I love continuity! So here is all of the worlds I've created (some active, some dormant or not started yet).
They all fall under my IP of the Frokane multiverse but some also happen to share the same universe or even world. I will be adding to this list regularly, and feel free to PM me if you are interested in any of these worlds.
A traditional sword, sorcery and savior setting where I base all my high fantasy stories and characters.
Character Sheet
Name: (Full Please)
Age: 15-70
Class: (knight, wizard, thief. assasin, beserker, etc)
Race:(Dwarf, Human, Elf, Demonfolk, Halfling or a mix of two?)
Weapons & Equipment: (detials but fairly brief)
Skills and Abilities: (expertise, techniques, and magic go here)
Bio: (must be AT LEAST on paragraph long, please use the small amount of lore that I have provied in the lands and intro to help shape your background and backstory)
Terraixa in the future falls more into a steampunk/industrial setting in its early 20th century but still retains the various races and hints of the magic in the world. Many of the old provinces have been replaces by city states, but elements of the old world remain.

In 500 years Naveroth has not changed much at all. The land is still said to be cursed, and although the City has embraced religion many know that the necromancers are still really in control of the land. This is where the Night Watch was formed, when ordinary people began to investigate the mysterious disappearances and murders themselves. Some pooled together money to hire mercenaries to investigate and some took up training to face the horrors themselves.

The Empire of Roh is no more. Once a thriving desert civilisation, it was wiped out by an unknown evil force of necromancy that is said to be tied to the ancient tombs that populate the land. Now these ruins are home to mad zealots and dangerous acolytes who seem to be in constant search for the power that the fallen empire once held.

Once a dangerous hideout island for pirates, the Chess Islands are now a a set of residential resort towns for the wealthy. It is known for its popular food and exciting festivals, but even in a town for the rich and powerful, the whispers of evil and monsters are still very common.
Terraxia (now known as Taxia) no longer resembles the world it once was, all of the non human races are extinct and many believe they never existed along with any mention of magic. The world is now run by technology and humans almost completely rely on Mechs. 3 Major countries remain with 1 free land and the uneasy balance of peace will once again be tipped.

-Therux State Sentry 'Scorpio'
More World History
This is where the majority of my stories are set, in alternative version of the real world. There is few to no magical elements in this universe and it mainly deals with dystopia, end of times and war. I will be grouping the RP settings by year.
This is where I've set the only story with any supernatural elements, the nightmare ninja clan of the Tengakure, rogue ninja banished from the orient onto a cursed island that they most conquer to survive.
Codename: This is what you will known by to your clan.
Real Name: Totally optional, your true identity doesn't need to be known.
Standing: New recruit or Active Member (explained below)
Specialisation: Combat/Tool/Magic (explained below)
Weapons: (what your ninja carries mainly, but this can change depending on the mission)
Bio: please mention how they came to join the clan or why they are joining if they are a new recruit.
Locations & Factions

When the criminal known as the 'Evil Owl' was banished to this Nightmarish Island, the government saw it little more than an exotic death sentence. Although there were very few people ever to return from the Island, the tales of death, demonic forces and pillagers were well known to the people including the Owl himself. But he had nothing to lose and wasn't going to go down without fighting. So after many years of simply just surviving and learning, he caught a lucky break by ambushing some pirates (with the lucky timing of a distracting demon ambush) The Owl was able to not only snatch the very small hold for himself, but take a few prisoners, he killed most of them after gaining all the info he could about the island. But then he also 'recruited' two of them into a brand new faction of his own. The Owl and these two individuals stumbled upon an ancient japanese settlement, with many ancient scroll on the path to becoming the ultimate ninja, the Owl and the two pirates then formed. The Tengakure, and vowed to never to be vicitms who just 'survived' but a fierce clan that would take over the nightmare island and claim every last part of it for themselves.

Theme Song

The Year is 2031, and the world has changed. In this universe, the government lost power in the early 2000s, and since then the mega-corporations have taken over, the law is thin and few between and only the secret service remain as the the strong arm of the government. Technology has of course advanced, but not as much as you might think, research centers receive little to no funding in this time line as the funds are mainly spent on security. An almost lawless land needs to invest in protection and this is where the richest of the richest industries really thrive, they are like the modern day mafia. Now the City of Neo-Bay is where our story takes place, and the city itself is a little bit of a relic in its own right, it was the last major settlement to have a (very small) police force until the mayor had to close it down due to lack of funding 4 years ago. Now the power balance is in chaos and Neo-Bay has become something close to a warzone with criminal elements and private militia and security firms looking to capitalize in the gap of strong authority. Until one Councilman with a conscience decides to set things straight by investing in his funds in a force for order and justice. This force will be known as The C.O.P.S.

As soon as the Police force was in plans to be dissolved, most of the Neo-Bay council began to either resign or heavily invest in privatized security. This rapid shift also brought a lot of criminal elements into the once fairly civil city which also spilled into the governors office which caused massive corruption. Only one Councillor, Tim Taggart managed to scoop together some funds from the city treasury to spend on a radical program. The Combat Operative Private Service. Tim Taggart reached out to a young ex-SWAT captain to helm the operation. 28 year old Michael Ray 'Mack' Yancy, one of the only former police who wasn't drafted into a security firm or into a private army. Now along with 3 of his old acquaintances and 4 new recruits to the C.O.P.S. this small team must undo the damage of city which is fast on its way to hell.
Specialists in various fields are what make a well rounded team. When making your Character Sheet, the role should be what you pick first as this is the 'build' or 'class' which will be the foundation of your characters skills. There are 7 to choose from and there will be one per character. So no one will have the same class. Note that none of the roles have a 'weakness' each character will be a highly skilled well rounded individual, the Role simply dictates what your Operative is best at.
Name: Full Name and any nicknames here.
Role: Which are you applying for, dont be discouraged by other CS. Choose the one you want most.
D.O.B. Date of Birth (Current Year is 2031 10th of August)
Nationality: Country of origin (Neo Bay is future new jersey)
Appearance: Gear and Without Gear, Pics Preferred
Background: At least two Large-ish Paragraphs
Theme Song: Optional
Also please mention whether you are an acquaintance or a recruit, all this means is whether you character already knows Mack Yancy personally or is completely new to the entire team. There are 3 spots for aquaintance and 4 for recruits, please don't hesitate to discuss with me how well you'd like you character to know yancy or where they know each other from. These options will be first come first serve unlike the roles which are 'auditioned' for.

Some of them blame the banks, some of them blame the lack of natural resources on the planet, some of them blame the disgusting amount of influence the violent media has over our youth. Me? I blame everyone, Human nature is what got us here, we were never meant to last as a species and this is just the world's final way of reminding us. I have no more use for this world, Its done nothing for me, and ive done nothing back for it, my contribution? I helped fund the RISK RALLY GP, it wasn't even my idea, I just made it bigger, and now every poor bastard with a overpowered engine and a dream is killing themselves for the entertainment of their peers. Its disgusting, but I don't care. They are all disgusting anyway, if it wasn't this itd be some other twisted game show or competetion or 'challenge'.....I need to go now, this would be a suicide note, and I still plan to kill myself. But I've got one last thing to do....
-Unknown, 11/4/2079

Welcome to my latest brain child, this is the RISK RALLY GP, semi-dystopian Racing RP where you take your pride and joy vehicle and tear up the track against other players to win the grand prize and become the RISK RALLY CHAMPION. This is a combat racing RP where your player's life is at stake the minute they get on the track. Hopefully your skills and your custom built car will see you through the amazing tracks we have built. You will interact with characters in between races and the stakes will get higher as the GP goes on. There will also be bonus challenges as a side quest outside of the main GP which takes place over one week.

Roland's Letter & Notes
I doubt you know who I am but please take a moment to read this. No doubt you have already received your invitation from the Albion Avengers to join the emissary to Neon Haven. Well I sent this letter to you and all the other pilots for some extra info on certain things in this mission that will be useful.
Albion's Avengers
First off, I have no political leanings whatsoever so this group's quest for 'global democracy' means nothing to me, but I have noticed while they have been very generous putting this group together they have been somewhat confidential about everything else about their group, I don't know how it was formed, who is the leader, or even what they really do outside of this mission. I don't know maybe I'm just being healthy and paranoid but I wouldn't be in a rush to label these 'the good guys' just because they are paying me. Decide for yourself.
Understanding the Pilot Class System:
Alright now pay attention, this might be the most important thing I explain to you. As you obviously know its a vicious world out there even for the best pilots and we have to work as a team to achieve our goals, so even if you've been a lone wolf up until now, you will now have the chance to take a role in the team which will round out the group as a whole and make you a force to be reckoned with. You will get to pick a Class and it will come with its own special abilities and weaknesses, because a team wont work if everyone is the same class there will be very limited spots for each class.
Here's the line up of what you can be:
Southwestern Gangs, Groups and Factions
Okay I'll be honest I'm not a faction encyclopedia, I spent most of my free time shooting down bandits for cash in Alberta, but I know the southwest has a few notable groups.
Understanding the info and codex system:
Okay now if you take a look over at the Personnel Codex (Characters Tab) you'll see a few profiles, obviously you'll be able to see your teammates here and my ugly mug and my trusty iron jack are on there too. But you'll also notice a few maybe half finished profiles about some notable pilots who we may run into. Remember when I said i used to be a scanner? well i picked up this info along the way, but I only got to learn so much with my limited tech back then, now whenever your scanner scans a notable plane or pilot Info will be added to the profiles in the codex. Info will also be added when you ask an Informed Person (NPC) something, but be smart with what you ask as even the friendliest of these guys will only answer a limited amount of questions before keeping quiet about anything more.
Scanning and Informed people will not only just work for pilots and planes but also about events and areas and important mission details, this will be added to this task codex right here (OOC) and its pretty empty at the moment so always be searching for more info, if we ever hope to get to new haven we will need every advantage we can get about our enemies, friendly factions, fueling stops, ambushes, and danger zones. I'm sure you can imagine.
You will have you CS in 2 parts, one for your Pilot and the Other for your Plane.
Name: (Full)
Age: (15-65)
Pilot Class: (explained above)
Appearance: (Text or Pic)
Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players characters)
Theme Song: (optional)
Name: (Factory Names, Nicknames or mix of the Both)
Description: (Pic Only with text desrcription)
Plane Type: (Biplane,Dogfighter 1940s, Jet, Custom, Hybrid etc)
Extra Aircraft Notes: Anything else you want to describe about your plane (handling, weight, armor, speed)
Weapons Descriptions: (Detail which weapons you have and what they do,) All planese have a single forward facing minigun, AND 20 non homing standard rockets, any extra miniguns you hold will add to the weight of the plane and decrease agility, you may hold up to 8 missile/rocket/special gadget type weapons of any kind, for each one it will add to your weight)
Weaknesses: (you must have at least one moderate weakness for your craft)
Past Encounter: (Optional, give a description of a note worthy mission/battle/adventure that this Frame has been on)
I will leave an example CS in the characters Tab please don't post there until I've approved your character here in the OOC the 'example' CS I will leave will be a minor character in the prolouge of the IC.
Breakdown Of the Rules
1. GM is God, GM is law, argue with me and you'll be no more.
2. Commitment is important I need you engaged and posting regularly, if anything comes up where you need to drop out or not post for a while LET ME KNOW PM or say something in the OOC it only takes 5 seconds.
3. When in Combat with enemy aircraft, the battles will be conducted like 'Arena' style combat so no Auto Hitting, you can only fire your weapons at the enemy but you cant hit or damage them unless the GM reacts to the attack as them being hit. For example you can say 'Tommy fired his machine gun at the bandit's wing' but not 'Tommy riddled the opponent with bullets and the bandit exploded' until After the enemy (GM) has confirmed the hit/damage. BUT as the GM I can occasionally auto hit you, if I feel the battle calls for it or if I think you cant realistically dodge the attack that my enemy aircraft are making.
4. Because of different posting speeds, I'll need to sometimes puppet you guys mainly just to keep the plot moving, I try to do this as little as possible and mainly to hurry on past basic travelling or flavour text interactions. But if you aren't posting then prepare to be puppeted and maybe even Shot down in the next encounter.
5. One of our players brought up a good point and I thought I'd cover this here, this is an unrealist future arcade video game like fighting pilot game. Air craft specs and hyper realistic flying physics take a backseat for 'the rule of cool' and 'flashy starfox' manouvers. Not to say this is a FREE level Roleplay its still high casual-low advanced. But the game mechanics put in by the class system are governing the style of gameplay 'at least for fights' that we have such as the dueling system and damage boosts etc. Ive done this to make the game more accessible and fun and I've allowed use of ALL types of warplanes 1910s-1970 to compete on the same level for aesthetic purposes, its the rule of fun. But the RP is mainly about the story and the interaction of the pilots working as a team and surviving.
They all fall under my IP of the Frokane multiverse but some also happen to share the same universe or even world. I will be adding to this list regularly, and feel free to PM me if you are interested in any of these worlds.
The Fantasy World of Terraixa
A traditional sword, sorcery and savior setting where I base all my high fantasy stories and characters.
Welcome to the lands of Alvion, the 1st of the main provinces, you can find this area of land in the north east part of the world. The Alvion Kingdom is a living example of a fairy tale royal city. The Country has mainly forrests and plains and the neighboring towns monstly deal in horses and tools. The very mixed community are moderately intergrated with each other. Although elves prefer to live in forest towns and the majority of dwarves live underground. Halflings seem to live quite closely with humans, and even the demon folk are generally left to their own business.
Population: 50% Humans 20% Elves 10% Dwarves 10% Halflings 5% Demonfolk, 5% Other

