I was the only one, Immortal... abandoned, and sent off to be a rat in a maze. Experimented on, changed every-way possible. At-least I thought I was the only one who didn't die, ageless after 18 years of age. It was different for her and the others she spoke of. I was so independent, I relied on my self, supplied myself with my own resources. I survived the never ending world that we live in alone.

I was never used to others, I was always kept locked up. I trusted no one, it was hard to let people in... I never let anyone in, it wasn't worth it. Just keep moving, I would talk to myself, keep myself fighting and moving forward. To the end days, was my motto. Until the end days. I eventually managed, to escape... the wretched souls who thought that their selfish exploitation would help them obtain what I already have... Believing that something they didn't have had to be gained. Foolish...

One who lives forever, one who is according to them, biologically superior. That was me, I thought that their was no one else. I survived for so long without anyone, I escaped my fate... They started hunting me. Believing I would somehow show any weakness apart from my mentality... my anxiety and everything that comes along with rejecting yourself and your body.

I hated immortality, I hated everything. I was damaged and broken, I had picked up my pieces too many times alone. I was so sure, that I could make it on my own, and I didn't need anyone else. No one, they were selfish, they only wanted me because of what I am. If the public knew of me, i'd be outcast... not accepted. It's taken them this long to accept a mere sexuality, how long will it take them to accept a completely new race of humanity?

Of-course their was another, hell I was naive to think I was the only one who was being tested on. We are the same but we re different. We all seem to possess immortality, yet how it is gained and how it is applied is different. For simply stopped aging at eighteen. She stopped a bit before me, yet she's technically wiser. She knows so much... and though I was so independent, I am now dependent.

Until the end days, was the first thing I said to her... and It's the promise I'll keep.