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The White Bat, Manfryd Lothston

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Robar Storm, the Bastard
"Whoever said life was dull?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

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House Dondarrion

'Strike them Down'

[ ⚔ ]Synopsis
House Dondarrion is one of the Principal Marcher Lords of the Stormlands, holding their seat at Blackhaven along the Dornish marches. The Current ruling Lord is Raymont Dondarrion, son Borros Dondarrion (83-131 AC), and a Veteran of the Dance of Dragons as well as Insular conflicts throughout the Stormlands.

[ ⚔ ]Military Strength
House Dondarrion is a fairly powerful house in the Stormlands as one of the principal Marcher Lords, made to protect the Stormlands from Dornish invasion. The House can draw perharps two thousand to two thousand five-hundred swords. The men at arms and knights sworn to House Dondarrion are hard men, having spent their lives fighting Dornish raiders and Stormlands bandits. They are trained well in fighting these dangerous foes, and in the defense of Blackhaven.

The ratio of horse to foot is quite like the rest of the Stormlands, having far more infantry than mounted men with a 3-1 ratio of foot to horse. The Infantry and cavalry are well trained and use to harsh or not ideal conditions of their homeland. They recently recovered fully from casualties taken during the Dance.

[ ⚔ ]Members
Borros Dondarrion (83-131)
Jocelyn Carron (90-134)
Raymont Dondarrion (105- )
Cletus Dondarrion (109- )

Raymont Dondarrion (105- )
Myrcella Trant (110- )
Stannis Dondarrion (126- )
Archibald Dondarrion (131- )
Joffrey Dondarrion (138- )

Raymont Dondarrion (105- )
Mya (??-130)
Davos Storm (128- )
Shireen Storm (128- )

Cletus Dondarrion (108- )
Cersei Estermont (115-144)
Mariah Dondarrion (144- )

Orys Dondarrion (90- )

[ ⚔ ]Recent History
The Dance of Dragons shaped House dondarrions Lord, Raymont, into what he is now. He joined his father, brother and House Baratheon in their support of Aegon II and his ascent to the Iron Throne. Being of the greens, Raymont took part in several Key Battles, most notably The battle of the Kingsroad, or the 'Muddy Mess'. At this battle, House Dondarrion had all its strength when the Riverlands Lords routed the Green forces. Raymont and his brother Cletus watched as their father was dragged from his horse and killed, and their uncle Orys was horrendously maimed in much the same way. Cletus panicked and tried to run, but Raymont rallied him and Dondarrion forces that remained and managed to join Harwyn Baratheon in breaking from the slaughter. They say Raymont cut his way through 10 Knights to get to his fathers corpse first and dragged it from the fight with the help of Cletus and a revolving group of men as each was cut down in the retreat.

This followed only a few months after the death of Raymont's lover during the time, and together the events soured the mans demeanour. He became dour and solemn, often locking himself in his chambers or spending lengthy time in Blackhaven's sept or riding alone. After a month or so of this, Lord Raymont seemed to return to the world, if still solemn and quiet. With the dance ended, Lord Dondarrion focused on his own house and rebuilding what was taken during the dance. He rebuilt their forces, and hardened them against Dornish raiders and Stormlands bandits. Though soured at the outcome of the dance and Rhaenyra's sons ascension to the throne Lord Raymont has shown no dissent since.

Now he bides his time, waiting for an opportunity to avenge his father, uncle and the Greens.

[ ⚔ ]POV's

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The Brass Hounds



A mantra. A set of words that are law, life and worship.

This permeates the entire existence of the Hounds, vicious Khorne Daemonkin. Slavering, blood-thirsty dogs who live by their mantra. Made up of the most insane, gore hungry and devoted of Khorne's worshippers. Chaos Space marines, cultists, possessed and Daemons fill their ranks. Ripped into this new existence they continue on their path unhindered and without a moments hesitation. for even in this new world, there are hides to be taken and skull to be offered. And this is all they hope for.


