Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I'm sorry, you're just annoying so leave."

Character Summary

Avira Esmeralda Mendoza

"I may be a nurse and work a ton of night shifts. But I know how to have fun. Do you?"


125 (56.6kg)
Skin Tone:
Naturally tanned

"Ay que ir a una fiesta aveses. Vienes o no?"

Personal Style:
Avira can be found wearing the latest trends. Though sometimes she just wears a comfortable pair of jeans and her leather jacket, a button-down shirt and flats. She owns a collection of graphic shirts she tends to wear around her apartment, a variety of sweats as well. During winter, she'll usually be seen in a long coat with her favorite pair of boots, a light-blue scarf knitted by her mother around her neck. Avira doesn't care what others think of her, she'll wear what she wants and ignore everyone else.

Her hair is normally straight, flowing down until it reaches her mid-back. Depending on the weather, she'll curl it or tie it into a high ponytail. When attending a family get-together, Avira can be found in an elegant dress, the newest fashion of course. She dislikes high-heels but will settle with low-heeled shoes when needed. She has a love for oversized sweaters/hoodies and fingerless gloves, as well as leather jackets.

"Sometimes you just have to be alone and think."


Spontaneous * Loyal * Funny * Stubborn

Relationship Status:
Recently single

Avira's personality is pretty much a mixture. She loves kids and elderly people, usually she'll be found reading to them. She's kind to those who deserve it but silent and wary with strangers, she's a talker but when uneasy she'll clamp-up and refuse to speak. When annoyed or angry, her Spanish accent will makes its appearance, or she'll just switch to it and happily speak in her native-tongue. She's never really sad, tired more often than not, but rarely ever sad. She likes helping others and making sure their happy and well-looked after.

She has a bit of a temper on her, probably from her mother. She hates repeating herself or having to listen to others belittle someone who looks different or acts off. She wasn't a bad kid, but in school she'd find herself in situations where words just didn't cut it. She acts the same as she did as a child, she smiles and laughs, though the bullying she received had hardened her. The age gap between her and Enrique meant that he wasn't there most of the time, but even he would get into trouble to help her, he was bullied too and hardened just as she was.

"Deep breath in, then out. Better now?"


Avira grew up with a happy family, a mother, father and older brother. The only downside was when they moved from Sonsonate, El Salvador to where they live now, New York. It was different, extremely so, she was only six and her brother ten. They had to learn English, get used to tall buildings and the dreadful cold. They made it through, their parents finding jobs, while she and her brother continued their schooling.

Avira and her brother Enrique, had to return to their homeland just after Thanksgiving a few years later. Their aunt Diana just had a baby and after calling them, had asked for help. They didn't mind much, the temperature difference did bother them, but they both wanted to help their aunt anyway they could. They stayed for two weeks and after that, they went back, not before promising to come back. They graduated and left their parents home, getting their own apartments and careers. Though they visit each other and never miss any special occasions.

Their family is a large one, a few of their family members had come to America, it was one of the reasons they'd moved all. Their mother was a well known fashion designer, though in their country it didn't mean much, their father was a respected doctor. Their uncle Roberto had managed to get them Visa's, their parents on work and both of them didn't need them. Enrique took after their uncle and followed in the lawyers footsteps, Avira taking after their father and making her way up to doctor. Even if the Mendoza family are busy, they plan trips to visit their other relatives whenever possible, they were a close-nit family after all.

"I guess we'll get to know each other better. Later."


Character Quote:
"Having a level head doesn't make you boring, it just means your mature."
Theme Song:
I'll make a man out of you
Anything Else:
Avira has a pair of cats given to her by her older brother just before he left for a vacation with his fiancée. Pearl and Shadow are siblings from the same litter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I like books, so what?"

Character Summary

Victor Arthur Wyatt
Bookstore worker

"Dude, laugh a little. Don't just act like you have a stick up your ass all the time."


"Thanks, make this awkward."

6'1"(1.85 cm)
170(77.1 kg)
Skin Tone:
Has a tattoo on his left shoulder.

"I like what you have on, though I'll stick with my clothes."

Personal Style:
Victor can be found normally wearing jeans, hoodies and plaid shirts. When out, he'll try to wear jackets and dress shirts, he usually has a pair of sunglasses hanging from the front of whatever he has covering his shirt. He's preferred shoes are converse as well as vans, the color of his clothes tend to mirror his emotions. When it's winter he can be usually found with various shirts under his plaid shirt, a beanie on his head and a scarf around his neck. For summer, Victor loves wearing short-sleeved shirts with graphics, he wears shorts or khakis.

His hair is seems to be window-blown, short but spiky at times. He's a fan of wristbands and can be found with some on his wrists, or on a rare occasion, a watch.

"I'm just gonna...yeah."


Sarcastic * Curious * Random * Jokster

Relationship Status:

Victor's personality changes randomly. He's usually a spastic-bubbly person who tends to always have a smile on his face. He can befriend people who've just met him, he'll go on random thoughts before switching tracks and speaking about the topic at hand. He has, though rare, times were he doesn't wish to speak. On these days, he can be fund with headphones in and a book in hand.