Population: 50% Humans 20% Elves 10% Dwarves 10% Halflings 5% Demonfolk, 5% Other

To the south of Alvion the landmass is connected to a harsh desert area known as the domain of Roh, the sun has scorched most of the land into endless miles of desert and savannah the Royal City of Roh is run by the beautiful council, a group of 6 beautiful women said to be over 1000 years old but never age. The Country has very few natural resources so makes most of its income through trading exotic spices, cusines,tourism and assasins. Human's make up the vast majority of the land and there are some tensions between those and the Demonfolk who are known to be murderers and thieves, the other small pockets of races keep to themselves and dont have established communities.
Population: 70% Humans, 5% Dwarves, 20% Demonfolk, 3% Elves, 2% Other

Population: 70% Humans, 5% Dwarves, 20% Demonfolk, 3% Elves, 2% Other

Across The Grand Ocean Past the Bishop and Knight Isles in the North East is the ice capped region of Ispar. This nation takes pride in it's highly developed democracy, technology and education, the people of this nation are also very studious and well versed in magic, which contrast to the large burly Dwarves and Human lumberjacks who harvest the Frostwood, some of the finest timber to survive in such a cold country. The reigon is home to many mountains, ice caves, and frozen rivers, the main city of Ispar is controlled by the Greater Ispar Government. The diverse racial makeup of land is very well integrated and all beings live together in the advanced cities.
Population 30% Dwarves, 30% Human, 35% Elves, 5% Other

Population 30% Dwarves, 30% Human, 35% Elves, 5% Other

Population: Humans 75%, Elves 15%, Demonfolk 9%, 1% other
Finally in the south west of the world you will find the Gothic Empire of Naveroth, a very ancient and secluded nation made up of swamps, and very urban towns with stone pavements. The Naveroth main city, is home to the Empress and very little is known about her beyond her solitude, independence and authority over her people. The few large business chains in the land specialise in weapons and the notorious bio-pit is home to some of the most dangerous creatures who are thought to be bred and mutated by Naveroth's highly developed but unethical science community. The City's are almost all Human and the Elves have been driven out to live in small towns in the middle of the swamps. Segregation and Racism is a huge issue here.

Finally in the south west of the world you will find the Gothic Empire of Naveroth, a very ancient and secluded nation made up of swamps, and very urban towns with stone pavements. The Naveroth main city, is home to the Empress and very little is known about her beyond her solitude, independence and authority over her people. The few large business chains in the land specialise in weapons and the notorious bio-pit is home to some of the most dangerous creatures who are thought to be bred and mutated by Naveroth's highly developed but unethical science community. The City's are almost all Human and the Elves have been driven out to live in small towns in the middle of the swamps. Segregation and Racism is a huge issue here.

The Costa Islands are dotted around the south cost of Roh, where the weather is more tropical than desert-like, although technically owned by the Roh council the Costa is generally seen as 'free islands' where most of the tourists come to relax and Inns and markets flourish at this beautiful resort land. There is no real ruler but the very rich Halfling produce merchants have a lot of control of what goes on and generally keep order.
Population: Always changing but the main inhabitants are currently humans and halflings.

Population: Always changing but the main inhabitants are currently humans and halflings.

Population: No offical demographics, but home to many demonfolk.
These very small islands in the centre of the map fall under two different controllers, the Knight Islands Port towns are run by pirates and organised criminals from around the world, and the Bishop Isles are run by insane cults and mystics. The Islands are generally considered dangerous places to be and the 4 kingdoms have largely turned a blind eye to the dealings of the two communities mainly because they are contained in centre of the world map where they are surrouned and generally inactive globally. The Pirates sell stolen goods and train deadly mercenaries while, the mystics of bishop will sometimes part with their ancient artifacts for the right price. Tensions are obviously very high and the communities are unstable at best.

These very small islands in the centre of the map fall under two different controllers, the Knight Islands Port towns are run by pirates and organised criminals from around the world, and the Bishop Isles are run by insane cults and mystics. The Islands are generally considered dangerous places to be and the 4 kingdoms have largely turned a blind eye to the dealings of the two communities mainly because they are contained in centre of the world map where they are surrouned and generally inactive globally. The Pirates sell stolen goods and train deadly mercenaries while, the mystics of bishop will sometimes part with their ancient artifacts for the right price. Tensions are obviously very high and the communities are unstable at best.

Character Sheet
Name: (Full Please)
Age: 15-70
Class: (knight, wizard, thief. assasin, beserker, etc)
Race:(Dwarf, Human, Elf, Demonfolk, Halfling or a mix of two?)
Weapons & Equipment: (detials but fairly brief)
Skills and Abilities: (expertise, techniques, and magic go here)
Bio: (must be AT LEAST on paragraph long, please use the small amount of lore that I have provied in the lands and intro to help shape your background and backstory)
Terraixa 500 years later
Terraixa in the future falls more into a steampunk/industrial setting in its early 20th century but still retains the various races and hints of the magic in the world. Many of the old provinces have been replaces by city states, but elements of the old world remain.

In 500 years Naveroth has not changed much at all. The land is still said to be cursed, and although the City has embraced religion many know that the necromancers are still really in control of the land. This is where the Night Watch was formed, when ordinary people began to investigate the mysterious disappearances and murders themselves. Some pooled together money to hire mercenaries to investigate and some took up training to face the horrors themselves.

The Empire of Roh is no more. Once a thriving desert civilisation, it was wiped out by an unknown evil force of necromancy that is said to be tied to the ancient tombs that populate the land. Now these ruins are home to mad zealots and dangerous acolytes who seem to be in constant search for the power that the fallen empire once held.

Once a dangerous hideout island for pirates, the Chess Islands are now a a set of residential resort towns for the wealthy. It is known for its popular food and exciting festivals, but even in a town for the rich and powerful, the whispers of evil and monsters are still very common.
Terraixa in the far future
Terraxia (now known as Taxia) no longer resembles the world it once was, all of the non human races are extinct and many believe they never existed along with any mention of magic. The world is now run by technology and humans almost completely rely on Mechs. 3 Major countries remain with 1 free land and the uneasy balance of peace will once again be tipped.
"Freedom is the right to tell people what they don't want to hear."

-Therux State Sentry 'Scorpio'
Overview Of The World
There are 3 major land masses in this world, the land in the north is mostly ice caps and snow reigons this is called the Northen Frontier A great industrial power. To the southwest a landmass is shared by two nations the Hylo Empire and its occasional rival the Therux State both of these nations teamed up to form the western coalition and went to war with the Northern Frontier to dislodge its power over the world and were succesful in evening out the balance in power, although all 3 regions suffered heavy losses and are now at uneasy odds with each other.
The third and largest section of land is the Fourtune Region which is a diverse landscape made up of fields, forests, deserts, and even swamps. There is a collection of villages and towns among this reigon but is ultimately a free state with no central government. This is where our story will start.
There are 3 major land masses in this world, the land in the north is mostly ice caps and snow reigons this is called the Northen Frontier A great industrial power. To the southwest a landmass is shared by two nations the Hylo Empire and its occasional rival the Therux State both of these nations teamed up to form the western coalition and went to war with the Northern Frontier to dislodge its power over the world and were succesful in evening out the balance in power, although all 3 regions suffered heavy losses and are now at uneasy odds with each other.
The third and largest section of land is the Fourtune Region which is a diverse landscape made up of fields, forests, deserts, and even swamps. There is a collection of villages and towns among this reigon but is ultimately a free state with no central government. This is where our story will start.
2065: Therux State attacks a Hylo squard that is scouting near their border, the two neigbouring nations begin occasional skirmishes for the next 140 years
2080: Elementum is first discovered, is said to be from a metorite but no one is sure.
2087: Nothern Frontier begins trade with other nations after Elementum causes breakthrough in Mecha Technology.
2112: Hylo and Therux conflicts start to become more frequent. Northern Frontier begins stock piling large war assets.
2170: A group of famous adventurers from the Fortune state investigate the Northern Reigon on an expidition to study Elementum, they are never seen again.
2200: The Western War Begins between Therux and Hylo
2205: The Western War ends with Hylo somewhat victourious and calling a truce, the same year, small amounts of elementum are found in the Fortune State which increases trade and wealth for the reigon.
2209: Hylo and Therux begin the Western Coalition and begin stockpiling war forces together.
2215: The 'Helen Tower' is destroyed, the Great War of Orio begins.
2221: The Outcast Guild in the Fortune Reigon is formed.
2232: The Orio war finally ends, with all 3 nations worse for wear and now under a shaky ceasefire.
2235: Present Day, Western Coalition is ended.
2080: Elementum is first discovered, is said to be from a metorite but no one is sure.
2087: Nothern Frontier begins trade with other nations after Elementum causes breakthrough in Mecha Technology.
2112: Hylo and Therux conflicts start to become more frequent. Northern Frontier begins stock piling large war assets.
2170: A group of famous adventurers from the Fortune state investigate the Northern Reigon on an expidition to study Elementum, they are never seen again.
2200: The Western War Begins between Therux and Hylo
2205: The Western War ends with Hylo somewhat victourious and calling a truce, the same year, small amounts of elementum are found in the Fortune State which increases trade and wealth for the reigon.
2209: Hylo and Therux begin the Western Coalition and begin stockpiling war forces together.
2215: The 'Helen Tower' is destroyed, the Great War of Orio begins.
2221: The Outcast Guild in the Fortune Reigon is formed.
2232: The Orio war finally ends, with all 3 nations worse for wear and now under a shaky ceasefire.
2235: Present Day, Western Coalition is ended.
The 3 Nations & The Fortune Reigon
Theme Song: Cold Indifference

Theme Song: Unwavering Spirit

Theme Song: Journey To Peace

Theme Song: Forever Free
The Northern Frontier
Theme Song: Cold Indifference

The Northern Frontier is the most difficult place to live, the reigon is plagued by below zero tempratures all year round, vicious blizzards and magnetic storms. This has forced the inhabitants to become very tough and adapt their technology to survive such a hostile enviroment. This has made their army and engineers very disciplined and tough. Also despite the lack of basic resources the northern frontier is rich in a special material that is now invaluable to the modern world. It has the largest natural supply of the Elementus stones which can be harnessed into conduits of massive energy which most modern mechas now run on as apposed to old style nuclear generators. The ice covered mountain reigon is also a strategic nightmare to attack. Most invading forces cant even FIND the frontier structures in the blinding blizzards let alone mount any attack on the icy peaks. Also all ther living areas are buried deep underground as seen in the inner photo. So while the northern frontier maybe a harsh land with the lowest population, it reigned supreme with a cutting edge grasp on technology and a large mecha army in a strategic heaven of a home field.
Although the region was never succesfully invaded, the frontier lost large swaths of its army being constantly repelled by the Western Coalition. It was a war of attrition and over time the northern frontier was not only losing soldiers and mechs, their trade routes were being stifled particulary raw metals and food which the northern lands do not have much of. Because of this, as the soliders died in battle the citizens of the military state began to starve and flee as rations became thin. Ultimately they gave up their campaign to destroy the western coalition and thus brought zbout an uneasy ceasefire. The Northen frontier are now a diminished but still elite fighting state which has spent the last 2 years inactive on the world's stage slowly trying to rebuild its small population.
The Hylo Empire
Theme Song: Unwavering Spirit

The Great Hylo Empire is on the west coast of the Western Landmass, and takes up less space on the map than the neighbouring Therux state but has a higher population. The Hylo were the first people to really utilise solar energy and have the monopoly on the world's Solar Orbital Farms, which have made them very self sufficent in their long and storied history. The Hylo empire is also built on pride as they are a religious people who believe in the mythical Colossi great titans who used to roam the earth before humans did. They believe that Mecha technology is divinely inspired by their holy ancestors to once again walk the earth in large metal giants.
They have been in small conflicts with the idealogically different Therux State almost since inception but that has only ever come to a full scale war once, which was called the 'Western Wars' which the Hylo Empire technically won but were left too weak from battle to take over any territory and called a truce with the Therux.
The Empire is currently run by the very proud and somewhat megalomaniacal Barval Royal Family, which queen Elizibet Barval is currently the ruler of after the recent death of her husband King Remington Barval.
They have been in small conflicts with the idealogically different Therux State almost since inception but that has only ever come to a full scale war once, which was called the 'Western Wars' which the Hylo Empire technically won but were left too weak from battle to take over any territory and called a truce with the Therux.
The Empire is currently run by the very proud and somewhat megalomaniacal Barval Royal Family, which queen Elizibet Barval is currently the ruler of after the recent death of her husband King Remington Barval.
After the war the Hylo empire seems like the best place to live on the surface, the strong economy allowed the empire to recover and traces of structural damage from the conflict has all but dissapeared. This has somewhat justified the intense pride of the country's leadership, but has done nothing to quell their jingoism and paranoia. The Hylo empire continues trade with all nations but is staunchly opposed to not only immagration but also emigration. They refuse to let anyone in or out of the country which has made the already poor and opressed worker class of Hylo feel very unsafe and disenfranchised with the empire and there has been many rouge human smuggling operations to get people out of the empire and immigrate mainly to the fortune state. The Hylo empire is also pouring a lot of resources into their military, almost certain they will be attacked at some point.
The Therux State
Theme Song: Journey To Peace

