Routine Raids 'n Shit
Carmen - "Phoenix" |
Hakeem - "Magnum"Small Commerce District, Suburbs, New York City
Present Day
Night was falling down on the city. In this part of town, it was relatively quiet, and traffic volume was quite low. The shops were starting to close down for the night, and things were quieting down on this side of town. OPEN! signs were shutting off, and the store owners were turning over the signs to 'closed'. Lights were shutting off one by one, and the suburb was soon going to sleep.
Parked at a dark intersection at the side of the street was a familiar
black Jeep Cherokee, and inside it were our two familiar heroes, Carmen and Hakeem, Carmen in the driver seat and Hakeem in the passenger seat, riding shotgun. Both of them were chilling out in the dark, with all of the lights inside of the vehicle turned off, and with the streetlamp right above them casting a shadow in the vehicle, they were practically shadows at that point. They were both wearing their standard attire, with Hakeem wearing his brown leather jacket, blue jeans, grey Hudson Tactical shirt and shoulder holster... and Carmen wearing her black leather jacket, black carpenter pants, grey Hudson Tactical shirt and shoulder holster. While their shoulder holsters carried their .45 ACP chambered handguns (
Para Ordnance Black Ops for Hakeem and
FN FNX-45 Tactical for Carmen respectively), their shoulder holsters also carried concealed radios. This was their street attire, when they were just performing small odd jobs. And their mission? Just a small intimidation one, nothing too serious. As they waited in the Jeep,
a song played softly, not too loud to be heard from outside the vehicle, but not too quiet to where they both couldn't hear the lyrics.
In the past month, Carmen and Kevante got Hakeem up to speed as to how things work in Hudson Tactical, as well as the basic stuff regarding how America works as well. While he did go through some culture shock during his brief time training with the others, he soon got used to it, and after refreshing his skills, he has come through as a very formidable fighter, and a pretty decent team player. Over time, Hakeem was well-recieved by everyone in Hudson Tactical, even including Constance, who was a little racist against Arabs (due to her extended service in Iraq and Afghanistan). After a few minor contracts, both Carmen and Hakeem were getting used to the mercenary life, and while Hudson Tactical didn't make that much of a profit, it's a thing that happens with starter businesses. One day, they'll get their break. Hopefully.
"What time is it?" Hakeem asked, leaning up against the headrest of the seat.
"It's almost 11. Our client said our targets typically arrive here on this day of the week, at 11:15 at this exact store." Carmen said, pointing to a small storefront across the street, which was a store that sold kitchen and cooking related wares.
"Bored?" "Not to sound like a complete bitch or anything, but yeah, I'm bored." Carmen sighed.
"Yeah, me too." She said.
"Better than Syria though." "Far better." Hakeem chuckled.
"Sitting around in the desert, just waiting for some fucking truck to come around and drive over a mine or something... I never will miss fighting in Syria." Hakeem sighed.
"Except for that one time you blasted 16 jihadis in the head in just a few seconds. Regardless of how you explained your superpower, I still can't believe that was real." Hakeem recalled fondly.
"Hermano, you need to stop bringing that up." Carmen chuckled.
"You were a good shot too, man! Besides, I'd hate to steal the thunder of the brave men and women who captured the... uh... complex. They did a good job too." Hakeem shot Carmen a look of disapproval.
"You're being too humble." He said, deadpan.
"You need to stop downplaying how awesome you are, it is incredibly annoying." Carmen rolled her eyes.
"Magnum, hermano, I just don't like taking all of the credit for work other people have done too. Makes me feel guilty as all hell." Hakeem sighed.
"Fine, I'll stop talking about it." After a few seconds, Hakeem's slight frown turned into a sly grin.
"Once you stop quoting DMX." Hakeem snickered quietly.
Carmen playfully hit Hakeem on the shoulder.
"Yo, watch your tongue, hermano! Even if I stop quoting him, I'll be quoting Nas and 50 Cent instead, and you'll hate that even more!" Carmen grinned evilly.
Hakeem put his hands up, mocking fake terror.
