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Place holder

- Gabriel Volturi
- Samara Galloway
- Sela Kaede
- Tharan Hatter
- Ender Alduin
- Alice Liddle
- Lila Cyn
- Ian Mathers
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Samara Galloway

Playby: Olivia Wilde

Name: Samara Galloway
Age: 36
Species: Hapan
Rank: Jedi Master
Affiliation: The Jedi Order

Samara Galloway is a scientist, Jedi Master, and the Ducha of Gallinore. During her time with the Jedi Order Samara obtained a double doctorate in Medicine and Theoretical Xeno-Genetics. Intelligent (with an IQ of 180) and fiercely opposed to the Empire and the Sith, she has focused much of her research on understanding the nature of good and evil. She is the type of person who hates disorder and is clean and organized. By extension, she also has the habit of solving unfinished jigsaw puzzles.

Samara Galloway was born on Myrkr to Thomas and Esme Hunter. Named after her grandmothers Mulan Galloway, Ducha of Gallinore, and Samara Hunter founder of Hunter Technologies, Samara inherited both positions.

After the fall of the Empire Thomas Hunter moved the headquarters of Hunter Technologies from the families homeplanet of Hapes to Myrkr before Samara and her siblings were born. Growing up Samara had taken an interest in medicine was dreamed of attending the Medical school on Coruscant. Her family had other plans for her though. In a deal brokered with the Marzullo family an arranged marriage was planned between Samara and Gabriel Marzullo. Despite her abhorrence to this arrangement Samara fell in love with Gabriel and soon became pregnant at 18. Nine months later Esme was born, forestalling her plans for school.

In their quest for expansion the Empire set their eyes on the rich Myrkr. To alluviate any backlash Imperial troopers disguised as pirates led a bloody raid on the capital, Hyllyard City. Under the command of General Keyes, who held a vendetta against Thomas Hunter, the Imperial invasion force ravaged the city and Hunter labs.

Samara along with her brother, sister and daughter were evacuated to a hidden underground landing pad several kilometers from the city, though not before her parents were captured. Fearing the worst Samara left her siblings behind and snuck back into the city to discover the whereabouts of Thomas and Esme Hunter. What she found was Imperial forces descending upon the city under the guise of liberating it. Upon a platform in the city square was twenty of the city officials, including her parents.

After a long mock trial General Keyes moved down the line, personally executing each official including her parents. The deaths set off a force rage that had the city square in flames within minutes. Samara remembers little of that experience except waking up sometime after dusk in the middle of the forest, covered in blood with Sith Master Emyrc standing over her. The one clear memory she retains though is standing over General Keyes who was writhing in pain, before she brought her boot down hard on his head.

After the events of that day Samara left behind her entire family, her reasoning being she felt it was best and she did not want to harm them with her uncontrolled power. It was discovered that during the harsh and brutal training under Master Emyrc, that she had an iron will as she was Immune to even the strongest of mental probing. Through further training she learned to harness this power and use it to protect those around her. Her skills best served her in the form of illusions, Samara looked to dominate the mind of another rather then simply trick them. Besides her fascination with the mind that did not limit her lightsaber training. She became an accomplished duelist and used her saber training to center herself and control her emotions.

Though trained as a Warrior, she traveled to the planet Ruusan to study in it's library. Through her individual studies of old scrolls and manuscripts, Samara's attitude towards the Sith Order changed drastically. She believed that there was a greater destiny for the Sith Order wanting more then just dominance through wanton slaughter. This was a belief that she also instilled in the training of her Apprentices. She encouraged them to look beyond themselves and help the galaxy itself. Her new views constantly put her at odds with the more traditionalist members of the Sith Order.

Fives year after Samara's journey down the dark side started, she found herself baring witness to a horrific slaughter of a village on the planet Wayland. Many helpless women and children were slain all a product of Sith brutality. Shocked at the Malicious and Merciless act, Samara took action. She personally murdered each Knight responsible for such a horrid display of viciousness and went on to challenge the Sith Council itself for its use of such tactics. The Council however would have none of it, she was quickly arrested and sentenced to be executed.

She suffered torture at the hands of the Council and was prepped for execution. However a timely intervention by a number of the Marzullo family member's at the call of Gabriel Marzullo. Her life was sparred, her beliefs and devotions shook to the very core. Samara was unable to continue on as a Knight of the Sith Council. Her already weakened faith in the Sith Order from five years of study had finally come to a head, she left the Order and went into seclusion.

