Origin: French Quarter, New Orleans
Age: 28
Ethnicity: Black Irish
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Prostitute, Opportunist
Place of Employment: The Black Swan off of Burgundy Street
Demeanor: lustful, Straightforward, Collected
Disposition: Opportunistic, Callous, Tactful
Motivation: Greed, Personal Gains
Silver tongue- negotiation
Contacts/Retainers- connected

Abigail holds a management position at The Black Swan, a brothel on Burgundy Street, and only a few blocks away from the banks mighty Mississippi. She was also rumored to be a ring leader to a criminal outfit known as the Burgundy's, a small gang made up entirely of women. These women were alleged to have been the cause of many disappearances in the area. They were all known swindlers and turncoats, cutthroats and pickers.. Theories surrounding them include a long string of poisoning incidents which may or may not be linked to the group. Also said to be responsible for a number of cons and other business related crimes. It is unclear who the members of the group are, and the exact number of members is also unknown at this time.
Abigail is highly seductive, and is extremely manipulative. As a manager at the Black Swan, she is well known and extremely connected. She is very good at talking, and negotiations tend to bend in her favor, especially when dealing with the opposite sex. She was also known to be very unforgiving on the girls who worked under her thumb. The brothel was a very lucrative establishment, even in the hardest of times.. And the hardest of times was the norm on Burgundy..
Where there was a coin to be had, Miss Abigail would have it. The girls under her authority dubbed her "The Duchess" on account of her ruling nature, but she did take care of them. Under her cold façade one would find a love for them buried somewhere within her soul. It would be a hard find, and an arduous journey at best. The girls were afforded protection, and guidance from Misses O'Connell, but it was not without a price either. Oh no... everybody pays up on Burgundy, even Abigail had someone to pay up to. She was no exception.. There were none..

Personal Effects-
Fancy black or red evening gown, chemise, sheer leggings, fancy fabric and leather shoes, satin gloves
Silver necklace and pendant- garnets
Stiletto blade- finely crafted
Powder compact- embossed silver
Hand bag- small, alligator with silver trim
Long stemmed tobacco pipe
Small folded paper- containing sweet tobacco and a small amount of opium in tar form
Small caliber flintlock pistol- mother of pearl