Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Now seeking: Partner in Crime/Collaborator.

Bear in mind that what I have written below is mutable and essentially that I am willing to adapt. If you have an interest and you pitch it, I will consider it. I'm open-minded.

Why a pic of Keef and Mick? Because some of the best music out there came from active collaboration. Which is sort of the point for what follows.

My Proposition
Longtime user just getting back into the swing here and looking for some chat, a little collaboration and some fun writing with new faces.

Let's face it, I've been here a long time, I know a bunch of people here but a lot of them seem to be not RPing, which means that I have to run into some new people.

I'm mostly marketing this to the odd random and interesting person that might be checking these interest checks the way I sometimes do without posting an actual check. Some of you are old hands, some of you are brand new.

Hi, you, drop a line! If interested, please PM or tag @HeySeuss so I get a notification. Otherwise, I'll check the page, see if I have notifications and perhaps not get back to you as quickly as if you pop a flare.

My Baggage:

My Interests

My Immensely Long List of Rules

My plot ideas, not to be taken as the only things I will do(I can't get on board with the term 'pairings')
(This is a list of some of what I've done. It's not exhaustive but it actually exists, unlike the "Immensely Long List of Rules")
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 days ago

@HeySeuss Hiho!
I'm interested in the fantasy variant of the maimed-warrior-brought-back-to-life plot :) PM me if you are as well.
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