Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nora Baker

Nora skirted her way through the streets. She ducked into an alleyway and slid up against the building. She could hear the humans yelling about a trapped werewolf and she ran to the other end of the alley and hopped over the ten foot fence in one move. She sped as quickly and quietly as she could through the darkened city and as soon as she could she got off the streets by ducking into the secret tunnel that led out to her home in the country. It was a long walk but it was safe and when you were a vampire it wasn't so long.

"Barkley!" Nora called as she emerged from the door inside the pantry in the kitchen. When she emerged she nearly scared the cook to death. "Oh..I'm sorry Ophelia. I didn't mean to scare you." She really was a little odd for a vampire. She truly cared about her servants as her own family. She never hurt them and she took good care of them. After all, who would if not her?

Barkley was in the living room with a cup of blood for her. Standing in the doorway he held her glass out for her and she took it and sat on the couch to take off her boots. "Miss were the streets full of hate tonight?" Nora nodded. "Even more than last night. They are tracking and trapping werewolves and vampires both." Barkley took her shoes and handed her a blanket to cover up with. She took it gladly, not because she was cold but because it was something she had done all of her human life and she had been covering up with blankets out of habit for nearly 500 years. It was comforting to her, especially in times of trouble.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grant was out of breath, and more desperate than he had been in a long time. He was not one hundred percent sure why, but regular people were stringing up werewolves and vampires in the streets. Grant thought he was in the clear but the mobs of people were using their own blood to weed out Vampires, and silver for Werewolves. Grant had been exposed to one of the angry monsters blood, and his fangs had been spotted.

So now Grant was running, trying to find a place to hide. Grant was able to disapear from the mob for a short period of time, but not for long. Grant suddenly caught the scent of another Vampire nearby, a vampire who had not been killed on the spot or one who was shaking in their boots. This one...Grant sniffed the air....was at peace. It was a female, and she was breathing at a normal pace. No immense sweating or nervousness. And she was close enough that Grant could detect this, so he sucked up his pride and ran to the house with the scent.

Grant knocked on the door, eyes wide and slightly shaking from a mix of fear and adrenaline. He needed help bad.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nora Baker

Nora heard a knock at the door and Barkley opened it. Seeing the young man's fangs he pulled him inside and shut the door. Nora got up and went to the Vampire. She immediately knew he was being chased. After checking the curtains she told Barkley to stall at least five minutes or as long as he could and she shoved Grant up the stairs and into her bedroom. "Get naked and fast!" She stripped and jumped into her bed. When he followed suit she jumped on top of him and began kissing his neck.

"Miss Nora! No! You can't go up there she is entertaining a guest!" Barkley called out as the townsfolk ran up the stairs and opened door after door. When they opened the door to her bedroom they saw a naked woman who immediately covered herself and climbed off of the man she was atop screaming "GET OUT! I'm going to the police about this! Get out!!!"

When the door shut she heard chuckling and someone apologized. They left and when Barkley knocked he told her they had all gone and went back downstairs. Nora let herself fall into the bed next to him. "You should be more careful in public." She offered him her hand. "Nora Baker."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grants eyes flickered back and forth, tempted to gaze at the vampires body, but too nervous to do anything about it. Kyle looked to the side and shook Nora's hand. Grant muttered something along the lines "My name is Grant" but the only word that could be understood was Grant.

Grant realized how naked he was, and he still felt the sensation of her juicy lips on his soft neck. Normally he was the predator, mouth to neck, and is the one who takes others by surprise. In his case they would be animals but still. This time though he was in the opposite shoes. And he was quite intimidated. His normally lone wolf personality was having a hard time.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nora Baker

Barkley came in and avoided looking at the bed entirely leaving a pitcher and glasses on the table. He closed the door when he left. Nora looked at Grant curiously. "You look a little...scared. They are gone, you are safe and I am hungry." She noticed he was shaking just a little. "Grant? Are you alright?" She got up and went over to the pitcher and glasses that Barkley brought in and poured them each a glass of fresh blood. She brought him a glass of it and handed it to him. "Drink it, there is more if you want it."