For a year Samara remained in seclusion on the ecumenopolis world of Taris. It was there that she discovered her innate talents were not a random fluke, but the result of an undiscovered neuro transmitter that interact with the force unseen in any other species. For months she tried to learn of the origins of this new step in human evolution but to no avail. It was shortly before the arrival of Gabriel a year after his rescuing of Samara that the young woman found the journal of a long lost Sith alchemist. It was there she learned the neuro transmitter was a sith creation, but was hidden away in a select bloodline before it could be used.

Eventually Gabriel tracked Samara to Taris. With their daughter in tow the Marzullo lured Samara out of hiding where he presented her with a choice. She could rejoin their family and help raise Esme or never be allowed near her again. Remarkably it was Esme whom touched her heart and made Samara reconsider her outlook. The exile force user sensed the budding darkness in the little girl and realized all her actions had ever done was hurt the ones she loved. Soon after Samara sought out the Jedi. Though she was shown typical distrust it didn't take long for her to be welcomed into the order as a Jedi Knight.

For the next decade Samara would spend her time on Naboo, learning all that she could about the lightside of the force. She attended the prestigious Theed University where she finally completed her dream of obtaining a degree in Medicine. Her discovery of the neurotransmitter also inspired her to get a degree in Xeno-Genetics. During this time, with the resources of the Jedi Order, Samara began to study this genetic abnormality and learned how to replicate it.

Samara also began to expand her skill with the force, finding that she was talented when it call illusionary abilities of the force. When she wasn't training a padawan Samara was tracking down rumors of such mental powers through out the galaxy. A habit that would sometimes put her at odds with the Jedi Council.

A few years after Samara's return from Taris tragedy struck when Gabriel Marzullo was murdered under mysterious circumstances. It was during this time that Samara had began to learn the turned about her husband. Through various contacts and a hidden safe that had kept Gabriel's most important files that their marriage had been a shame, perpetrated to gain access to her DNA. Working for the Sith, he'd used her genetics and Samara's own research to rebuild the original Memetic project, which resulted in Samara's clone Mikeala Volturi and a clone of Gabriel whom possessed a flash copy of everyone of Gabriel's memories. Though with Gabriel Marzullo's death the project died Samara fears that many more Volturi clones still exist.

Soon after the death Samara began to distance herself from the Jedi order and the force, instead looking to restore her family's name. After helping to free the clones Mikeala and Gabriel Volturi from the control of the Empire Samara sought out Mandalorians leaders, and building a trusting relationship with the Chiss. Together rogue elements of the Chiss, Hapan rebels, and Madalorians began plans for the liberation of their own worlds. Feeling that the war between the Galactic Empire and Rebellion was to blame for much of the suffering going on in the galaxy the three groups desired to not only free themselves, but to become active in bringing a peaceful resolution to the war.

Force Abilities
- Standard Jedi Abilities
Force Speed
Force Seeing
Force Empathy
Force Deflection
Control Pain
Force meld
Force Light

- Key Illusion Feats
Mind trick/illusion
Alter Image
Force shield (mental)
Force cloak (both variants)
Force stealth

- Unique Force Feats
Mind Walking
Art of the Small
Force Immersion
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Sela Kaede

Playby: Lightning(FF XIII)

Name: Sela Kaede
Age: 26
Rank:High Inquisitor
Faction: The Galactic Empire

Sela was born on Kuat 26 standard years before order 66, to an engineering family. Like most Jedi she was discovered as an infant, and was taken to the Jedi temple on Coruscant on her second birthday. During her training Sela excelled in investigative skills, and was noted as being an early candidate for the Jedi Shadow division. However she was passed over numerous times by masters because of a "merciless" personality that caused fear of dark side influences in such a high risk Jedi field. Despite the misgivings concerning Sela's stability, she did none the less make it to the rank of Jedi Knight, mostly due to the high need of knights in the latter part of the Clone Wars.

Sela was on Coruscant at the time of Order 66. By this time she herself had already began to turn against the Jedi Order, seeing has their denial of her skills as a corruption. On the on-set of the assault of the temple Sela was captured and imprisoned briefly before being brought before the newly crowned Emperor Palpatine. Sensing that this new change would bring about the power and respect she craved, Sela willingly submitted herself to the Sith and became the first among the Inquisitorius.

