as 90% of the known universe.

Stars are cosmic energy engines that produce heat, light and other forms of radiation. They are composed largely of gas and plasma, a superheated state of matter composed of subatomic particles. These stars are precisely the source of fuel that keeps life "alive." They bring light and warmth, make plants grow, helps us wake, explore, work, create. They are the bright lights in the night sky, guiding, helping and showing the way to the lost and weary traveler.

The stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they are watching us.

Alignment: True neutral and slightly leaning towards Chaotic. Simply being pragmatic about the grand scheme of things, this is the philosophy that harmony and freedom are both important in society and that altruism and egoism are both legitimate ends. It is a philosophy of pure equitistic consequentialism.

Personality: The Sun is associated with the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal power, pride, and authority; the principles of creativity, spontaneity, health, and vitality, the sum of which is named the life force.

All those characteristics embodied, and still do to some extent, the being known as Ull'Yang. He is unorthodox, refusing to follow the crowd. Determined and prideful, but not egotistic. An independent thinker with ambitions of doing something important and meaningful.

Ull'Yang has a habitually outgoing personality, not fearing to venture forth with confidence into the unknown. Individuals like him are able to adapt easily to a given situation and are not particularly influenced by objects and events in the external world.

Lastly, Ull'Yang was loyal, kind and easygoing; a trait of his that tended to attract others into knowing and understanding him better. Unfortunately, the death of four of his siblings has made him steel his heart to outside influences, and his previously happy-to-go-lucky personality has been thrown out of the window. Something that remains, however, is the fact that to those that he deems worthy of his wrath, Ull'Yang is still as much vengeful and unforgiving as he had always been.

Description: At first glance, others would view Ull'Yang as intelligent and outgoing but, if stuck around long enough to get to know him better will realize that's not all that he is. He is a person that's worthy to try and befriend but also be wary off because of the spontaneity of his decisions. This spontaneity of his has definitely been augmented after the death of the Four because after he caught news of the events taking place on Galbar, he immediately acted, going so far as to alter his very being in order to be rid of the immobility his nature as a star burdened him with.

Additionally, he gave direct orders to the two guardians he created to protect the Reverse Peak and to kill all intruders that did not bear his crest, a command he would not even think of giving out before the death of his siblings. Such things are a testament to the magnitude of the change his personality has been through.

Musical Theme:

Concealment/Detection Level: 5
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Apart from the countless beings that draw upon Ull'Yang's starlight to flourish and evolve, he has specifically created certain life forms of his own.

Constructs/Other Objects and Concepts
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Lachesis ♀ | Demigod | Theme

If one were to describe Lachesis' personality with just one word, that would have to be ‘adaptable’. On one hand, her aspect demands of her to be quick on her feet and active in her thinking, making decisions on the fly to seize any and all opportunities presented, allowing her to stick to a plan and execute it without much delay. As a result, this might force her to act rashly or ‘step on too many toes’ as it were, causing issues that will probably come back to bite her in the proverbial ‘ass’ at a later date.

However, just simply being adaptable is not enough in order to tread upon such a world as Galbar. One must have a goal, a reason for existing that is core to their being. That which shapes their personality, views and beliefs about what is right, wrong, good and evil. Lachesis has a saying for such a thing: fuck you. Her convictions are hers to know and other’s to postulate on. She knows very well how valuable such information can be to potential enemies of hers, and as such no amount of flattery or bribery would make share it with outsiders.

Although, that’s not to say that one cannot gather information about how she operates; there’s a methodology to Lachesis’ work that generally portrays an arrogant character that believes their work is sacred to the function of the universe, as without conflict there would be nothing but stagnation. However, where she and others with similar dispositions might diverge in opinions is that any conflict induced by Lachesis must, in some way, benefit her. She might manipulate the seeds of strife in such a way that it would create a favorable result for her victim, only to watch them fall harder a moment after, much to her delight.