The people of Therux were never interested in war. The Therux state has always been the progressive and scientific nation, interested in the advancement of the human race, and truly believing in a democracy that the world can subscribe to. Sadly, this progressive way has fallen on deaf ears with the other reigons. The Hylo empire have too much resentment towards their Therux neighbours, along with the fact that their nation is steeped in pride and religion that is incompatible with the Therux culture. The Northern Frontier are delibirately isolationist, and have no desire to engage with other nations much less collaborate with them and finally the Fortune Reigon enjoy the freedom of their varied settlements and find a government too oppresive.
Therux has done well to invest its resources into nature and leads the world in the trade of vegetables, wood, fishing and medicine. The lush feilds and gardens of the Therux land are the envy of the world and through trade they provide 67% of the world's food and nearly 40% of its medicine. Like the rest of the world they do use mechs, although a very large percentage of their mechs are not primarily combat based, but instead 'worker' mechs to tend to farms and mine for precious ores, they have an effective but comparitively small military.
Therux has done well to invest its resources into nature and leads the world in the trade of vegetables, wood, fishing and medicine. The lush feilds and gardens of the Therux land are the envy of the world and through trade they provide 67% of the world's food and nearly 40% of its medicine. Like the rest of the world they do use mechs, although a very large percentage of their mechs are not primarily combat based, but instead 'worker' mechs to tend to farms and mine for precious ores, they have an effective but comparitively small military.
Therux still enjoys the fruits of its nature based economy, but after the war, it shows the most scars of conflict as seen in the coastal pictures. During the Frontier invasions the Therux state was usually the battleground as invading forces would usually enter the western landmass from the east. Not only were many peaceful citizens killed, but the already weak military and security forces were nearly wiped out, and after the ceasefire, the criminal element inside therux began to grow because of the weak police force and generally 'soft' progressive government. The leadership of Therux has grown to resent Hylo despite the coalition as they feel they were dragged into a war they didnt nessicarliy need to have due to the ambiguity of the 'Helen Tower' incedent. Now the once hopeful state is plauged with civil unrest, lack of security and a very active and dangerous drug smuggling trade born from the criminal tampering with the medicinal chemicals.
Fortune Reigon (The Freelands)
Theme Song: Forever Free
Typical Greenland Town

