The White Bat, Manfryd Lothston

[ ⚔ ]Origin
[ ⚔ ]House/Affiliation
[ ⚔ ]Reputation
[ ⚔ ]Appearance
[ ⚔ ]Personality
[ ⚔ ]History
[ ⚔ ]Origin
132 AC, Harrenhal
[ ⚔ ]House/Affiliation
King Daeron I Targaryen, the Royal family
[ ⚔ ]Reputation
-Title refers to his status as a member of the Kingsguard and his house sigil, the bat
-Squired for fellow Kingsguard Raytham Reyne, an experienced commander and Knight during the dance of dragons
-Joined the Kingsguard in 153 AC
-Ser Manfryd has distinguished himself in multiple tourneys, and has won more melee's than any other knight currently alive
-He has served House Lothston admirably for many years as its third son
-A renowned Swordsman, know for his talent at facing multiple opponents at once
-Is considered to be of a quiet and dour countenance, being slow to jest
-Cruelly nicknamed the 'Yawning' or 'Tired' Knight by some due to his often tired appearance and his habit of taking long naps if off duty
-Some say he does not sleep at night, hence his tired appearance, and instead stays awake in his quarters or patrols the Red Keep
-Squired for fellow Kingsguard Raytham Reyne, an experienced commander and Knight during the dance of dragons
-Joined the Kingsguard in 153 AC
-Ser Manfryd has distinguished himself in multiple tourneys, and has won more melee's than any other knight currently alive
-He has served House Lothston admirably for many years as its third son
-A renowned Swordsman, know for his talent at facing multiple opponents at once
-Is considered to be of a quiet and dour countenance, being slow to jest
-Cruelly nicknamed the 'Yawning' or 'Tired' Knight by some due to his often tired appearance and his habit of taking long naps if off duty
-Some say he does not sleep at night, hence his tired appearance, and instead stays awake in his quarters or patrols the Red Keep
[ ⚔ ]Appearance
The 'White Bat' is described as a tall and handsome man, save for the bags often seen under his eyes. He often looks tired, as if he did not sleep the night before. Although normally together even in his seemingly tired state, at his worst moments he appears to lurch about as if on the brink of exhaustion or sliding off into unconciousness before snapping back awake. Some even rumour that he once fell asleep standing up whilst the King gave court, his head lolled slightly to the left and eyes closed for several minutes. He has thick, neat brown hair and a short scruffy beard and mustache. He stands around 5 feet and 11 inches tall(some claim he is actually 6) and long limbed. He has haunting blue eyes that seem to follow men wherever they go when they pass him.
His sword has a beautifully wrought pommel bearing the black bat of house Lothston. Resplendent inhis armour, the knight bears no scars on his face. He has a few on his body from various conflicts and tourneys however.
His sword has a beautifully wrought pommel bearing the black bat of house Lothston. Resplendent inhis armour, the knight bears no scars on his face. He has a few on his body from various conflicts and tourneys however.
[ ⚔ ]Personality
Manfryd Lothston is noted as a dour, taciturn and determined Knight. A man slow to jest or take part in merriment, he takes himself and his duties quite seriously. If jests at his expense or his cruel nicknames bother him he has not shown it, preferring to remain dignified whenever possible. The 'White Bat' has been known to lose his compsure at the dishonour of his King or his family, especially his younger and only sister. Though far from a kind man Ser Lothston is neither cruel nor capricious, he is quiet and unheard as he believes a Knight should be.
[ ⚔ ]History
Mafryd was the last son and second to last child of Lucas Lothston, Heir of Lord Manfred Lothston of Harrenhal. Lord Manfred was called 'Mannfred the Mad' by his subjects, as somewhere along the rode the Lord of Harrenhal had become unstable and taken to strange activities. He would alone in his undergarments or nude on the old battlements of the castle and calim he was Harren Hoare come back, he ordered servants brutally tortured for not cooking his meat long enough. He once tossed a servingboy out of a window because 'the lad was a demon in disguise'. In addition, it is highly believed Lord Manfred had all but one of his sons killed. He had been paranoid that they were plotting to overhtrow him early, and had each of them die in accidents or 'dissappear' into thin air.
Only Lucas Lothston was spared. The meek Lucas had doted on his aged father, and had always been the one to clothe him during his ravings at night and walk him back inside. Because if this he lived through his mad fathers reign without lifting a finger, and had five children. Four sons, of which Manfryd was the last, and one daughter named Danelle who was the youngest. Manfryd's grandfather would rule Harrenhal for most of his life, but he would be there for very little of it. When he reached the young age of 10, he was squired to non other than Ser Raytham Reyne, a prestigous Knight of the Kingsguard. He would prove to be a capable, and quite talented squire in his training with Ser Reyne. He became friends with Aemon Targaryen, who would become the dragon kinght, as they trained together often. Unfourtanetly, Manfryd was born to late to squire during the dance, and instead squired for Ser Reyne in peace time. Had it been war, it is likely the talented squire would have been knighted far earlier. As it was, he was Knighted after his Eighteenth Name day.
