Undead Dragon Lord - Zhulgalthromast

Zhulgalthromast - (Zhul - gal - throw - mast) - (Nickname: "Zhul")
15 Meters (including tallest neck)
25 Meters
Several Millenia
Undead Three-Headed Dragon
5 (Global): Originally Zhul was worshipped and declared as a god entity amongst the inhabitants of his realm, however after losing to a fight with a god-blessed warrior, he was casted out from his realm and had most of his more powerful attributes stripped away from him. However, he still has access to various abilities and weapons that still make him feared wherever he goes. He may as well be considered a demon in other realms.
(Would like to be part of the Cult of Lycholme)
God. Damn. TERRIFYING. Zhulgalthromast is a huge three-headed dragon, with grotesque skin that's ash-black, with blood-red crimson spots, cuts and stripes along his entire body. Skeletal-esque spikes can be seen running down the middle neck of the dragon, as well as down his body and by the tips of his wings. His wings are ragged and torn, yet he is still capable of enduring long flights. His middle head is the most formed head compared to the other two, having two beady eyes, four large jagged horns on each side, and a splitting-jaw that contains needle-sharp teeth. The two other heads seem as if they are pre-mature, having large googly eyes and smaller horns, with no splitting-jaws. All three heads are connected to a long neck, with a pouch-like structure near their heads, that have seven slits on each side, housing a blood-concoction of blood and magic. He also has two long tails that end in several sharps spines, akin to those on the neck, and even two tiny arms near the bottom of the middle neck.
Ominous and mysterious, Zhulgalthromast usually hides in the shadows of large caves. While he isn't usually the type to simply show himself in the bright of day, he poses a terrifying presence of pure terror that can rattle the bones of even the bravest of men. He shows little mercy, if any, and isn't afraid to kill anything he seems unfit or unruly. He often shows a psychological chaotic craziness when he speaks, much how a psychopath does, while usually issuing sudden seizure-like movements of his heads as they are constantly slowly flailing in the air. When talking, Zhul's middle head often says the first verse, followed by his left head, and then his right. The middle head has the lowest voice, while the other two have more shrilly voices. He also tends to put extreme emphasis on the "s". It goes something like this:
Powers & Abilities:
- ( 4 ) BLEEDING BREATH: -- From his three heads and gills, Zhul can unleash a vapor-like beam of blood-red mist that corrupts the skin of almost anything that touches it. It can be more concentrated to fire a more physical beam of corossive blood that's more potent.
- ( 4 ) NECROMANCY: -- Conjuring up a spell that's engrained in his memory, Zhul can reconstruct the living dead of anyone who has died on a battlefield. He can also just summon skeletal/zombie warriors to his aid.
- ( 5 ) MIST TELEPORTATION: -- Zhul is able to tranform himself into a black mist, in which he is able to travel without getting particularly noticed. He can stay in this form for no more than ten minutes before having to turn back into his dragon form.
- ( 3 ) FLIGHT: -- Zhul is capable of flying for long distances using his giant wings.
- ( 3 ) TELEPATHY: -- Zhul is capable of talking to others through his mind, within a mile radius. He speaks as if there were hundreds of other voices talking at once, which can drive the victim insane if he hears it for long enough.
- ( 3 ) LIGHT REGENERATION: -- Zhul is capable of healing minor wounds, such as sword slices and bullet/magic weaponry, within thirty minutes. More severe injuries may take longer, up to several hours or even a day if they're bad enough.
- ( 2 ) MAGIC DETECTION: -- Zhul is capable of sensing the magics of other nearby individuals within a several meter radius.
- ( 4 ) UNDEAD CHARACTERISTICS: -- Being an undead dragon, Zhul cannot be easily hurt by most conventional means of weaponry. He is also unable to age as a result and anything that wounds his skin can be regenerated within several hours, depending on the wound. Also, he is able to survive in space. To kill him, one must use holy-esque weaponry, or to decapitate all three heads within five minutes.
Zhulgalthromast's actual history has long been forgotten, but an ancient story from his realm, explains its way on how he came to be:
'Long ago, in a distance realm, there was once a man named Zhulga. Zhulga was a beloved warrior for his people, praised as a hero for slaying wretched beasts and monsters, warlords and even once a demi-god. With such feats, he was given god-like powers by the King of the Gods, Paparitul. He was given golden-armor and powers that rival even the toughest of divine deities. He used them with great responsibility and prowess to protect the innocent and anyone in need of help.
Yet, during a mission to slay a beast within the depths of the Underworld, he encountered a serpentine with three heads, known as "Thromastidon", warning him to leave or face a punishment far worse than death. Zhulga refused to obey and kept walking, despite the creature continuous warnings to turn back. So when the hero slain the beast within the underworld, it enraged Thromastidon. The serpentine attacked Zhulga and an epic fight broke out. However, the hero did not win that battle, as he was slowly corrupted by the three-headed snake and transformed into a massive three-headed dragon of necromancy. The dragon, now known as Zhulgalthromast, terrorized the inhabitants of his realm and laid waste to anything in its path for several millenia. Not even the local gods or other goddesses could kill him during what would become their "Dark Age". At that time, a cult-following worshipped the evil dragon and pillaged, as well as sacrifice, in his name.
It was then when Paparitul became involved with the matter. He had summoned another noble warrior, named Valcritor, who was the national hero of another village. With the God's blessings, he was given the blessings of god-like power, as he sets out to kill the beast. They fought in an ancient ritual bay, where unknowingly to them, contained a mysterious portal that hasn't been activated for thousands of years. The two fought until the portal suddenly opened and began sucking the dragon into it. At first, it stubbornly refused to let itself get in, but after Valcritor sliced all three of his heads, did his body become limp and he fell into the portal, never to be seen again...'
Of course, Zhulgalthromast wasn't dead. Through an ancient one-time ritual, was he able to resurrect his three heads and live once more. While a good chunk of his powers had been eliminated due to his demise, he still had several useful powers that still make him an incredible threat. After scouring the land in which he was vanquished to, he eventually would find the Cult of Lycholme, in which he would help plunge worlds into darkness and despair. If he cannot corrupt his home realm, then perhaps he'll corrupt others for his power-hungry and demented mind.