Greenland Sky View

Swampland Town

A Duneland City

Greenland Sky View

Swampland Town

A Duneland City

More World History
The northern frontier were not particularly warlike, but because of their need for food and basic living resources they had to trade with the two staes of the western coalition. Now because of their military might, their trade deals were quite agressive and could be considered unfair. Demanding ridiculously cheap prices for what they wanted and offering elementus at an insanely high price. Now the proud Hylo Empire saw this as economical warfare as the northen frontier was essentially dictating the market. The Hylo Empire was also the first reigon to utilise the solar panel farms as their main source of energy which was actually far cheaper and easier than trading elementus or buiding nuclear power plants. So they began to push back against the unreasonable prices with the frontier which created some tension but they eventually gained some leverage on the market.
The Therux state were somewhat more paranoid of the froniter stockpiling large mecha armies, and after seeing the pushback of the Hylor Empire, they called for an end to their rivalrly and proposed a coalition to stand up to the northern frontier if they ever tried to attack. Unfortunately this coalition and build up of a huge joint army made the northern frontier very nervous and while trade continued both reigons were ready for war. The military conflict was sparked over a small skirmish between Frontier and Hylo Mechas in the fortune reigon over the builiding of a tower. The Hylo forces claim it was a defense garrison that the frontier were trying to expand military structures in the land, but the frontier claimed it was simply a generator building to refuel scout mechas in the largely undiscovered territories. No one can confirm truly what the building was but due its ability to start the world's biggest war, it has been called Tower of Helen.
The Hylo forces destoryed the Helen tower and the frontier forces fought back in a small skirmish with zero casualties, but the act of agression was enough to send the fully paranoid northern frontier into full scale war with the Hylo Empire which now was backed by the Therux state. The war was largely the frontier sending invading forces to the western lands and being beaten back. While the strategic nightmare of attacking the northern reigon made any offense for the Western Coalition nigh but impossible. No territory was lost, only soliders, civilisations and mechas. But the war went on for so long that it turned the world into what it is today, an economically damaged dystopia, with crippled armies on each side constanty in fear of another war.
The Therux state were somewhat more paranoid of the froniter stockpiling large mecha armies, and after seeing the pushback of the Hylor Empire, they called for an end to their rivalrly and proposed a coalition to stand up to the northern frontier if they ever tried to attack. Unfortunately this coalition and build up of a huge joint army made the northern frontier very nervous and while trade continued both reigons were ready for war. The military conflict was sparked over a small skirmish between Frontier and Hylo Mechas in the fortune reigon over the builiding of a tower. The Hylo forces claim it was a defense garrison that the frontier were trying to expand military structures in the land, but the frontier claimed it was simply a generator building to refuel scout mechas in the largely undiscovered territories. No one can confirm truly what the building was but due its ability to start the world's biggest war, it has been called Tower of Helen.
The Hylo forces destoryed the Helen tower and the frontier forces fought back in a small skirmish with zero casualties, but the act of agression was enough to send the fully paranoid northern frontier into full scale war with the Hylo Empire which now was backed by the Therux state. The war was largely the frontier sending invading forces to the western lands and being beaten back. While the strategic nightmare of attacking the northern reigon made any offense for the Western Coalition nigh but impossible. No territory was lost, only soliders, civilisations and mechas. But the war went on for so long that it turned the world into what it is today, an economically damaged dystopia, with crippled armies on each side constanty in fear of another war.
Mk 1
Mechs based on fuel, these are largely obsolete in modern combat and havent seen much use since the Western Wars of around 45 years ago. However they are incredibly cheap to make and many low level security mechs run on feul, they are usually slower and and prone to over hearting and combustion as well as burning through fuel fairly quickly in high impact confrontations. One mecha type that is still used is the Mobile Armor style dreadnaught class. Huge expensive tank like machines that can only run on fuel (largely due to costs) that are rarely seen but very difficult to take down. Mk1 Example
Mk 2
These make up 80% of mechs in use, the standard of modern conflict. These Mechs run on generators, which can vary from Fusion cores to Solar powered to electricity or a combination. They come with none of the shortfalls of Mk1 mechs an enjoy almost unlimited activity with no worry of overheating or meltdown (although there are fringe cases) the life battery of generator is self sustaining and as long as it is maintaned can fuel a mech for years before needing to be replaced. Also because of the amount of power generated Mk2s can employ heavier armor with lighter engines that fuel based mechs would not be able to support.
The pinnacle of the Mk2s are those that are equipped with the aformentioned 'Hybrid Generators' as these are the most expensive but generate the most power. The Mk2s are what the players will be using and are generally known as Mk2+ and represent the fighting elite pilots in the western world.
Mk2 Example
Mk 3
Finally the mecha that run on pure elementum are the pinnicle of modern mech design, everything a Mk2 can do the Mk3 can do better, raw elementum generates almost 5 times as much power as hybrid generator, and the amount of speed that can be generated from an elementum engine is blistering. Elementum is nigh indestructable so there is no danger of overheating or failiure and the life span of an elementum fueled engine has so far proven to be infinite. Also the engines are so powerful that they can be made super compact for even lighter weight and sharper performance. The only real limiter is the cost it makes to make a raw elementum engine so these machines are ridiculously expensive. Usually only afforded to the very top class operatives of the northern frontier.
Mk3 Example
Mechs based on fuel, these are largely obsolete in modern combat and havent seen much use since the Western Wars of around 45 years ago. However they are incredibly cheap to make and many low level security mechs run on feul, they are usually slower and and prone to over hearting and combustion as well as burning through fuel fairly quickly in high impact confrontations. One mecha type that is still used is the Mobile Armor style dreadnaught class. Huge expensive tank like machines that can only run on fuel (largely due to costs) that are rarely seen but very difficult to take down. Mk1 Example
Mk 2
These make up 80% of mechs in use, the standard of modern conflict. These Mechs run on generators, which can vary from Fusion cores to Solar powered to electricity or a combination. They come with none of the shortfalls of Mk1 mechs an enjoy almost unlimited activity with no worry of overheating or meltdown (although there are fringe cases) the life battery of generator is self sustaining and as long as it is maintaned can fuel a mech for years before needing to be replaced. Also because of the amount of power generated Mk2s can employ heavier armor with lighter engines that fuel based mechs would not be able to support.
The pinnacle of the Mk2s are those that are equipped with the aformentioned 'Hybrid Generators' as these are the most expensive but generate the most power. The Mk2s are what the players will be using and are generally known as Mk2+ and represent the fighting elite pilots in the western world.
Mk2 Example
Mk 3
Finally the mecha that run on pure elementum are the pinnicle of modern mech design, everything a Mk2 can do the Mk3 can do better, raw elementum generates almost 5 times as much power as hybrid generator, and the amount of speed that can be generated from an elementum engine is blistering. Elementum is nigh indestructable so there is no danger of overheating or failiure and the life span of an elementum fueled engine has so far proven to be infinite. Also the engines are so powerful that they can be made super compact for even lighter weight and sharper performance. The only real limiter is the cost it makes to make a raw elementum engine so these machines are ridiculously expensive. Usually only afforded to the very top class operatives of the northern frontier.
Mk3 Example
Stats Explained
The Stats and Performance of your Mecha are decided by a scale system so you decide your own balance between two attributes using a number between 1-9 for Example:
The Light/Heavy Body scale determines the Overall Speed, Reflex, Strength and Armor of your Mecha
with 1 at the light end of the scale and 9 at the heavy end. If you choose say a 7 for this category your Machine will be Heavier, mechanically stronger but also have a slower reaction time and movement speed. You can tune this all the way to the extreme by choosing a 9 or have the exact opposite by having a 1 or hitting the balance by choosing a 5.
Name: Full including any nicknames
Appearance: Picture preferred: drawing,CG or anime
Age: 15-50
Origin: Which nation they hail from.
Backstory: 2 Paragraphs at least.
Tactical Preference & Skills: In combat, your usual tactical approach.
Quote: Something your character would say.
Text Color:Optional
Appearance: Picture preferred: drawing,CG or anime
Age: 15-50
Origin: Which nation they hail from.
Backstory: 2 Paragraphs at least.
Tactical Preference & Skills: In combat, your usual tactical approach.
Quote: Something your character would say.
Text Color:Optional
Stats Explained
The Stats and Performance of your Mecha are decided by a scale system so you decide your own balance between two attributes using a number between 1-9 for Example:
The Light/Heavy Body scale determines the Overall Speed, Reflex, Strength and Armor of your Mecha
with 1 at the light end of the scale and 9 at the heavy end. If you choose say a 7 for this category your Machine will be Heavier, mechanically stronger but also have a slower reaction time and movement speed. You can tune this all the way to the extreme by choosing a 9 or have the exact opposite by having a 1 or hitting the balance by choosing a 5.
Name/Title: Full Factory name and nickname if any.
Appearance : Image preferred
Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal, Tank, Beast Type, Flyer type etc
Equipment & Armaments :
Hand Slot 1:
Hand slots are big enough for Medium Sized Rifles, Shoutguns, Small Rocket Launchers, Large Melee Weapons, Large Shields, Small Grenade Launchers Etc and up to 8 small explosives
Hand Slot 2:
Same as above. If you wish to hold a Large Weapon such as a Minigun, LMG, Multi Missile Launcher, Or High Powered Rifle or a Plasma Cannon you will have sacrifice both hand slots for one of these weapons.
Sub Weapon Slot:
This slot can carry pistols, small submachine guns, small melee weapons, buckler shields and up to 2 small explosives.
Shoulder/Back Spot:
Can hold a shoulder mounted weapon such as a small missile salvo, gatling gun, or an EMP launcher etc.
Gadget Slot: This can be something like a smoke bomb, misslile flares, Laser Cutter, Or an enhanced tracker etc Max 2 Gadgets
Stats Scale
Light/Heavy Body: Lighter machines are more agile with faster reflexes, heavy has more armor and strength (melee)
Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: This only applies to projectile weapons and guns.
Air Mobility/Thrusters: Air mobility grants superior handling and acceleration in the air, Thrusters grant raw top speed.
Solo/Skirmisher: Solo fighters are more adept at taking on enemies 1 on 1 (this includes stealth infiltration), whereas Skirmishers excel in team based combat and larger scale warfare.
Flavour Text:
A litt bit of background on the Mech, development history or specifics.
Appearance : Image preferred
Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal, Tank, Beast Type, Flyer type etc
Equipment & Armaments :
Hand Slot 1:
Hand slots are big enough for Medium Sized Rifles, Shoutguns, Small Rocket Launchers, Large Melee Weapons, Large Shields, Small Grenade Launchers Etc and up to 8 small explosives
Hand Slot 2:
Same as above. If you wish to hold a Large Weapon such as a Minigun, LMG, Multi Missile Launcher, Or High Powered Rifle or a Plasma Cannon you will have sacrifice both hand slots for one of these weapons.
Sub Weapon Slot:
This slot can carry pistols, small submachine guns, small melee weapons, buckler shields and up to 2 small explosives.
Shoulder/Back Spot:
Can hold a shoulder mounted weapon such as a small missile salvo, gatling gun, or an EMP launcher etc.
Gadget Slot: This can be something like a smoke bomb, misslile flares, Laser Cutter, Or an enhanced tracker etc Max 2 Gadgets
Stats Scale
Light/Heavy Body: Lighter machines are more agile with faster reflexes, heavy has more armor and strength (melee)
Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: This only applies to projectile weapons and guns.
Air Mobility/Thrusters: Air mobility grants superior handling and acceleration in the air, Thrusters grant raw top speed.
Solo/Skirmisher: Solo fighters are more adept at taking on enemies 1 on 1 (this includes stealth infiltration), whereas Skirmishers excel in team based combat and larger scale warfare.
Flavour Text:
A litt bit of background on the Mech, development history or specifics.
The 'Alt' Earth
This is where the majority of my stories are set, in alternative version of the real world. There is few to no magical elements in this universe and it mainly deals with dystopia, end of times and war. I will be grouping the RP settings by year.
The 'Alt' Earth 1700s
This is where I've set the only story with any supernatural elements, the nightmare ninja clan of the Tengakure, rogue ninja banished from the orient onto a cursed island that they most conquer to survive.
The date is November 23rd 1702, this is my first letter since my banishment 60 years ago. I do not know who this letter will reach in government but I hope that the very fair Tokugawa Shogunate is still in power and whoever reads this will take this report seriously. As my records will show I was banished to this island in 1643, for my practices in forbidden magic and worship and the various charges of kidnapping from my old village, I'm not going to try and debate my criminal case or my trial in this letter, but I believe I should have been sent to a more conventional prison as I can safely say, this island is truly hell.
I am starting to believe the rumors that this island is not in fact a part of Japan's natural geography, and that this cursed land literally rose up from the dark void of the underworld. The land may look like normal set of plains, mountains and rivers, but during the night the sky becomes a unnatural crimson and creatures and spirits not of this world began to attack and kill with no clear goal outside of pure chaos in mind. People with strange clothes and unheard languages are building factions and warring with one an other, carrying banners and flags that promise domination and genocide. This place has never been peaceful and as more arrive on this island I fear it never will be. I write to you not asking to ask for a transfer 50 years into my life sentence, but what I am asking for is for the word to be spread that while this place is hellish there is a great amount of magical power and treasure to be found on this island which is why this place is always teeming with new visitors. Let the people know of what this Island really is.
I have been able to survive here by building my very own Ninja Clan here on the Island, I am not an official lord as you know, so this clan would not be recognised back home. But here, this clan has not only survived but prospered in this hellish land, we are the Tengakure Clan and we are currently recruiting to anyone who is willing to risk their lives for fortune and great power on this Island. I know this may sound hard to comprehend, and it is a fantastical description, but check my records, I was 39 years old when I was sent to his island and that was 60 years ago, how is a 99 year old man able to report to you healthy and willing to stay here?
Let the people of the shogunate know that come hell or high water, the Tengakure Clan will inherit this land all the power it has to offer.
-'The Owl'
I am starting to believe the rumors that this island is not in fact a part of Japan's natural geography, and that this cursed land literally rose up from the dark void of the underworld. The land may look like normal set of plains, mountains and rivers, but during the night the sky becomes a unnatural crimson and creatures and spirits not of this world began to attack and kill with no clear goal outside of pure chaos in mind. People with strange clothes and unheard languages are building factions and warring with one an other, carrying banners and flags that promise domination and genocide. This place has never been peaceful and as more arrive on this island I fear it never will be. I write to you not asking to ask for a transfer 50 years into my life sentence, but what I am asking for is for the word to be spread that while this place is hellish there is a great amount of magical power and treasure to be found on this island which is why this place is always teeming with new visitors. Let the people know of what this Island really is.
I have been able to survive here by building my very own Ninja Clan here on the Island, I am not an official lord as you know, so this clan would not be recognised back home. But here, this clan has not only survived but prospered in this hellish land, we are the Tengakure Clan and we are currently recruiting to anyone who is willing to risk their lives for fortune and great power on this Island. I know this may sound hard to comprehend, and it is a fantastical description, but check my records, I was 39 years old when I was sent to his island and that was 60 years ago, how is a 99 year old man able to report to you healthy and willing to stay here?
Let the people of the shogunate know that come hell or high water, the Tengakure Clan will inherit this land all the power it has to offer.
-'The Owl'
Game Brief
Welcome to my Ninja RP! Enter The Tengakure is set in the early 18th century on an island just outside Japan. It is a cursed land that not only inhabits demonic beasts and mythical spirits but also factions of rogue samurai warlord, corrupt warrior monks and various criminals and bandits and most shockingly visitors from different time zones Pirates from the 18th century, Roman Legionaries from the 6th century and Knights from the 12th century just to name a few. Only the powerful Ninja of Tengakure can make any sort of stand against this mad world and shape the island as they see fit.
-You will be RPing as one of the Ninja in the Clan, you can decide to be a new recruit or an established member of the clan.
-The Island is small and its various parts are ran by different factions as explained above. The Tengakure will have to use force (and some diplomacy) to take over the land.
-The Tengakure run a small village where they have built up enough influence and protection for settlers and villagers to make a living, this also their base which they must defend at all costs.
-The type of Ninja you will play as will fall into the category of 'quasi-realistic' there is going to be may supernatural elements in this game, so expect to be able to fight with great skill and precision, far beyond what you would be able to do in a say a tenchu game but at the same time, we are not going to be cutting 12 foot beasts in half on any 'super ninja' ryu hayabusa level, we are still human, just very skilled and very tough feared Ninja. The will also be some room for Ninpo and other magical abilities.
- I am the GM my word is law blah blah blah
- One character per player, at least for now.
- This is mainly a freeform RP but there will be plot points and missions that the whole RP will follow.
- You cannot attack/murder any of your fellow Ninja Clan unless it's discussed and approved in the RP first.
-Combat will resolved in accordance to 'Dynamo's RP Combat Rules' which is the system I use for all my RPs.
a. When in Combat with anenemy , the battles will be conducted like 'Arena' style combat so no Auto Hitting, you can only declare attacks at the enemy but you cant hit or damage them unless the GM reacts to the attack as them being hit. For example you can say 'Kenji fired his long bow at the bandit's torso' but not 'Kenji riddled the opponent witharrows and the bandit bled out' until after the enemy (GM) has confirmed the hit/damage. BUT as the GM I can occasionally auto hit you, if I feel the battle calls for it or if I think you cant realistically dodge the attack that my enemy characters are making. I may allow auto hitting if I feel the enemy is particularly weak or no match for your characters, but I will always let you know if I make this exception.
b. Because of different posting speeds, I'll need to sometimes puppet you guys mainly just to keep the plot moving, I try to do this as little as possible and mainly to hurry on past basic travelling or flavor text interactions. But if you aren't posting then prepare to be puppeted and maybe even cut down in the next encounter.
Welcome to my Ninja RP! Enter The Tengakure is set in the early 18th century on an island just outside Japan. It is a cursed land that not only inhabits demonic beasts and mythical spirits but also factions of rogue samurai warlord, corrupt warrior monks and various criminals and bandits and most shockingly visitors from different time zones Pirates from the 18th century, Roman Legionaries from the 6th century and Knights from the 12th century just to name a few. Only the powerful Ninja of Tengakure can make any sort of stand against this mad world and shape the island as they see fit.
-You will be RPing as one of the Ninja in the Clan, you can decide to be a new recruit or an established member of the clan.
-The Island is small and its various parts are ran by different factions as explained above. The Tengakure will have to use force (and some diplomacy) to take over the land.
-The Tengakure run a small village where they have built up enough influence and protection for settlers and villagers to make a living, this also their base which they must defend at all costs.
-The type of Ninja you will play as will fall into the category of 'quasi-realistic' there is going to be may supernatural elements in this game, so expect to be able to fight with great skill and precision, far beyond what you would be able to do in a say a tenchu game but at the same time, we are not going to be cutting 12 foot beasts in half on any 'super ninja' ryu hayabusa level, we are still human, just very skilled and very tough feared Ninja. The will also be some room for Ninpo and other magical abilities.
- I am the GM my word is law blah blah blah
- One character per player, at least for now.
- This is mainly a freeform RP but there will be plot points and missions that the whole RP will follow.
- You cannot attack/murder any of your fellow Ninja Clan unless it's discussed and approved in the RP first.
-Combat will resolved in accordance to 'Dynamo's RP Combat Rules' which is the system I use for all my RPs.
a. When in Combat with anenemy , the battles will be conducted like 'Arena' style combat so no Auto Hitting, you can only declare attacks at the enemy but you cant hit or damage them unless the GM reacts to the attack as them being hit. For example you can say 'Kenji fired his long bow at the bandit's torso' but not 'Kenji riddled the opponent witharrows and the bandit bled out' until after the enemy (GM) has confirmed the hit/damage. BUT as the GM I can occasionally auto hit you, if I feel the battle calls for it or if I think you cant realistically dodge the attack that my enemy characters are making. I may allow auto hitting if I feel the enemy is particularly weak or no match for your characters, but I will always let you know if I make this exception.
b. Because of different posting speeds, I'll need to sometimes puppet you guys mainly just to keep the plot moving, I try to do this as little as possible and mainly to hurry on past basic travelling or flavor text interactions. But if you aren't posting then prepare to be puppeted and maybe even cut down in the next encounter.
Codename: This is what you will known by to your clan.
Real Name: Totally optional, your true identity doesn't need to be known.
Standing: New recruit or Active Member (explained below)
Specialisation: Combat/Tool/Magic (explained below)
Weapons: (what your ninja carries mainly, but this can change depending on the mission)
Bio: please mention how they came to join the clan or why they are joining if they are a new recruit.
Ninja Specifics
As a Tengakure Ninja, whether you have been with the clan for a while or just joining, you are a very formidable force to be reckoned with, all Tengakure are:
-Trained in the art of stealth, assassination and concealment. You are a master of death from the shadows and trained to stay hidden for as long as possible.
-Physically Superior. Your strength and durability and agility are all near peak perfection for that of human being, with the added benefit of being intensely focused and sharp mentally, BUT you are still only human, and have the limitations that come with that.
-Deadly Combatants. Even when the Tengakure are no longer hidden in the shadows, they are still extremely dangerous in straight up combat. All Tengakure are adept at least a few martial arts disciplines including ninjitsu. They are also trained with the use of conventional Ninja weaponry, swords, knives and shuriken. Which they can use with terrifying expertise.
-Skilled Spies. All Tengakure are trained in espionage, which includes breaking and entering, lockpicking, stealing, and general spying. They are also very good at gathering and deciphering information which translates to excellent detective skills and logical thinking when needed.
But also on top of these default skills each Tengakure can specialise in one discipline which will offer bonus skills and equipment these are:
As a Tengakure Ninja, whether you have been with the clan for a while or just joining, you are a very formidable force to be reckoned with, all Tengakure are:
-Trained in the art of stealth, assassination and concealment. You are a master of death from the shadows and trained to stay hidden for as long as possible.
-Physically Superior. Your strength and durability and agility are all near peak perfection for that of human being, with the added benefit of being intensely focused and sharp mentally, BUT you are still only human, and have the limitations that come with that.
-Deadly Combatants. Even when the Tengakure are no longer hidden in the shadows, they are still extremely dangerous in straight up combat. All Tengakure are adept at least a few martial arts disciplines including ninjitsu. They are also trained with the use of conventional Ninja weaponry, swords, knives and shuriken. Which they can use with terrifying expertise.
-Skilled Spies. All Tengakure are trained in espionage, which includes breaking and entering, lockpicking, stealing, and general spying. They are also very good at gathering and deciphering information which translates to excellent detective skills and logical thinking when needed.
But also on top of these default skills each Tengakure can specialise in one discipline which will offer bonus skills and equipment these are:
Your ninja is MORE than adept with weaponry, he/she is a complete master with many weapons, including the katanna, wakazashi, yumi (bow), shuriken, kunai, Naginata and many others of your choice, you are limited only by how much you can carry. You are also much more deadly with your hands as you can master up to 6 martial arts.
You are a a genius in the use of feudal machinery and ninja tools. You are particularly adept with the grappling hook which will allow you to scale rooftops and climb walls. You are also able to utilize traps, smoke bombs, explosives, caltrops, poisons, and ropes to great efficiency . You also you have the best understanding of gunpowder weapons such as rifles and cannons, although the Tengakure dont manufacture these weapons.
You have dedicated your life to understanding the very powerful and secret art of Ninpo. You will have limited access to some of the most powerful magic available. But this will only be accessible through the use of scrolls. Of which you can carry two of each. Each of these scrolls will only be able to used ONCE per mission. So choose wisely and when is best to use it.
Scroll of Wind Ninpo- A Powerful Hurricane Attack
Scroll of Fire Ninpo- A Small Volcanic Burst Attack
Scroll of Thunder Ninpo- Call down a single but powerful lightning bolt Attack
Scroll of Blizzard Ninpo- Call upon a freezing storm of ice shards Attack
Scroll of Ameratsu- Transform into a powerful white spirit wolf for a limited time (damage will reverse transformation quicker)
Scroll of Kitsune- Transform into a powerful red spirit fox for a limited time (damage will reverse transformation quicker)
Your ninja is MORE than adept with weaponry, he/she is a complete master with many weapons, including the katanna, wakazashi, yumi (bow), shuriken, kunai, Naginata and many others of your choice, you are limited only by how much you can carry. You are also much more deadly with your hands as you can master up to 6 martial arts.
You are a a genius in the use of feudal machinery and ninja tools. You are particularly adept with the grappling hook which will allow you to scale rooftops and climb walls. You are also able to utilize traps, smoke bombs, explosives, caltrops, poisons, and ropes to great efficiency . You also you have the best understanding of gunpowder weapons such as rifles and cannons, although the Tengakure dont manufacture these weapons.
You have dedicated your life to understanding the very powerful and secret art of Ninpo. You will have limited access to some of the most powerful magic available. But this will only be accessible through the use of scrolls. Of which you can carry two of each. Each of these scrolls will only be able to used ONCE per mission. So choose wisely and when is best to use it.
Scroll of Wind Ninpo- A Powerful Hurricane Attack
Scroll of Fire Ninpo- A Small Volcanic Burst Attack
Scroll of Thunder Ninpo- Call down a single but powerful lightning bolt Attack
Scroll of Blizzard Ninpo- Call upon a freezing storm of ice shards Attack
Scroll of Ameratsu- Transform into a powerful white spirit wolf for a limited time (damage will reverse transformation quicker)
Scroll of Kitsune- Transform into a powerful red spirit fox for a limited time (damage will reverse transformation quicker)
The Nightmare Island
Locations & Factions