"Oh no! Not Nas or 50 cent! Anything but them!" Carmen looked ahead.
"Sshh... I think I see our targets." She said, looking out the window.
"Get the dashcam ready." She said, to which Hakeem quickly set up the dashcam and zoomed in at the store ahead of them. While Carmen took a closer look, she piped down the volume on the song currently playing.
Inside the store in front of them, the lights were still on, and two men wearing suit jackets and dark clothing entered, having just exited what appeared to be a grey unmarked Dodge Charger cruiser. They continued to walk through the store, walking up to the cash counter. The woman who was behind the register, an older woman with red hair and an apron on, looked visibly upset and scared of their presence. The three of them were discussing something, and things appeared to be going south fast.
"I guess that's our cue." Carmen said before speaking into her Bluetooth headset.
"Lightning, we spotted our target, we're moving in for the intercept. Standby for further updates." She said into her headset before unbuckling her seat belt and hopping out from the SUV, Hakeem following suit, both of them closing the doors nearly simultaneously.
"Let's have a little fun." Carmen stretched a little, Hakeem cracking his knuckles as they walked confidently across the street.
"I told you, we haven't made much of a profit! If I pay you the money now, I will be put further down the hole and I'll be put out of business!" The old woman behind the register begged the two larger gentlemen in front of her.
"I'll be able to pay you in full next week, I swear!" The taller man, a blonde, stepped up.
"Yeah, but you know how the deal goes. I don't give a shit if it puts you out of business, you either pay on time or you pay the fucking price!" His thick New Yorker accent came double with his swears.
"Am I gonna have to beat a bitch? Shatter all of this shit? Huh?" And then the sound of a a door opening and the ringing of the door chimes rang through the store, bringing brief silence to the blonde man. Both the blonde, the brunette and the old woman turned to the door, seeing both Hakeem and Carmen casually enter the store. They appeared to be incredibly calm, almost as if they had no idea what was going on there. As they casually walked and browsed the store, Blonde spoke to them in a hostile manner.
"Hey, assholes, this store's fucking closed. Why don't you two get lost?" The blonde asked, waving towards the door aggressively.
Carmen looked to Blonde.
"Hm? Oh, I thought this store was open, the lights were on and there were people here." She shrugged.
"I gotta get something real quick before I head out, if you don't mind." Carmen said, looking at the cookbooks up on a bookshelf. Almost immediately, she picked one that she found suitable, plucking a large hardcover cookbook from the shelf before quickly inspecting it.
"How much is this? I'm actually interested on what this has to offer." "Yo, fucking beaner! I told you to get the fuck out of the store!" The blonde pointed at the door.
"Now!" "Oh, a racist now? I guess that's bonus points then." Carmen muttered to herself. She turned to Hakeem, giving him a soft nod, to which Hakeem nodded back. While Carmen spoke to the two men in suit jackets and ties, Hakeem was pulling down the shades and blinds for the doors and windows that looked into the store, closing off outside eyes, ensuring no witnesses.
"Well, yeah... I may be loitering around this store, but it can't be worse than extorting money from local businesses with threats of property destruction and violence." Carmen asked with a soft shrug.
"Can it?" The blonde looked a little bewildered.
"Huh? How the fuck..." "When you push people around for a while, either they're gonna push back, or someone else will do it for them." Carmen said simply.
"I'm not gonna tell you jack shit about how I know all of this, but what I will tell you is that this shit really needs to stop." Carmen said calmly, standing in front of both the blonde and brunette.
"So, what I'll say is this. You're going to return all of the money to you extorted it from, with interest." Carmen said.
"Or I'll do it for you. With force." The blonde looked to the brunette before laughing.
"BAHAHAHAHHahahaahh! Do you have a deathwish, fucking pipsqueak? Do you even know who you are talking to?" "Yes, I do." Carmen said, not changing in her demeanor.
"I'm talking to two tarados that are corrupt detectives of the NYPD who go by the names of Detective Barnes and Detective Spooner, who have took major shits on their badge in the name of a little extra cash. I know the NYPD doesn't pay too well, but seriously guys? There's better options than running a fucking racket around here." The blonde, Barnes, laughed a bit more.