She put her glass to her lips and guzzled it greedily. Licking her lips freeing them of the last remaining drops she smiled at him. The more she watched him the more she realized he was intimidated by her. This bothered her. She reached down and pulled her bathrobe up off the floor where it slid when they had come into the room. She stood and let go of the sheet that had been covering her much of the time. She slid into the silken robe and pulled her long dark hair free of it. She went to the other side of the bed and picked up his clothes and placed them at the foot of the bed. She sat on the side of the bed and took his hand in hers for just a moment. "I've never had another vampire be afraid of me before and I don't know what to do about it."Nora looked down at her own hands. "I mean you no harm but you should not leave here tonight it is not safe for you. If you like there is another room down the hall you can sleep in."


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grant tried to regain his composure, but the smell of his drink started to arouse his appetite. Kyle set his drink down and covered his lower half with the sheets.

"I..no I thank you. Thank you for harboring me from such a frightful riot of a mob. I feared that I was done for. I would appreciate sweet harborage from the frightful vengance of human ignorance."

Grant began speaking more confidently, throwing away the scared, sexually intimidated boy and trying to show the decently clothed man to the now dressed women that stood before him. Grant bent over the side of the bed and grabbed his clothes, putting them on underneath the sheets. When Grant got up from the bed he was wearing black jeans, a V neck black shirt with a blue hooded jacket.

Grant walked over to the women and gave a slight bow.

"Thank you ma'am for helping me. If there is anything I can do for you let me know."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nora Baker

"Certainly, as I said. The room is down the hall the last door on the right." She couldn't figure out why he had been so intimidated by her. She didn't think she was that scary.

It was dark outside. She dressed quickly and went outside to get some fresh air. She wasn't cold but humans were so she wore a heavy sweater jeans and big clunky boots. She liked the clothing styles of today. People were more comfortable than they had been in the past. Nora went out to the stables and got her horse. Even though there were many modes of transportation she still loved riding her horse the best. She was hoping a ride would clear her head of the strange encounter with Grant.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grant walked down the hall to his room. He stood in front of his temporary room, and looked around. The house was amazingly designed and structured, with amazing furnishing. Grant was slightly overwhelmed with it all. Especially about the part where this women had a staff. Grant opened the door, and slightly gasped. The room he was staying in was amazing to look at. But this was not his style. He grew up in the very opposite social class of Nora.

Kyle turned and walked away from the room. He began to explore the house, trying to avoid the staff.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grant explored the house a bit, not wanting to leave the house yet. He kept almost bumping into the house servants, nervously avoiding eye contact. He had no idea how this side of the social class lived. But from what he saw, they lived almost like the lower class. except of course she had more rooms in her house, and bathrooms, and everything was bigger. Grant examined the pictures on the walls, the artworks, and the fancy valuables on the table stands in the halls.

Grant finished exploring the house, and as he walked back to his room, he spotted the vampire women who had helped him. Nora. Nora was mounting a horse at the moment, and to Grant it seemed like a mysterious thing to do. It wasnt so much odd to him, as it was that he was curious how she could tame the wild beast like that horse. Kyle preferred smaller animals, such as small dogs and pigs.

Grant walked outside, and leaned against the wall watching Nora.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rick Hoover

Rick could not believe his eye's when he returned home. He saw vampires being dragged onto the Streets by mobs of humans and being brutaly slaughterd. ''The heck happend, I am out of town for a few days and you guys go around killing vampires now?'' Rick's vocie hid his concern as his toughts went to Nora. ''They attacked us first, they bombed New York and the blood compact has been broken. We need to kill them before they organize themselfs'' A human onlooker said and Rick dropped a ag that contained the rabit he had shot during his hunting trip.

The blood compact had been broken...... that couldn't be true. It was pure madness to break that, and besides for him it meant he could no longer stay with Nora the way he had done ever since they met that fatefull night. Quickly he jumped in his car, taking the shot rabbit with him and drove to Nora's mansion. Impacient as he was he slammed his fists against the door. The shocked face of Barkley greeted him as the poor man carefully opened the door. Relieve washed over the servants face as he saw who was standing infront of the door.
''Where is miss Nora?!'' Rick shouted as he barged into the house and closed the door with a firm movement. Not wanting to wait longer for an awnser, Rick dumped his bow, arrows and other stuff and ran through the house.

''Nora!'' He yelled as he could not find her. ''Miss is at the stables Sir'' A kind voice could be heard and rick thanked the servant who had spoken. He rushed towards the stables and saw her.