When the criminal known as the 'Evil Owl' was banished to this Nightmarish Island, the government saw it little more than an exotic death sentence. Although there were very few people ever to return from the Island, the tales of death, demonic forces and pillagers were well known to the people including the Owl himself. But he had nothing to lose and wasn't going to go down without fighting. So after many years of simply just surviving and learning, he caught a lucky break by ambushing some pirates (with the lucky timing of a distracting demon ambush) The Owl was able to not only snatch the very small hold for himself, but take a few prisoners, he killed most of them after gaining all the info he could about the island. But then he also 'recruited' two of them into a brand new faction of his own. The Owl and these two individuals stumbled upon an ancient japanese settlement, with many ancient scroll on the path to becoming the ultimate ninja, the Owl and the two pirates then formed. The Tengakure, and vowed to never to be vicitms who just 'survived' but a fierce clan that would take over the nightmare island and claim every last part of it for themselves.
Located in the north east of the Nightmare Isles, this tiny village is home to the Tengakure Ninja clan, the closest thing to to a fair and just faction in the entire land. This village is governed by the village chief Mr Straw who answers directly to the Tengakure Clan. The village operates like standard farming and fishing hamlet and the villagers here enjoy a decent standard of living and security from the demons and invaders of the evil island thanks to the defense of the ninja clan. There is also a small village militia called the 'Strawblades' who make up the rank and file of the village sentry. Although they are poorly trained and essentially fodder for any real fighter, they take up arms to hopefully be scouted and recruited by the Tengakure as a new clan memeber. Very few have been able to make this promotion.
Inside the heart of the village lies the Tengakure Grounds which serves as the living area for Tengakure Ninja, there is training facilities, weapon shacks, gambling dens, drinking parlours and training areas, the standard of living here is very high and makes the idea of joining the Tengakure very attractive to outsiders. The leader of the Tengakure is 'The Owl' who spends most of his time in the strategy room where he gives orders and assigns missions to his Ninja.

Inside the heart of the village lies the Tengakure Grounds which serves as the living area for Tengakure Ninja, there is training facilities, weapon shacks, gambling dens, drinking parlours and training areas, the standard of living here is very high and makes the idea of joining the Tengakure very attractive to outsiders. The leader of the Tengakure is 'The Owl' who spends most of his time in the strategy room where he gives orders and assigns missions to his Ninja.

The 'Alt' Earth 2000s
Combat Operative Private Service

Theme Song

The Year is 2031, and the world has changed. In this universe, the government lost power in the early 2000s, and since then the mega-corporations have taken over, the law is thin and few between and only the secret service remain as the the strong arm of the government. Technology has of course advanced, but not as much as you might think, research centers receive little to no funding in this time line as the funds are mainly spent on security. An almost lawless land needs to invest in protection and this is where the richest of the richest industries really thrive, they are like the modern day mafia. Now the City of Neo-Bay is where our story takes place, and the city itself is a little bit of a relic in its own right, it was the last major settlement to have a (very small) police force until the mayor had to close it down due to lack of funding 4 years ago. Now the power balance is in chaos and Neo-Bay has become something close to a warzone with criminal elements and private militia and security firms looking to capitalize in the gap of strong authority. Until one Councilman with a conscience decides to set things straight by investing in his funds in a force for order and justice. This force will be known as The C.O.P.S.

As soon as the Police force was in plans to be dissolved, most of the Neo-Bay council began to either resign or heavily invest in privatized security. This rapid shift also brought a lot of criminal elements into the once fairly civil city which also spilled into the governors office which caused massive corruption. Only one Councillor, Tim Taggart managed to scoop together some funds from the city treasury to spend on a radical program. The Combat Operative Private Service. Tim Taggart reached out to a young ex-SWAT captain to helm the operation. 28 year old Michael Ray 'Mack' Yancy, one of the only former police who wasn't drafted into a security firm or into a private army. Now along with 3 of his old acquaintances and 4 new recruits to the C.O.P.S. this small team must undo the damage of city which is fast on its way to hell.
Specialists in various fields are what make a well rounded team. When making your Character Sheet, the role should be what you pick first as this is the 'build' or 'class' which will be the foundation of your characters skills. There are 7 to choose from and there will be one per character. So no one will have the same class. Note that none of the roles have a 'weakness' each character will be a highly skilled well rounded individual, the Role simply dictates what your Operative is best at.
The Sharpshooter
The Riot Officer
The Street Sweeper
The Detonator
The Martial

Weapon of Choice: Various Blades
Perks: Stealth, Hand To Hand Master, Environmental Traversal.
The Martial is truly a marvel of the modern world, one of the only roles to fully embrace the cutting edge technology of the time we live in. Similar to riot officer the martial likes to finish business up close but with quick deadly force that is rarely ever seen or heard. Cloaking technology, garrote wires, wall walking, smoke cover, infiltration is all second nature to the martial. This operative is part ninja, assassin, cat burglar, ghost and even hacker. That stalks the modern cities as an urban legend, but is very real and very effective.
The Wheeler

Weapon of Choice: Submachine Gun (drive by)
Perks:Vehicle Mastery, Mapmaking and Routes, Expert Engineer/Mechanic.
This role is really going places, in whatever vehicle you choose, whether it be a a car, sports bike, chopper, super jet or even a tank, the wheeler will be able to drive it like a stuntman, steal it, dismantle it, or build a new one from scratch. The Wheeler gets the team where they need to be and has an almost supernatural photographic memory that can remember any route, path back alley or ramp within the city. Meaning when it comes to a chase, race, or escape the role is second to none. Also the car to car combat is frighteningly good along with a mastery of all vehicle mounted weapons. Outside of a machine the wheeler is just another tough operative. Inside a machine the wheeler is a demon.
Weapon of Choice: Assault Rifle
Perks: Charisma, Leadership, Weapon Proficiency.

The SWAT is the most 'straightforward' role, a highly skilled combat operative proficient in the use of Assault Rifles, may also be seen with a variety of other weapons such as tear gas, pistols, or knives. The role carries a lot of weight in its title alone which makes these operatives effective at giving orders in tense situations and are natural leaders. They also strike fear into the hearts of criminals and can lower the morale of opponents while boosting the morale of their own teammates. They also have a slightly more well rounded knowledge of all other firearms than other more specialized roles.
Perks: Charisma, Leadership, Weapon Proficiency.

The SWAT is the most 'straightforward' role, a highly skilled combat operative proficient in the use of Assault Rifles, may also be seen with a variety of other weapons such as tear gas, pistols, or knives. The role carries a lot of weight in its title alone which makes these operatives effective at giving orders in tense situations and are natural leaders. They also strike fear into the hearts of criminals and can lower the morale of opponents while boosting the morale of their own teammates. They also have a slightly more well rounded knowledge of all other firearms than other more specialized roles.
The Sharpshooter
Weapon of Choice: Sniper/Marksman Rifle
Perks: Accuracy, Spotting, Awareness.

The Longest arm of the law is the most deadly when furthest away, The Sharpshooter stays calm and collected and picks their shots with unnerving accuracy and can pick off dangerous targets from ridiculous distances when they have the right strategic locations to fire from. It goes without saying they are fiercely accurate and professional in a firefight. They also are especially aware of their surroundings, having a greater focus on their hearing and sight and are able to locate enemies around them, hopefully before its too late.
Perks: Accuracy, Spotting, Awareness.

The Longest arm of the law is the most deadly when furthest away, The Sharpshooter stays calm and collected and picks their shots with unnerving accuracy and can pick off dangerous targets from ridiculous distances when they have the right strategic locations to fire from. It goes without saying they are fiercely accurate and professional in a firefight. They also are especially aware of their surroundings, having a greater focus on their hearing and sight and are able to locate enemies around them, hopefully before its too late.
The Riot Officer
Weapon of Choice: NightStick, Riot Shield
Perks: Speed, Melee Combat, Crowd Control.

This is the role that isn't afraid to get gritty and grapple with crime up close. Where others may feel 'surrounded' by a vicious mob, The scrappy Riot Officer feels right at home, swinging the nightstick hard and fast into the shins, ribs and faces of opponents and blocking bullets with reinforced riot shield while pushing forward quick enough to bring the fight hand to hand with multiple assailants is the scary and reckless nature of the fearsome Riot Cop.
Perks: Speed, Melee Combat, Crowd Control.

This is the role that isn't afraid to get gritty and grapple with crime up close. Where others may feel 'surrounded' by a vicious mob, The scrappy Riot Officer feels right at home, swinging the nightstick hard and fast into the shins, ribs and faces of opponents and blocking bullets with reinforced riot shield while pushing forward quick enough to bring the fight hand to hand with multiple assailants is the scary and reckless nature of the fearsome Riot Cop.
The Street Sweeper
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun
Perks: Undercover Knowledge, Criminal Skills, Communication and Intimidation

The say the closer you are to the dirt, the shorter your broom needs to be. Well the street sweeper likes things short and effective, like the vicious buckshot of a combat shotgun. These very dangerous individuals have fully embraced the criminal underworld and have more than likely time undercover. They walk the line between lawful and criminal themselves and are fully capable of carjacking, lockpicking, interrogating or even drug dealing and extortion to maintain cover or to get the evidence they need to put someone away. Because these types very rarely operate completely within the law. Almost every criminal will be frightened of them in some way. A notorious nightmare walks the ghetto once more.
Perks: Undercover Knowledge, Criminal Skills, Communication and Intimidation

The say the closer you are to the dirt, the shorter your broom needs to be. Well the street sweeper likes things short and effective, like the vicious buckshot of a combat shotgun. These very dangerous individuals have fully embraced the criminal underworld and have more than likely time undercover. They walk the line between lawful and criminal themselves and are fully capable of carjacking, lockpicking, interrogating or even drug dealing and extortion to maintain cover or to get the evidence they need to put someone away. Because these types very rarely operate completely within the law. Almost every criminal will be frightened of them in some way. A notorious nightmare walks the ghetto once more.
The Detonator
Weapon of Choice: LMG
Perks: Body Armor, Structural Knowledge, Explosives Expertise.

The Detonator is easily one of the most fearsome looking roles for an Operative, big tank like armor and a cold emotionless mask is the attire for the men and women who make things go boom. The Detonator is a master of what explosives do what, and when to use them. They also have an innate knowledge of structures which lets them know what walls or buildings can be blown up or shot through and which are tough enough to take cover behind. The Armor that a detonator wears is made to be resistant to small explosives so the Detonator can carry large guns like the unwieldy LMG without too much worry of having to dodge enemy fire. Very little can stop this explosive monster.
Perks: Body Armor, Structural Knowledge, Explosives Expertise.

The Detonator is easily one of the most fearsome looking roles for an Operative, big tank like armor and a cold emotionless mask is the attire for the men and women who make things go boom. The Detonator is a master of what explosives do what, and when to use them. They also have an innate knowledge of structures which lets them know what walls or buildings can be blown up or shot through and which are tough enough to take cover behind. The Armor that a detonator wears is made to be resistant to small explosives so the Detonator can carry large guns like the unwieldy LMG without too much worry of having to dodge enemy fire. Very little can stop this explosive monster.
The Martial

Weapon of Choice: Various Blades
Perks: Stealth, Hand To Hand Master, Environmental Traversal.
The Martial is truly a marvel of the modern world, one of the only roles to fully embrace the cutting edge technology of the time we live in. Similar to riot officer the martial likes to finish business up close but with quick deadly force that is rarely ever seen or heard. Cloaking technology, garrote wires, wall walking, smoke cover, infiltration is all second nature to the martial. This operative is part ninja, assassin, cat burglar, ghost and even hacker. That stalks the modern cities as an urban legend, but is very real and very effective.
The Wheeler