Sometimes he'll have no control over what comes out of his mouth. Sometimes it's just nonsense, other times it's facts he's found out about a person or place. He's intelligent and while awkward at social gatherings -even with family- he'll point out his observations to whoever is beside him. If someone asks him about books, you'll have to duct tape his mouth shut, he loves books after all. He's a funny person who loves to make others smile.

"Sometimes I just don't feel up to smiling and making others laugh. Can you blame me?"


His past is a blank. His first ever memories were of a smiling woman and strong arms wrapped around him. He grew up in a warm, happy home, with a mother, father and younger brother. He and Tyson were inseparable and did everything together, even getting into prickly situations. Everything changed when he turned thirteen and Tyson turned nine, when they were supposed to wait for their parents to pick them up from school. Tyson had convinced him to walk, it had been snowing that day so he wasn't complaining much, plus they'd been waiting for a good fifteen minutes anyway.

They began to walk, school had been closed early and after calling their mother, they'd waited. It was true they went to different sxhools, but they always met to ride Victor's school bus home. The age difference between them didn't bother them as it did their friends, they were as much as best friends as they were brothers. They were crossing a walkway when it happened, the sudden flash of headlights and screeching tires were the only sounds that filled the air. White-hot agony followed by screaming were what took over after that, the smell of blood thick.

Things after that got hazy. Both were knocked out and taken to the hospital, separated and tended to. Only one made it through, the severity of the wounds taking a young life while the other clung to his. When Victor awoke, he found his legs in casts as well as his right arm, his first words were where his brother was. He learned that day that his baby brother had died, the car crash had taken him, Victor then proceeded to have his first panic attack. It became a normal-morbid routine after that, the funeral, packing Tyson's things and Victor having panic attacks. He was given a medical bracelet to wear, one that told whoever saw it what he had. As he grew the attacks happened less, his mind burying the accident on the darkest depths. He has them occasionally, and when he does, they leave him weak and sick to his stomach. Neither of his parents blame him, though he still blames himself for it.


Character Quote:
"Laugh and smile while you can."

Theme Song:

Anything Else:
He has a puppy named Sirius who he treats like his son. He got him a few months back after a visit with his parents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rayne Sierra




Year in school:


Temperamental: Depending on how much sleep she gotten, Rayne can be nice and easy-going, or curt and silent.

Smart: She's booksmart and when not in class, she can be found on her school's roof or in the library.


Rayne doesn't remember her past, it's all hazy and whenever she really sits down and focuses hard enough a sharp headache will always deter her. She remembers meeting her parents, being names Rayne, meeting her older brother and her family dog. She doesn't recall where she came fr.or how she got there, Rayne adores her family and will do anything for them, however more often then not nowadays she'll be found staring blankly out the window or sketching in her notebooks.

She rarely sleeps through the night anymore, strange, vivid dreams always startle her awake and keep her from going back to sleep. She feels nostalgic after these dreams -nightmares her parents argue- and remains quiet and withdrawn for a few days. She sometimes wishes she knew more of what these dreams meaan, and why she keeps drawing ink-black wings and scenes of a dark fog slowly communing a large section of land that includes a kingdom.

She's heard the whispered talks her parents have when they think she's in her room, they worry that something is wrong and if they hear her scream herself awake one more time -apparently she'd been doing that recently- they'd cave and seek help.

Rayne has a dog named Essa that's been her companion since she was four.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Sometimes being alone keeps others safe, however being alone isn't what I want anymore. A partner might just help with that."

Name: Enna Riane

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Xeinea

Element: Ice



Personality: Enna normally keeps to herself unless she needs to work with her other peers or to train. She rarely smiles or relaxes around others, her hands mostly kept in the pocket's of her school uniform jacket, she's hesitant to make friends in fear of accidentally hurting them with her power.

History: Enna didn't know her parents and grew up with her grandmother, they lived in a house not far from the Academy, close enough for them to reach the center of town, they would often see the students passing by their house on occasion, her Grandmother taught her about what she was and what her purpose was going to be when she began at the Academy. Enna's free time was mostly spent in the forest behind her Grandmother's home, one day a few weeks after her birthday she found she could shift into a different form, her childish curiosity sending her trampling through the forest as if she wear a moose instead of a small wolf pup. After tiring herself out she returned home and found her Grandmother waiting on the back porch, a smile on her lips as she gestured Enna inside, that night Enna was taught how to use her powers even in this new form and that if she were to force a shift she'd be trapped in it for a few days more then normal.

When Enna was eleven she was returning home after playing in the forest since lunch time to find a pair of Anima standing over her Grandmother's still body, her world collapsed and she released her power in a single uncontrollable wave that froze the Anima and the house she'd lived in since she could remember, another wave of ice sending the home collapsing on itself, leaving nothing but the front stone steps. After running around in a blind frenzy Enna came to a halt when the Headmistress of Sein Academy gently lifted her into her arms and gently ran a hand through her black ice covered fur, a low whine escaping her muzzle before it shifted in a long-painful howl that filled the air around them.