Relieve hit his body as he came to her side out of breath. Clutching the reighns of her horse to stop her from taking off to wherever she wished to go. ''Please tell me you are unharmed''

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir looked at his companions and wondered what they expected for his house. He lead them down a path and opened a large steel gate, his walk clear that he was smelling for intruders at the same time. The forest surrounding his home was fenced in, with trees that were of pine. As they walked a medium sized on story house came into view. It was a peacock blue with white trim. It looked pleasent and the door was solid wood. He looked back and grinned a bit taken in his companions faces. The door had a key pad instead of a key hole.

He typed in a code quickly and opened the door. The inside was just as pleasent as the outside. Marble floors with plush carpet in the living area. The furniture took on a cozy feel and were of greys and blacks. The decorations were various nautical items. One that stood out was a large model ship sitting proudly on a shelf. It took front and center stage and was clear it had more meaning then just a 'toy' boat. He looked at Jean and Sasha and gave a slight bow. "Welcome to one of my homes. I'm going to go change and collect some things. Make yourself at home. Glasses are in the cupboard next to the fridge." the fridge was a monster. It's size showed that it was meant to hold large quantities of....something.

Vladimir left the room and went to the master where he gladly pulled on tight leather pants, a pirate captain coat, and remained shirtless underneath. He pulled his boots back on and made sure he had his syringes tucked into a boot, his flip phone in the other, and pulled open a small trap door. He crawled down a ladder, pulling the door shut after him and flicked on a light. Rows upon rows of shelves held various glittering objects. He smiled. "Hello old friends." he navigated the rows and grabbed a rather old looking revolver. It had a pearl handle with gold inlay in the shape of roses. He chuckled and then grabbed a dagger with an ivory handle. He then paused before grabbing two twin swords with white gold handles. The shapes of leaping wolves making the curve of the metal. Both had glittering ruby eyes. He put those on his hips and the dagger in his other boot and went back up. He paused to see if those two were saying anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nora Baker

Nora had just pulled her horse out of the stables when Rick had come running at a mad dash. Relief hit his body as he came to her side out of breath. Clutching the reigns of her horse to stop her from taking off to wherever she wished to go. "Please tell me you are unharmed."

"Of course I am unharmed. What has happened? Why are you so upset?" His fear made her worry. "You just found out about the blood compact. I already know. It's horrible." She slid down from her saddle as his arms wrapped around her. Nora said, "The humans are tracking and trapping both vampires and werewolves alike. Naturally, that means chaos for everyone. No one of any species is safe. Why just this evening I rescued a young vampire from capture. I hope he has taken my advice and stayed inside this evening." Nora whispered something to him and she smiled. Once he was atop the steed she gave him her hand and he swung her up and put her on the horse just in front of him.

They took their evening ride together as they spoke about what the break would mean for all of humanity and it's mutations. It was a couple of hours before they came back and then they headed right up to bed.

@Ojo chan 42@dabombjk
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

Jean and Sasha followed Vlad into a actually nice looking house. Though about the taste of color choise could be talked. It stood very cute like this within the forest, trees and nature itself seemed to bend aound the place as if avoiding it, respecting the house within it boundaries.

The inside as well was nicely decorated, giving a warm welcome to the unexpected guests the master of this house had brought with him.
''It is a nice place Vladimir. It feels warm, though I will have no objection about the heater going on for a bit'' Sasha said, joking a bit. Jean laughed akwardly as she saw Sasha. She clearly felt unconfortable out of her 'normal' steampunk like cloaths. After Vlad had welcomed them and had dissapeared to change out of his current outfit Sasha sprinted to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of... what shall we call it.. ''Tomato juice?'' Sasha joked as she fully well knew what was inside the bottle. ''Higly unlikely. He doesn't strike me as a tomato fan. Salad in common I think will be a problem for him''Jean joked back as he had walked towards the large model ship that stood on display.''Well, will you look at this Sasha'' Jean said motioning his hand for her attention. Sasha came walking towards him with two glasses of very suspicous applejuice, at least that is was she tought it was. You never know. She took a sip as he let her eye's trail over the ship.
''Looks liek a 17th century ship to me. Jo ho me hearties, hoist the colors'' Sasha said, speaking like a pirate ''Indeed, could be a pirate ship''

''fifteen man on a dead mans chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum'' Sasha sang as she spon around taking a sip of her applejuice. She stopped dancing as she noticed vlad and amost suffocated in her juice. ''the captain has arrived Jean'' Jean, curious as to what she meant turned around adn needed a second to register that he had made contact with yet another one who prefered to dress outside his time. As if Sasha wasn't enough.