Personality: Sela has a mercurial personality, being noted has compassionate by some, cruel by others. Over the last two months her feelings towards the Jedi Order have turned towards hate, in large part due to misinformation fed to her during the course of her training for the New Order. As a result Sela is more inclined to kill Jedi on site, though refrains as ordered by the Emperor.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice:
* Lightsaber
* Modified Blaster Pistol

Roleplays In:
Star Wars: The Fall of the Jedi

Adrenalize - In This Moment
Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide - Shinedown
Monster - Meg & Dia
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Tharan Hatter

Play by: Andrew Lee-Potts

Name: Tharan Hatter
Age: 34
Species: Human
Affiliation: Independent, Spice Dealer
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Name: Ender Alduin
Real Name: The Huntsman
Age: 26

Personality: Ender tends to only look out for himself, with a suave flair when dealing with others. When once asked what side he really works for he said. "Why not both. You can't loose when playing both sides of the court."

Life in FairyTale World: Ender was born in the area known as the Northern Kingdoms, a country that features many different terrain types, including tundra plains, forests, highlands and mountainous regions. Though a single ruling monarchy hasn't been established in over a hundred years it is believed that Ender is descendant of the last surviving members of the royal family. For the most part he was raised in the wilderness, learning how to live off it from a young age.

In his adult years Ender made a name from himself as one of the best trackers in the world, selling his skills to the highest bidder. In recent years he has acted as a double agent, running information for the Enchantress, and smuggling help, food and weapons for the resistance against her. Despite his attempts to remain outside the affairs of his home country Ender finds himself more and more pulled into the politics of the various ruling nobility. Many have even began to fuel the belief that he is the one true ruler of the Northern Kingdoms.

Roleplays In:
Reality Vs Fiction
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Name: Alice Liddle
Real Name: Alice Liddle
Age: 29 (frozen at age)

Personality: Because of her time in Wonderland Alice began to suffer from the madness of the world, forming a split personality. She is psychotic, taking joy in disemboweling anyone that pisses her off. Alice possesses a sort of infectious insanity, causing many to experience a level of fear in her presence. She has little respect for any of her fellow villains, and with the full powers of Wonderland coursing through her its a wonder why she even allies herself with them. Whatever it is that The Enchantress has over Alice to force her in line is a secret kept by the two.

History: Alice Liddle was born on earth in the 1800s. As a young girl she stumbled upon a gateway to Wonderland and the FairyTale lands. What really happened during her time there is something that Alice holds closely. Only that when next she returned to Earth she was a grown woman, driven mad by what she saw. Alice spent many years being chased as she unleashed a violent killing spree across Europe before finally returning to the gate that once took her to Wonderland. It was on this second trip that she became bounded to the powers of Wonderland, and came into possession of the legendary Vorpal Blade. She was soon drawn into the company of the Enchantress, working to subjegate all of the FairyTale lands.

Roleplays In:
Reality Vs Fiction
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Lila Cyn

Playby: Emilia Clarke

Name: Lila Cyn
Alias: Mockingbird
Age: 27
Species: Echani
Homeworld: Eshan
Affiliation: None
Hair: White
Eyes: Silver


  • Lock Picking

  • Pickpocket

  • Acrobatics

  • Parkour

  • Stealth Movement

  • Slicing

  • Holo-Forgery

  • Information Gathering

  • Echani Art

History: Born into the Echani royal family, Lila was the eldest daughter of the then king of Eshan. During her life on her homeworld Lila was trained like all Echani in the martial arts that so shaped her species culture. She was also taught many things that would come to be invaluable to her future, including artistry, computer sciences, diplomacy, and logical thinking.

When Lila was thirteen her life ended as an Echani princess when a coup invaded her famiy's palace. Unknown at the time, one of her father's generals had made an alliance with the rebels for the throne. Unable to withstand the might of the rebels and Echani Army her father and his supporters were finally captured and executed. Lila had only survived her family's murder because she'd been off world at the time.

When the news reached the young girl on Coruscant Lila's tutor hide the girl away in a safehouse in the lower city before disappearing herself. With no resources and on a strange world Lila was forced to use all of her skills to adapt to her new life. She stole to survive, becoming one of the best pickpockets in Republic City by the time she was fifteen.

Her growing skills did not go unnoticed however, coming to the attention of a Master Thief known as Mockingbird. Lila had heard the legends of the one known as Mockingbird, a face dancer who had lived for thousands of years. Being taken under the thief's wing to be trained Lila learned that Mockingbird wasn't one person, but a long line of Master Thieves spanning over generations.

It did not take long for Lila to realize that she was being groomed as the next Mockingbird. During her training she learned to turn her skills in art into the best holo-forgeries in the core. She also traveled for the first time into the outer rim, becoming familiar with worlds controlled by the Underworld. By the time she was twenty-five Lila had become the most demanded forger and slicer in the criminal world. She also began to make a name for herself as an information broker, making a small fortune selling secrets to both the Republic and CIS.