The Brass Hounds are fanatics, insensate berzerkers who thirst for blood and violence. This, and the idea of the hunt, infuses their every action and thought. There is never a moment a hound does not wish he is carving up worthy prey until he is doing just that, and one its skin is flensed he moves on to the next still hungry. Violent, insane and fanatical the hounds spend their lives worshipping the great 'Brass Hunter' or 'The Blood Lord' Khorne. Be they mere human cultists or the mightiest of their Champions all expend thei lives in the service of the God of murder. When not raiding and killing the Hounds scream prayers to their thirsting god and spar amongst themselves. Too long without a raid and these sparring matches can turn deadly. Only the strong live in the Warband and earn the right to hunt, so only they are ever seen.

No diplomacy is available to their prey but death at the Warbands blades.


'Beasts in mens skins I tell you! Th-they swept down, armour shining brass with hands and feet mired in the blood of my people... th-they are cruel demon things surely!'

The Brass Hounds march and live int heir macabre livery, always ready for war. Their armour is the color of dull brass particularly on their chests, head, upper legs and upper arms. Their gauntlets and boots are stained red with spattered blood, and their helmets eyes glow the same color. Their blades are colored brass splattered in gore, and even their guns are blood and brass. Their icon is simple compared to some others; a large brass rune of khorne spatterd with blood and gore. Daemons summoned by them have dark, bllackened and charred limbs. Their bodies are the color of dull-red and rusted brass, and their blackened tounges stick out from brass skulls.

In addition, the Warbands chaos marines have adopted an additional armour ornamentation; flensed skins. Every member has thei greatest kills displayed as leathered flesh draped about their forms. All marines have at least one skin draped over their armour as cloak and trophy, veterans often have a patchwork of skin across their armour. Terminators drape pierced skin across their trophy racks and shoulders like macabre mantles while thick tarps of skin are nailed to the outsides of their vehicles as testament to the violence of both the vehicle crew and the squads they carry to battle. Weapons have faces draped across the openings of barrels, ammo feeds shaped like screaming mouths or starving faces. Shrunken heads and skulls adorn their armour as further trophies, the warriors proud of their kills.


Khorne Daemonkin are not workers, they are hunters. A vast majority of their resources are aquired through vicious raids. These include slaves, food, vehicles, munitions and more. Of course, the lands held by the Hounds are not left idle. Slaves are worked to death in great factories to churn out weapons and ammunition for their masters, and die at their posts to be replaced by more slaves. To disobey means sacrifice in their great rituals or worse, ushered to the frontlines as cannon fodder for the Red God. In this way the Hounds are never without something for long, as their neighbours will no doubt provide, willingly or otherwise.


Only the strong may lead the Hounds. Champions of Khorne called Handlers lead sqauds into battle held together by their strength and vicious tendencies. The more violent and powerful a champion, the more warriors he will command and the more gifts he wil lreceive from Khorne. Those not Marine nor mortal, Daemons and possessed, are led by similarly chosen champions. But, their are those who could be called the true 'Leaders' of the Warband.


Blood. Blood and unending violence and destruction. Their legacy is that of piles of bodies left flayed and without heads, the crumpled wrecks of vehicles and buildings left in their wake. The Brass Hounds have fought on many fields of war, and none have been left without the corpses of their prey littering them. They do not fear death or pain, all they know is violence and murder. They will not hesitate or provide mercy... theey have nothing but death to give.


Chaos Champions: Eight
The Primary leadership, the most powerful Chaos marines and Daemons of the Warband. These are tools of a red god, and loathe be any who dane to stand before them

Terminators: 88
Veterans cloaked in many skins and wielders of powerful terminator armour. Vicious and cruel warriors, where they tread destruction follows

Chaos Space Marines/Berzerkers/Raptors:731
The main bulk of the Force. Chaos Space marines and bloodthirsty berzerkers, they slaver for death and pelts and fear nothing, for their skulls are already promised to the throne. Berzerkers whose minds have been altered to love only death and violence, or vicious and cruel raptors that soar through the sky on jump packs like great murderous birds of prey.