Just then Sasha's Phone went off and she looked at the screen.
''Unkown caller'' She said as she walked away and took the call. ''Ye hello, with Sasha O'Neill

Jean stood besides Vladimir and did his very best not to say a thing. He lost that battle soon though.''Sooooo... drink and the devil been done for the rest?''
@MrZerkon @BlackPanther
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir was listening and felt a small smile creep on his face. Those two were certainly something. He found himself leaning against a wall and held back a laugh as they got into his...what did they call it? Apple juice...which was actually rum. He then tilted his head and rolled his eyes. "That was a phrase that was spoken until much later. And that ship" a look of pride as he nodded to it. "Was mine. She was my pride and joy...until..." a look passed through his eyes and he shook his head. "Anyway....you realize that what you have in those glasses is rum right?" that faraway look was still there, but there was now a touch of humor with it.

He held the gun in his right hand and moved to a closet. When he opened it a stash of two different types of bullets filled it. One type was pure silver, the other were bullets that seemed to have liquid in them...holy water bullets. He took out a container of each and set the gun and the billets on the counter before speaking. "It would seem my services are available again. To be neutral once more." he looked over at Jean. "These are a gift for Sasha. I figure a trained gun like yourself is perfectly fine with his own" a knowing expression crossed his face. He had seen the gun case. He probably also recognized jeans face from a hut he was supposed to do as a part of soldier, but now they were on the same side.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MrZerkon
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MrZerkon Birds are important.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Calis Everglad

It was night. In the light of the street lanterns, you could see one figure walking. Calis sighed. Well, here he was. Wandering yet another street. At least the weather was nice. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right. However, since he noticed that people suddenly where a lot more cautious for Vampires, he always asked himself if he should avoid cities for now. No. Cities are a great source of information. Especially if you want to track down someone. Alon Dublin. The only Vampire Hunter that almost got him…and one of the few that really had put up a good fight. If it wasn’t for the fact that Dublin got away, he almost would’ve killed him. But Dublin thought him a valuable lesson. Don’t underestimate a Vampire Hunter ever again. The fact that there are actually people walking around that are capable of killing him, was reason enough for Calis to track them down. Devour them, yada yada yada..the usual thing he did with his prey. He had learned that in this city, there was a bar which had a certain connection to one person that Dublin was acquainted with. Beer n Bite. It was a bit of a gamble, but the only sort of track that he had which could possibly lead to Dublin. He then saw something that looked like a café. He saw the name of the bar. Harbors End. That was the alias which the café did go by. So this was the place. “Huh. Speaking of the devil.” he mumbled.
He entered through the door. It was not that crowded as he thought. Well that’s good. The less people the better. He took a sit at the bar. Ooh the smells of fresh human blood. Lovely. Made him hungry. However, he knew that he couldn’t give in. He needed information. “What would it be?” asked the bar maid. “Just some water please.” Not that he needed it, but he needed a reason to be coming into the bar. As he got his drink. He began to strike up a conversation with her. “Business going well?” he asked. “Well, it isn’t as crowded as it used to be but we get by.” The bar maid said as she sighed. “Oh really? How come?” Calis asked as he took a sip. “Well, you know. With the blood compact broken and all, some folks are too scared to come here.” The Blood Compact broken? Well that explains why people were so jumpy when they heard the word Vampire. “Ah, well that’s understandable yea.” He quickly changed the subject. “Hey, I’m looking for a certain person. Sascha O’Neill.” He saw a certain look in the eyes of the bar maid. “What business do you have with her?” Calis smiled. He expected such reaction. “I have certain matters I need to discuss with her.” The bar maid still had that look. “Well, miss O’Neill isn’t here at the moment. He had not expected this. This only made things more complicated. “I see. Do you know where she is at the moment?” The bar maid nodded. “She said she had business. Not telling where she did go.” Calis nodded. She was lying, he could see that. However, he decided to believe her lies. “I see. Thank you for your time.” He paid for his drink, as he stood up. “Keep the change.” The bar maid resumed her tasks. He walked away from the door. If she wanted to play it this way. Fine. but then Calis was going to play it his way. He needed this information. Now he could give in. Just as he was by the door he suddenly disappeared, and reappeared out of black mist, and pushed the bar maid against the counter. Surprising her and the other folks in the bar. “Look lady, I know a lair when I see one.” He then smiled, but kept his calm. “I knew you were bad news when you entered this bar..” she said. “A vampire!” he heard someone shout. “Call the cops!” Calis looked vicious at the person who said that. “Can you shut the fuck up? I’m trying to have a nice conversation here.” He shouted at the guy. “Monster!” the guy shouted. Get him! Then the guy came at him with four other blokes. Calis smiled. Lovely. Seems he had a meal. “Don’t move.” He said to the lady. He threw her on the ground. Now the real fun began. He disappeared, and then reappeared behind two of the blokes. He quickly extended his nails into pointy spikes, and penetrated both the blokes from behind. Then quickly retracted his nails again. As the two blokes fell liveless to the ground. The two other blokes became scared of it, and tried to run. So were the other people who still were in Harbors End. “Oh I don’t think so..” His eyes turned red, and he teleported to the other people, and did the same as he did with the two blokes. Attacking one person at the time. This vampire was hungry, and he was going to feed on every last sip of blood this establishment contained. He turned to the bar counter. He saw a back door closing. He was quickly by the door, and tried to open it. Locked. He then punched the door, so that the door broke, and he could resume. However. She was nowhere to be seen in the hall way. No..how could this be. His only lead gone. Now he had to start all over again. Calis. All because of this blasted bar. He walked into the bar again, and started living his frustration out on the glasses. He threw them on the ground, or shoved them of the counter. Then he started to walk to the tables and chairs, just to throw them all over. Smashing some against the wall. Why..Why did it have to be this way. How was he going to find Dublin now? No..stay calm Calis..stay calm. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. When opened his eyes he returned to normal. He then looked around. To the smashed tables and chairs, broken glass, the bodies on the floor. “Hmn.. seems like I went overbroad again.” It was the fault of those humans though. He then thought deeply. Maybe there are some clues. He then checked behind the counter. He found a note. With a name and number on it. The name was Sascha. Well it seems he was in luck today. He took out his mobile, sat on the counter, and began to type out the number. He heard a tone.