Weapon of Choice: Submachine Gun (drive by)
Perks:Vehicle Mastery, Mapmaking and Routes, Expert Engineer/Mechanic.
This role is really going places, in whatever vehicle you choose, whether it be a a car, sports bike, chopper, super jet or even a tank, the wheeler will be able to drive it like a stuntman, steal it, dismantle it, or build a new one from scratch. The Wheeler gets the team where they need to be and has an almost supernatural photographic memory that can remember any route, path back alley or ramp within the city. Meaning when it comes to a chase, race, or escape the role is second to none. Also the car to car combat is frighteningly good along with a mastery of all vehicle mounted weapons. Outside of a machine the wheeler is just another tough operative. Inside a machine the wheeler is a demon.
Name: Full Name and any nicknames here.
Role: Which are you applying for, dont be discouraged by other CS. Choose the one you want most.
D.O.B. Date of Birth (Current Year is 2031 10th of August)
Nationality: Country of origin (Neo Bay is future new jersey)
Appearance: Gear and Without Gear, Pics Preferred
Background: At least two Large-ish Paragraphs
Theme Song: Optional
Also please mention whether you are an acquaintance or a recruit, all this means is whether you character already knows Mack Yancy personally or is completely new to the entire team. There are 3 spots for aquaintance and 4 for recruits, please don't hesitate to discuss with me how well you'd like you character to know yancy or where they know each other from. These options will be first come first serve unlike the roles which are 'auditioned' for.
1994: The U.S.A's conflict in the the Gulf spirals out of control, a nuclear weapon is used and world war 3 nearly begins.
1997: After 3 years of skirmishes between South America, the States, Europe, and the Middle East a peace treaty is signed. But the damage has been done, the faith in the government has been mostly lost.
2000: A new political movement starts up in europe but then spreads to Asia and the Americas too, they call themselves 'Absolute Anarchy' and huge amounts of protests and demonstrations begin to pop up over the modern world consistently.
2004: The Protests are now out of hand, the people demand a radical restructuring of the government. The U.S.A. and China both execute martial law on the same day (christmas) and violent riots begin to sweep the nation. The Modern 'Revolution' begins.
2007: After 3 years of vicious government and anti government action the violence slows down, but order has been shifted. The state is weak after spending too much on security and being starved of taxes from most of the now non complying population. The Corporate security firms step in. Protection is now once again a major industry.
2011: The private security firms and large companies have now pretty much restored a level of order to most of the world. Most regular people are too intimidated to riot like they used to as massive private armies and smaller but effective squads of security teams patrol the streets. The Government has now shrank in influence, and most minor laws have been either abolished or phased out.
2012: Border lines begin to blur as trade and immigration increases massively with almost zero government and regulations. The U.S. states begin to dissolve and completely new cities are built with much foreign corporate influence, New Jersey is taken over by Japanese security firms and rebuilt as 'Neo-Bay City' China officially is taken over by the Absolute Anarchist Movement.
2019: Most countries and factions are at peace, but a moderate conflict between Britain and Australia springs up over trade rights with Anarchist states such as China and newly Anarchist Mexico. Its called the Queen's Requiem War and lasts for 7 years, Latin america's drug cartels declare war on the Japanese and Brazilian security firms.
2026: Britain surrenders to Australia after 7 years of war. Most Drug Cartels in Latin America are wiped out, Most police forces in the modern world have dissolved and the government only relies now in the secret service and a small but powerful Territorial Army.
2027: The Neo Bay's police force is officially disbanded. Sgt Micheal Ray 'Mack' Yancy campaigns hard for his job back and leaves with job back but with no success. He begins frequenting a bar in Neo Bar called the Red Raven and develops a drinking problem. Crime and Chaos in Neo Bay begins to spiral out of control.
2031: Tim Taggart tracks down Mack Yancy and begins the C.O.P.S program.
1997: After 3 years of skirmishes between South America, the States, Europe, and the Middle East a peace treaty is signed. But the damage has been done, the faith in the government has been mostly lost.
2000: A new political movement starts up in europe but then spreads to Asia and the Americas too, they call themselves 'Absolute Anarchy' and huge amounts of protests and demonstrations begin to pop up over the modern world consistently.
2004: The Protests are now out of hand, the people demand a radical restructuring of the government. The U.S.A. and China both execute martial law on the same day (christmas) and violent riots begin to sweep the nation. The Modern 'Revolution' begins.
2007: After 3 years of vicious government and anti government action the violence slows down, but order has been shifted. The state is weak after spending too much on security and being starved of taxes from most of the now non complying population. The Corporate security firms step in. Protection is now once again a major industry.
2011: The private security firms and large companies have now pretty much restored a level of order to most of the world. Most regular people are too intimidated to riot like they used to as massive private armies and smaller but effective squads of security teams patrol the streets. The Government has now shrank in influence, and most minor laws have been either abolished or phased out.
2012: Border lines begin to blur as trade and immigration increases massively with almost zero government and regulations. The U.S. states begin to dissolve and completely new cities are built with much foreign corporate influence, New Jersey is taken over by Japanese security firms and rebuilt as 'Neo-Bay City' China officially is taken over by the Absolute Anarchist Movement.
2019: Most countries and factions are at peace, but a moderate conflict between Britain and Australia springs up over trade rights with Anarchist states such as China and newly Anarchist Mexico. Its called the Queen's Requiem War and lasts for 7 years, Latin america's drug cartels declare war on the Japanese and Brazilian security firms.
2026: Britain surrenders to Australia after 7 years of war. Most Drug Cartels in Latin America are wiped out, Most police forces in the modern world have dissolved and the government only relies now in the secret service and a small but powerful Territorial Army.
2027: The Neo Bay's police force is officially disbanded. Sgt Micheal Ray 'Mack' Yancy campaigns hard for his job back and leaves with job back but with no success. He begins frequenting a bar in Neo Bar called the Red Raven and develops a drinking problem. Crime and Chaos in Neo Bay begins to spiral out of control.
2031: Tim Taggart tracks down Mack Yancy and begins the C.O.P.S program.
Submission Index
Xandrya- Lily Martin
sassy1085-Nicky Gaelic
Slypheed-Valeriya Ilyushin
Savage-Colin McCreary
Roosan-Samuel King
LetMeDoStuff-Greg Kennedy
Skepic-Krauss Helfer
Kurai Assassin-Faith Archangel Connors
PURRfect93-Akio Shiazaka
LokiLeo789-Lee Zao Allen
Gingerboi123-Archie Smith
sassy1085-Nicky Gaelic
Slypheed-Valeriya Ilyushin
Savage-Colin McCreary
Roosan-Samuel King
LetMeDoStuff-Greg Kennedy
Skepic-Krauss Helfer
Kurai Assassin-Faith Archangel Connors
PURRfect93-Akio Shiazaka
LokiLeo789-Lee Zao Allen
Gingerboi123-Archie Smith
Some Rules and Overview
-C.O.P.S is my new action orientated near cyberpunk squad based RP, If you dont like big shootouts and exciting blockbuster missions then this may not be the RP for you. Although I will say this isnt a mindless action romp either. There is a detailed story about a shrinking government and law and disorder in a city entering (but not quite) in the cyberpunk age. There will be plenty room for character development and interaction.
-It will take place in alternate timeline in a large multi-layered city (neo bay), Key Locations such as the Red Raven Bar will be added to the OOC.
-The squad will be a specialized unit of skilled in to individuals looking to make a difference and help clean up the city and then go on to fix the broken system they live in.
-There will be spaces for 7 players and no more. 3 will already know Mack Yancy (Central Character)and 4 will be new recruits.
-When making a CS you will choose a role you want. Because there are only 7 spots I will choose the most suitable CS for each role (best SWAT profile, Best Martial Profile Etc.) This will be decided by me at a later date.
-C.O.P.S is my new action orientated near cyberpunk squad based RP, If you dont like big shootouts and exciting blockbuster missions then this may not be the RP for you. Although I will say this isnt a mindless action romp either. There is a detailed story about a shrinking government and law and disorder in a city entering (but not quite) in the cyberpunk age. There will be plenty room for character development and interaction.
-It will take place in alternate timeline in a large multi-layered city (neo bay), Key Locations such as the Red Raven Bar will be added to the OOC.
-The squad will be a specialized unit of skilled in to individuals looking to make a difference and help clean up the city and then go on to fix the broken system they live in.
-There will be spaces for 7 players and no more. 3 will already know Mack Yancy (Central Character)and 4 will be new recruits.
-When making a CS you will choose a role you want. Because there are only 7 spots I will choose the most suitable CS for each role (best SWAT profile, Best Martial Profile Etc.) This will be decided by me at a later date.
Welcome To The End Of The World

Some of them blame the banks, some of them blame the lack of natural resources on the planet, some of them blame the disgusting amount of influence the violent media has over our youth. Me? I blame everyone, Human nature is what got us here, we were never meant to last as a species and this is just the world's final way of reminding us. I have no more use for this world, Its done nothing for me, and ive done nothing back for it, my contribution? I helped fund the RISK RALLY GP, it wasn't even my idea, I just made it bigger, and now every poor bastard with a overpowered engine and a dream is killing themselves for the entertainment of their peers. Its disgusting, but I don't care. They are all disgusting anyway, if it wasn't this itd be some other twisted game show or competetion or 'challenge'.....I need to go now, this would be a suicide note, and I still plan to kill myself. But I've got one last thing to do....
-Unknown, 11/4/2079

Welcome to my latest brain child, this is the RISK RALLY GP, semi-dystopian Racing RP where you take your pride and joy vehicle and tear up the track against other players to win the grand prize and become the RISK RALLY CHAMPION. This is a combat racing RP where your player's life is at stake the minute they get on the track. Hopefully your skills and your custom built car will see you through the amazing tracks we have built. You will interact with characters in between races and the stakes will get higher as the GP goes on. There will also be bonus challenges as a side quest outside of the main GP which takes place over one week.
The year is 2080, the economy is in tatters. The world has been eaten alive by corruption and the poverty line has dropped to a terrifying level, 82% of the world are living in poverty and society has truly become a reflection of dystopia. BUT the rich still need to be entertained. And there are still those desperate enough to risk it all and earn great wealth as winner of the Risk Rally races, a hyper dangerous but massively televised racing league where gutsy drivers put their lives on the line to win massive cash prizes. The Prelims are taking place in europe, with semi finals in asia, and finally the showdown in the USA. Drivers come from all over the world to win the grand prize of 6 Million neo-credits (which works out to about $20 Million Dollars Today)
Vehicles Explained
Each vehicle performs differently and for this game we have to keep it fair. So for your performance I'm giving you 100 points to spend however you wish on you vehicles stats. You can choose to be balanced or specialized....at your own risk.
The Categories Are
Firepower:(the damage your weapons can do other vehicles.)
Frame:(The durability of your vehicle, also increases ramming damage)
Grip:(The Handling and stability of your vehicle on the road)
Acceleration: (How fast your vehicle gains speed.)
Top Speed:(The maximum speed your vehicle can reach)
So for example if a car with 34 firepower shoots a missile a car with 4 Frame, it will probably be obliterated on the spot. And if a car with 29 frame rams a care with only 9 grip, its probably going to send it spinning out of control.
These are all things to take into account when building your vehicle.
Each vehicle performs differently and for this game we have to keep it fair. So for your performance I'm giving you 100 points to spend however you wish on you vehicles stats. You can choose to be balanced or specialized....at your own risk.
The Categories Are
Firepower:(the damage your weapons can do other vehicles.)
Frame:(The durability of your vehicle, also increases ramming damage)
Grip:(The Handling and stability of your vehicle on the road)
Acceleration: (How fast your vehicle gains speed.)
Top Speed:(The maximum speed your vehicle can reach)
So for example if a car with 34 firepower shoots a missile a car with 4 Frame, it will probably be obliterated on the spot. And if a car with 29 frame rams a care with only 9 grip, its probably going to send it spinning out of control.
These are all things to take into account when building your vehicle.
Name: (Full)
Age: (15-65)
Appearance: (Text or Pic)
Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players charactersthis should also explain what the character plans to do with the money should he/her win?)
Theme Song: (optional)
Age: (15-65)
Appearance: (Text or Pic)
Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players charactersthis should also explain what the character plans to do with the money should he/her win?)
Theme Song: (optional)
1. The Risk Rally/DGP is a simple points based series of races. Each individual race will award points to the podium position racers (1st 2nd 3rd) and a few to the rest (4th etc) depending on how many are in the race (up to 10).
For Example:
1st 12 points
2nd 9 points
3rd 7 points
The actual GP comprises of multiple races and leagues.
I as the GM will be in control of the Non-Player Racers and the Commentators (Rob and Griff). The Commentators will be giving regular updates on who's in what position in the race, and any major occurrences (like a crash) as well as general color commentary. As a player you cannot decide when to overtake your opponent, you can simply drive, and based on your stats and how you describe yourself driving and navigating the course will you improve your position. If you are described as close or near to another opponent, you can take your chances with ramming them or attacking with you melee weapon.
There will be two images for each race track one will be the 'flavour' image which will give you a rough idea of what the track and its surroundings look like. And the other will be a circuit image, which will literally be the outline of the track. I will be adding comments if there are particular hazards, weather conditions or road types worth mentioning. But we will follow the circuit fairly closely and you will take your corners where appropriate on the map, here is an example.

Certain regular racing skills can be used, the first is Drifting, you can attempt a drift on any corner, while drifting you will lose very little speed when turning and be able to cancel a slipstream if an opponent is behind you. However, every drift is a risk, you can ATTEMPT a drift when ever you like, but depending on your grip, the road type, acceleration and general speed and weight (frame) of the vehicle going into the corner I will decide how well your drift actually goes. Now even clunky machines with poor grip can occasionally pull off a perfect drift but the chances are much lower than a light machine with excellent grip. Your drift will have varying levels of success from perfect, to good, to poor, to spin-out. Which may result in a crash.
The other mechanic is the Slipstream. You may increase your speed by driving directly behind an opponent to decrease the wind resistance in front of you. A common tactic is to ride an opponents slipstream all the way next to them and the hitting them in corner side with a vicious PIT maneuver. Slipstreams are a lot harder to catch when turning corners and your slipstream wont be as effective if your catching one off a vehicle that is smaller than your own.
Combat is handled in the same way as all my other RPs its essentially arena rules (no auto-hitting) except the GM can declare a hit if I feel necessary. You can attempt to dodge but in your car every dodge is going to be a swerve which will effect you racing performance, (and you might just get hit anyway). If your car does take a hit, depending on your frame and the enemy firepower or frame. You will lose a percentage of your car's 'health. At the start of a race everyone starts with 100% (which will be monitored by the play-by-play commentary). If this health drops to 10% your car is in critical condition which you then can choose to bail, which will end the current race for you and you will take last place or you can continue to race, Meaning you can still win, but if your craft hits 0% your vehicle will be destroyed and your character may die. Even if they make it out alive somehow, they will miss the next race while their vehicle is reassembled.
For Example:
1st 12 points
2nd 9 points
3rd 7 points
The actual GP comprises of multiple races and leagues.
I as the GM will be in control of the Non-Player Racers and the Commentators (Rob and Griff). The Commentators will be giving regular updates on who's in what position in the race, and any major occurrences (like a crash) as well as general color commentary. As a player you cannot decide when to overtake your opponent, you can simply drive, and based on your stats and how you describe yourself driving and navigating the course will you improve your position. If you are described as close or near to another opponent, you can take your chances with ramming them or attacking with you melee weapon.
There will be two images for each race track one will be the 'flavour' image which will give you a rough idea of what the track and its surroundings look like. And the other will be a circuit image, which will literally be the outline of the track. I will be adding comments if there are particular hazards, weather conditions or road types worth mentioning. But we will follow the circuit fairly closely and you will take your corners where appropriate on the map, here is an example.