Aside from whatever pleasure she might get out of watching people ruin themselves, they don’t stop being pawns on her chessboard, meaning that being removed from play prematurely or without having even done their part infuriates her greatly. As the queen of the board, it’s her duty to go above and beyond in order to protect her pawns, even so far as to endanger her personal safety, should the need arise.

As for a grand goal of sorts, the end-all be-all, her magnum opus so to say… there’s not much to be said about this surprisingly. Becoming a god? That’s one thing that could be classified as a ‘goal’. But would the Monarch really trust her with a shard? Many might say no, of course not, but Lachesis begs to digress. She tends to be very, very persuasive.



Defining the aspect of strife with mere words is difficult, for strife is dynamic and everchanging. It is an ever growing, cosmic power that seeks to move, pull apart and undo all bonds that tie together.

Consider the following example (which is only one of the most basic interpretations of strife); when a mother strikes her child, she might do it out of love and concern, and to punish bad behavior. The child might listen to their mother, or they might not, it does not matter. What is important is that the seed of strife is planted at that very moment into both of them. This poisonous impetus drills into their very psyche, latches into their subconscious and slowly but surely changes their personalities and behavioral patterns. The mother, for example, will be more inclined to resort to corporal punishment in the future as, from her point of view, she had evidently succeeded in disciplining her child using said method. However, the child might become more rebellious and antagonistic as a result of this.

Hence the sacred bond of parenthood, the love that a mother has towards her child, are twisted and warped beyond recognition. In the end, the child, having grown up in an abusive home, might become a petty and vengeful person that harbors repressed feelings of resentment and rage towards their parents. Then at some point, they might be prompted to act upon these feelings in a very, very unpleasant way.

The above is but one of the many environments within which the aspect of strife dwells. This ever-present conflict of instincts, interests, ideas and everything in between is what Lachesis feeds and thrives upon, using it to weave the strings of fate in a way that will further whatever goal she might have in mind at any one moment.

Thieves, plebes, murderers, kings, everyone and anyone could come to benefit from joining Lachesis' network of worshippers. As vast as the night sky and deep as the depths of the sea; where there is conflict, the demigoddess is bound to have her threads woven around it, giving her a wide berth to maneuver herself within the Galbar and spread her influence among the populace.

Now, all the above is, in theory, what the aspect of Strife is all about. As it turns out, there’s not much difference practically as well. Lachesis’ demigod powers grant her limited foresight, allowing her to be at the right place and at the right time in order to cause the most amount of damage with the least amount of effort.

Those ‘seeds of Strife’? They are not exactly what one might think of when they picture a seed, but they do the job well, nevertheless. Lachesis’ can choose to emit her divine energy in the form of ‘spores’. As such by merely being in the same room as Lachesis means that one has been ‘compromised’ so to say. These spores quickly dissolve and merge with the souls of the unfortunate beings that ingested them, and from that moment on they become vulnerable to Lachesis’ wiles. Slowly, but surely, their souls are corrupted, twisted and made pliant, just enough for the demigoddess to push her changes unto them, forcing them unto a path they will obliviously follow until the very end. Additionally, once said spores have taken root, Lachesis is able to monitor her pawns and issue commands unto them remotely, even if there’s a large distance separating them.

Should she successfully become a goddess, be it by being granted her shard or wresting it from the Monarch’s cold grasp, her powers would certainly become even more potent, some examples being to induce physical changes immediately on pawns she is connected to, or to swap places or even teleport them to her and vice versa.


Lachesis' body is, of course, bound in the material plane as all demigods are, however she possesses the ability to change her form, within certain limitations of course. Just like how a snake sheds its skin, she too can choose to undergo a kind of metamorphosis in order to obtain a body suitable for whatever plan she has in mind. She generally wants to blend in with the crowd, for the common is a shield for a being like her which thrives by manipulating her surroundings and those within, be they mortal or otherwise.

Hence, considering the prevalence of the bipedal species of lifeforms in the Galbar, Lachesis has generally leant towards such forms for her appearance.

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