He spent a few years travelling, taking part in tourneys and winning quite a fair number. It was not until his Twenty Fourth Name day that he was called to return to Harrenhal. It seemed all was not well, 'Mad Manfred' had run out of time. Using his cruelty as an inciting incident, several bandit groups inflamed the ire of Harrentown's and the surrounding areas peasants, gathering an army of several hundred before committing a Daring raid on Harrenhal. Though many of these rebels were killed in the raid, they managed to kidnap Danelle Lothston. They held her for ransom in Harrentown with about 500 rebels guarding it.
During his time squired to Ser Reyne he had kept up correspondence with his family by Raven, particularly his younger sister Danelle. They would write many letters to one another, growing close despite being many miles away. He was called back to Harrenhal when the news struck, and was determined to rescue his sister. He offered to rescue her for his granfather, who being paranoid of a second raid accepted his offer but gve him only one hundred men to accomplish it. His brothers and even meek father objected, saying he needed many more, but Manfryd simply nodded and said he'd return with his sister in tow.
With a mixed force of Knights and men at arms Manfryd hatched a plan. Splitting off his mounted Knights, he had them harry the outskirtss of Harrentown with repeated charges and feints, hoping to draw the anxious and inexperienced rebels out of the town. The plan worked and all but a core of men, made up from the bandits who started the rebellion, gave chase to the knights. Manfryd led the rest of his men in a vicious attack on the now mostly abandoned Harrentown, sustaining a few injuries from the hard fight to rescue his younger sister. His men claimed he cut down at least thirty bandits himself, as if possessed by some demon of battle. they rescued his sister unharmed and quickly returned her to Harrenhal, before meeting his brothers and there knights. With this new boon in numbers, Manfryd joined back with his own Knights and crushed the majority of the rebel force.
With this victory, and his connections within the Kingsguard and recommendation by Aemon Targaryen, Manfryd was offered a place in the Kingsguuard. He solemnly accepted the oaths and donned the white cloak, blade and armour. Now, sworn to the King for two years, he has not looked back.
Only Lucas Lothston was spared. The meek Lucas had doted on his aged father, and had always been the one to clothe him during his ravings at night and walk him back inside. Because if this he lived through his mad fathers reign without lifting a finger, and had five children. Four sons, of which Manfryd was the last, and one daughter named Danelle who was the youngest. Manfryd's grandfather would rule Harrenhal for most of his life, but he would be there for very little of it. When he reached the young age of 10, he was squired to non other than Ser Raytham Reyne, a prestigous Knight of the Kingsguard. He would prove to be a capable, and quite talented squire in his training with Ser Reyne. He became friends with Aemon Targaryen, who would become the dragon kinght, as they trained together often. Unfourtanetly, Manfryd was born to late to squire during the dance, and instead squired for Ser Reyne in peace time. Had it been war, it is likely the talented squire would have been knighted far earlier. As it was, he was Knighted after his Eighteenth Name day.
He spent a few years travelling, taking part in tourneys and winning quite a fair number. It was not until his Twenty Fourth Name day that he was called to return to Harrenhal. It seemed all was not well, 'Mad Manfred' had run out of time. Using his cruelty as an inciting incident, several bandit groups inflamed the ire of Harrentown's and the surrounding areas peasants, gathering an army of several hundred before committing a Daring raid on Harrenhal. Though many of these rebels were killed in the raid, they managed to kidnap Danelle Lothston. They held her for ransom in Harrentown with about 500 rebels guarding it.
During his time squired to Ser Reyne he had kept up correspondence with his family by Raven, particularly his younger sister Danelle. They would write many letters to one another, growing close despite being many miles away. He was called back to Harrenhal when the news struck, and was determined to rescue his sister. He offered to rescue her for his granfather, who being paranoid of a second raid accepted his offer but gve him only one hundred men to accomplish it. His brothers and even meek father objected, saying he needed many more, but Manfryd simply nodded and said he'd return with his sister in tow.
With a mixed force of Knights and men at arms Manfryd hatched a plan. Splitting off his mounted Knights, he had them harry the outskirtss of Harrentown with repeated charges and feints, hoping to draw the anxious and inexperienced rebels out of the town. The plan worked and all but a core of men, made up from the bandits who started the rebellion, gave chase to the knights. Manfryd led the rest of his men in a vicious attack on the now mostly abandoned Harrentown, sustaining a few injuries from the hard fight to rescue his younger sister. His men claimed he cut down at least thirty bandits himself, as if possessed by some demon of battle. they rescued his sister unharmed and quickly returned her to Harrenhal, before meeting his brothers and there knights. With this new boon in numbers, Manfryd joined back with his own Knights and crushed the majority of the rebel force.
With this victory, and his connections within the Kingsguard and recommendation by Aemon Targaryen, Manfryd was offered a place in the Kingsguuard. He solemnly accepted the oaths and donned the white cloak, blade and armour. Now, sworn to the King for two years, he has not looked back.