Shortly after the beginning of the Clone War the former Mockingbird finally retired, bestowing the name and all of his resources to his protege. As Mockingbird her identity was now a danger and she was forced to keep her life separate from the alias.
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Ian Mathers
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Ian stands 5'10", with brown hair and blue eyes. He has no scars, though has an army unit tattoo on his right arm.

Name of ability:
Light Manipulation
Description: Every since being exposed to the serum Ian has been able absorb, shape, and manipulate visible light. In the beginning Ian has only been able to pull the light around him into his body where it is stored, and radiate that light from his hands. However as his own control begins to expand his powers begin to manifest in holographic projections, invisibility, light-powered combat, and photokinetic constructs.

Level one abilities: At this most basic of skill Ian is only capable of absorbing the light around him and radiating it from his hands. At the middle of level one he will however, learned enough control to manipulate the light into blast capable of knocking someone back a few feet.

Level three abilities: By level three Ian will have mastered some of the more basic uses of his powers, being able to generate holographic projections, light solidification in the form of a shield, warping light around him for invisibility, and the light blast of level one is capable of throwing an individual up to twenty feet at great force.

Level five abilities: By level five Ian's control in solidification has increased to the point where he is able to create smaller constructs, such as a shield that molds to his body, small weapons, though nothing more complicated than watch or bigger in mass than a dog.

Weakness/drawback: The one major weakness for Ian has been his inability to generate light its self. As a result he is wholly dependent on the light around him and that which he has been able to store. This weakness makes him useless in a pitch black environment, and where visible light is at a premium.

Ian Mathers was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Shortly after graduating high school Ian enlisted in the Army as an intelligence analyst. Ian served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, before returning stateside and marrying his high school girlfriend in 2004. In 2006 Ian was stationed in Japan for two years, before moving to Germany for another three.

It was in July of 2012 that Ian's life changed when he discovered that his wife of eight years had been sleeping around. Despite being in a better position, his wife destroyed him in the divorce. Over the next year Ian quickly spiraled into alcoholism, eventually ending in a dishonorable discharge when he hospitalized one of the officers that had led to his divorce. With little other prospects Ian found himself in New York in 2014, working for a small security firm ran by a sympathetic army buddy.

The day before the bus ride:

"Maybe you should take tomorrow off."

Ian looked up with tired eyes from the report he had been reading. He was sitting in Andrew McCaslin's office, discussing the latest client when Andrew had thrown that last part out there. He stared at the other man for an intense moment trying to figure out if he was having doubts about Ian's ability to do the job. It would be the small security firm's biggest client. Their ability to provide their service could make or brake them. He opened his mouth about to say something, but was cut off by Andrew.

"I am not saying that I think you are unfit for the job. Just that you got a major bomb dropped on you last week on top of the wreak that was your marriage. If I'd found out that my daughter wasn't mine I would be a mess too. You've been working none stop, going home only to drink yourself to sleep and return here. You can't keep treating yourself like this."

"How else should I treat myself." Ian's voice held a bit of bitterness as he looked back down at the file in his hand. He didn't want to meet his friend's gaze because then Ian would be forced to admit that he was right. He'd been avoiding his own reality for much to long, and this last week alone he'd done everything he could t keep his mind numb. There was only so much of that a person in his field could take though before those around him began to suffer too.

"Take the weekend off. Go out and see the city, meet new people. Get laid. I don't care. Just do something for yourself and get your rest. We can discuss this client Monday morning."

Roleplays In:
Unlikely Heores
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gabriel Volturi

Playby: Zachary Quinto

Name: Gaberiel Volturi
Age: 35
Species: Hapan
Rank: Shaman Master
Affiliation: Shapers of Kro Var

Gabriel has been labeled an egotistical social darwinist. However, he is a bit hard to pin down - mostly because he's nothing if not mercurial. One minute, he'll present himself as just your average, every day guy, if overly polite and a little shy. The next, he'll be in your face, telling you in low, near seductive tones exactly how he's going to kill you. Either way, however, there are a few constants when it comes to Gabriel.

He's obsessed with power, particularly when it comes to gaining new knowledge on lost darkside abilities. He's murdered more than one supposed friend, in his quest to better himself, claiming that the person was unworthy to share the knowledge with. He believes that all force users are broken and that he could fix them by killing them. He's also convinced that he, himself, is just as broken as the rest of them, and increasing his knowledge of the force will fix him. In clinical psychology this is known as covetous psychopathy.