Certain regular racing skills can be used, the first is Drifting, you can attempt a drift on any corner, while drifting you will lose very little speed when turning and be able to cancel a slipstream if an opponent is behind you. However, every drift is a risk, you can ATTEMPT a drift when ever you like, but depending on your grip, the road type, acceleration and general speed and weight (frame) of the vehicle going into the corner I will decide how well your drift actually goes. Now even clunky machines with poor grip can occasionally pull off a perfect drift but the chances are much lower than a light machine with excellent grip. Your drift will have varying levels of success from perfect, to good, to poor, to spin-out. Which may result in a crash.
The other mechanic is the Slipstream. You may increase your speed by driving directly behind an opponent to decrease the wind resistance in front of you. A common tactic is to ride an opponents slipstream all the way next to them and the hitting them in corner side with a vicious PIT maneuver. Slipstreams are a lot harder to catch when turning corners and your slipstream wont be as effective if your catching one off a vehicle that is smaller than your own.
Combat is handled in the same way as all my other RPs its essentially arena rules (no auto-hitting) except the GM can declare a hit if I feel necessary. You can attempt to dodge but in your car every dodge is going to be a swerve which will effect you racing performance, (and you might just get hit anyway). If your car does take a hit, depending on your frame and the enemy firepower or frame. You will lose a percentage of your car's 'health. At the start of a race everyone starts with 100% (which will be monitored by the play-by-play commentary). If this health drops to 10% your car is in critical condition which you then can choose to bail, which will end the current race for you and you will take last place or you can continue to race, Meaning you can still win, but if your craft hits 0% your vehicle will be destroyed and your character may die. Even if they make it out alive somehow, they will miss the next race while their vehicle is reassembled.
Name: (nickname and/or model)
Apperance: (pic would be nice)
Top Speed:
Special Weapon#Ability: (explained later)
Personal Weapon: (a melee weapon that the driver keeps in the car with him/her)
Flavor Text: (Optional background about the car and how it was acquired)
Apperance: (pic would be nice)
Top Speed:
Special Weapon#Ability: (explained later)
Personal Weapon: (a melee weapon that the driver keeps in the car with him/her)
Flavor Text: (Optional background about the car and how it was acquired)
Name: Mickey 'Mech-Mick' Hallory
Age: 32
Height: 6'4
Weight: 210
Nationality: Irish-American

Bio: An ex-chop shop mechanic from Boston who decided to find a legitimate career before getting killed by the military cops who now ran New England. His skills allowed him to successfully aquire a government job fixing fire trucks which he loved dearly as his late uncle was a fireman. But his criminal record kept him from ever being promoted to any sort of decent paying position which matched his massive potential. Out of fustration he asked for a transfer and was instead offered a higher paying job as freelance mechanic for the Risk Rally GP, which paid much more and he could work part time. He reluctantly took it when he found out his wife was pregnant, but hates the very idea of the desperate killing themselves on camera for money. He tried to do his job as ethically as he can. He still has his code of honor.
Age: 32
Height: 6'4
Weight: 210
Nationality: Irish-American

Bio: An ex-chop shop mechanic from Boston who decided to find a legitimate career before getting killed by the military cops who now ran New England. His skills allowed him to successfully aquire a government job fixing fire trucks which he loved dearly as his late uncle was a fireman. But his criminal record kept him from ever being promoted to any sort of decent paying position which matched his massive potential. Out of fustration he asked for a transfer and was instead offered a higher paying job as freelance mechanic for the Risk Rally GP, which paid much more and he could work part time. He reluctantly took it when he found out his wife was pregnant, but hates the very idea of the desperate killing themselves on camera for money. He tried to do his job as ethically as he can. He still has his code of honor.
Name: Robert Nivens and Stanley Griffin
Age: 29 & 32
Height: 5'10 & 5'11
Weight: 171 & 180
Nationality: British-American and New Zealander

Bio: Two Ex-Musicians who's careers took a nose-dive when their record label was bought out by a building corporation. They both had to work jobs as Radio DJs for small embarrassing stations until they landed the career of a lifetime. To be Commentators for the Dystopian Grand Prix. Robert (on the left) is the play by play commentator and Griff (on the right) provides colour commentary and background.
Age: 29 & 32
Height: 5'10 & 5'11
Weight: 171 & 180
Nationality: British-American and New Zealander

Bio: Two Ex-Musicians who's careers took a nose-dive when their record label was bought out by a building corporation. They both had to work jobs as Radio DJs for small embarrassing stations until they landed the career of a lifetime. To be Commentators for the Dystopian Grand Prix. Robert (on the left) is the play by play commentator and Griff (on the right) provides colour commentary and background.
Name: Brigitte Pacelli
Age: 18
Height: 5'5
Weight: 118
Nationality: Italian

Bio: Young genius from a family of 4 older brothers and single father, Brigitte grew up in a rough home and rough neighborhood where being sweet and innocent would get you hurt or worse. At a young age of 10, Brigitte showed her skill of fixing things. First it was things around the home that was no longer working, to building or repairing gadgets early in her teens. Being thrown into the streets by her father and hustling to make money by fixing various things, an agent from the Risk Ralley GP came upon Brigitte from word of mouth to check out her skills as a mechanic which, with some lying and persuasion, hired Brigitte with the promise that not only will she get paid a lot and live better but also being promised to help her make her own robotics company, which is Brigitte's dream of being a robot creator. Unfortunately, this was another lie as the agent who hired her was assigned to keep her busy will repairing the rides of the participants and to have control of her money.
Age: 18
Height: 5'5
Weight: 118
Nationality: Italian

Bio: Young genius from a family of 4 older brothers and single father, Brigitte grew up in a rough home and rough neighborhood where being sweet and innocent would get you hurt or worse. At a young age of 10, Brigitte showed her skill of fixing things. First it was things around the home that was no longer working, to building or repairing gadgets early in her teens. Being thrown into the streets by her father and hustling to make money by fixing various things, an agent from the Risk Ralley GP came upon Brigitte from word of mouth to check out her skills as a mechanic which, with some lying and persuasion, hired Brigitte with the promise that not only will she get paid a lot and live better but also being promised to help her make her own robotics company, which is Brigitte's dream of being a robot creator. Unfortunately, this was another lie as the agent who hired her was assigned to keep her busy will repairing the rides of the participants and to have control of her money.
The 'Alt' Earth 2XXXs

The Year is 2149, war has ravaged civilisation beyond recognition nations are destroyed and the population of the world has been shrunk down to a tiny 400 million, most of the world is inhabitable. So the few livable lands are fought over viciously. On of these such lands is a part of the U.S. that used to be the Nevada deserts over Las Vegas, which has been nicknamed 'Neon Heaven' rich in resources and defense where the last hint of a decent place to live in the entire world is still available.
Roland Shaw is a veteran mercenary pilot from Canada who has been fighting since he could remember, in the last 10 months he has been in the UK working with a group of resistance fighters called the 'Albion Avengers' who want to not only go to Neon Haven but begin rebuilding the new world with their very own democracy.
Roland is not interested in politics but know he must get to neon haven for his own reasons and the self appointed freedom fighters have been able to contact some of the best pilots around the world to join Roland in his quest to find Neon Haven and clear establish a deal for the AA to migrate and negotiate with the city.
Now you enter, a group of rag tag pilots, looking to survive in this hostile world with your Custom Warplanes you begin in a large plane hangar in Scotland which was built of a beautiful farm land prepare to meet your wing-mates.

Roland Shaw is a veteran mercenary pilot from Canada who has been fighting since he could remember, in the last 10 months he has been in the UK working with a group of resistance fighters called the 'Albion Avengers' who want to not only go to Neon Haven but begin rebuilding the new world with their very own democracy.
Roland is not interested in politics but know he must get to neon haven for his own reasons and the self appointed freedom fighters have been able to contact some of the best pilots around the world to join Roland in his quest to find Neon Haven and clear establish a deal for the AA to migrate and negotiate with the city.
Now you enter, a group of rag tag pilots, looking to survive in this hostile world with your Custom Warplanes you begin in a large plane hangar in Scotland which was built of a beautiful farm land prepare to meet your wing-mates.