The Headmistress took her in and offered Sein Academy as her home, and Enna found herself quiet happy to stay as an adopted daughter to the rather young Headmistress.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jason and James Denior(left is Jason and right is James)



(right is Jason and left is James)


They don't remember their past, the Head Counselor told them that they'd been found on the front steps of the orphanage. A note attached to the sodden box they'd been left in, only stating their names and nothing more. Both were okay with this, they played happily with the other kids and made their birthday the third of December. They met Enna when they were six, she was small and quiet for a five-year-old, she came outof her shell after their constant insistence of getting her to play with them. She became the center of the world, until the day they awoke as anther creature with amethyst flames surrounding their beds. They instinctively pulled the flames back into themselves and managed to shift back before anyone noticed something amiss, though after tat they made an effort to avoid the adults, other kids and especially Enna. She was stubborn however and kept following them until a situation arose that forced them to act.

The older kids seemed to dislike Enna, though the twins never found out why, the day was rainy and chilly. They'd slipped away to shift and run around for a bit when the coppery smell g blood met their noses, they'd followed out of pure curiosity. What met them as both boys lunging out of the bushes that surround the orphanage with twin roars filling the air. Enna lay still against the wall that hid the small garden from view, blood trickled down her temple and mouth. Both mobed forward with their heads lowered, tails lashing out and didn't seem to notice the amethyst flames that hovered just above their bodies. The group of four -two girls and two boys- fled and the twins focused on tending to Enna, when she woke and found them shifted back and asleep, she merely patted their cheeks and smiled.

She became princess from then on, until the day Enna was taken away under the arm of her Grandmother. Seeing her at Sein Academy was like a bucket of cold water, they moved slowly and became her friends, though to others they appeared acquaintances. She was their little sister and no one would stand in their way.

Jason is quiet and observant, while his brother James is teasing and passive. Both share a strong sense of protectivness towards Enna and will use force towards any who mean her arm, they are smart and love puzzles as well as equations that usually leave their other classmates -aside from Enna- baffled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

Saya Yamaha

Basic Information


Height and Weight:
5'4 (162.5cm) 112 lbs (50.8kg)

Village Hidden in the Peaks


Family: Saya’s mother is the head of the Yamaha Clan, her father having been killed a few years back. The Clan is large but close-knit enough that anyone can ask the other about something, Saya being the second heir after her older brother.

Saya has pale skin and silver hair that she inherited from her mother. Her height and eye color the only features she received from her late father. She's thin but quick on her feet, a natural grace that seems common amongst the Yamaha females.

Skills and Weapons

Basic Skills:
She's good at cooking, her mother having taught her from an early age. She's learning to sew, though she doesn't have the patience for it.

Specialized Skills:
Water-clone Jutsu
Water-style: Fish spit
(More added later)

Kunai and a sword given to her by her grandfather.



Favorite Memory:

Personality: She's calm and quiet. Though her family is a large one, she prefers to spend time with her grandparents, listening to their stories. She has a soft-spot for kids, they seems to migrate towards her. She's smart and when needed, will interject her opinion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kyra Ryde- 16- F

Occupation: Senior student/ works out in a bookstore

Personality: Kind - Smart - Wary

History: To be revealed in IC

Additional Information: Kyra has two cats she received from her grandmother. She named them Aster and Aries.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Liam Wynn|17|Monday

Occupation: A waiter at a café

Personality: Kind, protective, sarcastic

History: (To be played put in IC)

Extra: Kyra gave him a male bangle cat he named Dyes

And his mother bought him a ferret he named Vox
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Aspiring Elden Ring God

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Dyer Evista

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Recently bonded Voca-summoner

Personality: Dyer is a quiet girl, her personality fluctuating depending on her mood. She can be happy, but mostly she's indifferent, cold.

History: She lived with her mother until a month ago. Dyer was in the forest a few feet from her home when she'd come across him. He was a pup then, timid and skittish, she'd reached towards him and felt flame lap at her hand. They bonded, flawlessly and it both shocked Dyer as it pleased her. She'd returned home with her new partner in her arms, his small frigid for a comfort as her home came into view. That night a feast filled their table, her mother had been extremely proud, Dyersburg silently basked in her mother's happine as she ate.

They came the next morning. Roughly yanking her down the stairs of her home and caging her partner despite her protests. She was taken to tell East, the Royal family of Ezekiel resided. She'd fought at first, her demand tof have her partner back, to see her mother, she'd regretted it when pain met her words.

Dyer closed herself after the first few 'incidents' her partner was returned to her, his neck sporting a leather collar. They'd kept to themselves, ignoring the other Voca-summoners that also filled the dungeons they were kept in. Dyer refused to be broken, she silently fought the King and his guards, keeping her power locked away. She managed to escape during a Gala, the princess was speculated to be wedding soon.

She runs now.

Additional Information: Her partner has grown within the month of imprisonment. His name is Byars.
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