Hello one and all! Allow me to introduce myself, I am LordOfTheSi- LordOfTheNight. However, you may call me Lord or Night for convenience sake. I am currently on the prowl to do an RP set in the Star Wars universe. More specifically, an RP that follows a criminally underrated character. The Emperor's former apprentice, Darth Maul. Before you go further, yes I know he is still in the Canon and still alive and well but I don't like how he is portrayed. That's just me however.
The RP would follow Maul after the events of the Phantom Menace and as the Galactic Empire is established. Maul has vowed to hunt down every member of the Sith and kill each one, saving the Emperor and his newest apprentice for last. The RP would open with Maul being incarcerated in a corrupt underground prison that forces it's inmates to fight to the death in a gladiator pit, live for the criminal underworld. Your character would be one of the few females in the prison, one who is touched by the Force but isn't aware of it. From there, the story would begin with a prison break.
However that is just the beginning....
You want more of the story? Send me a PM and we'll continue down this little rabbit hole. I hope to hear from many soon
The RP would follow Maul after the events of the Phantom Menace and as the Galactic Empire is established. Maul has vowed to hunt down every member of the Sith and kill each one, saving the Emperor and his newest apprentice for last. The RP would open with Maul being incarcerated in a corrupt underground prison that forces it's inmates to fight to the death in a gladiator pit, live for the criminal underworld. Your character would be one of the few females in the prison, one who is touched by the Force but isn't aware of it. From there, the story would begin with a prison break.
However that is just the beginning....
You want more of the story? Send me a PM and we'll continue down this little rabbit hole. I hope to hear from many soon