Roland's Letter & Notes
I doubt you know who I am but please take a moment to read this. No doubt you have already received your invitation from the Albion Avengers to join the emissary to Neon Haven. Well I sent this letter to you and all the other pilots for some extra info on certain things in this mission that will be useful.
Albion's Avengers
First off, I have no political leanings whatsoever so this group's quest for 'global democracy' means nothing to me, but I have noticed while they have been very generous putting this group together they have been somewhat confidential about everything else about their group, I don't know how it was formed, who is the leader, or even what they really do outside of this mission. I don't know maybe I'm just being healthy and paranoid but I wouldn't be in a rush to label these 'the good guys' just because they are paying me. Decide for yourself.
Understanding the Pilot Class System:
Alright now pay attention, this might be the most important thing I explain to you. As you obviously know its a vicious world out there even for the best pilots and we have to work as a team to achieve our goals, so even if you've been a lone wolf up until now, you will now have the chance to take a role in the team which will round out the group as a whole and make you a force to be reckoned with. You will get to pick a Class and it will come with its own special abilities and weaknesses, because a team wont work if everyone is the same class there will be very limited spots for each class.
Here's the line up of what you can be:
The Ace(0 Spot Available)
Okay so any kid who attempted to climb into a plane probably already knows what this is right?
The badass, the assassin of high altitudes the notorious pilot that the enemies fear. If you choose this class you will be able to inflict increased damage and have boosted agility when facing another single plane in a duel capacity (when two planes dogfight uninterrupted by teammates) and your title will also have a morale effect on lesser enemies who will be terrified of you and make mistakes in combat or flee when your plane is spotted.
The downside is that your infamy plays against you when less cowardly enemies are concerned. You will be targeted more often by default and will be challenged more often than not by other aces whenever they arrive. Also some minor enemies will decided to gang up on you in scrambles (large scale team battles) and you will be in a lot of danger against multiple enemies. Also you will do more damage against Non-aircraft 'boss enemy' weakspots but you will take more damage from the same 'large boss enemies' Choose wisely.
The Scanner(0 spots available)
I'll be honest, I have a soft spot for this role, I was a scanner back when I was in the Canadian militia, and let me tell you its almost an invaluable role. With this class your craft will have a powerful on board computer scanner. When a scan of an enemy craft is complete it will pull up a profile of the craft will which will include a diagram and an overview of its capabilities along with possibly a pilot profile and weaknesses that the craft may have along with its dangerous strengths. After each successful scan all info will be updated to the Codex (OOC or Characters Tab). The Scanner also has complete immunity against all EMP or hacking based weapons.
Now as for the weaknesses, because the craft is more designed toward its tech capabilities, it will inflict reduced damage on all airborne enemies (but will do standard damage on ground and sea based units). Also in 1-1 duels the reduced damage is amplified (but having scanned info on an opponent can tip the odds in your favor, I speak from experience!).
Also while scanning you cant fire any weapons, the speed of the scan varies based on how rare or powerful the craft is, so against a death mecha in the atlantic ocean it could take a few minuites, but hey thats what your team's for right?
The Rabbit(0 Spots Available)
Haha, now this is a class I could never forget, these flashy pilots always made a spectacle whether on my team or against me. This is the class of pilot that can pull off all the crazy somersaults, u-turns, death dives and make it look it easy. The Rabbit has superior agility and is basically a fighting stunt pilot, whos dizzying maneuvers make it a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. The Rabbit is a cocky bastard and has a special taunt ability which can grab the attention of almost any craft and make them chase the rabbit through any loops and twists it wants by showing off and shooting insults over the intercom. This ability can also pull an enemy out of a duel situation and have him chase the rabbit too!
But beware, once actually in a duel the rabbit will not have its same super agility as this class likes to play to a crowd and when in a showdown the pressure throws the pilot off and robs him of his superior skills while the duel is happening. Also the Aircraft of this craft is almost completely built for the air, so the Rabbit will do less damage to ground units, and take more damage from ground and sea units, its a risky class, but thats what you wanted, right Rabbit?
The Fixer(0 spot available)
This is role most knowledgeable about planes, and what it takes to keep them in the air, you are pilot and mechanic hybrid, and your team needs you to stay alive. The Fixer is able to keep his teammates aircraft running after they have sustained damage by offering expert advice over the intercom, this could be anything from how to patch an oil leak, to maintaining altitude after wing damage or diverting power from a faulty engine. Basically a 'healer' of machines and absolute wiz. On top of that the fixer has access to two Nano drones which are steadily repairing the craft after every hit the fixer takes. Keeping him airborne where other craft with the same damage would fail or crash. These Nano drones can be 'given' to other craft in emergencies but the fixer must maintain flight above the craft in need while drone makes the transition. Though note these drones will be lost forever if they are shot at during these transitions.
The other strength of knowing so much about keeping planes flying is knowing how to bring them down! you will do a slight boosted damage to all airborne craft.
The weakness is of the fixer is that the reliance on the drones and being healed is that the craft isn't as hardy as normal warplanes and will take more damage from all enemies than a standard craft and this weakness is almost doubled in a duel so be very careful. Also while giving mechanical advice over the intercom the fixer must concentrate so agility and reaction time will be reduced while keeping a teammate afloat. You are the lifeblood of the team.
The Hunter(1 spots available)
Back in my day we used to just call these guys 'bombers' but Christ they've become so much more since then..
Scary large planes that can lay waste to and entire city and strike fear into any machine that happens to have the poor fortune of being at the full mercy of gravity.
The Hunter is always a somewhat larger plane than its teammates, and has 2 forward facing mini-guns
in addition to all of the normal custom weapons the Hunter holds 12 'bunker buster' bombs which will do significant damage to any ground or sea based target. Also the Hunter will do more damage in general to any ground based unit with all of its weapons. Last but not least the Hunter has better armor than any standard warplane and takes a lot of hits before it is brought down.
As for the weaknesses it should be the obvious but the armor and weight of the Hunter class aircraft makes it slower and less agile than normal warplanes. That's not to say it cant dogfight but will be susceptible to taking more hits in the fray. In a duel this sluggishness is amplified greatly and your craft will feel like an airborne tank in a showdown. Although your armor may keep an ace distracted for while although this is a last ditch strategy.
Lastly Hunter aircraft are usually older models that aren't quite as technologically advanced as most standard planes and are more subsceptiable to emp, computer and other gadget based attacks. So smash enemies the old fashioned way!
Sky Warrior (unlimited spots)
So maybe you aren't interested in becoming a fancy class with an extravagant title, maybe you just want to focus on shooting down bad guys, flying your beloved craft and supporting your team. This is the non specialized role which allows you to do normal damage to all enemies and in turn receive normal damage from all enemies you will suffer no penalties in duels and no boosts either. You are just a regular member of the team. But as a small bonus for choosing this less glamorous role you will be allowed 10 custom weapons to your craft instead of the regular 8 because.... why not?
Okay so any kid who attempted to climb into a plane probably already knows what this is right?
The badass, the assassin of high altitudes the notorious pilot that the enemies fear. If you choose this class you will be able to inflict increased damage and have boosted agility when facing another single plane in a duel capacity (when two planes dogfight uninterrupted by teammates) and your title will also have a morale effect on lesser enemies who will be terrified of you and make mistakes in combat or flee when your plane is spotted.
The downside is that your infamy plays against you when less cowardly enemies are concerned. You will be targeted more often by default and will be challenged more often than not by other aces whenever they arrive. Also some minor enemies will decided to gang up on you in scrambles (large scale team battles) and you will be in a lot of danger against multiple enemies. Also you will do more damage against Non-aircraft 'boss enemy' weakspots but you will take more damage from the same 'large boss enemies' Choose wisely.
The Scanner(0 spots available)
I'll be honest, I have a soft spot for this role, I was a scanner back when I was in the Canadian militia, and let me tell you its almost an invaluable role. With this class your craft will have a powerful on board computer scanner. When a scan of an enemy craft is complete it will pull up a profile of the craft will which will include a diagram and an overview of its capabilities along with possibly a pilot profile and weaknesses that the craft may have along with its dangerous strengths. After each successful scan all info will be updated to the Codex (OOC or Characters Tab). The Scanner also has complete immunity against all EMP or hacking based weapons.
Now as for the weaknesses, because the craft is more designed toward its tech capabilities, it will inflict reduced damage on all airborne enemies (but will do standard damage on ground and sea based units). Also in 1-1 duels the reduced damage is amplified (but having scanned info on an opponent can tip the odds in your favor, I speak from experience!).
Also while scanning you cant fire any weapons, the speed of the scan varies based on how rare or powerful the craft is, so against a death mecha in the atlantic ocean it could take a few minuites, but hey thats what your team's for right?
The Rabbit(0 Spots Available)
Haha, now this is a class I could never forget, these flashy pilots always made a spectacle whether on my team or against me. This is the class of pilot that can pull off all the crazy somersaults, u-turns, death dives and make it look it easy. The Rabbit has superior agility and is basically a fighting stunt pilot, whos dizzying maneuvers make it a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. The Rabbit is a cocky bastard and has a special taunt ability which can grab the attention of almost any craft and make them chase the rabbit through any loops and twists it wants by showing off and shooting insults over the intercom. This ability can also pull an enemy out of a duel situation and have him chase the rabbit too!
But beware, once actually in a duel the rabbit will not have its same super agility as this class likes to play to a crowd and when in a showdown the pressure throws the pilot off and robs him of his superior skills while the duel is happening. Also the Aircraft of this craft is almost completely built for the air, so the Rabbit will do less damage to ground units, and take more damage from ground and sea units, its a risky class, but thats what you wanted, right Rabbit?
The Fixer(0 spot available)
This is role most knowledgeable about planes, and what it takes to keep them in the air, you are pilot and mechanic hybrid, and your team needs you to stay alive. The Fixer is able to keep his teammates aircraft running after they have sustained damage by offering expert advice over the intercom, this could be anything from how to patch an oil leak, to maintaining altitude after wing damage or diverting power from a faulty engine. Basically a 'healer' of machines and absolute wiz. On top of that the fixer has access to two Nano drones which are steadily repairing the craft after every hit the fixer takes. Keeping him airborne where other craft with the same damage would fail or crash. These Nano drones can be 'given' to other craft in emergencies but the fixer must maintain flight above the craft in need while drone makes the transition. Though note these drones will be lost forever if they are shot at during these transitions.
The other strength of knowing so much about keeping planes flying is knowing how to bring them down! you will do a slight boosted damage to all airborne craft.
The weakness is of the fixer is that the reliance on the drones and being healed is that the craft isn't as hardy as normal warplanes and will take more damage from all enemies than a standard craft and this weakness is almost doubled in a duel so be very careful. Also while giving mechanical advice over the intercom the fixer must concentrate so agility and reaction time will be reduced while keeping a teammate afloat. You are the lifeblood of the team.
The Hunter(1 spots available)
Back in my day we used to just call these guys 'bombers' but Christ they've become so much more since then..
Scary large planes that can lay waste to and entire city and strike fear into any machine that happens to have the poor fortune of being at the full mercy of gravity.
The Hunter is always a somewhat larger plane than its teammates, and has 2 forward facing mini-guns
in addition to all of the normal custom weapons the Hunter holds 12 'bunker buster' bombs which will do significant damage to any ground or sea based target. Also the Hunter will do more damage in general to any ground based unit with all of its weapons. Last but not least the Hunter has better armor than any standard warplane and takes a lot of hits before it is brought down.
As for the weaknesses it should be the obvious but the armor and weight of the Hunter class aircraft makes it slower and less agile than normal warplanes. That's not to say it cant dogfight but will be susceptible to taking more hits in the fray. In a duel this sluggishness is amplified greatly and your craft will feel like an airborne tank in a showdown. Although your armor may keep an ace distracted for while although this is a last ditch strategy.
Lastly Hunter aircraft are usually older models that aren't quite as technologically advanced as most standard planes and are more subsceptiable to emp, computer and other gadget based attacks. So smash enemies the old fashioned way!
Sky Warrior (unlimited spots)
So maybe you aren't interested in becoming a fancy class with an extravagant title, maybe you just want to focus on shooting down bad guys, flying your beloved craft and supporting your team. This is the non specialized role which allows you to do normal damage to all enemies and in turn receive normal damage from all enemies you will suffer no penalties in duels and no boosts either. You are just a regular member of the team. But as a small bonus for choosing this less glamorous role you will be allowed 10 custom weapons to your craft instead of the regular 8 because.... why not?
Southwestern Gangs, Groups and Factions
Okay I'll be honest I'm not a faction encyclopedia, I spent most of my free time shooting down bandits for cash in Alberta, but I know the southwest has a few notable groups.
The Broken Birds are semi-religious gang of wackjobs from southern california but they were founded in Holland by a dutch-american psychopath named Bram Caspar-Hannes he has convinced a bunch of equally nutty but very devoted group of pilots that they are reincarnations of birds and need to destroy as much of the human world as possible if they are ever to 'reach the skies again' yeah don't ask me, but they are very dangerous and should be shot down with extreme prejudice. Here is their logo/flag ,if you see it on any machinery, flying or other, then blow it up.

Another gang ran by an ego maniac. James Garvey is the son of Mac Garvey who used to run the Junk Centre, a sort of charity that would help fix any sort passing travelers vehicle with whatever scrap parts they had available. But after Mac died, his greedy son turned into into a chop shop where he and his gang of scavenging bandits would shoot down and kill anyone who came past and keep the parts to sell off on the black market. Obviously after a while people started avoiding Junkyard altogether, so now 'Jim's Junkyard' Is a criminal convoy stealing any machinery they can with lethal force. Smash these guys into the junk they love so much when you see this logo.

Stupid name right? well what do you expect from a bunch of escaped convicts? After a successful jailbreak in Rikers Island Cellmates Daniel Sparks and Solomon Chavez managed to get a hold of some aircraft and started blowing up prison walls for more convicts to escape and join them. Nothing very interesting about these guys they are just everyday criminals, scum of the earth. Sparks is a Rapist and Chavez was a drug gang enforcer.
Kill them and collect their bounties. Their gang sports this logo.
Kill them and collect their bounties. Their gang sports this logo.
Okay shes not really a princess but when rich girl Cara St-Michaels decided to leave home to find adventure you best believe her black ops trained bodyguard and assistant Nigel Costworth was right behind her along with some of the best trained pilots from the local flight school. Cara isn't a criminal or a bully in the conventional sense but her background in fencing has made her viciously competitive and will swiftly attack anyone who she feels could give her even the smallest challenge. She wears her logo proud, this is a smaller gang but they more than make up for it with skill, if you see the Rapier, Beware!

Understanding the info and codex system:
Okay now if you take a look over at the Personnel Codex (Characters Tab) you'll see a few profiles, obviously you'll be able to see your teammates here and my ugly mug and my trusty iron jack are on there too. But you'll also notice a few maybe half finished profiles about some notable pilots who we may run into. Remember when I said i used to be a scanner? well i picked up this info along the way, but I only got to learn so much with my limited tech back then, now whenever your scanner scans a notable plane or pilot Info will be added to the profiles in the codex. Info will also be added when you ask an Informed Person (NPC) something, but be smart with what you ask as even the friendliest of these guys will only answer a limited amount of questions before keeping quiet about anything more.
Scanning and Informed people will not only just work for pilots and planes but also about events and areas and important mission details, this will be added to this task codex right here (OOC) and its pretty empty at the moment so always be searching for more info, if we ever hope to get to new haven we will need every advantage we can get about our enemies, friendly factions, fueling stops, ambushes, and danger zones. I'm sure you can imagine.
You will have you CS in 2 parts, one for your Pilot and the Other for your Plane.
Name: (Full)
Age: (15-65)
Pilot Class: (explained above)
Appearance: (Text or Pic)
Bio: (Paragraph minimum, and I have left details of the world quite basic on purpose to give you more room to give a more freeform description, in short, the game's narrative builds around the players characters)
Theme Song: (optional)
Name: (Factory Names, Nicknames or mix of the Both)
Description: (Pic Only with text desrcription)
Plane Type: (Biplane,Dogfighter 1940s, Jet, Custom, Hybrid etc)
Extra Aircraft Notes: Anything else you want to describe about your plane (handling, weight, armor, speed)
Weapons Descriptions: (Detail which weapons you have and what they do,) All planese have a single forward facing minigun, AND 20 non homing standard rockets, any extra miniguns you hold will add to the weight of the plane and decrease agility, you may hold up to 8 missile/rocket/special gadget type weapons of any kind, for each one it will add to your weight)
Weaknesses: (you must have at least one moderate weakness for your craft)
Past Encounter: (Optional, give a description of a note worthy mission/battle/adventure that this Frame has been on)
I will leave an example CS in the characters Tab please don't post there until I've approved your character here in the OOC the 'example' CS I will leave will be a minor character in the prolouge of the IC.
Breakdown Of the Rules
1. GM is God, GM is law, argue with me and you'll be no more.
2. Commitment is important I need you engaged and posting regularly, if anything comes up where you need to drop out or not post for a while LET ME KNOW PM or say something in the OOC it only takes 5 seconds.
3. When in Combat with enemy aircraft, the battles will be conducted like 'Arena' style combat so no Auto Hitting, you can only fire your weapons at the enemy but you cant hit or damage them unless the GM reacts to the attack as them being hit. For example you can say 'Tommy fired his machine gun at the bandit's wing' but not 'Tommy riddled the opponent with bullets and the bandit exploded' until After the enemy (GM) has confirmed the hit/damage. BUT as the GM I can occasionally auto hit you, if I feel the battle calls for it or if I think you cant realistically dodge the attack that my enemy aircraft are making.
4. Because of different posting speeds, I'll need to sometimes puppet you guys mainly just to keep the plot moving, I try to do this as little as possible and mainly to hurry on past basic travelling or flavour text interactions. But if you aren't posting then prepare to be puppeted and maybe even Shot down in the next encounter.
5. One of our players brought up a good point and I thought I'd cover this here, this is an unrealist future arcade video game like fighting pilot game. Air craft specs and hyper realistic flying physics take a backseat for 'the rule of cool' and 'flashy starfox' manouvers. Not to say this is a FREE level Roleplay its still high casual-low advanced. But the game mechanics put in by the class system are governing the style of gameplay 'at least for fights' that we have such as the dueling system and damage boosts etc. Ive done this to make the game more accessible and fun and I've allowed use of ALL types of warplanes 1910s-1970 to compete on the same level for aesthetic purposes, its the rule of fun. But the RP is mainly about the story and the interaction of the pilots working as a team and surviving.