He heard someone picking up the phone. “Ye hello, with Sasha O'Neill.” He begins to speak in a calm, but friendly tone. “Hello hello? Sascha O’Breill?” he asked. “With who do I speak?” he heard a women’s voice say. Bingo. This had to be Miss O’Neill. “Calis Everglad, at your service!” He said in a happy tone. “And for what might I need your service Mr Everglad?” “Well I don’t know.” He laughed jokingly. “But they definitely won’t serve in this bar of yours. That’s what I know.” He high-fived himself in thought for that pun. “Restaurant.” He herd her breathing stop for a moment. “Mister if this a joke-“ “Do I sound like the type that jokes?” Ironic, since he just threw a little pun at her. “Let's just say that everyone in beer n bite got bitten, and there's beer everywhere now.” Man, he was on a roll today. With beer he meant of course blood. He heard some mumbling on the other side of the line, and after that he heard the same voice again. “Why? Why would you do that. What grudge do you have against those people. And why call me, if you hope for me to write an article about it than you are wrong Mister.” An article? So little miss O’Neill was some kind of reporter? Interesting. He shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, it kind of happened. Nothing personal Sasie. However, that's not important for now. I have a different reason actually for calling you.” He paused for a moment. For the drama. “And what reason would that be mister?” Calis grinned. “Well you see, I heard from certain people that you are a hunter of my kind. Look, normally I don't care about that stuff. However, I heard a certain name. Alon Dublin. Rings a bell?” “I may have trained under him for a bit but I am most certainly no hunter of your kind. I am pro vampire. And not at all happy that the blood compact broke. Mister......did you kill the people at beer N bite?” Oh? Well seems that some of his sources were incorrect then. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that she was somewhat acquainted with him. “Ah well that's a pity..since Mister Dublin and I have some unfinished business still." He ignored the question Miss O’Neill asked him since that really didn’t matter anyway. “What do you need him for. My master hasn't been seen since years ago.” Calis rolled his eyes. Like he didn’t knew that. “Your master tried to kill me, so I need him dead.” There. Simple and straightforward. “However, if what you said is true then I can never kill him I guess..Well, since you had studied under him, maybe I can kill you instead. Yea sounds like a neat idea. What do you think of that idea?” He loved this conversation. Little miss O’Neill has no idea. “Why in heavens name would that make any sense. I have never killed a vampire in my live. Why do I deserve this grudge of yours?” “Well, let's just say that since you have learned a thing or two from him, you have some of his knowledge on how to kill a vampire. Truly I can't let that wander about now can I?” Yes. Calis was quite enjoying himself. “I was hoping you would actually. I wasn't planning on using the skills I have learned from him Mister Everglad.” What an ignorant girl really..like he would magically drop the chase with those words. “Sure sure, and I can say that I saw Rome rise, but you can't verify that either right?” “I was hoping that I would not see the need to use them on you mister.” This seemed like a waste of time now. “Well we shall see. Anyway. I think we're wasting each other’s time now. I got your smell, so I think it won't be long till I find you. Is there anything else that miss reporter would like to ask of a vampire?” He said that, so that Miss O’Neill knew that a vampire was out to hunt her down. “Are they alive. Barbara and Robert?” “Who?” Did she meant the bar maid? “The bar lady and her husband. She's a vampire as well.” Another vampire? Well explains how she got away. “Ah those two..yes they made it out safe.” He didn’t know about Robert, but who cares? He heard a relieved sigh. “Then I will await your arrival. It seems like I cannot talk sense to you on the phone.” “Good. Well tata.” He then hung up. She didn’t seem concerned at all. Well maybe because she thought it was a prank call or so? Anyway, that doesn’t matter. What matters is, that he now has her smell. After he had his fair share of blood, he walked out of Harbors End. No blood did come on his cloths. How convent.