He'll lie when it suits him, but he's not a pathological liar. If you know what he is, he'll stop trying to restrain himself on your behalf. He also won't kill normal people, if they're not in his way and he can avoid it, as there's really nothing for him to gain. The man needs attention like most people need air. Fear. Love. Hate. Respect. Whatever. It doesn't matter as long as his presence evokes some kind response.

Gabriel was born Gabriel Marzullo on the planet of Hapes in the Hapes Cluster. He was one of the few surviving Marzullos of a lost branch of the family. The family was isolated in the Hapes Cluster for hundreds of years, leaving them unknown to the Marzullo clan until recent times. However, knowledge of the clan and the families banishment was a closely held secret by Gabriel's family.

Like all Marzullos of his branch Gabriel was weak in the force. Gabriel spent most of his life gathering any knowledge of the force he could find, in the hopes finding revenge against the other Marzullos. It was during this search that Gabriel met the Sith Lord Ferredus and learned of the long lost Mimetic project. They discovered the last in the line of the project, Samara Galloway, and plotted the arranged marriage of Gabriel to the girl.

Gabriel joined with Lord Ferredus and a member of the Chiss Ascendancy, Ell'iru'micsapla, to use Samara's genetics to create a new generation of force users more powerful than any known. A pirate attack on Myrkr nearly ruined their plans however. With the death of the Hunter family and Samara's disappearance, Gabriel only had his daughter and a few years of research to begin what he would come to call the Mimetic Legacy.

For years Gabriel perfected the mimetic project, culminating in a series of force sensitive clones. However, before his work could be completely realized Gabriel Marzullo was murdered by Ell'iru'micsapla, who saw his dependency on the force for a changed universe as dangerous to peace.

Sensing the possibility of his death Gabriel Marzullo flash imprinted all of his memories and experiences into his own clone. After his death Gabriel Volturi was extracted from his tank by Lord Ferredus. However, Gabriel M.'s revenge was not fully realized as the combination of genetic manipulation of the growth acceleration Gabriel was subjected to in his tank, left Gabriel's mind fractured.

For five years Gabriel was trained in the ways of the darkside along side his sister, a clone of Samara named Mikeala. Gabriel exceeded in raw force talent, however despite his best effort Gabriel's master could not fix his and Mikeala's mind. Like the late Marzullo Lord Ferredus met an early end himself, at the hands of his own apprentice by the encouragement of Ell'iru'micsapla.

For a year afterwards Gabriel and Mikeala remained the personal assassins to than Captain Ell'iru'micsapla, who had created a genetic kill switch that prevented them from disobeying the chiss. It was during an attack on Naboo that Gabriel finally met the progenitor of his genetics, Samara Galloway. After a brief fight Samara agreed to heal Gabriel and Mikeala, removing the kill switch in the process. With his memories fully restored and free from his shackles Gabriel Volturi left the planet with his sister to forge their own destiny and identity.

Force Abilities
- Neutral Force Powers

Enhanced Ability
Enhanced Senses
Force Sense
Force Persuasion
Art of the Small
Force Barrier
Intuitive Aptitude
Curato Salva

- Dark side Force Powers

Force Lightning
Dominate Mind
Force Drain
Force Rage
Force Insanity
Spear of Midnight Black

- Force Witch Spells

Spell of Protection
Spell of Ordering
Spell of Mimicry
Battle Meditation
Control Web
Blood Trail
Force Lights
Spell of Dispel

- Shaping Arts

Earth Shaping
Water Shaping
Fire Shaping
Air Shaping
Metal Shaping

Ro-lightsaber Rahm Kota1
Weapon: Lightsaber
Type: Single-Bladed
Color: Silvery-Green
Crystals: Viridian Crystal, Focus crystal
Miscellaneous: Thumbprint Recognition Lockout, Water-proof casing
Weapon: Light Discs
Type: Custom made
Color: Silver, Red
Crystals: Durindfire gem, Focus crystal, Synth-crystal
Information: During his search through the ancient Jedi libraries Gabriel found details of the Light Boomerang, a dangerous lightsaber-type weapon gone out of style hundreds of years ago. Gabriel spent months constructing one and learning it's skilled use. However, he soon wanted to create a version that was more stylish and practical in its use. After months of trial and error Gabriel created the Light Disc. Like the boomerang it uses crystal, wave-guide and mirror technology to create an energy field around the weapon. However, the emitter does not go completely around the disc, stopping just before a grip that allows Gabriel to hold in combat, where he can deflect blaster and lightsabers. Currently there are only two in existence, both owned by Gabriel.
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