"What the fuck are you gonna do? We're still armed, sweetheart, and I can have you and your little towelhead of a friend locked up for threatening an officer and trespassing, after we're done fucking up your pretty fuckin' faces!" Hakeem looked to the two officers before looking to the old shopkeeper.
"Go to the backroom. We can handle things from here. Hurry!" He whispered to her, and the shopkeeper replied, running to the backroom and locking herself inside. He then stood behind the two detectives, cracking his knuckles.
Carmen sighed.
"Alrighty then. So it looks like we'll have to do this the hard way." She said, feigning a disappointed tone. It was at this point she entered reflex mode. She squinted her eyes a little, and everything went slow to the point where everyting and everyone looked nearly still. Her eyes darted around the store, searching for items, objects and other such things to use as weapons. She then studied the men before her. They were both tall as hell, and they appeared to be tough... under their standard 'detective' suits, that is. Spooner appeared to be reaching for what looked like a gun under his shoulder holster, and Barnes was preparing a punch.
Ha... too easy. Carmen thought, smiling just a little.
And then, in a split second, from the point of view of everyone else, Barnes threw his punch with a raging shout. However, his fist was not met by the flesh of Carmen's face, but the stiff hardcover book that was held up to block his blow. Before Barnes could scream in pain, Carmen slammed the book against Barnes' hand before kicking him in the stomach, sending him a few meters down the store and onto his ass. As Spooner drew his gun, before he could aim it at Carmen, she knocked it out of his hands by swinging the cookbook fast at his arms, knocking it out of his hands, and leaving it to fall onto the ground and slide towards the cooking pans. Immediately after Spooner was disarmed, Carmen jabbed him in the stomach with the corner of the book to knock the wind out of him. As he doubled down from the attack, she slammed the book against the back of his head as hard as she could, knocking him down flat against the ground, leaving him in some serious pain.
"Gahh... fucking hell!" Barnes groaned in pain, trying to stand back up.
"Fucking cunt..." He grunted, and as he stood up, he drew his Glock from his shoulder holster, and attempted to point it at Carmen, who was unflinchingly and casually walking towards him. Before he could pull the trigger, a soft bassy
BOOOOMMMMM!!! sounded and a small wave of invisible force knocked his hand up, throwing the gun from his hand and into the air. Before he could react, the gun fell perfectly into Carmen's right hand, and she aimed it straight at his head. All within a second. Barnes couldn't believe his eyes, he was up against
Supers! Carmen had a deadpan look on her face as she pointed the Glock straight at the detective's forehead. As she held Barnes at gunpoint, Hakeem slowly walked over to Spooner, who was crawling to the gun underneath the pots and pans. As Hakeem passed, Carmen gave a thankful nod and smile to him before looking back to Barnes.
Spooner, on the other hand, was slowly crawling to the gun ahead of him, trying to be silent so the other two couldn't hear him, unaware of the fact that Hakeem was walking towards him. He grunted, reaching out for the weapon ahead of him before finally getting a grip of it. As soon as he did, Hakeem used his powers of telekinetic bursts to fling a handheld skillet towards him, which he swipes in midair and immediately slams the hard and heavy side down against Spooner's hand.
"GAHHHH!!!" Spooner cried out in pain as his hand was nearly shattered from being smashed in between the polymer handgun and a cast skillet with a heavy steel bottom.
"AAUUGHHH!!" He continued to scream, his hand busted. As he screamed, Hakeem gently lifted the gun away from his injured hand and pointed it at the wounded detective below him.
Carmen smiled a little, hearing all of that before speaking to Barnes.
"You should've listened to me." She said simply.
"It seems as if this fucking pipsqueak beaner was a little more than your scrawny white ass could handle. Am I wrong?" Barnes looked at her angrily.
"Fuck. You." He clenched is teeth in rage.
"You have no idea what you are doing. You're a dead woman, and you know it." Carmen chuckled.