@Ojo chan 42
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Rick Hoover

''I am worried Nora, I already was uncertain about our future and no it has become more bleak than before'' Rick wisperd as she carried Nora up the stairs in his arms. They cluthched her with a gentle strenght, holding her close to himself. With his elbow he opened the door to her bedroom and closed it with his foot. Without furture ado Rick laid Nora on the bed and took of his flannel Before he started to undress her as well. '' I think I will go in for the offer you made me when we first met. I will quit my job and live with you. I cannot leave you alone with the world being the way it is right now'' Rick said as he crawled ontop of her. He pressed his neck against her lips and awaited for the sweet pain that followed. Her fangs pierced his skin and Rick listened to the sound of her drinking his blood. After she had fed Rick started to please her in every way he knew...

Rick still laid in bed, with Nora resting her head on his arm. He had pulled her close and was playing with her brown hair. How he loved to see her, how he loved her wild nature. There had been somehting playing on his mind ever since she had said it.
''So who is the kidd vampire you safed? You mentioned him before but I haven't seen him yet''

@MrZerkon @BlackPanther

Sasha O'Neill & Jean Belair

''Rum??! we gave Sasha rum. She is practically a alcohol virgin. That girl still orders Cola whenever we go and drink. We have this little local bar that we go to more than we should. Its a fun place, if all this ruckus has calmed down we should definalty go and have a drink there. It is a pro vampire bar and they serve some blood as well. I think we can ask Barbra, the owner, if she can prepare a bottle of deer blood or something like that. Its a nice place called Harbors end with a very fitting nickname for a place that is visited by both humans and vampire's'' Jean talked, laughing a bit. ''We lovingly nicknamed it Beer N Bite'' Jean was pleasently suprised that Vladimir was actually a pirate in a long lost past. For the vampire werewolf dressing like this must have been normal for the longest of time.

Like thunder on a clear day the smile that had played on Jean's lips dissapeared. So the werewolf had recognized the SOLDIER case he had carried with him to the house. '' I had have hoped that you would not have recognized me from any wanted poster decorating the walls of SOLDIERS, kill on sight, wall of fame'' Jean joked morbid as a darness washed over his face. Old memories came flowing into his mind. Screams of helpless vampire's whom he shot with one single bullet. Jean stepped towards the closet and picked up a holy water bullet. ''Haven't seen these baby's in a while'' He said and put back the bullet.''I ask of you to keep this between us. Sasha doesn't need to know, I fear that if she does SOLDIER migth try to harm her once they find me''

