I'm going to keep this short.

I'm looking for a partner to explore the Star Wars universe with. I'm mostly looking for a romance 'adventure' RP between either two Jedi Knights, or a Jedi Master and a Padawan set in the Clone Wars Era. So basically, either equal knights who can fight side by side, or, me playing the Jedi Master who is constantly teaching a younger Jedi many things (But a Padawan still old enough to be romantic with)

I'd mostly be interested in doing many different plots going through the story, such as tracking down a cartel on Coruscant, and then after that moving to help clone forces take a system, and just back and forth between the really combat intensive things and the more story focused things like tracking down big name criminals and general peace keeping.

I'm looking for a partner who is willing to commit long-term and not be like 99% of people I've RPd with here and after a few messages just completely stop responding and never contact me again. I'm also looking for someone who can post multiple times a day and is very active, as I am going to be from now on. I'm a bit tired of getting 2-3 partners, none of them responding after the RP starts even though they are clearly doing other things, and then my drive is shattered because of that, and 2 months later I finally have the will to RP again only for it to happen again...