"You sack of shit, you have no connections to anyone that could actually hurt me. I've done my homework on both of you bitch-ass cracker-jack fucks. The people that you've made deals with? Oh yeah. They've been raided and arrested by the FBI last week. You're fucked, pendejo." Barnes chuckled maniacally.
"So what are you gonna do? Kill me?" "No." Carmen simply said.
"I'm better than that. While I won't take your life, I sure as hell will destroy it." She said, her tone becoming a little more threatening as she stepped closer to him, slowly.
"Starting with your savings account, all being slowly drained to the point where you're out. And then your credit score will drop because your card's just as empty... and then your nice shiny Corvette will be repo'd because you couldn't make your payments on it, and your house will then be foreclosed because you couldn't pay your mortgage on time. All of your possessions will slowly be liquidated. Your career as a detective's already over, having fed your chief your crimes of racketeering... and after all of that, you will have nothing but the clothes on your fucking back." Carmen said, lowering her gun as she stepped closer.
"And you will have no future, your past has been smeared and destroyed, and you'll be spending the rest of your fucking days being raped in prison and homeless on the streets. And by then... you would've wished that I put a fucking bullet in your dumbass brain!" She shouted, and as soon as she did, she pushed the barrel of the Glock into Barnes' head and pulled the trigger.
Barnes clenched, until...
Click! The Glock dry-fired. It was empty. Carmen smirked, stepping back and handing the empty gun to him, having it unloaded as she made her terrifying speech of how she could make a man's life crumble before their very eyes.
"So... what will it be, asshole?" She asked simply.
"The easy way? Or the hard way?" Barnes slowly took his gun before looking at it. He was utterly terrified of her. He looked back to her and nodded slowly.
"Th-the easy way." He said, quivering.
"Good choice." Carmen said with a soft smile.
"This store's fucking closed. Why don't you two get lost?" She asked, indicating the exit behind her.
Barnes trembled before nodding, running over to Spooner and lifting him up to his feet. As he did, Hakeem handed him Spooner's unloaded handgun, holstering it before running out the store and driving away in their Dodge Charger. Once they were gone, Hakeem walked over to Carmen.
"Are you really going to do all of these things to him if he doesn't follow through?" Hakeem asked Carmen as he put the skillet back up.
Carmen nodded.
"Hell yeah! After what that motherfucker did to those poor people, he fucking deserves it! Fucking coward!" Hakeem looked a little bothered by that.
"But... didn't you do the same thing back then?" "Yeah but I didn't beat anyone up, and my guns were never loaded! Besides, I targeted people my own size and assholes that deserved it, not innocent old women! Besides, those two pendejos were fucking cops!" Carmen sighed.
"Seriously, fuck those guys." She said before walking up to the backroom door, knocking it.
"Hey... uh... miss? You're free to come out now, I don't think you'll be seeing those assholes anytime soon." Soon enough, the old woman walked out from the backroom, and once she saw the two, she smiled.
"I saw it all on camera!" She said gratefully.
"You two really put the whoopin' on 'em! How could I ever thank you?" She asked.
"Well, you should really thank Mr. Gerard down the street. He's the one who made the call, and he's the one paying us." Carmen said.
"The only repayment I want from you is to delete the security camera footage of us, and to have this cookbook for free." She said, holding up the cookbook.
"Because... what we just did right now would probably earn us both a life sentence, so... yeah." She chuckled.
The older shopkeeper grinned.
"My lips are sealed." She said with a knowing nod.
"And keep that book too, it's all of my favorite recipes." Carmen sighed with a little relief.
"Thanks, ma'am." She said before pulling out a business card.
"If those two pendejos ever bother you again, call this number again, okay? This one was free on Mr. Gerard... we kind of do this thing for a living and we're paid by the job. Don't worry, it's not a stupid protection racket or anything." She said with a soft chuckle.
"You have a nice night, okay? Catch you later." "You too, thank you!" After Carmen and Hakeem walked out of the store, Carmen gave a soft sigh.
"Whew, that was fun. C'mon, let's go collect our contract."