Their little conversation got interupted by the concerned voice of Sasha who shouted from the hallway.
''Jean, someone has attacked Beer N Bite'' She called as the Phone conversation continued. Jean's eyes widened as he rushed to her side. Sasha put her Phone on loudspeaker so both Jean and Vladimir could listen to the conversation in silence.
After the man named, Calis Everglade, had hung up the Phone Sasha sunk to the ground, her knees were like butter. That little bit of Alcohol she had drunk got inmdiatly smashed out of her system after this news. A tear streamed down her cheek, the Phone still clutched in her hand. ''that dammed master of mine. And ofcourse no one knows where he is now'' Sasha shouted, releasing her frustration. In all honesty she was scared, but she did not wanted to show it infront of the two strong men infront of her. ''At least Barbra and Robert are still alive. I bet most of the regulars have fled Montreal with their Vampire Lovers. I bet they are safer than we are''Jean patted Sasha's back, he felt her tremble. ''Vladimir, will you still allow us to stay here now that we have a killer vampire coming after our lovely reporter?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grant looked up at the pale moonlight. As Nora had rode off on horse back with someone else, Grant decided he would continue his work. Grant was an author, a mildly successfully one at that as well, and it has been the only upside to being changed from human to vampire. He has been able to live much longer than if he was human, and he has seen the results of his work. People still read his works, and that brings Grant joy more than anything else in this world at the moment. Grant walked back inside the house.

Grant sat down in the dining area at the table, and pulled out a pencil and a pad of paper from his jacket pocket. He began writing furiously fast and elegantly.

"Today has been a day of mystery and elegance, horror and thrill, panic and allure. The fears of man bested their greater qualities, and assumed the ravaged form that hatred grew. Striking down innocents in the streets, I found myself almost cornered when a scent like no other caught my nose. I followed it to a home, well groomed and furnished, and into the arms of a lass that bested me in every way. You could sense the knowledge she hid, the strength she only barely showed, and the tactical on the spot thinking of a women has been in quite a few awkward situations."

Kyle paused, and his nose twitched. His senses were far more sensitive then those of a normal vampire, and he could smell the blood and alcohol. It made his nose slightly burn. Kyle re focused and began writing again.

"The staff of the manor of which I am currently laying my head to rest in is more than what simple words like kind and sweet can describe. They show love for all, no matter race, and they have shown me nothing but kindness. Normally, in any other circumstances, I would be one to melt in to the shadows for the context of interacting with people continues to irritate me. But here, I feel slightly different. Mingling among the folk here might be a scenario worth writing about."

@wick@blackpanther@ojo chan 42@mrzerkon
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nora Baker

Nora kissed him when he said he would move in. "I am so happy to hear that. Now I won't have to worry about you too." She kissed his palm and smiled.

"He was running from some of the villagers and when they chased him here I covered for him and they left. He is an odd fellow, very quiet, shy. I offered him the room down the hall for the night and I haven't seen him since. Although, he did seem to be a little intimidated by me and I have no idea why?"

Nora looked at Rick and smiled softly. "Are you a little jealous maybe?" Nora slid her hand up and the look in his eyes was a little possessive and she liked it. "My sweet, you have nothing to worry about."

@dabombjk@Ojo chan 42
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir nodded to Jean. No words were necessary...he understood. He then snapped into focus when he heard Sasha. He went to her and listened, a rather odd look went on his face. He shook his head when the call ended. He gently stood Sasha up and lead her to a counter. He gently put the ornate guns and bullets in front of her. He had a gentle look on his face. "You will need these. Silver for werewolves holy water for vampires of course."

He looked over at Jean and nodded. "of course you can. My second bedroom has two full beds so you don't have to share" he looked back to Sasha. "There's clothes in there too if you want to change" he looked between them. He inhaled then rolled his shoulders. "You both will be safe....I promise"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grant Holiday

Grant closed his notepad, and pocketed it along with his pencil. Grant figured it was slightly safer now that it was later, so Grant headed to the door. Before Grant walked out he realized he still had not payed Nora in kind for her hospitality. Grant took out his note pad and left her a note.

My eternal gratitude for your hospitality. I shall be away for a short time, but I would be most gracious if you allowed me to stay for a slightly longer period of time in your manor. I feel an enormous debt towards your person and I shall repay it tenfold.
Signed, Grant Holiday."

Grant left the note with one of the servants, and left the manor. Grant looked up into the sky, then sighed slightly. Grant sniffed the air, and more peculiar scents began to arouse his suspicion. Grant could only faintly smell them but he knew more story matieral would await him if he followed his nose and set off on his new adventure.

@wick@blackpanther@ojo chan 42
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