Various Daemons/Possessed/Warp Talons:148
Bloodcrushers, bloodletters, flesh hounds and other beings composed of hate and violence, fearful visions of death that stalk the fields of man thanks to the hounds insatiable bloodlust. It also includes those Chaos Space marines who have become willing Daemon hosts, gaining power and deadly abilities and becoming dreaded half-daemons. Or the terrifying warp talons, hunters who's claws are so sharp they animalistically tear through reality itself.

Cultists: 1,000-1,200(varying)
Fanatic humans, madmen and unlucky slaves pressed into service as frontline cannon fodder. Armed with clubs, powered blades, autoguns or a few lasguns if they are lucky these men and women exist to expend their lives for their masters and Khorne, possibly taking some of the enemy with them if they arte lucky.

Chaos Spawn12
Large, slavering monstrosities of mutated flesh and bone, Chaos spawn are whats left of champions who failed to ascend to Daemon princehood, and were instead turned into hungry and murderous mounds of flesh. These beasts are terrifying to behold, and always hungry.


Rhino troop transports:42
Brass colored transports replete with skin and skulls, the venerable rhino transport is the mainstay of the warbands transportation

Predator Tanks: 30
Deadly and powerful tanks based off of the rhino chasis. Behemoths dealing death and destruction to any before their mighty guns

Helldrakes: 23
Terrifying, winged Daemon engines. Death dealers from the sky who swoop down on wings of hellfire to drown their prey in bullets and plasma

Chaos Dreadnoughts(Hellbrutes):12
Chaos Space marines who became so injured that they have been enterred in massive walking sarcophagi armed to the teeth. All Khornate Hellbrutes are utterly insane, and thirst for the blood of foes and to feel bones crushed beneath their massive gait.

Attack Bikes: 78
Single man assault bikes, armed with twin linked bolters and supercharged engines these furious attack bike carry foth a bloodthirsty space marine killer bent on destruction, several hundred pounds of heavily armed death screaming towards an enemies line.

Chaos Land raiders(Various patterns):3
These massive landtanks are ancient and venerable behemoths, more heavily armed than multiple predators and able to carry forth many Chaos Space marines or terminators. You best hope its guns are not pointed your way.

Massive, thick crab limbed engines of destruction. These metal monsters are Daemon engines, their pilot an angered and trapped Daemon who seeks blood to satiate itself.

Soul Grinders:4
Daemon and metal made one, Soul Grinders are Daemons who traded their wills to the Forge of souls for power. On massive metal limbs they wade into combat, intent on squaring away their debts to the forge in weight of souls and blood

Forgefiends and Maulerfiends: 6
Beastlike Daemon engines who like all daemon engines seek to spread their pain of imprisonment to others through violence. Maulerfiends are great four legged beasts with murderous claws and tendrils, a machine larger than a rhino. The Forgefiend has four legs and two massive guns for arms and another in place of its mouth.

Lord of Skulls:one
The Lord of Skulls is a truly massive Daemon engine, a titan large as a baneblade and much taller. Containing the essence of a Bloodthirster, a greater Daemon of Khorne, the Lord of skulls is driven by Bloodlust and hatred. In one hand he carries a massive chain cleaver, and the other a gatling hellfire cannon, another massive cannon is in his stomach
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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H o u s e V e l a r y o n o f D r i f t m a r k

“The Old, The True, The Brave.”

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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

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H o u s e V e l a r y o n o f B l o o d s t o n e

“The Old, The True, The Brave.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

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H o u s e P i p e r o f P i n k m a i d e n

Brave and Beautiful.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

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H o u s e T a r l y o f H o r n h i l l

First into Battle.

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